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Preview Harlow Star, January 20, 2011

Atlantic Fish Bar 8 Slacksbury Hatch 01279 410807 Tuesday Ballet Classes Chinese&Indian PinkCottage,CommonsideRoad,HarlowCM187JB Established1976 Passmore’s School, Harlow TheOldestandStilltheBest ChineseReservations01279443063 IndianReservations01279423814/453511 Chinese New Year GreatBritishTake-awayinTown! 5.00pm-6.00pm5-8years,BeginnersBallet LUNCHTIME 6.00pm-7.00pm8-18+years,Beginners/ YEAR OF THE RABBIT IntermediateBallet DELIVERIES OFFER Twodaysofcelebrations&greatfood,we 7.00pm-8.00pm8-18+years,IntermediateBallet servebothChineseandIndianCuisine Home or Work Saturday Jazz Class Thursday 3rd Feb - Set Meal £4 Music by the fantastic 9.15am3-5years JOHN FLEMMING 11.30 - 2.00pm Saturday Street Dance, DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR Friday 4th Feb - Singing and Drama 10.30 2.00 and 4.30 10.00pm Mowtown & Soul Nite 10am-1pmor2pm-5pm by DJ Martin Callnowtobookyourplace Marina Fish Bar 01279 442357 - 07745 623574 Garden Terrace Road, BOOKNOWforValentinesDay,February14thLivemusiconthenight www.kevinadamsacademy.com Old Harlow 01279 429923 [email protected] www.cloverestaurant.co.uk www.princess-trust.org.uk 2 January20,2011 e-mail:[email protected] Professional Carpets Book early Don’t miss out Limited stock FREE Estimates JJAANNUUAARRYY SSAALLEE HUNDREDS OF OFFERS! LOADS OF BARGAINS! A L L C O L O U R S , F I R S T C O M E , F I R S T S E R V E D VINYL BLEACH 60oz 80% BERBER 5 CLEANABLE BLEACH WOOL TWIST CLEANABLE 4 COLOURS 20% HEAVY £3.99 DOMESTIC NYLON COLOURS 4 COLOURS £4.99 PER SQ METRE £4.99 £10.99 SUITABLE FOR LOUNGE OR PER SQ METRE STAIR LANDING PER SQ METRE PER SQ METRE WHILE THESE ITEMS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FROM OUR WEBSITE DUE TO STOCKS LAST HIGH DEMAND! DO NOT MISS IT! We GUARANTEE we will beat any major retailers on price & service. WESTOCKOVER200ROLLSOFCARPETDIRECTFROMTHEMANUFACTURERTOKEEPOURPRICESVERYLOW. 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HSW02 3 www.harlowstar.co.uk January20,2011 THE SMALL COPPER Churchfield,HarlowCM203DE(Tel:01279431461) Birthdays,engagementsetc. CelebrateattheSmallCopper. Privateroomavailable. TRSUNIDPAYfLromE8pm X SATURDAYfrom8.00pm JIM’S KARAOKE KARAOKENOWONWEDNESDAYSTOO! Brightenupyourmidweekwithasong. Specialisingin •FittedKitchensandFittedBedrooms •AmericanFridgeFreezers •GraniteWorktops •RangeofCookersandAppliances FFRREEEE PPLLAANNNNIINNGG AANNDD DDEESSIIGGNN SSEERRVVIICCEE Allaspectsofbuildingworkundertaken.Ceramicwall andfloortilessuppliedandfitted.Allelectricand plumbingworksundertaken. SShhoouullddyyoouuwwiisshhttoovviieewwoouurroonnee&&oonnllyysshhoowwrroooomm iinnHHaarrllooww:: UUnniitt22BB,,SSttJJaammeessCCeennttrree,,EEaassttRRooaadd,,TTeemmpplleeffiieellddss HHaarrllooww,,EEsssseexxCCMM220022SSXX((OOppppoossiitteeTTeessccooss)) www.huntersbrook.co.uk 01279 442432 4 January20,2011 e-mail:[email protected] OPEN EVENING Thursday 3 February COLLEGE 5.30-7.30pm IN THE TOP 2% at Harlow College IN ENGLAND Discover a world of opportunities at 16+ OUTSTANDING Student Achievement OfstedReport 2011 Ofsted praised our intense focus on individual students. Come and see how our approach can work for you. WEST IC Toreachanonlineaudienceof All welcome • No need to book 90,900 * TheWestEssexVIFormCollege unique visitors Moreinformationat: www.harlow-college.ac.uk/open PleasecontactamemberoftheHerts&Essexmediasalesteamon 01279 868 145 01992 526666 HarlowCollege VelizyAvenue TownCentre Harlow CM203LH *AveragemonthlyuniquevisitorsbetweenAprilandJune2010(un-audited) 5 www.harlowstar.co.uk January20,2011 Neighbourhood Forum ChurchLangleyandsurroundingareas Would you like to be involved in discussions and decision making about services and local issues that affect you, your family and your neighbourhood? If the answer is ‘Yes’ come along to your Neighbourhood Forum When and Where? Tuesday 1 February 2011 7.30pm – 9pm at Henry Moore School, Kiln Lane, Church Langley, Harlow CHILDREN'S SWIM PPCCRREEPPAAIIRRSS ●● FFRREEEEon-sitevisits The evening will include a presentation from LESSONS ●●●● UInptegrrnaedte/sEmailsetup Harlow Council’s Community Safety Team as well ●● NetworkingHome/Bus £4.75 ●● VirusFix.Laptops as the opportunity for you to meet other residents Max: 8 per class p/w Ma00c11S22up77p99ort33,T11ra66in44in33g11etc. and staff from a range of agencies who work in Burnt Mill EEppppiinngg,,HHaarrllooww,,BB..SStt’’ffrrdd partnership with Harlow Council. School (paytermly) Harlow Light refreshments will be available Come along and have your say. Your views and A mateur The input to local issues are important. S wimming Swimming Association Academy Formoreinformationaboutthis Certs meetingcontactPeterGould, HarlowCouncil,BigSocietyTeam Tel: 01279 758811 Mob: 07779 514579 on01279446498 wwwwww..theswimmingacademy.org 6 January20,2011 e-mail:[email protected] SALE SALE FREE 5 YEAR NO VAT GUARANTEE INCREASE ON ALL TELEVISIONS ON MOST STOCK ITEMS INSTOCK CURRYS £329.99 CURRYS £179.99 AQUARIUS 1200 SPIN WASHER COMET £337.01 D6KRGYELROAD COMET £183.82 MODELWML520P MODELIDV65 £259 £149 .90 .90 6KGLOAD‘A’WASHGRADE REVERSEACTION-VENTHOSEINCLUDED CURRYS £449.90 ONE YEAR - GUARANTEE COMET £449.90 ONE YEAR - GUARANTEE FREE 5 YEAR £399 GUARANTEE! .90 ON ALL TELEVISIONS IN STOCK 42" Plasma TV WHEN YOU BUY FROM PS42C450-HDREADY-BUILT-INFREEVIEW STUNNINGPIANOBLACKFINISH.100HZ CURRYS £799. 90 • MASSIVE SELECTION OF PRODUCTS • FREE LOCAL DELIVERY COMET £918.13 (WHENYOUSPEND£200ORMORE) CLASSIXX • 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS BUILT-IN • EXPERIENCED WELL TRAINED STAFF DOUBLEOVEN • WHY GO ANYWHERE ELSE ? BRUSHEDSTEEL NO VAT 2YEARGUARANTEE £649 INCREASE FULLYPROGRAMMABLE MAINFANOVEN .90 HBM13B251 ON MOST STOCK ITEMS AND MORE! COMPETITORSINSTOREPRICESARECORRECTAT14/1/11 www.towerdiscount.co.uk FFIINNDD www.towerdiscount.co.uk FFOORRSSHHOOPPAANNDDCCOOMMPPAANNYY US AT INFORMATIONAND MORE! US AT INFORMATIONAND MORE! LLOOCCAATTEEDDBBEEHHIINNDD Allpricesinthisadvertarenetofalldiscounts ST. JAMES RRAAPNNHOGGTOEEGRSSAUUPHPPSEEFORRRSSILLTTUOOSTRRRAEETIONPURPOTSEESSOCNLOY TOWER CONWAY CENTRE AANNDDNNEEXXTTDDOOOORRTTOO PINE TOWER DIRECT EDINBURGH CCOONNWWAAYYPPIINNEE 56 STADIUMWAY WAY MMAASSSSIIVVEE FFRREEEE THERANGE RAYLEIGHWEIR HARLOW CCAARR PPAARRKK!! EDINBURGH0WA1Y 702 T5OH5ARL2OW559 0120712968672484420050 PLASMA + LCD TV INSTALLATIONS FROM ONLY £49.90 WEARETOTOHLDEHARLOW OPEN 9-8WEEKDAYS Photographsforillustrationpurposesonly EXPERTS! 9-6 Sat 10-5 Sun PHONENOW 7 www.harlowstar.co.uk January20,2011 WE BUY ANY GOLD AND SOLID SILVER BEST PRICES IN HARLOW Wewon’tmatch,wewillBEATanygoldpricesinHarlow! TURNYOURUNWANTED,USED,BROKEN,DAMAGED ORSCRAPGOLDINTOCASH! GOLDCOINS,MEDALS,MEDALLIONS AllAsian,Indianorforeigngold boughthallmarkedorun-hallmarked 0800 303 2474 DDoowwnntthheePPllaayyhhoouusseeWWaallkk,,KKiioosskk55,,HHaarrllooww HarveyCentre !#" ---"44-2=;<-5"0<"1. 0/!6$"4*/1*4,7,!46-,44*/ -#4(/44876)54837/&3/!5&- +8 ’-&& 4-(8 =;, !"## 7;6 8(86= ’-<:;’ 2<: !/## 7;6 8(86= :;;6 ’8 689&2*8$ 5; 68*8-(8018:-3*;,<0%),3012<:018(;,*186 .8&;’ 0; ;,6 *;<3,&02!!<0 ’1""8< 1##8 *2##&&3 56471’3(6%9%)545/%756%*%-9%95’- ,4)4,3,;-95%.(6-)8%’:!#$$;%9 Fr£o39m.50 ✂ 04)&’0’*9+!-2"$$-;0%49)&&’’’0979%;/-(%& P7le&4as.e/4q3uo*t6e,4re1f4e2r4e1n4c9e)‘J4A:N$1+,1!’%w8h’e-n4s9pe/5a4ki.n(g+9t0o,th6e DOMESTIC ,-4co)6n9su/*lt&a,n.t9.,O"#ffe22r4o1n6l9y&a;p.p5li5e&s+4t/o,n6e9w4’qu3o*ta6t,i.o,n+s6.9/" ! OVEN CLEANING (&)!/ ’(%(’( **OOvveennss**AAggaass**RRaannggeess **HHoobbss**EExxttrraaccttoorrss,,eettcc !!" !’"$(#$(&% Usingnon-caustic,non-toxicproducts inyourhome .79964(%4/"4*/’2++546-*9,7,!4676)1*4,& #"$!% FULLYINSURED&CRBCHECKED 01279 432444 6%-&’::4(%76’09’’, -,!0.$."!&!##/+,-(*)%’! $*"+ wwwwww..oovveennbbrriigghhtt..ccoo..uukk ,639:428-4>%’153:428%748)<-%#559?&+!$(/* !+"*%.0&,0.’’)-*$(#*$/ 8 January20,2011 e-mail:[email protected] WTCeOA’rDLeLAhYUer!Se toCCWTabOAeVle’lLrDAaeLnATthoUYetwhSr!ee tohelp inctorehaeslpe CAPTIVEBRED DIRECTFROM THEBREEDER LETUSENTERTAINYOUR CHILDRENANDTHEIR FRIENDSWITHONEOF OUREXOTICREPTILE PARTIES!! Stockistsofall majorbrands,thisincludes: •Vivariums&cabinets•Heating&lighting •Livefoods&Frozenfoodalwaysavailable •Hides,plants&vines•Alargeselectionofbedding NOSURVEYCHARGE•NOCALL-OUTFEE Plusmuchmore! NOSALESPRESSURE•NODEPOSIT ReptilePriceList GeckosFrom£23.99 VAT FREE* EXCELLENT CornSnakesFrom£22.99 TortoisesFrom£95 CUSTOMER Ifyouareregistereddisabled CompleteSetup’savailable SATISFACTION Callustoday! RECORD atgreatprices *termsandconditionsapply 9Newtownroad, FORARELIABLE&FRIENDLYSERVICE BishopsStortford, TEL: 01279 452628 Herts,CM233SA. Call01279306392 Email:enquiry@manorgaragedoors.co.ukVisitourwebsitewww.manorgaragedoors.co.uk OPEN7DAYSAWEEK Forsparepartsvisitwww.manorgaragedoorspareparts.co.uk MONDAY-SATURDAY11AM-6PMSUNDAY12PM-3PM 9 www.harlowstar.co.uk January20,2011 Here today, here to stay. Make 2011 the year you change a child’s life! MY NEWYEARS RESOLUTION ISTO MAKE MYWILL Thereareanumberofblackandmixedparentage childreninEssexwhoarewaitingtobeadoptedbya TheWillPracticeoffersclientsaWilldraftingserviceataFIXED FEEHusbandandWife/PartnerWill£60each-SingleWill£75 lovingfamily. Weneedmoreblackadoptersfromall **** SPECIAL REDUCED FEE **** cultureswhocangivethesechildrenachanceofa NHSSTAFFandSENIORCITIZENS15%DISCOUNT happylife. FREEHomeVisitingService:Daytime,Evenings,Weekends Telephoneforabrochureortoarrangeanappointment TheWillPractice (est1990) (01279)600003 WhileEssexisparticularlyshortofblackadopters, AllenHouse,TheMaltings,Sawbridgeworth,Herts weneedallkindsofpeopletoadoptallkindsof (MemberofInstituteofLegalExecutives) children,allweaskisthatyoucanofferasecure est1985 YourNo.1Choice Taondfinndurotuutrimngorfea,moirlyreeqnuveirsotnamneinnfto.rmationpack, contact0800801530orvisitwww.adoptessex.org.uk Inarush?Needtobesomewhere? Forafast,reliable&efficientserviceyouneed Wewon’tbebeatenonpriceandthat’s GUARANTEED! 300900 Speaktooneof ouroperators Credit/debitcardsaccepted/Businessaccountswelcome. 10 January20,2011 e-mail:[email protected]

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