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Par %.3.YANA IpVT ..;AZ.. JAN. 31, 1995 (MAGHA II, 1916 S KA 35 REVENUE DEPARTMINT The 120 January, 1995 No. 6894.F.411-94/4 supersession of Haryana Government Notification No. 6639.E -III -94/ 30622, dated 22nd December, 1994 it is hereby notified in accordance with Clause -II of appendix 'F.' to the Financiai Commissioner's Standing Order No. 12 that the next Departmental Examination of vi:i flow be held it Rohtak aad Kama/ on the dfite Date Time Paper Subject 2 P.4. First The Punjab Land Revenue Act and Rule 23.2-95 to Chapters 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 5.09 P.M. 18 of the Punjab Land Records Manual and Standing Orders 2, 3, 4, 7, 20, 21, 29, 30 and Part '17' of the Standing Order No. 16. (WITH THE AID OF BOOKS) 24-2-95 9.90 PAT Second Arithmatic upto Matriculation Standard. to Patwaries Mensuration Manual. 12.09 Noon. 24-2-95 2.00 A.M. Third The Punjab Tenancy Act and Rules to there under and paragraphs relating to 5.00 P.M. this Act contained in the Punlab Land Administration Manual Appendix VII, VIII, IX and XXI of the Punjab Settle- ment Manual and Chapters IL VII, VIII, XI, XIII, XV, XVI, and JOG of Punjab Land Administration Manual. The Haryana Ceiling on Land Holdings Act, 1972 and Rules framed thereunder. (WITH THE AID OF BOOKS) 25-2-95 9.00 A.M. Fourth The Haryana Registration Manual. The to Indian Stamp Act. The Punjab Excise 12.00 Noon. Act and Sections 54, 59, 107 and 123 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. (WITH THE AID OF BOOKS) 25-2-95 2.00 P.M. Fifth The Criminal Procedure Code omitting to Chapters 18, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31, 32, 37, 5.00 P.M. 43, 44-A and 45, the Indian Penal Code omitting Chapters 6, 7, 12, 18, 21 Untouchability Offence Act, 1955. (WITH THE Am OF BOOKS) 26-2A5 9.00 .AM. Sixth The Civil Procedure Code omitting Sections to 88, 89 and 93 Part VII, VIII and IX 12.00 Noon. order XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXVI, XL, XLII, XLIV, XLV1 and XLIX. The Indian Evidence Act. (ALL WITH THE AID OF BOOKS) 26-2-95 its*2.00 P.M. Seventh l. The Punjab Civil Services Rules, Vol. I. to Part -I, Chapter I extent of application, 5.00 P.M. Chapter II Definitions (Preliminary) Knowledge without any practical problem Chapter III General condition of service, Chapter V Addition to pay compen- sation allowance etc. Rule 5.33 to 5.64, 36 HARYANA GOVT GAZ., JAN. 31. 1995 (MAGHA II, 1916 SAKA) 1.PAn I Date Time Paper Subject 26-2-95 2.00 P.M. Seventh Chapter VIII dismissal, Removal and Suspen- to sion, Chapter VIII Leave Rules 8.1 to 8.61. 5.00 P.M. Chapter IX Joining time. Chapter XII Records of Service with particular refe- rence to Punjab Civil Service (Punishment and Appeal) Rules as contained in Appen- dix 24, Part III CSR Vol., I, Chapter IV authority under the various rules. 2. Treasury Rules Punjab Part. I and II Chapter I General system of control over treasuries. Chapter II payment of revenue of the State into the Public Account. Chap- ter III custody of money relating to or standing in the public account of the State upto . 4.91, 4.16910 4.181. Chapter VII, Responsibilities for money withdraw. Chapter WI -Inter Government Transac- tion. Appendix HI' Appendix 'C' 3. Financial Hand Book No. 2 Punjab Financial Rules Vol. I. Chapter II In General Principles and Rules- Chapter Special Rules for the Treasuries. Chapter IV Revenue Receipts and their checks. Chapter V Pay and Allowances and Pension General Rules. Chapter VI -Pay and allowances, of Gaut- ted Government Servants, Chapter VII Pay and Allowances of Establishment. Chapter VIII Contigencies. Chapter IX Miscellaneous Charges. Chapter X Loans and Advances. Chapter XI Bills and Remittances. Chapter XII Deposits. Chapter XVII Budget. Chapter XIX Consent and Delegation Order. i 4. Puniab Civil Services Rules Vol. II (Pension and Provident Fundk ules) Chapter -I Extent of Application and Definition. , Chapter II General Providemirelating grant of pension. . Chapter V Different Itigkls of pension conditions for their grant. Chapter VII Reemployment of pensioner. Chapttr IX application for grant of pension. Chapter X payment of pension. I Li PART U] HARYANA GOVT GAZ., JAN. 31, 1995 (MAGMA II, 1916 SAKA) 37 Date Time Pa per Subject 2-6-2-95 2.00 A.M. Seventh Chapter )0C Commutation of Pension. to 5,00 P.M. Chapter XVII Punjab General Provident Fund Rules 13.1, 13.11, 13.14 and 13.15. 5. Civil Services Rules, Vol. III T. A. (Bills) 6. Chapter I definitions. Chapter II, T. A. Rules 2.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.16, 2.18, 2.32, 2.35, 2.57, 2.68, 2.70, 2.107 and 2.109. 6 Punjab Financial Rules, Vol. II -Appendix 2, 4, 14, 15, 16 and 18. 7. Account Code Vol. T. Chapter If Pay and Allowances. Chapter TV Gazetted Officer's Bill. Chapter V Establishment. Chapter VI Contingencies Charges. 8. Punjab Budget Manual. 9. Introduction to Government Audit and Account (General Chapter only). (Aft WITH THE AID OF BOOKS) 27-2-95 9.00 A.M. Eighth Proficiency in Hindi (Written) up to to Matriculation Standard. 12.00 Noon 27-2-95 2.00 P.M. Ninth Proficiency in Urdu (Written) up to VI to Class. 5.00 P.M. J. D. GUPTA, Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government, Haryana, Revenue Department. LABOUR DEPARTMENT The January 16, 1995 No. 14/40187-6Lab. The following draft of the rules further to amend the Punjab Factory Rules 1952, which the Governor of Haryana proposes to make, in exercise of the revers conferred by section 112 of the Factories Act. 1948 (Central Act 63 of 1948), is hereby published as required by section 115 of the said Act, for the information of persons likely to be affected thereby. Notice is hereby given that the draft of the rules will be taken into consideration by the Govern- ment on or after the expiry of a period of forty-five days from the date of publication of this notifica- tion in the Official Gazette, together with objections or suggestions, if any which may be recciv ed by the Secretari to Government, Haryana, Labour Department, Chandigarh, from any person in respect of the draft of the rules before the expiry of the period so specified. V DRAFT RULES 1. These rates m ty b cdbi the Punjab Factory (Haryana First Amendment) Rules, 1995. 2. In the Punjab Factory Rules (hereinafter called the said rules), in rule 1, in sub -rule (I), for the words "cited as", the word "called" shall be substituted. 38 HARYANA GOVT GAL, JAN. 31, 1995 (MAGHA 11, 1916 SAKA) [ PART 3. In the said rules, in rule 2,- (a) in clause (c), in the proviso, for the figures "80", the figures "26'.shall be substituted; and , (b) in clause (e), for the word "Fahrenheit", the word "celsius" shall be substituted. 4. In the said rules, in rule 13, for the words "lost or accidentally destroyed'', the words and sign' "lost, accidentally destroyed or defaced", shall be substituted. 5. In the said rules, in rule 14, in sub -rule (2), for the words and sign "grant, renewal", the words and signs "grant, transfer, renewal", shall be substituted. 6. In the said rules, in rule 17, in sub -rule (2), in clause (g), for the words "annas four", the figures and word "25 paise" shall be substituted. 7. In the said rules, in rule 41, in clause (a) for the figures, word and letter "80 degree F". thefigures, word and letter "26 degree C" shall be substituted. 8. In the said rules, in rule 55, in Schedule Ill, in clause 5, in sub -clause (2), for the words "to work a wood -working machine", the words "to work at a 9. In the said rules, in rule 65, clause (c) shall be omitted. 10. In the said rules, in rule 66, (i) in clause (2), in sub -clause (a), for item (iii), the following item shall be substituted, namely: "On) has adequate knowledge of Hindi."; (ii) in clause (3), in sub -clause (a) the words "as required by a notification in the official Gazette" shall be omitted ; and (iii) in clause (4), in item (vii), the word "selected' shall be omitted. II. In the said rules, (i) for the word "character", the word "nature" shall be substituted ; (ii) for the words "risk of bodily injury' the words "risk of life or bodily injury" shall be substituted. 12. In the said rules, in rule 66-B, for the words "risk of bodily injury", the words "risk of life or bodily injury shall be substituted. 13. In the said rules, in rule 66-C, for the words "risk of bodily injury", the words "risk of life or bodily injury" shall be substituted. 14. In the said rules, in rule 66-D, for the words "risk of bodily injury", the words "risk of life or bodily injury", shall be substituted. 15. In the said rules, in rule 68, in sub -rule (5), for the words "the language understood by the majority of the workers", the words "Hindi and English" shall be substituted. 16. In the said rules, in rule (a) 'n clause A, after item (xvi), the following items "(xvii) 6 sterilized cotton rolls 15 gm, each, (xviii) Band-Aid strips 12 nos. (xix) Magnate for removing foreign body from eyes. (ut) 100 tablets of Asprin, Paracetamol, Paroxyn, Toxiwin, (xxi) Two kits pain -aids sprays. (xxii) Soda Bicorbonpte solution, PART IJ HARYANA GOVT GAZ., JAN. 31, 1995 (MAGI -IA II, 1916 SAKA) 39 (xxiii) Six packs electrol powder. (xxiv) One roll of elapst plant adhesive plaster", (b) in clause B, after item (xix) the following items shall be added, namely: ( xx) Band-Aid strips 12 nos. (xxi) Magnate for removing foreign body from eyes, (xxii) 100 tablets of Asprin, Paracetamol, Paroxyn, Toxiwin, (xxiii) Two kits pain- aid sprays. (xxiv) Soda Bieorbonate solution. (xxb) Six packs electrol powder. (xxbi) One roll of elasto adhesive plaster". (c) in clause C, after item (xxv), the following items shall be added, namely :- "(xxvi) Band-Aid strips 12 nos. (xxvii) Magnate for removing foreign body from eyes. (xxviii) 100 tablets of Asprin, Paracetamol, Paroxyn, Toxiwin. (xxix) Two kits pain -aid sprays. (xxx) Soda Bicorbonate solution. (xxxi) Six packs electrol powder. (xxxii) One roll of elasto plant adhesive plaster,". 17. In the said rules, in rule 70, after item (xliv), the following items shall be added, "(xlv) One Blood Pressure Apparatus. (xlvi) One stothoseop.:. (xlvii) One Patellar Hammer. (xlviii) One peak --flow meter for lung function measurement. (xlix) One Stomach Wash Set. (1) One E. C. G. Machine. ". 18, In the said rules, in rule 78, in sub -rule (2), in clause (e),) the word "it- shall be ereiticd. 19. In the said rules, in rule 79 in sub -rule (7). for the words "facilities for the mothers of child- ren to feed them'', the words "facilities to the mothers to feed their children" shall be substituted. 20. In the said rules, in rule , 80, in sub -rule (I), in clause (c), for the word "it" the word "he" shall be substituted. 21. In rule (a) for the words "half pint" the words + "quarter litre" shall be substituted : and (b) for the words "on every day it'' ,the word.s "on every day who" shall be substituted. 22. In the said rules, in rule 82-A, in sub -rule (2), in clause (b), in item (iH), for the words "adequate number of female attendants" the words "one female attendant upto twenty children and additional female attendant (s) for every additional twnety children or part thereof", shall be substituted. 40 HARYANA GOVT GAZ., JAN. 31, 1995 (MAGHA II, 1916 SAKA) ( PART! 23. In the said rules, in rule 85, for the words "In this muster -roll shall be correctly entered the over time", the words "The muster roll shall correctly depict the over time" shall be substituted.- 24. la rule 95, in sub -rule (2), for the figures and word "15 paise", the f igt.res dviod "50 paise shall be substituted. 25. In the said (i) the word "or by a registered or recognised Vaid or Ha im", shall be omitted ; (ii) the words "Vaid or Hakim" occurring again shall be omitted. 26. In the said imles, in rule 102, in sub -rule (3), (a) in Schedule I, in para I, for the words "a fragemet , the words "any fragment" shall be substituted; (b) in Schedule III , in para 18, in sub-para (a), for the words "any mess room", the words "the mess room" shall be substituted ; (c) in Schedule VII, in para 7, for the words "notice in the language", the words "notice in Hindi and in the Language", shall be substituted ; (d) in Schedule (i) in para 1, in sub-para (1), for the words "prominent positions", the words "prominent place" shall be substituted ; (ii) in p_tra 5, in sub-para (8), or the words "responsible person", the words "Medical Officer" shall be substituted ; (c) in Schedule XVII,- 0) in para, 7 in sub-para (B) for the words "in sufficient numbers", the words "to every- one separately shall be substituted ; (ii) In para (A) in sub-para (b), for the words "test" , the word "tests" shall be substituted ; (B) in sub-para (c), for the words "Record or each re-examination" the words "Record of each re-examination" shall be substituted . (C) in sub-ppra (f), for the words "for working the said processes", the words "for work- ing in the said processes" shall be substituted. (iii) in para 16, for the words "cytology of urine", the words "cytology of the urine" shall be substituted ; (f) in Schedule XVIII,- - (i) in para I in sub-para (d), in second proviso for the words" qualificalh ns in its opinion", the words "qualifications if in its opinion" shall he substituted ; (ii) in para I, in sub.para (d), in the second proviso for the word "they" the word "these", shall be substituted ; (iii) in para 4, after the words "permanetly displayed", the words "in Hindi and English" shall be inserted. (g) in Schedule X1X,-- (a) in para 6, in sub-para. (2), for the words "carry said token", the words "carry the said token", shall be substituted ; (h) in pant 11. for the words "printed in the langua5n", the words "printed in Hindi and in the language ", shall be substituted ; PART HARYANA C1OVT OAZ., JAN. 31, 1995 (MAGHA II,1916 SAKA) 41 (h) in Schedule (a) ill para 4, for the words "printed in the language", the words "printed in Hindi and in the language", shall be substituted ; (Iv) in para 6, in the heading for the words "Food and drinks' smoking prohibited", th words "Food, drinks and smoking prohibited'', shall be substituted ; (c) in pant 16, in sub -pan (2). for the words "at intervals", the words "at a distance" shall be substituted ; (i) in Schedule XXI, - (a) in para 12, for the words "fhe language understood by a majority of the workers" the words "Hindi in Devnagri Script" shall be substituted ; (h) in para 13, for the words "staircases of adequate width', the words " staircases or ramps of adequate width ", shall be substituted ; (c) in para IS, in sub-para (b), for the words "the language which the majority of workers employed understand '', the words "Hindi in Devnagri Script'', shall be substituted; (d) in para 19, the words "if so ordered by the inspector" shall be omitted ; (e) in para 21, for the words "during work hours" the words "during working hours ' ' shall be substituted ; (j) in Schedule (a) in pant II, for the words, " and presented in the language easily read and understood by the majority of the workers'', the words "in Hindi in Devnagri Script" shall be substituted ; (b) in para 12, (i) in sub -pan (a), the words "if so ordered by by the inspector" appearing at the end shall be omitted ; (ii) in sub-para (c), for the words and sign "food, provided that the words and signs "food. However", shall be substituted ; (c) in Appendix -B (Clause (ii), in para c, for sub-para (iii), the following sub para shall be substituted, namely wear hand gloves, aprons, gogglas and gum boots to avoid contact of benzene with skin and body parts", 27. In the said rules, in rule 103, (a) in sub -rule (2), for the words "any person as is likely to", the words "any person or which results", shall be substituted ; (b) in sub -rule (4), in second proviso, for the words and figures "from working resulting front the accident or the dangerous occurrence becomes 48 hours'', the words, figures and signs "from working, resulting from the accident or the dangerous occurrence, become 48 hours", shall be substituted. 28. In the said rules, in Form No. 2 against serial number I ,the words "from belore ' occurring at the end shall be omitted. P. R. ICALISHIIC, Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government, Haryana. Labour and Employment Depart mem. 42 HARYANA GOVT GAZ., JAN. 31, 1995 (MAGHA 11, 1916 SAKA) [Par 1 IflT 16749qT11, 1995 TiTnt 14/40187-6 VRWMT fTITfTe, 1952, *1 gt+,-4Turf TrTzfrit WP? thtfiga TtRi * kg, fTiTrlft ficT9fberma drtEd fTittkt<WWI tr4, 41TZTTIPT1 qftlf9TTTT, 1948 (1948 NIT iTeltf TARTNTITi, 63), #h:171 112 qnsTifti TOVI FT, 44171 IT)) 5f Firor qfcTiliTIN tTP:1115 gikT tf2Trifaa 39 9IT-1 zr-TfinTit frir filr-wr734 Vatter,' ?TR k1rffydr4Tir ATIVitt j uiiv. strarfio sMT dcfa-4 Mr 7415T f TR-31R, TANT6(Trr KfrnW4 TIVPH t %fir etai9c.CT.r fq%f fç Ira #c TrT: LIT uTNI tr-i<, ' r ir*itzir uri c1a, w4 qfl f, r 6,71Turr fwmir, ?,-Rr Trrn T.nlTcT j fTi:ele Ti 5:9 grin,: fTff9NT.e 74-Grfu Rif TaTitti 14- finc 0.4.1 grn f9TTY 4jwr I NTrTf 1 ITIVETMT (OkiltuTT TITIT( ) fdTrTc, 1995, 2. Orr4 *maw fdT(Tf VI? 71T5Mc q r /Mt) 4 fTwTr, i r-fTdry (i) "ig.",,,,,,,,rzaTT,Tly Drati tl-prTR, 24,- 3. (ft1) WITT (Tr) if, g "80" gi1e ,k71111TI, "26"417 "4";T: ; (g) 73) (v) 4, "T5rtir(17.5", *' TARtR, 4.146", rr wc cnrr I 4. a f TrEcTT'i 4, fdTrTr134, "IT Wag Tgi IEIE:fiTglg 67e Ugu wr< aTrr firi 740,4 iggfga", 5. 3g3 limit; 4, fiTid 14 TT; 71-r7:0111*(2) 4 "Tfilyftl, T(ETtuirc-irr" Tretiadr fiEri- Mfg "qicrO, Wagg, gifW471", vr 141 REtT -ifitd I 6. V I riTTTil 4, r;1.74TT 17 4, 31ff;r4Tf (2) 4, qtr.; (s) 4, 'qRgirmr" TqPIITT, "25 'PI" Tw v.* Ticrd,4 r 7. 7ga frrAgt 4, fdTry 41 4, Trrz (d.) if, "sof "thif i4T 'fl, "2611th dr", Tra-4. a TIT !ger< riiti 8. T h fi-Xfg 4, fivi4 55 4, 9 4(III1 , ciiirs' 5 4, ciu 7'ig (2) 4, Witg fit", Tr-4i i -r-rr TR, "floth !fejt ia tr< Tri .(.g? lilt? I 9. 3-47.1 f;Ig4i 4, frrgg 65 4, Igtrg (g) atro: f4RI :WPT,T11 10. rfga ktpif , f4/114 66Tr, Tin PigT.i (4) 41,-- 4, 1-ti 41,Tu (T) 4, TN (iii) a,' Twit TR,, -4:4:if T74r, ( I ) Flre ( 2) Vgig. rrits .7rir Tydar dy" ; "(iii) NTI 4 (ii) TifiT? ( 3) 4, 75;if ique (T:) 4, "CINgig 4 TAP --ITon . 9aTa-ra r dr; re, fvr Tirdi:Trr ; TrIT: PART 1 HARYANA GOVT GAZ., JAN. 11, 1995 (MAGHA 11, 1916 SAKA) (iii) EvE-, (1) 4, 4-; (ii) ij, ricc.f Ittr f47 1T1 I 11. 7,i5 PiefIff 1, frATT "firf*" u(E*7,111wicny ; (I ) VITA (ii) "-Elrfitc-47 reel Trtfrx6", 7te,"ii Err4Te., "ta4i*ar VlIfffrIf Lif9 Tr *if*4", Pm zit wrrte 12. \ila f9Er4i 66-9 4, "Ell-fifkre wfa Prn-*K, "4i*:i*14rnatfkin tea Tr i1DITIC", iR Wrif,6" 13. imga 14441 fET*466-11 "wrOfi*: a fa *.T tfix4", E.TE*1 TErr4*-{, MEI-4r wrOferi Eita Ear41f*Er", air* f444i 4, fig* . EfT4 TC ellr*4 ;Kir ETrfilve 14. 75-'1-1 6G-7 , E.Tf4 Err tfar4", ErE* .<011 uiff,4-1 15. 4-45 14E141 f;Nzt 68 4", -3q ITT (5) "mcivrii i grt 41111n, DM5i' F4Tv1 r If'r" i i rc 4 I i 6. 345 f4Er41 fETEr469 4,-- flEafEET*94kirT(r (ta ) f4117 IV 4, /1'4 (XVi ) 7T5, tEcrareg.a 6 WI-47, 15 IXTIT SITzlq1 4* qg cftt;z1T (XViii) 12 (xix) ut{if 4*ff *r*.* . -Er*itA N7 Irn: (xx) qEg14, 4.7.r4t*R114, ifftqe(4, 2t4Ififzfq T't 100 iftr9gt (XX1.) 144rm tt i faz (xxii) B't*r aritrir*I9'F Er'm (xxiii) *1451EI rirnt (xxiv) WqWe.l cffir fqq c eciRts-< /5r T4i tiq 4 (xix) g*IN, ) 1;- 4R, fq1:911/21bM Trir , ( XX) I 2 it qu tffkvit (xxi) cti-Q---t 4 tiff fc*q vat*, 41X./.1 *.1 f9TFR (xxii) rrfiiifM,471101(4, v*MR*9 A71 tot) IfiNtifi (nal) *). tr (xxiv) Tri*r atf,Enicifele En* (xxv) *.A*114 qrsrf. (xxvi) *tint) Etz f9tnr4114 RTITZt t)e;rI " 44 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ,, JAN. ii, 1995 (MAGMA II, 1916SAKA) f Pitt ;TIT, Trq(xxv) q14,PrrrifritgaTr< q.) .ik7 qvIN, (XXVi ) 12it 7gteRdiet (xxvii ) tct r zig T1 f9rprq-et rt7e7 TrEnt (xxviii ) eRricreiTem, 4trolue, z-twerftmail (xxix) qi fqterKur (xxx) 9"tgr trittitraffiz ti);;.e (xxxi ) Terco, st erie (xxxii) iT crrhe f9t;03 tgricktn-Et:RIT rristrzi "1 17. wla f tTh DzITI 704, g (xliv) iwc, f9Tzfctifeta Trc tetrh t-- (xlv) t-.qa :temgni zIFq (XiVi ) t Zit/N.1;W 7$1 tr19T erft (XiViii) tq' 'wi agar wteR fit t "cfm/ TferK (xlix) 7117 .gIT fre to *0 to wen i" I (1) Tr 18. 7re 1444i 47, PtEIW 78 Nifq(2) ?VT (8) "q" a-tor eff4EV< 1441.74174,1 I 19. Te f441it NteTe 79II:, fperr ( 7) 4, "gtt quiet fig uq fwrn I ficrq ;Petite, sr e rtrport.-, "T(1-tir4i fq-91-$ Fevrei fatrite,", verc trerqi 20. 3qa , rime got, uq fqeeTr( ; ) TY, trim (it) Tr, "9" vrw fzrm tidC "zre TIM 5IUT11 I 21. rqtrir 81Tlr- (q4.) "5:1111Trzte fzIM get,"VP/Mr( tliA" Vt.; ; ttt (74') "srfa f4a fzitri ciT"SA t" Alt? I f7-ttr4fii, f9TrTr rqziff (2) Tr, wiz (ze) ç (iii) "TrfqffT 22. 3qa ,et gilt:a Su "mzq't ri av 7RITirrif :PR srfa detr.q1 q'rit WMT raig trT., 41117tE t Utferefii 3 r' f fr411:grOfre Tffrf 749th/it" 9 . We I 19mi'; T1, fant 85 if', "w{ q1wr4t ;Warm *ft dril grace . firm wr71r", vtit EPU9 TC, "ctnt W Alqa 24. 19711:( 95 frrif (2) it, "1.54t", Vrafl: a r WFf e fqTq T<, "50 Eli" E att tl*K4 Wciii

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