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January 29, 2013 2:15 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE harrisch 3 1 Harrison metrics for the Schwarzschild black hole 0 2 n Fang-FangYuan a J Institute of Theoretical Physics, Beijing Universityof Technology, Beijing 100124, China 8 ff[email protected] 2 Yong-ChangHuang ] h Institute of Theoretical Physics, Beijing Universityof Technology, Beijing 100124, China t - [email protected] p e h Basedonthehiddenconformalsymmetry,someauthorshaveproposedaHarrisonmetric [ for the Schwarzschild black hole. We give a procedure which can generate a family of 1 Harrisonmetrics starting fromageneral set of SL(2,R)vector fields. Byanalogy with v the subtracted geometry of the Kerr black hole, we find a new Harrison metric for 8 the Schwarzschild case. Its conformal generators are also investigated using the Killing 4 equations inthenear-horizonlimit. 5 6 . 1. Introduction 1 0 The Kerr/CFT correspondence1 has attracted a lot of attention in recent years.2 3 Compared to the extremal cases, the non-extremal black holes are still difficult 1 : to tackle with using the conformal field theory or related techniques. However, a v hidden conformal symmetry has been discovered in the near-region, low-frequency i X limit of the Kerr black hole.3 It is related to the scalar wave equation rather than r the symmetry structure of spacetime geometry. This powerful approach has been a applied to many different black holes. The hidden conformal symmetry of the Schwarzschild black hole was investi- gated in Ref. 4. In contrast with most black holes, only one set of the SL(2,R) generators could be defined. By applying an SU(2,1) transformation, i.e., a Harri- sonor Kinnersley transformation,5,6 onthe Schwarzschildblack hole,a new metric was found which has the same structure as the Bertotti-Robinson spacetime. Its Killing vectors were shown to reproduce the hidden conformal symmetry genera- tors. The quasinormal modes were also studied using the operator method in Ref. 7. For subsequent developments, see Refs. 8–13. Through an interesting observation on the separability of the wave equations, the authors of Refs. 14 and 15 have uncovered a possible geometric realization of the hidden conformal symmetry. This subtracted geometry involves a change of the warp factor in the metric. Although the asymptotic structure is modified, the thermodynamicsoftheblackholeisstillpreserved(apreviousstudyinRef.16may beusefulonthispoint).AsexplicitlyshowninRef.17,thesubtractedgeometrycan 1 January 29, 2013 2:15 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE harrisch 2 also be obtained through a Harrison transformation on the original metric. Recent discussions of the related topics can be found in Refs. 18–22. Inspiredbytheabovediscoveries,onemayattempttofindaconstructivemethod which could realize the hidden conformal symmetry through the Harrison metrics. The resulting metrics may also be interesting in their own right. As an elementary investigation along this direction, we think it would be valuable and reasonable to focus on the Schwarzschildblack hole at first. The layout of this paper is as follows. In the next section, the relevant results of the Harrison metric proposed in Ref. 4 are reviewed. In Sec. 3, based on a cor- respondence between the expansion of the Killing vector and the hidden conformal symmetrygenerators,wegiveanalternativeproceduretoobtainthismetric.InSec. 4,the subtractedgeometryofthe Kerrblackhole is invokedto find a new Harrison metric for the Schwarzschild case which still preserves the black hole thermody- namics. In Sec. 5, we discuss the conformal generators for this new metric through the Killing (orKilling’s)equationsinthe near-horizonlimit. The conclusioncanbe found in Sec. 6. 2. The Harrison metric from hidden conformal symmetry In this section, we review the hidden conformal symmetry generators for Schwarzschildblack hole and the Harrison metric obtained in Ref. 4. The Schwarzschild black hole is given by the metric ∆ r2 ds2 = dt2+ dr2+r2(dθ2+sin2θdφ2), (1) −r2 ∆ ∆= r(r r ), (2) + − where the horizon is at r =2M. One can easily find the Laplacian as follows + 2 = 1 ∂ (√ ggµν∂ ) µ ν ∇ √ g − − 1 1 1 = [ 2+ ∂ sinθ∂ + ∂2 ], (3) r2 ∇ sinθ θ θ sin2θ φ r4 2 =∂ ∆∂ ∂2. (4) ∇ r r − ∆ t FollowingRef.3,toinvestigatethe hiddenconformalsymmetrywe haveto take the near-region, low frequency limit rω 1, r ω 1. Here ω is the frequency in + ≪ ≪ the wave function ansatz Φ(t,r,θ,φ) = e iωtR(r)Yl(θ,φ). Roughly speaking, all − m we need here is the correspondence ∂ iω. t →− AsshowninRef.4,intheabovelimitonecanregardthe resultingradialLapla- cian 2 as SL(2,R) quadratic Casimir. Explicitly, we have ∇ 1 2 = (H H +H H ) H2 H 2 1 −1 −1 1 − 0 r4 = ∂ ∆∂ +∂2. (5) r r− ∆ t January 29, 2013 2:15 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE harrisch 3 Note that as in the literature the radialLaplacianhere refers to 2 while the warp ∇ factor part 1 has been discarded. This is essentially because the latter plays no r2 role in the radial wave equation 2R=l(l+1)R. (6) ∇ Now we can define the following vector fields as hidden conformal symmetry generators H1 = ie4Mt √∆∂r 4M(r−M)∂t , − √∆ (cid:18) (cid:19) H = i4M∂ , (7) 0 t − H 1 = ie−4Mt √∆∂r+ 4M(r−M)∂t , − − √∆ (cid:18) (cid:19) which satisfy the SL(2,R) commutation relations [H ,H ]= iH , [H ,H ]=2iH . (8) 1 0 1 1 1 0 ± ± ± − If one naively uses the general formulas in Ref. 23 and inserts the following parameters for Schwarzschildblack hole 1 T = , T =0, (9) L R 8πM 1 n = 0, n = , (10) L R −8M δ = r 2M, δ =r, (11) + − − 1 A= n T n T = , (12) L R− R L 64πM2 then one would also obtain the other set of generators 4M2 H =i √∆∂ + ∂ , 1 r t √∆ (cid:18) (cid:19) H =0, (13) 0 4M2 H = i √∆∂ ∂ . 1 r t − − − √∆ (cid:18) (cid:19) They obviously do not obey the analogous commutation relations as in Eq. (8), and the radialLaplacian could not be reproduced. In this paper, we will follow the interpretation that the Schwarzschild black hole should be described by a chiral conformal field theory (see Ref. 4). By applying some Harrison transformations on the Schwarzschild metric, the authors of Ref. 4 found a new metric. It has a similar structure to the AdS S2 2 × Bertotti-Robinson spacetime, and the explicit form is r(r 2M) M2 ds2 = −e−2x M−2 dt2+e2xr(r 2M)dr2+e2xM2(dθ2+sin2θdφ2).(14) − In order to retain the entropy of the original Schwarzschild black hole, one must set ex = 2. As pointed out there, the resulting Killing vectors of the AdS factor 2 exactly reproduce the hidden conformal symmetry generators in Eq. (7). January 29, 2013 2:15 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE harrisch 4 3. Harrison metric and Killing vector With the intention to generalize the observation in Ref. 4 to other black holes, we propose an alternative procedure which permits us to determine the Harrison metric(s) from the hidden conformal symmetry generators. Let us start with the following set of SL(2,R) generators H =ieαt+βφ(A∂ +B∂ +C∂ ), 1 r t φ i H = ∂ , (15) 0 t −α H =ie αt βφ( A∂ +B∂ +C∂ ). 1 − − r t φ − − Here α,β are constants, A,B,C are functions of the parameter r, and they all depend onthe blackhole charges.Note that forgeneralblack holesone wouldhave another set of generators H ,H ,H , and H may acquire an extra term D∂ . 1 0 1 0 φ { − } However, the calculation is quite similar as below. We assume that the expansion of the Killing vector has a correspondence with the conformal generators as follows iξ =i(ξr∂ +ξt∂ +ξφ∂ ) r t φ =aH +bH +cH , (16) 1 1 0 − where a,b,c are some irrelevant constants. Then we can obtain ξr =A(aM bN), (17) − c ξt =B(aM +bN) , (18) − α ξφ =C(aM +bN). (19) Here M eαt+βφ,N e αt βφ. − − ≡ ≡ Using the Killing (or Killing’s) equation ξρ∂ g +∂ ξρg +∂ ξρg =0, (20) ρ µν µ ρν ν ρµ and treating the metric components g ,g ,g ,g as unknown variables, we tt rr φφ tφ { } arrive at the following equation set A∂ g +2αBg +2αCg =0, (21) r tt tt tφ A∂ g +2∂ Ag =0, (22) r rr r rr A∂ g +2βCg +2βBg =0, (23) r φφ φφ tφ A∂ g +(αB+βC)g +βBg +αCg =0, (24) r tφ tφ tt φφ αAg +∂ Bg +∂ Cg =0, (25) rr r tt r tφ βAg +∂ Cg +∂ Bg =0. (26) rr r φφ r tφ ThankstothebeautifulstructureofEq.(15),eachequationhereinvolvesacommon factorwitha,bwhichhasbeendiscarded.IfoneusestheconformalKillingequation instead, these unwanted constants will appear on both sides of the equations. January 29, 2013 2:15 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE harrisch 5 Since the first partial derivatives of the metric components are involved, we would have four integration constants, two of which can be fixed by the last two equations. This means that we will obtain a family of Harrison metrics for any specific black hole. By requiring the angular part of the metric structure to be preserved, one can read off the component g . Furthermore, the thermodynamic θθ constraints will determine some integration constants. At the end, the resulting Harrison metric may still not be unique. Using the hidden conformal symmetry generators of the Schwarzschild black hole given in Eq. (7), the Killing equations are obtained as 2(r M) √∆∂ g − g = 0, (27) r tt tt − √∆ √∆∂ g +2∂ √∆g = 0, (28) r rr r rr ∂ g = 0, (29) r φφ √∆ r M g 4M∂ − g = 0. (30) rr r tt 4M − √∆ The solutions can be easily found to be K K 1 1 g = , g = ∆, g =K . (31) rr ∆ tt −16M4 φφ 2 Note that one of the three integration constants has been fixed by the constraint equation (30). To preserve the angular part of the metric structure, we obtain a constraint as g =g sin2θ.Ontheotherhand,forthetemperatureandentropytoberetained: φφ θθ T = 1 ,S = Area =4πM2, we must have H 8πM 4 K =4M2, K =4M2sin2θ. (32) 1 2 Inthisspecialcase,therequirementabouttheentropyisequivalenttothecondition: √ g =√ g . Here g is the determinant of the original metric in Eq. (1). − − 0|r+ 0 Thus we have reproduced the Harrison metric in Eq. (14) with ex = 2. More explicitly, this unique metric can be written as r(r 2M) 4M2 ds2 = − dt2+ dr2+4M2(dθ2+sin2θdφ2). (33) − 4M2 r(r 2M) − 4. A new Harrison metric from subtracted geometry Although the subtracted geometry of general asymptotically flat black holes in four dimensions has been studied in Ref. 15, here we only need to extract the corresponding results for the Kerr black hole. Using the conventions similar to those in Ref. 15, the metric of the Kerr black January 29, 2013 2:15 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE harrisch 6 hole can be written as follows 1 2Mr dr2 X ds2 = G(dt+ asin2θdφ)2+ Σ ( +dθ2+ sin2θdφ2), (34) 0 −√Σ G X G 0 X =(r r )(r r )=r2 2Mr+a2p, (35) + − − − − G=X a2sin2θ, (36) − Σ =(r2+a2cos2θ)2. (37) 0 From this, one can derive the Laplacian 2 = 1 [ 2+ 1 ∂ sinθ∂ + 1 ∂2 ], (38) ∇ √Σ ∇ sinθ θ θ sin2θ φ 0 (2Mr∂ +a∂ )2 (2Mr)2 Σ 2 = ∂ X∂ t φ + − 0∂2. (39) ∇ r r− X G t The(minimally)subtractedgeometrycorrespondstothefollowingchangeofthe warp factor Σ Σ=4M2(2Mr a2cos2θ). (40) 0 → − Now one has the radial Laplacian given by (2Mr∂ +a∂ )2 2 =∂ X∂ t φ +4M2∂2, (41) ∇ r r− X t which is exactly the same as the original work on hidden conformal symmetry.3 If one sets the angular momentum a to zero, the Kerr metric (34) naturally reduces to that of the Schwarzschildblack hole in Eq.(1). When the warpfactor is changed as Σ Σ=8M3r, we obtain a new Harrison metric as follows 0 → r(r 2M) 2M√2Mr ds2 = − dt2+ dr2+2M√2Mr(dθ2+sin2θdφ2). (42) −2M√2Mr r(r 2M) − The corresponding radial Laplacian is 8M3r 2 =∂ ∆∂ ∂2, (43) ∇ r r− ∆ t where ∆=r(r 2M). − One can of course define ρ √2Mr, and write the metric (42) in another form ≡ ρ(ρ2 4M2) 8Mρ ds2 = − dt2+ dρ2+2Mρ(dθ2+sin2θdφ2). (44) − 8M3 ρ2 4M2 − The temperature and entropy can be checked to be the same as the original Schwarzschildblack hole. January 29, 2013 2:15 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE harrisch 7 5. Conformal generators from Killing equations In this section, we derive the (pseudo-)conformal generators for the new Harrison metric giveninEq.(42). This heavilyreliesonthe relevantKillingequationsin the near-horizonlimit. The following procedure can be regarded as an updated or simplified versionof that in Ref. 8. However, some comments on the method given there are in order. Firstly,onecanapplytheKillingequationdirectlyratherthantheconformalKilling equation. Secondly, it is more convenient to use the Killing vectors ξr,ξt rather thanξ =g ξr,ξ =g ξt.Alsointhiswayonedoesnotneedtoinvokethespecific r rr t tt rescaling at the end of that paper. We firstly use the Killing equationin Eq. (20) to obtainthe following equations ξr∂ g +2∂ ξtg =0, (45) r tt t tt ξr∂ g +2∂ ξrg =0, (46) r rr r rr ∂ ξrg +∂ ξtg =0. (47) t rr r tt Note that the angular part of the metric is irrelevant as in Ref. 8. Inserting the parameters given in the metric (42), we find the explicit expressions as 4∆∂ ξt+(3r 2M)ξr = 0, (48) t − 4∆∂ ξr (3r 2M)ξr = 0, (49) r − − ∆2∂ ξt 8M3r∂ ξr = 0. (50) r t − The integration of Eq. (49) leads to ξr =A(t) r−14√∆. (51) By inserting it in Eqs. (48) and (50), we have 3r 2M ∂ ξt = A − , (52) t − 4r14√∆ ∂ ξt = ∂ A 8M3r34. (53) r t ∆32 With these twoequations combinedtogether andnoticing the fact∂ ∂ ξt =∂ ∂ ξt, r t t r we arrive at ∂2A λA=0, (54) t − 3r2 4Mr+12M2 λ= e −128M3r . (55) From Eq. (52), we can writee 3r 2M t ξt =− 4r−14√∆ dt′A(t′)+B(r). (56) Z January 29, 2013 2:15 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE harrisch 8 ByinspectionofEq.(54),wehave tdtA(t)= ∂tA.Sotakingthepartialderivative ′ ′ e λ of the above equation leads to R 3r2 4Mr+12M2∂ A ∂ ξt = − t +∂ B(r). (57) r 16r41∆32 λ r Recall Eqs. (53) and (55), then we observe that ∂ B(r)=0. This means er B(r)=K′, (58) which is a constant. Following Ref. 8, let us take the near-horizonlimit λ λ . Then the solution ≡ |r+ of Eq. (54) can be found to be e A(t)=αe√λt+βe−√λt, (59) where α,β are integration constants, and √λ = 1 which is equal to the surface 4M gravity of the Schwarzschild black hole. From the expressions in Eqs. (51), (56), (58) and (59), we obtain the Killing vectors as follows ξr =r−14√∆ (αe√λt+βe−√λt), (60) 3r 2M 1 ξt =− 4r−14√∆ √λ(αe√λt−βe−√λt)+K′. (61) Using a correspondence similar to Eq. (16), we finally arrive at the following pseudo-conformal generators for the new Harrison metric H1 = ie4Mt r−41 √∆∂r M(3r−2M)∂t , − √∆ (cid:18) (cid:19) H = K∂ = i4M∂ , (62) 0 t t − H 1 = ie−4Mt r14 √∆∂r+ M(3r−2M)∂t . − − √∆ (cid:18) (cid:19) The previous parameter K is related to K = i by another irrelevant constant. ′ −√λ If we define ∆=√r(r 2M), they can be rewritten as − e t M(3r 2M) H1 =ie4M ∆∂r − ∂t , − r∆ ! p H0 = i4M∂t, e p (63) − e t M(3r 2M) H 1 = ie−4M ∆∂r+ − ∂t . − − r∆ ! p e p These generators clearly have some resemblance withethose in Eq. (7). January 29, 2013 2:15 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE harrisch 9 6. Conclusion The authors of Ref. 4 made an interesting observationthat the Killing vectors of a specific Harrison metric can reproduce the hidden conformal symmetry generators of the Schwarzschild black hole. As shown in Sec. 3, by proposing a simple corre- spondence between the expansion of the Killing vector and the generators, we can treatthe metric componentsas unknownvariablesanduse the Killing equationsto find a family of Harrison metrics. Sincethesubtractedgeometrychangesthewarpfactorintheoriginalblackhole and the resulting metric can be obtained through a Harrison transformation, one can find a new Harrison metric for the Schwarzschildblack hole using the result of Ref. 15. The explicit form has been given in Sec. 4. After that we have derived the pseudo-conformal generators for this new metric by applying the Killing equations in the near-horizonlimit. This procedure used in Sec. 5 can be seen as a simplified version of the method in Ref. 8. It wouldbe interesting to find a refined versionof the technique in Sec. 3 which canbegeneralizedtootherblackholes.Thismayalsogiveaunifiedwaytodescribe the minimally and non-minimally subtracted geometries. Note that in Ref. 15, the subtracted geometry of general asymptotically flat black holes in four dimensions has been connectedto the AdS space withthe metric componentg unaccounted 3 θθ for. Our method also has this disadvantage. However, it may not be an issue since onecanstillgetreasonableresultsbyresortingtothethermodynamicrequirements. Alsothisisactuallyrelatedtothegeneralfeatureofthehiddenconformalsymmetry generators. ThenewHarrisonmetricinEq.(42)(orEq.(44))mayprovideabridgebetween the Schwarzschild black hole and the Kerr black hole. The previous work in Ref. 24 may be relevant for this idea. On the other hand, the physical implications of this metric deserve further investigation. For example, one can use the traditional methodsinRef.25tofindthequasinormalmodes.However,toresolvethe problem pointed out in Ref. 13 within the hidden conformal symmetry approach, one may need to improve the operator method proposed in Ref. 7. Last but not the least, one may follow the works in Refs. 19–22 to find more connections between the subtracted geometry approach and other areas. Acknowledgments This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11173028and No. 10875009). References 1. M.Guica,T.Hartman,W.SongandA.Strominger,“TheKerr/CFTCorrespondence,” Phys.Rev.D 80, 124008 (2009) [arXiv:0809.4266 [hep-th]]. 2. G. Compere, “The Kerr/CFT correspondence and its extensions: a comprehensive re- view,” Living Rev.Rel. 15, 11 (2012) [arXiv:1203.3561 [hep-th]]. January 29, 2013 2:15 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE harrisch 10 3. A.Castro, A.Maloney and A.Strominger, “Hidden Conformal Symmetryof theKerr Black Hole,” Phys.Rev.D 82, 024008 (2010) [arXiv:1004.0996 [hep-th]]. 4. S.Bertini, S. L.Cacciatori and D. Klemm,“Conformal structureof theSchwarzschild black hole,” Phys.Rev. D 85, 064018 (2012) [arXiv:1106.0999 [hep-th]]. 5. B. Harrison, “New solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations from old,” J. Math. 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