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Harlequin - Fallen Angels 2 - Wanton PDF

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Synopsis: Passion had clouded P.I. Celia Carter's judgment once. Never again. Now she took on dangerous undercover assignments to deal with her guilt. But P.I. Alec Sharpe was determined to reawaken Celia's sexuality… before she got herself killed. Wanton Lori Foster FALLEN ANGELS 2 HARLEQUIN® TORONTO • NEW YORK • LONDON AMSTERDAM • PARIS • SYDNEY • HAMBURG STOCKHOLM • ATHENS • TOKYO • MILAN • MADRID PRAGUE • WARSAW • BUDAPEST • AUCKLAND If you purchased this book without a cover you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this “stripped book.” ISBN 0-373-83601-5 FALLEN ANGELS Copyright © 2004 by Harlequin Books S.A. The publisher acknowledges the copyright holder of the individual works as follows: WANTON Copyright © 1999 by Lori Foster All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher, Harlequin Enterprises Limited, 225 Duncan Mill Road, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3B 3K9. All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention. This edition published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A. ® and TM are trademarks of the publisher. Trademarks indicated with ® are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the Canadian Trade Marks Office and in other countries. Visit us at www.eHarlequin.com Printed in U.S.A. To Ashley Carter. What a wonderful, sweet and very beautiful young lady you are. I’m so glad you’re a part of our lives! Love ya, Lori Contents CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER ELEVEN CHAPTER TWELVE EPILOGUE CHAPTER ONE Contents - Next Celia bit her lip. She felt naked in the tight, flesh-toned dress, too made-up with the cosmetics that had spent more time in her drawer lately than on her face. She was very aware of her bare thighs, of her exposed arms and cleavage. Though the air-conditioning hummed, she felt warm with embarrassment. Heads turned appropriately as she sauntered through the dim interior and took a direct path to the bar. She didn’t want to look too closely, but she was sure Mr. Jacobs, the slime, was here. She had his description and knew this was his prime picking ground. This was where he chose the women. Hopefully, he’d choose her as well. Slowly sliding onto a bar stool, she worked to gain his attention. Her heart pattered rapidly. Though she couldn’t deny the underlying fear she felt, she also relished the excitement, the anticipation… the end satisfaction. It had been laughably easy to leave her old proper life behind, though her relatives were still having a hard time accepting it. They expected her to show up at the company office any day, dressed in a business suit, hair neatly tucked away in a functional, professional style, begging for her old job back. Ha. It didn’t matter that no one thought she could do this. All she had to do was prove to herself that she was capable, that she wasn’t too pristine or squeamish to see the job through. That she could make a difference in some other woman’s life. She’d do that tonight. It was a nice enough bar, she thought, smiling at the bartender as he took her order. They made idle small talk, and she slipped in the fact that she was a woman alone, new to town, without relatives or friends in the area. He lingered, subtly, politely, asking her more questions. How long would she be in town, did she have a job. He cautioned her to be careful, and she almost laughed. He worked with Jacobs, she was sure of it. Sipping at the drink she didn’t really want, she watched him walk away. Cool air from a ceiling fan brushed her bare thigh where her dress had parted at the side slit. Ever since they’d locked her fiance away for crimes too horrific to think about, she’d done all she could to forget her carnal appetites, to deny an overly sensual nature. Yet here she was, prepared to do her damnedest to get a man’s attention by using her body. Surreptitiously, she glanced down the length of the bar to the small round table located there, situated in the far shadows. The man occupying the table, blond and very good-looking, perfectly matched the description she had been given. It was easy to recognize Jacobs; he had the same classic, refined, golden-boy appearance as her ex-fiance, a look she now recognized as slick and phoney. It took all her control to keep from reacting as he surveyed her through narrow, contemplative eyes. His gaze skimmed over her from her loose tousled hair down to her high-heeled sandals. Not wanting to be too obvious, to look too anxious, she turned her head away and flipped her hair over her mostly bare shoulder. Seconds later her pulse jumped, then raced wildly as she sensed the approach of a man. She didn’t turn to look but she could feel the tingling awareness of him, could detect his male scent, not in the least subtle. Yes! He was going to take the bait. Her palms began to sweat in nervousness but she ignored it. She felt him brush against her while taking his own stool, and that brief touch felt electric, making her jump in surprise. She struggled to moderate her accelerated breathing. He was looking at her; she felt the burning heat of his gaze as strongly as a firm stroke of flesh on flesh. Mentally rehearsing the speech she’d prepared, she turned to face him, her smile planted as she leaned slightly forward to display as much cleavage as possible, given her small size. Her gaze slowly lifted, met his, and she froze in horror. “Oh no.” “Hello, Celia.” The low, barely audible words were said in a familiar growl through clenched, white teeth. “Oh no.” His smile wasn’t a nice thing and sent gooseflesh racing up and down her spine. His eyes locked onto hers, refusing to let her look away, and his lips barely moved when he spoke. “Close your mouth, honey, or you’re going to blow your own cover. And I don’t feel like fighting my way out of here tonight. But then again, seeing you in that dress, a fight might be just what I need.” She snapped her mouth shut, but it wasn’t easy. The eyes looking at her weren’t blue, weren’t admiring, and didn’t belong to the man she was investigating, the man still sitting a good distance away, now watching curiously. These eyes were too familiar, a cold, hard black, and at that moment they reflected undiluted masculine fury. Her heart raced even faster, urged on by new emotions, new sensations. She felt nearly faint, and collected her thoughts with an effort. Forcing a shaky smile that actually hurt, Celia whispered, “Just what are you doing here, Alec?” She tried to make it look as if they were merely conversing, getting to know each other. She needed to maintain her camouflage, damn him, and Alec knew it. Rather than offer an answer, he tossed back a handful of peanuts from the bar and watched her. His black hair—taken to curling toward the ends—hung loose tonight to touch his wide shoulders and reflected the glimmer of colored bar lights. Those same lights shone brightly in his narrowed eyes, eyes that made many a man back up in nervousness without a single word being spoken. His sharply cut, ruthless features seemed etched in stone, accurately reflecting his mood. He even smelled of danger, a hot, spicy, masculine scent that appealed to the senses, even as it amplified her nervousness. Everyone in the bar seemed to be looking at them, waiting, but then Alec often got that reaction. He exuded menace, and people picked up on the silent threat quickly. He was a man who wore his tiny gold hoop earring and tattoo without artifice; the small decorations merely seemed a part of the overall man. His requisite jeans, scuffed boots and black T-shirt weren’t exactly appropriate dress for the upscale bar, but Celia doubted anyone would be brave enough to ask him to leave. She was brave enough. “Look, Alec—” His dark, devilish gaze did a slow burn down the length of her body, effectively stifling her protest. He paused on her small breasts as they rose above the neckline of the dress, thanks to the wonders of the push-up bra. She shifted uneasily. He smiled, not a reassuring sight, and his attention snagged again on her tummy. She felt that look inside herself, then more so as his intense scrutiny lingered on her exposed thigh. She wanted to smack him for rattling her so, but then she always wanted to

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