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7 Harmonium in intense laser fields: excitation, 0 0 absorption, and transparency 2 n a J O. Kidun and D. Bauer 2 Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, Postfach 10 39 80, 69029 Heidelberg, Germany 1 ] h Abstract. Itisknownthatthedynamicsoftwo(Coulomb-interacting)nonrelativis- p tic electrons confined by a parabolic potential and driven by a classical, intense laser - m field (in dipole approximation) is exactly soluble. We calculate the time-dependent populationoftheharmonicoscillatorstatesandtheenergyabsorbedfromthelaser. It o t turns out that the key entity on which all observables sensitively depends is the mod- a ulus square of the Fourier-transformedvector potential of the laser field, evaluated at . s the harmonic oscillator frequency. The system is transparent to laser field configura- c i tions for which this entity vanishes. We discuss the Poisson statistics behavior of the s y transition probabilities and analyze the conditions for the complete survival and full h depletion of the initial state. p [ 2 v 1. Introduction 8 4 1 The parabolic well is a model of great practical importance, as it approximates 0 1 any arbitrary potential close to equilibrium. In nanotechnology, potentials of simple 6 shape such as quantum dots are often well approximated by parabolic potentials. 0 / Superpositions of harmonic oscillators are also used to describe continua, environments, s c and field modes. i s y Correlations, for instance, those introduced by the Coulomb interaction between h electrons, attract growing attention. Correlated electron dynamics can nowadays be p : analyzed experimentally with great precision using “reaction microscopes”[1]. Two v i electrons confined in a parabolic potential, sometimes called “harmonium” or the X “Hooke’s atom” version of helium [2], is of great interest since the problem represents r a one of the few exactly soluble problems involving correlation [3, 4]. As such harmonium serves as a testing ground for, e.g. new exchange-correlation potentials in density functional theory. In the field of strong laser atom interaction, exactly soluble models are rare as well, in particular as it comes to electron correlation. Fortunately, the two-electron wavefunction of the laser-driven harmonium can still be expressed in analytical form as long as the laser field is treated classically and in dipole approximation [5]. The outline of the paper is as follows. In Sec. 2 we derive the exact solution of the time-dependent Schr¨odinger equationoftwo interactingelectrons confinedinaparabolic potential and driven by a classical (laser) field (in dipole approximation). In Sec. 3 the Harmonium in intense laser fields: excitation, absorption, and transparency 2 probabilities for two-electron excitations from an arbitrary state m to a state n are calculated. The latter are the basis for the discussion of optimal energy absorption and transparency in Sec. 4. Finally, we conclude in Sec. 5. 2. Exact states of two-electrons in a parabolic well driven by a laser field In the absence of the laser field the Hamiltonian of harmonium reads ‡ h¯2 h¯2 m m e2 H(r ,r ) = 2 2 + ω2r2 + ω2r2 + (1) 1 2 −2m∇r1 − 2m∇r2 2 1 2 2 r r 1 2 | − | with ω the harmonic oscillator frequency and m the mass of the electron. The Hamiltonian (1) is separable when written in the center-of-mass (CM) and relative coordinates R = 1(r +r ) and r = r r , respectively: 2 1 2 1 − 2 h¯2 h¯2 m e2 H = H +H = 2 +mω2R2 + 2 + ω2r2 + . (2) R r −4m∇R ! −m∇r 4 r ! | | As a consequence, the eigenfunctions Φ(r ,r ) are products of the eigenfunctions of the 1 2 CM and relative Hamiltonians H and H , i.e. with H φ = E φ and H ξ = E ξ R r R R r r | i | i | i | i follows Φ(r1,r2)e−h¯iEt = Φ(R,r)e−h¯i(ER+Er)t = φ(R)e−h¯iERt ξ(r)e−h¯iErt. (3) · Due to the spherical symmetry of both H and H the eigenfunctions are conveniently R r expressed in the form φ (R) = UNL(R)Y (Θ,χ) and ξ (r) = unℓ(r)Y (θ,ϕ). NLM R LM nℓm r ℓm The CM radial wavefunction and energy are readily obtained from the standard problem of the 3D harmonic oscillator to give U (R) = C RL+1H (R)e−mωR2/¯h NL NL N and E =h¯ω(2N + L + 3). H = F ( N,L+3,mωR2/h¯) is the N-th order Hermite R 2 N 1 1 − 2 polynomial, C is the normalization constant. The radial wavefunction u (r) has the NL nℓ closed analytical form (unnormalized) u (r)=rℓ+1e−mωr2/4¯h n−1Akrk only for certain nℓ k=0 oscillator frequencies [3]. For other frequencies, it has to be evaluated numerically. Once P it is found, the eigenenergy has the simple form E = h¯ω(n+ℓ+ 1). r 2 Adding the interaction with an electromagnetic field affects only the CM Hamiltonian so that the problem still separates. Having in mind the interaction with near infrared or visible laser pulses, we adopt the dipole approximation and obtain h¯2 m e2 1 2e 2 H = 2r + ω2r2+ + ih¯ R+ A(t) +mω2R2 (4) −m∇ 4 |r|! 2·2m (cid:20)− ∇ c (cid:21) ! with A(t) the vector potential and c the light velocity. The electric field of the laser is given by E = ∂ A while the magnetic field is neglected in dipole approximation. The t − § total wave function reads Ψ(R,r,t) = ψ(R,t) ξ(r)e−h¯iErt (5) · with ξ(r) the same as before. Spin is omitted for brevity. ‡ Two parabolically confined electrons in constant magnetic fields were studied in [6]. § Harmonium in intense laser fields: excitation, absorption, and transparency 3 The solution of the time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation governing the CM motion with twice the electron mass µ = 2m and charge ǫ = 2e 1 ǫ 2 1 ih¯∂t + ih¯ R + A(t) + µω2R2 ψ(R,t) = 0 (6) − 2µ (cid:20)− ∇ c (cid:21) 2 ! is known [7, 8]. In the case of a linearly polarized laser field A(t) = A(t)e one has z ψ(R,t) = U(X)e−h¯iEXtU(Y)e−h¯iEYtU(Z,t), (7) with the two unaffected harmonic oscillator eigenfunctions U(X) = C H (X)e−µωX2/2¯h, U(Y) = C H (X)e−µωY2/2¯h and the respective eigenen- NX NX NY NY ergies E = h¯ω(N +1), E =h¯ω(N +1). Instead, the eigenfunction U (Z) becomes X X 2 Y Y 2 NZ dressed by the laser field and reads µω ǫg(t) U (Z,t) = C H Z NZ NZ NZ r h¯ " − µc #!× 1 iǫ2ω2 t A2(τ) exp iω N + t+ f2(τ) g2(τ) dτ+ × (− (cid:18) Z 2(cid:19) 2µh¯c2 Zt0 − − ω2 ! 2 iǫω ǫg(t) µω ǫg(t) + f(t) Z Z . (8) h¯c " − µc #− 2h¯ " − µc #   −1/2 The normalization constants are given by C = πh¯/µω 2kk! . The laser field k is turned on at time t = t . Before, the system(cid:16)qis assumed t(cid:17)o be in an eigenstate 0 determined by the quantum numbers N , N , and N . The functions f(t) and g(t) are X Y Z given by t t f(t) = cosωt A(τ)sinωτdτ sinωt A(τ)cosωτdτ , (9) − Zt0 Zt0 t t g(t) = sinωt A(τ)sinωτdτ +cosωt A(τ)cosωτdτ . (10) Zt0 Zt0 ¿From the structure of (8) one can infer (i) that the center of the CM wave packet describes motion along a trajectory R(t) = [0,0, ǫ g(t)] where, in fact, g(t) µc is proportional to the excursion of a driven, classical harmonic oscillator, and (ii) that the time-dependent solution U (Z,t) represents a so-called coherent wave packet, i.e. a 0 state of minimum uncertainty ∆p ∆Z = h¯/2, equally distributed over the momentum p and the spatial coordinate Z (see, e.g. [9]). 3. Photoexcitation of the electron pair Let us consider the photoexcitation of an electron pair confined in a parabolic well (e.g. two electrons occupying the low-lying states of a quantum dot). The transition amplitudeisgivenbytheoverlapoftheexacttime-dependenttwo-electronwavefunction Ψ(r ,r ,t) with the asymptotic stationary solution Φ(r ,r ) when the field is switched 1 2 1 2 off: T(t) = Φ Ψ(t) = φ ψ (t) = U U (t) . (11) h | i NLM | NxNyNz h Kz | Nz i D E Harmonium in intense laser fields: excitation, absorption, and transparency 4 Here we made use of the fact that neither the sub-problem of relative motion of the two electrons nor the X and Y components of the CM motion are affected by the laser field. What is left is the probability to find the CM quasiparticle occupying a stationary state U (Z) of the free oscillator after the action of the laser. Nfin z Let us first discuss the case where we start from the ground state, i.e. N = N = X Y ini N = 0, R ψ(t) = ψ (R,t). The squared modulus of the corresponding transition Z h | i 000 fin amplitude to some final state with the quantum number N n reads Z ≡ 2 T(0→n)(t) 2 = C2C2 exp inωt+i ǫ2ω2 t f2(τ) g2(τ) A2(τ) dτ (cid:12) (cid:12) 0 n(cid:12)(cid:12) ( 2µ¯hc2 Zt0 − − ω2 ! )(cid:12)(cid:12) × (cid:12)(cid:12) ∞(cid:12)(cid:12) µω(cid:12)(cid:12) µω ǫω ǫg(t) µω ǫg(t) 2 (cid:12)(cid:12)2 dZH (cid:12)Z exp Z2+i f(t) Z Z (cid:12). (12) n ×(cid:12)(cid:12)Z−∞ (cid:18)r ¯h (cid:19) (−2h¯ ¯hc (cid:20) − µc (cid:21)−2h¯ (cid:20) − µc (cid:21))(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) One can om(cid:12)it all purely time-dependent imaginary exponents, producing(cid:12) unity, and (cid:12) (cid:12) reduce the integral to the table form [10] by change of variables |T(t)|2= C02Cn2e−2µǫ2h¯ωc2(g2(t)+f2(t)) −∞∞dxHn(x)e−(x−y)2 2 (13) (cid:12)Z (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) with x = µωZ and y = ǫ ω (g(t)+if(t))(cid:12). (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ¯h 2c µ¯h As a qresult, the probabiqlities to find the CM of the electron pair in the ground (that is the survival probability) or in the n-th excited state are P(0→0)(t) = T(0→0)(t) 2 = e−σ, (14) P(0→n)(t) = (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)T(0→k)(t)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2 = σn e−σ, (15) n! (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)e2ω (cid:12) σ(t) = (cid:12) g2((cid:12)t)+f2(t) . (16) 2µh¯c2 h i where we introduce the important parameter σ(t), which depends on the laser field and the oscillator frequency [cf. eqs. (9) and (10)]. The formula for the photoexcitation probability (15) describes the distribution of the electronic wave packet among the oscillator states as a function of time and the EM field parameter. It has the form of a Poisson distribution, which is characteristic for stochastic processes where the system absorbs the first amount of energy from the field independently from the possibility of the absorption of the second portion and so on. In Fig. 1 we illustrate the above expression for P(0→n) for a laser pulse of frequency ω = 2 atomic units (au) with a Gaussian envelope and halfwidth t = 1au, A(t) = l p sinω texp 1(t/t )2 (dashed curve). The survival probability P0→0(t), changing from l −2 p unity to so(cid:16)me final v(cid:17)alue, has one maximum during the pulse due to the oscillation of the CM wave packet inside the potential and the associated maximum overlap with the ground state as the center of the wave packet passes through Z = 0. The transition probabilities of the excited states behave in the opposite way, i.e. they are minimum at these times. In the same way as for the ground state excitations [cf. eqs. (11 – 15)], the general expression for the transition probability from an arbitrary initial mth oscillator state Harmonium in intense laser fields: excitation, absorption, and transparency 5 (t t ) to the final nth state can be found; it reads 0 ≤ 1 σn+m P(m→n)(t) = F 2 m, n; e−σ, (17) 2 0 − − −σ n!m! (cid:18) (cid:19) with the hypergeometric function 1 min(n,m) n! m! 1 1 k F m, n; = . (18) 2 0 − − −σ (n k)! (m k)! k! −σ (cid:18) (cid:19) kX=0 − − (cid:18) (cid:19) Equation (17) circumscribes the time dependent population of the two-electron excitedstatesfollowingthelaserpulse. AsthePoissondistribution(15)characterizesthe stochastic absorption ofn photons, the distribution (17) is responsible for two processes, namely the independent emission of m k photons and the (re)absorption of n k − − photons. Thepolynomialsum(18)intheexpression accountsforthetransitionsthrough all the allowed intermediate states k. Ofparticularinterest aretheasymptoticexcitationprobabilitieslimt→+∞P(m→n)(t) since they are experimentally accessible observables. In Fig. 2 the distribution P(m→n) is portrayed as a 2D intensity plot vs the (analytically continued) excitation quantum number n and the field-strength parameter σ. The latter is proportional to the laser intensity (see the discussion in the next section). Plots (a) and (b) correspond to the different initial states with m = 0 (ground state) and m = 3 accordingly. For m = 0 the ∗ quantum number of the maximally populated final state n is governed by the equation d d 1 P(0→n) = σne−σ = 0, (19) dn dn n! (cid:18) (cid:19) which leads to the simple relation 1 σ = eΛ(n∗+1) = n∗ + +o 10−1−logn∗ . (20) 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) Λ(n) = dn Γ(x) is the Euler polygamma function. dxn x=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 4. Energy absorption Let us now calculate the energy absorbed from the laser field by the two-electron system initially prepared in the ground state E = E(t ) E(t = t ), where abs 0 → ∞ − E(t) = ψ (t) Hˆ(t) ψ (t) with Hˆ(t) the total Hamiltonian 0 0 h | | i k ǫ2ω2 A(t) A2(t) h¯ω ψ (t) Hˆ(t) ψ (t) = g2(t)+f2(t) +2f(t) + + , (21) 0 0 h | | i 2µc2 ω ω2 ! 2 h i ǫ2ω2 E = lim g2(t)+f2(t) = h¯ω lim σ(t). (22) abs t→∞ 2µc2 t→∞ h i This expression for the absorbed energy is obtained independently of the initial state, i.e. using in eq. (21) the wave function ψ (t) (starting from an initial state m) also m | i leads to the result (22). The absorbed energy depends on limt→∞σ(t) only but not on We disregard the possible spontaneous decay of the excited system. k Harmonium in intense laser fields: excitation, absorption, and transparency 6 the initial state or the population over the final states of the system. The parameter of central importance thus clearly is σ(t ) σ , which can be recast into o → ∞ ≡ ǫ2ω ǫ2ω σ = lim g2(t)+f2(t) = lim g(t)+if(t) 2 = o t→∞ 2µh¯c2 2µh¯c2 t→∞| | h i ǫ2ω +∞ 2 ǫ2ω = dt′A(t′)eiωt′ = A(ω) 2, (23) 2µh¯c2 −∞ 2µh¯c2 | | (cid:12)Z (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) showing that the spectr(cid:12)al power of the(cid:12)incoming laser field evaluated at the harmonic (cid:12) (cid:12) oscillator frequency determines the energy absorption E . abs The expression for the absorbed energy (22) can be alternatively derived via the average number n of absorbed photons calculated using the photon statistics: h i ∞ σn E = h¯ω n = h¯ω n o e−σo = h¯ωσ. (24) abs o h i n! n=0 X The essential fact is that the field strength parameter contains the cumulative mass and the charge of the CM subsystem with different powers σ ǫ2. Therefore, the ∼ µ observables in the single and in the double-electron excitation differ from each other. In particular, the energy absorption from the same laser pulse by a (2e)-system is twice as large as in the one electron case. In the generalized many-particle problem the parabolic potential contains an arbitrary number of electrons N. As in the (2e)-case the N-electron CM subhamiltonian accounting for the EM field can be separated from the field-independent relative motion of the electrons. Then, all the formulae describing two-electron transitions are valid for themany-electron caseuptotheeffective chargeandmass. Hencetheenergy absorption (Ne) (1e) changes linearly with the number of electrons in the well, E /E = N. Given this abs abs property, the number of active electrons in a harmonic system may be experimentally accessible. Let us now discuss the two extreme cases of complete survival and full depletion of the initial state, that is its maximum and minimum survival probability. If the survival probability at the detection time equals unity, P(m→m)(t ) 1, the → ∞ → quantum system does not absorb energy from the laser field and becomes transparent for the corresponding pulse. This is strictly realized at the zero value of the field- strength parameter σ = 0 in the exponent in (17). Hence, according (23), the absence o of the oscillator frequency in the spectrum of the vector potential, A(ω) = 0, precludes absorption, [cf. eq. (22)]. Note, that this statement is correct for any field intensity and not just in a first order perturbative treatment as for nonparabolic confinements. As an example, consider a laser field consisting of two consecutive Gaussians shifted in time by the interval 2a: A(t) = sin[ωl(t+a)]e−12[(t+a)/tp]2+ sin[ωl(t a)]e−12[(t−a)/tp]2. − Setting e.g., the laser frequency ω = 1 and the halfwidth of pulses t = √2/2, we l p aim at finding a relation between the time delay 2a and the oscillator frequency ω, for which 0 = A(ω;a) = i π/√e cosωa sinh ω e−ω2/4. The result is ωa = π(k + 1/2) − 2 with k an integer. This isq, in fact, a condition for the destructive interference (in time) of the two waves within the characteristic time-domain 2π/ω of the system. In terms Harmonium in intense laser fields: excitation, absorption, and transparency 7 of the excitation picture the explanation is the following: the electronic wave packet, distributed over theexcited levels by thefirst pulse, may beassembled back tothe initial state by the second pulse, if the phase difference between the pulses is chosen properly. The opposite case amounts to the minimum survival probability, i.e. the maximum depletion of the initial state. On account of e−σo 0 this is the case if the spectral → power at the transition energy (coinciding with the oscillator frequency ω) is infinitely large. It is equivalent to the presence of an infinite, monochromatic laser pulse A(t) = A e−iωlt with A(ω) A δ(ω ω ). Such a pulse resonantly depletes, for 0 0 l instance, the ground state. Fo∼r a finite p−ulse, e.g., A(t)=sinωlt e−12(t/tp)2 with a power spectrum Eabs ∼ |A(ω)|2=2πt2psinh2(ωωlt2p)e−(ω2+ωl2)t2p 6= 0, thereisalways nonvanishing absorption. However, only for the resonance ω = ω the absorption exists in the limit l of large pulse durations, t . p → ∞ In addition, if the initial state differs from the ground state, its full depletion occurs at such values of σ satisfying σm F m, n; 1 = 0. For example, the o o · 2 0 − − −σo well prepared state with m = 1 will be exha(cid:16)usted and dist(cid:17)ributed over other levels by the laser field of the strength σ = 1 [cf. eq. (17)]: P(1→1) = (σ 1)2 e−σo. Similar o o − relations can be obtained for other higher order initial states, e.g. σ = 2 √2 for m = 2, o ± 1/3 σ 3 α 3 = 2σ 6+α 3 i√3 α 3 = 0, α = 3+3i√2 for m = 3 and o− − − α o− − α ± − α so on. (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 5. Conclusion In this paper we considered the exactly solvable problem of the excitation of two interacting electrons, confined in a parabolic well in the presence of a laser field. The expression for the time-dependent population of the excited two-electron states was derived. The physical features of the process, such as the Poisson statistics of the transition probabilities and the linear dependence of the energy absorption on the laser power, were analyzed, in particular, the conditions for the complete survival and full depletion of the initial state. Our approach can be used for the testing of approximate theories dealing with few-body multiphoton excitations. 6. Acknowledgments One of us (O.K.) would like to thank A. Voitkiv and N. Fominykh for stimulating discussion. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. References [1] J. Ullrich et al, Rep. Prog. Phys. 66, 1463 (2003). [2] N. R. Kestner and O. Sinanoglu, Phys. Rev. 128, 2687 (1962). [3] M. Taut, Phys. Rev. A 48, 3561 (1993). [4] S. Kais et al, J. Chem. Phys 9, 417 (1993). [5] U. Schwengelbeck, Phys. Lett. A 253, 168 (1999). Harmonium in intense laser fields: excitation, absorption, and transparency 8 [6] M. Taut, J. Phys. A 27, 1045 (1994). [7] K. Husimi, Progr.Theor. 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The laser frequency, the half-width of the pulse and the oscillator frequency were chosen ω = 2au, t = 1au, l p and ω = 1au respectively. For better visibility, the fast decrease of the probabilities with the quantum number P(0→n) 1 is compensated by multiplication with the ∼ n! factors given in brackets. Harmonium in intense laser fields: excitation, absorption, and transparency 9 Figure 2. The asymptotic distribution P(m→n)(t ) of the two-electron wave → ∞ packet over the excited states, i.e. their population vs. the (analytically continued) quantum number and the field intensity is illustrated as a 2D intensity plot. Figures (a) and (b) correspond to the different initial states with m = 0 (ground state) and m=3, respectively. The color scale of the population probability is common for both figures. Theredlinein(a)[determinedbyeq.(20)]denotestheposition(thequantum number) of the maximally populated state for the given field-intensity parameter σ o (c.f. eq. (23)).

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