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Preview Hannah Arendt and the Uses of History: Imperialism, Nation, Race, and Genocide

HANNAHA RENDATN DT HEU SESO FH ISTORY ImperiNaaltiisRoman)c) ae n)dG enocide EdiBtye d RichaHr.d KianngdD anS tone I BergBhoaohkns NewY ork·O xofrd Fiprusbtl ii2ns0 h07be yd BergBhoaoh.kn s www.bhenrbgohoaks.com ©2007R ihcaHr.dK i&nD ga n Stone Alrli grhetsse rved. Excferop tqt uheo toasfth ioporants sages fro ptuhrep oocfsr eista inrcdei vs,im pe nawoor ftth bioso k mabyer eproidanun fcyroe mod rb y a nmye aenlse,c otrr onic kechanicaplh,o tiogncr,coe lpcuyodiorinradnn igiyn ong rf,m ation stoarnardge et rsiyesnvtoaekwlmn oowrtn ob ei nvented, without wriotftt hpeeun b l.pi esrhmeirssion LibraorfyC o ngreCsast aloging-in-PDuabtlai cation HannAarhe anndtdthu es oehfsi s:ti omrpye rniaatlriiaosacnmne,g,d, e no/ce iddibetyR e idc h­ arKdi nangDd a Snt one. pe.m . Inclbuidbelsi orgeerrfaepnhciecsa.l ISB9N78 I-- 84545-I-3 96( har:da blakc.k paper) 1.A renHdatn,n1 a90h6,-1 9O75r.i goiftn ost ali2t.Ta ortiaalnii3ts.amR r.ai cai4.ns ims.m . Imper5i.Pa olliaisvltmi .io cl1e.Kn icnRegi.,c hHa.Ir ISd.t oDnaen1,9, 7 1- JC480.A743H230604 320.53--dc22 2007024366 BritiLsihb raCrayt aloguiinPn ugb licaDtaitoan A catarleocgfourotre hd bi osoi kasv aifolrmat bhlee BLriibtriasrhy HEN R'�rrHMC IP riinttnhe Uedn iStteadot nae csir dep-eaf per HOCHSCHULB!BUOTHEK ISB9N78 -1-84545-h36a1r-9d back CONTENTS Introduction I RicH.h Kaliraldgl D ladSlt lo lle PARIT:I MPERIAANLDIC SOML ONIALISM CHAPTIE R RacPeo wFerre,e adnotdmh D,ee mocorfTae rcryio Gnre rman RaciTahloiusgth t 2 I ElviosJenoad eognrey- F CHAPT2E R RacTeh inakniRdna gc iisnm HaAnrneanThdh Oter' igsi Tltolasl iojt a3r8i anism KatTh Gryinn es CHAPT3E R Whetnh Ree Carl iBmeeg an:A rHdeatnnT'nhsOae rh ig ojiT nost alitarianism antdh Dei gnoiftt hWyees tePrhni losTorapdhiitciaoln 54 RobBeerrntna is co CHAPT4E R RacaenB du reaucraHcayn nARarehev niRdsetic'tReseen det:m ergence iAnrf icSatnu dies 68 CrhisJtL oepeh er CHAPT5E R OnP aoifnE xtinLcatwoisfNo ant:au nrHdei stionDr ayr win, Marx, anAdr endt 87 TyoB lalrta PART NIAIT:I OANN DR ACE CHAPT6E R The rRaecfLteogroayfcA yl geDreicaonl onRieszviaittAiirnoegnn :d t onV iolence 190 NeCdur tyhso viI C OllttlltS CHAPT7E R Anti-StehmBeio tuirisgsmaein,oed , S te-hlDefe strouftc htei on Natni-oState 130 MaerSlctoetzler CHAPT8E R PoTsott-aliEtlaermiaeannEndti sca hnmnM'enst ailtnih tYeuyg osWlara v anMda sKsi llings 147 VlaJlasutsai f PARITI IIN:T ELLECTUAL GAENNDLE EAGLAOCGIIEESS CHAPT9E R HannAarhe onndT ott alitaMroirEaaqnlui isvmaa:nl de nDcoeefg rees Evil inP oMloiVdtioielcreannl c e 173 Rcihard Shorten CHAPT1E0 R Hannah BAiroieptnoaidlncttds,h ,P er obolfVe imo lFernocamen :i mal labotroha onmssoa cer 191 AnrdDeu arte CHAPT1EI R The "SubterorfWae snteeHarintns o S:rAt yrr"eeanandmLdt e vinas atfeHred iegger 205 RobEgealerostnt e CHAPT1E2-R HannAarhe anndtdth O el "dN eSwc ience" 217 StevDeonuM gallaosn ey CHAPT1E3R ThHeo laoucasnt'd T hHeu man" 232 DaSnt one CONCLUSION Arebnedttw PeaeasnntF d u ture 250 RcihH.a rKdig n SelBeiicbotlg raphy 262 Cornitbutors 271 Index 275 froo uwri ves, CharalnoHdti tlea ry ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Another cvhearp1st0(ie Aornn dD ruoeaf r "tBpeio.ol iatnidc Pstr hoebo lfe m Violeanpcpeei"anG)r a sr rath eWdHi anlnlAiarahem Cnsrd.it At:si sceaojsl s ment .• LegaPd loiinPthioicpslaho(leRr osu t2l0e0d7g)e.. ParttshC eoo nfc l(uRshiiacoHrn.dK ign".Ar enbdett wPeateas nnF du t"ua)rr ee takfoermnW irlefMd. Myce.C dlF aiguirtneh Csea rFpiegnttd :hHi eun mPaesnro inn .• thAem ceraPinsa( tW ilBl.i aEme PrudbmlainCsso.2h 0i0n6g) . . INTRODUCTION RichH.a rKdig n aDnadn S tone Onheu ndyreeaadrf sth eebrri rHtahn,nA arhe (n1d9t0 6-s1c9a7r5nc)ee eldys thues usaolor fit n trodsuicnhtceiero hnwa,obs re kc osmowe ek lnlo owfnl ate. Mucohfi h ta ast lTehaes tpo.oft i hcniotsl lietscof tro ieognr aosupnoedfc t s hewro reks,p eydc riaafwlornlm T hOer igoji Tontsa lit(1a9r5iw1ah)ni,bic esham r oni mpersilaalrviaesracmyne,g,d, e nobcuihtda ev e beeinnt h ngeee gnleercatle d reviivnatlei rAnore fes ntd t. Thearresee vwearytasolc haratchtneee rpwie zres poenAc rteitnvhdewat et arter ytiodn egv eFliorwpsew.t a ,nt tso htai tfteanwtafioryom An r etnhdpeto liti­ caplh iolpohasenrtd o waArrdestn hdheti sttohriinSckeaeeilrnn . l tihgsihhste , ustehdme o menhtiosutseo vreioncfhta estlr i met hittnohk r otuhngeah t oufr e hirsytt,ohp eh ilosaonapdnh tihcraolpi omlpolgioiccfvaa itloi lotenhensemc eer,­ genocfme o deirmnp erainacdlo ilsodmno imailnt ahtreie olna,t ionship of racism angde notcoti hdEeeu ronpaetaino ann-edsv toeafnet veai,sal nh isitcpoahrle ­ nomenon.m eTahtnihssta htfaec ol uossfho e wro rakn d fcotuhosenh ewro rk movteots h hei stionrtiecrabalect twEieuoernnoa pned ntohne- Euwroorpleda,n parutliaAcrrfliyTc hau.fsr oi, n stwaean rceei ,nl teesirsrne e shteetadhr qesu iensg­ tiaostn ow hetAhreerwn adcsto r(rheicstlt looyrpr oiilctaailctloyc )h aracterize botNha zGie rmanSyt a'aSlsno idvnU ineitao s"no t tiatlarreigainam"nme dos r e concetroen xepdtl ohireme p orttahnmecu et uioanflt eraEcutrioopne -oafn d nojtu sta nGye-irwtmthhc eo lopnairzotefts dhg el oI Mboeer.o vas eRrih,ca rd Shoernet'sssi anty h ciosl lseucgtgiAeorsnet nsid,nt t'rso doufic mtpieorni alism intthoee q uamtaidtoehnq e u esotfci oomnp arbaebtiwNleaiezGtniey r nmyaa nd thSeo viet Umnoircoeon m pmlutichchiaa htnta ebdde eeanr Fliinyes,are l.vl eral 2 RIi cH.h Kairladll gDl adl5 lt 01l( oft hees sraeyfsol nte hcdete gtrowe hei tchhde iu srtbhiinsgt ory of Europe's reolnastwhiiittphh n eo n-Euwroorpflreodca uensts o r eexabmoitAnhre e ndt's thouagnihdttr se lattiooo tnhstehhkriie pnrs so,ma el rceoamdmyyo l nilntkoe d he(rM otnesqTuociqeuue,av niHdlei ldee,ga gnsedor m)ne o( tL evFionuacsa,u lt, anAdg abmen). Anotwhateyuor n derosuitrna tnedn rtt ihvoionsls u mfneoo ttihesve a troi ous disciapnaldpi pnreosra ecphreess eAnbtoeavdlew l ech, oe nrseoi.uvd roe lru me a contrtiob" uAtrieSnotdnut d ieisit;hs 'e w ros rtikhnp acrteo voiufdrcoe usas n d our podienputar rYeeott.s,f e voefr aetlsh sea yfsroe xhaemrTpeonl,yBe a rst a' onD arwainnd Mcaorucxle,dr tbaeri enaalssdy t raoirgwchatorfndt ritbou tions Euroipnetacentl ulaelo rht ihhseit sootrfoiy rd yeS atsoi.tl hlse trrsat dhldeil nee betwienetcnet luhlaiels atnopdro yl ictuilctaaunlrsd,ao lch,ii asl(t Eourryo pean anAdrf icpaanas,ntc d o ntemAproernadrty')os.n i inntfleurednifcsiece ilpdlsi nary sucahsA rficSatnu diPeoss tacnSodtl uodin(isise ausl rn pgrliiyms)pi oratnadn t idsi sciuntsh seees dsb ayRy osb Beerrt naKsactohGnriiyn,nae nsCd,h ristopher LeIen.d eOerndighs,ia rse cebnetdelenys carsoi nboeeft d h "ec onsbtoiotkust ive ofp ostcsotluosd,nwi"ihe aitllhe eed isot faoc ranocnoilcladelec vtotitooe ndt he intelolreicogtfpiu onasslt ctohleoronericyao lgA nriezniedmdtp 'osrf trota hnacte newly efimeeolrfdsg tiundgy ndeeacraaldgyeoF s.it 2nyw Ga,o el nloSctiuddei es altsaokA erse nOdrtig'aisssn esm ipnaarultl,iaf crroil tfycso u osnt hper emonitory histroortliheEca uatrl o ipmepaenr pilaaliyines dmg eonnEo ucriodpee an soil and thvea ltuhea t Abroeosnktpd iotls'lss ae Dss asSnet som,na ekc elsie hnai rcs o ntri­ butfiroou nn,d erstbaunrddienongut riot mafhewse ,e a lhsl e rs. Ouhro pies tthhviaostl uomfee s swaiyhlsel sl tpi mtuhlea twveoi rtka lo f uncovteh"recin ontgr ibtuhtEaiutor nosip"me paenr miaadtleoti hshemo i rfircally cosctilwvyait rlh d aetc iEmuartbeoedpt ew 1e9e1an4n 1 d9 4a5n,wd h ipcehr ma­ nendtilsyt tohrleti oevfde sn on-Eurtootp hediaasnSy i.pn techooeerp ilgeisn al moitvferop utttiongget thhcieosrl lection- awnidan sv etsot iegxaptoes-ethe "subtesrtrraetnahelmaai"tnn i kmepde riAaslaiinasAd mrf iwicinatt hhee m er­ genocfge e noctiodtaallr,ie tgaiirmnEie uasrn o wpewe a,nt tos pemnodso tf thIinst rodduicstciutoshhnsei i rsnytcg,or itainfqdtuu uevr,ie a ybo ifwl hiatt has becokmneoa wAsnr en"dbotom'esr tahnegs"i s. TheB oomeraTnhge sis TheO rigifiT ntosa litwaaarsmi oatnnhgfiie rs wsmot r tkocs l atihEmau tr otpheeaon­ rioefrs a cainacdul l tsuurpaelra inotdrh iettioyrt alciotnasreiqwauener nec eisn pacrrte bayte ecdo nomici neatxnope,dax npslioooin£mt uactohifA o snai nad Arficaw,ea lstla h see s tabloifws hhimsteeent ctto lleoran rioeutsnhg del obe. Indteheeedx ,p ansioonfti hsneti niemtcpeeuenlntAsturehre ysn,ud gtg eosutte­d, stritphepece odn moomtiicv tahtoairtoi ngysi ngraailvtseloe T ihtiE.su ropean experitineh cneoc leow nhiiwecasfhs;de b ya nbdr aep ds hyocloofdg oym ination, hafda- rreaeceffhcibtnasgic Enku roRpaect.ih setoa rnnidoe ns- cdreamptooilci ti- IntroId3 uc tion caals sum(prtuilodene sc abrnyeed eno frcebmybe unrte auacnprdaa rctyi)c ular prac(tofirccpeeosdp ultartaeinropssnrf, o togmeansoscaiacdnaradp el rso o,uf nd heedlaebsosunte lshisfuf demeb a)an ic nkEt uor o(paeWnaedsn t ehrenm ispheric) polaialtn iidnc telcluelctFtuouirrane lss t.ca onlcoen,i taels tptheoeeawd ure slryes ofa erbioamlb arudpmosenun btpj oepcutl iantt hiecoionrls o wnhiiHeliset, l er waasg reaadtm iorfte hBrer iEtmipsiahrn Neda, zG ie rmfaronmyu liatrtsae cdi al laowfs1 395u sitnhegex amopftl hSeeo uthU niinSt tetadhTte he rese .sw ualst as trengotfh eanuitnhgo riotfpa orliiratunila celma,oowl ndi gets sho mething approaanac dhdinitgcor t aicotihnai lna knaidun gg menotfra atciiidosento logies iEnu roppaecr,ut liaatfrelrye atr1hl88ey0 M so.r eotvheierd ,e oolfio mgpye rial granadnedu/mroi rs shieolnmp aesdck l aasnisdd eolfiosgsiuicrnvae alsr ious Eurospoecaine ties.3 As waao yf c haracttheer idzlyiinnbnagekm t iwce ena nEedum rpoipreea n heartAlraesnnuddg,tg tehspeth erd"a bsooem ereaeffncSgt) (N: e,at4rh e oefn d cha7po tfOe rri ,sg hiwenr sitthetashtb e om oereaffnegoc ftt hi em peerxipaelr ience creaas tietdu ianwt hihio" cnt shteas geee mtoeb de fsroae ltpl o sshiobrlreo rs. Lyiunngda enry bnodoyws'eesr e omfta hneeyl emwehnitgcsah t hteorgeedt her couclrde attoet aalg iotvaerrionanmtn eh bneat so ifrs a ciSspme.ac"lisslfi hyce, makseosm( eu nderdcelvaeailbmootspuh eGtede )r man ovfte hbreos oiamonengr eeffc"tAr:fi ccaonl opnoisasleb sesciatomhmneeos s frtet siolfierol tfhlroewi eng ofw halta ter watshN eta oze ilb iOetvceeo:rtm'ahe6le ln,, c oAnrteentndhtda etd imperainacdlo ilsomn pilaalayic esrdmu r coiilancel r eatthcieon ngd iotfi ons possifrobt ioltiatlyi itEnau rrioapnei.s m Yett hrqeuea lifinceaettdobi eso tnasat tteh odeu tbsye tow fafr oye stalling misunderosfAt raenncddlitani'ignsms s t hFiisr" sIatmr,pe ear.ai ssah dleei ss­m;' ignpaatIreItd O oirfgw ianbssyn , om eanso ntleyhle"e mtehncatot"n trtiob uted threi osfte o taliitGnae rrinmayaan nitdsh Smeo vUineitIo nfnca .ts ,hr ee jected thneo ttihotanht ew raaesn syi ncgaluoesf te o talitaraiv aanriisemt;y roaft her, frocaensfd ca to"rcsr ystianlttlhopie hz eendo"mi etnsIoenanl d f.d ittoi oind,e n­ tyie flemoeftn htfestu utroet alsiytsataresaim lasrn pe raedsiye ntnh cteo lonial sentgt-ief.rogc.pe odp ultartaeinroossrnpf lanmnaesds aecvrgeeensn ,o cide­ wanso tto ctlhtaahitcem o loniaaln sdpo ocliiatli iconar ldG eeSrro,mu atsnha ­y, weAsrfti (coaar n ywehlewsraees) atlorteaaldiiynnt aatrSuieraceno.A n rde,n dt alwianyssit shttahetted o taltietmaprthiaaatbdnie oaeEn nu ropaennadon jt,u st aG ermpahne,n omTehnuhosen" r.bo omertahnegss"ui gsgt ehstathtese eff cts ofr aciimaple rwiearflleeitt sh rmo uEguhrooutpthe oaunag nchdut l tpuorlei,t ics ansdo cyai, nendto jtu isGnte rnmyIa.it is m porttona onatste twhesalhtale l so tooinkt o aanci cdoeuoonlf"to c goyn tiimnpeenrt"iwa ahlli hicashpdm a ,rticular impaCcetn tEirunar loa pnRedu ssiwah etrheie n floufoe vnecreEs ueraosp ean imperwiaasslc iasrfmlce teT?lh yia rldt,gh hho euirn saibgohutbt o otmheer ang effecatb rwialspl rioavnotoclnayietw t,ia avssTe,o n yB arset sasi'atny hv iosl ume suggseesrtisuo,nu dsellryod peievnOde r iagniednl ss eiwhnhe ewrro erI knr. e tro­ speictbt e,ics sot n siwdewe oruesldud,g gaeas"s rter,sc hehyoa pthersaittshh"ea rn af lulpyr ohviesnt colraiicma.l 4 I RichH.a Kridt allDgla dlS lt olle Remarknaoob tlhpyeo,wrs a twrh iEtuer oapneaaolnfy t sott aliotra rianism fsacibsems iAdreesni dntc orptohEreua rtoepde ane xipmeprieinrehtinioacs le orh earn aloyfts oitsa liAtsairfdioreamF n riaswnmhc.ee ar sNe e,dC urtsh oys' essmaaykc elsea anr ,i mpdoerbttaoatonekt apmloaEncuger oipnetaenl lectuals sucahsJ eanS-aPraatunrlAde l bCearmtua sl,ow nigti hn telfloremNc othru tals AfrsiuccaahsA lbert anMMdea mrmqtiui eFn'risaF natnzao bno cuotl onialism igne naenrdaA llt gheeWr arii apnna rtrii,cn utlealolnte hclettew u feasrluesr pris­ ingrleyt iacbeonutct a utoshreee effs c otfts h ceo loenxipaelra iniedtnr sca ec ial anedt hdniimce nastfieWororn lWsda r I II.nr e troosncpeoe ucbltefdro, g ifvroe n thintkhitanhtsge e caognoedfi mperainacdlo ilslomin( sicmau lmiintnah tei ng lantien etceeenntatunhtrd hy te)on t aliwteararesi, a RnJoiC.bs.Y emo ur ntng o tes, "aun iaqbueer rada atpriekor nv,e orfws eisotrnea rtni oonraap lairustlmeia­ fcr fceot fG ermcaunl truarteth"he8aard n i roeucttg rooffwc atthoa rnfsdro caets worakla lc ross Europe. Speccailnfilody e,b ate aboutas rcaoglaeomdno iFnargle iinsnchmt e ls­uch lectiutnah 1le59s 0 sse etmohs a ve dopmuibdnliaistcce iodnGu rresBaert i tain, BelgoirHuo ml,ln aonttomd e,n tGieoranmn aytf,eW ror lWdar I IC.e ritnaalnyt,i ­ colonsicaalrfiicgseumilr tyne h dce o nsaitdioeofwrn hsiA tmee riinctaenl lectuals: indweheidct,oe nr sveaitnitveel vloeicmctoeurodaep l pso stiodt eicoonl onization inr iAtcfhala inb oerlr teaw-fli nign telvloeictctheuaedaci ltrssi u vpepf rood ret­ segreigtnah Steoi uootnrfh ro i ndepgeonvdeernnitmn re inAactfnasAd s iBau.t , aRso bert Beemrpnhaaisshncii cozsone nsit rtitobh uvitosil oubnml ead,ci ka sporic intelsluecachsAt muearslWi s c Ea.B' .Du B oainsMd a rtisnA iiqmCueee s'aire assutmhetadht e bleitnwckeosel nlo inasinmafd ac siscmo,l ornaiciainBls l ma ck Arfiacnard a ciimnse mt ropEoulriaotpntaedhn Ue n iStteadwt eeraselt lo o ob­ vioOuvse.rf arosl ulci,hn telalsfero cm taunayl sFi,rn etneclohln te hclete ufatl,s fsaciwsa"msE urocpoelaonnb iraoluhigoshmmte :'9 ThouAgrhe npdots'iwsta iso ntc olt ohoasftet hfear ncopihnotneel lectu­ alisdt,i ndo t edxuapclttilhcyeaF itirerss sh.tte h, o utghhEatut r orpaecains m anadn ti-Sweemtriherte ei ssoumfals tp eicccoi nfcatoefhn iarstitifcoocaatnlo rs ratthheaarnni nevitabolfEe u roouprteacacocnim saemp ,i toaril mipsemr,i al­ isAmc.c ortdohi eonrvg e orpltyi muinsdteircso tfta hnWedes itnetgrr na dition, totaliitnacrliguaednniionswcgmai ,fsd ro ee,it gotn ht eh inokfii tcnsag nonical thinaknteder xsIt nts hs.ie sni wstae as " subterraannae baenr rosartat rieoanm ;' "breforamkm "a irnesaWtems tetrhno ugphots,is thlaiea o ptnae rrt rieatlrlayc ted whesnhr ee altihtzeoe tda lpiottaeronifMta ainra xlwi hsimwc,aha sp roduct of mainsWtesrteetarhmno uBguhattas,.l rmeeandtyi sohcneee rdt,aa girntelheyad t totaliatnardra icaainnsitmsi/m- SweamasEi utriosrpmae tathnhe jarun as tG er­ mapnh enomena. Yeti,it ss t rtahntaghte"e bo omertahneghs"abi ses er nel anteigvleielncy t ed thcer ilteiirtcaadtleu arwleii Atnrhge unndtttih llead setc oarsd oeW. h einwt a s mentiiowtna oesnd il,pny a sasnitdnh gqe uni dcikslyma iss suendop rar neo xv­ed aggeroarbto itBohen.s tihdOaetrs,ig w iamis n crgelnayes gilnaetfcettrhe1 ed69 0s. Fomra nhysi torainpadon lsi ticaels psectcihieoaonslnttel hi yles te tO,fsr ,ig ins

Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) first argued that there were continuities between the age of European imperialism and the age of fascism in Europe in "The Origins of Totalitarianism" (1951). She claimed that theories of race, notions of racial and cultural superiority, and the right of 'superior races' to
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