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Hatha Yoga Pradipika PDF

654 Pages·1998·11.921 MB·English
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Hatha Yoga Pradipika Light on Hatha Yoga With kind regards, and prem Hatha Yoga Pradipika Light on Hatha Yoga Including the original Sanskrit text of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika with translation in English Commentary by Swami Muktibodhananda Under the Guidance of Swami Satyananda Saraswati Yoga Publications Trust, Munger, Bihar, India © Bihar School of Yoga 1985, 1993, 1998 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from Yoga Publications Trust. The terms Satyananda Yoga® and Bihar Yoga® are registered trademarks owned by International Yoga Fellowship Movement (IYFM). The use of the same in this book is with permission and should not in any way be taken as affecting the validity of the marks. Published by Bihar School of Yoga First edition 1985 Second edition 1993 Third edition 1998 Published by Yoga Publications Trust Reprinted 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 ISBN: 81-85787-38-7 Publisher and distributor: Yoga Publications Trust, Ganga Darshan, Munger, Bihar, India. Website: www.yogavision.net Printed at Thomson Press (India) Limited, New Delhi, 110001 Saved and digitally reproduced for the modern information age in 2013 by Majestic Muse. Please share. Dedication In humility we offer this dedication to Swami Sivananda Saraswati, who initiated Swami Satyananda Saraswati into the secrets of yoga. Contents Verse Chapter One: Asana Page 1 Salutations to Shiva 23 2 Purpose of hatha yoga 27 3 State of raja yoga is unknown because of misconception 29 4 First of the hatha yogis; Matsyendranath and Gorakhnath 30 5-9 Lineage of mahasiddhas 32 10 Three types of pain or tapa 34 11 Sadhana should be kept secret for success 37 12, 13 Place of practice 40, 43 14 Practice of sadhana devoid of mental tension, according to guru’s instruction 47 15 Causes of failure in sadhana 50 16(i) Causes of success in sadhana 54 (ii & iii) Yama and niyama 56 17 Asana as the first stage of hatha yoga 67 18 Asana as described by Vashishtha and Matsyendranath 68 19 Swastikasana (auspicious pose) 69 20 Gomukhasana (cow’s face pose) 71 21 Veerasana (hero’s pose) 74 22 Koormasana (tortoise pose) 76 23 Kukkutasana (cockerel pose) 78 24 Uttankoormasana (stretching tortoise pose) 80 25 Dhanurasana (bow pose) 82 26 Matsyendrasana (spinal twist pose) 85 27 Benefits of matsyendrasana 88 28 Paschimottanasana (back stretching pose) 90 29 Benefits of paschimottanasana 93 i Verse Page 30 Mayurasana (peacock pose) 94 31 Curative effects of mayurasana 96 32 Shavasana (corpse pose) and its benefits 98 33, 34 Four major asanas of the eighty four taught by Shiva; the excellence of siddhasana 100, 101 35 Siddhasana (adept’s pose) 102 36 Variation of siddhasana 106 37 Difference between siddhasana, vajrasana, muktasana and guptasana 107 38 Siddhasana is the most important asana 109 39 Siddhasana purifies the nadis 110 40 Perfection of sadhana takes twelve years 111 41 Perfection is attainable by siddhasana alone 113 42 Through siddhasana the bandhas occur spontaneously 115 43 No asana can rival siddhasana 116 44-47 Padmasana (lotus pose) 117 48 Method of awakening the shakti with padmasana 123 49 Method of liberation with padmasana; explanation of maruta 124 50-52 Simhasana (lion’s pose) 127 53, 54 Bhadrasana (gracious pose) 130 55, 56 Sequence of hatha yoga practice 132 57 Perfection after one year 134 58 Mitahara - moderate diet 135 59, 60 Food which is prohibited to the hatha sadhaka 137, 138 61 Interactions to be avoided by the hatha yogi 139 62, 63 Food which is conducive to hatha sadhana 141, 142 64 Those who can practice hatha yoga 143 65 Perfection results from practice 143 66 Neither the garb nor mere talk gives siddhi but only practical application 143 67 Asana, pranayama, etc. should be practiced until perfection or siddhi is achieved 145 ii Verse Chapter Two: Shatkarma and Pranayama Page 1 Being established in asana, pranayama should be practiced 149 2 Interconnection of mind and prana and their steadying through pranayama 150 3 What is life and death; the five functions of vayu 153 4 Impurities of the nadis, cleaning the middle channel 158 5 Purification of the nadis and chakras for retention of prana 160 6 Sattwic state of mind for pranayama; the three gunas 164 7-9 Nadi shodhana pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) 166 10 Alternate nostril breathing purifies the nadis within three months 170 11 Times and duration of practice 173 12 Signs of perfected pranayama practice 175 13 Rubbing the body with perspiration 177 14 Diet and pranayama 178 15 Control of prana to prevent destruction of the force 179 16, 17 Eradication of diseases by proper practice, otherwise, bad results 180, 181 18 Skilful control of breath leads to siddhi 182 19, 20 Signs and results of purifying the nadis 183 21 Shatkarma should precede pranayama if fat and mucus are excessive 185 22 Shatkarma - six purificatory techniques 186 23 Shatkarma is secret, bringing wondrous results 188 24 Dhauti (internal cleansing) 190 25 Dhauti cures many diseases 196 26 Basti (yogic enema) 197 27, 28 Curative effects of basti 200 29 Neti (nasal cleansing) 202 30 Benefits of neti 206 iii Verse Page 31 Trataka (concentrated gazing) 208 32 Curative effects of trataka 212 33 Nauli (abdominal massaging) 215 34 Benefits of nauli 219 35 Kapalbhati (frontal brain cleansing) 220 36 Freedom from the excesses of doshas through shatkarma 224 37 Some say pranayama alone removes impurities 225 38 Gaja karani (elephant stomach cleansing) 226 39 Even Brahma and the gods practice pranayama 228 40 When kumbhaka and shambhavi are maintained, fear of death diminishes 229 41 Restraining the breath purifies the nadis and chakras and awakens sushumna 230 42 Manonmani (mind devoid of thought) 231 43 Practice of kumbhaka brings perfection 232 44 Names of the eight kumbhaka practices 232 45 Practice of bandha with pranayama 234 46 Maha bandha directs prana into brahma nadi 234 47 Uniting of prana and apana banishes old age 236 48, 49 Suryabheda pranayama (vitality stimulating breath) 237 50 Curative effects of suryabheda pranayama 237 51, 52 Ujjayi pranayama (psychic breath) 240 53 Curative effect of ujjayi pranayama 240 54 Seetkari pranayama (hissing breath) 243 55, 56 Benefits of seetkari pranayama 246-248 57, 58 Sheetali pranayama (cooling breath) 249 59-65 Bhastrika pranayama (bellows breath) 252-253 66, 67 Benefits of bhastrika pranayama; piercing of the three granthis 257 68 Bhramari pranayama (humming bee breath) 260 69 Moorchha pranayama (swooning breath) 263 70 Plavini pranayama (gulping breath) 266 iv Verse Page 71-74 Pranayama is of three types; kevala kumbhaka 268 75-77 Perfection of hatha yoga and raja yoga, through kevala kumbhaka 270, 272 78 Signs of perfection in hatha yoga 274 Chapter Three: Mudra and Bandha 1 Kundalini is the support of yoga practices 279 2 Guru’s grace and opening of the chakras 280 3 Sushumna becomes the path of prana and deceives death 283 4 Names of sushumna 284 5 Sleeping goddess is awakened by mudra 286 6, 7 Ten mudras destroy old age 287 8 Eight major siddhis obtained by mudra 289 9 Mudras must be kept secret 290 10-13 Maha mudra (the great attitude) 291 14 Power of maha mudra 294 15 Maha mudra done an equal number of times on alternate sides 295 16 Nothing is toxic for the practitioner of maha mudra 296 17 Curative effects of maha mudra 297 18 Maha mudra must be kept secret 297 19-22 Maha bandha (great lock) 298 23 Maha bandha stops leakage from nadis 302 24 Maha bandha destroys time; unites three nadis in bhrumadhya 302 25 Necessity of maha vedha mudra for maha mudra and maha bandha 303 26-28 Maha vedha mudra (great piercing attitude) 304 29, 30 Benefits of maha vedha mudra 307, 308 31 Regulations for maha vedha mudra 308 32-36 Khechari mudra (attitude of dwelling in supreme consciousness) 310 37 Technique of khechari mudra, the center of ether 312 V

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