TheH arrFy Allen � CollecotfiB olna cJka cks A Studoyft hSet amapn dI tUss e (Msr.A rtuhrC .) EllioHP err:ot·C·o n�uhant Publishbeyd T heA mericaPnh ilatSeolciice ty A.P.SH.A NDBOOK SERIES THEH ARRY ALFL.E CNO LLECTOIFBO LNA CJKA CKAS :S TUDOYF T HES TAMAPN I> ITUss Ei sa notvhoelru imnet hceo ntinsueirniogef As . P.PSh.i laHtaenldibco oks. * Publishbeyd T heA mericaPnh ilateSloicci eItnyc .P,. 0 .B ox 80S0t,a tCeo llegPee,n nsylvania, underth ea uspicoefst heS ociety's LiatnedrR aetsueraer Ccohm mittee. * FirEsdti tion Copyrig©ht 1 969 by TheA mericaPnh ilateSloicci etIyn c. (Allr ightrse servedN.o parto f thisb ooki n excesosf .;oo wordsm ay be reproducienda nyf orm withoupte rmissiionn w,r itinfgr,o mt hep ublisher.) Printiendt heU .S.Ab.y THE J.W . STOWELL PRINTINGC OMPANY FederalsbMuarrg:y,l and Tableo f Contents PREFACE v ABOUTT HEA UTHOR VI lNTRODUCTIOK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------· Vil PART l:T HE BLACK] ACK IN THE CIVILW AR ------------------------ PARTI I:T HE BLACK] ACK IN Do:-.1ESTCIOCM MERCEO F lTsD AY•----------_-_ --1-5- --------- PART IllT:H E BLACK] ACK USEDO NC OVERTSO F OREIGCNO UNTRIE--S-------------------35 PARTI V:B LACK] A CK Cou.ATERMAALT ERIAL 71 PARTv : FANCY CAXCELLATIOANNSD OTHERP OSTAMLA RKINGOSN THE BLACK JACK ------------------------------------------- ---------------__ 8I PARTV lT:E CH:-;I CALITIOEFS B LACKj A CK PRODUCTIO--N--- ------------------------------------ I I I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 145 BIBLIOGRAPHY 147 lll HarryF rederick(1 8A7l8l-e1n9 65) iv PREFACE HARRYF REDERIACLKL ENw asbr oni nL yn,nM assA.p,r 8i,l1 7 88.T herwee rneo fundsc ofnotirin hngiu esd uicoawnth ehne g radautefdr ohmgi hs ch,os ooll ihkieos l der brtoheFrR,AN KG .A LLENG, overnoofMr a sscahus(e1 t29t93s-1) ,he w entt o rwkio n hifsa thtenarn'esr rh ee ntetrehee dm ploofWy i nslBorwoe trh&s Smhi Ctom panoyl,d sehsete np msankuifactiuntr heUern sei dtS attewshe,r hee b ecea kmnowans "thbeo my anag"e orft hre NiowroodM,as Thep orceisnosgf h dies antdh mea nfuaceto uflr aetrhg eoowdassh ilsfi ew orkI.n1 096h,e m arireMdis sL ois MITCHELSLH ATTUCoK f� owroodT.h erye siidnNe odrw oodu nttihlem yo vetdoS t. PeterusrbgF,l ai.n1, 49 0.M r.A llen'ss mriaelnaehd di ygs e ntalnegd eanlip ernsaoyl it werqeu alwihtiiccehhas r arcitzeheides n H ew asaM asoann adS hnreir. Heb eng caollescttaimanpsgas s mablolay n d nwearvsf e aarw afyrm o it, hebu t fuontdi mfeos re veorteahrhl o bbaiswe esl Ilwt.a s dheilsit goth rta tvheNele wE ngalnd cournsytidaen dt oa ttencdo turnayu cntsii nos aercohf e ralAym reinc faunrituarned Amerainp cewrt.eO no ccasihoeb no ugshutcu hn usiutaelam sas y okoefo xeann da n hitsoroilcsd tg aecotaocd he corhaiNtsee w H ampsihrfea asa tt hfirasm t hat her aisSewdi Msosn dainaen dS ivelrK nigp ignesfo owrh ichhe r eceiav Meads ter BreresdC eeritficfaoterei hgtc nosecuyteriasvf er otmeh NatioPngaielo Ans soicnoi.a t By1 392h,e dhd aeveltohpCeeha dm piborindi ne cahb ered. Issueosft hBer ihtC iosloniehsis spw eecriea li ntssettfra oemmrpa n yy erasb,u hte soltdhc eo llewchtnei hoemn o vetdoF loar ainddt herne buepngo bauinlgad ciollection of1 t9hc enrtyUu nietdS ttaesst ampAsta. n e xhiitbiion1n 59 2h,e sa wa spezceida li cocltlieoofBn lcakJ cakasn tdeh eraftceorl lencoot htered s tamp. uHneta elwraasb ly oppotsobe udy iinncgttc a ocltlieaonnidssn isotnbe ud inlghd iiBsl cakJ cakc ollescttaimopn bys taamnpd cboyvc eorve Hre. waa mse mboefrT heA merni PchaaitleSloiccyi ,e t Sociye otfP haitleAlmiecr nisca anCdo lclteoCrlsu Nbe,w Y or.k Int hSep rionf1g 59 3h,e a sktehdae u htotro m ounhtiB sal cJkca kisn a manner ;;uibltfeao erx ihbitainofdnr o,tm h atti moens ,h seev reads c utroaorf t ehc oltlieocInn. compettihtceio oclntln,ie r oceeivtehGder anAdwa rad tF LOREXi n1 593a,n da Gold Awaradn tdh SeT EPHGE.NR I CH TROPHYf o"rB eisnUt . "Sa .tC HISPA in1 59·4 In 1596i,t saw waraedda B ronMzeed aaltF IPEXi;n19 5,8a GolAdw aradn tdh Ae. P.S. Trpohayt S OJEXI.n 1 693b,y s pecivinaiilto anit,t wexaihsb iatgenad ai tF LOREX anadg na iitt ootkhG er anAdw aradn td hSe. AP.R. easrecMhe dla.T hec ollewcatsi on showfnot rh lea tsitm aetN APEX,i n1 694w,h erietr ce eivae Gdo lAdw rada ntdeh S.AP..P residTernotp'hsy . It waatNs A PXE inW asihngttohnat thE ed oirto fT heA merciaPnh liaittses lwa tehc oelclnt ainoidn vittheaedu h tro tpor aerpae s eroifea sri tcloenis .t Shaecc epted suebcjtto M r.A lnl'easp rpoavla npdr iodvitnhgaE LtL IOTPTE RRYw oulsde ravsec o n sunlttfa otrh see ersiM.r .A lnl weasg raetlpyls eeaadt t hievn iitoantH.i wsi ilnnlgess sahrhei sst amwpitsho htrec loclteotrhsr oeuxghhti inb oaind througbhyt hlee ctures to autrht oos tacmlpu ibnFs l rodiah da alawybse ne notaabnltdeh ,oi psrp tountioet txye nd thceol cletitooan w irda eudnicweea sc oinsstweinhth ti pshi praatn oifot he seershi,o wer.vw eadse yle,afid rsbtyt hiejn uerssi usitnaebdyM r.P erriyn a na utomobile accindtei nt hFea lolf1 694a,n dt hebnyM r.A llesnre'isoi ulsl nients hsSe rp inogf 196a5n,hd i dse aitnJh nu eo ft hayter a. Tragesdrtyu cakg aoinnt eh evneinogfM arch2 61,6 96w,h ennea rltyh een tire rnlclteiwoanss toflreontm h aeu hotr'hso mwehe rietw a sw aintgfi ofirn aplh oogtraphy tehn exmto rniFnogr.t unsaotmeyelae yr,bsf e orieth adb eecno mplpehtooergltayp hed onm cirfiolfmo sre ctuypr ruipsoeasn.ld a etro,nc olsolrsi f doelre ctpuuroresp eFsr.o m thetsweos asp osstiocb olmep ltehtieel lruasttinoenesdf eodpr u bclaitioof n thsee ft hwirsti in(gMa y1 698)t.ehc oelclthiaonsno btee nr ecoevde.r v ABOUT THE AUTHOR Thea uhtorM,AR YTETE BROWNL ANE,w idoowfA RTHURG .L ANE,M .D.h, oltdhse degroefMe a stre ofS ocSicaile fnrcoeSm m hi CtollSecgoheo flo Sro cWioarlk S.h e hacso lleUcnitteeSdadt t esst amspiesn h ceurn dgerraadtudeya sa tM iamiU nviresyi,t OxfoOrhdi,fo r,o wmh ersehr ee cehievBreA. d. d egrien1e 39 2.S hhesa l ivienSd t . Pertserbgus in1c49e0a ,n fdo trh pea s2t0y eahrasbs e eanc tiinvF el orpihdaiatle lSyh.e hsab eetne tni mPeress idoeftn htSe t P.e tersSbtmuaprC gl uwba,sa memboefrt he ogranizcaotmimtoienote f t hFel orFieddae raotfSi atomnpC lubasn,dh ahse ledv ye r elteicovffiec aen ndu mreoucso mmtieatep piontmiennt tahsto granaitzioSneh.i sam em beorf T heA mecrain aPtheiSllcoiicye ,St ocioefPt hyai tleAlmiecr icCaonlslr,esC c lutbo, NewY or;kU . tleClliaccs sSs oicyi,We rtitUenrisot fA .P .S .a,n Rdo yPalhi la telSiocc iLeotnyd,oC tnlsyh,ei sc ahirnm atofhA e.P .S .S taTmhpe Cfotm mtti.e e Shwea sed iotfoT rh eF lroidPah iliastfteo flro uyre aarnswd,a sa na ssoceiidattore ofW eeklPyh liaetliGcos ispf osre rvaeyle arHse.rr escehaa trricelnet i"tFlleodsr, i da' Hellfiraedn BrimstMoaniel t"h,se t yo roffu migaotfm iaoiinln F lordiurdian tgh e yewl lfoeveeprei mdiocf1 88o8rg,ii anlpluy b�ehldii nG ossiipsa,p arotft he "A"m ericas cahptoef"r D iseictnMefadi lb"yK .F .M eyerM,.D .(,G ossPirnpit erHyo,ol ntK,a n., 1926).Sh ree cetihvAeeN dN AM ARICEH EMAlW ARfDo trh bee sste roifea stri cilne s TheA meriPchalina ittse( l91656-)6a,n tdeh EPRRCYu r( 9168),per senbtyte hdUe . S . PhaitleCllisacis Scosc yi.e t vi INTRODUCTION 'f HEN AM E,B laclka ckw,a sg ivteotn h Uen itSettdae 2sc- enstt aomfp1 683b yi ts firsste risotduuenst t,h afitn ege tnlemaannda stuotbes erHv.eP .rA ,th reotn of HoloykeM,as s.It w ash,es adi,a c oniveenwnaty t od istinthgbeul iasschatk m pf rom it"sc orlecodo ussi"tn,eh 2 c-enbtor wn2,- cveentrl miio4nc-,e ngtr eaenn4d - cecnatr mine Jackssotna mopfts h lea tBearn Nko tpee riMord..A tehrtmoand aen e xtensive study -0ft hBeal cJkac ke,x aimnimnorge t haInOo ,ocooo piae fse,aw thi cwhou lbde v irtually impostsdoiabylO.ev efirv teh oaunsdc opwieersie n h iosw nc ollecOtriigoailnnl.iy t was phliatsno r ecohriodsb e sravtiboyn,,v sri tian bgo ooknh sif vaorsiattmep b,u th e wasd isdseudfao rmd oisnogb yt he amouonfwt orikn lvevoda ndte h opinoifho ins frietnahdtis tw oulbdea finanlclliyoa spiornpgo t,yt hoen lrye cdo r -0ft hviass stt uadpyp eianar b sr iaetrfi cwlrteit ebnyM r.A thretofonrm m emroyy ears lataenrdp ubliisnth heJeda nruy1a ,51 39+i ssoufMe e kee'l Wse eyk Sltmap News. Desptihtleeo sosfh ifisn idngtsot howsheoh avceo maef theirm t,h e nwahimcehh e -gaev tot hipso pru sltapa wmillvlie a sl onagst ehraer tsa tmpasn sdt amcpo lolrse.c t Witthh pea ssign ofy eaRrlsa,Jc cakk h acse asteobd ea n ame sdoselcierpltyii ncv oen notatibouintnt ,se ahdsab ecoamt ei tolfde i stinrcetsipaoenncda,t ff ectfoiroo nnoe f t he mosbte loovfUe ndei dtS attepso sgtea amspt.s Porbablnyos tpa imssbuyet dh Uen itSeatdt eosra nyf oreciogurnny ht sam orteo .offrec oelcltoWrhsa.t ervo en'esp haitlcep lrifeereintc leki,ies lt yh asto merwehi ent he ·syt oofrt hBel aJcak chkew ilfiln ds ometohfis npagel ci inrteesttoh i,mf otrh iissa stpaw mhiccho mcelso tsore u nntihngega umti nt hfiee lodfp hiellayt. Int eh pgaewsh icfho llaonwa ,t tempbte m wadietl olt etlhlBe lcakJ acsk troy primya arsii tli sd meosntarteidn sthi-eoxvu lmec ollefcrotmieobdne w tee1n59 2a nd 1695h yt hleta eH arrFy. A lloefnS tP.e tbeurrgsF,l aB.e sibdeeisan tgir buttoMe r . Alleint, h iosp ethda tth ewsoer dwsi lplor viidnes aptiiraonndh eltpop r eseanntd ftuurceo cltloearnssd t udoefntt hsdi lsei tgfhusaltm .p Phillaitpcehi losroshp ahvseep ecualtal teendga tsth ow hyt hpeo ratirotfA ndrew Jackosn,a S ohuetnrersh,o uhladvb ee esne leacstt hedede isgfno arp oasgtset atmopb e issbuyeth de F ederaUln iont hvaeet yr tiem itw ase ngaignea dmre dc onflwiihct tth e 'ConfdeearcyIth sab eesnu ggetsahttie tmda yh avbee ean d ilpomagteisrcte tu woard . thSeo hu,to ra na ttetmoup nti ftoetr h seu prptoo ft hUen iothned ivildoeyda ilnti es Jacnk'shsoo mSet aotfTe e nnessOenet .ho et hhenard i,fp y scoholgailoc vretonweesr e invoaltva elidlt i, s n oitol glitcoaa ls sutmahett hpeo rratiotfA nrdewJ ackwsoounl d bel oodk uepont hasesmy b oilce mboidmeto nft hUen icoanu rseenm,iic senotfh ilsba ours and hiso fqtu otteaods"t F eedraUln i:oI ntm ustb ep rsereve.d I"nf catt htiaoss t, alrteetdo a m ordera matfirocm ",O ruF edreaUlni o:nI tm usatn dS HALLB E pre servedh"a,d h eenu sed asa ralgl cyrityhn rohouugtteh Nortshi ntcehe b eginonfi ng hosittsii.lAe ctaulliytw asf amro raep proptrhiaAatnt der Jeawc kspoonrr'atssi hto uld appeaorna s taomfpt hUeni ownh,i chheh dal baourseoud n acseilnytg osr tengtahnedn prserev.te hafnroi tt oh eu seodns tamopfts h Ceo fnerdaecwyh oasiew ma sth dee rsutc tioonf t heU nionT.h is\ nitekrn o\\o·fns od ocumneteedv icdete ons uppaonroytf t hese speuclaiotnsT.h erei sh.c rn·evtehre.f lolm,·ing letterp.u blisd hbeyJ .W aletrS cotti n theA ug.2 6.1 902i ssuoefT he, Uetropolita11 coPnhcierlnnagit sepleicsittfi,ic oanfso rt he -ne\s\t-a:m p PostO fficeD epartment FinancOffiec e WashingtAopnr,i 8l, 1 863 �ir: Under tNbeew PostaLgea w. i'!amopfi'I h ed enominaloifot wno cenls bweir lelq uired fort hep aymenotf p ostgea onl ocalle tteornai' n da fte1rs tJ ulyn ext. Ih avet hereftoorr ee quetshtarn tu willa trn ur earliceosntv eniefnucren itshhi osffi ce witah desigfno rp oas ta,:gtea mopft hadte nominawthiiocnsh.t a msph alble s od ifferent Vil Vlll ina llr especftrso mt hosneo w inu sea,s lo be readidlisyt inguisfhraobmlt eh emw ithout referentcoce o lor. I am, respefcutl leyt,c . A.N .Z EVELY ThridA ssPt.M. . Genl. 1[J NFORTUNATELYi t noirste rcdoetdow hotmh aeb olveet wtaesar d drebsuste d, itm ay welhlva eb eetnoJ .M acdonho,ku ngowdne sniegr tohBfeal cJkc aka,n d Secreotfta hr1\ey a tioBnakan Nlo tCeo mapnoyf N ew Yorwkh,i cfihmr heltdh e con trcatf opror ductoifoUn ni tSetda stteasm ipn1s 68 3.I tw ouladp pefarro m the wording oft hlee tttahettr h dee sigonfti hnnege ws tawmap sd elaetgesdo lteolt yh ree iciepnt oft hlee twtietrnh,os tirngasta tchoehtde trah nt eh inrsutcttihoainttw ast ob es o dirffeenitna lrle spectohste rtfshr eonmu saest ob er edaildyii sntghaubilsfoerm t ehm m withroeurftee ntcoce o l. or Stmapsa rdesi tingufoirmse hcaehdo thbeyrt e hidre gsnit,h ierc ol,o orrb yb oht. Thel etptlenarli syt attahetsc olwoarsn ott ob ea ditsinigsuhfienagt ouftr hee new 2c-enstt amTph.u st,h feu lwleg iht restoendd e gsni.I nt hpea stteh, l iekneosfs BenajmiFnra nklhidan a ppeaornse idsx tm apso,fG erogWea sihngtoonen l evoefn , ThomaJsffe ersoontn w oF.o ra c ompletelayn dddi tisiffnecrdteeinsvtiae gn ne,wf ace mayh vaeb eeinn daitceWdh.e trhi etw ass oltehlceyh oiocfJe .M acdoung,oh hetd e singero,rs omoeht eirn uflenwcheci hc austehdfec a eo fA ndrJecawk stoonb es elected fotrh 2e- cesntta mwped, o n oktn owW.h atw ed ok noiwst hatthJ eca kshoena wda s reayda ivlaaibllfoerm s otcikn t hvea uolftt shN ea tioBnanaklN oteC omapny. In1 681J,so epPh.O udrana, N atioBnanakNl o tee ngrahvdae dro,nt eeh h eda of AndrJecawk sfoonur s e tohn$e, 1 o obon akn otpeor ducfeodtr eh Cofnedceypr raior tot eh embragoon t rdaeb etwteheNneo rtahn td hSeo utLhat.e treh samdei heda heeunsd e onl eaatts\ tVo hOt epri eocfec sur renocnyoe,f w hic,h $a5b annko toeft he FarmaenrMdse crhanBtansko fC ecCiolu yn,Et lktoni,ss h Mwodni. nF, i ugrIe. L ong agtoh sei mriyil btaetwteeheJ nca kshoenda ont hebsnaek noatneds BtlchakeJ cakv gi nettew asn otbeudi,ttw asn outn t1i59l7t haJtoe sphG. R einpoirvse tdah tt ehya re indeieedndt ic(Easls.Pa royfo Jourln,aV o.lI 4 ,N o.I ,p .3 2.B)y superiomfp osure photroagphneigca tMirv.Re esii,sns o hwetdh atth ea cBJklc akv igniesta tcaetl ultyh e cetnrpaoli rotonf t hsee lmfeds iauesd e perviofuosprlor yd utcioonft ehb nakn oteAs . parotft eho rigbicankaglr owuanstd r immaweadty o a lltohwne e ecssy laerttering and fedwe rcaotsicvreot lobl eas d dteodc ompltehstete a dmeps ign. a Iti bse ilevteahdtt ehe ngvreahde aidsa ftaem ri nieap tiaunrtoifnJ gca ksoanta, g e 75d,o nbeyJ ohWno odD odg(e10 8718-93) ksiossn a itdoh vaes afto trh pea inting in1 482a,tw hicthi mheew asl iviinrn egrt eimeanttt h Hee rtmaighei,s homNeas hnear vilAlcec.od rintgoi nfaotrimoobnt da iinn1 e697f rotmh Tee nneSstsaetLeei abrryt,h e ' wherbeoauotfst eh D odgmei niaitsuu nrkenowInti. ss aid tthLheaa dti Heesr tmaige Assiotaciohna s bseeceahnri fnogir t f or yeMar.rR se.i nsitsa tteahdtp orbabltyh e moriem metdesi oacuerf otrh Jeca ksdoinwe a sa ne nagvrionfgt e hb uspto rtoifto hne Dodge pboyrM t.r DaIai.nt f orth. Useo ft ehJ cakshoendaf rotmh Oeu rdadnia el rye asdtoecxkp ltahideni srs oppor m tibotnev\ eetnehs zieo ft ehv ignaenttdteh eo vreallo fts hisezt ea mafp ae,t uornwe h ich commeinsfte r quleyhn etar"dTh.e s tmapt aht ailhsle adi"th, sab eecna llbeutdtih, s veyrf eatruerseu ilnats etda wmhpi cmhe wte ltlhs ep ecifiocfAa stsiPto..lVLn G Z.e vely. Undenro cirnccuecmsos uAtlnadd rJecawk sosnrt'osnf ge ataunrgder se sahto ocfk white haibrec onfu\·s\ieatdnh oy ht esrt amTph.eB lcakJ cak tirsu al syt asmopdi effrent as btero e daildyi stianbglfuoerim sa hlolht esrw ithoruetrf eentcoec ianogf Jakcsonh'iasrhi ,s b ioghrearMp,a qruiJsma esr,e rcdotsah tl ocokfs i shh aiwre rseo mucihnd emand fohlirlseo twiirnfegrm oepmnu tb lleii tfch ahteh ahdi sb abresrva e altlr iimnsmg. Needf otrih sfi rs2t- cent ofst teha Umnpei dtS tatweass mnaedcee sbsyta hrey PostAaclto fM arc3h, 1 683.T hisA cta biosldh tehpeer viorcu-esn cta rrfieeaern d estaebdtl hipeso hsgtera atfeol ro coardl r olpe ttaettr wso cpeenhrta slo fun coerf, ar c- ix 1tt1'�}·/ft� /�J /'/I ;-c/r//111/1/.1 El.:fS.T1JN., ·1 Figur1e titonh erienocfl,uc doilnlgea cntddie volenir (ynic itwiheersse u cshre viwcaesa vabil)le.a Itf uhreters btilashtehdret a ef osre coanntddih rcdl amsasia lt2 c enftoser ca h4 ounces, orf rcatitoehner ofa,nt dh reta ef ocric rurlsau,p t ot rheienn umbeart,2 centTshe. Actr eiqerudp reypmaenotft ehse rbaypt oesst satgaem apffisx etdot heevn eloopr e wrpaper. Iti so bviforuostm h esseeva elrr taetsh atth nee w2 -cesantmtp w as destfionre d widaen vda erdui seT.he n exsvtee lrc ahapwtielbrlesd evottoae d dse cprtiioofsnu ch oft heussee sa radese mornasttientd eh A llCeonl lecAttti hosena .m tei maena, t tempt wiblelm adteop rseent soomfte hthehu imnaignn tearsepsoetcft t ih sf ascisntaat,mi png levaindgsi cusosfii otdnsu ltleh,cn icsaildu en ttihlfie n aclah ptae rshc,e mdee signed deliebletyroc a ahtrma ntdh eenn truanspsp uecrteiansdgi e ntr hBel cakJ cakw eb.