É,Ø. Ns. ER/C1143 0Caertisent Iiia3ette POI:shed by Authority Cart. ci Bryn= T.'e. 11 ci Ni IG 11.1' T3D Y, MARCH 14, 1995 (PHALGIJNA 23 1916 AKA) CONTENTS Pages .tions and Orders 187-220 PART 1-A- Notifitaions by iota. Gthernment Degrartmcur Nil PART I -E-- Notifications oy 2...mmissioners nd Deputy Commissioners NH PART 11 -Statutory NotErstions of 111,:ction colaisis.am of Ltd,. _other Notifications and Republications from the Gazette of India Nil High Court ; Public fLsalth; Auction Notice; Advertisements and Notices, etc. 87-102 PART 111-A --Nrotirreatik nit by Universities Nil PART III -B. Court Notices Nil PART IV Aare Bills : bd Ordinances from the "Ignore in feta Nil PART V 'Notifications by Haryana Stt Legishdure Nil SUPPLEMENT PART-/ t '90* Weather and Crop Report for the week ending 5th December. 1994; Pries Current for the fortnight ending .. 61-71 30th Szntember, 1994. SUPPLEMENT PART U General Review Nil LEGISLATIVE SUPPLI MEW -Contents Nil Vitt° FXRT -Arts Nil Ditto U. -Ordinances Nil '2 Ditto I' ;ATTU -Decried LegIslatico Nil Yitto PART P Corr -wino Slips, tpuhiicationc And Replacement . Nil Pt P T Gn-. sns.n.isret tIotifict.3oen n1 Delurs DEFENCE SERVICES WELFARE DEPARTMENT The 2nd January, 1995 No. 1111195-1D-1I-AMLF. In sunorsession of Haryana Government Notif icidlor No. 111/91- ID-II-M.7LE, dated 20 It December, 1991, under para (7) of the scheme for the Adrrit :str.stion of Haryana Amalgamated Fund for the welfare of EN-1,r-vicemen issued,- vide Not' Pt Lt' N c 3.2.3/85- FA(I), dued 23rd Aug. ,:t, 1985, the Govenor llasyana is pleased to re -c onstitute the State Varaging Committee for the Am.citsamated Fund as under:- 1. Governor of traryana. .. Chairman 2. Chief Minister of Haryana .. Vice Chairman Frice . Re. 1.00 : 1 S7 Complete Copy :Rs. 5.75 188 HARYANA GOVT GAZ., MARCH 14, 1995 (PHGN. 23, 1916 SARA) (PART I 3. Chief Secretary to Government; Haryana a -Officio Members 4. Additional Secretary to Government, of India, Ministry of Defence Do 5. General Officer Commanding, PH & HP Area, Ambala Cantt. Do 6. Director Generel Resettelment, Govenrnment of India, Ministrya Do of Defence, New Delhi -11C066. 7. Financial Commissoner and Secretary to Government, Haryana, Do Finance Department. 8. Wg. Cdr. S. C. Kalra, 2382, Sector -16, Faridabad. .. Non -Official membe 9. Lt. Col. D. S. Bhatia, c/o HQS, PH & HP Area, Ambala Cantt. Do 10. Col. Partap Singh (Retd.) 38, Defence Colony, Hissan Do 11. Col, Kuldeep Singh Nandal, H. No. 810, Sector -T (HUDA), Do Rohta k. 12. Sub. Jagmal Singh (Retd.) c/o Zila Sainik Board, Hisser, Co-opted member (without voting right) 13. Secretary, Rajya Sainik Board, Haryana, .. I Member -Secretary. 2. She Headquarters of the Committee will be at Chandigarh 3. The tenure of non-offical members/Co-opted member will be three years from the date of issue of the notification. 4. (a) One first class railway fare plus incidental allowance and road mileage as admissible to Government employees of Grade I in Haryana. The other conditions laid down in the TA rules of Government Employees will also apply to the Journeys performed by Non- official members/co-opted members exept where otherwise provided. (b) Road mileage' between stations r connected by rail, if thor petfcrmthe Journey:by their own cars in relexation of Note -I below rule 2.20 of the TA, Rules. (c) The T.A./D.A. will be admissible to the non-offcial/co-opted members on the production of a certificate to the effect that no TA in respect of the journey or D.A. for the period mentioned in the bill has been or will be claimed by him from any other official sources. 5. The expenditure involed shall be Secretary, Haryana Rajya Sainik Board' will function. as the drawing and disbui sing officer as well as controlling officer for the payment of TA/ DA of non-official/co-opted members of State Managing Committee for the Amalgamated Fund for the welfare of Ex-sevicemen. 6. This issues with concurrence of the Finance Department U-0. No. 3217-1 F G 1-79, dated 24th December, 1979. H. D. BANSAL, Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana. LATE NOTIFICATIONS