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PART I HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., JAN. 25, 2005 ( MAGH. 5, 1926 SAKA) 39 The 9th January, 2005 No. DOL/HR/Weekly Double Digit Lottery.- Draw result Of Haryana State Diamond Double Digit Weekly Lottery Scheme. Sr. Name of weekly Time Draw No, 1st Prize 2nd Prize No. Scheme Winning Tickets Winning Tickets No. . Amount No. Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. M. B. (M) 10.00 63rd 8772552 3980/- 11 100 2. M. L. (M) 10.30 292nd 3253145 . 4940/- 93 100 1 . 3. J. V. (M) 11.00 292nd 6198116 4870/- 03 ' 100 4. Hari -Om 11.30 219th 8598586 4310/- 81 100 5. Jai-Durge 12.00 292nd 2821505 4730/- 34 100 6. Jai -Vishnu 12.30 167th 6170187 4660/- 00 100 , 7. Mahalaxmi 1.00 292nd 7756245 4590/- 07 100 8. Shri-Ganesh 1.30 219th 1746456 4240/- 25 100 9. M. L. (A/N) 2.00 292nd ' 5666146 4450/- 17 100 10. Hari -Om (A/N) 2.30 63rd 8636951 3970/- 68 100 11. M. L. (Gold) 3.00 167th 3322977 4380/- 44 100 12. Mahabali 3.30 ' 219th 4811597 4170/- 63 ' '100 13. J. V. (A/N) 4.00 292nd 9356186 4520/- 13 100 . 14. M. L. (Super) 4.30 292nd 2713946 4800/- 76 100 15. S.G (E) ' 5.00 63rd 4558186 3960/- 61 100 The 10th January, 2005 No. DOL/HR/Wee-kly Double Digit Lottery.- Draw result of Haryana State Weekly Double Digit Weekly Lottery Scheme. Sr. Name of weekly Time Draw No. 1st Prize 2nd Prize No. Scheme Winning Tickets Winning Tickets No. Amount No. Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I. M. B.(M) 10.00 63rd 9298956 . 4160/- 80 , 100 2. M. L. (M) 1030 293rd 3242931 5000/- 29 100 3. J. V. (M) . 11.00 293rd 5780582 4930/- 61 .. 100 4. Hari -Om 11.30 220th 8571759 4370/- 37 100 5. Jai-Durge 12.00 293rd 1751151 4790/- , 48 100 6. Jai -Vishnu 12.30 167th 4643902 4720/- 86 100 7. Mahalaxmi 1.00 293rd 7850976 4650/- 73 100 8. Shri-Ganesh 1.30 , 220th 2645282 4300/- 92 100 , 9. M. L. (A/N) 2.00 293rd 5892772 4510/- 41 100 ' 10. Hari -Om (A/N) 2.30 63rd , 8891531 4150/- . 98 100 11. M. L. (Gold) 3.00 167th 2641155 4/140/- 11 100 12. Mahabali 3.30 220th 6040181 4230/- 50 100 13. J. V. (A/N) 4.00 293rd 7936792 4580/- 01 100 14. M. L. (Super) 4.30 , 293rd 2543732 4860/- 77 100 15. §.G (E) 5.00 63rd 6178915 - 4140/- 02 100

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