66 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., JAN. 22, 2013 (MAGH. 2, 1934 SAKA) [PARTI 1(41.11 TrrcT 0-1* f4fffar ft4IFT uqr Trurr), it9t- 1179-q--ft,2013 titsylReototga- -28aTi- t fl,,q4171 vff W M -4 tittit R1, I-Mtt T4-4 7, Fr+-#1 gt-q-ffr om-vikrio,I-1641-, ftr-git .ffTT tthf c c) 60cbtur aRr Titacbtur 14,qi141d 16.000 53.700 (14. -NT ts4qg r 14TftuT) TezfrF Irgf/Nticb, ItaT Ncien t fq t flT4tAf\ffff I-Tfdf..q ,c1 610 3T1qd14Ar,tior t 41 F4itv 4 fr3 9ci grfrq-ff fq #4T-4u: 31fTTt zg GifVffT 3T4--i 3Tre4zfrf, 1894, t zIRT 4 t \3461.411 t k3TEft9. ,701 t f -ff-fl Tr9P-Em t ocitm IJ wrqfftTfvtr c guitzfrarr oNtim3q aTRITrfteil t 1hi i aTcr4 t wit vt4 F t vic; foir ifrfr 4 5OFuqr tRaiurcr) ,3117. cbt furN-t-d- t, ETRI aitlARM /TT 311TIT t I (i)) ip eT-49- t-fil-ET 4 ci;li 4Wv-ir 04,14 zir tiftalff 4 141/=ifct 1A.T win( tit 4 ffi4 q-- Itzr iTrErr 4 t, gwff trr tiftel-q 4 31-4F t rat qiq 30itff aTaRr fr olcb WaT ftiwr sin), ftgrt tp-IN fMt-d 4 agqit qtti( mi-wdr ti fr i ii MUut iJ 1-47 0-"f-a, act) fgrifut FOR. oqi IfT4 fiT4T4t TT ito5ftocafo-4 T4ocrffo31goito o, 7- IttitTFTffrti fr4Tftriff tt-or i ki Tifq 6q.sitcl fftb7(.11kit-f4F-4T) wru 40 a-Ar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 il6cpb 4644 107 46-11 390 fki 0-6 (u7y 391ftrff o -n. 392 fH 0-2 747 fA-1 0-4 748 fkff 0-8 749 14-i 0-4 750 t f 0-5 753 itq 0-6 754 f#9' 0-4 755 0-13 756 friff 0-6 757 itF 0-2 764 0-2 765ftrff 0-15 PART I] HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., JAN. 22, 2013 (MAGH. 2, 1934 SAKA) 67 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NcIct) F4- Fr 107 46-11 76814-i 0-10 (44 769 N.-I 0-9 770 Iki 0-5 771 ftfff 0-12 784 0-8 785 0-6 786 149* 1-3 787 f#7 0-0 tsivf ftftm 789 PH 0-13 790 NI 0-7 79114-i 0-2 922 f t 0-3 967 t?' 968 Nt 0-11 969 1M 0-12 987 NI 0-14 9881h 0-8 992 filrff 0-15 993 RH 0-7 10031H 0-17 1004f 1 0-7 10051.-1 0-12 1006 IH 0-9 234411H 0-11 2345141 0-13 2346 PH 0-5 2347 fkg 0-9 234814-i 0-8 2349141 0-7 2388 CF7 2389 0-11 - 2390 0-8 2391 Pfri 0-9 e 68 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., JAN. 22, 2013 (MAGH. 2, 1934 SAKA) [PART I 1 4 5 6 7 TR ft4-1T 107 46-11 2394 141 0-12 Ore) 2395 tin' 0-4 2403 frfff 0-0 411-1,71 f4141. 2404 fkff 0-3 2405 fi49* 0-2 2406 fin- 0-3 2407 fti7 0-8 2408 f49- 0-18 2414 {49' 2-1 2415 0-1 2416 lH 0-13 2417 ftfff 0-7 2418 0-1 2419 14-f 0-1 2422 149' 0-6 5284 firff 0-1 5285 ii49* 0-1 5286 fti 0-12 5287 rtii 0-3 5288 liTff 0-0 Wirq ItTqT 5289 fin- 0-7 5290f.4t 0-8 5302 fki 0-8 5305 141 0-2 5306 fin' 0-14 530714ff 0-5 5308 f.i 0-0 -T rWr-41 5365 fkff 0-4 5366Rfrt 0-6 5368 fki9- 0-8 5370 0-1 5371fkrq 0-13 5372 NI 0-6 /1 PART I] HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., JAN. 22, 2013 (MAGH. 2, 1934 SAKA) 69 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Noch -61,r I TIT 107 16-11 53731. - 1 0-2 ('ffifit(f) 5376 0-8 5377 1-41 0-4 5427 firq 0-1 5429 lifff 0-17 5430 NI 0-2 5431 c41 0-13 5432 0-3 5676 ftfff 0-8 5677 f4-i 0-10 0-8 5679 0-4 5680141 0-13 5777 f?-('9. 0-2 578O 11ff 1-8 578214-i 1-3 ftri 5783 . 0-14 578714-i 0-6 57881H 0-9 5793 1*-1 0-16 5794 ftrff 0-18 14,i 5795 0-16 5982 fil9' 1-1 14,i 5983 0-18 5988 1-1 5992 fH 1-7 599414-1 0-3 aWbV = 46 11 Rtico (29 4.1)4 o child 15 4itzi) F rurr t aiTZTTITT I a-AtaiT, - r, r4TOr ft4F, Noel, f, 114, av ITrzi I 70 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., JAN. 22, 2013 (MAGH. 2, 1934 SAKA) PART! HARYANA GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (BUILDING AND ROADS BRANCH), ROHTAK CIRCLE Notification The 11th January, 2013 it appears to the Governor of Haryana that the land is likely to be taken by Government at the public expense, for a public purpose, for widening & strengthening of Gohana - Lakhan Nindana Bye -Pass). It is hereby notified that the land in the locality described below is likely to be required for the above purpose. This notification is made under the provisions of Section -4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, of all to whom it may concern. In exercise of the powers conferred by the aforesaid section, the Governor of Haryana is pleased to authorize the officers for the time being engaged in the undertaking, with their servants, workman to enter upon and survey the land in the locality and do all other acts by that Section. Any person interested who have any objection to the acquisition of any land in the locality may within 30 days of the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette or two daily news papers, circulation in the locality of which at least one shall be in the regional language or publicity in locality whichever is later, file objections, if any, in writing before the land Acquisition Collector, Public Works Department (Building and Roads Branch), Bhiwani Plans of the land may be inspected in the office of Land Acquisition Collector, Public Works Department (Building and Roads Branch), Bhiwani and Deputy General Manager -IV, HSRDC, Jhajjar. Specification District Tehsil Village H.B. No. Area Khasra No. Area (Biga-Biswa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rohtak Meham Nindana 107 46-11 390min 0-6 (Contd.) 391 min 0-11 392 min 0-2 747 min 0-4 748 min 0-8 749 min 0-4 750 min 0-5 753 min 0-6 754 min 0-4 755 0-13 756 min 0-6 757 min 0-2 764 min 0-2 765 min 0-15 768 min 0-10 769 min 0-9 770 min 0-5 771 min 0-12 784 min 0-8 785 min 0-6 786 min 1-3 A 7 PART I] HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., JAN. 22, 2013 (MAGH. 2, 1934 SAKA) 71 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rohtak Meham Nindana 107 46-11 787 min 0-0 Less then Biswa (Contd.) 789 min 0-13 790 min 0-7 791 min 0-2 922 min 0-3 967 min 0-11 968 min 0-11 969 min 0-12 987 min 0-14 988 min 0-8 992 min 0-15 993 min 0-7 1003 min 0-17 1004 min 0-7 1005 min 0-12 1006 min 0-9 2344 min 0-11 2345 min () 13 2346 min 0-5 2347 min 0-9 2348 min 0-8 2349 min 0-7 2388 min 0-7 2389 min 0-11 2390 min 0-8 2391 min 0-9 2394 min 0-12 2395 min 0-4 2403 min 0-0 Less then Biswa 2404 min 0-3 2405 min 0-2 2406 min 0-3 2407 min 0-8 2408 min 0-18 2414 min 2-1 2415 0-1 2416 min - 0-13 2417 min 0-7 2418 0-1 2419 min 0-1 2422 min 0-6 5284 min 0-1 5285 min 0-1 5286 min 0-12 5287 min 0-3 5288 min 0-0 Less then Biswa 5289 min 0-7 72 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., JAN. 22, 2013 (MAGH. 2. 1934 SAKA) [ PART 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rohtak Meham Nindana 107 46-11 5290 min 0-8 (Concld.) 5302 min 0-8 5305 min 0-2 5306 min 0-14 5307 min 0-5 5308 min 0-0 Less then Biswa 5365 min 0-4 5366 min 0-6 5368 min 0-8 5370 min 0-1 5371 min 0-13 5372 min 0-6 5373 min 0-2 5376 0-8 5377 min 0-4 5427 min 0-1 5429 min 0-17 5430 min 0-2 5431 min 0-13 5432 min 0-3 5676 min 0-8 5677 min 0-10 5678 min 0-8 5679 min 0-4 5680 min 0-13 5777 min 0-2 5780 min 1-8 5782 min 1-3 5783 min 0-14 5787 min 0-6 5788 min 0-9 5793 min 0-16 5794 min 0-18 5795 min 0-16 5982 min 1-1 5983 min 0-18 5988 min 1-1 5992 min 1-7 5994 min 0-3 Total Area = 46 Bigha 11 Biswa (29 Acre 0 kanal 15 marla) For on behalf of Governor of Haryana. (Sd.)..., Superintending Engineer, Rohtak Circle, Public Works Department (Building and Roads Branch), Rohtak.