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Trends in Mathematics Trends in Mathematics is a book series devoted to foeused eolleetions of articles arising from eonferences, workshops or series of leetures. Topies in a volume may eoneentrate on a particular area of mathematics, or may eneompass a broad range of related subjeet matter. The purpose of this series is both progressive and arehival, a eontext to make eurrent developments available rapidly to the eommunity as weIl as to embed them in a reeognizable and aeeessible eontext. Volumes of TIMS must be of high scientifie quality. Articles without proofs, or which do not eontain any significantly new results, are not appropriate. High quality survey papers, howev- er, are welcome. Contributions must be submitted to peer review in a proeess that emulates the best journal proeedures, and must be edited for eorreet use of language. As a rule, the language will be English, but seleetive exeeptions may be made. Articles should eonform to the highest standards of bibliographie referenee and attribution. The organizers or editors of eaeh volume are expeeted to deli ver manuseripts in a form that is essentially "ready for reproduetion." It is preferable that papers be submitted in one of the var- ious forms of TeX in order to aehieve a uniform and readable appearanee. Ideally, volumes should not exeeed 350-400 pages in length. Proposals to the Publisher are welcomed at either: Mathematies Department Mathematics Department Birkhäuser Boston Birkhäuser Verlag AG 675 Massaehusetts Avenue PO Box 133 Cambridge, MA 02139 CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Harmonie Analysis and Hypergroups K.A. Ross J. M. Anderson G. L. Litvinov A.1. Singh V. S. Sunder N. J. Wildberger Editors with the assistance 01 Alan L. Schwartz Martin E. Walter Springer Science+Business Media, LLC K. A. Ross J. M. Anderson G. L. Litvinov Dept. of Mathematics Dept. of Mathematics Centre for Optimization University of Oregon University College London and Mathematical Modeling Eugene, OR 97403 London, UK Institute for Technologies Moscow, Russia A. I. Singh V. S. Sunder N. J. Wildberger Dept. of Mathematics The Institute of Math. Sciences School of Mathematics University of Delhi CIT Campus, Taramani Univ. of New South Wales Delhi, India Chennai, India Sidney, NSW, Australia Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hannonic Analysis and Hypergroups (International Conference on Hannonic Analysis 1995 : University of Delhi) International Conference on Hannonic Analysis / editors, K. A. Ross ... [et al.]. p. cm. -- (Trends in mathematics) Proceedings of a conference held Dec. 18-22, 1995 at the University of Delhi. Includes bibliographical references 1. Hannonic analysis--Congresses. I. Ross, Kenneth A. 11. Title III. Series. QA403.155 1995 97-31839 515'.2433--dc21 CIP ISBN 978-1-4899-0158-3 ISBN 978-0-8176-4348-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-0-8176-4348-5 AMS Codes: P 43-06, 60-06, S28-06, 42-06 Printed on acid-free paper © 1998 Springer Science+Business Media New York Origina11y published by Birkhäuser in 1998. Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 1st edition 1998 Copyright is not c1aimed for works of U.S. Government employees. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy- ing, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owner. Permission to photocopy for internal or personal use of specific c1ients is granted by Birkhäuser Boston for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), provided that the base fee of $6.00 per copy, plus $0.20 per page is paid directly to CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, U.S.A. Special requests should be addressed directly to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Reformatted and type set in C\ lEX 9 8 765 432 1 Contents Prefaee •.....•....••. VI De Branges Modules in H2(Ck ) Sanjeev Agrawal and Dinesh Singh 1 Some Methods to Find Moment Funetions on Hypergroups Leonard Gallardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 13 About Some Random Fourier Series and Multipliers Theorems on Compaet Commutative Hypergroups Marc-Olivier Gebuhrer ................ 33 Disintegration of Measures Henry H elson ..... . ......... 47 Multipliers of de Branges-Rovnyak spaees II Benjamin A. Lotto and Donald Sarason ........ 51 On Hartman Uniform Distribution and Measures on Compaet Spaees R. Nair ..... . ............ 59 Hypergroups and Signed Hypergroups K enneth A. Ross . . . . . . ...... 77 Three lectures on Hypergroups: Delhi, Deeember 1995 Alan L. Schwartz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Harmonie Analysis and Functional Equations Henrik Stetkaer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Actions of Finite Hypergroups and Examples V. S. Sunder and N. J. Wildberger .... 145 Positivity of Tunin Determinants for Orthogonal Polynomials Ryszard Szwarc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Wavelets on Hypergroups K. Trimeche . . . . . . 183 Semigroups of Positive Definite Functions and Related Topics Martin E. Walter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Characters, Bi-Modules and Representations in Lie Group Harmonie Analysis N. J. Wildberger . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 A Limit Theorem on a Family of Infinite Joins of Hypergroups Hansmartin Zeuner . . . . . . 243 Preface Under the guidance and inspiration of Dr. Ajit Iqbal Singh, an International Conference on Harmonie Analysis took place at the Uni- versity of Delhi, India, from December 18 to 22, 1995. Twenty-one dis- tinguished mathematicians from around the world, as weIl as many from India, participated in this successful and stimulating conference. An underlying theme of the conference was hypergroups, the the- ory of wh ich has developed and been found useful in fields as diverse as special functions, differential equations, probability theory, representa- tion theory, measure theory, Hopf algebras and quantum groups. Some other areas of emphasis that emerged were harmonie analysis of analytic functions, ergo die theory and wavelets. This book includes most of the proceedings of this conference. I chaired the Editorial Board for this publication; the other members were J. M. Anderson (University College London), G. L. Litvinov (Centre for Optimization and Mathematical Modeling, Institute for New Technolo- gies, Moscow), Mrs. A. I. Singh (University ofDelhi, India), V. S. Sunder (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, C.LT., Madras, India), and N. J. Wildberger (University of New South Wales, Australia). I appreciate all the help provided by these editors as weIl as the help and cooperation of Our authors and referees of their papers. I especially appreciate techni- cial assistance and advice from Alan L. Schwartz (University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA) and Martin E. Walter (University of Colorado, USA). Finally, I thank Our editor, Ann Kostant, for her help and encouragement during this project. Very special thanks go to Dr. Ajit Iqbal Singh for organizing this conference. This was her brainchild and it would not have taken place without her determination and persistence. She was ably assisted by many colleagues, especially Dinesh Singh and B. S. Yadav, and by sev- eral cheerful and helpful students. Around 70 different people served on one or more of the ten committees responsible for this conference. For generous financial assistance, we are grateful to the (Delhi) University Grants Commission, Council of Scientific and· Industrial Research, De- partment of Science and Technology, Indian National Science Academy, and the National Board of Higher Mathematies. We are thankful to the Department of Science and Technology for a special grant and for publishing the conference brochure. K. A. Ross De Branges Modules in H 2(Ck ) Sanjeev Agrawal and Dinesh Singh 1. Introduction One of the most important results in invariant subspace theory is the famous "Beurling's Theorem" [1], characterizing the invariant subspaces of the shift operator S (i.e. multiplication by the co ordinate function z) on the Hardy space H2(T). Beurling's Theorem. Let M be an invariant subspace 01 S in H 2 (T). Then there exists an inner lunction q(z) in HOO(T) (that is, {q(z)zn} is an orthonormal set) such that Recently, L. de Branges [3] has generalized this theorem, generalizing, at the same time, the vector-valued version of Beurling's Theorem due to Lax and Halmos [4,5,7]. L. de Branges' theorem (scalar version) characterizes the dass of Hilbert spaces that are contractively contained in H 2 (T) and on which the shift operator acts as an isometry. De Branges' Theorem (Scalar version). Let M be a Hilbert space contractively contained in H 2 (T) such that S(M) c M and S acts as an isometry on M. Then there exists a b(z) in the unit ball 01 HOO(T) (unique up to a scalar lactor 01 unit modulus) such that M = b(z)H2(T) and the norm on M is given by Ilb(z)j(z)IIM = 111(z)IIH2 In [10] we have extended the theorem of de Branges (scalar version) to the context of various Banach spaces of analytic functions on the unit disc such as the Hardy space, the Dirichlet space, the Bergman space, BMOA and VMOA. In this paper we have looked at the nature of those Hilbert spaces that are vector subspaces of the space H 2(Ck ) and on which S acts as an isometry. Not all such spaces will look like the space o Mathematics Subject Classification (1991 revision). Primary 47A15, 47B37. Key words and phrases. Ck-valued de Branges' Theorem, Ck-modules, shift, Hilbert Ck-modules. 2 S. Agarwal and D. Singh as characterized in de Branges' theorem. We show precisely which spaces will look like the space as in de Branges' theorem in terms of the norm and the vector space structure. We also give examples of spaces that, as sets, look like the space in de Branges' theorem but whose geometry is different from the type as given in his theorem. It should be borne in mind that, unlike the result of de Branges, our results do not make any contractivity or continuity ass um pti on between the space to be characterized and the space H 2 ( Ck ). 2. Preliminary results and definitions C K will denote the k-dimensional unitary space. For 0: = (0:1, ... ,O:k) and ß = (ß1, ... , ßk) ECk, if we define 0:* a =: (al, ... ,ak) , o:ß (0:1ß1, ... ,O:kßk) , 2 2 110:11% 10:11 + ... + IO:kl then (Ck, 1I.lIk) forms a Banach *-algebra. The set {ei} will denote the standard orthonormal basis of C k where the ith coordinate in ei is 1 and all the other coordinates are zero. The basis is ordered by i. All matrices in this paper are written with respect to the basis {e;}. Let A be a nonsingular k x k matrix. For 0:, ß E C k , we define (0:, ß) A = (Ao:, Aß) k , It is easy to check that (., .)A is an inner product on Ck. The correspond- ing norm on Ck will be denoted by 11·11 A. Lemma 2.1. 11 (., .) is an inner product on C k , then there exists a unique upper tri angular k x k matrix A whose diagonal entries are positive real numbers and such that (.,.) = (., ·)A . Proof. The result follows from the characterization of positive definite sesquilinear forms on Ck and the QR factorization of matrices. For the QR factorization of matrices we refer to the following theorem in [6, pagel12]. If A is a nonsingular k x k matrix, there exists a unitary matrix Q and an upper tri angular matrix R such that A = QR. R may be chosen so that all its diagonal entries are positive and, in this event, the factors Q and Rare both unique. De Branges Modules 3 H 2 ( C k ) will denote the space of all formal power series 2: anzn where an E Ck and 2: Ilanll~ < 00. It is weIl known that (H2(Ck ), 11.1112) is a Hilbert space, where II2:anz1112 = 2:llanll~. Further, H 2(Ck ) is a Ck _ module under the multiplication al = a 2: anzn = 2: aanzn. Let S denote the operator of multiplication by the coordinate func- tion z on H 2(Ck ), that is, S(j(z)) = zI(z). S is an isometry in H2(Ck ). HOO(Ck ) will denote the space of all I E H 2(Ck ) such that Ig E H 2(Ck ) for all 9 E H2 (Ck ); the product of land 9 being defined as their formal Cauchy product. Let A be a nonsingular k x k matrix. For I E 2:an zn , ifwe define IIIII~ = 2: lIanll~, then it is easy to see that (H2(Ck ), II.II A ) is a Hilbert space, such that S(H2(Ck )) C H2(Ck ) and S acts as an isometry on it. • Definition 2.2. (De Branges space) If (M, II.IIM) is a Hilbert space that is a vector subspace of H 2 (Ck ), then M is called ade Branges space if there exists a b( z) E Hoo (Ck ) such that and {anznb(z)} is an orthogonal sequence in M for every sequence {an} in Ck . Definition 2.3. ([2]) A Hilbert space (M, 11.11) is said to be a Hilbert Ck-module if (i) M is an algebraic (left) module over C k , (ii) (ax,y) = (x,ay) for every a E Ck,x,y E M, (iii) there exists a constant R such that Ilaxll ~ R Ilallk Ilxll for every a E Ck and xE M. Remark 2.4. All Ck-modules in this paper will be Ck-submodules of H 2 ( Ck ) in the algebraic sense. Remark 2.5. (1) For I E H 2(Ck ), we shall write I(i) for e;j. Note that in all the co- efficients of I(i), all coordinates, except possibly the ith coordinate, are zero. (2) For aspace M ofthe type b(z)H2(Ck ), we will assume that b(i) =I- 0 for each i. Otherwise M can be considered as a subspace of H2(cr) for a suitable r < k. Thus there is no loss of generality.

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