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Preview Hard scattering and jets--from p-p collisions in the 1970's to Au+Au collisions at RHIC

EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Hard scattering and jets—from p-p collisions in the 1970’s to Au+Au collisions at RHIC. M. J. Tannenbaum a Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton,NY 11973-5000 USA 5 0 Received: date/ Revised version: date 0 2 Abstract. Hardscatteringinp-pcollisions,discoveredattheCERNISRin1972bythemethodofleading particles,provedthatthepartonsofDeeplyInelasticScatteringstronglyinteractedwitheachother.Further n a ISR measurements utilizing inclusive single or pairs of hadrons established that high pT particles are J producedfrom stateswith tworoughly back-to-backjetswhich aretheresult ofscattering ofconstituents ofthenucleonsasdescribedbyQuantumChromodynamics(QCD),whichwasdevelopedduringthecourse 5 of these measurements. These techniques, which are the only practical method to study hard-scattering 1 andjetphenomenainAu+Aucentralcollisions,arereviewed,withapplicationtomeasurementsatRHIC. v 2 0 1 Introduction systemas a function of the transversemomentum p and T 0 c.m. energy √s has a characteristic shape (Fig. 1). There 01 In 1998,at the QCD workshopin Paris,Rolf Baier asked is an exponential tail (e−6pT) at low pT, which depends 5 me whether jets could be measured in Au+Au collisions very little on √s. This is the soft physics region, where 0 because he had a prediction of a QCD medium-effect on the hadrons are fragments of ‘beam jets’. At higher pT, / color-chargedpartonstraversingahot-dense-mediumcom- there is a power-law tail which depends very strongly on x posed of screened color-charges [1]. I told him [2] that √s.This is the hard-scatteringregion,where the hadrons e - there was a generalconsensus [3] that for Au+Au central cl collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV, leading particles are the u only way to find jets, because in one unit of the nomi- n nal jet-finding cone, ∆r = p(∆η)2+(∆φ)2, there is an 2]) 102 CDF 1800 GeV v: estimated π 1 dET 375 GeV of energy !(!) /c (a) 630 GeV Xi The good×n2eπwsdηwa∼s that hard-scattering in p-p col- GeV 10 UA1 950000 GGeeVV ar ltihseiomnsethhaoddboefelenaddiinscgopvearretdiclaets,tbheefoCreEtRhNea1dSvRen[t4o,5f,Q6C] bDy, mb/( 1 200 GeV STAR 200 GeV anditwasprovedbysingleinclusiveandtwo-particlecor- [ relation measurements in the period 1972-1982 that high 3p 10 -1 ISR 53 GeV pT particles are produced from states with two roughly /d 23 GeV -2 back-to-backjetswhicharetheresultofscatteringofcon- 3sd10 stituents ofthe nucleonsasdescribedbyQCD,whichwas E -3 developed during this period. The other good news was 10 that the PHENIX detector had been designed to make suchmeasurementsandcouldidentifyandseparatedirect -4 10 single γ and π0 out to p 30 GeV/c. T ≥ -5 10 h++ h- -6 2 Systematics of single particle inclusive 2 10 production in p-p collisions. 0 2 4 6 8 Inp-pcollisions,theinvariantcrosssectionfornonidenti- p (GeV/c) fiedcharge-averagedhadronproductionat90◦ inthec.m. T a Research supported by U.S. Department of Energy, DE- Fig. 1. Ed3σ/d3p vs. pT at mid-rapidity as a function of √s AC02-98CH10886. in p p collisions. − 2 M. J. Tannenbaum:Hard scattering—from p-pcollisions in the1970’s to Au+Aucollisions at RHIC are fragments of the high p QCD jets from constituent- thatit tookquite sometime for x scalingwiththe value T T scattering. of n = 5.1 0.4, consistent with QCD, to be observed ± The hard scattering behavior for the reactionp+p at the CERN-ISR [12]. This was due to the so-called ‘in- → C+X is easy to understand from general principles pro- trinsic’transversemomentum of partons,the “k effect”, T posed by Bjorken and collaborators [7,8] and subsequent which causes a transverse momentum imbalance of the authors [9,10]. Using the principle of factorization of the outgoing parton-pairs from hard-scattering, making the reactionintopartondistributionfunctionsfortheprotons, jets not exactly back-to-back in azimuth. This was dis- fragmentation functions to particle C for the scattered covered by experimenters [13] and clarified by Feynman partons and a short-distance parton-parton hard scatter- and collaborators [14]. The “k -effect” acts to broaden T ing cross section, the invariantcross section for the inclu- the p spectrum, thus spoiling the x -scaling at values T T sive reaction,where particle C has transversemomentum of p 7.5 GeV/c, at the ISR, and totally confusing the T ≤ p nearmid-rapidity,wasgivenbythegeneral‘x -scaling’ issueatfixedtargetincidentenergiesof200–400GeV[15, T T form [9], where x =2p /√s: 16]duetothetherelativelysteepp spectrum(seeFig.1), T T T whichresults ina relativelystrongbroadeningeffect.It is d3σ 1 2p 1 also evident from Fig. 1 that hard-scattering, which is a T E = F( )= G(x ). (1) dp3 pn √s √sn T relativelysmallcomponentofthepT spectrumat√s 20 T ∼ GeV, dominates for p 2 GeV/c by nearly 2 orders of T ≥ The cross section has 2 factors, a function F (G) which magnitude at RHIC c.m. energies compared to the soft ‘scales’, i.e. depends only on the ratio of momenta; and a physics e−6pT extrapolation [17]. dimensioned factor, p−n (√s−n), where n gives the form The status of theory and experiment, circa 1980, is T ofthe force-lawbetween constituents.For QEDor Vector summarizedbythefirstmodernQCDcalculationandpre- Gluon exchange [8], n = 4, and for the case of quark- diction for high p single particle production in hadron- T meson scattering by the exchange of a quark [9], n=8. hadron collisions, in agreement with the data. The calcu- When QCD is added to the mix [10], pure scaling breaks lation by Jeff Owens and collaborators [18] included non- down and n varies according to the x and √s regions scaling and initial state radiation under the assumption T used in the comparison, n n(x ,√s). that high p particles are produced from states with two T T → roughly back-to-back jets which are the result of scatter- ing of constituents of the nucleons (partons). The overall 22 p+p hard-scattering cross section in “leading logarithm” 10 CDF 1800 GeV pQCDisthesumoverpartonreactionsa+b c+d(e.g. (b) 630 GeV → 2]V/c)1020 UA1 952000000 GGGeeeVVV egn+ergqy→√sˆg=+√qx)1xat2sp.arton-parton center-of-mass (c.m.) e 18 G10 mb/(1016 ISSTRAR 2 0503 GGeeVV dx1dxd23dσcosθ∗ = 1s Xfa(x1)fb(x2)π2αx2s1(Qx22)Σab(cosθ∗) 3 [ 23 GeV ab (2) p 14 d10 where f (x ), f (x ), are parton distribution functions, / a 1 b 2 the differential probabilities for partons a and b to carry 3s Ed1012 momentum fractions x1 and x2 of their respective pro- tons (e.g. u(x )), and where θ∗ is the scattering angle in 3 2 6.eV)1010 tchesespaanrtgounla-pradritsotnricb.umti.osnyss,teΣma.b(Tchoesθc∗h)a,raacntdertihsteiccsouubpplirnog- /Gs 108 h++ h- cdoicntsitoannst,ofαQs(CQD2)[1=9,122205π].ln(Q2/Λ2), are fundamental pre- ( 2 6 The difficulty in finding jets in 4π calorimetersat ISR 10 energies or lower gave rise to many false claims, creating -3 -2 -1 skepticism during the period 1977-82 [21], although jet 10 10 10 1 effectsaresimply anddirectly visibleusing 2-particlecor- x T relations of high p particles. A ‘phase change’ in belief- T in-jetswasproducedbyoneUA2eventatthe1982ICHEP Fig. 2. √s(GeV)6.3 Ed3σ/d3p vsxT =2pT/√s. inParis[22],which,togetherwiththefirstdirectmeasure- × ment of the QCD constituent-scattering angulardistribu- tion, Σab(cosθ∗) (Eq. 2), using two-particle correlations, We now know that the characteristic √s dependence presented at the same meeting (Fig. 3), gave universal of the high p tail is simply explained by the x scal- credibility to the pQCD description of high p hadron T T T ing of the spectrum (with n = 6.3, valid in the range physics[23,24,25].The measurementofjets andjet prop- 0.01 x 0.1 relevant to the early RHIC measure- erties via 2-particle correlations was a key element in un- T ≤ ≤ ments (see Fig.2)) [11]. However,it is worthwhile to note derstanding the details of high p production. T M. J. Tannenbaum:Hard scattering—from p-pcollisions in the1970’s to Au+Aucollisions at RHIC 3 Fig. 3. a) (left 3 panels) CCOR measurement [22,26] of polar angular distributions of π0 pairs with net pT < 1 GeV/c at mid-rapidity in p-p collisions with √s=62.4 GeV for 3 different values of ππ invariant mass Mππ. b) (rightmost panel) QCD predictions for Σab(cosθ∗) for theelastic scattering of gg,qg,qq′, qq, and qq with αs(Q2) evolution. 3 Almost everything you want to know about measured. In Fig. 4a,b, the azimuthal distributions of as- jets can be found with 2-particle correlations. sociated charged particles relative to a π0 trigger with transversemomentump >7GeV/careshownforthree Tt Many ISR experiments provided excellent 2-particle cor- intervals of associated particle transverse momentum pT. relation measurements [27]. The CCOR experiment [28] In all cases, strong correlation peaks on flat backgrounds wasthefirsttoprovidechargedparticlemeasurementwith are clearly visible, indicating the di-jet structure which is contained in an interval ∆φ = 60◦ about a direction ± towards and opposite the to trigger for all values of asso- ciated p (> 0.3 GeV/c) shown. The width of the peaks T about the trigger direction (Fig. 4a), or opposite to the trigger (Fig. 4b) indicates out-of-plane activity from the individualfragmentsofjets.Thefactthatthewidth(∆φ) oftheawaypeak(Fig.4b)doesnotdecreaseinproportion to j /p , where j is the mean transverse momen- T T T ∼h i h i tumofjetfragmentation,isindicativeofthe factthatthe angular width of the away peak is dominated by the jet acoplanarityduetok ,andnotbythetransversemomen- T tum of fragmentation, j . T The same side peak shows the important property of “trigger bias” [29] on which the method of leading parti- cles is based: due to the steeply falling power-law trans- verse momentum spectrum of the scattered partons, the inclusive single particle (e.g. π) spectrum from jet frag- mentation is dominated by fragments with largez, where z = p /p is the fragmentation variable. The trigger Tπ Tq biaswasdirectlymeasuredfromthesedatabyreconstruct- ing the trigger jet from the associated charged particles Fig. 4. a,b) Azimuthal distributions of charged particles of with p 0.3 Gev/c, within ∆φ= 60◦ from the trigger transverse momentum pT, with respect to a trigger π0 with T ≥ ± particle,usingthealgorithmp =p +1.5 p cos(∆φ), pTt 7 GeV/c, for 3 intervals of pT: a) for ∆φ = π/2 rad Tjet Tt P T ≥ ± where the factor 1.5 correctsthe measured chargedparti- about the trigger particle, and b) for ∆φ = π/2 about π ± cles for missing neutrals. The measured z = p /p radians (i.e. directly opposite in azimuth) to the trigger. The trig Tt Tjet distributions for 3 values of √s (Fig. 5) show the “unex- trigger particle is restricted to η < 0.4, while the associated | | pected”[30]propertyofx scaling.Thejetproperties,j charged particles are in the range η 0.7. T T | |≤ andk were also measuredfromthese data [31], with the T resultthat j is a constant,independent of p and√s, h Ti Tt full anduniformacceptance overthe entireazimuth, with asexpectedforfragmentation,butk increaseswithboth T pseudorapidity coverage 0.7 η 0.7, so that the jet p and √s, suggestive of a radiative origin, rather than − ≤ ≤ Tt structure of high p scattering could be easily seen and an ‘intrinsic’ origin due to confinement. T 4 M. J. Tannenbaum:Hard scattering—from p-pcollisions in the1970’s to Au+Aucollisions at RHIC 3. e.g. see Proc. Int’l Wks. Quark Gluon Plsama Signatures, eds. V.Bernard, et al., (Editions Frontieres, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 1991). 4. F. W. Bu¨sser, et al., Phys. Lett. B46, (1973) 471 ; see also Proc. 16th Int. Conf. HEP, eds. J. D. Jackson and A. Roberts, (NAL,Batavia, IL, 1972) Vol. 3, p.317. 5. M. Banner, et al.,Phys.Lett. B44, (1973) 537 . 6. B. Alper, et al.,Phys. Lett. B44, (1973) 521 . 7. J. D. Bjorken, Phys. Rev.D179, (1969) 1547 . 8. S. M. Berman, J. D. Bjorken and J. B. Kogut, Phys. Rev. D4, (1971) 3388 . 9. R. Blankenbecler, S. J. Brodsky, J. F. Gunion, Phys. Lett. B42, (1972) 461 . 10. R. F. Cahalan, K. A. Geer, J. Kogut and Leonard Susskind,Phys. Rev.D11, (1975) 1199 . 11. S. S.Adler, et al., Phys.Rev.C69, (2004) 034910 . 12. A. L. S. Angelis, et al., Phys. Lett. B79, (1978) 505 . See also, A.G. Clark, et al., Phys.Lett. B74, (1978) 267 . 13. M. Della Negra, et al.,Nucl. Phys.B127, (1977) 1 . 14. R. P. Feynman, R. D. Field and G. C. .Fox, Nucl. Phys. B128, (1977) 1 . 15. D. Antreasyan, J. W. Cronin, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 38, Fig. 5. CCOR [26] measurement of ztrig as a function of (1977) 112 . h i xTt =2pTt/√s. 16. Foracontemporary viewoftheexcitement ofthisperiod, andsomemoredetails,seeM.J.Tannenbaum,Particlesand Fields-1979, AIP Conference Proceedings Number 59, eds. 4 Application to RHIC B. Margolis, D. G. Stairs, (American Institute of Physics, New York,1980) pp. 263-309. In 1998 [2], inspired by Rolf and collaborators, and be- 17. S. S.Adler, et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 93, (2004) 202002 . 18. J. F. Owens, E. Reya, M. Glu¨ck, Phys. Rev. D18, (1978) fore them by the work of Gyulassy [32] and Wang [33], I 1501 ;J.F.OwensandJ.D.Kimel,Phys.Rev.D18,(1978) indicated that my best bet on discovering the QGP was to utilize semi-inclusive π0 or π± production. I expressed 3313 . 19. R. Cutler and D. Sivers, Phys. Rev. D17, (1978) 196 ; my hope that the QGP would cause the hard-scattered, Phys. Rev.D16, (1977) 679 . high pT partons to lose all their energy and stop, so that 20. B. L. Combridge, J. Kripfganz and J. Ranft, Phys. Lett. the high pT tail would ‘vanish’ for central Au+Au colli- B70, (1077) 234 . sions. If the power-law tail would return when peripheral 21. e.g.forareview,seeM.J.Tannenbaum,Int.J.Mod.Phys. Au+Aucollisionsareselected,thenthiswouldbeproofof A4, (1989) 3377 . ahot/dense/colorfulmedium (QGP??)incentralAu+Au 22. Proc. 21st Int’l Conf. HEP, Paris, 1982, eds P. Petiau, collisions. This is apparently what we see at RHIC [34]. M.Porneuf,J.Phys.C3(1982):seeJ.P.Repellin,p.C3-571; The results of sections 1–3 enabled us to understand also see M. J. Tannenbaum,p. C3-134, G. Wolf, p. C3-525. thatπ0 withp 2GeV/catmid-rapidityareproduced, 23. J. F. Owens, Rev.Mod. Phys. 59, (1987) 465 . T ≥ 24. P. Darriulat,Ann. Rev.Nucl. Part. Sci. 30, (1980) 159 . atRHIC,byhard-scatteringintheregionofxwhereQCD 25. L. DiLella, Ann.Rev.Nucl. Part. Sci. 35, (1985) 107 . with TAB-scaled structure functions is valid, so that the 26. A. L. S.Angelis, et al.,Nucl. Phys. B209, (1982) 284 . huge suppression of π0 observed in central Au+Au col- 27. e.g. see Proc. XIV Rencontre de Moriond, March 11-23, lisions was indisputably new physics. These same simple 1979, Les Arcs, France, “Quarks, Gluons and Jets”, ed. J. arguments revealed that the behavior of the p and p in TranThanhVan(EditionsFronti`eres,Dreux,France,1979), the range 2 p 4.5 GeV/c in Au+Au collisions was H.Boggild,p.321,M.J.Tannenbaum,p.351,andreferences T ≤ ≤ anomalous, another important discovery [35] which was therein. totally unanticipated and is as yet unexplained. 28. A. L. S.Angelis, et al.,Physica Scripta 19 (1979) 116. 29. M. Jacob and P. Landshoff,Phys. Repts.48, (1978) 286 . It is rewarding to see that the methods and concepts 30. M. Jacob, Proc. EPS International Conference on High- discussed here, such as j , k [36], x scaling [11] and 2- T T T Energy Physics, Geneva, 27 June-4 July 1979 (CERN, particlecorrelations[37],arenowincommonuseatRHIC Geneva, 1979) Volume 2, pp.473-522. as tools for gaining an understanding of the basic physics 31. A. L. S.Angelis, et al.,Phys. Lett. B97, (1980) 163 . of jet suppression and its use as a probe of the medium 32. Miklos Gyulassy and Michael Plu¨mer, Phys. Lett. B243, produced. (1990) 432 . 33. Xin-NianWangandMiklosGyulassy,Phys.Rev.Lett.68, (1992) 1480 . References 34. K. Adcox, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, (2002) 022301 ; S. S. Adler,et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 91, (2003) 072301 . 35. K. Adcox,et al.,Phys. Rev.Lett. 88, (2002) 242301 . 1. R. Baier, QCD, Proc. IV Workshop, eds. H. M. Fried and 36. J. Rak,et al.,J. Phys.G30, (2004) S1309 . B. Mu¨ller (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999), pp 272–279. 37. C. Adler,et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 90, (2003) 082302 . 2. M. J. Tannenbaum,ibid.,pp 280–285, pp 312–319.

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