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Index to Volume 63, 1993 ARTICLES rFEACHING AND PRACTICE Alton-Lee, Adrienne, Nuthall, Graham, and Pat- Boudin, Kathy. Participatory Literacy Education rick, John. Reframing Classroom Research: behind Bars: AIDS Opens the Door. Sum- A Lesson from the Private World of Chil- mer, 207-232. dren. Spring, 50-84. Clifford, Patricia, and Friesen, Sharon L. A Cu- Delgado-Gaitan, Concha. Researching Change rious Plan: Managing on the Twelfth. Fall, and Changing the Researcher. Winter, 339-358. 389-411. Friesen, Sharon L. See Clifford, Patricia. Edelman, Marian Wright. Reprint: Winson and McElroy-Johnson, Beverly. Giving Voice to the Dovie Hudson’s Dream. Winter, 463-491. Voiceless. Spring, 85-104. Fine, Melinda. “You Can’t Just Say That the Only Ones Who Can Speak Are Those CORRESPONDENCE Who Agree with Your Position”: Political Discourse in the Classroom. Winter, 412- Ralston, Anthony. Deaf Education: Wanting the 433. Best for Our Children. Fall, 359-361. Hull, Glynda. Hearing Other Voices: A Critical Saylor, Patricia. A Response to Ralston. Fall, Assessment of Popular Views on Literacy 361-363. and Work. Spring, 20-49. Kincheloe, Joe L., and Steinberg, Shirley R. A EDITORS’ REVIEWS rentative Description of Post-Formal Crawford, James. Hold Your Tongue: Bilingualism Thinking: The Critical Confrontation with and the Politics of “English Only” (Jane A. Cognitive Theory. Fall, 296-320. Herman). Spring, 105-110. Levy, Frank. See Murnane, RichardJ . Edelman, Marian Wright. The Measure of Our Macedo, Donaldo P. Literacy for Stupidifica- Success: A Letter to My Children and Yours tion: The Pedagogy of Big Lies. Summer, (Sean F. Reardon). Spring, 111-114 183-206. Galiagher, Shaun. Hermeneutics and Education Murnane, Richard J., and Levy, Frank. Why To- (Arthur J. Schwartz). Summer, 238-244. day’s High-School-Educated Males Earn Gross, Francis L., Jr., with Toni Perior Gross. The Less than Their Fathers Did: The Problem Making of a Mystic: Seasons in the Life of and an Assessment of Responses. Spring, Teresa of Avila (Ariie Woodrum). Winter, 1-19 499-503. Nuthall, Graham. See Alton-Lee, Adrienne. Noam, Gil, and Wren, Thomas (Eds.). The Moral Patrick, John. See Alton-Lee, Adrienne. Self: Building a Better Paradigm (Arthur J. Rogers, Annie G. Voice, Play, and a Practice of Schwartz). Winter, 492-498. Ordinary Courage in Girls’ and Women’s Rossman, Parker. The Emerging Worldwide Elec Lives. Fall, 265-295. tronic University: Information Age Global Siddle Walker, Emilie V. Caswell County Train- Higher Education (James H. Gray). Spring, ing School, 1933-1969: Relationships be- 118-120. tween Community and School. Summer, Sizer, Theodore R. Horace’s School: Redesigning 161-182. the American High Schoei (Sean F. Reardon Steinberg, Shirley R. See Kincheloe, Joe L. and John Verre). Summer, 233-238. Tierney, William G. Academic Freedom and the Tracy, Laura. The Secret between Us: Competition Parameters of Knowledge. Summer, 143- among Women (Cally L. Waite). Spring, 160. 114-118. Tremmel, Robert. Zen and the Art of Reflective Practice in Teacher Education. Winter, 434-458. NOTES ON BOOKS Watkins, William H. Black Curriculum Orienta- Allen, JoBeth, Michalove, Barbara, and Schock- tions: A Preliminary Inquiry. Fall, 321-338. ley, Betty. Engaging Children: Community and Index to Volume 63, 1993 ARTICLES rFEACHING AND PRACTICE Alton-Lee, Adrienne, Nuthall, Graham, and Pat- Boudin, Kathy. Participatory Literacy Education rick, John. Reframing Classroom Research: behind Bars: AIDS Opens the Door. Sum- A Lesson from the Private World of Chil- mer, 207-232. dren. Spring, 50-84. Clifford, Patricia, and Friesen, Sharon L. A Cu- Delgado-Gaitan, Concha. Researching Change rious Plan: Managing on the Twelfth. Fall, and Changing the Researcher. Winter, 339-358. 389-411. Friesen, Sharon L. See Clifford, Patricia. Edelman, Marian Wright. Reprint: Winson and McElroy-Johnson, Beverly. Giving Voice to the Dovie Hudson’s Dream. Winter, 463-491. Voiceless. Spring, 85-104. Fine, Melinda. “You Can’t Just Say That the Only Ones Who Can Speak Are Those CORRESPONDENCE Who Agree with Your Position”: Political Discourse in the Classroom. Winter, 412- Ralston, Anthony. Deaf Education: Wanting the 433. Best for Our Children. Fall, 359-361. Hull, Glynda. Hearing Other Voices: A Critical Saylor, Patricia. A Response to Ralston. Fall, Assessment of Popular Views on Literacy 361-363. and Work. Spring, 20-49. Kincheloe, Joe L., and Steinberg, Shirley R. A EDITORS’ REVIEWS rentative Description of Post-Formal Crawford, James. Hold Your Tongue: Bilingualism Thinking: The Critical Confrontation with and the Politics of “English Only” (Jane A. Cognitive Theory. Fall, 296-320. Herman). Spring, 105-110. Levy, Frank. See Murnane, RichardJ . Edelman, Marian Wright. The Measure of Our Macedo, Donaldo P. Literacy for Stupidifica- Success: A Letter to My Children and Yours tion: The Pedagogy of Big Lies. Summer, (Sean F. Reardon). Spring, 111-114 183-206. Galiagher, Shaun. Hermeneutics and Education Murnane, Richard J., and Levy, Frank. Why To- (Arthur J. Schwartz). Summer, 238-244. day’s High-School-Educated Males Earn Gross, Francis L., Jr., with Toni Perior Gross. The Less than Their Fathers Did: The Problem Making of a Mystic: Seasons in the Life of and an Assessment of Responses. Spring, Teresa of Avila (Ariie Woodrum). Winter, 1-19 499-503. Nuthall, Graham. See Alton-Lee, Adrienne. Noam, Gil, and Wren, Thomas (Eds.). The Moral Patrick, John. See Alton-Lee, Adrienne. Self: Building a Better Paradigm (Arthur J. Rogers, Annie G. Voice, Play, and a Practice of Schwartz). Winter, 492-498. Ordinary Courage in Girls’ and Women’s Rossman, Parker. The Emerging Worldwide Elec Lives. Fall, 265-295. tronic University: Information Age Global Siddle Walker, Emilie V. Caswell County Train- Higher Education (James H. Gray). Spring, ing School, 1933-1969: Relationships be- 118-120. tween Community and School. Summer, Sizer, Theodore R. Horace’s School: Redesigning 161-182. the American High Schoei (Sean F. Reardon Steinberg, Shirley R. See Kincheloe, Joe L. and John Verre). Summer, 233-238. Tierney, William G. Academic Freedom and the Tracy, Laura. The Secret between Us: Competition Parameters of Knowledge. Summer, 143- among Women (Cally L. Waite). Spring, 160. 114-118. Tremmel, Robert. Zen and the Art of Reflective Practice in Teacher Education. Winter, 434-458. NOTES ON BOOKS Watkins, William H. Black Curriculum Orienta- Allen, JoBeth, Michalove, Barbara, and Schock- tions: A Preliminary Inquiry. Fall, 321-338. ley, Betty. Engaging Children: Community and Index Chaos in the Lives of Young Literacy Learners. Lee, David. Competing Discourses: Perspective and Winter, 504-505. Ideology in Language. Summer, 250. Angus, Lawrence (Ed.). Education, Inequality and Lofty, John S. Time to Write: The Influence oj Time Social Identity. Winter, 507-508. and Culture on Learning to Write. Spring, Baker, Colin. Attitudes and Language. Fall, 376. 123-124. Ball, Stephen J. (Ed.). Foucault and Education: McLaughlin, Daniel. When Literacy Empowers: Disciplines and Knowledge. Fall, 375. Navajo Language in Print. Fall, 373-374. Berryman, Jerome W. Godly Play: A Way of Relig Morsy, Zaghloul, and Altbach, Philip (Eds.). ious Education. Spring, 125-126. Higher Education in International Perspective: Bourdieu, Pierre. Language and Symbolic Power. Toward the 21st Century. Fall, 377-378. Fall, 374-375. Newkirk, Thomas (Ed.). Nuts and Bolts: A Practi- Brent, Doug. Reading as Rhetorical Invention: cal Guide to Teaching College Composition. Knowledge, Persuasion, and the Teaching of Winter, 508-509. Research-Based Writing. Fall, 377 Newkirk, Thomas, with McLure, Patricia. Listen- Brooke, Robert E. Writing and Sense of Self: Iden- ing In: Children Talk About Books (And Other tity Negotiation in Writing Workshops. Spring, Things). Spring, 128. 124-125. O’Barr, Jean, and Wyer, Mary (Eds.). Engaging Busby, Margaret (Ed.). Daughters of Africa: An Feminism: Students Speak Up and Speak Out. International Anthology of Words and Wnitings Fall, 375. by Women of African Descent: From the Ancient Ortega y Gasset, José. Mission of the University. Egyptian to the Present. Spring, 126. Fall, 377. Cazden, Courtney B. Whole Language Plus: Essays Pangle, Lorraine Smith, and Pangle, Thomas L. on Literacy in the United States and New Zea The Learning of Liberty: The Educational Ideas land. Fall, 376. of the American Founders. Winter, 511. Coles, Robert. The Spiritual Life of Children. Papert, Seymour. The Children’s Machine: Rethink Spring, 121-122. ing School in the Age of the Computer. Fall, Cullingford, Cedric. Children and Society: Chil 366-367. \ dren’s Attitudes to Politics and Power. Fall, Ruopp, Richard, Gal, Shahaf, Drayton, Brian, 374. and Pfister, Meghan (Eds.). LabNet: Toward Gallegos, Bernardo P. Literacy, Education, and a Community of Practice. Summer, 249. Society in New Mexico 1693-1821. Fall, 372- Shulman, Judith H. (Ed.). Case Methods in 373. Teacher Education. Fall, 370-371. Gatto, John Taylor. Dumbing Us Down: The Hid- Smilansky, Sara, Zohar, David, and Snir, Rachel. den Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. Sum- Twins and Their Development: The Roles of mer, 245-246. Family and School. Fall, 378. Gilligan, Carol, Rogers, Annie G., and Tolman, Stearns, Peter N. Meaning Over Memory. Winter, Deborah L. (Eds.}. Women, Girls & Psycho- 505-507. therapy: Reframing Resistance. Fall, 367-369. Story, Ronald (Ed.). Five Colleges: Five Histories. Goodman, Yetta M., and Wilde, Sandra (Eds.). Summer, 251. Literary Events in a Community of Young Wnit- Stotsky, Sandra. Connecting Civic Education and ers. Fall, 376-377. Language Education: The Contemporary Chal- Harris, David. From Ciass Struggle to the Politics of lenge. Spring, 127. Pleasure: The Effects of Gramscianism on Cul- Stromquist, N.P. (Ed.). Women and Education in tural Studies. Winter, 510. Latin America: Knowledge, Power, and Henze, Rosemary C. /nformal Teaching and Learn- Change. Fall, 364-366. ing: A Study of Everyday Cognition in a Greek reitelbaum, Kenneth. Schooling for “Good Rebels”: Community. Summer, 246-247. Socialist Education for Children in the United Howe, Kenneth R., and Miramontes, Ofelia. The States, 1900-1920. Winter, 510. Ethics of Special Education. Fall, 372. Thapan, Meenakshe. Life at School: An Ethno- Jones, Elizabeth, and Reynolds, Gretchen. The graphic Study. Spring, 126-127. Play’s the Thing. Summer, 248-249. Thorne, Barrie. Gender Play: Girls and Boys in Kane, Pearl Rock (Ed.). The First Year of Teach- School. Winter, 509-510. ing: Real World Stories from America’s Teach- Tolman, Charles W., and Maiers, Wolfgang ers. Spring, 128. (Eds.). Critical Psychology: Contributions to an Krol, Ed. The Whole Internet User’s Guide & Cata- Historical Science of the Subject. Fall, 371-372. log. Summer, 250-251. Urban, WayneJ . Black Scholar: Horace Mann Bond Laska, John A., and Juarez, Tina (Eds.). Grading 1902-1972. Summer, 247-248. and Marking in American Schools: Two Centu- Winston, Roger B.,Jr . (Ed.). Student Housing and ries of Debate. Spring, 129. Residential Life: A Handbook for Professionals Harvard Educational Review Committed to Student Development Goals. Fall, 369-370. Wood, Joe (Ed.). Malcolm X: In Our Own Image. Spring, 122-123. Zelan, Karen. The Risks of Knowing: Developmental Impediments to School Learning. Spring, 129. REVIEWERS Gray, James H. Spring, 118-120. Herman, Jane A. Spring, 105-110. Reardon, Sean F. Spring, 111-114; Summer, 233-238. Schwartz, Arthur J. Summer, 238-244; Winter, 492-498. Verre, John. Summer, 233-238. Waite, Cally L. Spring, 114-118. Woodrum, Arlie. Winter, 499-503.

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