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HBN 15 Accommodation for pathology services - Health in Wales PDF

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Preview HBN 15 Accommodation for pathology services - Health in Wales

HEALTH BUILDING NOTE 15 Accommodation for pathology services 1991 STATUS IN WALES ARCHIVED This document was superseded by Health Building Note 15 Facilities for pathology services 2005 For queries on the status of this document contact [email protected] or telephone 029 2031 5512 Status Note amended March 2013 Health BuildiNnogt e 15 noitadommoccA rof ygolohtapsecivres :NODNOLOSMH An Executive Agency of the Department of Health © nworC thgirypoc1991 tsriF dehsilbup1991 NBSI 0 11 1041234 OSMH gn irdeencdairtvoSres gnica l gPan irdend arhtotsi wOS MSsHKeOlObBane ecivres osla selbane sremotsuc oteviecer a remotsuc ot eviecer erutuf seltit ni sihtseires yllacitamotua sa dehsilbup lla lairetam fo riehteciohc yllacitamot usaa .dehsilbu psihT sevas eht,emit h cyilhlwanoit isdedvaa sevis neeutgxoel.ahtcarcaeser elbuort dna esnepxe fo gnicalp laudividnisredro e hyeTtpiov c idsftnocae leeechsit vsraehsneeb dna sdiova eht melborp fo gniwonk nehw ot od.os dednetxe yb wen ,seuqinhcet dna ereht eraerom ee,t s )iSso aO1rKltCeS/ wOiPlMArOa(pH3oBt1Fed naht 005,3 snoitacifissalc ot esoohc .morf Alaiceps s n,oeirttance iCOlPbuP xoB ,6 7n2odno L8WSTD5 telfael gnibircsed eht ecivres ni liated yameb gnitouq ecnerefer 50 30 .010 ehT gnidnatsredro deniatbo no.tseuqer About this publication ehT htlaeH gnidliuB etoN seiressi tnemtraped dna stitneuqesbus dednetni ot evig ecivda no ehtgnifeirb .tnemeganam ecniS siht noitauqelliw dna ngised snoitacilpmi folatnemtrapeD evah tnatropmi snoitacilpmi rof latipac .ycilop dna gninnur ,stsoc evitanretlasnoitulos era semitemos .desoporp ehTnoitnetni esehT setoN era deraperpni si ot evig eht redaer demrofniecnadiug noitatlusnoc htiw sevitatneserper fo eht no hcihw ot esab ngised.snoisiced lanoitaN htlaeH ecivreS dnaetairporppa lanoisseforp .seidob htlaeHgnidliuB Health Building Note 15 setoN era demia tayranilpicsid-itlum NBH 51 sesucof no tcirtsiDlareneG smaet degagne:ni latipsoH noitadommocca :rof gningiseD wen sgnidliub l Chemical pathology department l gnitpadA ro gnidnetxe gnitsixe l Haematology department l buildings Histopathology department l tuohguorhT eht ,seiresralucitrap noitnetta si diap ot ehtpihsnoitaler Microbiology department l neewteb eht ngised fo anevig Acknowledgements Photographs Crispin Bolye D A Mondry-Blaszczyk Contents Preface 4.3 seitilic adFerahs neewteb eht ruofstnemtraped 4.4 tneitaPsaera 4.5 niaM ,ecnartne tneitap noitpecerdna 1. Scope of Health Building Note 15 page 5 gnitiaw 1.1 Introduction 8.4 erutcnupeneV/noitanimaxE/gnitlusnoC 1.3 snoisulcnI rooms 1.4 tcirtsiD ygolohtapsecivres 4.11 Patients’ WCs 1.6 snoisulcxE 21.4 nemicepSnoitpecer sleacniovirgeesr /6t.c1irts id-arpuS 61.4 sruoh-fo-tuOytilicaf 7.1 gnihca elTatsiepisroohtarobal 4.17 Working areas 1.8 cilbuP htlae HyrotarobaeLcivreS 4.18 lareneG eciffo noitartsinimdadna 1.9 yrotaroba Lseitivitc adetaicossa htiwlacinilc sdrocer stnemtraped 4.19 serotS — ksleuiblppus 01.1 yrautroM dna metrom-tsop moorseitilicaf 12.4 la nsreaergtoxtEs 11.1 laminAsesuoh 4.22 lanr eetlxbEammal fsdoogerots 1.12 tsosCecnawolla 4.23 roniM tnempiu qeecnanetniamaera 1.13 edocirpaC 4.24 gnidloH/lasopsiDseitilicaf 1.14 Equipment 4.26 ’srenaelCmoor 4.28 Computer room 2. General service considerations page 8 92.4 ffatS seitilicaf 2.1 esoprs uedPvniatcejbo 4.29 ffatS gnignahc dnasCW 2.3 srotca Fgnicneulf ngininnalp dnasdnert 4.32 ffatSmoor 2.13 elbissoP gninnalpsnoitpo 4.34 ranim elSacinhceT/mooyrrarbil 2.16 erutuFsdnert 4.37 llac-nOmoordeb 2.17 dnameD rof ygolohsteacpivres tnemtrape dhca en ideriuqe rer ahcih wseitilica F83.4 2.19 esneochipve rldeensTa atadsknil 83.4seciffO 2.20 derah Sseitilibisnopser dnasecruoser l9a3i.rs4aetceirfcfeoS 2.21 secruoS fokrow detaicossa dna seciffo ffats yrotarobaL 04.4 seitilicaf yrotarobal 3. General functional and 44.4 seitilicaf rof gnihsawdnah dnagnignah design requirements page 12 protective clothing 3.1 Introduction 5e4g.a4 r yogr tnonSitiskaarreoorwbaal 3.2 ytiruceS 74.4 latnemtr aypreoDtarobalerots 3.5 sdrazaH/ytefaS stne mdt e r hryea yc ibmp8tisuoe4ihiqsd. lwe4Aircaf 3.11 ycnegremErewohs 84.4 Cold rooms 3.12 noitcefnI lortnoc 3.16 sititapeH dnaSDIA Chemical/ pathology department page 26 3.17 nilamroF )edyhedlamroF( 15.4 yr anneimmiicleeprSp/noitaraperp/noitpecer 3.19 eriF dl nasacdirmaezha chniy raotarobal gnisseco rdpn agnidrocearera 3.21 etsaWlasopsid yr o2lta5aae.rrr4eoanbeaGl 3.22 gninraWseciton yrotaroba lstse tygolohta placimeh claicep S45.4 3.24 Location aera 3.26 ngi ssenDoitaredisnoc rof htworg dnaegnahc 6 5t.n4egaer /lganciihmgeiheCw-/egarots 3.32 lanretnI latnemnorivnesnoitaredisnoc no intouiltoasraper pdna ssalghsaw 33.3 larutaN dna laicifitragnithgil 95. 4f fsaetcSis fey firdotonitalaircoabfal 3.35 Windows lacinahcem dna larutan — noitalitneV 63.3 Haematology department page 82 83.3 lanretsneIcaps 26.4 lare nyerGotarobalaera 93.3 ,seh ssignniiFttif dnatnempiuqe ae ryarotarob aylgolotame alhaice p6S6.4 3.42 Flooring yro atneaor ria9os 6bud.afo4lsonlaBrt 4.74 Blood grouping area 4. Specific functional requirements page 20 a egrnaihctam-ss o5r7C.4 4.1 Introduction 67.4 ffat Sseciffo d nyarsoetiatriolbiaclaf Histopathology department page 32 61.6ytefaS 71.6 eriFsnoituacerp 4.79 nem igcneipsSsecorp/gnittuc/noitpecerdna 91.6esioN egarotsmoor 12 .l6ortsnsoeCcca 4.85 lar eynreoGtarobalaera gninoissimmoc gnireenignE 22.6 4.89 laic eypgSolohta pyortostiahrobalaera 4.91 edilS dna kcolebrots Mechanical services page 51 4.82 ygolohtapot ygCnissecorpaera 6.23 lareneG epocs 4.95 ygolohtapot ygCnineercsaera 6.26 Heating 4.97 lacimeh Cerots d nnaoitarapearepra 6.27 erutarepmeTlortnoc 4.98 ffatS seciffo dna yrotarobsaelitilicaf 6.30 noitalitneV Microbiology department page 37 6.41 yr o ltteanv ree3omlb nanilo aifttonaolCitneV 6.50 lacigoloiborciM ytefasstenibac 101.4 la ryernoetGarobaalera 6.55 Fume cupboards 011.4 tnemniatnoC level 3noisivorp 6.60 tcartxEsdooh 11 1l.a4iretca Bdna l acriitv syognoglaoirdesdna 6.64 ranimaL wolfstenibac citoibitnanoitces 6.65 noitalitneV fo gnitcessid sehcneb)ygolohtapotsiH( 411.4 doolB erutlu cnoitagitsevnimoor 6.70 noitalitneV fo yratinasnoitadommocca 021. 4,gnizilir eltaSrtnec ,pu-hsawaidem 6.71 tayerHevocer noitaraper pdna etalp gniruopaera 6.72 noitalitneV slortnoc 621.4 toHmoor 6.76 eca pgSnilooc — nsgeilspeidcnirp 721.4 dloC noitaregirfeR/moorseitilicaf 6.80 hcneBsecivres 821.4 ffatS seciffo dna yrotarobsaelitilicaf 6.83 toH dna dloc resteacwivres Essential complementary accommodation page 44 6.88 Emergency showers 6.89 deifiruPretaw 921.4 eciffO rof lortnoC fo noitcefnIesrun 6.92 leuFsag Optional accommodation egap44 6.94 y gd oe,lssosehest raarpgPimaoc dnamuucav 6.101 toHmoor 031.4 ffatSeciffo 401.6 dloC smoor dna doolbknab 4.131 Additional accommodation 6.108 sre)zmialeitrse(tS 6.114 srez iylridr()ettaSeh 5. General guidance page 45 6.115 gniyrd/gnihsaWsenihcam 5.1 Introduction 6.116 etsaW lasopsid 5.2 skroW ecnadiuGxednI 5.3 yrotutatS dna rehto ,stnemeriuqe rgnidulcninworC Electrical services page 59 immunities 6.117 General scope 5.4 Economy 6.122 lacirtcelEsnoitallatsni 5.5 gnidargpU ro noitatpada fo gnitsixesgnidliub 6.123 lacirtcelEecnerefretni 5.13 ersinFoituacerp 6.125 Lighting 5.17 Smoking 921.6 steltuo-tekcoS dna rewopsnoitcennoc 5.18 lacitirCsnoisnemid 531 .y6c nleagcriersmteEciellpepus 5.19 noitamr oyfgnoIlonhcet ni eht :SHN noisivorProf 631.6 ffatS noitacolmetsys citamotu aat agdnisseco)rPpDA( 6.137 Telephones 5.22 noitacudE dnagniniart 931.6 syaweriW rofsknil-atad 5.24 ecnanetniaM dnagninaelc 6.140 cirtcelEskcolc 5.25 tnenopmoCataD 6.141 Lightning protection 5.26 egamaD ni htlaeshgnidliub 5.27 delbasiDelpoep internal drainage page 61 5.28 gnitsopngiS 24 1l.a6reneepGocs 5.29 sdraytruoC 351.6 ngissreeDtemarap 551.6 lanoitarepOsnoitaredisnoc 6. Engineering services page 49 secnerefeR page 63 6.1 Introduction 6.3 ledoMsnoitacificeps 7. Cost information page 65 6.4 Economy 7.2 skroWtsoc 6.10 Maximum demands 7.4 lanoitcnuFtinu 6.11 st neecmaep rSriousfqeecrivres 5.7 snoisnemiD dnasaera 6.14 ytilibixe lfFo nsoeictiuvsbrmieersttssyisd 7.8 Circulation 6.15 ytivitcAataD 2 7.9 Communications Appendix 1 - Critical dimensions page 73 01.7 laitnessE yratnemelpmoC noitadommoccA)ACE( 21.7 lanoitpO noitadommoccA dna secivreS )SAO( Bibliography page 77 7.13 gnireenignE space 7.14 gnisreeceinvirgensE Alphabetical index page 79 8. Activity Data page 71 Other publications in this series page 82 0.1 epocS fo ht lganeiHdli ueBtoN 15 Introduction .e hcraeseR seitilicaf l ay irscoeetipatSriolbiac larfof lac ihncirlaceserera 1.1 sih Th tglnaiedHl ieutBoN )NBH (s eevcingadiugno yrotaro byagloloh t eanhpith tdiewta ctosleb eht gninnalp dna ngised foevisneherpmoc xelpmoc rof esae . nfooitar oebsaelshleToictilicaf noitadommocc arof ygolo hsteaiptili cdaefdnetni ot evresa dluohs edbedivo rnpo a den nsailspab nihcae tcirtsid htlaeh .ytirohtua tI secalper latipsoHgnidliuB noiger gnidrocca ot.stnemeriuqer etoN 51 — ygo l,o’httnaePm ‘tdreahpseiDlbup niyaM ,2691 desiver 3791 dna neht detnirper htiwstnemdnema ni 1891 ot ekat otni tnuocca eshntoitadnemmocer Inclusions deniatnoc ni eht edoC‘ fo ecitcarP rof eht noitneverPfo noitcefnI ni lac isneiilrCotarobaL dna metroM-tso’PsmooR OSMH( ,)8791 eht ”eiwoH“ edoC fo ecitcdaerdPesrepus( 1.3 sihT etoN se veicgnadiug no eh tgninnal pdnangised eht ni noitcefni fo noitneverp eht dna gnikrow efaS‘ yb fo noitadommocca rof ygolohta psecivre sgnidivorpa lacin i’lycrotaroba lhtlaeH secivreS yrosivdAeettimmoC desab-yrotaro bcailtsongaid noitcnuf roflacidem OSMH( .))1991 srenoiti tgcnairkprow ni ro detaicossa htiw atcirtsiD la rleantei Gp.s)oHHGD( A ygo leochitvar pehscihwsi 1.2 nihtiW eht htla e,hecivres eht ediw egnar folacinilc desinagro no a tcirtsi dsisab lliw tsisnoc fo ruoftcnitsid secivres dna eht erutan fo eht dnamed rofygolohtap lacimehc-stnemtraped ygolohtap lacinilc(,)yrtsimehc snoitagi tnsie(vn irebmun dna ni )epyt era ht odbetcelferni d n,aygolohtapot yhct iywgolohtapots i,hygolotameah noit a esfhiotna g.erehoc tisvirheT sna cde iefbi:sssaalc ygoloiborci m— detautis ni a elgn ilsatipsoh rodedivid-bus ni erom naht en o.noitaco llsltAnemtrap endi ynaeno .a tcirtsiD ygolohtapsecivres eno ni rehtegot deknil eb yllareneg dluow latipsoh xelpm oocs t asnheotcmim vonrcaecs e.bderahs roF ,esnniotiutoargits edvnnai esoht eromylraluger det sse nuloqaieitrcaeg pihstcsiehvwni naceb tcirtsiD ygolohtapsecivres de ihftiotbs unj ismre t fd oaroi ledkhnrtaoweht 1.4 sn oeihtTadnem mnoicer siht etoN era dednetniot ytilibalia vfao ylbat idueslliks ffats dnayrassecen edivorp aevisn ethceirrptmso icedcivgrneissirpmoc .seitilicaf lacimehc ,ygolohtap ,ygolotame ayhgolohtapotsihdna .b Supra-district/regional services microbiology. roF ydslesttensleeuu qqdeenrrafd eesriolmaiceps 1.5 eseh Tstnemtrape ddluow ekatrednu krowsa snoitagitsevn ihcihw yam eriuqedretacitsihpos follows: tnempiuqe dna serudecorp dna raluci;tersaiptrepxe dna erehw ereht si t nteciicritfsfiuds-arpusro .a lacimehc ygolohtap — lareneg lacinilycrtsimehc lanoi gdenramed ot ekam eh tnoisivorp fohcus dna lai clea pcysigmoelhoch tsatpset rofelpmaxe n imeh tgnidivor pnah tevitceff etso cero mseitilicaf yassaonummi dna;ygolonircodne hcae.tcirtsid .b haematology — laren e,gygolotamealhaiceps .c laicepS ecnerefer krowecivres ygolotameah rof elpmaxe dool b,noitalugaocdna la csorLotca fyam tsix ehcihw lliw ekam teilbarised doolb gnipuorg dna;gnihctam-ssorc ytgnoe lo mfotr toho trtfycaan ippaerentdosid c. histopathology — me tlrao cmdi-ngtarsuosp edivorp a la ieccenpesref ekrrow ecivres rofrehto ygolo tesniihtuor( dna la i)cseeprsudecorpdna t csitrntesmitdrape dsa t cairt.seicdi-varrepsus cytopathology; .d tnioJ cilbuP/ygoloiborcim htlaeH yrotarobaL .d ygoloiborcim — ygoloiretc aebrutluc( fosmsinagro Service l adc ni)agsotlsoert edsna em osstcepsa f,oygoloriv em otSc isretcsiivdr elsli wedulcni atnioj ygolotisarap dna mycology. ygoloiborc idmna cilbuP htl ayerHotaroebcaiLvreS ;tnemtrap eedht rettal yam netfo evres atnemhctac aera rediw naht eht.tcirtsid 5 1.0 Scope of Health Building Note IS Exclusions ,stnemtra pgeed , UsTcIirtets bdOna latan o,esNtinUdna Out-patient departments. Supra-district/regional services Mortuary and post-mortem room facilities 1.6 nI ,larene getar asptensemtraped fo,ygolonummi 1.10 esehT dluohs e bderedi sgnnoocla htiw snalprof yrotarobal ,sciten e,gygolohtaporuen eussit,gnipyt . s ytegncoenlmaotdhritauapGp esdi nevig ni NBH 02– edivorp ot detcepxe eb dluow ygoloriv dna ygolocixot . ’mmeotor roym r-datnusatorpoM‘ ,tcirtsi dr-o ayr lp,bul isassnesocoiipgverre sdna yameb detis ni gnih c .atsecltiarttispisdo-harp urSolanoiger Animal houses secivres thgim edulcni eht:gniwollof 1.11 tI si tdoentc etpaxhet a HGD lleirwiuqer noitadommocc arof latnemi r.esplxaemin a,revewoH fia .a Trace elements and toxicology deen sdieifitn eedhit ezis dsnea idteidlniacma efldliwyrav f otnuom adetimi lyre vayln otah telbabor ps itI gnidneped no eht epyt fo stse tdeirrac ,tuo eht epytdna e blli wygolocixo tdn akro wtnemel eecart rebmun fo slamin adesu dna y teihltibal i fasoveaitilicanfi nekatrednu ta tcirtsid ygoloht a,pstnemtrapedeht tneca jsdlaatipsoh ro yt i.ssrtenveimntura peesdolCnosiail klub fo stseuqe rgnieb tnes t coitrtsid-a rrpousrehto dluohs edbeniatni anmi eht ylra engis esdegats htiweht centres. emoH eciffO rotcepsni ohw tsum yfitrec nonoitelpmoc taht eht lamina neosiutoahdommo cscia etauqeda rofsti b. Immunology purpose. hguohtlA emos stcepsa fo yrotarobaylgolonummi l yltl ile hwaneteibidt wtunc oiitrrstosmid ygolo h,tsatpnemtra pleadrrefer fo snemicepsrof Cost allowances desilai csetpsset t coitrtsid- adrnpauslanoiger ygol osneurmtmniec SI ot e.bdetcepxe 1.12 ehT tsdseeoctcnaaiwc oohlstlsiaaw siht NBHerew c. Laboratory genetics detaglumo rnpi na xennA ot ral u1c2r)i0c9 (dNeHussiyb eht fo ypoC ecnavdA eht htiw htlaeH fo tnemtrapeD eht la cciintielnC esgeoctiyvcres era yltnerdreudcivorp etoN r en bi.m0e9t9p 1eeSh Tsaera nrietpah C7 eraesoht no ala n.osiigse arg bneih sTeagenracrni fociteneg des ug nniir a ep.heet rc tpnysaeowhcoT lylaam eb desusa stset si t sdeebdivor pt alanoige rr olano.ilteavnel o nredn utu b,gninnal pyranimiler pn iediu ga d. Neuropathology secna ttssmuumc ryiecht eb det areerhttie sa amumixam ro sa. tnnaemeltitne tA tneserp siht noitcnuf si yllar edneeigrrac tuoni gnih csaleattipsoh ro lan otisgielrai.cseeprstnec e. Tissue typing Capricode sihT noitcnuf si yltner rduecirrac tuo nilanoiger noisufsn a,rstertnec gnihcae tslatipsoh dnaniatrec 1.13 edocirpaC si eht yrotadnam larudecorpkrowemarf reh tdoesilaice.psstinu gninrevog eht ,noitpecni ,gninnalp gnissecorp dna lortnocfo laudividni htlaeh gnidliub .semehcs ehT mia fo edocirpaC siot Teaching hospital laboratories edivorp a tnetsisnoc dna denilmaert shcaorppa otlatipac 1.7 sihT etoN sekam ylno f eeicrnberefe rot ehtlacinilc tnempoleved taht seveihca tseb esu fo secruoser hguorhteht dna lanoitacude krow fo gnihcaet lat i.psseoihrotarobaltI noitceles dna noitcurtsnoc fo tnaveler dna tsocevitceffe seod ton ebircsed rieht ngised hguoht ehtselpicnirp seehitf i.t tnte e I g ndnt ds iie aeuenhpdhmbmotontieiathwcs deidobme nihtiw es eshntoitadnemm odcleurohs ylppaot hntoiiwta g kerrlo oefswdee dma ia svrdeofniratpiv inticaam meht.osla evitceffe tnemeganam dna eht reporp gnitnuoccarof erutidnepxe dna .ecnamrofrep eeS( edocirpaC‘ htlaeHgnidliuB Public Health Laboratory Service ’serudecorP — deussi ot htlaeH seitirohtuA htiw ;23)68(NHni 1.8 sihT etoN seod ton evi gecnadiug no eh tnoisivorpfo Wales WHC(86)62). noitadommoc craof eht cilbuP htla eyHrotarobeacLivreS ) StLnHePm(eri uhqceirhw yam eb detarget nhitiweht tcirts iydgoloh t,aspecivres dna hcihw dluow eb-tcejorp Equipment cific es p adsneeeerw gteaehbt SLHP dnhatlaeh authorities. 1.14 tnempiuqE s idesiroge toatcni ruof ,spuorgsa Laboratory activities associated with clinical follows: departments Group 1: gln aign rniseimmedrenuetiltigcnnei( 1.9 ecnadiuG si ton nevig ni siht etoN royfrotarobal smre teh tnihti wdexi fdn adeilppu s)steltuo ygolohtap eht edistuo detacol eb yam hcihw seitilicaf ;tca rg tnfni oodeclhitub 6

Notes are aimed at multi-disciplinary 4.54 Special chemical pathology tests laboratory area . chemical pathology, haematology, histopathology and.
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