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Hartmut Abele - Solvay Institutes PDF

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Neutron Beta Decay: C C A & B ORRELATION OEFFICIENTS Hartmut Abele Solvay Workshop 2014 Hartmut Abele, Technische Universität Wien Standard Model and Neutron Decay β Neutron -decay       d′ d V V V       ud us ub n → p e ν CKM-Matrix: s′  =  V V V  s  e cd cs cb       b′ b V V V       td ts tb τ lifetime ~ 15 min β -endpoint: E = 782 keV max V-A Theory: Vector coupling: g = G V f (q2→0) V F ud 1 Axial vector coupling: g = G V g (q2→0) A F ud 1 λ ratio = g / g = -1.276 A V Standard Model: V , λ, eiθ= -1 ud 2 Neutron Alphabet deciphers the SM A Observables Parameters Neutron Spin τ ϑ Lifetime Electron • Strength: G a B Correlation A F D • Quark mixing: V Correlation B ud • Ratio: λ = g /g Correlation C A V R Neutrino N Correlation a C Q R Correlation D Proton Correlation N Correlation Q R 5 4 f m c τ−1 =V 2G 2(1 + 3λ2) e Correlation R ud F 2π3h 7 Beta Spectrum Proton Spectrum Beta Helicity • Hartmut Abele, Atominstitut, TU Wien High Precision - Low Energy 3 Neutron Alphabet deciphers the SM λ a,A → = g / g A V τ A + → V from CKM matrix ud τ A + B + → Right Handed Currents (RHC)? W W L R H. Abele, NIM A 611 (2009) 193–197 4 Neutron Alphabet deciphers the SM D, R ? T-odd → CP-violation CP  Candidate models for scalar couplings (at tree-level):  Charged Higgs exchange  Slepton exchange (R-parity violating super symmetric models)  Vector and scalar leptoquark exchange  The only candidate model for tree-level tensor contribution (in renormalizable gauge theories) is:  Scalar leptoquark exchange See P. Herczeg, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 46 (2001) 413. 5 Courtesy of K. Bodek Characteristics PERKEO I of Experiments Using Magnetic Fields (Dubbers 1980s) ϑ A, B, C Hartmut Abele, Technische Universität München 6 Method: P. Bopp et al., NIM A 267 (1988) 436. λ Why ratio = g / g from Neutrons? A V Processes with the same Feynman-Diagram Courtesy of D. Dubbers 7 up: down: Spectrometer Perkeo II N⇑ − N⇓ N⇑ − N⇓ A = A = exp N⇑ + N⇓ exp N⇑ + N⇓ precise electron spectroscopy Principle: 2x2π- Detection two hemispheres backscattering suppression low background strong beam PF1: - count rate→systematic zum beamstop v λ(λ+ 1) A = A Pf A = −2 exp c 1 + 3λ2 λ= g /g A V Method see also: H. Abele et al., 17 keV Neutrino PLB 316 26 1993 8 a bit history: λ from neutron β-decay -1.1900(200), PDG (1960) -1.2500(200), PDG (1975) -1.2610(40), PDG (1990) -1.2594(38), Gatchina (1997) -1.2660(40), M, ILL (1997) -1.2740(30), PERKEO II (1997) -1.2686(47), Gatchina, ILL (2001) -1.2739(19), PERKEO II (2002) −1.27590(+409)(−445), UCNA (2011) -1.2756(30), UCNA (2013) -1.2748+13 PERKEO II (2013) -14 9 Error Budget A 10

A + τ → V ud from CKM matrix. A + B + τ→ Right Handed Currents (RHC)? W. L. W. R. Neutron Alphabet deciphers the SM. H. Abele, NIM A 611 (2009) 193–197
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