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Handbook of VECTOR and POLYADIC ANALYSIS THOMAS B. DREW Professor of Chemical Engineering Columbia University New York, N. Y. REINHOLD YUl3LISHlIl6:-47KYOKA"1 ItliN NEW YORK, N. Y. CHAPMAN & HALL, LTD., LONDON Copyright Q 1961 by REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. All rights reserved Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 61-18276 Printed in the United States of America Preface This book results from occasional sets of notes prepared over the past twenty years for the use of engineering graduate students in fluid mechanics, heat transmission, and the theory of diffusional processes. The primary service of mathematical analysis in teaching such subjects is, in my view, linpial rather than computational. The use of tensor analysis in the form of Gibbsian polyadics clears away the fog of mul- tiple scalar partial differential equations in which the student otherwise finds himself without requiring him to learn a secret code. the symbols and ideas are only slightly different from those met in undergraduate calculus and the mathematical models mirror the physical models clearly. The apace given the several topics reflects my own teaching experience; there could be no pretense of completeness in a book of this length. The admission of complex vectors and polyadice has proved useful in developing the notion of function-vectors in Fourier analysis and in the treatment of integral equations. I wish to acknowledge my debt to H. B. Phillips who first led me to appreciate the value of vector analysis using electromagnetic theory as the vehicle. Thanks are due my daughter Sarah who typed much of this manuscript and the staff of the Waverly Press, Inc., for their help in devising printable symbols that suggest the intended meaning. Thomas B. Drew Temple, New Hampshire September, 1961 Contents 1. INTRODUCTION Object & Scheme 1 Scalars vs. Vectors 1 Notation 3 II. VECTOR ALGEBRA Definitions and Elementary Operations 5 Scalar Product 7 Vector Product 9 Position Vectors 10 Linear Vector Functions of Vectors 11 Dyadics, Tensors, and Linear Vector Operators 14 Dyadic Representation of Linear Vector Operators 17 Multiple Scalar Products: Higher Linear Operators 21 Definitions 21 Polydot Products of Polyads 21 Unit Polyads 22 Polyadics 24 Transposes and Adjoints of Polyadics 27 Idemfactors, Deviation Factors, Transposers, and related func- tions 31 Linear Polyadic Functions of Polyadics 45 Use of Linear Operators with Arguments of Various Ranks 52 Polycross Products 57 Versors: Rotation Operators 58 Invariants of Vectors and Polyadics 64 III. VECTOR and POLYADIC CALCULUS Differentiation and Integration with respect to Scalars 69 Differentiation with respect to Vectors and Polyadics 69 The Divergence and Gauss's Theorem 74 The Circulation, the Curl, Stokes Theorem 75 Operations with V and dW 78 Mixed Derivative Operators 82 Maclaurin's and Taylor's Series 83 vu viii CONTENTS APPENDICES Appendix A: Summary of Formulas and Notation Appendix B : Ternary Numeration Appendix C : Comparison of Notation Appendix D: Miscellaneous Exercises References on Vector Analysis I. Introduction 1.1 Object and Scheme This book constitutes a brief exposition of the vector and tensor concepts and methods convenient in studying the theory of diffusion, fluid dynamics, and related topics. There is no intent to provide a text or treatise but rather to give the reader with a knowledge of calculus a handbook sufficiently interlineated to be intelligible to one familiar with the elementary vector usage in college physics and engineering mechanics. No prior formal study of vector or tensor analysis is assumed. Willard Gibbs' system of vector analysis is used. It has the advantage for the uninitiated that many of the notations of scalar calculus carry over with analogous meanings into the calculus of vectors and tensors; moreover, the modifications required to include complex vectors (the "bi-vectors" of Gibbs) parallel those required in scalar analysis to admit complex scalars. Because diffusion theory involves tensors of rank higher than two, Gibbs' theory of dyadics has been extended to that of "polyadics": linear vector functions of variable vectors are thus extended to linear polyadic functions of polyadics. The presentation is largely in terms of three-dimensional real vectors but in general the formulae are so written that they are valid for complex vectors, and any changes necessary for application to N-dimensions are pointed out. In the first few sections, the geometric (or vector) method and the alge- braic (or matrix) method are used in parallel so that the essential equivalence of vector and matrix analysis may be seen and, further, so that matrix interpretation may be available for numerical computation when convenient. Polyadic analysis is tensor analysis restricted to "Cartesian tensors" but written in terms of the usual symbols of calculus rather than in a shorthand wholly new to the student. 1.2 Scalars vs. Vectors The size of a physical quantity is commonly specified with reference to an agreed scale by a real number. For this reason properties such as mass, volume, and temperature, of which size on an agreed scale is the primary analytical characteristic, are called scalar properties or, more briefly, scalars. The numbers used to express size, and by extension all algebraic numbers, are themselves often called scalars. This is the usage 1 2 VECTOR AND POLYADIC ANALYSIS herein. Some writers restrict the word scalar to mean what are here termed scalar invariants (v. infra). Certain physical quantities, force and velocity for example, require for their descriptions the specification of their directions as well as their sizes; these are vector quantities. The fundamental idea of vector analysis is that the notions of magnitude and direction may be regarded as a composite property and represented jointly by a single letter symbol. The dual entity is a vector. In the same sense in which the abstract number 3 belongs to all classes of threes so do all quantities of a given size and direction possess the same vector. The geometrical representation of a real three-dimensional vector as an arrow is familiar from elementary mechanics. The arrow flies with the vector and its length measures the magnitude. All parallel arrows of equal length, wherever located in space, are equally good representa- tions of the same vector. The notion of position is not part of the vector concept. To state the numerical value of a vector, select any convenient system of non-coplanar rectilinear axes and consider the particular representa- tive arrow which rises from the origin. The coordinates of the arrow's tip, stated in x, y, z order, fully determine the vector if the system of axes is known; when reference to the vector is intended they are called the coordinates of the vector with respect to that system of axes. A system of rectilinear axes may be chosen in infinitely many orientations, hence there belong to each vector infinitely many ordered sets of three numbers, each associated with a particular frame of reference. Alge- braically speaking, it is usual to take the collection of such sets asso- ciated with right-handed rectangular Cartesian frames of reference to be the vector. Every set of this restricted collection has the property that the sum of the squares of its members is the same number: the square of the magnitude of the vector. An ordered set of quantities is a matrix;* algebraically speaking, therefore, a vector is a restricted col- Typically, a matrix is a set ordered in two senses; one sense is represented by position in rows of a rectangular array; the other, by position in columns. Thus the matrix a, b, c, a, b, c, as b, cc, a b+ . might be a tabulation in order of the coefficients of x, y, and z in the first, sec- ond, third, and fourth of a set of linear equations. This is a "4 X 3 matrix"; that INTRODUCTION 3 lection of matrices. Thus, following Murnaghan ("Applied Mathe- matics", Wiley, 1948) : A three-dimensional vector is a collection of 3 X 1 matrices such that (a) the sum of the squares of the absolute values of the elements (coordinates) is a given number, a scalar invariant of the collection, called the square of the magnitude of the vector, and (b) the corresponding coordinates of any pair of the matrices, say and Y 1 1 z11 are related by a change of variables of the type x' = 1,x + m,y + n,z y' = 12x + m2y + n2z z' = lax + may + n3z where the determinant 1, m, nx % = + 1 l2 m2 l3 ma n3 This definition is valid for vectors of any number of dimensions with real or complex coordinates; in N-dimensions, N X I matrices replace the 3 X 1 matrices and so on. 1.3 Notation Vectors are denoted by symbols in bold face type; scalars, by letters in ordinary italics. When in the same discussion symbols are needed both for a vector and for its magnitude (a scalar), the same letter is used when the typeface makes the interpretation clear. When neces- sary for clarity J A I is used to denote the magnitude of the vector A; there will be no confusion if I a I is used for the absolute value (or modu- lus) of the scalar a. The common practice of indicating the complex conjugate of a com- plex number by an overscore is extended to complex vectors; thus, if, is, it contains four rows and three columns. If a set is ordered in only one sense as is true of the set of coordinates of a vector, it is simply a matrix of one column or, if we prefer, of one row. 4 VECTOR AND POLYADIC ANALYSIS with x and y real, w = x + iy, then iV = x - iy whether w, x, y repre- sent scalars, vectors or polyadics. The coordinates of a vector A with respect to the set of rectangular axes x, y, z in use will often be denoted by A., A , A.. When a single letter is used to designate a matrix, it will be enclosed by double bars; thus, 11 A 11. A curled overscore will be used to indicate the transposed matrix. For example, if all au als 1 IIA11 a- an an azs an an an then all a21 a0i an an an 11 1111 an ass an that is, the columns of (I A II are the rows of II 111. Tensors and polyadics (cf. ¢2.5, 2.8) will be denoted by Gothic letters, e.g., P.

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