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Preview Haryana Gazette, 1998-01-12, No. 5

PAR1 I] HARYANA GOVT GAZ., FEB. 3, 1998 (MAGH. 14,1919 SARA) 57 tiro-a f-4111-4 zrrh ft-4w 12 URITO, 1998 p.: v Isrit t4G fffarer7t4Rirlaqt, ffRIn rO,1 T TR Mil ftrAg tfrrciA.4.3 ICEI.W qiuktor, 1948 Tsi UM 2(7) ( )441 3(17) *" Rthq Sartz ff %RI47 731. -it --I-80/18434, fq9tT 26 1T, 1930 g.71 150 krizi Tnr ;AK 4r1 if'1Rfercliff 'VW 1789- q-1-79/44040, f ril1 30 $1171 , 1979 flr 300 WEI 4)K US" V(92,147ir V.1-# 2944-c4- 2- 93 / 15918, &KR 26 9XTRa., 1993 ?,.T7 300 W t A- R:-C 1,000 qz qatiTff1"<t Tzif tin tiv qt1Tt *fr I 2. sAi WI 144: cfr fVOTI 4 fRrcifi t, 1997 ker fl q f.t.trfair =f; traftITR F,1471Wr ftu (iffr FtEriiitr* E IqI 1'K Zel" Rua. iseriazi twit.44r t) um 44; itfPf silFr i Trk vrhcqi T'r l * , yr tiffliRit 611 Tfilitrq 47414Nnarth vrc r4; 1RTrir, 1998 k tr 1,000YR ,411' qTrtrz6 'CK ffrM ir IT( Rgl 41' RIrcilicr c1,4417R.Tta WM 3305-1i -2- 97/ 121.--NaT rcg ffr , v ;Tu fkT, fiTartii ta, 36, Ritier TeiNt glziTqt staqsr frim 35rTarltif ciz;r4 5.( .717 Vil1friztir, 19 48 Ta WV 2(7) (17) 'etl1T 3 ( 17 ) trirff Fta.:ft (15;697:17 i-f 703 .1004-444-.78121508, flAtT I tr1TRV, 1978 fir 150 4 T1 AlfiNi sit(41-1 ii Rfil9q1i-r TIM 1789-.41-J-79/44040, fk;f1T 30 WiligK, 1979 WM 300 V4 AINT ifft EMI grrOnTrir %M a.; 2944-74-2-93/15918, 29 WTI, 1993 rim 300 qq 411 t 1,000 11/4 41i44 TaT 4 --milt T1 t Tr'r irt tit i 2- lig 'it K4trf fl:R T-1 fera.3 2 \IFigir, 1996 Ti ?t c;' cifTtralT1 .Er rTfult tt" 4..IgLP417, jrWI q Ft/ Fff Erg (i7S1ft: 171TtfuE111 tiWIPTC wc %41t Rf5i iReffilti fa:ATITiell Rd*, qr11- T-T 111. RT147fil Tf s tq Tta 74f1RT o Tceiq itfi tR-41 ssiiRref telF41.( WTI Kit 1996k 1, 000 REM" ifiqi T-T 7-07. friM 11* ir d Vral Y,F4117:1 eIWCF TT3 t" I 3302-'-2-.97/125.--.'r f;f rclt 19, fia119,1ii4rer fl a% ruf ic14141Fr ?,41 474 IV n04 si -e 7r< Stillf ft, 1948 7i'). UTti 2(7) (17) if4T 3(17) t Waif iotrt T"T via wir WTh 7673-74ff -trf -66/ 10774i, 14i(R7 8 Tr, 1966 g.171 100 vri 921751-< 4 51(19T47-fr rfCa350 4 1-Sifq. - 701 29505, i-''1,1rtI 8 11 qr4C, 1970 g ra 150 tiet. mtii 1t VIEITEFir [email protected] 1789-44-1-79144040, frinz 30,Rkr7T, 1979 1"Ll. 300 q4 41.143.3 R1t 41q 311Ianiir 14.1:ItT 2944-74-2/93/15918, fc;--iiT 26 WW1, 1993 WS 300 N t 1,000 ,f4" 11Tha..7 T."( ut 4- 74111R TV 111111 zit I 2. q-d 4f tw-C M 1 9 erf th 2 critil7f tr 0.19Zictris .<:91.14U 1.091;grIT (19I f f w r TRaf I:N;(141'1MT t711t 11114. V1771ffT tierazi fRTzr f Trqf t) T2i 9 gr 4 ViTT-f AqT9 it lit WWIRI Tr A i-lnr T-.6" r3c111-P: qi-t Ntri ft-q rk-4't ;slarffir trT 4.64%1 Tnif -t TriN, 'r d gral -"Tri I - 3303 -7 11'1 1.f1r-.7, f M r 19, 19'441 Rf;i1T1zralTrq, fjcc sitAtelr v if (ii- r4 El? vruf-r44, 1948 TritITTI 2(7) (IQ) tf11T 3 (17 ) friTry.66-1 Sfit17Fif 7.14.'03 114-74-1-80/ 7086, 1. 7-fiT 22 thwi...r, 1988 7,.ttr 150 tizi qi14 <It i va ir 51-TriT 1789- 11-1-79/ 44040, ftii-k.; 30 Mqej4T., 1979 gra 300 Yr wricia: ?fill am M'aflpriir t1V 2944-31-2-93/ 15918, NiCT 26 %Mi.', 199317r 300 1ci 4.1.P6K 1,000 Rtri ql 14 qt wrciT Tj17, Tat trt 58 HARYANA GOVT GAZ., FEB. 3, 1998 ( MAGH. 14,1919 SAKA) [?AT\t 2. TM o iw;TizZ f95it 1* "ta3 21 .:CT 11,Zi crtal T T.Mq MnT <14444M, 7q11 ' xrt f* rk ntztpr trr %Trim . Trric ituri f TTTZITUt Jfl 4 4% R411.74 pr er fft, virrzif r sitifiTt vtirr, vrrirrnIt$1 4. dlfTn O'ER* q'iffa't art eit * PTIt, 1996 4 1,000 W I qTRIT TT 7T ITTI Trt Rft* 67"41q n a 4" I ¶-47 crfaa,. eizrturr wzrz, 4.1.1t4 f ipri qir favrir fl*M 9 4rta a, 1998 Sri 14/84/94-46-9 VF9fritiTt, 1948 ( 1948 TT *7"N 1119PT/M, 63) et URI 8 lit 77-aRT' (1) ln SRIff ift Wfarialf Tr SIMIT rkl 37 T4T ft-itft7IT 04.447, 591T fq 11T, vfinfir$7 Tikwr 14/ 84194-6 sqn, fre.liV 8 fk TR77, 1995 * Rfintrar ITW71q, VI* Mr fqvirraff Vita Tift41 g qie' 9TIT4 fallate FIT-4"Tcr ericri;r1 .j %NT 7,1 ' Vflairn i7eTy-fiff,9.1Rt-;f f 0 t fffrp5 "red tifa, vita; r crl rim 1 ciriftwff Mar , straltim ve:rr7 iwr, . Trnri ft-rirurt yr I ergrurr 2 74 11447, 5;t1cr'rf* tar cjearrezr, -6Ra- 3 grtmflIck7 ftitftiw , TAM' t .4fErtf (rei1/441c19 ) ftztlITT 4 /rftsiS ff3171-4 lila 'tics', 111l1IDTV Tail fl f-nr tne-crar Tarrmr,rfizet-4r9rz 6 Ecrtizs 91/l7 ifibT/2, Igen Q4 trr4rcrq, 4191tra, Tt7f47, 0).;?, 111171717TK, p4a, kit WI', 9T9ryq a' 91, Trriiktir, Tiza ct7VT f-4 6 zevz q-qr7 fq-4`vr , 9;(1 ar't tir 711 11*Y-Aw, TV-T, ar4t, grit, fert, Witlr ITERT citiT rfiaRT- 7 tiqtn favicti, RIerfifll t i74.FlyEtrf, . frqr Erseurpirt. triFTFITT 8 fre11-47 1-1441a,, eteRN: llzar 79*tairtar, 1;114197, 1:freftffi IT pcia I 51141ffi 9 4wzr17 Flaqt4), iftvittim tii Q TVTI ritir *11M full rtqlq 10 9r9i7 Myra% SlIerf7R7 ;17411 tz rgictir, . f r try419-d tmlicr6 PART ] HARYANA GOVT. GAL, FEB. 3, 1998 (MAGH. 14,1919 SAKA) 59 vriv via-o f-0 44411 617 zirinr4 anorri 11 klZ:(q43 frialelcb, ItRitfm VEIT 74 kaitt4, frqr 4141'44 414144 12 4q447 Mar*, 0411441 RIM 74 kartui, f440 4er WIrY6T fA -Ordm 13 tiTtrf f4tvr4i, clitfew nIT 74 taiwi, nit9T, 64T c6awii4 NA' ken 14 WerT, MNice, VlaTTT TtliT 74 k-GritT, 41 60 Trtgriit t d.ke/T? it! mu Elrq-t it! 4 wrrar 47-I to) Ti 417 aqvil qfit 647 67yrrf9-fr inTr !ref-4 v4.41'44 eftE4 44T utit4 fqr7 r ' i-i Zr tbc-s 447 rear t 15 TaT4I friavtal,9;11-afiM <1741T74 E4IFErf, ftwr Totar (f44n 9at44 4mtr4),fkrftmr vetarr -Tfar176 I 16 4-047Mr% s1i--41fiTT ken-v4, feTff TRETTR tbalicel Wer-I (1) 14m), qf-cqurr erm i fwz 41-441 9/41 641 ITV t17 VT 414441 1314 f71,111, q40 790 14 t o t o 5 VTea imam t (2) 63,76-1171Tt4T 'kW MIT 14c791-#VIPTI fPrr TfE4 z6T hi .. (3) t9.4¶t4 uzfliq No, crt.H ri TrEtzr 11" 64T tA 6116 WI* ttd I 17 t7T441 91111-1FIT fRu. Tteir4 t6t4T4T4 (i) t o tuko it., r5a1141-1, 1itlii 4714. .. (2) t5e1T49 11.9A *..40te.T 24 641 251 18 TWIT f6h141, e1t1fiT4? V6IT n F-4W4, 14741-et411111'4141 tr 11.47(-6 Z141W*16 64T c5t4f4T4 qt -111 WAIT 6It k *19;tit ft,46 I 19 FRIER f-r4Rtqi, qlZerfTIV TMIT e4 RTELIT, tglE111714 (T77M f6k111T, 41-11ITT 74 71ilvar1 4, ffiq - IV ETITGT,E5t11414 cfit49t7 ata !NTT) I t6e4T4T4 -6 EFI witc.11 gym q4 eIw , filitga Am; tim 4tir trwtrrc Nem 60 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. FEB. 3, 1998 (MAGH. 14,1919 SAICA) ( PART I LABOUR DEPARTMENT The 8th January, 1998 No. 14/8 exercise of the powers conferred by sub -section (I) of section 8 of the Factories Act, 1948 (Central Act 63 of 1948), and in supersession of Haryana Government, Labour Department, notification No. 14/84/94-6Lab, dated the 8th December, 1995, the Governor of Haryana hereby appoints the following officers to be Inspectors for the purpose of the said Act, within the local limits specified thereagainst Serial Designation of the Officers Local limits No. 1 2 3 1 Additional Director, Industrial Safety and Health, Whole of the State of Haryana Haryana. 2 Deputy Director, Industrial Safety and Health, Ditto Haryana 3 Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health, Ditto (Headquarter) Haryana 4 Senior Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health, District Faridabad Faridabad 5 Senior Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health, Districts Panipat, Sonepat, Karnal, Jind, Panipat Yauna Nagat, Kurulcshett a, Kaithal, Ambala and Panehkula 6 Senior Assistant Director, industrial Safety and Health, Districts Gurgaon, Rewari, Mahender- Gurgaon garh, Rohtak, Bhiwani, Jhajjar, Hisar, Sirsa and Fatehabad 7 Assistant Director, Indust] ial Safety and Health, District Yamuna Nagar Yamuna Nagar 8 Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health, Districts Ambala, Panchkula and Ambala Kurulcshetra 9 Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health, Karnal Districts Karnal, Jind and Kaithal 10 Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health, District Panipat Panipat 11 Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health, District Sonepat Sonepat 12 Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health, Rohtak Districts Rohtak, Bhiwani and Jitajjar 13 Assistant Director, Industtial Safety and Health, Hisar Districts Hisar, 'tSirsa and Fatehabad 14 Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health, Circle I All factories situated towards Delhi side Gurgaon from Railway Station Road and SOhna Road upto Delhi Border within the Municipal limits of Gurgaon, factories situated in Maruti Industrial Area and Phase -I V of Udyog Vihar 15 Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health, Circle II, Districts, Gurgaon (except the factories Gurgaon of Circle -I) Rewari and Mahendergark HARYANA GOVT. GAL, FEB. 3, 1998 (MACH. 14,1919 SARA) 61 PART I I 2 3 16 Assistant Direetot, Industrial Safety and Health, Factories situated In 1-0) on West Faridabad I side of Mathura Road from Delhi- Haryana Border upto Railway Bridge near Neelam Chowle including the At ea of NH4 to NH -V (ii) In areas bstveen Badhkal-Gurgaon Road and Delhi -Haryana Border (iii) Between Math= Road, and Railway line from Railway Bridge to Escorts Limited Plant -II 17 Assistant Director Industtial Safety and Health, Factories situated in :--(i) Industrial area Fatidabad41 of NIT, Fatidabad (ii) Sectors 24 and 25 of Faridabad Complex 18 Assistant Dir ectcn, Industrial Safety and Health, Factories located on East side of Mathura Faridabad III road and Agta Canal from Delhi Haryana Border upto Sector 6, Faridabad 19 Assistant Ditector, Industtial Safety and Health, Faridabad District excluding the areas of Faridabad4V Assistant Director, Industrial Safety and Health Fatidabad-1, II and Ill KAMLA CHAHDRR1, Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana, Labour and Employment Department. erp fqrdw famsr OM VT t i wrar) clan tti N8P-ii 30 fqintr; 1997 28511-(7.1199/ 6/ 3.--441 eTEIPTT VTVTEfi tra441si grva TITa f .7011 TC-TTTntr nk- 4141 g4 qt f**uri8DI-T 9*4-8 8r88: 8T4 fkiñur9-11F4 gat ü Nifr tYceT M vtif8ru izrç- ru taft0 fwgrr Taal t IT *4 fatirse faatur it Wu vraf8 atre-48 841-q818j8-.4 wriffeT8 t zR *guff 1894 verfTr visn r 0 ur(T G 4 it*? Uff f8virq84 rt-c untiftiT8 tz ,ittcr Sit8f97817 qt Emu 7ca--.0 Tr91'8 clftr rfn R144ZT, 9)91 18431 fT4117, Mq9' ffq'T 814 Efal",. Nam? 0 ret 18. 92'51,207 TT4 wrrkir 44 fel f8eivr f9tfr wrar t fait qr118 istf84u7 T44e-c *4? 1881rn fawir, 1148 am 874 mai Nar* sittwirwe sifivr;97, swag 1.1.6,t 4. 1 TV-41 fftrzfrnt ifir qr titcrr t Mintz fwarcir am- fr4r atertff takialift4 eitavaw lirgtr qz-4-gr ffizirt .4-d .6a6 1. It487 TY45V AT-Plo qog04-0 108 4.72 (rOf 9.1411t 85501P .. 22 'V fq-q 22 W446? IF 4ritr& .. 44 tie 144 145 22,23,24,25 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 62 NAr A XT A G017T. GAZ. FEB. 3, 1998 (MACH. 14,1919 MICA) [ PART I PRI 9.a trfta.41/TrEg ern WITT rio wirm9=ir< trdV 7)1811 4/97.1, lo 4040 106 4'72 QVI 146 2111, 21/2, 2113, 22, 23, 24, 2511, 2512 147 148 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 149 150 21/1, 21/2, 22, 23, 24 1; 2, 3, 4 151 42, 4, 1/1, 112, 211, 3, 5 152 153 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/1, 5/2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 154 ...... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/111, 5/1/2, 5/2 155 amilaili ta.0 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 156 - il/ i, i1(2, 11/3, 12, 13i, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 157 611, 6/2, 15/7, 15/8, 15/9 ()gore TIM 70 1. 54QT! VIVIt .. 3050 'V .. 22 lire .. 22 $6 VA,V .. 44 cfi! 114 21, 22, 2311, 23/2 I 115 21, 22, 2311, 2312, 24, 25 er 116 21;22, 2311/1, 2311/2, 23/113, 23/2, 24, 25 117 118 119 " i 25 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 511, 612 PART I HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., FEB. 3, 1098 (MAGH. 14, 1919 SAICA) 63 2 3 4 5 iteRt merq-d* TOM 120 121 Wo 70-.-Ertrrqr 1, 2/1, 2/2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2/1, 2/2, 3 fr 17 wet 11600 wc9. sit7in W41 6.26 7TT limmhm 4.m4 .... .w.mwm.ewm. L......wmi...i.ms.ma imAmm .0.-6. 41m4.- (Mr °) RtheT OTEFffc trdk, gibTqWri,talflior Rti4 ffica N14 itWt, t:k1.1, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ,BUILDING AND ROADS BRANCH, CIRCLE ROHTAK The 30th.. December, 1997 No. the Governor of Haryana is satisfied that land below is ntheded by the Government at public expenses, for a public purpose namely constg. a road from Baland to Karontha in district Rohtak. it i, therefore, hereby declared that the land described in the specification below is required for the aforesaid purpoSa. This declaration is made under the provision of section 6 of the land Acquisition Act, 1894 to all whom it may concern and under the provisions of section 7 of the said act, the Land Acquisition Collector, Haryana P. W. D. B & R Branch, BhiWani iS hereby directed to tab order for the acquisition of the said land. Plan of land may be inpected in the offices of the Land Acquisition Collector, Haryana P. W. D. B & R Branch, Bhiwani and Executive Engineer, Provincial Division No.!, P.W.D. B. & R. Branch Rohtak. SPECIFICATION District Tehsil Locality and Area in Rectangle/ H. B. No. Acres Khasra No. 1 2 3 4 5 Rohtak Rohtak Baland 4.72 Length 8550' H. B. No. 106 consolidation path 22' or NIL Acquired path 22' /44' Total Width 44' 144 22, 23, 24, 25 145 , 21,22,23,24,25 146 21/1, 21/2, 21/3, 22, 23, 24, 25/1, 25/2J 147 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 64 HARYANA GOVT GAZ., FEB. 3, 1998 (MACH. 14, 1919 SAKA) [ PART I 1 2 3 4 5 Rolitak Rohtak Baland 148 H. B. No.106-concld. 21, 22,23, 24,25 149 21/1, 21/2, 22, 23, 24 150 1, 2, 3, 4, 151 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 2/2, 3, 4, 5, 152 1, 2, 3, 4,5/1, 5/2, 153 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 154 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/1/1, 5/1/2, 5/2 155 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, II, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 156 11/1, 11/2, 11/3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2J Rohtak Rohtak Karontha 1 54 157 H. 13. No. 70 Acres -concld. -concld 6/1, 6/2, 15/7,15/8, 15/9 Length 3050'- . Consolidation path 22' Acquired path 22' Total width . ' 44' 114 21, 22, 23/1, 23/2 115 21, 22, 23/1, 23/2, 24, 25 116 21, 22, 23/1/1, 23/1/2 116 23/1/3, 23/2, 24,25 117 118 25 5 119 I, 2, 3, 4, 5/1, 5/2 120 121 1,2/1, 2/2, 3,4, 5 1,2/1, 2/2, 3 Total length of this road 11600' Total Acquired area in Acres 626 (Sd.) . . Superintending Engineer, Rohtak Circle, P. W. D. B. & it Blanch, Rohtak. 18683 CS(H)-Govt. Press, U.T.. Chd.

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