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Project Gutenberg's Harper's Young People, November 7, 1882, by Various This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org. If you are not located in the United States, you'll have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook. Title: Harper's Young People, November 7, 1882 An Illustrated Weekly Author: Various Release Date: October 22, 2019 [EBook #60554] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, NOV 7, 1882 *** Produced by Annie R. McGuire PERIL AND PRIVATION. BUSY BIRDS. NAN. VENOMOUS SNAKES. THE TRAIN BOY'S FORTUNE. THE SINGING LESSON. THE MULATTO OF MURILLO. THE DUCK HAT. ART. OUR POST-OFFICE BOX. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE vol. iv.—no. 158. Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. price four cents. Tuesday, November 7, 1882. Copyright, 1882, by Harper & Brothers. $1.50 per Year, in Advance. [Pg 1] "ALL HANDS SCRAMBLED UP THE RIGGING." PERIL AND PRIVATION. BY JAMES PAYN. THE WRECK OF THE "JUNO." Of all the sufferers from shipwrecks, women are the most to be pitied; for children do not know the full extent of their danger until death relieves them, while women usually overestimate it. Their mental agonies are therefore greater than those endured by men, while their physical privations are as great, without the same strength to bear them. Mrs. Bremner, wife of the Captain of the Juno, bound from Rangoon to Madras, had perhaps as terrible an experience of shipwreck as ever fell to the lot of any of her sex. The ship's crew consisted chiefly of Lascars, with a few Europeans, among whom was John Mackay, the second mate, who tells this story. Soon after the Juno set sail she sprang a leak, which increased more and more on account of the sand ballast choking the pumps, until on the twelfth evening she settled down. From the sudden jerk all imagined they were going to the bottom, but she only sank low enough to bring the upper deck just under water. All hands scrambled up the rigging to escape instant destruction, "moving gradually upward as each succeeding wave buried the ship still deeper. The Captain and his wife, Mr. Wade and myself, with a few others, got into the mizzentop. The rest clung about the mizzen-rigging. Mrs. Bremner complained much of cold, having no covering but a couple of thin under-garments, and as I happened to be better clothed than her husband, I pulled off my jacket and gave it her." On the first occurrence of these calamities such unselfishness is not uncommon; it is the continuous privation which tries poor human nature. But it must be said to John Mackay's credit that he behaved most unselfishly throughout, and stood by this poor woman like a man. The ship rocked so violently that the people could hardly hold on, and though excessive fatigue brought slumber to some eyes, Mr. Mackay did not snatch a wink. "I could not," he says, "sufficiently compose myself, but listened all night long for a gun, several times imagining I heard one; and whenever I mentioned this to my companions, each one fancied he heard it too." It is noteworthy that the same thing happened throughout the calamity as to seeing land. When one would imagine that he saw it, the others were persuaded that they saw it too. The prospect at dawn was frightful: a tremendous gale; the sea running mountains high; the upper parts of the hull going to pieces, and the rigging giving way that supported the masts to which seventy-two wretched creatures were clinging. After three days, during which their numbers were much diminished, the pangs of hunger became intolerable. "I tried to [Pg 2] doze away the hours and to induce insensibility. The useless complaining of my fellow-sufferers provoked me, and, instead of sympathizing, I was angry at being disturbed by them." He had read of similar scenes, and his dread of what might be was at first more painful than his actual sufferings. Presently, however, he learned by bitter experience that imagination falls short of reality. For the first three days the weather was cold and cloudy, but on the fourth the wind lowered, and they found themselves exposed to the racking heat of a powerful sun. Mackay's agonies, especially his sufferings from thirst, then became terrible. The only relief from them was afforded by dipping a flannel waistcoat which he wore next his skin from time to time in the sea. He writes, however, that he always "found a secret satisfaction in every effort I made for the preservation of my life." On the fifth day the first two persons died of actual starvation, their end being attended by sufferings which had a most sorrowful effect on the survivors. As the sea was now smooth, an attempt was made to fit out a raft (the boats having been rendered useless), but this being insufficient to contain the whole crew, the stronger beat off the weaker. Though Mackay succeeded in getting on board, Mrs. Bremner did not, and he asked to be put back again, which was readily done. He resumed his place by her in the mizzentop. Her husband had by this time lost his wits, and would not even answer when addressed. "At first the sight of his wife's distress seemed to give him pain as having been the cause of her sufferings, and he avoided her; but now he would barely permit her to quit his arms, so that they were sometimes even obliged to use force to rescue her from his embraces." His frenzy (as often happens in such cases) took the form of seeing an imaginary feast, and wildly demanding to be helped to this or that dish. On the twelfth day he died, and it was with the utmost difficulty that they threw the body into the sea, after stripping off a portion of his clothing for his wife's use. There were two boys on board the Juno, who were among the earliest victims. Their fathers were both in the foretop, and heard of their sons' illness from those below. One of them—it was the thirteenth day of their misery—answered with indifference that he "could do nothing" for his son. The other hurried down as well as he could, and, "watching a favorable moment, scrambled on all fours along the weather gunwale to his child, who was in the mizzen-rigging. By that time only three or four planks of the quarter-deck remained, and to them he led the boy, making him fast to the rail to prevent his being washed away. Whenever the lad was seized with a fit of sickness, the father lifted him up and wiped away the foam from his lips, and if a shower came, he made him open his mouth and receive the drops, or gently squeezed them into it from a rag. In this terrible situation both remained five days, until the boy expired. The unfortunate parent, as if unwilling to believe the fact, raised the body, looked wistfully at it, and when he could no longer entertain any doubt, watched it in silence until it was carried off by the sea. Then, wrapping himself in a piece of canvas, he sank down and rose no more, though he must have lived—as we judged from the quivering of his limbs when a wave broke over him—a few days longer." In all the annals of shipwreck I know no more pathetic picture than this. But for showers of rain all would have been dead long since. They had no means of catching the drops save by spreading out their clothes, which were so wet with salt-water that at first it tainted the fresh. Mackay, however, before these timely supplies arrived, had had a very unusual experience. Maddened by the fever which consumed him, and in spite of the ill consequences he expected to happen, he had gone down and drank two quarts of sea-water. "To my great astonishment, though this relaxed me violently, it revived both my strength and spirits. I got a sound sleep, and my animal heat abated." Another expedient for getting some moisture into their mouths was to chew canvas or even lead. Shoes they had none, as leather dressed in India is rendered useless by water, and Lascars never use any shoes. There were, indeed, some bits of leather about the rigging but the smell and taste of it were found "too offensive to be endured." The rains and their fatigue made them very cold at night. In the morning, as the heat increased, "we exposed first one side and then the other to it, until our limbs became pliant; and as our spirits revived, we indulged in conversation, which sometimes even became cheerful. But as mid-day approached, the scorching rays renewed our torments, and we wondered how we could have wished the rain to cease." It must be understood that the ship, though its hull was under water, was moving on all this time. On July the 10th, being the twentieth day from its partial sinking, one of the people, as had often before happened, cried out, "Land!" His cry was now heard without emotion, though, "on raising my head a few minutes afterward," says Mackay, "I saw many eyes turned in the direction indicated." Mrs. Bremner inquired of him whether he thought it might be the coast of Coromandel, which seemed to him so ridiculous that he answered that if it was, "they ought to be exhibited as curiosities in the Long Room at Madras under the pictures of Cornwallis and Meadows." It was, however, really the land, though they had small chance of reaching it. Indeed, before evening, the ship, under water as it already was, struck on a rock. The tide having fallen, the remaining beams of the upper deck were left bare, and Mackay and the gunner tried to get Mrs. Bremner down to them, "but she was too weak to help herself, and we had not strength to carry her." The Lascars—for the raft had come back with them, as it could make no headway— offered to help if she gave them money. She happened to have thirty rupees about her, which was afterward of great use, and she did not stint it in helping her preservers. They brought her down for eight rupees, and insisted on being paid on the spot. With that exception, it is pleasant to read that their conduct was excellent throughout, and their behavior to Mrs. Bremner singularly kind and delicate. In the gun-room, which they could now reach through a hole in the deck, were found some cocoa-nuts, which one would have expected the finders to retain. On the contrary, they shared them, and insisted only upon keeping the milk in the nuts. This consisted of only a few drops of rancid oil; nor had the solid part of the cocoa-nuts—a fact to be remembered by those who buy them out of barrows—the least nourishment in it. They found themselves rather worse than better for eating them. [Pg 3] They were past the worst pains of hunger by this time, but the frenzied desire for water still continued. "Water, fresh- water," says Mackay, "was what perpetually haunted my imagination; not a short draught which I could gulp down in a moment—of that I could not endure the thought—but a large bowlful, such as I could hardly hold in my arms. When I thought of victuals, I only longed for such as I could swallow at once without the trouble of chewing." Hope now began to animate them, and though it was the twenty-first day of their sufferings, it is noteworthy that no one died after they first saw land. Toward evening six of the stoutest Lascars, though indeed they were all shadows, tied themselves to spars, and reached the shore. They found a stream of fresh-water, of which those on board could "see them drinking their fill." In the morning they beheld these men surrounded by natives, and were all attention to see what sort of treatment they met with. The natives "immediately kindled a fire, which we rightly concluded was for dressing rice, and then came down to the water's edge, waving handkerchiefs to us as a signal that we should come ashore. To describe our emotions at that moment is impossible." But these poor folks could not get on shore, and least of all the poor woman. Boats there were none, and if there had been, there was such a surf between the ship and the land that no boat could live in it. But to remain was certain death. "I felt myself called upon," says Mackay, "to make the attempt." With great difficulty he got out a spar and tied it to him with a rope. He then took leave of Mrs. Bremner, who was of course utterly helpless. "She dismissed me with a thousand good wishes for my safety." While they were speaking, the spar broke loose, and floated away. He paused one moment, then plunged into the sea. Though he could "hardly move a joint" before, his limbs immediately became limber in the water, and the spar helped to sustain him; but "being a perfect square, it turned round with every motion of the water, and rolled me under it." Eventually, however, a tremendous wave carried him to land. Some natives, speaking in the Moorish tongue—"at which I was overjoyed, for I feared we were beyond the Company's territories, and in those of the King of Ava"—observing his ineffectual efforts to rise laid hold of him and bore him along. As they passed a little stream he made signs to be set down. "I immediately fell on my face in the water and began to gulp it down." His bearers finally dragged him away lest he should drink too much. They took him to a fire, round which the Lascars were sitting, and gave him some boiled rice, "but after chewing it a little I found I could not swallow it." One of the natives, seeing his distress, dashed some water in his face, which, washing the rice down, almost choked him, but "caused such an exertion of the muscles that I recovered the power of swallowing. For some time, however, I was obliged to take a mouthful of water with every one of rice. My lips and the inside of my mouth were so cracked with the heat that every motion of my jaws set them a-bleeding and gave me great pain." As soon as he was a little recovered, his first care was for Mrs. Bremner, and on pointing out that she had some money about her, the natives were persuaded to take her off the ship. This was accomplished only a few hours before it parted in two. She was totally unable to walk, but her remaining rupees, joined to liberal promises, to be performed on her reaching her journey's end, procured her a litter, in which she was conveyed to Chittagong. No woman probably ever went through such an experience and survived it as this unhappy lady. Mackay, having no money—for Mrs. Bremner had no more to give him—had to walk, and speedily broke down. The natives left him behind without a scruple. He fell in, however, with a party of Mugs, the chief of whom was full of human kindness. He washed Mackay's wounds, which were filled with sand and dirt, supplied him with rice, and endeavored to teach him how to make fire by rubbing two pieces of bamboo together. Mackay finally arrived at Chittagong, though in a pitiable condition. In a postscript to this miserable story he says, "With respect to the fate of my companions in misfortune, Mrs. Bremner, having recovered her health and spirits, was afterward well married." So it seems that with time and courage one really does get over almost everything. BUSY BIRDS. BY MARCIA BRADBURY JORDAN. A broad green marsh, with sullen pools Of brackish water here and there, With mounds of hay on wooden piles, And squares of yellow flowers like tiles, And swamp-rosemary everywhere. The straight road stretches, gray with dust, From distant pine-trees to the hill; The warm breath of an autumn day Prevails, and with its languid sway Keeps every little song-bird still. But all along the wire line That telegrams unnumbered brings, Small chirping birds are perched secure, With down-bent head and mien demure, And gray brown lightly folded wings. And do you ask, dear girls and boys, What calls these flatterers from home, Why restlessly they care to roam Far from the foliage-guarded nest? A new idea has come to me; I wonder if you will agree To what I'm going to suggest. When in some quite mysterious way A trifling fault strikes mamma's ears, I'm confident you must have heard Of that communicative bird Who's always telling all he hears. A little bird told me, she says, Of what I never should suspect. Suppose these listening songsters light Upon the wires there in sight To get the latest news direct! If they're the gossips of bird land, Reporters for the "Night-hawk Press," Then very likely they indulge In other meddling, and divulge The tiny secrets so few guess. They hover near the open door In summer; past the eaves they dart, And very likely understand When any hidden mischief's planned, And straightway hasten to impart, To those, they think it may concern, Their interesting items. Why, I seem to see their bright eyes shine, Their cunning heads sideways incline Inquisitively, full of joy. The only way I know is this— To always try to do so well That when the busy birds appear To carry secrets through the air, They won't have anything to tell Except those messages that bless Obedience and truthfulness. [Pg 4] A LITTLE PHILOSOPHER. NAN.[1] BY MRS. JOHN LILLIE, Author of "Mildred's Bargain," "Aunt Ruth's Temptation," etc. Chapter III. Nan's visitor, Miss Rolf, left the little shop, and walked away in the winter's dusk up the main street, and down one of the more secluded streets, where the "upper ten" of Bromfield lived. Bromfield was a large dull town, full of factories and smoke, and had a general air of business and money-making. The houses on the pretty street to which Miss Rolf directed her steps seemed to be shut away from all the dust and noise of the town, and Mrs. Grange's gateway was the finest and most aristocratic-looking one in the row. Miss Rolf went in at the gate, past a pretty lawn dotted with cedars, to the side entrance of a long low stone house, within the windows of which lights were already twinkling. She had a curious, amused smile on her face as she went down the hall, and it had not faded when she entered the parlor fronting the garden and the lawn. Three people were seated in the fire-light—an elderly lady with a pale sweet face, a tall boy of fifteen, and a gentleman whose face was like Miss Rolf's in regularity of feature, but much softer in expression. In the luxurious room Miss Rolf looked much more in her place than in Mr. Rupert's butter shop, and if Nan could have seen her "second cousin Phyllis" there, she would have been more than ever certain that she belonged to those who had the money. Miss Rolf was greeted by all three occupants of the room at once. "Well, Phyllis?"—from the gentleman. "Did you see her?"—this from the boy. "Well, what happened?"—this from the lady. Miss Rolf sank into one of the many easy-chairs, and, leaning back, began to draw off her long gloves. "Yes, I saw her," she answered, smiling. "It was really very interesting. Quite like something in a story. There was the horrible little store, and Mrs. Rupert, a vulgar sort of woman; and then the little girl came in—dreadfully untidy and dowdy-looking, but really not at all so common as I feared. She has the hazel eyes every one admired so in her father." "And did you tell her that her aunt Letitia wants her to go to Beverley?" said the boy, eagerly. "No, I didn't," rejoined Miss Rolf. "I thought I'd do that when I went to-morrow. There was no time to discuss the matter. Besides, I wanted to see the child alone first." "Why not send for her to come here?" Mrs. Grange said, gently. "Not a bad idea," said Miss Rolf, sitting upright. "She might come to-morrow, instead of my going there." "NAN WAS DRESSED BY MRS. RUPERT AND MARIAN." "I can't help thinking Letitia will regret it," said the gentleman, who was Miss Rolf's father. "Why should she, papa?" said the boy, quickly. "Surely it is only fair. Her father was left out of Cousin Harris's will just for a mere caprice, and why should Cousin Letty have everything, and this child nothing? I don't see the justice of that." "But to remove her from a low condition; to place her among people she never knew—I am afraid it is unwise," said Mr. Rolf, shaking his head. "You don't understand it, Lance; I don't expect you to. Just wait, and see my words come true." Lance, or Lancelot Rolf, laughed brightly. He seemed quite prepared to take the risks on Miss Letitia Rolf's venture. While Miss Rolf wrote her letter to little Nan, the boy watched her earnestly. He was intensely interested in this new- found cousin, and, had he known where to go, would certainly have paid a visit to the cheese-monger's family himself. He would have found an excited little party had he done so, for by eight o'clock Mrs. Rupert had indulged in every possible speculation about Nan's future. Mr. Rupert, a tall, thin, weather- beaten man, had come in for tea, and was told of the visitor, and obliged to hear all Mrs. Rupert's ideas and hopes on the subject, while Nan herself was the only quiet member of the party. She sat at the tea-table, for once in her life very quiet and repressed. Just what she hoped or thought she could not have told you; but it seemed to her as if something like her old life with her parents might be coming back. Could it be she was to go away, and leave Bromfield, the cheeses and butter and eggs, her aunt's loud voice, Marian's little airs of superiority, and Phil's rough kindness, forever behind her? "Come, Nan, you may as well help with the tea-things, if you are going to see your rich relations," said her aunt's voice, sharply recalling her to her duties, and Marian laughed scornfully. "I don't suppose we'll know Nan, or she us, by to-morrow night," she said, with a shrug of the shoulders. Early the next morning a man-servant from Mrs. Grange's brought a note for Nan, which she read in the little untidy parlor, surrounded by all the family. It was from Miss Rolf, requesting Nan to come as soon as possible to Mrs. Grange's house, and it produced a new flutter in the household. Nan was dressed by Mrs. Rupert and Marian in everything that either of the girls' scanty wardrobe possessed worth putting on for such a visit. Had she but known it, a much simpler toilet would have been far more appropriate and becoming, for her purple merino dress and Marian's red silk neck-tie, her "best" hat with its green feathers, and Mrs. Rupert's soiled lavender kid gloves, were a very dreadful combination. Nan, as she walked up Main Street, did not feel entirely satisfied with the costume herself. If her head had not been so dazed by what the Ruperts already called her "good fortune," she would have felt it all more keenly. As it was, she went into Mrs. Grange's gateway feeling herself in a dream, and wondering how and where she would wake up. Chapter IV. Nan was admitted by a very grave-looking man-servant, who, on hearing her name, led her down the softly carpeted hall, and upstairs to the door of a cozy little sitting-room, where Miss Rolf was waiting for her. The many luxuries of the room, its brightness and air of refinement, made Nan half afraid to go farther, and suddenly she seemed to feel the vulgarity of her own dress; but her "second cousin," Miss Rolf, smiled very pleasantly upon her from the window, and coming up to the little girl, kissed her affectionately. Miss Rolf in the morning light, and in a long dress of pale gray woollen material, looked to Nan like nothing less than a princess. She was apparently about twenty one or two, with a fair face, soft waves of blonde hair, and eyes that looked to Nan like stars, they were so bright, and yet soft with all their sparkle. Nan scarcely noticed the imperious curve of her new cousin's pretty mouth or the disdainful pose of the head. She thought of nothing then but her beauty and grace and charming manners. "Well, my dear," this dazzling princess said, "take off your hat and cloak, and sit down by the fire. I want to have a talk with you." Nan, very much subdued by everything she saw about her, obeyed, while Miss Rolf seated herself in a low chair, and looked at her little cousin critically. "Now, Nan," she said, gravely, "do you know that your father would have been a very rich man but for an absurd quarrel with his elder brother?" "I knew there was something," said Nan, who was afraid of her own voice. "Well, then," continued Miss Rolf, "when your grandfather died, he left everything to his elder son and daughter. The son, your uncle Harris, is a confirmed invalid—indeed, he is not altogether right in his mind—but your aunt Letitia, your [Pg 5] father's older sister, is strong and well, and they live together at Beverley. Miss Letitia has suddenly taken it into her head to hunt you up, and as my father and I were coming here on a visit, she asked me to try and find you." Miss Rolf paused, and Nan, who sat very still, her hazel eyes fixed on the young lady's face, nodded, and said, in a sort of whisper, "Thank you." "Your aunt," continued Phyllis, smiling pleasantly, "told me that I was to invite you, in her name, to come on a visit, to Beverley. Mind, Nan, don't get it into your head that it is more than a visit—unless you prove so nice and pleasant a little visitor that she will want you to stay always." Nan's face broke into a smile that made her really pretty. "I'll try and be pleasant," she said, brightly. "So you would like to go?" said Miss Phyllis, looking at her earnestly. "Wouldn't you miss—the Ruperts?" Nan's face flushed. "Yes," she said, looking down, "I shall miss aunt—and Philip." Miss Phyllis said nothing for a moment. She had more to tell, but she thought it as well not to say it now. She had taken a sudden fancy to Nan; she wanted the child to come to Beverley, and perhaps, if she told her all, Nan would refuse; at least, looking at the child's honest, fearless eyes, she felt it more prudent to say no more. So Nan was told that she was to go, if she liked, in a week, to her grandfather's and her father's old home. "Your aunt thought," said Miss Phyllis, "that you might need some new clothes. You see, you will have to dress more at her house than here in Bromfield, and so we will take a week to get you ready. Perhaps it would be as well for you to stay here to-day, and go out with me." Nan's eyes danced. Never but once since she lived in Bromfield had she owned an entirely new dress. Everything she wore had been "made over" from Mrs. Rupert's or Marian's, and she faintly understood that new clothes of Miss Phyllis's buying would be something unthought of in the Rupert mind. "I'll leave you here a little while, Nan," said the young lady, "and you can amuse yourself with the books and papers." But Nan needed nothing of the kind. When the door was closed, she uttered a little half-scream of delight, and jumped up, walking over to the window, where she looked out at the dull town lying smoky and hazy in the distance, and which she felt sure she was about to leave forever. She hardly heard Miss Phyllis returning, and felt startled by the sound of her voice, saying, "Nan, are you ready?" And there was the beautiful young lady in her furs and broad-brimmed hat, with a purse and a little note-book in her hand, ready to lead Nan into the first scene of her enchantment. [to be continued.] VENOMOUS SNAKES. BY W. L. ALLEN. Venomous snakes are those which have two hollow teeth in the upper jaw through which they inject poison into the wound made by their bite. The great majority of snakes are not venomous, but nevertheless there are more venomous snakes in the world than most men really require. There are two classes of venomous snakes—those whose bite is certain death, and those whose bite can be cured. The only venomous snake inhabiting Europe is the viper, but its bite is seldom fatal. In the United States, with the possible exception of New Mexico and Arizona, there are only three venomous snakes—the rattlesnake, the copperhead, and the moccasin. All our other snakes are harmless. In some places the copperhead is known as the flat-headed adder, but the other species of snakes, to which the name "adder" is often given by country people, are as harmless as the pretty little garter-snake. Central and South America have many venomous snakes whose bite is always fatal. Among these the best-known are the coral-snake, the tuboba, and the dama blanca. A British naval vessel, on its way up a South American river a few years ago, anchored for the night, and a number of the officers thought they would go ashore, and sleep in a deserted shanty that stood on the bank, where they fancied that the air would be cooler than it was on board the vessel. When they reached the shanty, one of them said he thought he would go back to the ship, and all the others, with one exception, said that they would follow him. The officer who determined to stay swung his hammock from the beams of the roof, and was soon asleep. He woke early in the morning, and, to his horror, found that three snakes were sleeping on his body, and that others were hanging from the rafters or gliding over the floor. He recognized among them snakes whose bite meant death within an hour or two, and he did not dare to move a finger. He lay in his hammock until the sun grew warm and the snakes glided back to their holes. His companions had noticed that the place looked as if it was infested with snakes, but had cruelly refrained from warning him. The officer was one of the bravest men that ever lived, but he could never speak of his night among the snakes without a shudder. [Pg 6] In one of the West India Islands—Martinique—there is a snake called the lance-headed viper, which is almost as deadly as the coral-snake. The East Indies are full of venomous snakes, and in British India nearly twenty thousand persons are killed every year by snake bites. Of the East Indian snakes whose bite is incurable the cobra is the most numerous, but the diamond snake, the tubora, and the ophiophagus are also the cause of a great many deaths. The British government has offered a large reward for the discovery of an antidote to the poison of the cobra, but no one has yet been able to claim it. Africa, like all tropical countries, has many species of venomous snakes. The horned cerastes is the snake from whose bite Cleopatra is said to have died, and from its small size, and its habit of burying itself all but its head in the sand, it is peculiarly dreaded by the natives. The ugliest of these snakes is the great puff-adder, which often grows to the length of five or six feet, and whose poison is used by the natives in making poisoned arrows. It is a very curious fact that the poison of venomous snakes can not be distinguished by the chemist from the white of an egg. And yet one kind of snake poison will produce an effect entirely unlike that produced by another kind. The blood of an animal bitten by a cobra is decomposed and turned into a thin, watery, straw-colored fluid, while the blood of an animal bitten by a coral-snake is solidified, and looks very much like currant jelly. Nevertheless, the poison of the cobra and that of the coral-snake seem to be precisely alike when analyzed by the chemist, and are apparently composed of the same substances in the same proportion as is the white of an egg. THE TRAIN BOY'S FORTUNE. BY ELIOT McCORMICK. I. "Papers! Harper's Weekly! Bazar! All the monthly magazines!" Jim Richards wished that he might have a dollar for every time he had repeated that cry. He was sure he had said it, during the three years he had been train-boy on the road between Philadelphia and New York, as many as fifty thousand times. Even ten cents each time would give him five thousand dollars. What could he not do with as much money as that? His mother should have a new dress, for one thing. He would give little Pete for his birthday the box of tin soldiers in the toy-shop window; and Lizzie, for hers, the doll on which her heart was set. Then they would all move into a new house somewhere in the country, instead of their wretched tenement in New York. Jim himself would give up his place as train-boy and go into the company's machine shop, which he could not do now, because his earnings from the sale of the papers were pretty good, while the machine-shop wages would be for some time small. But these were dreams; the train was approaching Trenton, where Jim would find the New York evening papers, and he had still to go through the last car. It was Saturday evening, and he must make enough to buy his mother's Sunday dinner. "Papers!" he cried, slamming the door after him, and beginning to lay them one by one in the laps of the passengers. The first passenger was an old gentleman, and in his lap Jim laid a copy of a weekly paper. "Take it away!" exclaimed the old man. "I don't want it." Jim, in his hurry, had passed on without hearing. "What! You won't, eh?" the old man went on, provoked by Jim's seeming inattention. "Then I'll get rid of it myself." Crumpling it up into a ball, he turned around and threw it violently down the aisle, narrowly missing Jim's head, and landing it in the lap of an old lady on the opposite side. "You won't lay any more papers in my lap, I guess," he added, shaking his head threateningly as Jim came back. Jim was angry. He picked up the paper and smoothed it out as well as he could, but it was hopelessly damaged, and no one would think of buying it. "You'll have to pay me ten cents for that," he exclaimed. The train was now slacking, and the old gentleman, who was evidently bound for Trenton, had risen from his seat. "Not a cent," he declared; "not a single cent. You hadn't any business to put it in my lap. I told you not to, but you persisted in leaving it there. You train-boys are a nuisance. It'll be a lesson to you." "But I'll have to pay for it myself," cried Jim. "Serve you right. You'll have ten cents less to spend for cigarettes." By this time the train had stopped, and the passengers were crowding out. The old man was already on the platform, and Jim was standing by the seat, angrily uncertain whether to follow him out or stay and pick up the few papers he had distributed before returning to the baggage-car. In his moment of uncertainty he happened to look down upon the floor. There in the shadow of the seat lay a long leather pocket-book. No one but the old gentleman could have dropped it. Jim stooped and picked it up. Here was a chance to pay off his venerable friend. [Pg 7] "$5000!" In another instant, though, a better impulse came to him. "What would mother say?" he thought. He threw down his papers, rushed to the door, jumped from the steps, and ran along the platform through the crowd in pursuit of the old man. In the confusion and darkness it was not easy to find anybody. Jim thought he saw him a little way ahead, but at the same moment the bell rang for the train to start. Should he follow the man or not? There must be time, he thought. In a moment more he had caught up with the person, but it was not his man at all. It was too bad, but he had done his best. He did not know that where he had failed, two other persons—dark-looking men, whom he had noticed getting off the car—had succeeded, and were now following the old gentleman along the passageway that leads up to the street. Still uncertain what to do, Jim turned around, only to see the train moving off. It was but a few steps back to the track, and Jim ran with all his speed. But when he got there, the rear platform of the last car was a hundred yards away, and all that he could see was the red lantern winking at him, as it seemed, through the darkness. The train had gone off with all his papers, including those which he had expected to sell between Trenton and New York. There would be no Sunday dinner to-morrow; indeed, Jim would be lucky if he were not discharged from his place. For a moment Jim was bewildered. Then he bethought himself of the pocket-book. He would, at any rate, find out what was in that, only no one must see him do it. So he walked down the track until he was quite out of sight, and by the light of a match carefully opened the leather flap. On the inside, in gilt letters, was the owner's name—John G. Vanderpoel, 11 Sycamore Street, Trenton. Jim had no excuse now for not returning it at once. The sight of the name, though, brought back his anger. "Old screw!" he said, half aloud. "I guess if he'd only known what was going to happen, he'd have paid me my ten cents. Let's see what's in it, anyhow." The match had gone out, but Jim had another. Striking it, he looked into the pockets, one of which seemed to contain something green. Jim pulled it out with a beating heart. Yes, it was money—a package of greenbacks—and the label on the outside, though Jim's hands shook so that he could hardly make it out, read "$5000." II. Not only was Jim ignorant that the old gentleman was being followed, but Mr. Vanderpoel did not know it himself. He walked out of the station with a firm, brisk step, his overcoat tightly buttoned over the place where he supposed his money to be, and congratulating himself that he had at length collected the debt which it represented. It was not far to his house, which was in a side street, and occupied several lots of ground. A long path led up from the front gate, lined with shrubbery, and lighted only by the pale rays that gleamed from the front door. Alongside of the path stretched a little duck pond. It was a quiet, retired street, and when Mr. Vanderpoel turned into it, he left the crowd behind. He did not leave, however, the two men who had kept him in sight all the way from the station, and who now quickened their steps so that when he stopped at his gate they were not more than a few feet in the rear. Mr. Vanderpoel opened the gate, and went in. The gate swung back on its hinges, and was held open by one of the men, while the other entered. Not hearing the latch click, Mr. Vanderpoel turned around, and was met face to face by the intruder. "Well, what do you want?" he demanded, angrily. For an answer the old gentleman's arms were promptly seized and pinioned behind his back, and he himself was laid at full length along the garden path. "Keep still now," hissed a rough voice. "We ain't no idea o' hurtin' ye, but what we want is them five thousand dollars." It was not the slightest use to struggle. One man held him fast, while the other went through his pockets. Presently the first inquired of his partner, "Where do you s'pose he's hid it?" If it was the money they were speaking of, Mr. Vanderpoel knew perfectly well where he had hid it. It was, or ought to be, in the very pocket which the man was now searching—the breast pocket of his overcoat—and he waited breathlessly for the man's answer. "Don't know," growled the thief, after a moment. "'Tain't here." Mr. Vanderpoel almost jumped. If it were not there, where could it be? He had certainly put it in that pocket. He was glad, of course, that the thieves could not find it, but that did not relieve his mind as to its safety. However, if it had "HE HANDED OVER THE BOOK, WHICH MR. VANDERPOEL SEIZED." already been stolen, or if he had lost it, he could afford to lie still and enjoy what promised to be a humorous situation. Indeed, he felt almost inclined to laugh; and the robbers themselves, it seemed, began to realize that they were the victims of a sell. "'Tain't on him nowhere," gruffly remarked the one who had been making the search. "Feel in his breeches pocket," suggested the other. The man transferred his hand from the coat to the trousers without success. "'Tain't there neither," he growled. "I don't believe he fetched it tonight." "There's his shoes," observed the first man, who was evidently the more persevering of the two. "See if it ain't in them." The other tore open the gaiters and dragged them off. The cold air struck Mr. Vanderpool's stocking feet very unpleasantly, and filled him with dismal visions of rheumatism and gout; but he bore it bravely, and by a tremendous effort stopped a threatening sneeze. "I tell yer he ain't got it," declared the first man. "We're left; that's what it is. What'll we do with the old chap?" His partner scowled. "Chuck him into the pond." He chucked into a pond at his time of life, and with his rheumatism! It would be the death of him. The prospect of a ducking loosened his tongue. "Help! murder! thieves!" At this moment the gate clicked. Both men heard the sound, and started for the shrubbery at the side of the path. Almost before the old gentleman was aware that they had gone, their retreating footsteps were echoing down the street. Mr. Vanderpoel felt that he was saved. He would have risen to his feet but for the fact that his shoes were off. The person who had come in the gate, and who was now standing before him, was a lad dressed, as it seemed to Mr. Vanderpoel's confused sight, in the District Telegraph uniform. "Well, young man," he exclaimed, "I guess you've saved my life. Just help me on with my shoes, will you, and we'll go into the house." It was some time before Jim could take in the situation, and he stood gazing at the old man without saying a word. "What are you staring at?" cried Mr. Vanderpoel, hotly. "Do you suppose I'm sitting here in my stocking feet for amusement? I've been knocked down and robbed—or I would have been robbed if some one else hadn't done it already. If anything could reconcile one to the thought of being robbed by one set of thieves, it would be that they left nothing for the next set. But I certainly believe they would have killed me if you hadn't come up. Easy, now"—as the boy drew the gaiter over the old man's knobby foot—"look out for that corn. Now the other one. There! never mind the buttons. Lend me your arm, will you? I'm lame and bruised where I fell. It was lucky I didn't hit my head. Well, I'm sorry I lost the money, but I'm mighty glad those fellows didn't get it." "Was it much?" asked the boy, briefly. They had now gone up the steps, and, while Mr. Vanderpoel drew out his latch- key, were standing in the light that gleamed through the door. As Mr. Vanderpoel turned around, he recognized, as he had not done before, the boy's features. "Hello!" he cried, "you're that train boy. Yes, it was a good deal. Do you know anything about it?" Jim's face took on a non-committal look. "Well," he said, "I found something in the cars. Perhaps you'd better identify it. Prove property, you know." "Come in," said Mr. Vanderpoel, drawing Jim inside and closing the door. "Was it a pocket book you found?" Jim nodded. "With money in it?" eagerly. Jim nodded again. "Five thousand dollars?" Mr. Vanderpoel whispered. "I didn't count it," said Jim, briefly. "There it is." He handed over the book, which Mr. Vanderpoel seized and breathlessly opened. The money was in fifty dollar bills, and did not take long to count. When counted it proved to be all right. "Yes," said Mr. Vanderpoel, delightedly. "It's all there. It must have dropped out of my pocket when I threw that paper at you in the car. Served me right for making [Pg 8] such a lunatic of myself! But what a sell!" rubbing his hands gleefully. "What a tremendous sell on those villains that they didn't get a penny of it! Now come in to dinner"—leading the way through the hall—"and tell me all about yourself. You saved my life, and I'm going to do the correct thing." And so the train-boy came into his fortune. In the end it amounted to a good deal more than $5000, for Mr. Vanderpoel's ideas of correctness turned out to be on a liberal scale. The family was brought to Trenton and put in a neat little cottage; Pete had all the tin soldiers that he could use, and Lizzie more dolls than she could possibly take care of; the mother got her dress, and Jim had his heart's desire, by being put, not in the company's machine-shop, but in a great deal better one, in which Mr. Vanderpoel was interested, and where Jim himself will no doubt one day be an owner. But better than all is the sense which Jim has of having fought against and overcome a great temptation. And this sense, I think, is the train-boy's fortune. THE NOVICE.—From a Painting by M. Alexandre Robert. THE SINGING LESSON. BY M. E. SANGSTER. What an interesting picture they make, the old music master and his young pupil! By his cowled head we see that the teacher is a monk, and we remember to have read in our histories about the convents, where, during the fierce conflicts of the Middle Ages, holy men lived peaceful lives, wrote books, painted pictures, and set beautiful Latin hymns to lovely music. Those times were wild and dark enough. The brave young men who put on the armor of knighthood and rode forth to defend the weak and right the oppressed found plenty to do. Ladies sat in their castles, working endless pieces of tapestry in stitches which have lately been revived. Boys found pleasure in learning all sorts of manly sports. Here and there one would be found who was quiet and gentle, and he would perhaps be taught to read and write, and would be regarded as a wonderful scholar. From the sweet rapt look on the face of this little chorister we see that he is one of the pure and noble natures which would not care for fighting, or pitching quoits, or rushing along with hawk and hounds. He loves art, and puts his whole soul into its study. The gray-bearded master has trained many boys, and while kind and tender, is severe in requiring his pupils to do their best. The score on which the boy's eyes are resting is familiar to him through long years of use, and he feels that it is sacred. He shivers with horror when a note is flatted, as it sometimes is by a giddy singer whose ear is not accurate or whose voice is not disciplined. [Pg 9] The little fellow to whom the master is listening so critically while the sweet full tone chords so perfectly with the long- drawn note on the violin will be only one among a multitude of others in the great cathedral. But when the choir uplifts the Te Deum or the Inflammatus with its waves of melody floods every nook and corner of the grand church, one voice untrained and out of tune might mar the harmony. THE MULATTO OF MURILLO. A TRUE STORY. One beautiful summer morning, about the year 1630, several youths of Seville approached the dwelling of the celebrated painter Murillo, where they arrived nearly at the same time. After the usual salutation they entered the studio. Murillo was not yet there, and each of the pupils walked up quickly to his easel to examine if the paint had dried, or perhaps to admire his work of the previous evening. "Pray, gentlemen," exclaimed Isturitz, angrily, "which of you remained behind in the studio last night?" "What an absurd question! Don't you recollect that we all came away together?" With these words Mendez, with a careless air, approached his easel, when an exclamation of astonishment escaped him, and he gazed in mute surprise on his canvas, on which was roughly sketched a most beautiful head of the Virgin. At this moment some one was heard entering the room. The pupils turned at the sound, and all made a respectful obeisance to the great master. "Look, Señor Murillo, look!" exclaimed the youths, as they pointed to the easel of Mendez. "Who has painted this—who has painted this head, gentlemen?" asked Murillo, eagerly. "Speak; tell me. He who has sketched this head will one day be the master of us all. Murillo wishes he had done it. What skill! Mendez, my dear pupil, was it you?" "No, señor," replied Mendez, in a sorrowful tone. "Was it you, then, Isturitz, or Ferdinand, or Carlos?" But they all gave the same reply as Mendez. "I think, sir," said Cordova, the youngest of the pupils, "that these strange pictures are very alarming. To tell the truth, such wonderful things have happened in your studio that one scarcely knows what to believe." "What are they?" asked Murillo, still lost in admiration of the beautiful head by the unknown artist. "According to your orders, señor," answered Ferdinand, "we never leave the studio without putting everything in order; but when we return in the morning, not only is everything in confusion, our brushes filled with paint, our palettes dirtied, but here and there are sketches, sometimes of the head of an angel, sometimes of a demon, then again a young girl, or the figure of an old man, but all admirable, as you have seen yourself, señor." "This is certainly a curious affair, gentlemen," observed Murillo, "but we shall soon learn who is this nightly visitant. Sebastian," he continued, addressing a little mulatto boy about fourteen years old, who appeared at his call, "did I not desire you to sleep here every night?" "Yes, master," said the boy, with timidity. "And have you done so?" "Yes, master." "Speak, then; who was here last night and this morning before these gentlemen came?" "No one but me, I swear to you, master," cried the mulatto, throwing himself on his knees in the middle of the studio, and holding out his little hands in supplication before his master. "Listen to me," pursued Murillo. "I wish to know who has sketched this head of the Virgin and all the figures which my pupils find every morning here on coming to the studio. This night, in place of going to bed, you shall keep watch, and if by to-morrow you do not discover who the culprit is, you shall have twenty-five strokes from the lash. You hear! I have said it. Now go and grind the colors; and you, gentlemen, to work." From the commencement until the termination of the hour of instruction Murillo was too much absorbed with his pencil to allow a word to be spoken but what related to their occupation; but the moment he disappeared conversation began, and naturally turned to the subject in which they were all interested. "Beware, Sebastian, of the lash," said Mendez, "and watch well for the culprit; but give me the Naples y...

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