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Hastings Center Report Volume 31, 2001 Following is the comprehensive index for Volume 31 of the Hastings Center Report. Letters and In Brief items of less than 400 words have not been included. & In most cases, complete issues are available for Volume 31 (2001) and may be purchased for $15.00 each. Please contact the Membership Department, The Hastings Center, 21 Malcolm Gordon Road, Garrison, NY 10524-5555; tel.: (845) 424-4040; fax: (845) 424-4545; e-mail: mail@thehastingscenter.org. AUTHORS Agich, George J., see Biller-Andorno, Nikola David A. Scott, and the Anglican Working Elliott, Carl, Throwing a Bone to the Watch- Anderson, james A., see Weijer, Charles Group in Bioethics, Walking a Fine Line: dog, Mar-Apr, 9-12 Physician Inquiries into Patients’ Religious and Anglican Working Group in Bioethics, see Fein, Jerry E., see Schneiderman, Lawrence J. Spiritual Beliefs, Sep-Oct, 29-39 Cohen, Cynthia B. Fins, Joseph J., A Decided Lack of Empathy Cohen, Cynthia B., Cloning Hearing Moves (review of Satel, PC, M.D.: How Political Cor- Ballenger, Jesse E, see Whitehouse, Peter J. Congress toward a Ban, May-Jun, 6-7 rectness Is Corrupting Medicine), Sep-Oct, 46- Barnard, David, Sketches from the Artists’ Crigger, Bette-Jane, Let Us Imagine..., Jan- 4 Notebooks: Benjamin Freedman and the De- Feb, 6 Fleck, Leonard M., Deliberative Democracy velopment of Ethics Consultation (review of Freedman, The Roles and Responsibilities of the Davis, Lennard J., Disability Studies and the for Bioethics: Could the Web Help? Jul-Aug, 7 Victorians (review of O'Connor, Raw Material: Ethics Consultant: A Retrospective Analysis of Fogg-Davis, Hawley, Navigating Race in the Producing Pathology in Victorian Culture), Nov- Cases), Nov-Dec, 41-43 Market for Human Gametes, Sep-Oct, 13-21 Dec, 44-45 Baylis, Francoise, Canadian Regulation of As- Gaines, Atwood D., see Whitehouse, Peter J. Donaldson, Thomas, The Business Ethics of sisted Reproductive Technologies? Jul-Aug, 8 Bioethics Consulting, Mar-Apr, 12-14 Goold, Susan Dorr, Trust and the Ethics of Benjamin, Martin, Between Subway and Health Care Institutions, Nov-Dec, 26-33 Spaceship: Practical Ethics at the Outset of the Dorff, Elliot N., A Narrow Ridge, a Larger Vi- Twenty-first Century, Jul-Aug, 24-31 sion, (review of Zoloth, Health Care and the Gostin, Lawrence O., The Human Right to Ethics of Encounter: A Jewish Discussion of Social Health: A Right to the “Highest Attainable Biller-Andorno, Nikola and George J. Agich, Standard of Health”, Mar-Apr, 29-30 Justice, and Davis and Zoloth, Notes from a An Extremely Urgent Transplantation? Mar- Narrow Ridge: Religion and Bioethics), May- Gostin, Lawrence O., The Rights of Pregnant Apr, 27-28 Jun, 44-46 Women: The Supreme Court and Drug Test- Brody, Howard, Assisted Suicide for Those Doukas, David John, and Michael Aristides ing, Sep-Oct, 8-9 Not Terminally Ili, Jan-Feb, 7 Doukas, Turning from “Cure” to “Care,” Sep- Guinn, David E., Now, the Real Foundations Brown, David, The Physician’s Novelist (re- Oct, 10-11 of Bioethics (review of Engelhardt, The Foun- view of Elliott and Lantos, The Last Physician: Doukas, Michael Aristides, see Doukas, David dations of Christian Bioethics), Nov-Dec, 46-47 Walker Percy and the Moral Life of Medicine), John Hanna, Kathi E., No End in Sight for Final Mar-Apr, 42-43 Dresser, Rebecca, Defining Research Miscon- Rules on Medical Privacy, Mar-Apr, 8 Callahan, Daniel, Doing Good and Doing duct: Will We Know It When We See It? May- Hanna, Kathi E., Stem Cell Politics: Difficult Well, Mar-Apr, 19-21 Jun, 31-32 Choices for the White House and Congress, Callahan, Daniel, Thirty Years of the Report: Jul-Aug, 9 Dresser, Rebecca, Procreation and Punish- 1971-2001, May-Jun, 48 ment, Nov-Dec, 8-9 Hanna, Kathi E., A Shot in the Arm for Pub- Caplan, Arthur and Glenn McGee, Fetal Cell Dubler, Nancy, see Schneiderman, Lawrence lic Health? Nov-Dec, 13 Implants: What We Learned, May-Jun, 6 Hessler, Kristen, see Olson-Garewal, Kristin Charo, R. Alta, Bush’s Stem Cell Compromise: Dunne, Tad, Spiritual Care at the End of Life, Hull, Sara Chandros and Kiran Prasad, Read- A Few Mirrors? Nov-Dec, 6-7 Mar-Apr, 22-26 ing Between the Lines: Direct-to-Consumer Cochran, Clarke E., Social Solidarity and Dwyer, James, Babel, Justice, and Democracy: Advertising of Genetic Testing, May-Jun, 33- Health Care Reform (review of Lavastida, Reflections on a Shortage of Interpreters at a 35 Health Care and the Common Goed: A Catholic Public Hospital, Mar-Apr, 31-36 Jacobs, Allan, James Dwyer, and Peter H. Lee, Theory of Justice), Mar-Apr, 43-44 Seventy Ova, Jul-Aug, 12-14 Dwyer, James, see Jacobs, Allan Cohen, Cynthia B., Sondra E. Wheeler, January-February 2002 HASTIN G S CENTER REPORT Supplement $1 Jonsen, Albert R., Nelson, Hilde Lindemann, The Cost of “In- and Nancy Dubler, The Limits of Dispute view of Stevens formal” Pare (review of Levine, Adways on Call: Resolution, Nov-Dec, 10-12 LDO ullics When Illness Turns Families into Caregivers), Scott, David A., see Cohen, Cynthia B. Jul-Aug, 47-48 Shakespeare, Tom, Children and Genetic Sep-Oct, 40-45 Nelson, James Lindemann, What Do We Technologies: An Open Future (review of Juengst, Eric T., Gene-Poor Vermin: Human Know When We Know How to Go On? (re- Davis, Genetic Dilemmas: Reproductive Technol- itys New Place in Nature, Mar-Apr, view of Hooker and Little, Moral Particular- eae ogy, Parental Choices, and Children’s Future ism), Jul-Aug, 50-51 Kahn, Jeffrey, see Mastroianni, Anna Jul-Aug, 51-52 Nelson, Lawrence J., see Meyer, Michael J. Kessel, Ross, The BMA Addresses Britain's DN a- Singer, Peter, see Ratiu, Peter x Problem at Last, Mar-Apr, 6 Nicholson, Richard H., The Greatest Happi- Smith, Martin L., see Lauritzen, Paul Knowles, Lori P., see London, Alex John ness‘ Jan-I eb, 8 Solomon, Mildred Z., The Ethics and Efficacy Nicholson, Richard H., The Monopoly Stage Kunken, Frederic R., Ellen M. McGee, of Behavior Change Research (review of of Capitalism, May-Jun, 8 Lance K. Stell, Strap Him Down, Jan-Feb Buchanan, An Ethic for Health Promotion y/ 6 Olson-Garewal, Kristin and Kristen Hessler, Jan-Feb, 43-45 \rizonas Cancer Clinical Trials Law: Flawed Lauritzen, Paul, Michael McClure, Martin L. Stell, Lance K., see Kunken, Frederic R. Process, Flawed Product, May-Jun, 22-24 Smith, and Andrew Trew, The Gift Sugarman, Jeremy, Taking a Hard Look at Ad- “a ommon Good: ihe O’Neill, Onora, Practical PrincipIl es & Practi- vocacy in R)e search (a revi. ew of . Dresser, oWdh en ] \ertp proach to Orgt an Procure cal ludgment, Jul-Aug, 15-23 Science Offersa Salwive ation: ° Pat7t ie nt , Ad4_v. ocacyom a‘ nd / 935 Panicola, Michael, Catholic Teaching on Pro- Research Ethics), Nov-Dec, 47-48 Lee, Peter, see Jacobs, Allan longing Life: Setting the Record Straight, Nov- Tauer, Carol A., The Types of Moral Status (a Little, Margaret Olivia, On Knowing review of Warren, Moral Status: Obligations to VW7]h y: tP articul]a rism and j Moral } Theory Pellegrino, Edmund D., Many a Slip (review Persons and Other Living Things), Jan-Feb, 45- of Rubin and Zoloth, Margin of Error: The 4 London, Alex John, The Maltese Conjoine Ethics of Mistakes in the Practice of Medicine), Trew, Andrew, see Lauritzen, Paul IT wins: Two Views of Trlh eir reS eparation Jul-Aug, 48-49 Weijer, Charles, Trial by Error (a review of ah AGS 9 Perring, Christian, Biology and Antireduc- Brody, The I thics of Biomedical Research: An Martone, Marilyn, Decisionmaking Issues in tionism in Psychiatry (review of Gillett, The International Perspective), Jan-Feb, 47 the Rehabilitation Process, Mar-Apr, 36 its Discontents: An Essay in Discursive Weijer, Charles, and James A. Anderson, The Psychiatry), May-Jun, 47 Mastroianni, Anna, and Jeffrey Kahn, Swing Ethics Wars: Disputes over International Re- Post, Stephen, Tube Feeding and Advanced ing on the PenduluS1m: Shifting Views of Justice search, May-Jun, 18-20 ' ' aos Progressive Dementia, Jan-Feb, 36-42 in Human Subjects Research, May-Jun, 21-28 Wheeler, Sondra E., see Cohen, Cynthia B. Powers, Madison, Justice in the Genetic Age McClure, Michael, see Lauritzen, Paul Whitehouse, Peter J., Jesse E Ballenger, review of Buchanan, Brock, Daniels, and McGee, Ellen M., see Kunken, Frederic R. Jonathan Sadowsky, and Atwood D. Gaines, Wikler, From Chance to Choice), Sep-Oct, 47- Mind, Environment, and Culture (a review of McGee, Glenn, see Caplan, Arthur +5 Morris, ///ness and Culture in the Postmodern Meilaender, Gilbert, The Point of a Ban: Or Prasad, Kiran, see Hull, Sara Chandros Age), Mar-Apr, 44-45 How to Think about Stem Cell Research, Jan- Putnam, Constance E., New Information on Zoloth, Laurie, Seeing the Duties to All, Mar- Feb, 9-16 “Death with Dignity,” Jul-Aug, 8 Apr, 15-19 Meyer, Michael J. and Lawrence J. Nelson Ratiu, Peter, and Peter Singer, The Ethics and Zoloth, Laurie, Heroic Measures: Just Respecting What We Destroy: Reflections on Economics of Heroic Surgery, Mar-Apr, 47-48 Bioethics in an Unjust World, Nov-Dec, 34 Human f mbryo Research, Jan-Feb, 16-2 Rehm, Marsha, see Resnik, David 40) Montgomery, Kathryn, Literature, Literary Resnik, David, Marsha Rehm, and Ben A. Studies, and Medical Ethics: The Interdiscipli- nary Question, May-Jun, 36-43 Rich, Pain and Sickle Cell Anemia, May-Jun, SUBJECTS 29-30 Moreno, Jonathan D., Goodbye to All That: At Law Reverby, Susan M., More than Fact and Fic- The End of Moderate Protectionism in Human Subjects Research, May-Jun, 9-17 tion: Cultural Memory and the Tuskegee Defining Research Misconduct: Will We Syphilis Study, Sep-Oct, 22-28 Know It When We See It? Rebecca Dresser, Morioka, Masahiro, Reconsidering Brain Death: A Lesson from Jap| an’s Fifteen Years of Rich, Ben A., see Resnik, David May-Jun, 31-32 Experience, Jul-Aug, 41-46 Sadowsky, Jonathan, see Whitehouse, Peter J. Experts, Carl E. Schneider, Jul-Aug, 10-11 Morreim, Haavi, AbioCor: An Experiment in Schneider, Carl E., Gang Aft Agley, Jan-Feb, Gang Aft Agley, Carl E. Schneider, Jan-Feb, Research, Nov-Dec 27-28 27-28 Murray, Thomas, Race, Ethnicity, and Sci- Schneider, Carl E., Experts, Jul-Aug, 10-11 The Human Right to Health: A Right to the ence: The Haplotype Genome Project, Sep “Highest Attainable Standard of Health,” Schneiderman, Lawrence J., Jerry E. Fein, Oct, 7 Lawrence O. Gostin, Mar-Apr, 29-30 S2 Procreation and Punishment, Rebecca Dress- Walking a Fine Line: Physician Inquiries into Privacy, Kathi E. Hanna, Mar-Apr, 8 er, Nov-Dec, 8-9 Patients’ Religious and Spiritual Beliefs, Cyn- A Shot in the Arm for Public Health? Kathi thia B. Cohen, Sondra E. Wheeler, David A. The Rights of Pregnant Women: The E. Hanna, Nov-Dec, 13 Scott, and the Anglican Working Group in Supreme Court and Drug Testing, Lawrence O. Gostin, Sep-Oct, 8-9 Bioethics, Sep-C ct, 29-39 Strap Him Down, Frederic R. Kunken, Elil en End of Life Care Bioethics Trust and the Ethics of Health Care Institu- Catholic Teaching on Prolonging Life: Set- tions, Susan Dorr Goold, Nov-Dec, 26-3: The Business Ethics of Bioethics Consulting, ting the Record Straight, Michael Panicola, Thomas Donaldson, Mar-Apr, 12-14 in Brief Nov-Dec, 14-25 Deliberative Democracy for Bioethics: Could Gang Aft Agley, Carl E. Schneider, Jan-Feb, AbioCor: An Experiment in Research, Haavi the Web Help? Leonard M. Fleck, Jul-Aug, 7 2I/7-_29Q8 Morreim, Nov-Dec, 7 Doing Good and Doing Well, Danie! Calla- The Limits of Dispute Resolution, Lawrence Assisted Suicide for Those Not ‘Terminally han, Mar-Apr, 19-21 J. Schneiderman, Jerry E. Fein, and Nano Ill, Howard Brody, Jan-Feb,_ o Experts, Carl E. Schneider, Jul-Aug, 10-11 Dubler, Nov-Dec, 10-12 The BMA Addresses Britain’s Rationing Seeing the Duties to All, Laurie Zoloth, Mar- Spiritual Care at the End of Life, Tad Dunne, Problem at Last, Ross Kessel, Mar-Apr, 6 Apr, 15-19 Mar-Apr, 22-26 Bush’s Stem Cell Compromise: A Few Mir- Throwing a Bone to the Watchdog, Carl El- Turning from “Cure” to “Care,” David John rors? Alta R. Charo, Nov-Dec, 6-7 liott, Mar-Apr, 9-12 Doukas and Michael Aristides Doukas, Sep- Canadian Regulation of Assisted Reproduc- Oct, 10-11 tive Technologies? Francoise Baylis, Jul-Aug, 8 Capital Report Tube Feeding and Advanced Progressive De- Cloning Hearing Moves Congress toward a A Shot in the Arm for Public Health? Kathi mentia, Stephen Post, Jan-Feb, 36-42 Ban, Cynthia B. Cohen, May-Jun, 6-7 E. Hanna, Nov-Dec, 13 Deliberative Democracy for Bioethics: Could No End in Sight for Final Rules on Medical Euthanasia and the Web Help? Leonard M. ‘leck, Jul-Aug, Privacy, Kathi E. Hanna, Mar-Apr, 8 Assisted Suicide Fetal Cell Implants: What We Learned, Stem Cell Politics: Difficult Choices for the Assisted Suicide for Those Not Terminally Arthur Caplan and Glenn McGee, May-Jun, 6 White House and Congress, Kathi E. Hanna, Ill, Howard Brody, Jan-Feb, 7 Gene-Poor Vermin: Humanity’s New Place in Jul-Aug, 9 New Information on “Death with Dignity,” Nature, Eric T. Juengst, Mar-Apr, 7 Constance E. Putnam, Jul-Aug, 8 Case Study New Information on “Death with Dignity,” An Extremely Urgent Transplantation? Niko- Genetics Constance E. Putnam, Jul-Aug, 8 la Biller-Andorno and George J. Agich, Mar- Cloning Hearing Moves Congress toward a Race, Ethnicity, and Science: The Haplotype Apr, 27-28 Ban, Cynthia B. Cohen, May-Jun, 6-7 Genome Project, Thomas Murray, Sep-Oct, 7 The Limits of Dispute Resolution, Lawrence Gene-Poor Vermin: Humanity’s New Place in J. Schneiderman, Jerry E. Fein, and Nancy Nature, Eric T. Juengst, Mar-Apr, Old World News Dubler, Nov-Dec, 10-12 The Greatest Happiness? Richard H. Nichol- Race, Ethnicity, and Science: The Haplotype Pain and Sickle Cell Anemia, David Resnik, Genome Project, Thomas Murray, Sep-Oct, 7 son, Jan-Feb, 8 Marsha Rehm, and Ben Rich, May-Jun, 29-30 The Monopoly Stage of Capitalism, Richard Reading Between the Lines: Direct-to-Con- H. Nicholson, May-Jun, 8 Seventy Ova, Allan Jacobs, James Dwyer, and sumer Advertising of Genetic Testing, Sara Peter Lee, Jul-Aug, 12-14 Chandros Hull and Kiran Prasad, May-Jun, Organ Strap Him Down, Frederic R. Kunken, Ellen 33-35 Transplantation M. McGee, and Lance K. Stell, Jan-Feb, 24-26 Health Care Policy and An Extremely Urgent Transplantation? Niko- Turning from “Cure” to “Care,” David John Delivery la Biller-Andorno and George J. Agich, Mar- Doukas and Michael Aristides Doukas, Sep- \pr, 27-28 Oct, 10-11 Babel, Justice, and Democracy: Reflections on a Shortage of Interpreters at a Public Hos- The Gift of Life and the Common Good: Doctor-Patient pital, James Dwyer, Mar-Apr, 31-36 The Need for a Communal Approach to Relationships Organ Procurement, Paul Lauritzen, Michael The BMA Addresses Britain’s Rationing McClure, Martin L. Smith, and Andrew Trew, Decisionmaking Issues in the Rehabilitation Problem at Last, Ross Kessel, Mar-Apr, 6 Jan-Feb, 29-35 Process, Marilyn Martone, Mar-Apr, 36-41 The Ethics and Economics of Heroic Surgery, Reconsidering Brain Death: A Lesson from The Limits of Dispute Resolution, Nancy Peter Ratiu and Peter Singer, Mar-Apr, 4 +8 Japan's Fifteen Years of Experience, Masahiro Dubler, Jerry E. Fein, and Lawrence J. Schnei- The Human Right to Health: A Right to the Morioka, Jul-Aug, 41-46 derman, Nov-Dec, 10-12 “Highest Attainable Standard of Health’, Spiritual Care at the End of Life, Tad Dunne, Lawrence O. Gostin, Mar-Apr, 29-30 Perspective Mar-Apr, 22-26 No End in Sight for Final Rules on Medical The Ethics and Economics of Heroic Surgery, S3 rectness ls Corrupting Medicine), Sep-Oct, 46- The Cost of “Informal” Care, Hilde Linde- - mann Nelson (review of Levine, Always on The Maltese Conjoined Twins: Two Views of Call: When Illness Turns Families into Care- Their Separation, Alex John London and Lori A Narrow Ridge, A Larger Vision, Elliott N. 1s <5 Dorff (review of Davis and Zoloth, Notes from givers), Jul-Aug, 47-48 Narrow Ridge: Religion and Bioethics and The Ethics and Efficacy of Behavior Change Jun, 48 Zoloth, Health Care and the Ethics of En- Research, Mildred Z. Solomon (review of ounter: A Jewish Discussion of Social Justice), Buchanan, An Ethic for Health Promotion), Race May-Jun, 44-46 Jan-Feb, 43-45 More than Fact and Fiction: Cultural Memo- Beating Up Bioethics, Albert R. Jonsen (re- The Physician’s Novelist, David Brown (re- view of Stevens, Bioethics in America: Origins view of Elliott and Lantos, The Last Physician: ry and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Susan M Leverby, Sep-Oct 9 ; l Itural Politi s and Smith, Culture of Walker Percy and the Moral Life of Medicine), DI eath: j Th]e Assault on Medical Ethics in Ameri Mar-Apr, 42-43 Navigating Race in the Market for Human , Sep-Oct, 40-45 The Types of Moral Status, Carol A. Tauer Gametes, Hawley Fogg-Davis Biology and Antireductionism in Psychiatry, (review of Warren, Moral Status: Obligations to Race, Ethnicity, and Science: The Haplotype Christian Perring (review of Gillett, The Mind ersons and Other Living Things), Jan-Feb, 45- Genome Project, [hon is Murray, Sep} -Oct and its Discontents: An Essay in Discursive Psy- 4 hiatry), May-Jun, 47 Religion Irial by Error, Charles Weijer (review of Children and Genetic Technologies: An Brody, The Ethics of Biomedical Research: An Spiritual Care at the End of Life, Tad Dunne, Open Future, Tom Shakespeare (review of International Perspective), Jan-Feb, 47 Mar-Apr, 22-26 Davis, Genetic Dilemmas: Reproductive Technol- ; : What Do We Know When We Know How to Walking a Fine Line: Physician Inquiries into 1gyg, Parental ] ChVoy ices, and Children’s Future), Go On? James Lindemann Nelson (review of Patients Religious and Spiritual Beliefs, ¢ Jul-Aug, 51-52 Hooker and Little, Moral Particularism), Jul- I a , Sondr; a E. aWsheee ler, David A Disability Studies and the Victorians, Aug, 50-51 Scott, and the Anglican Working Group in Lennard J. Davis (review of O’Connor, Raw Bioethics, Sep-Oct, 2«9 -39 Material: Producing Pathology in Victorian Cul- Stem Cells Research ture), Nov-Dec, 44-45 Bush’s Stem Cell Compromise: A Few Mir- Justice in the Genetic Age, Madison Powers rors? Alta R. Charo, Nov-Dec, 6-7 AbioCor: An Experiment in Research, Haay (review of Buchanan et al., From Chance to Morreim, Nov-Dec, 7 The Point of a Ban: Or, How to Think about Choice), Sep-Oct, 47-48 Stem Cell Research, Gilbert Meilaender, Jan- Arizona’s Cancer Clinical Trials Law: Flawed Many a Slip, Edmund D. Pellegrino (review of Feb, 9-16 Process, Flawed Product, Kristin Olson-Gare Rubin and Zoloth, Margin of Error: The Ethics wal and Kristen Hessler, May-Jun, 22-24 Respecting What We Destroy: Reflections on of Mistakes in the Practice of Medicine), Jul-Aug, Human Embryo Research, Michael J. Meyer Defining Research Misconduct: Will We 48-49 and Lawrence J. Nelson, Jan-Feb, 16-23 Know It When We See It? Rebecca Dresser, Mind, Environment, and Culture, Peter J. May-Jun, 31-32 ) Stem Cell Politics: Difficult Choices for the Whitehouse, Jesse E Ballenger, Jonathan Sad- White House and Congress, Kathi E. Hanna, The Ethics Wars: Disputes over International owsky, and Atwood D. Gaines (review of Mor- Jul-Aug, 9 Research, Charles Weijer and James A. Ande [- ris, [/Iness and Culture in the Postmodern Age), son, May-Jun, 18-20 Mar-Apr, 44-45 Theory Fetal Cell Implants: What We Learned, Now, the Real Foundations of Bioethics, Between Subway and Spaceship: Practical Arthur Caplan and Glenn McGee, May-Jun, 6 David E. Guinn (review of Engelhardt, The Ethics at the Outset of the Twenty-first Cen- Goodbye to All That: The End of Moderate Foundations of Christian Bioethics), Nov-Dec, tury, Martin Benjamin, Jul-Aug, 24-31 Protectionism in Human Subjects Research, 46-4 The Greatest Happiness? Richard H. Nichol- Jonathan D. Moreno, May-Jun, 9-17 Sketches from the Artists’ Notebooks: Ben- son, Jan-Feb, 8 jamin Freedman and the Development of The Monopoly Stage of Capitalism, Richard Heroic Measures: Just Bioethics in an Unjust Ethics Consultation, David Barnard (review H. Nicholson, May-Jun, 8 World, Laurie Zoloth, Nov-Dec, 34-40 of Freedman, The Roles and Responsibilities of More than Fact and Fiction: Cultural Memo- the Ethics Consultant: A Retrospective Analysis of Literature, Literary Studies, and Medical ry and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Susan M. Cases), Nov-Dec, 41-43 Ethics: The Interdisciplinary Question, Reverby, Sep-Oct, h2es2h e ad es Kathryn Montgomery, May-Jun, 36-43 Social Solidarity and Health Care Reform, Swinging on the Pendulum: Shifting Views of Clarke E. Cochran (review of Lavastida, On Knowing the ‘Why’: Particularism and Justice in Human Subjects Research, Anna Health Care and the Common Good: A Catholic Moral Theory, Margaret Olivia Little, Jul- Mastroianni and Jeffrey Kahn, May-Jun, 21- Theory of Justice), Mar-Apr, 43-44 Aug, 32-40 28 Taking a Hard Look at Advocacy in Research, Practical Principles and Practical Judgment, Reviews Jeremy Sugarman (review of Dresser, When Onora O'Neill, Jul-Aug, 15-23 Science Offers Salvation: Patient Advocacy and A Decided Lack of Empathy, Joseph J. Fins Research Ethics), Nov-Dec, 47-48 (review of Satel, PC, M.D.: How Political Cor- January-February 2002

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