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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Hawk Eye, by David Cory This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Hawk Eye Author: David Cory Release Date: September 20, 2010 [EBook #33772] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HAWK EYE *** Produced by Juliet Sutherland, Patrick Hopkins and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net Transcriber's Note • Spelling, hyphenation, and capitalization have been retained as in the original publication, except for obvious typographical errors. • Such typographical errors have been corrected. Corrections are marked with dotted underlines. Place your mouse over the word and the original text will appear. • The position of some illustrations has been changed to better fit with the context. Cover. Left End Paper. THE SHAFTS SPED TO THEIR MARKS AND TWO BIRDS FLUTTERED AND FELL TO EARTH. HAWK EYE BY DAVID CORY Author of "LITTLE INDIAN," and others Hawk Eye with rabbit. GROSSET & DUNLAP PUBLISHERS NEW YORK Copyright, 1938, by GROSSET & DUNLAP, Inc. All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America FOREWORD There is a secure immortality and a depth of intuition in the utterance of Wordsworth, the peer of nature's poets, when from his pastoral reed he strikes the notes: "The child is father of the man." Nothing could be more insistently and persistently true of the Indian child—the girl to be the mother of warriors, the boy to become a hero and the father of future "braves." It goes back, all of it, to a heredity born of three vital and vitalizing forces. The Indian holds with steadfastness and devotion to his many and weird ceremonies, but these all lead him back to the supreme, piloting force of his life, his unfailing faith in the Great Mystery. The altar stairs to the spirit world are hills, buttressed by granite; trees that talk with the winds—whispers from the spirit world; the thunder of the waterfall—the voice of the Great Mystery; stars—the footprints of warriors treading the highways of the Happy Hunting Ground. In all of these he sees God. Falling into communion with this happy philosophy of life, the glory of Indian motherhood crosses our path—and there are few things more beautiful. When the day of expectation dawns upon her, she seeks the solitude of all the majesty in which from childhood she has seen the footprints of God—revels, communes, rehearses to herself the heroism of the greatest hero of her tribe, and all that the impress of it may be felt upon the master man, the miracle of whose life has been entrusted to her to work out. For the first two full years of his life, a spiritual hand guides his steps. There, in struggle and patience and self-denial, he must learn all of nature's glad story. His grandparents then take him into their school. He learns to ride before he can walk; he is taught the use of the bow and arrow, which means hitting the mark, keenness of vision, a steady aim, precision, so that when the crisis comes he is ready—an ample reason for the brave, effective and self-reliant conduct of the Indian soldier on the fields of France in the World War. Deep breathing in the open air, giving full lung power; self-denial, giving strength of limb and endurance in the race; fellowship with all of nature's winsome and wild moods; a discerning will power; a steadfast reliance upon the guiding hand of the Great Spirit, empower the Indian boy to stand on all the high hills of history and challenge any militant force that may confront him. [Pg 7] [Pg 8] [Pg 9] The sphere is complete; Boy: Mother: God. Joseph K Dixon Leader of the Rodman Wanamaker Historical Expeditions to the North American Indian ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Any writer who adds to the number of books on that ever fascinating subject, the American Indian, must owe thanks to many authors who have written about the Indians. My special thanks, for information concerning the customs and legends of the Sioux, are given to: Joseph Kossuth Dixon, author of The Vanishing Race, George Bird Grinnell, author of When Buffalo Ran, Charles A. Eastman, author of Indian Boyhood, Lewis Spence, author of The Myths of the North American Indians. Grateful acknowledgment is made, also, of valuable information found in the Thirty-Second Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. David Cory CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I Wild Geese 13 II Plans and Pelts 20 III Loading the Canoes 28 IV Jealous Slow Dog 34 V Hawk Eye's Offering 40 VI The Bear 47 VII The Kill 51 VIII The Pelt Is Removed 57 IX The Rapids 61 X The Beaver Dam 67 XI Toeprints in the Sand 76 XII Across the Prairie 83 XIII The Boys Are Taken Prisoners 89 XIV Hawk Eye's Revenge 96 XV Two Good Shots 102 XVI Ohitika Is Wounded 108 XVII The Trading Post 113 XVIII Journey's End 120 HAWK EYE [Pg 10] [Pg 11] [Pg 12] [Pg 13] CHAPTER I WILD GEESE Slow Dog, Medicine Man, looked out of his lodge. Wild geese were honking overhead. To the Indian it meant the return of spring. "I must be the first to kill one," muttered Slow Dog. Entering his lodge, he presently came out with bow and arrows. Hastening toward a bend in the river which formed a sheltered cove, he hid among a clump of willow bushes and waited in the hope that the birds might come down to feed. Slow Dog was not the only one to notice the geese, however. Two boys, one about fifteen years of age, the other, close to thirteen, had also heard the honking. "Get your bow and arrows," cried Hawk Eye, the elder, darting into his tepee. The younger boy, Raven Wing, ran to his lodge for his weapons. In a few minutes both were hurrying to the river. "There's Slow Dog hiding in the bushes," whispered Raven Wing. "He wishes to be the first to bring one to earth." "Leave him there," answered Hawk Eye, noticing that the flock, headed by an old gander, had slightly altered its course. "The geese are making for the lake." Breaking into a run, the boys headed for Big Stone Lake, from whose southern boundary issued the "sky-tinted waters" of the Minnesota River. As they hurried through the timber belt that bordered the river's edge, Raven Wing remarked, "they may come down in the marsh." Ice still lay thick upon the lake, but on the shallower waters it had begun to melt under the increasing warmth of the sun. "Can they see us?" asked Hawk Eye as Raven Wing, who was in the lead, stopped at the further end of the grove. "No. We have yet time to run across this open space," answered the younger boy. On reaching a thicket of willows, the boys halted; then crept in to almost the edge of a frozen stretch of swamp. "Here they come!" whispered Raven Wing. As the flock settled on the marshland, Hawk Eye fitted an arrow to his bow. "I'll take the one close to the leader," he said. Almost simultaneously Raven Wing let fly his arrow. The feathered ash wood shafts sped to their marks and two birds fluttered and fell to earth. Alarmed at the fall of their comrades, the flock rose in the air, but before they could get beyond arrow range, two more birds dropped to earth. "We've outwitted Slow Dog," chuckled Hawk Eye, as he made his way over the half-frozen ground to pick up his birds. "He must return empty-handed," laughed Raven Wing, retrieving his arrows from the birds he had slain. "What do you intend to do with your first kill?" he asked. "Give it to Old Smoky Wolf," answered Hawk Eye. "The goose first slain in the Spring is always made the occasion for a feast." "I will give mine to my stepfather, Black Eagle," said Raven Wing. "He will be our chief when Old Smoky Wolf takes the trail of departed warriors." "Because you have outwitted him, Slow Dog will now bear another grudge against you," went on Hawk Eye. "Perhaps it were better had I not seen the geese," sighed Raven Wing. "I would not be the cause for further trouble between him and my stepfather." "Slow Dog would find one if it suited his fancy," said Hawk Eye. "He has a tongue with two ends, like a serpent's. But he has no need to look for an excuse. He has not forgotten that it was you who discovered the buffalo herd during the great blizzard and so saved us all from starvation. Had you not done so, he would have succeeded in convincing many that the famine had been sent by the gods to punish us all for allowing your mother to hunt with the men. You, he hates. But for you, he might have persuaded the tribe to elect him chief in place of Old Smoky Wolf." "He hates Black Eagle," said Raven Wing, sadly. "Because he knows our warriors will choose Black Eagle to succeed Old Smoky Wolf," added Hawk Eye. As the boys neared camp, Slow Dog came out of the bushes by the river bank. A scowl spread over his face on seeing the dead geese. "He is a great hunter when the birds fly down to be killed," he sneered. [Pg 14] [Pg 15] [Pg 16] [Pg 17] [Pg 18] SLOW DOG CAME OUT OF THE BUSHES BY THE RIVER BANK. "Had they not changed their course, your arrow would have slain one," answered Raven Wing, quietly. Slow Dog turned on his heel and walked to his tepee. The two boys continued on their way. Presently they halted beside Old Smoky Wolf's lodge. At the sound of approaching footsteps, the aged chief had bade his wife go out to greet whoever the visitors might be. Hawk Eye handed her one of the birds he had slain. "'Tis the first goose brought to earth. Hawk Eye would present it to our chief," explained the boy. As he and Raven Wing were about to turn away, Old Smoky Wolf appeared in the doorway of the lodge. He gravely thanked Hawk Eye on learning of the gift. "You both shall come to the feast," he added kindly. The boys thanked him and as they turned away, a smile spread over Old Smoky Wolf's wrinkled face. "My tribe are not women. A brave is no stranger in my village. These boys will become great hunters. At the sound of their moccasins the beaver will lie down to be killed," grunted the old chief. Hunter and buffalo. CHAPTER II PLANS AND PELTS The sun grew warmer. The snow melted and trickled in little rivulets down to the river. Crocuses bloomed and red- winged blackbirds cried amid the yellowing willows in the bottoms. At last the ice broke in the river and the waters rushed madly along between its banks. The hunters, who had been industrious all winter, gathered together the pelts of the animals they had killed. Buffalo robes and deer skins, together with pelts of minks, martins, foxes, wolves, beavers, bears, fishers, otters and raccoons. Thousands of muskrat skins were also made up into bundles. The packs were loaded into canoes and the hunters set off down stream for the trading post at Mendota. Raven Wing and Hawk Eye watched the canoes for some time. When the last frail craft had turned the bend in the river, Raven Wing said to Hawk Eye, "Let us make the trip also, and take our pelts to the trading post." [Pg 19] [Pg 20] [Pg 21] RAVEN WING AND HAWK EYE WATCHED THE CANOES FOR SOME TIME. "Will your stepfather allow you to go on so long a trip?" asked Hawk Eye. "I can but ask him," answered Raven Wing. "We will go, you and I, if he agrees," said Hawk Eye. "I have no father to ask permission of. Besides, I am two years older than you. My mother I know will give her consent." Presently both boys were on their way to their lodges. Bending Willow, Raven Wing's mother, looked up as her son stood before her. "I would like to take the pelts I have cured from my winter's hunting to the trading post. Hawk Eye plans to go also and we can make the journey together," he announced in a low voice. Bending Willow regarded the tall, strong boy for several minutes before she answered him. "I have no objection, son," she answered quietly. "But you must receive permission from your stepfather." "Will you speak a good word for me?" said Raven Wing. "I will, my son," answered Bending Willow. "I know that you will be careful. You are strong and tall for your years. You are a fine hunter; you know the river; your canoe is well made." As she finished speaking, Black Eagle strode up. "The hunters are well on their way," he said. "The last canoe is now out of sight." "Raven Wing wishes to take his pelts to the trading post," announced Bending Willow. Black Eagle turned to his stepson. "You wish to go?" he asked. "Yes," replied the boy. "Hawk Eye will go with me. He has many fine skins, also." "You have had no experience as a trader," said Black Eagle. "The pale faces at the post will offer you foolish trinkets for your good pelts. They may even make you dull and foolish with their minne wauken, (firewater) and when your eyes are heavy-lidded and your mind falters, strip you of your pack." "I will learn by watching our hunters when they offer their pelts," answered Raven Wing. "I will not be deceived by trinkets, nor will I taste the firewater." "I see no reason why he should not go," said Black Eagle after a silence of several minutes. "How does his mother [Pg 22] [Pg 23] [Pg 24] look upon this adventure?" he added, turning to Bending Willow. "He must go some time. I am willing," she answered simply. "Hawk Eye goes with you?" asked Black Eagle. "He is now asking permission of his mother," replied Raven Wing. Bending Willow. "When do you plan to go?" inquired Bending Willow. "At once," said Raven Wing. "That is wise," said Black Eagle. "The boys will easily catch up to the hunters if they ply their paddles with vigor." He did not add that there was safety in numbers, not wishing to needlessly alarm Bending Willow. He could see that she was concerned over the adventure, although she tried to hide her feelings. The matter being settled, Raven Wing strode over to Hawk Eye's lodge. Since the death of Running Deer, Hawk Eye had taken his father's place with credit. Being two years older than Raven Wing, he naturally had had more experience. Notwithstanding his advantage, in age he was no taller nor stronger than the younger boy. As Raven Wing neared the tepee, he heard Hawk Eye's mother, Light Between Clouds, say in a low voice; "You are my only support since the death of Running Deer." "Sure, Mother," answered Hawk Eye, "but you would not have me always remain in our village. Hawk Eye is now a man; he has a mother in his wigwam, but he need not ask her permission to go on the hunt." "'Tis a long journey to the trading post," answered Light Between Clouds. "You have had no experience at bargaining with the palefaces. Why not wait and go with the next band of trappers? There will be another party setting out soon." "They will merely trade in my pelts with their own and I shall have nothing to say," cried Hawk Eye. "Besides, I would like to gain experience first-hand. I am strong. I can handle my father's gun with the best of the hunters. I am a boy no longer. Comes another snow and I shall be a warrior." Canoe on the river. [Pg 25] [Pg 26] [Pg 27] [Pg 28] CHAPTER III LOADING THE CANOES "You are my only son," sighed Light Between Clouds, gazing lovingly upon the stalwart form of Hawk Eye. "You are the main support of your sister and me. I am loath to give my consent. It is a long journey to the trading post at Mendota." "Black Eagle, my stepfather, is willing that I should go," broke in Raven Wing. "And what does Bending Willow say?" inquired Light Between Clouds. "She agrees with my stepfather," answered Raven Wing. "Then you have my permission to go," said Light Between Clouds, turning to Hawk Eye. "And may the Great Spirit look kindly upon your adventure." Without further words, she turned on her heel and walked toward a nearby lodge. "So your mother is willing that you should go," said Raven Wing. "Yes, she has given her consent, as you have heard," answered Hawk Eye. "Why did she leave us so suddenly?" asked Raven Wing, doubtfully. "She has gone for moccasins, I think," replied Hawk Eye. "My grandmother is skilful at making them; she always keeps a supply on hand." "You have more pelts than I have," remarked Raven Wing, lingering a moment to watch Hawk Eye deftly pack the skins in several bundles of convenient size. "We will need two canoes; yours and mine," said Hawk Eye. "But should one be damaged during the trip, we can get along with one. We must lose no time in starting." "I will be ready as soon as you are," answered Raven Wing. He returned to his lodge, gathered together his pelts, which were already packed in several bundles, and carried them down to the river. Hawk Eye, having more experience, attended to the loading of the frail vessels. During the loading and packing, Ohitika, Hawk Eye's favorite dog, watched the proceedings in silence. Except for an occasional wag of his tail, he stood still, showing no impatience. "I would like to take Ohitika," said Hawk Eye. "He is my favorite dog, my friend. My father found him in a deserted Chippeway village five years ago. He was but a puppy then, his mother and the rest of the litter had been killed by wolves, and father discovered him lying in an old woodchuck hole. Father bundled him in his blanket and brought him home to me. I named him Ohitika because he was so brave even as a pup. At first he was my playmate, but he has become my hunting companion. I hate to leave him behind. But to make room for him it will be necessary to place one of my packs in your canoe." Bow and arrows. "That can easily be done," answered Raven Wing. "I have fewer packs than you." "I shall take my father's gun, also," went on Hawk Eye, as he transferred a bundle of pelts to Raven Wing's canoe. "I am glad that I have learned to use it. It is a fine gun, as Running Deer, my father, often said. He was not given to boast of his prowess as a hunter, but always claimed it was due to his gun that he rarely missed the mark." "I must have a gun," cried Raven Wing. "A fine gun, like yours. Do you think my stock of pelts will bring me one?" "If you are clever at trading," answered Hawk Eye with a chuckle. "And if not," he added kindly, "you shall have some of mine to fill in." [Pg 29] [Pg 30] [Pg 31] [Pg 32] When the last pack had been carefully loaded, Hawk Eye looked critically at his work. "You have displayed much skill," observed Black Eagle, who came up at that moment. "I took pains to watch the hunters load their craft at sunup," said Hawk Eye. "Safe carriage depends on good loading as well as skill with the paddles," said Black Eagle. "Be sure you re-load as well after making portage below Lac Qui Parle. You will come to a succession of rapids after leaving the lake behind you." Black Eagle might have said more had not Bending Willow at that point arrived with a bundle. "I have brought you maple sugar," she explained, handing the package to Raven Wing. "'Tis some that I had on hand from the sugar camp." Map of Minnesota. As she finished speaking, Light Between Clouds came running toward them. "These dried buffalo tongues will come in handy should you not find plenty of game," she cried, giving the bundle to Hawk Eye. Sensing that the departure was at hand, Ohitika waited no longer, but leaped lightly into his master's craft. Stepping into their canoes, the boys raised their paddles, then dipped them into the water and made for the middle of the river. CHAPTER IV JEALOUS SLOW DOG From his tepee Slow Dog gloomily watched the departure of Raven Wing and Hawk Eye, and his roving eye fell on the graceful figure of Bending Willow, who was waving a brave farewell to her only son, now fast becoming a young brave. Bending Willow was the daughter of a haughty chief of the Spirit Lake and Leaf Dweller Sioux, and was considered the most beautiful woman in the tribe. When widowed at the age of twenty, she had bravely assumed the care and bringing up of her son. Slow Dog had early realized that if he married her his influence in the tribe would be greatly increased, and resenting her preference to cherish in widowhood the memory of her husband, had been a persistent although an unsuccessful suitor. The day had come, however, when Slow Dog's tepee grew lonely, and many hours had been spent near that of Taopee, whose fat daughter did beadwork while Slow Dog played on a reed flute. In due course of time a pony, two guns and some blankets had secured the bride, who, veiled with a blanket was taken to her lover's lodge and left there by a friend. From then on Slow Dog was busy with practical things, for the father-in-law's family must be provided with game for a year, or until a little papoose should swing from a lodge pole. Notwithstanding that his lodge was no longer lonely, the heart of Slow Dog still yearned for the beautiful Bending Willow. [Pg 33] [Pg 34] [Pg 35] In the early part of the previous autumn Bending Willow had returned from the wild rice fields where she and the women of the tribe had reaped a goodly harvest. Assisted by a young squaw named Wadutah, she had pitched her tepee in one of the villages of the Sisseton Sioux along the southern shore of Big Stone Lake. Black Eagle, a great warrior and a wise counsellor, was generally regarded as the successor to Old Smoky Wolf when the aged chief should take the trail of departed warriors. Out of deference to the memory of his friend, Lone Star, Black Eagle had long refrained from approaching Bending Willow, whom he had always admired. But just before the winter season had set in, he had pressed his suit and Bending Willow had consented to become his wife, for she, too, had often marked the prowess and wisdom of her husband's companion. A marriage feast had been celebrated and she had entered Black Eagle's lodge. Slow Dog had long coveted the leadership of the tribe. He had plotted secretly to overthrow the rule of Old Smoky Wolf, but his efforts had been in vain. Black Eagle's popularity had been greatly increased by his marriage, which only added to the jealousy of Slow Dog. Canoe on the river. "With Bending Willow in his lodge, Black Eagle will prove a worthy successor to Old Smoky Wolf," Slow Dog had often heard old squaws remark, nodding their gray heads over their beadwork. Slow Dog had not joined the braves, women and children who had gathered at the river bank to speed the departure of the boys. His long-nursed jealousy kept him away from the crowd of well-wishers. But his keen eyes noted as Hawk Eye and Raven Wing rounded a bend in the river and were lost to sight, that Black Eagle had stepped into his canoe and paddled northward. Was Black Eagle merely going to fish in Big Stone Lake, from whose southern boundary flowed the Minnesota River, he wondered, or was he bound for the Red River of the North, which flowed from the upper end of the lake to Hudson Bay? Presently Bending Willow returned to her tepee which stood on a point of high ground overlooking the river. From his lodge Slow Dog could see her slender form as she busied herself preparing food. Wild thoughts filled his mind. Some dark night it might be possible to seize her, place her in his canoe and glide down the river. He pictured her in the frail craft as he swiftly paddled downstream, past the tepees of the Warpeton Sioux. He knew every twist and turn of the river. At Mankate, meaning "Blue Earth" in his language, it turned sharply to the north and east. Bending Willow should see Mendota, "the meeting of the waters," for there the beautiful Minnesota completed its long journey of four hundred miles and mingled its "sky-tinted waters" with those of the Mich-e-see-be, "Father of Running Waters." Not there, however, would he beach his canoe. He would go further; past the high white cliffs along the shore to Kaposia, and down the Mich-e-see-be, upon whose western bank dwelt the Medawakantens. Then up the Canon River to its head waters where stood the villages of the Wahpekutes, the fourth tribe of the Minnesota Sioux. There he would dwell with Bending Willow, the Fawn of the Dakotas, the most beautiful woman of the Sioux nation. FROM HIS LODGE SLOW DOG COULD SEE HER SLENDER FORM AS SHE BUSIED HERSELF PREPARING FOOD. [Pg 36] [Pg 37] [Pg 38] [Pg 39] CHAPTER V HAWK EYE'S OFFERING Hawk Eye and Raven Wing pointed their canoes to the middle of the river and bent to their paddles. In spite of its many twists and turns and the menace of fallen trees floating in the channel, they made good progress. The river ran through a narrow valley, with hillsides covered with white flowers and bottom lands dotted with yellow cowslips. Birds, busy with their nesting, winged their way through the balmy air. Willows, cottonwoods, elms and soft maples made a leafy border along the shore. Toward late afternoon they came to a widening of the river. "Lac Qui Parle," Hawk Eye called back, slowing down that Raven Wing might come alongside. "I have heard my father say that in the paleface tongue. It means the 'lake that speaks.'" "Black Eagle once told me that the Mich-e-see-be has a great widening which is called Lake Pepin by the white man. It is bordered by high bluffs and cliffs so steep that very few cedars can take root," answered Raven Wing. "I have heard my father tell that only low hills guard the Minnesota until its fringe of trees thickens and it enters the big woods. The hills change to bluffs that creep closer to the water. At the mouth of the Blue Earth River there is but a narrow strip of sand. From there on the Minnesota makes a bend upward toward the land of snow and the rising sun," said Hawk Eye. "It is a long river," said Raven Wing. "We shall have dipped our paddles many, many times before we come to the trading post." "Have you fully decided to exchange your pelts for a gun?" inquired Hawk Eye. "Yes," answered Raven Wing quickly. "I would like one like yours." "It is a fine weapon, as I have often told you," Hawk Eye said. "My father was proud of it. He kept our lodge well supplied with meat before an Objibway's bullet ended his life." "Let us make camp," Raven Wing suggested after a time. "I see a sandy beach. Up to now the shore has been bordered with great flat rocks." "It is too early," Hawk Eye said. "The weather is fine. It is better to keep to our paddles until sundown. Take care that your canoe does not grate upon a hidden rock. There are many in the water." Raven Wing was glad when his elder companion later turned toward shore for he was becoming a little tired. It required skill as well as strength to paddle the heavy laden canoes. "My father's grandmother was a Wahpeton Sioux. Her tribe, called the People of the Leaves, used to build their movable tepees along the shores of this lake," said Raven Wing. Sioux brave. "That was many, many years ago. We shall have to sleep beneath a tree," answered Hawk Eye. "My grandfather made his first offering to the Great Spirit here," went on Raven Wing. "He tossed his most beloved possession, a necklace of bear claws, into this very lake." [Pg 40] [Pg 41] [Pg 42] [Pg 43] "It is a beautiful spot for such a ceremony," Hawk Eye said, thoughtfully. "I have not as yet made my offering to the Great Spirit." Raven Wing made no answer. After his father's death his mother had arranged the ceremony for him. He now wished that she had chosen for that occasion the spot on which his grandfather had stood. As the canoes scraped bottom, Hawk Eye said; "I will here offer my most valued possession to the Great Spirit." Stepping on shore, he opened a doeskin pouch that was fastened to his belt. "Your necklace of panther claws!" exclaimed Raven Wing as Hawk Eye drew forth his prize trophy. "Yes," Hawk Eye answered, quietly. For a moment he held it in his open palm for a last look. Close by rose a great boulder of granite. Clenching his fist about his most beloved possession, he climbed to the top of the rock and stood facing the lake for some little time. Then, holding the necklace in his right hand, he cried; "O Great Spirit, I implore you to command the Sun, Moon and Stars to make my path smooth that I may reach the brow of the first hill. HE CLIMBED TO THE TOP OF THE ROCK AND STOOD FACING THE LAKE FOR SOME LITTLE TIME. "O Great Spirit, I implore you to command the Winds, Clouds, Rain and Snow to make smooth my path that I may reach the brow of the second hill. "O Great Spirit, I implore you to command the Hills, Valleys, Rivers, Lakes, Trees and Grasses to make smooth my path that I may reach the brow of the third hill. "O Great Spirit, I implore you to command the Birds, Animals and Insects to make smooth my path that I may reach the brow of the fourth hill. "O Great Spirit, make me strong in heart and limb to reach the brow of the fifth hill, upon whose summit are the Happy Hunting Grounds. "O Great Spirit, receive my most precious offering," and he flung the necklace far out into the lake. [Pg 44] [Pg 45] [Pg 46] Wolf. CHAPTER VI THE BEAR On awakening the next morning after a restful night, Hawk Eye said: "Fresh meat tastes better than pemmican. I will take my bow and arrows and see what game I can find. In the meantime you might gather some dry wood and start a fire." After a plunge in the cool waters of the lake, he set out. For some distance he traveled to the north, and on emerging from the timber, he came upon a hillside covered with low bushes. He had set an arrow against the bowstring in readiness for whatever kind of game might suddenly start up. As he looked about, a rabbit darted across an open space. But before it could reach cover, Hawk Eye's arrow brought it tumbling to the ground. "Enough for our morning meal," he observed. After retrieving the arrow, he slung the dead rabbit over his shoulder and started on his way back to camp. As there was no special trail leading toward the water, he followed a course indicated by several landmarks he had made note of when first setting out. After crossing an open space, he paused at the edge of the timber belt that lined the banks of the river. He thought he had heard a slight noise in the underbrush. As the sound was not repeated, he strode in among the trees, setting an arrow against the bowstring. Presently he heard a pounding noise followed by a wheeze, and as he peered among the tree trunks, he made out the form of a huge black bear. Surprised for a moment, the bear halted; then with a grunt took a step forward. Unprepared for such big game, Hawk Eye dropped into a backward walk, keeping his eyes fixed upon the animal, which now quickened its steps. Raising his bow and continuing to step backwards, he aimed an arrow at the heart of the bear and let fly. With a cry of pain and rage it tore the barbed shaft from its bleeding side and rushed at him. Before he could fit another arrow to the string, his heel caught on a projecting root and he found himself sprawling upon the ground. Springing to his feet, he attempted to recover his bow which had dropped from his hand, but before he could pick it up, the infuriated animal was almost upon him. Avoiding its outstretched paws, he ran toward the river. As he went crashing through the tangled underbrush, he felt for his hunting knife. Although somewhat relieved at finding it still in his belt, he knew that his strength and skill would be unequal to the task of slaying the ferocious animal. His principal hope lay in reaching the spot where Raven Wing had kindled the fire for their morning meal. Once there ahead of the bear he could rely on Raven Wing and the loaded gun he had left with him. Soon, however, this hope disappeared. The bear was gaining on him. Due to its great weight it easily crashed through the thick underbrush and tangled vines that impeded his own progress. Closer came the great lumbering animal and he could almost feel its hot breath upon his neck as he fought his way through a dense thicket toward the river. Continuing on as best he could he came to an open space, covered with wide flat rocks. A short distance ahead rose a giant boulder. Scattered about its base lay a number of big rocks. Leaping upon one of them, he managed to jump to a narrow ledge upon the almost perpendicular side of the great boulder. From there he worked his way up to its flat- topped surface by clinging to crevices and projecting pieces of granite. [Pg 47] [Pg 48] [Pg 49] [Pg 50] [Pg 51] CHAPTER VII THE KILL The bear had made straight for the big boulder. Discovering that even by standing on its hind feet it could not reach the ledge upon which Hawk Eye had leaped from the nearby rock, it came down on all fours and began to circle the base of the boulder. On coming to a point where the base extended for some considerable distance, it managed to climb up the steep incline by means of its strong claws. At a point further up, however, the flat surface of the summit projected like the rim of a hat and forced the panting animal to merely cling to its position. At length it managed to get one front paw over the edge. At once Hawk Eye stabbed it with his knife. Roaring with pain, it pulled it down. After a few minutes it worked its way to one side where the rim was less pronounced and getting a firm hold on a shelf of rock with its hind feet, again stretched over a front paw. Before Hawk Eye could use his knife its other paw came above the rim and its head appeared. Growling and showing its teeth, it dug the claws of its hind feet into the slanting rocky side and raised itself. Hawk Eye had only his knife. No loose rocks lay upon the flat surface. Holding it firmly in his fist he began to maneuver for a fatal plunge at the animal's throat. But the knowing beast kept its head in motion, making it well nigh impossible for him to avoid her gaping jaws. For several minutes he attempted to plunge the sharp blade into its throat. Suddenly the foothold it had managed to maintain with its hind feet gave way, and in order to avoid plunging down the side of the great boulder, the bear desperately pressed its chin upon the top of the rim to keep from falling. The animal's mouth now being closed by the pull-down of its body, and its head held rigid by its weight, Hawk Eye seized the opportunity he had been waiting for. Advancing cautiously with knife in hand, he came down on his knees and whipped the sharp blade across the side of its throat. The hold of its front paws weakened, its head slipped off the ledge top, and its heavy body hurtled to the ground. For a short time the mortally wounded animal rolled about, moaning and pawing the ground until, with a final quiver, it lay still. ITS HEAVY BODY HURTLED TO THE GROUND. Hawk Eye climbed down the rock and gazed silently at the huge body. Then looking up into the sky, he murmured: "O Great Mystery, my heart is glad that you have aided me to gain a necklace of bear claws. My spirit sings because you have looked with favor upon the offering of my most beloved possession." [Pg 52] [Pg 53] [Pg 54]

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