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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000(0000) Printed19January2011 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Have Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations in the galaxy distribution really been measured? Anna Cabr´e1, Enrique Gaztan˜aga2 1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, 209, South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396, USA 1 2Instituto de Ciencias del Espacio (IEEC/CSIC), F. de Ciencias, Torre C5- Par-2a, Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Spain. 0 2 n a Accepted—.Received—;inoriginalform— J 8 1 ABSTRACT Recent publications claim that there is no convincing evidence for measurements of ] thebaryonicacoustic(BAO)featureingalaxysamplesusingeithermonopoleorradial O information.Differentclaimsseemcontradictory:dataiseithernotconsistentwiththe C BAO model or data is consistent with both the BAO model and featureless models . withoutBAO.Weinvestigatethispointwithasetof216realisticmockgalaxycatalogs h extracted from MICE7680, one of the largest volume dark matter simulation run to p date, with a volume of 1300 cubical gigaparsecs. Our mocks cover similar volume, - o densities and bias as the real galaxies and provide 216 realizations of the Lambda r or ω = −1 Cold Dark Matter (ωCDM) BAO model. We find that only 20% of the t s mocks show a statistically significant (3 sigma) preference for the true (input) ωCDM a BAOmodelascomparedtoafeatureless(non-physical)modelwithoutBAO.Thusthe [ volumeofcurrentgalaxysamplesisnotyetlargeenoughtoclaimthattheBAOfeature 3 has been detected. Does this mean that we can not locate the BAO position? Using a v simple(nonoptimal)algorithmweshowthatin50%(100%)ofthemockswecanfind 9 the BAO position within 5% (20%) of the true value. These two findings are not in 2 contradiction:theformerisaboutmodelselection,thelaterisaboutparameterfitting 7 within a model. We conclude that current monopole and radial BAO measurements 2 can be used as standard rulers if we assume ωCDM type of models. . 1 Key words: galaxies: statistics, cosmology: theory, large-scale structure. 1 0 1 : v i 1 INTRODUCTION Reid et al 2010, Kazin et al 2010a and references therein). X Different studies use different ways to extract the BAO sig- r Primordial fluctuations generated acoustic waves in the nal and quantify the significance of the measurements (see a early universe photon-baryon plasma. Those waves were Sanchezetal2008).Forexample,Eisensteinetal2005and frozen at decoupling, z ∼ 1100, then baryon acoustic os- Sanchez et al 2009 used the full shape of the 2-point cor- cillations (BAO) were imprinted in the cosmic microwave relation to ωCDM class of models and found constraints to background (CMB) at the sound horizon scale, as a series thecombinationdistanceD (z)=(D2/H)1/3 tothegalaxy v A of peaks in the power spectrum or a single peak in the 2- samplemeanredshiftbasedonaglobalχ2fitting,whilePer- pointcorrelationfunction(seeegPeeblesandYu,1970and cival et al 2010 used a fit to the oscillatory components in Komatsuetal2010forthelatestmeasurementsbyWMAP). the power spectrum to find constraints on D (z). v BAO can also be seen at the present in matter power These previous analysis used the monopole component spectrum, and its position, r can be used as a stan- ofthecorrelationfunction,whereallpairsareaveragedwith BAO dard cosmological ruler. Measurements in the radial (red- independenceoftheirorientation.Okumuraetal2008dida shift direction), ∆z, can be used to estimate the Hubble separate analysis of pairs as a function of orientation but rate as H(z) = c∆z/r , while angular measurements, avoiding the radial direction. Gaztanaga, Cabr´e and Hui BAO ∆θ, can be used to estimate the angular diameter distance: (2009, GCH hereafter) presented constraints to H(z) based D (z) = r /∆θ. Baryon acoustic oscillations in the ontheradialcorrelation,whichusesonlythosepairsaligned A BAO galaxy correlations of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) with the redshift direction. This reduces the number of ob- luminous red galaxy (LRG) sample have been used to con- servational data but boost the contrast on the BAO peak strain cosmological parameters (eg Eisenstein et al 2005, becauseofredshiftspacedistortions.Atintermediatescales, Hutsi et al 2006, Sanchez et al 2009, Percival et al 2010, lowerthan BAO, thecorrelation functionbecomesnegative (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 A. Cabr´e & E. Gaztan˜aga in the line-of-sight direction, creating a better contrast in can we constrain the parameters of the ωCDM model, and the BAO position, easier to detect than in real space. Also, in particular the BAO position with current data? non-linearities, magnification and bias can boost the peak Wewillinvestigatethesepointswithasetof216mock (see GCH and Tian et al 2010 for further details). galaxycatalogsextractedfromMICE7680(seeFosalbaetal 2008,Crocceetal2009),oneofthelargestvolumedarkmat- GCHpresentedtwowaystoanalyzetheBAOdata:the ter simulation run to date. The mocks are made to match peak and the shape method. In the peak method they find the SDSS LRG DR6 sample and should therefore provide a thelocationofthepeakanduseitasstandardrulertomea- sureH(z).Intheshapemethodtheyuseaχ2 fittothefull good representation of biased ωCDM realizations. We will use these mocks to explore the peak and the shape method shape of the correlation and find the best shift in the dis- appliedtothemonopole.Weusethemonopolehere(rather tance H(z)/H . The shape method was also used to test if 0 than radial BAO) for several reasons: shape measurements thedatawascompatiblewiththeshapeofthecorrelationex- havelargersignal-to-noise,theoreticalmodelingofmonopole pectedinωCDM.Theycomparedifferentclassesofmodels: isbetterunderstood(seeGCH)andthemonopoleBAOhas the standard BAO ωCDM model, a similar class of models been more widely used to test cosmological models. Rather withoutBAO(socalledno-wigglemodelinEisenstein&Hu than comparing the ωCDM with some add-hoc correlation 1998)andamodelwithzerocorrelationξ=0.Theno-BAO modelhas∆χ2 =10withrespecttothebestfittingωCDM (power-law,constantorsomecombination)wechoosetofo- model while a model with ξ = 0 has ∆χ2 = 4. Kazin et cus on comparing BAO and no-BAO models. This has the advantageofbeingawelldefinedprocedure(quitestandard al(2010b)didanindependentanalysisoftheSDSScatalog intheliterature)wherewehavethesamenumberofparam- and found similar results for the correlation measurements etersineachcase,whichsimplifiestheinterpretationofthe and errors. In their interpretation they did not explore the statisticalsignificancewhencomparingtwodifferentmodels parameterspaceofωCDMbutconcludethatthereisnocon- with different number of parameters (eg see Liddle 2009). vincing evidence for radial BAO because the ξ = 0 model fit the data better than ωCDM. They argue that there are Throughoutweassumeastandardcosmologicalmodel, no parameters in the ξ = 0 model while for ωCDM sev- withΩM =0.25,ΩΛ =0.75,Ωb =0.044,ns =0.95,σ8 =0.8 eral parameters where fitted in GCH. After including the and h≡H0/(100kms−1Mpc−1)=0.7. penaltyforaddingparameters,theyfindthatωCDMisnot significantly better than ξ=0. But a similar argument could be extended to the BAO monopole measurements. For example, if one fits a con- 2 BAO IN GALAXY MOCKS stant correlation to the LRG correlation function in Fig.17 Appendix A in Cabr´e & Gaztanaga 2009 (CG09 from now of Sanchez etal (2009) to scales larger than 70 Mpc/h one on) describes how our mocks were built and also how the findsthatthismodelcannotbedistinguishedfromaωCDM correlationfunctionisestimated.1 Weincludebothbiasand model with free parameters. The original Eisenstein etal redshift distortions in the mocks. We will focus here on the (2005) results can also be well fitted with a power-law monopolecorrelationforhaloz=0mockswithabiasb(cid:39)2, model1.DoesthismeanthattheBAOfeaturehasnotbeen similartoLRGgalaxies.Thecorrelationfunctionforour216 detected at all? These are important points to clarify as it mocks, its mean and errors are displayed in Fig.1. These iscommonpracticetoincludeBAOmeasurementswhenfit- mocks are realistic as they cover similar volume, densities tingcosmologicalmodelstoprovideevidencefordarkenergy andbiasastherealLRGgalaxies,buttheyhavesomelimi- models (eg Sanchez et al 2009; Komatsu et al 2010; Kazin tations.Ingeneral,oneneedsfirsttoexploretheparameters et al 2010a; Gaztanaga, Miquel & Sanchez 2009). inωCDM(andbiasmodel)togetagoodmatchtodata.Our Otherrecentstudiesseemtoreachasimilarconclusion, simulations have β ≡f(Ω )/b(cid:39)0.25 and z =0, which are m that the BAO feature has not been detected, but using an different from the values in real data β (cid:39) 0.34±0.03 and argumentthatseemstogointheoppositedirection.Rather z = 0.35 (the difference in β comes from the difference in than finding that data is too noisy and compatible with redshift,asbiasissimilar,seeCG09).Dependingonthetest featurelessmodels,theyfindthatthedataisnotconsistent used, this could result in a poor fit of models to data. De- with ωCDM (eg see Labini et al 2009, Labatie et al 2010). spitetheselimitations,wewillfindbelowagoodfitofdata Also see Martinez et al 2009 for a study of peak detection tothemockswhenweallowtheamplitudetovaryinthefit. using DR7 monopole. We will investigate this here to find, Thisindicatesthatourmocksprovideagoodrepresentation as in previous analysis (eg GCH, Sanchez et al 2009, Kazin of the data, given the errors, at least for the questions we et al 2010a) that data is in good agreement with ωCDM want to address here. although we should stress that this statement will depend In our analysis we will pretend that each mock is a on the specific test we use. realizationoftherealLRGdata.Ourmocksarecloseenough We will argue that there are two separate questions to the real data to provide a realistic representation of how mixed up in the above line of argumentation: model selec- much variation there is from one realization of real data to tion and parameter fitting. We will find that while current theother.Indeedthejack-knife(JK)errors(andcovariance datacannotbeusedtoselectωCDM,onecanstillconstrain matrix) in the real data are similar to the JK errors in our theparametersofωCDMifthismodelisassumed.Toshow mocks and to the ensemble variation from mock to mock. this, we will set out to address two main questions: 1) can ThiswasshowninCG09andcanalsobeseeninFig.1where we use current BAO data to favor ωCDM? In other words: we compare the ensemble variation in mocks (short dashed is the volume of current data large enough to pass a null lines)totheJKerrorsintheDR6SDSSLRGmeasurements detection test to choose ωCDM over some other model? 2) from CG09 (note that we show DR6 to be consistent with (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Have Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations been measured? 3 Figure 2. Histogramsshowingthedistributionofdifferencesin χ2 values for different LRG mocks. The correlation function in eachmockisfittedwithboththestandardωCDMBAOcorrela- tionandwiththeno-BAOclassofmodels.Thedifferencebetween Figure 1. Thin (black) lines show the correlation function ξ(r) thetwoχ2 valuesineachmockisaccumulatedinthehistogram. (scaledbyr2)ineachofour216mocks.Solid(green)lineshows ThereareN =20databinsineachfit,butonlyoneparameter the BAO model (the mean of the mocks). Short dashed (green) b isfitted(theoverallamplitude).Thefigureshowsthatonly20% linesencompass1-sigmaerrorbarsfromthemean(thesearemock √ of the cases show a significant preference at 3σ (ie ∆χ2 < −9) to mock errors, the error of the mean would be 1/ 216 better). fortheBAOmodelovertheno-BAOmodel.Themeanformocks Longdashed(blue)lineshowstheno-BAOmodel.The(red)er- is ∆χ2 =−5. A fit to the real LRG data gives also ∆χ2 =−5, rorbarscorrespondtotherealLRGdatashiftedasshowninEq.1. closetothemaximum. themocks,butsimilarresultsarefoundforDR7,seeGCH). 1987). We use the correlation function ξ (r ) measured in i j TocomparetosimulationswehavescaledtheLRGdataas: the i-th mock at separation r to perform a χ2 fit and find j thebestfitamplitudeA foreitherBAOorno-BAOmodels ξ(r)→A[ξ(r)+K] (1) i (which are labeled generically as ξ ): m with A = 1.2 and K = −0.005. The value of A accounts χ2 =(cid:88)[ξ (r )−A ξ (r )]C−1[ξ (r )−A ξ (r )] (2) forthedifferencesbetweenthesimulationandLRGdatain i i j i m j jk i k i m k β, growth and bias. The value of K represents a possible, jk but quite minor (0.25%), error (contamination or sampling The indexes j and k run over the Nb =20 bin separations, fluctuation)intheoverallmeandensityofthesample.This ie ν =19 degrees of freedom. Bins are linearly spaced with has little impact in the fit of models to data (covariance ∆r=5 Mpc/h between 30 and 130 Mpc/h (we find similar allows for a constant shift in the data) but improves the results in the range 20-150 Mpc/h). The covariance matrix visual comparison in the figure (see Fig.17 in Sanchez et al Cjk is estimated from the mocks: 2009).AsindicatedbyFig.1themocksrepresentquitewell 216 the variation seen in the observational data. C = 1 (cid:88)(cid:2)ξ (r )−ξ¯(r )(cid:3)(cid:2)ξ (r )−ξ¯(r )(cid:3) (3) jk 215 i j j i k k i=1 where ξ¯(r )≡ 1 (cid:80) ξ (r ) is the mean value in bin j. 2.1 The shape method: null test j 216 i i j The resulting distribution of values of χ2 for the BAO i We use two models to fit the correlation ξ(r): 1) the BAO modelpeaksaroundχ2 (cid:39)ν =19andisquitebroad(∆χ2 (cid:39) √ i model: it uses the mean of all the mocks in order to have 2ν (cid:39)6, as expected). The no-BAO model peaks at larger a perfect BAO model (with bias, redshift space and non- values (χ2 (cid:39) 24) and is slightly broader (∆χ2 (cid:39) 7.7). The i linearities effects included). 2) the no-BAO model: a non- real LRG data produces χ2 = 20 for the BAO model and physical model that imitates well the broad band corre- χ2 =25fortheno-BAOmodel,wellwithinthevaluesfound lation but does not include a BAO peak. We use the no- for most of the mocks. Thus, given the large errorbars, the wigglepowerspectrumofEisenstein&Hu(2001)withsame real data seems to match quite well our mocks, despite the ωCDM parameters as the simulation. Fig.1 compares the differencesinthemodeledvaluesofβ,biasandzmentioned BAO(solidline)withtheno-BAOmodel(long-dashedline). above. Our null test is: does the data prefer the BAO to the no- InFig.2weplotthehistogramofthedifferencesbetween BAO model at 3-sigma confidence level (CL)? the χ2 values in the fits to the BAO and no-BAO models i To simplify the analysis and interpretation, the only for each mock. Negative values mean that the mock prefers free parameter that we fit is the global amplitude A of the theBAOmodeloverno-BAOmodel.Adifferenceat3σ CL correlation, which includes a possible bias (as we are us- between both models, ie ∆χ2 < −9, only happens in the ing halos) and a constant redshift distortion boost (Kaiser 20% of cases (up to 30% when we explore other range of (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 A. Cabr´e & E. Gaztan˜aga fects. For WMAP parameters, very similar to MICE simu- lation, the sound horizon scale is at 107.3Mpc/h. We find similar results when we use a fixed power-law for all mocks, the one fitted for the mean correlation func- tion,orwhenusingthebestpower-lawforeachmock,asone would do in real data. When we apply the same method to the real DR6 data we find r = 112Mpc/h, well within BAO the bulk of our mocks. WehavealsotriedthemethodtolocatetheBAOposi- tionpropposedbyKazinetal(2010a).Themocks(ordata) are fitted using a χ2 likelihood (including covariance) to a BAOmodelwhichconsistsinthemeanofthemocks,ξ (r), m shiftedbytwofreeparameters:theamplitudeAandascale shiftα,ieAξ (αr).Wefindaverysimilarhistogramtothat m inFig.3butwithsmallererrorbar:6%insteadof8%.Kazin et al (2010a) further reduced this error to 3−4% by using onlythemockswhichhaveaclearBAOasintheDR6data. Wewillobviuslygetsmallererrorsbyremovingsuchoutliers Figure 3.HistogramshowingthedistributionofpeakBAOpo- in our mocks but this later step involves more assumptions sition measured in LRG mocks. This distribution has rBAO = 107.2±8.8 Mpc/h as compared to rBAO =107.5 Mpc/h in the than just the existance of a peak. It not only assumes that meanmodel.Thedistributionisquitegaussian,asshownbythe we live in ωCDM, but selects in a subjective way (a poste- linecrossingthehistograms.ThesamemeasurementinrealLRG riori) within a subset of realizations. Also note that in this DR6datayieldsrBAO =112Mpc/h. method we are using a priori knowledge of the shape of the input model to locate the peak. In the peak method, used in Fig.3, we do not need to make such assumption and so scales). This means than in 80% of the cases one does not we think this makes a stronger case for the point we want expecttobeabletodistinguishbetweenthetwomodels(at to demostrate, even when the error is larger. more than 3σ CL). This result is not surprising. The mean Itismorerobustandself-consistenttolocatetheBAO difference in χ2 between the BAO and no-BAO model is and error using the full shape of ξ(r) and a larger family of only ∆χ2 (cid:39) −5, which in comparable to the width of the cosmological models, eg as shown in Sanchez et al (2009), χ2 distribution with 19 degrees of freedom. In other words, avoiding any dependence on a particular cosmology in the current errors are still too large to claim a BAO detection. algorithmtolocatethepeak.Thepointdemonstratedhereis thattheBAOpositionisimprintedinthemocksdespitethe factthattheydonotpassanulldetectiontest.Acomparison 2.2 The peak method: BAO position between methods is left for future analysis. In the peak method, we assume that we live in a ωCDM universeandtrytolocatetheBAOposition.Tokeepthings simple, here we locate the position of the peak by search- 3 CONCLUSION ing the maximum in the correlation function in the BAO scale, between 80-135Mpc/h (results are similar when we Thefirstquestionwesetouttoaddresswasifthevolumeof move around 70-150Mpc/h). The BAO feature is modified current BAO data is large enough to pass a null detection bythepresenceofthebroadband(CDM)correlationfunc- testforωCDM.Theanswertothisquestionseemsnegative. tion, which can be modeled approximately by a power law. We have shown in Fig.2 that the distribution of χ2 differ- We fit a power law to each correlation function at small encesisquitebroadandonecouldfindmocksforwhichthe scales(10-70Mpc/h)andsubtractthecorrelationfunction null test is passed or failed. In fact 80% of the mocks have fromthebestpowerlawbeforelocatingthepeak.GCHuse ∆χ2 > −9, which indicates no statistically significant (at averysimilarpeakmethodbutdonotneedtosubtractthe 3-sigma CL) preference for the true BAO input model as power-law because the correlation is quite flat (and close compared to the featureless no-BAO family. Current SDSS to zero) in the radial direction. Sanchez et al (2010) use a (DR6-DR7)dataseemstolieclosetothepeakofthisdistri- similarbutmoreelaboratedversion,wheretheyfitsimulta- bution,∆χ2 (cid:39)−5,butaccordingtoFig.2thisdoesnotpro- neouslyapower-law,aconstantshiftandagaussian(BAO) vide convincing evidence for the BAO model. As expected, peak.Thiswouldprovidemoreaccurateerrorsforthepeak. the DR3 results in Eisenstein et al 2005 (about half of the Fig. 3 shows the distribution of recovered BAO posi- DR6volume)isevenlesssignificant:∆χ2 (cid:39)−1.1.Whenwe tionsforindividualmocks.Thisdistributioniswellapprox- compare the BAO model to a power-law fit (with 2 param- imated by a Gaussian (also shown in the figure). The mean eters) we find χ2 −χ2 (cid:39)0.4.1 BAO power−law BAOpositionis107.2Mpc/hwithadispersionof8.8Mpc/h, Ourmockshaveslightlydifferentvaluesofβandzthan compared to mocks mean value position at 107.5Mpc/h the DR6 data (see Fig.1) and we wonder if this could af- (note that the resolution in the position of the peak is of fect the above conclusion. The important point to notice is 5Mpc/h). The position of the peak can differ slightly (less that the BAO and no-BAO model also have a similar dif- than 2%) from the sound horizon scale at decoupling (see ference of ∆χ2 (ie (cid:39) −5) when we compare to the DR6 Sa´nchez, Baugh and Angulo 2008 and Sa´nchez et al 2010) data (using the same bins and covariance as in the mocks). depending on the cosmology, non-linearities, and other ef- Models with other cosmological parameters within the un- (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Have Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations been measured? 5 certaintiesofωCDMalsoproducesimilar∆χ2.Butavalue modelswhichproducesimilarclustering(anderrors)tothe of∆χ2 (cid:39)−5iscomparabletothewidthofaχ2distribution ones in ωCDM. 1 with19degreesoffreedom(whichis∆χ2 (cid:39)6).Thisiswhy the result is not significant. Our conclusion is quite robust and mostly relays in the size of the errors and covariance ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS between bins. The covariance estimate is consistent in the data (ie from Jack-knife subsamples), in our mocks and in We would like to thank Carlton Baugh, Pablo Fosalba, other mocks produced by several groups (eg Eisenstein et Ramon Miquel and Ariel Sanchez for their comments on √ al 2005, CG2009, Kazin et al 2010a). We would need 1.8 earlier versions of this manuscript. The MICE simulations timessmallererrors,ie1.8timesmoredataorsomeoptimal have been developed at the MareNostrum supercomputer weighting (Hamaus et al. 2010, Cai etal 2010), than DR6 (BSC-CNS) thanks to grants AECT-2006-2-0011 through (so that ∆χ2 increases from 5 to 9) to be able to claim a 3 AECT-2010-1-0007. Data products have been stored at the sigma BAO detection in the monopole. Port d’Informacio´ Cient´ıfica (PIC). This work was par- tially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e In- For the radial BAO analysis, GCH reach similar con- novacion (MICINN), projects AYA2009-13936, Consolider- clusions. They find that the difference ∆χ2 (cid:39) −10 in DR6 Ingenio CSD2007- 00060 and research project 2009-SGR- for 20 degrees of freedom (5Mpc/h radial bins within 40- 1398 from Generalitat de Catalunya. 140Mpc/h)whencomparingBAO(plusmagnification)and no-BAO models (without magnification the difference is ∆χ2 (cid:39)−6).Thisseemsmoresignificantthanthemonopole, REFERENCES probablybecausetheradialBAOpeakisboostedbyredshift space distortions and magnification. Cabr´e,A.andGaztan˜aga,E.,2009,MNRAS,393,1183 Does this mean that the BAO position can’t be mea- CaiY.-C.,BernsteinG.,ShethR.K.,2010,arXiv:1007.3500 sured? If we assume the ωCDM model, we can locate the Crocce,M.,etal.2009,MNRAS,403,1353 Eisenstein,D.J.,&Hu,W.1998,ApJ,496,605 BAO position to better than 8% of the true value, as illus- EisensteinD.J.,etal.,2005,ApJ,633,560 trated in Fig.3. We show that in 50% (100%) of the mocks Fosalba,P.,etal.2008,MNRAS,391,435 we can find the BAO position within 5% (20%) of the true Gaztan˜aga, E. and Cabr´e, A. and Hui, L., 2009, MNRAS, 399, value. This error is an upper bound as we have not tried 1663 to optimize the method to locate the peak. We have com- Gaztan˜aga,E.andMiquel,R.andS´anchez,E.,2009,PhyRevLet, pared the mocks with the real data and found no evidence 103,9 fordeviationsawayfromtheωCDM.Noneofthe216ωCDM Gaztan˜aga E., Cabr´e A., Castander F., Crocce M., Fosalba P., realizations is identical to the measurements (or in fact to 2009,MNRAS,399,801 each other), but observations produce values that lie well Hamaus N., Seljak U., Desjacques V., Smith R. E., Baldauf T., within thehistograms in Fig.2 andFig.3 for the two simple 2010,PhRvD,82,043515 KaiserN.,1987,MNRAS,227,1 but generic tests that we have explored here. Kazin,E.etal.,2010a,ApJ,710,1444 Lessons learned in this study can be applied to the Kazin,E.etal.,2010b,ApJ,719,1032 monopole BAO analysis (eg Eisenstein et al 2005, Sanchez Komatsu,E.,etal.,2010,astro-ph/1001.4538 et al 2009, Percival et al 2010, Kazin et al 2010a) and the LabatieA.,etal.,2010,astro-ph/1009.1232 radial BAO in GCH (or the BAO in the 3-point function Labini,S.etal2009A&A,505,981-990 by Gaztanaga et al 2009). Kazin et al (2010b) have argued LiddleA.,2009,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.59,95 thatbecauseωCDMdoesnotfittheradialBAOdatasignif- Martinez,V.etal.,2009,ApJ,696,L93 icantlybetterthanamodelwithξ=0(nulltest),theH(z) Okumura,T.,etal.,2008,ApJ,676,889 Peebles,P.J.E.andYu,J.T.,1970,ApJ,162,815 measurements presented by CGH based on the location of PercivalW.,etal.,2010,MNRAS401,2148 the radial BAO peak can not be regarded as a detection. Reid,B.A.,etal.,2010,MNRAS,404,60 We have shown here that his argument is not necessarily S´anchez A. G., Crocce M., Cabr´e A., Baugh C. M., Gaztan˜aga correct. If we apply such argument to the monopole BAO E.,2009,MNRAS,400,1643 measurements previously cited we would conclude that we S´anchez A. G., Baugh C. M., Angulo R., 2008, MNRAS, 390, cannotlocatethepeakpositionincurrentdatabecauseac- 1470 cording to Fig.2 there is no significant BAO detection. But SanchezE.,etal,2010,arXiv,arXiv:1006.3226 we have shown here that we can locate the BAO position Tian, H. J. and Neyrinck, M. C. and Budav´ari, T. and Szalay, with reasonable accuracy even with data that fails the null A.S.,2010,arXiv,1011.2481 BAOdetectiontest.AsimilaranalysiswasdonewithMonte Carlo mocks in GCH for the radial BAO position. Even if the shape method gives low significance, the peak method can still be used to detect the position of the peak. Tianetal2010reachessimilarconclusionsfortheradial BAO peak using different simulations. They use a wavelet techniquetodetectthepeakandassesthesignificanceofthe detection, splitting SDSS into slices in various rotations. CurrentBAOmeasurementscannotyetbeusedtose- 1 Data and mocks used in this paper, together with co- lectωCDM,buttheycanbeusedtolocatetheBAOposition variance matrix and additional figures can be found in (orothercosmologicalparameters)ifoneassumesωCDMor http://www.ice.csic.es/mice/baodetection. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000

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