Table of Contents Abnut Ban Useriagion Inteoduetion Oeganization Taam tthe Forums ad Oxhers Part Fight Making Moves Taedaetion talafing Rinffing Pre-Flom the Cuntiavation Ret Diefnaing Agasastt Probe Bets The Squeeze Play “Thx No-Limvit Somi- fut? ack-Alley Mugging ‘The Dark Punact Hush Slov-Playing Slow-Playing Before the Flap Alber the Flop: General Considerations ‘After the Hlop: Candidate Tus ‘Aer the Flop: The Chock Raise and The (Choek-Cull Massaging hte Pot The Cheek-taive Blut Ths Post-Oak Bioff BSL ely ileal Versa Lomghall ‘onlinvalion Bet ii Table of Cantons Blonding Moves and Styice ‘Ths Conservative Sisk sad BiaEing he Conservative Sivle and Sluv-Playreg The Super-Agarersive Style and Blotting ‘The Super-Aggressive Style und Slow-Vaying The Hiden Linke Bersreen Blufting ana Slow-Phyiaa, he Prablems Part Nines Inflection Points Tutunluetioa he Prublern ot inflection Porn “The Seong Faree a snd Tiecringiom's @ he Zome System More abow Yesdow Zone St Garange Zone Sestopy Red Zune Stee Ree Vine Stramegy in Aer oF Some Chl: Exazaples of tallest Puiat Play Playing Styles in the kndgain owaue ibe Greist Oscichiis Structured Ilund Anus (SHAI.S The Prem Magriel's Part Ten: Multiple Tafection Points Tuc jun ‘Assessing Posi on toativa Play Calenfatrng Pot Of in AlL-la Sivations The Peoblecas Pact Leven: Short Tales nrocucrion able af Contents i lfretive WF Adjnaing tar Short Tables “he Uncles of Shorl-Table Play Sow-Pleving Hofnre he Klep Sow-Playing Aller the Plup he Gaajaration Play Fyswaling. Ths -O-tu-1 Rule ‘gehen in Doubi, Let Le Po. Chdds Decide Cvatotting Pat Odes leading Strategy. Stace Size. and the Prize Fund Fa the Hand nr Play forthe Prize Mvncy? Manuying Bel Sizes: Carrots sul Sticks “Teacking the Big stack he Prablems Part Tuelve: Hendy Ionraduotion, Tiaad Rankings in Meads G2 Pay Pre: um Ileaus-Lp Play ins: Any Pac I Rig Hand Two: Almost All Hanus Ace Dates of Uupvised Cards Tice: Dowcaio Tse Bead ve You Thinks aur: ¥in Wall Monty Have the Pot Odes Yor Neel Ply Position and Bot Sravs in Heads-Up Play igh bt Conliantations Votsus Tar M Conficurations asic Pre-Plup Ueling Strates ‘Yom ate the Sina Binet You se te Tg Blin Suate Sampls Heade-Lip Sescoms ends-Up Session No. |: vey Vessus IV Ag Prolop Saatogy When First co Act Wey ve D’Agestiny LUsnds-Up Sssium No.2: You the Reader iv Vahle af Contents Part Thirteen: Final Thoughts Tateuc'ian Mfu-Quatitier Satelite Fouruaameuts Making Deals Pasting it ll agether a 20 az aaa 0 “a 4S About Dan Harrington Das Harrington boges playing poker peufeasionally in 1982, Onths ticuithe iskavrm as “Accian Dan,” au sue references bis solid but effective syls, Hs has wun several major na-linnt held ‘om teumamenis, including the Farepean Foker champios ships (195), eke 82,300 No-Liaat Told “ern event at the 1998 World Series of Poive. nd she tinwr Qncons No-Limil Hold “em Chaxapivustug (1996 Dan hogan is eviews gauaeypaying with choss, whe he quickly becaene a master und me af the Exoagest pliers the New England arsi, fz 1072 he wou Mie Massachure:te Chees ‘Cheinpianship, stead ofmaos of the 29> playsts ia Ibe area, In 1975 he stared playing backgarvmon, a gue which he also quicily marscred. He 99s svar one ofthe top money players in the Ruston area. and in 1981 hy wou Ue World Cun of backgammon in Weshingwou D.C. shead ofa field that inch. ded mos ofthe wor''s lop players. He first played in the $10,000 No-Lume Hold "ein ‘Cliampiinship Event ofthe Wor'd Seris of Poker ia L987. de has layed in ae championsinp rota of 13 tinkes und hasreached he final table am tour of thse wumuments, an amadiag secure esides winning the World Championship ie 1495, he finishes "kth in L987, third ia 2003, and four in 2004, He is widely ‘eoguizedas une ofthe greatert and mest respecte ne-michold "er glagors. us wel a a feated oppument ia iat hold “em sie umes. Ue lives ia Suata Manica whcrohe i 9 paclasr i. Anchor Loans, areal estate husiness, About Bill Robertie ill Rubertic has speat is life nlapi~g atl writing aboar bers, tUokpenaavn. and now peer, He bezaa pleying shese ‘abos, tapired oy Betthy Fischer's feutsor the insstalioaal chess seene, While amending Harvard es an pavergridtare, he became fa chess master und helped thy Hurvare chest team win several intereellexints ss After graduation he ww a aumber of shone oumaraents. lading she United States Championship af speed tise in 970. He alse estoblisheeu ropmearion at bliadibld chess siving evkibtiers on ws many as cig, bunds simaltanennsl, sm 1976 be soncched lrum chess tn beckgamesea, becoming ne ef e top players inthe world. Hs Eajur tills iene the Work! Chumpiershin in Vignte Carlo 13 and 18, he Black ke White Champiuaship in Bean in 1979. the Lae Venes wets i F980 net 209) the Balnamus Pro-Am i 1942, acd “etunbul World Ope i 194. Heliaswzillea several well-sogentedbackyummnn hovks, he Tweet uoted of whie> ate defaced Sackpananen (1991) vt oiume enllecton of AU) prablams, aad Moir Hartgammoss (202), anew look eetho wrsleeying hen ¥ af che gua. Ile han also. wrimer a set uP three books fax cbe heginmrg player Beckpemeae jor Winsor (1984), Bankganinins for Serious Plevvee (1908 nd FOF seman Problems 1987) Trem 1991 tu 1998 he edited the magazine tase Backgeonman with Ken. Goulding. He owas 4 publishing empaay. “e Gummon Prost ( a. theyammanpress uu), and Sives.n Avlingeor, Massacbusells with his wife Patcce vit Introduction fr Volume Lot Harrington on Hald ‘em. Lexplained ome of the basis Gand avtso-bane) coneen:s you nzedad ta ho & cssll no-Hmit hold "ema player. We si Sow ly evaluate tani in the centexs vPall the iformaticn avislable atthe rahi, Thaw te take ines account the ditferon playing styles you aight fenwuonte>f1 your opponerts, how to analyze hands and evaluare pat ois. und how 2n play befars ané affer rhe flap, as wall on fate tre. My emphasis in Volume | waa playing in ths carly stages uf tmurracaen’s, Shen mos! ofthe following coculitions apply Te tables are mosly fll. with Yow 10 layers Tao sacks aro iarge relative 0 de lind Coie stacks sizes ave coughty the sare {Che money is atl fa of in he tance, _n this bok, Pm gong t9 shaw yon wha happens wea we reac ths erding sage ofa touruamueal an sume (oral) afters conus break down. He warned: Ending pay is vets llereat fino early may, and TM itrodoe many ideas al you've never cea oxplained ia a puker book befers. But asm Volume, PIL imcoduce hem slove vanderselill,wilplely ufband exsraples Along. the wy, ‘Tohe consistent with Vetnme I, the pats ofthe book will be runbered stating where Volunte | lef ff Organization so PAM High “Making Moves,” is really the las: chapter of ‘lance 1. but specs eousidleiums farced un o move ft hereon ‘lume 1 tn woatrast the dseussior sin Vocntuc I, which were ‘Mostly concemed sith betlng Zor value, here Tl discus boty that 2 Twrroduetion don'¢rellee: the to value of your baud, We'll oak at lull felayed bluffs, checheraises, abd the carious forus &* snr play ng, Mast ryportant, Pi hun yu he proceneltons requ wo give your muees gh poroontago af sue ves Part Nine, “Intes:ion Points," is probably the mou purloat cluptersche nse votes, Here Vl shose you 208879 play when ths binds hecume a layer and ‘argcr portion wl your sts sie, El iuleoduce the M and Q ratios, as wallas my "Zace” eozeeal and show you bw ifferrntrypos of hans becouse muse oF 1695 plage ae you mowe from some lo zoe Vac Te vovers the play at tables where stack sizes and intleesion pocnix are ‘wildly differces, so that sack playea is operating under & diEvent agenda, Ouee again, you has 10 consider now te table appa ts cach possible oppunen. belbee eri leven. *Shoe! Tables." ahoves yeu howto play won the tabs size shrinks to six, ive. Guus, of ever just thre> >.ayers Slariing kes! and playing requivemenis ckarye damacicaIy ae hove tab., and of cui illestEon pains play a major rele a8 ‘Part svelve,“Lievds-1Ip2"shanve yon wha to di when oly ‘oa8 oer playsr remarae with yor This phive ofthe roumament ‘doesn usually lal very loua, 60 you have ta he fer saul devisive ta spe cut en eee art Thitwen is nor mscetlancaus zatch-all uhaotet, where, ital ahomt soe bnose ends that dsl eal fir aryvhon else, like aucking. deals and playing in spummannents wit anptinle agoalfier, oe wells sume Gu iasights on the psyeho.ogy ube Thanks to the Forums and Others the (wo Plus wy Outing Forms inew:twoplustve com fie 30 cegellere sanrae of soker Uiscussions se) commentary We'd like o Uruk allsbe contaiburoes wha submived couu ent Tntroduction $ iad suggovtians following the eeleese of Volume I. All were ppcetulel, and se sed sem ot the izes to impnove the yeu prelume UL lw iti, Twit thank ava Skbestey an Mason Matimuth > their commons cheonghovt This uaauserip, nd Ed Mic Dor bi Rely # veiling the indes, Making Moves Introduction In Vokirre L ews for Uae tava pt aes en “eves sete bets the ee atcug 2 f you yazan soapy eh tht nace nr fess secumiely Tete hand. sea you pcs poet hose pestle ard ara thro yout eaeds avy sar wise Pryor ce, ‘ua he mst p.cep aa" chal re Fign'e sou ut (teu. ye IL save hun in some mh opment sil ev bie your vals bol, boeing to 8 streng ween you lise sa wesoneimg bs he wei’ nen you rally kav a sr ‘Mave Weak dann ma oa trae, ull, hee yan preteed 9 lave 4 strung tan’ stem in fact vo. dou" and slo pty, where Su pretend be Lave a meals bau lor i Face younte shurg, Ro ean he power eva elective woke, Uvth fechnizaes van se erderaved, al bull cane arse Innis e2¢pte? FN Took xe “e sarin Soran these mes ex take, Ml show you wnt vuad is gearee a frente tation To mmh, revs, eed hen mares diould by acozced, Reszen ist Uhl whi e maces can bo wssd te ser your tale e's. eeu _gorsis a pensit an there aver. I popisty empluyed Bluffing plug is 2 pry snighsterward ide. Ye, have 4 ele hud hus pn her erg ray. preven ws ever stsungona. yore ponener selitvey #1 gon tke Ara Fe fan FH culling sue very peste bla [eres ones -thanvawerage ehaace if success, Fis, bats rises of ll 9 lls sata E We ts 1s AROUL noice peers] ean How many players should you bluff? The tower, the our One Fe beter cat rn, and feo are neler tam Uuee, hating, mane playe:s <toaten the appeacance oF & Monger hand, oul ireneisey Thc ehaees “rat anmevme nay have a lad thal's steong cnewph 5 eclarstase sour bel Who ta hint? Cae ile’ appanerr is tho wenk-ne 1 player. ety rising ark Ike cuore glans (4 half'srmply on wa usb the aul bisa Wy asally aes w= ay toa shows. is the mits. “he sweuherigh, 9 ayer looks far 62 eKCUSS HAF O May A sn hs jnst the sneouragsnent he wets Tans 4 bigs y What Kind of stack ta BINT? Med ostsizodl stocks are bette, targsts he small or large stay The dager 2h small stock is thal Cae pleyst may Fe gateing desrerate, amd decide tb hic hae is ca8: good enuf a alin mave The large stack 1 fol hos wa cay torte enouth pesitom ly lvok yur upand sew one sou’ ne ding. te wedia, sia siaec is prcably more fenncerve ahonm dhs danger of siting W taal! ek tha pnceunity of gevwiay tw 9 Tage stack, ard raczefore mure "ely to foata Morale Fann the tive ofappate st eth These ave al sory gonsval GAS inas, oF Zour. a yuu ‘stowint-creanyexsestions. Nes a's lk at same specie pee Slats, Bluffing Pre-Flop 1 svont say thi, blulfing Sehine Fe Aep °s entiely & beginner's mtye. There's plaze for pre-flyp bl -llluy jn pes, sespavially my the biasing ee ative to che chip staves. However, beginnsts esrtaly gor to invelved uryiing Tw tea the lind \Couil y “is wears beemuse aegirverscen'tyt invere paliewe ts erdure the long sume of bal cards Wat aeevont cor fran. ike # couple v2 vworthiew cuz an cake ¢ move at ths par. 1We sk Te ater: Vola 3 ‘While ese suudot mses eas cerainly worle So: time Io rine, evenctlly they null become au expensive "ab Kern in sciné Uh 8 watling “and “coutrescen:s thet 1. lines ina ive af waluene Labende facing he ens et ftfting When vou rs th nah ks fo the bution, sue aiove Las # big he? compone~ steal ‘You'ee nntronting wiesorr sore ts sand uo lu yuu yuu 1 ean tw pick op the pot wher th blinds fold, hu enon someon does Sallam stl evs na pi 1g esing joe st-ting hans requiromets Dott sou achievoan es ems geal ramming you play. Foe sully ill cngi that year 9 wWing hanes crive on 2 ramon Frme sche. making 260: play Ite 10 ra | ‘The Continuation Bet Conk atox: bets, nich we discussed beieBy in Ve“ume re the anon! DASE set OF pest-Roy HInEE & owntinnation act Sooty arg guu sk the Lei Th elting peso, dian firevgUt ye missed he ep. and nay you ate pastian make the fits: Tel after the flop. either becaee youre fies: 09 act oF pecazse Mhz players have all eovke Io ye. fend uer wa? bes, "he er esarimies” poe pete: etn, nd inlet the ste Usa! yuu" ee ofl sun. Slave ts waesisent {ei peu prev-ots py the et hina asa huh pr ality (esnesses alors the Moy relly be youn opperteat ise one u few deus xeep am romne woen making cortnastins bers i in sitasion, yo L ot se te portant Whiks you aes bo wary the Siew your contin ation Bots. k ing, the £9 your opponents 2 srtinusrior Bat shel abu hy Ft see wt he swising pet. Ia’ beth Ikoge entugh bi give yu aod chance sf winning the pot, while sma” erengh te stoale fevordble adds aa yourself & yal Bel oz.y recuives you! ‘hin ame sims on thre ty hreak even 2. The mumher af eppancnts is impartant, Ths ideal nae’ser eengonsily when acokitg 9 cou iauativa bet is aus. Lhe rove sogsrents, the em lerthe erance of nese. 1 might i osemsiuu.y < eantiwualion be. gusont (we UppuliesPuL T° Gang thowe ar move players, I med to "ths flop 10 hevp pleging he qualily af your is th Wiseman Die you coin. Fry, er do so have a draw eo a geod hand" Gompletety issing the Mop is 4 pool inieslus or a (0 Pact Eights Muiug Moves vsetinalon, bel. since ik costs you, mle es, be wal, seu them sour hanstwhen youirmave Pile hansen yu Tnoves dhave fo Dig hare, lea cunfia.ativ at could be 4 ao hase big meta, giving your epporent an spose the poo Thisaubvien pa ier ypplies ic yuu te: leotin the hare and have alrzaty seen you appoment chock, Now teking fess sar itl erasing Wal is ya be Utter Tn euthiew eoutmwitiow be:, (0.826 thal ths conezptis he opps rot goed seesepy Hl gay b 4. The tecture of the Mop ix importanc. 4 ergo Typ is ‘one with sever Zugh cards, whi se Hikely I Rive het he Fokdrgs the saber players, Yam oT 3a to dangerous Meg ih muthing, fen (ae ebvias cexsum, Sle yh ion hag foe asveak-tigat player wil! foc, re ane feansinaaten hets use ‘soe cates es # cexdives wal al wan Ute hscomssa lise ¢quity yh i eu us shes you ofa hud thal sou ells like tw pla. He's a eamerets eeample Laaunple J. You're a the final table af a major event tn the hig blind, Venr stack fs $68.00, aust Ube sic blfau Aas 965.00, Otter stuck rungs from $61,000 to BINION, “The small blind isan experlenced and teaneiuus player who Ukes lw set (raps. The Dlfmuls are 360M ata 81.200, ith $21 acs, sand the starting prt ig 3,000, You pickup ation Bot TL the First four players fold uraund coche amall bind, why puts SAU more t0 call Hus dopo a2 ‘amser: Kiug-jack cutee ia peetty gond hand he wkewg. su ‘pou might as ell ind oul hk sual bli e ecx0us shoe Having Pa ia zine cous Lie sis af te por Most a eh Yin. ths sel nd the hart igh hone ‘Youraise $2600, and the small bliad calls siug0. Th he pois wos & The soll Blind cheeks. Shoot yar mow make cuntinnarion et ad If 20, ane meh? Answer: This is not 2 pond apt “wr » eouksetion bet You" missed ¥..¢hical. bu, yin have some ones, A sesn wl ales. certinls win for yee wy site your ogame 2° 1jaok miphe aly by wa ai Tey bl ees Unies. so'l ine 1 La sees and ay ty ae sou dra. Hit el 1 hase aalivated seahne, bat lve checking ear-ang “antag wot You i sd (Cs cer sly capa sass position, 30 yer appane will eve Iw etal tenon ye vee. giving you x hte axta: nimatien, Poscave your draves and chech Nate tht i Gie Hop fu 12 Pace Kight: Making Moves rajecod yn coor pte'yed you ade dross. euntinalon, wes wal sece cl more Se aoe a a +. Ut's alse smal’ euoniel 10 allow hits to call i 1 perhaps Cw gar has asa hrs best mee a pate of ees “Yoru bet $5,000, 94 the sonal bin olds nove tone oe na bode ee getvitastatrarnevcetsd " al Jnwaye (If you ware tre pre whe fp. noeugs ne Oe > gy ba hare vonga'ze De cama te “cud bot. ta Tit play yo sua nee Lulwow his band away, sand the cost of ‘reo Rut ete-Tonit he cost That, whe ites ail jane oppament Sal snecnweriag i jnfanpatiou fevers cod sg ignal neatly 3 eheaps you'ts ba heute veo nel tbe po: insrenloF Sonething FSS eno-A shabot the pot Defending Against the Continuation Bet Sox cont “uation bets ans q aovrenful pa of auclmit ete, whl war yrs dv lew youre on te wie sie of a inndinnaticn bet? What's the be. defense! entslul Cufonse ie Lnccues, AS you soure ot ditoc'y invulv in the seu, sor afc ansiaigoramt things ip vbserets iow pliyens beh bwhen "e879: stuarcns where a sentintion het 9 pessiile strategy Mow oftes. aller taki study the teats wha Bead pro-lap, do they inst hes Ele the Chip? How muiny of those tele ane. in tee rejpbberhaod athe Ul put? The pplz sre tor eoutinuation te remus. uf hen bel i tn eng. or de they hike persia bets ctstead” Or do they greer malcng lle probe bes? 1One= "rte: ane thud wS the pon) re watehing, keep ame key Fa. in mints fst lege sends. you nevize Fal wien a paticubs player 199 wi Ano, he ulaost abways bee alter the Hep. yin from cot lor of The bers are siply blufs. siner he couldn't dvs tis houd tant nse, AC the ator Pad & plage ob Zacly bats after the ep but who rakes tsine” bets wien oes be is jut superigh prayer who wa te mute Ro“ Lie Spent vis muney Play at him sehen le doesn’ bel aud stay ‘#F09trem hn when he ens} A fous wver wl by detirtion be sand ta weal efter ke Gu! Fe showed semi oe tts flop, he'll probaly fre aerthe top, He san bishare quite that een, Du sou'Te po okuve aad $B cts wh Aaa nee wheD he's @ be fli ia ‘ Astor g hand sei when hs dea