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Preview Hard Core: Power, Pleasure, and the "Frenzy of the Visible"

HARDC ORE BLANKP AGE HARD CORE PowePr,l easuarned, th"eF reonftz hye Visible" LINDA WILLIAMS UNIVERSIOTYF C ALIFORNPIRAE SS BERKELE·Y LosANGELE·SL ONDON UniverosfCi atlyi foPrrneisas BerkealnedyL osA ngelCeasl,i fornia UniverosfCi altiyf orPnrieasL st,d . LondoEnn,g land ExpandPeadp erbEadcikt i1o9n9 9 © 198b9y TheR egenotfts h Uen iverosfCi atlyi fornia LibroafCry o ngCraetsasl oging-Diant-aP ublication \Vi lilams,L ind1a9,4 6- Hardco r:ep oweprl,e asaunrdet ,h" ef reonfzyt he visIi ble" LindWai lliams.- Exppbakne.dd e.d p. em. Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfhiecalr eanncdie nsd ex. ISBN9 78-0-520-(2a1pl94ak3p.-e 4r ) 1.S exi nm otipoinc tur2e.Es r.o tfiilcm s-Hisatnodry critici3s.mP .o rnograpIh.Ty i.t le. PN1995.9.S4159W959 791.64533'8 -dc21 98-38977 CIP Printientd h Uen itSetda toefAs m erica 141 31 21 11 0 121 11 09 8 7 6 Thep apeurs eidnt his pubilsib coatathci iodn- afnrde e totalclhylr oine-(fTrCeFeI) tm. e ettsh e minimum requiremoefAn NtSsI INIZ3S9O. 48-1(9R9129 97) (PennanoPefan pc(§ee r ). ForP aul BLANKP AGE Contents Praecfe ix Foreword XV 1.S peaknigS ex:" ThIend isrceetJ ewel"s 1 2.P rehsiotry:T he" Fernzyo f tVhiseil be" 34 3.T he SatgF ilm:G entiaSlh wo andG eniatlE vent 58 4.F eitshiasnmdH ardC ore:M ar,xF reud, andt h"eM oneSyh o"t 93 5.G enreci Pelasruse:N umbera ndN arratei v 120 6.H ard-CoreU topisa:P robelmsa ndS olutoins 153 7.P owerP,el ausrea,n dP ervesri:oS nadomsaochisitc FilmP ornography 184 8.S equesla ndR e-isVoin:s" AD esrieo f Ones'O wn, 229 Cocnlusion 265 Epilogue 280 Notes 317 WorkCsit ed 341 SuppmleetnarBybi liography 355 Index 361 BLANKP AGE Preftaoct eh 1e9 9E9d ition 198I9 WhenH ardC orwea sfi rsptu blisihne d bracemdy,s eflofar n onslauogfhc tri ticiIse mx.p ectceodl leaignut ehsea cademtyoo p­ posmey attemtpotm akep ornograpthhyes ubjeocfst c holatrelxy­, I tuaaln alyasnids expectaendt i-pornogfreampihnyi tsoot psp ose my feminiinstte rienps otrn .T om y surpsre,hi owevecro,l leaignu es thea cademsye emeqdu itwei llintgoc ountenatnhceae c ademic studoyf m oving-imapgoern ograpahnyd a nti-pfoernm iniisgt­s noretdh eb ookI.n steoafhd a ving to dmeyfsee,nl dff Io unIdw as I invitteosd p eaks.p okaet a rmtu seumcso,l lecgaem pus,eb sook storaensd t oc ommunigtryo uptsh roughtohueUt .San.d E urope. Thesea udienwceersef rankliyn tereisntt ehdeh istoaryn da nalysis ofm oving-imapgoern ogra.pN hoy ones tormoeudt o fa tlak,e ven I when eventuialllluys ttrhaetmwe idt shl idaensdc lipRse.v ieowfs theb ookw ereg enerotuoas f aulEtv.e n gaanydsl esbiwahnos had everrye astoonc ritimcyi fzaiel utroei nclude ptohrneosger aphies inm ys tudgye,n erocuhsolsyte ow elcommyee ngagemweinttth h e genrrea thtehra tnoc riticiitzhsee teroselxiumali tatAisot nhsefi. r st bookt od eawli tthh eh istoaryn dt extufaolr mo fm oving-image pornograpHhayr,d C orebe camei,nt hea bsenocfea nyc ompeti­ tioan ,ki ndo f" clasasnidcI " b ecames,o metimteoms y pleasure ands ometimteoms y chagr,i na prooff"e psosronr. " Int hed ecadsei ncteh ep ublicaotfiH oanr dC orea, fi eltdh at mighbte c allpeodrn ograpshtyu diheasse mergeWdh.i lteh erhea d X Prefatcote h 1e9 9E9 dition long abnae beunna dncoefb ooaknds airctlaebso tuhtce o tnorversy ofp ornogarph,iy wta sfi nalbleyoc minpgo ssibtlose t yup dornogra­ phywi thoeuntag giinngt hfiegh to veirte sx inscet.Oe fc ourse the achimeevtneo fa f arnk,u nembsasrerudan,ed efnsivien vgetasitoin of ptohrneo rgaphfiieclh dasn oatl wabyesee na .sI yna 1 99a3r ticle In otehdow mandysi cussoifpo onrnsgo raphhavye b eesnu p­er charwgietdeh m tooinosf t hcer cis'to iwn reaicnotsT.h eisenl cuded SetpheMnar ucsw riitntgh weh oloefT heO theVri ctoriwahnsi le seemliyhn ogldhiinnsgo s;S eusaSnon atgo,nt hceo rnatryc,e lae­tbr intgh aev atn-agrdseuv bersiooftn hsSe da eB-ataitlarldeoi tnai;n d AnderaD workionffe irgnt ehm osmtet icudleocsursi ptoifpo onrns­ ograpwhriintcgio ri mgaeisnt oenso fm onumetanolu atgryee stit ll complicwiitth twhoer dasn di mgaes'p owetroa rou(sWei lliams 199537.,) Itfh ewseer, ae sIt hohutgo,um todeda ncdo nutpeorrdcutiavte­ titutdose tsr tiokwea trhdpeso rnograpohbjicecto fs tduyt,h ewnh at kindo fa tttueids huolbde s turckt owasrudhcs cals iasclal"ybd ao b­ jcet'Ic 'on?is dreedm yo wn "slouti"oi nnH ardC ore: Netuarliotfty no es eemtehdoe b visooulsu ttoit ohencs oen mdnetaioonrs overdleeyfns ivaep perciatIit ohnesor.re refe soltvose kdit ph nee orvus joeksa ndt heea scyo nmdneatioonfa esthoermt oiarcls hortcomainndg s toa viodc ondemnoartd ieeofnnvs enies.s wIo uld askw hiatnths tee ad geend roehso,wi dto eista ,n Idw oulrmdeo vem ysefolrmfp roor con ar­ gumetnsa sm ucahs p osbsl.ieY etth oibsej ctidvies,t anceodf t hset ance reasoonbesde ,rvn eeritphaerrt nioscraon nd emen,rp lacmeed aip no ­si tioonfi nidfefrceena,si afb ove nterh.e Wigartesi gohrte v,e uns uelft o anaslitysoa, s sutmobe e i dniffrenett oo,ru nmvoebdy t,h etseex Otr,si ?If wasm oveda,sI w ass omettiome eist ahreoru osra felon fsweh,aw ta st he proppelrao cfte ih rse acitnci riotni cWihsimlI?a e te tmpteevde,r n-esuo­ trlaytl,os ipmldye sbcerw,ia sns'otmt ehionfmg y p esronraela catliarodeny emebddeidna,c odweady ,t hiaent tenIgt aivotenoc ertatienxa tnssd u b­ gerneasn d ontohtse ?Dr onnHaa rawoanyc sea iidnp asstihnaogt n e shounlod"to d "c ulrtasult udoifoe bjsce ttsow hicohn iens ovutl nebrl.ae Inm yc asIhe a bde ugnw itwhh aItt houtgobh et iannvu lneirteayvb,ei nl ad isdfaorit nht ee xotfps o rgnroahypb,u wta st hesnur pritsofie nddm y­ se"lmfv oedb"ys omweo rkWsh.aw ta s ptlhaeoc fet hvisu lrnaebiilni ty writaibnogtu htge e rne(?W lili1a99m3s5, 7 ) Is tidlonlt 'k notwh aen swteotr hsae b oqvuee sitnosH.o wevIei rn,­ cersaignlsyup setct haitni deferfnciefs r iulteasnstd h asto mseot or f

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