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H a p p y Cactus US_001_003_Prelims_HappyCactus.indd 1 18/01/2018 16:46 H a p p y Cactus US_001_003_Prelims_HappyCactus.indd 1 18/01/2018 16:46 Senior Editor Bob Bridle First American Edition, 2018 Published in the United States by Editor Laura Bithell DK Publishing US Editors Jenny Wilson, Lori Hand 345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 HH aa pp pp yy Project Art Editor Louise Brigenshaw Copyright © 2018 Senior Art Editor Alison Gardner Dorling Kindersley Limited Editorial assistance DK, a Division of Jo Hargreaves, Jane Simmonds Penguin Random House LLC 18 19 20 21 22 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Design assistance Natalie Clay 001–310780–May/2018 CCaaccttuuss Senior Jacket Creative Nicola Powling All rights reserved. Jacket Coordinator Lucy Philpott Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be Pre-production Producer reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval Becky Fallowfield system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, Senior Producer Ché Creasey recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Creative Technical Support Published in Great Britain by Sonia Charbonnier Dorling Kindersley Limited CACTI, SUCCULENTS, and MORE A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. Managing Editor Dawn Henderson ISBN: 978-1-4654-7453-7 Managing Art Editor DK books are available at special discounts when Marianne Markham purchased in bulk for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or educational use. For details, Art Director Maxine Pedliham contact: DK Publishing Special Markets, 345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 Publishing Director Mary-Clare Jerram [email protected] Printed and bound in China Illustrations Debbie Maizels A WORLD OF IDEAS: CCoonnssuullttiinngg EEddiittoorr:: JJOOHHNN PPIILLBBEEAAMM SEE ALL THERE IS TO KNOW Photography Peter Anderson www.dk.com US_001_003_Prelims_HappyCactus.indd 2 18/01/2018 16:46 US_001_003_Prelims_HappyCactus.indd 3 18/01/2018 16:46 H a p p y Cactus CACTI, SUCCULENTS, and MORE Consulting Editor: JOHN PILBEAM US_001_003_Prelims_HappyCactus.indd 3 18/01/2018 16:46 CONTENTS D N I F R U Find your plant 4 Y O T N A L P THE BASICS 12 HEDGEHOG AGAVE SPIDER ALOE SILVER TORCH Agave stricta Aloe humilis Cleistocactus strausii p.37 p.39 pp.44–45 Myth-busting 14 Choose it 16 Choose a pot 18 Plant & position it 20 Water & feed it 22 Repot it 24 Share it 26 Pests & diseases 28 PLOVER’S EGGS FLAT-TOPPED AEONIUM MESCAL CENIZA MONK’S HOOD PERUVIAN APPLE MONKEY TAIL Adromischus cooperi Aeonium tabuliforme Agave colorata Astrophytum ornatum Cereus repandus Cleistocactus winteri pp.32–33 p.35 p.37 pp.40–41 pp.42–43 colademono pp.46–47 PRICKLY PROFILES 30 With specific information and care details for 105 different cacti and succulents, this section provides everything you need to treasure your prickly plant and keep it happy. CALICO HEARTS GREEN PINWHEEL TIGER ALOE GOAT’S HORN FAIRY CASTLE SILVER CROWN Adromischus trigynus Aeonium decorum Aloe variegata Astrophytum Cereus monstrose Cotyledon orbiculata Top five: p.33 p.35 pp.38–39 capricorne ‘Fairy Castle’ var. oblonga (undulata) p.41 p.43 pp.48–49 Big showstoppers pp.52–53 • Cute & compact pp.80–81 • Hanging plants pp.108–09 • Easy-sharers pp.132–33 Index 142 Acknowledgments 144 Warning 144 BLACK ROSE CENTURY PLANT ALOE VERA BISHOP’S CAP SPIRAL CEREUS COTYLEDON Aeonium arboreum Agave americana var. p.39 Astrophytum Cereus monstrose AUSANA atropurpureum mediopicta ‘Alba’ myriostigma ‘Spiralis’ p.49 ‘Zwartkop’ pp.34–35 pp.36–37 p.41 p.43 continued US_004_011_Contents_HappyCactus.indd 4 24/01/2018 16:36 US_004_011_Contents_HappyCactus.indd 5 18/01/2018 16:42 HEDGEHOG AGAVE SPIDER ALOE SILVER TORCH Agave stricta Aloe humilis Cleistocactus strausii p.37 p.39 pp.44–45 MESCAL CENIZA MONK’S HOOD PERUVIAN APPLE MONKEY TAIL Agave colorata Astrophytum ornatum Cereus repandus Cleistocactus winteri p.37 pp.40–41 pp.42–43 colademono pp.46–47 TIGER ALOE GOAT’S HORN FAIRY CASTLE SILVER CROWN Aloe variegata Astrophytum Cereus monstrose Cotyledon orbiculata pp.38–39 capricorne ‘Fairy Castle’ var. oblonga (undulata) p.41 p.43 pp.48–49 ALOE VERA BISHOP’S CAP SPIRAL CEREUS COTYLEDON p.39 Astrophytum Cereus monstrose AUSANA myriostigma ‘Spiralis’ p.49 p.41 p.43 continued US_004_011_Contents_HappyCactus.indd 5 18/01/2018 16:42 COTYLEDON STRING OF BUTTONS ECHEVERIA ECHINOCEREUS ECHINOPSIS ECHINOPSIS ERIOSYCE SENILIS BASEBALL PLANT ORBICULATA OBLONGA Crassula perforata COLORATA KNIPPELIANUS SUBDENUDATA ‘TUFTY’ ‘TANGOED’ Eriosyce (formerly Euphorbia obesa p.49 p.51 p.59 p.63 p.67 p.67 Neoporteria) senilis p.75 pp.70–71 TURTLE SHELL PLANT ROMEO WAX AGAVE ECHINOCEREUS ECHINOPSIS ECHINOPSIS PERUVIAN OLD LADY WARTY TIGER JAWS Dioscorea elephantipes Echeveria agavoides VIERECKII ‘SATURN’ ‘GALAXY’ Epostoa melanostele Faucaria tuberculosa pp.54–55 ‘Romeo’ MORRICALII p.67 p.67 pp.72–73 pp.76–77 p.59 p.63 FISHBONE CACTUS Epiphyllum anguliger pp.68–69 PROPELLER PLANT RAT-TAIL CACTUS GOLDEN BARREL PEANUT CACTUS SUZANNE’S SPURGE BABY’S TOES Crassula perfoliata var. Disocactus Echinocactus grusonii Echinopsis Euphorbia suzannae Fenestraria minor (falcata) (formerly Aporocactus) pp.60–61 chamaecereus pp.74–75 rhopalophylla subsp. pp.50–51 flagelliformis pp.64–65 aurantiaca pp.56–57 pp.78–79 JADE PLANT GHOST ECHEVERIA ECHINOCEREUS ECHINOPSIS ‘SPRING PINE CONE PLANT DEVIL’S TONGUE ‘HUMMEL’S SUNSET’ Echeveria lilacina Echinocereus subnermis BLUSH’ Euphorbia bupleurifolia Ferocactus latispinus Crassula ovata pp.58–59 pp.62–63 p.66 p.75 pp.82–83 ‘Hummel’s Sunset’ p.51 continued US_004_011_Contents_HappyCactus.indd 6 24/01/2018 16:36 US_004_011_Contents_HappyCactus.indd 7 24/01/2018 16:36 ECHINOPSIS ECHINOPSIS ERIOSYCE SENILIS BASEBALL PLANT SUBDENUDATA ‘TUFTY’ ‘TANGOED’ Eriosyce (formerly Euphorbia obesa p.67 p.67 Neoporteria) senilis p.75 pp.70–71 ECHINOPSIS ECHINOPSIS PERUVIAN OLD LADY WARTY TIGER JAWS ‘SATURN’ ‘GALAXY’ Epostoa melanostele Faucaria tuberculosa p.67 p.67 pp.72–73 pp.76–77 FISHBONE CACTUS Epiphyllum anguliger pp.68–69 SUZANNE’S SPURGE BABY’S TOES Euphorbia suzannae Fenestraria pp.74–75 rhopalophylla subsp. aurantiaca pp.78–79 PINE CONE PLANT DEVIL’S TONGUE Euphorbia bupleurifolia Ferocactus latispinus p.75 pp.82–83 continued US_004_011_Contents_HappyCactus.indd 7 24/01/2018 16:36 FEROCACTUS CHIHUAHUA FLOWER LIVING STONES MEXICAN MATUCANA ANGEL’S WINGS MACRODISCUS Graptopetalum bellum Lithops marmorata PINCUSHION Matucana Opuntia microdasys alba p.83 (formerly Tacitus ‘Polepsky smaragd’ Mammillaria madisoniorum pp.106–07 bellus) pp.86–87 pp.96–97 magnimamma p.101 pp.102–03 FEROCACTUS GYMNOCALYCIUM ZEBRA PLANT OLD LADY CACTUS CARMEN’S MATUCANA COW’S TONGUE HISTRIX Gymnocalycium bruchii Haworthia attenuata var. clariperla Mammillaria hahniana PINCUSHION POLZII CACTUS p.83 pp.88–89 pp.90–91 pp.98–99 Mammillaria carmenae p.103 Opuntia engelmannii p.101 p.107 BATES GASTERIA GYMNOCALYCIUM PANDA PLANT FLAMING KATY MAMMILLARIA FEATHER CACTUS MATUCANA BEAVERTAIL CACTUS Gasteria batesiana CALOCHLORUM Kalanchoe tomentosa Kalanchoe blossfeldiana LONGIFLORA Mammillaria plumosa KRAHNII Opuntia basilaris pp.84–85 p.89 pp.92–93 p.93 p.100 p.101 p.103 p.107 LACE CACTUS Mammillaria elongata p.101 LAWYER’S TONGUE DWARF CHIN CACTUS DESERT SURPRISE AGAVE CACTUS DWARF TURK’S CAP STARFISH FLOWER Gasteria bicolor Gymnocalycium Kalanchoe humilis Leuchtenbergia principis Melocactus matanzanus Orbea (formerly Stapelia) p.85 baldianum p.93 pp.94–95 pp.104–05 variegata pp.110–11 p.89 continued US_004_011_Contents_HappyCactus.indd 8 24/01/2018 16:36 US_004_011_Contents_HappyCactus.indd 9 24/01/2018 16:53

Have you just joined the cactus craze? Do you want to know how to make your little bundle of spikes thrive, flower and breed? This quirky pocket-sized book is your essential guide to pleasing your prickly pet. Your cactus may be surviving, but is it happy? There's so much more to these little green
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