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PACIFICL INGUISTICS SerieCs -No. 70 HANDBOOOKF TOKP ISI(NN EWG UINEPAI DGIN) S.A.W urm P. MUhlhausler eds LANGUAGES FOR INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN THE PACIFICA REA PROJECT OF THE AUSTRALIAN ACADEMY OF THE HUMANITIES,P UBLICATIONN o.1 Publishuendd ert hea uspiceosf the UnionA cademiqueI nternationale Departmenotf Linguistics ResearcShc hoolo f PacifiSct udies THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Wurm, S.A. and Mühlhäusler, P. editors. Handbook of Tok Pisin (New Guinea Pidgin). C-70, iv + 729 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1985. DOI:10.15144/PL-C70.cover ©1985 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. PACIFICL INGUISTICiSs i ssue�dh rought heL inguistic Circloef Canberraan d consisotfs f ours eries: SERIESA -Occasional Papers SERIESB -Monographs SERIESC -Books SERIESD -SpeciaPlu blications EDITOR:S .A.W urm ASSOCIATEE DITORS:D .C.L aycockC,. L.V oorhoevDe.,T .T ryonT,. E.D utton EDITORIALA DVISERS: B.W.B ender K.A.M cElhanon Universiotfy H awaii Universiotfy T exas DavidB radley H.P.M CKaughan La TrobeU niversity Universiotfy H awaii A. Capell P. MUhlhliusler Universiotfy S ydney LinacrCeo llegeO,x ford MichaeGl. Clyne G.N.O 'Grady MonashU niversity Universiotfy V ictoriBa.,C . S.H.E lbert A.K. Pawley Universiotfy H awaii Universiotfy A uckland K.J.F ranklin K.L.P ike Universiotfy M ichigan; Summer Instituotfe L inguistics Summer Instituotfe L inguistics W.W. Glover E.C.P olom� Summer Instituotfe L inguistics Universiotfy T exas G.W.G race MalcolmR oss Universiotfy H awaii Universiotfy P apuaN ew Guinea M.A.K.H alliday GilliaSna nkoff Universiotfy S ydney Universiotfy P ennsylvania E. Haugen W.A.L.S tokhofN ationaCle nterf or HarvardU niversity LanguagDee velopmenJta,k arta; A. Healey Universiotfy L eiden Summer Instituotfe L inguistics B.K.T 'sou L.A.H ercus MurdochU niversity; AustraliNaant ionaUln iversity Universiotfy H ong Kong NguyenD ang Liem E.M.U hlenbeck Universiotfy H awaii Universiotfy L eiden JohnL ynch J.W.M.V erhaar Universiotfy P apuaN ew Guinea GonzagaU niversitSyp,o kane Publishweidt hf inanciaasls istanfcreo mt he ForeigOnf ficoef theF ederaRle publiocf Germany Allc orrespondecnocnec erniPnAgC IFICL INGU ISTICSi,n cluding orderasn ds ubscriptisohnosu,l bde addressetdo : The Secretary PACIFICL INGUISTICS Departmenotf Linguistics ResearcShc hooolf PacifiSct udies The AustraliNaant ionaUln iversity G.P.O.B ox 4,C anberraA,. C.T.2 601 Australia. Copyrigh©t The Authors FirsPtu blish1ed9 85 Typesebty Sue Tys Printebdy A.N.U.P rintinSge rvice Boundb y AdriatiBco okbindePrtsy Ltd Maps drawnb y TheoB aumannD,e partmenotf LinguistiRcess,e arcShc hooolf PacifiSct udieAsu,s tralian NatUinoinvaelr sity. The editorasr ei ndebtetdo theA ustraliNaant ionaUln iversiftoyr a ssistanicnet he productioofn t hiss eries. Thisp ublicatwiaosn m ade possibblye a n initigarla ntf romt heH unterD ouglaFsu nd. NationaLli braroyf AustralCiaar dN umbera nd ISB0N 8 588332 12 TALBEO FC ONETNTS page 1.I NTORDUCITON 1 11. Introduction S.A.W URMa ndP .M UHLHAUSLER 3-11 2.H ISTORIACSAPLE CTS 13 2.1H istoroyf t hes tudoyf T okP isin P.M DHLHAUSLER1 53-3 2.2E xternhaislt oroyf T okP isni P.M UHLHAUSLER3 5-46 2.3T hes tatuosfT okP isiann da ttitutdoewsa rds itS .A.W URM 65-74 2.4I nterndaelv oeplmenotf T okP isin P.M UHLHAUSLER7 5-166 2.5W ritisnygs mtsea ndt heo rthroagphoyf T okP isni S.A.W URM 167-176 2.6E tymloogiinsga ndT okP isin P. MDHLHAUSLE1R77 -219 3.T HEN ATUROEF T OKP ISNI 221 3.1T okP isni andt hec ensus DonL AYCOCK2 23-231 3.2V ariatiinoT no kP isni P.M DHLHAUSLE2R3 -3273 3.3G ooda ndb adp idg:i nnogyuutt oktokkr anki P.M UHLHAUSLE2R7 -5291 4.T HEG RAMRM AANDP HONOLOOGFY TPOKI SNI 293 4.1P honol:o sguybrsattuemle mentisnT okP isni phonlooyg DonL AYCOCK2 95-307 4.2P honol:o ignytonatiinoT no kP isin S.A.W URM 3093-34 4.3I nfleocntaimlo rplhoogoy fT okP isni P.M DHLHAUSLE3R3 54-03 44. SyntaoxfT okP isin P.M DHLHAUSLE3R4 1-421 4.5T hel exicsayls teomfT okP isni P.M UHLHAUSLE4R2 -3440 5.T OKP ISNI AND ITS RELETVOA NCTEH EOREITSISCEUASL INC REOSLTI�CASND GENELRIANLG UISTICS 441 5.1T okP isiann di tsr elevantcoet heoretical isusesi nc roelsiticsa ndg enerlainlg usitics P.M DHLHAUSLE4R4 3-483 6.I SSUEASN D PROBLEMS 485 6.1 Curreanttt itutdoeT so k Pisin JuliPeI AUa ndS usanHnOeL ZKNECH4T8 7-439 6.2C urreunste a nde xpnasiono fT okP isni: TokP isni asa literrayl anguage DonL AYCOCK4 95-515 iii iv page 6.3C urreunste a nde xpnasioonf T okP is:i n TokP isni itnh em asms edia JefSf IEGEL5 17-533 6.4C urreunste a nde xpnasioonf T okP isin: teachianngdT okP iisn TomD UTTON5 35-573 6.5C urreunste a nde xpansoiofTn o kP is:i n efefctosf T okP isionn s omvee rnalcaurl anguagMesa lcoRlOmS S 539-565 6.6T hes cienitfisct udy TookfP isni:t hew riting ofd escriptiTvoekP isni grammars MVHLHAUSL5E5R7 -575 P. 6.7T hes cinteifisct udoyf T okP isi:T nokP isni dictniaormya kintgh:e oriectaclo nsiderations andp rcaticeaxlp eriences MtiHLHAUSL5E77R- 593 p. 6.8T hes ceintifisct udoyf T okP isi: nlanguage plnaninagn dt heT okP isilnex iocn P.M UHLHAUSL5E9R56 -64 6.9T hef uturoefT okP isin DonL AYCOC6K6 5-668 REFERENCES 6697-04 INDEX 705-725 Wurm, S.A. and Mühlhäusler, P. editors. Handbook of Tok Pisin (New Guinea Pidgin). C-70, iv + 729 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1985. DOI:10.15144/PL-C70.cover ©1985 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. 1 . 1I TNRODUICNOT SA.. andP . Muhlhausler Wurm 1.1G.EN1E ARLR EMARKS NewG uinePai dg,i nnowo fficilaylk nowna sT okP isni bPyap uaN ewG uinea governmdeenctr ,e heasb eeknn owbny a nubmer ofn ameisn lcudinNge oe-Mlnaesina, Meleasnina pidg,i TnokB o,i aontdh ser.M any tohfe snea mehsa vec ornet ob e assioactedw iht particusltaagre isn t hed evleopmeonftt hel angu.a gTehem ost neutrnaamle fort hel anguage wouNledwG ubien ePai dg,i nandi swt ahsi nf act then ameo rgiinalclhyo setnoa ppeair nt het itleo ft hibso oka ndt o bues eidn itw hent alkionfgt hel angua.g eIt ias genetrearlwm h ich wroeuflden ro to nly tov ariosutsa geisnt heh istoricdaelv eplmoenotf t hel angua,gb euta lstoo t he sociaanld r egionvaailr etioersd ialecotfis t e ncounteirnpe rde sent-pdapauya NewG uiena.H owerv ienr ecgontiino oft hev irtulayul nievrsauls eb yP apuNae w Guineaonfst he name PTisoiknf ort hel angua,g aend dienf eretnoct eh ed eciiosn oft heP apuaN ewG uinegao vrnementg ivintgh insa meo fficisatlat ,u tshen ameT ok Pisni will ing enrealb eu seidn t hibso okt or efetro t hel angua.g e Studoyf v arioauspse ctosf T okP is,i n boltihgn usitiacn ds ociogluisinti,c has beecno ncae orfnt heD epartmoefnL ti nugistiicnst heR esearcShch oolof PacifiSct duise,A ustranl iNaationUanlie vrist,y sincet hel at1e9 5,0 asndt his concehrans g rowann dd eepenveedr sy ignciafnitldyu rgi ntheq uartecre ntuwrhyi ch hass incep assed. Mostme bmerso f tDheep artmheanvtec ontribuetxetde nsivtoe ly ourk nowleodgfme a tterresal tign toT okP isni,m orep articulSaA.r.lW yu rmP,. Mulhhuasl,e Tr.ED.u tt,o anndD .CL.a yco.c Skicnet hei ncepnt iino1 96o1f t he Deparnttm'esm ajro internatipoubnlailc atsieorni Peasc fiic Lingsutiisc (owfh ich thep resenbtoo k consittust ea nuimbnet rh es eriCes:b oosk), raa ngoef p ublic­ ationdsea lign wiht varioaussp ecotfs TPoiks ni hasb eepnu blihse,d bei ta s separaptuebi lcatinos, ori nv olumceosn taincionlglt eiocnso fc ontributbiyo ns severaault hros. Them ositm portoanftt h esaer eT .ED.u tt'osnC onvseartniaol NewG uinePaid gin( aPcfiicL inugisitcs,D -12, 1937),w hicihs acpcaonmiebdy a set noifn cea sseets,t SA..W urrn,e d. NewG unieaa real anguagaensd l anguage stduy, vol.3L:an guagceu,tl ure,s oicet,y andt hem oderwno lrd( aPcfiic Lingsuticis,C -40,1 977, int wof ascisc),l wehiccho ntaian lsar gen umbeorf contributioonTn osk P isinb ya varieotfya uthros, andP eteMrU hluhsaelr,G rowth ands tructoufrt eh el exicono fN ewG uinePai gdin( aPcfiicL inugistsi,cC -52, 197.9 ) Int hec oursoeft heD epartm'esgn rtowiinngt ereisnst t udireelsat intgo Tokp isni,a ndt hea ppearanocfe ainn creasniunbmegr opfub licatioonna ss pects oft hel anguagbeys cholarass sotceidaw iht theD eparetnm,t bei ti nP acfiic Lingsutiics ore lsewhe,r tehei deao fp roudcinag h andboookf T okP isignr adually stratetda kinsgha p.e Itw ase nvigseadt hat sau hcahn dbosohko uld inicnla u de singllear gev olumed iscussoifom nasn yr elveantf actoarbso utth eo rigiann d devleopmeonftt hel angu,a igets naturaen dc haraecrtitsic,s its us,e rolaen d functioovnres t hey earisn t hec hangisnogc ieotfyw hat tiosd aPya puNae wG uinae, SA..W urma ndP .M Ulhhaluse,r edsH anbdooko fT okP isi(nN ew Guniea Pidgni), 3-11.P acfiicL inugisitcsC,- 70, 1984 SA..W urma nd MPu.lh huasler 3 © Wurm, S.A. and Mühlhäusler, P. "Introduction". In Wurm, S.A. and Mühlhäusler, P. editors, Handbook of Tok Pisin (New Guinea Pidgin). C-70:3-11. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1985. DOI:10.15144/PL-C70.3 ©1985 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. 4 S.AW.U RM aPn.dM UHLAHUSLER alonwgi ht discussioofna s n ubmero fo themra tteorfsi nteretsopt e rsowniss hing tog aigne nreali nformataiboonu tth el angua.g eWitthh ep ublicatoifom na jor studioefsa specotfsN ewG uinePai dgiinnP acifLiicn gsutiisc,s ucahs t heo nse mentioanbevode , viwesc onrnceingw hats houlbde ilnucdeidn t hee nvisahgaendd ­ booko f TPoiks iunn derwemnatn yc haensg, afnod ra lontg imet hea ctuaprle par­ atioonf s ucha handbowoaksp utt oo nes ied becauosfet hef luids ittuiaosnu r­ rounditnhgen atu,r reolaen df unctiocfnT so kp iisn i n tyheea rbse fore aafntde r theg ainingi ndoefp endeonfcP ea puNae wG uin.e a Latei n1 97,9 tAhues tralAicana dye motfh eH umnaitiessu ggesttheede stab­ lishmento fa major Acadepmryo ejctc oncerwniehtd t hei nlfuencoef E nlgihs and othemre troolptianl anguagienst heP aciicfa reao vetrh el as2t00 year(sw hich inlcudeldan guagoefst hea reiat selsfuc ha sI ndnoesni,aT aaglo,g et.c) ,wi th the 1b9i8c8e ntenianmr iyn .d Thiwsa sa doptbeydt heA cadeimny1 98a0s a n officiAacald epmryo jec,tw itSh A..W urma si ts direc,t aonrdw ass ubmititne d 198t1o t heI netrnationUanli oonf A cadeemsif ors ponsorsahnidap c cepta.n Tchee proopsa,lw hcihw ass upportbeydt heB ritiAscha demyt hiefn ra mewroko ft he InetrnationUanli on Acoafd esmi,ge aineadc ceptaanncdie n 1 982w heni tw asa dopted unainmosulya sa majoprr oejctu nder atuhsep icoefts h aatu gusitn ternational academbiodcy. Att hes amet ime,P aicficL inguistwiacsos f ficliyad lesingated byt heI ntrneationUanli oonf A camdeieass t heo utlet tfheop rub lciatioonfa sereiso fc ompenvdoilau meensv aigsetdo a pepar tihne f rmaework ofi nttheirs­ natniaola cadempirocj ec,wt hicaht t hes amet imew aso fficiya glilveint sp resent titl, Leanguagfeosri nteruclturalc ommunicant iinot heP aciifca re.a Whent hee nvigseadp rojetc wafsi rsdti sucssebde twemeenmb erosf the DepartmoefnL tin giustiacnsd t heA ustraliAacnad eomfyt heH umatniie,s thei dea ofp rodiungc ah andbooofkN ewG uinePai dg,i tnoc onstittuhtee fiorfst th e plnanedco pmendivao lmuest oa peparw ihtint hef rameworokf t hep rojec,w tasa gain discuss,e adndw orkon i ts preparaantdc ioopmnil aitonw ase mbarkeodn. Thew ork wasc arrioeudti nc losceol lbaoratiboent wesecnh olaarsss oactiewdi ht the Departmoefn tL uiinsgtiicnst heR esearScchho oolf P acifSitcu di,e sitnh em anner whichha sb eenc hararcitsetoifct hea ctivitoifet she D epartmfeonrmt a nyy eras, andi th asa lsoe ntailweidd ei ntrneationaclo lbloaratiionnvl ovinign p articular OxforUdn ievrsiyt,t ow hicPhe teMru lhhauslhears b eeant tachfeodra nubmero f year.s Ther esulits a book wchoincsht itau tceosh erednits cuiosnso fm any aspcetsr eltaintgo T okP is,i nrathetrh ana largec ollteicoonf d ispara,t iendi­ viduapalp esr. Thef indinlgasi ddo wni nt hsi boroekf lte tchew orko ft heg eneratioofn lingsutsi whdoi dm osot ft hew orki nd aybse forteh e1 97i5n dependoefnP capeu a NewG uinea.I ts mpauirnop sei sn ott op rodulcien guistthieco rbyu ts omtehing which hasf eeiftti smr lyi nt hea reaan ds ociety frotmh euw nhdererley indgat a weret akeann d ith oipesdt hati tw illc onstitau ptoei notf d epartaumroen g futurgee nrealw orkosn i ndigenloiugnsui stsi icnt heP acifaircae . Theb ookad drseessi tsleft oa widearu dientchea ns pceialilsitn guiasntds hasb eenw rittiennl anguagweh icshh oulbdeg eenralilnyet lilgiblfeo rr eaders wihtouts peciallin guisttirca ingi,an sa refreencbeo okh elpitnhge mt ou nder­ standb ettetrh eh istoroyf T ok Pisiint s raontods. Theb ookm aya lscoo nstitute a basifso rl anguea gplannianngdf ort hep roductoifom no ruep -toa-tdet eaching matreialrse altintgo t hel anguagaen di tm ay, ing enrea,l sevret hep urpoosfe a compnediumo rr eferewnocreok n T okp isni asa langua,g aesw ella so nl anguage­ liknedc onceransss oactiewdi th TPoiksn i. INTRODUCTIO5N 1.1.PDI2G ILNA NGGEUAS TokP isni ism eam bre otfh ec lsaso fl anguagceosmm olnyc allpeidd ngsi. Agian, thes implel abel 'ipdign'i s cao vre term a vfoarr ieotfyl ignusitic pheneonm.a Mostc ommnol,yp idgilna ngusa geardee finbeydt wos etosf c riter.i a Ont hes oicals id,ew ef intdh apti dgianrsi saes m edioaf c omumnicant bieotween differte nspeeccho mmunitsie,t ypciallayn o utsicdoemmu nit(ye .tgr.a de,r s soldi,e crosloni)s aenrdsl ocaclo mmuniti.e sByd efitniio,np idgidnosn oth ave nativsep eakearnsdb otht heilri ef spaannd t heifru nctiaornesl imit.e Tdhis meantsh apti dgins icnotmboee infgo ra spefciicr eans oanda re usasel do nags theya reu seufli na contascittu ati.o Tnhedy ispapear wohneepn a rtoyf t he contalcetra nst hel anguagoeft heo thepra rtoyr w hent hes ociaclo nditiwohnisc h favourtehdeu se ao pfi dgi(nus cha st rad,e labou,r recuritin,g ward) ispapaer. Ina fewc ase,ps idgicnosn tintuoeb eu sde overp roal onpgeerdi oidnw hiccha se thel ikiehlooodf c roelitsiao,n i.et.h acth ildrweilnl g rowu ps peakitnhge pidgianst heirf irsltan guagaen du sign ita sa fullyle-dfgelda ngu,a igseg rea.t Pidgindso notb raecmteh ef ulsle to ff unctnisto hat nolramnaglu ahgaevse . Theya re upsreidm araisla y meanse xcohfa ngiinnofgrm ati.o n Thaeryen otu sed asa means soelffe -xpersiso,n transmitdteienpgee rm otioonrsa sa means of sociailn tegtriaobne twetehne v arious paurstiinteghs ep idg.i nInf ac,t the desiref orc ontinnuoend- inti(maegc..yb etweEeunr oapnesa ndc olonipaeplol es) iso neo ft hes ociafolcr est hact alls pidgiinnst o b.e iTnhgidso enso tm ea,n howerv,et hapti dgicnasn nodte velionpt loa nguagfeuls fillinsugc fhu ncti.o ns Thec asoef T okp isni iso new hicihll ustrattheesc ontinfuuendc tioenxaplas nion ands tructugrraolw tohf a pidign. Thel inguitsicn aturoefp idgiinsss tilhlo tldye btae.d Theries w idespread agreenmt,e howerv,et hapti dgimnusst b es eeans t her esuoltfl inguistciocn ta.c t Typiclaly,t hel anguaogfet he' gagres's coor�nunpirtoyv idtehseb asiso fi ts lexic.o Innt he coafsT eo kP isin fwinedt haatb outth ree-quaorfti etrsls e xi­ calb aessa rer eladt teoE nglishI.nf luenfcremo thel ocallna guag(eussb sattrum langguea)s ism anifestaetda lll evleso ft hel angu,a pgaertiuclralyi ni tss em­ anticansd ipthso nol.o gWyhilts contaacntd ' imxin' gaccountsm ufcohor f t he sturcteu rofa pidngi,l anguageep-einnddefnotr ceasr ea lsoop eratiinvse h aping a pidgni. Thu,s theraepp earsst ornge videntchea tl anguage-indepienntdueintti ons aboulti gnusitisci pmlicyi mtotivate spienaa k leanrgsu agceo ntascitut atiotno choosseim ples tructuarnedts o i gnorceop mlciateodne s. As rae usl,t evepni dgins whosdee vleopmeinsth isortiaclluyn relat(euscdh a st hep ortuuegse-baPsaepdi a Kristang of aMnadKl raicooclfa N ortheAruns tralia) sshtorwi ksisontmgre u ctural simliariti.e sPidgilna nguaagreesu sulaly claesdsw iitfhri eagrdt ot heilre x­ icaalf fitliioa.n Thupsi dgiwnhso sleex iconcson sits priamriloyf E nglish­ derivleedx icbaals easr er eefrretdo a sP idgiEnnl gihs. 1..13T HSET ATOUFST OKP ISVIIN-SA V-IOST EHRP IGDNIS TokP isibne longst htego r ouopf l angualgabeesl ledp idgiEnn gilsh.T he thremeo sti mportaanrte awsh reeP idgiEnn gliisshs pokeanr ew estA frcia,t he ChinCao asatn dM eleasniaW.e stA frcianp idgiEnng lihs iss tlile xpandainndg groiwngi nN iegria,D ahomey thaenC da merooannsda numbre ofs tudiheasv be ecmoe avaliablei nr ecent y(eSahcrnse id1e9r70 ,T odd1 947). Chinese pEindggliins h hadi ts greeastti mportandcuer intgh en ineteecnetnht u.r Tyodaiyt a ppeartso ber estreidct toa smalnlu bmer of spienaH koenrKgso ng( c.f Baue1r97 4)a nd Singapo(refc .p latt1 957). It is an oefxaa pmipdlgei tnh ahta sc omet ot he endo fi ts lief cyclaen di sb einrge placbeydmo r e develospteadn dalradn gueas.g 6 S.A.W URMa ndP . UHMLAHUSLER Melanesivaanr ietoifeP sid giEnn lgisahr e tyhoeu nsgteo ft higsr ouopf languasg.e Theyd evepleod in vaarrieoaousfs t heP acfii,c primaraisla y r esult oft hel abourt rade palnnadt atieoconn omyT.h em osti mportvanatr ietwieerse founidn t hep lnatatiownhse rMeel anseina workewresr eem lpoye(dni Queennsdl, a SamoaN,e wC aledonainadt) h ep rincirpeaclr uitairnega( seN wH ebrisd,Se olmoon Island,s NewG uin)e.aV ibalep idgihnasv eo nlsyu rviviendt hel attetrh reaer ea:s Bihcelmaari nt he NHeewb reis,d SolmoonI slandPsij ni,o rP ijni (osmetmiesc alled Neo-Smoonlioci nt hel ietratu)r ient heS olomonasn d TPoiksn i inP apuNae wG uinea. Thougthh eslea nguasgheasr meu cho ft hiere arlhyi tsor,y they hsaivnec dee vle­ opeda londgif ferelnitn easn da ren ol ongeerai sly mutluyai lntleligible (uMhlahusl,e Brenneatntd T ryo1n9 7.9 )TokP isni in partihcausla a nrub mero f characitsetrsi wchicahr en ot shabryBe idc hamealr andS olmoonI slnadsP ijni:i n its vocbaula,r ysai gnciafnintu mbero f baisesbs o rwreodf roTmo laain dr eltaed Melanesilaangnu aegs, wlhsitG ermahna sb eetnh es ourcoefv ocalbauriyn a nubmer oft echniacraela ssu cahs c arpenantdr yb uildinTgo.kP isni alos ist heo nly varieotfyM elanens PiiadgiEnnl gihs whichha sa versy ignificnatn ubmero ff irst­ languagsep eak.e rs Aparftro mt hev arietoifeP si dgiEnn gilsh jusmte ntio,n efdae wo therwsil l brieflyb ee numreate:d anothiemrp rotanvta rieotfyP acfiicP idgiEnnlg ishi s Haawiina Pidgi(naD KinTea lkw)h icehx sitsi na nubmero fs ubvraieti(eCsa rr 1927). Recenwta rsi ns outh-EAassitha a vel edt ot hes horti-vleedm ergeonfce KoreaBnamb ooE nglihs (Alg1e9o06 ), JapanePsied giEnn gli(soGho dma1n96 7)a nd Thai Vaintden amevsaer ietoifeP sid giEnn gilsh. Theraer ei ndicattihoanmtsa ny oft heE ngilshc reolsepso keinnt heC arbibeahna vea pidgipna st( aCssid1y91 7) andt himsa ya lsboe t hec aswei tNho rtAhm reicanB lcakE ngils.h 1.1T.O4KP ISAINNDO TEHRL NIGUFER CANHE INP APUNEAWG UINAE PapuNae wG uineias a na rea eoxft mreel ignuistdiicev rsicfaiti.o nOver7 50 difefrenlta nguaagnedsm anym ored iaelctasr es pokewni thiint sb oundiaers.I n thicso nte,x mtultinlgiualiasnmdt heu seo f nlgiuef rnachhea veb eedno minant fora lontgi me. Inp re-coloPnaipaulNae wG unie,a thep roblemi notfe rtribal commuinctaiowna so vecromei nt wow ay:s firstt,h routghhe i nstitnualtiiostaion ofb iilngual(insadms ometimmuelst iilngualiisnmr )e sttreidca rea:s i.es.o meo r allm emberso fa villagceo mmuintyw oulsdp eaokr u ndetrasntdh ed ialecotrls a n­ guageosfa dajcenvti llag.e sKnoweldgeof o thelra nguaagnedsd ialecftasd eodu t wiht distancIen.a ddiiotnm,u ltliingualiwsamsa lscoo rrelawtietdh social postiio,n the' ibgm en'( rtadiiotnalle aderosf)t eenx hibiteixntgr aordinary giftosf l anguagwehi ch enabltehde tmo n egotiwaitteah d jacenttr ibes wahnidc h wasp arto f their invernhteotroyrs ikocilf ls .A casset udoyf t raditiboin­al lignualiissmf ounidn S albiusry1 96.2 Whilts biilngluaims wasr estreidct tos hordti stanicneg se ogprhaicaslp cae, thes econpdh enome,n tornadiiotnatlr adlea ngusa,gwe asf ound inc ontexwthsi ch reuqirecdo mmunicatiaocnr osgsr eatdeirts ansce. Them ostf amous trlaandgeu age inP apuNae wG uineat hieHs i rTir adLea ngua(gesee D uttoann dK akar1e9 77). It wasu sde bym embreso ft heM otut rib(ees ttledt hiePn o rMto resabrye ao)n t heir annuatlr adienxgpd eition(sH irtio)t heK eremaar eoaf t heG ulfP rovi.n ce Anotrh,ea s yveitr tuaulnldyo ceunmte,d traldigenu af ranciasS isas,i whicihs reportteodh aveb eeni nu sei nt heA storlabe Baya re.a Theb eginnionfgl sin guef ranchew idofer re gionaanldg eneriamplo rtance camea bouotn lwyi ht thee stabslhmienotf c oloniaadlmn iisattrioann dE uropean missinos.T her esuoltft hseec ontacwtass tdhevee lpomenotf t wop henoame:n fir,s mtissionl ignuef rancahned s eco,n pdidgidnesir vefdr mo Europleaanng usa.ge INTRODUCTIO7N Theq uesitono fm isisonl inguef ranchhaes b eend ealtw iht idnet aibly a numbeorf w rite(rse .. g MlchEano1n97 9.) Whath appene,d asr ual, ew ast haeta ch missino selectead languagcelo selcyo nnectewdi tht hel oacliyt where eistta b­ lihsedi tselfs,u cah sJ aebm,K ateo rG edeadg, adpotintgh iass i tsc ontact medi,u rmathre thamna iknga carefiunlv esgtaitioinn ttoh es ociaanld l inguistic factowrhsi ch mdiegthetr mtihnee chooifac es uitabllineg usitimce diumW.hi lst somes uccessw asa chieviends preadmiinsgis onl inguef rancihnes eve=aarle as of PapuNae wG uine,a the venurmybr e oft hoslean guagaensd t hed ivergaeinmtos f them isisonmsa dei ti mpsosbilef ora nyo ft heslei gnuef rancheb ectoom ea ccep­ tedi nter-regioorne avlelngy e nerlay.l Eqaulyl improtanwta st hef actth at missino langueas,g frmo theirv erby eginni,n wgesrei nc opmetiotniw iht other lingufer anc,h ienp articuvlaarri etoifeP si dgiEnng lis.h Ther euslto fE urpoeanc olonisaotnit ohnel inugistpiicc tuwraes towlodf. Ane arlrye suwlats t hei ntroducotfia o 'nof rei'g pnidg,i CnoastMaall a,y to­ gethewrit ht hei mportna toifMo alalyab oureirnst Goe rmaNne wG uine(aeS ielr 1928). CoastMaall awya so fc onsideriampbolret anicnet heg ovrenemnts tations andp lnataitonos ft hen ortheNrenwG uinemaa innldai nt hee arldya yosf G erman adminsitartino butc easetdob eo fi nlfuencaef te1r9 0.0 Anotheearr llyin guaf rnac,a inP aupa,w asP olei Mcot,u pai dgibna seodn theM otul anaggueo ft heP orMto resabrye .a Ibte camee satblishebde forteh e turnof t hec entu,r aysa linguaf rancuas de byt hel ocaplol icef orcoef w hat was tBherint isNhe wG uine(auD tto1n9 28aa ndf orthcomwihn�gc)ih s w hyi tw aso rig­ inalyl knowans ' oPliec Mot'u.I tw asb eileveudn tirle cently ittw haasat direct decsenadnto ft heH iriT radLea ngua(gesee a bvoe)a n,d int hel ighto ft his belief,wa sr eman'eHdri iM ot'u inr ecenyte ar.s Howerv,er esearbcyTh . ED.u tton hass howtnh aPto lei Mcotwua sn otd ierctldye rivferdo mt hils angua.g eTheries evidentchea tth eM otup osseesdsa sipmlifdi veersioofn theirl anogwuna gweh ich theeym plody einc ommunicatwiintghf oreignoetrhset rh an thHeiirrti r ading partne(raTsy lo1r9 7.8 )Thiss implfiielda nguagmea yh avpe lyaeda parti nt he developmoefPn to lei cMtou. Ofi ntereisstt h ev eryc losset ructusriamli larbiettyw eTeonk P isin and Polei Mcot,u whicmha ys uggetshta tr elxeifciatni oofp idgiEnng lisahs s poken by thef irspto lcieme,nw iht vocalbaruyi temfsr om M(otours impliifedM out),m ay wellh avep lyaeda ni mportarnotl ien t heo rigiann dd eveplmoenotf P olei Mcotu (uDtto1n9 7.8 ) Oncei t hdaedv epleod, lPicoeM otus prearda pidalsya generlainlg uaf ranca andb ecamet heu nofficilaaln guaogfet hea dmniisrtati,o tnhroumgohs to fw hat wast heT errirtyoo fP apu,a i.et.h es outhepranr to fp resent-PdapauyNa e w Guniea. BetweWeonr lWda rsI andI I, officigaovle rnmpeolnitc y, whicdhi s­ couargde thes peakionfgP idgiEnng lis,h and the evxeuc sleuo sfiP oliMcoet ub y thep olicef orce tahnead dm inirsatti,o rnesultientd h et emoprareyli mination ofp idgiEnnl gihs frotmh aatr e.a Polei Mcotuc ontinfuleodu risahnidn g expanding thea reoaf i tsc urrenfcoyra numbeorf y earasf teWro rlWda rI Ib,u ti nt he 1905s6-0s startteodr ecedmeo reo rl esrsa pidbleyf ore PEindggliinsa hn dl ost its dominaincnme a nya rea.s Evenmo rei mprotanwte rev artieieosf p idgiEnng liswhh icwhe reu seads contalcantg uagebset weeEnu ropeaanndsi ndingee.s PidgiEnng lihs inP apua apepartso becalors er esmeblantcoet hat spokQeune esinlann do nt hec aenfiel,d s ont heT orreSst raiits lnadsa ndC apeY orkP eninsu(alLnad tma1n92n7 , Laa1d9e6 .7 ) Howerv,eb otht heg overnmiennP ta puaan d tmhises ionasdo ptpeodl icieasi med at oustiPnigd giEnn gilsh,e ncouratgihnegu seo fP oliMcoet ua ndl ocallan guasg,e orE ngilsh. InG ermanN ewG uiena, otnh e othhanedr, t hep idgiEnnl gishw hich wasa lreadfyo unidn s omea rea-s ar esuolfte arlEyu ropevains itansd t radaen d 8 S.A. andP .M UHLAHUSLER WURM labourc ontacwtihst Samo-ag aineidm protancien rae ltaivelsyh ortti mea ndw as fimrlye stbalihseda sa terirtory-wliidgneu af rancbya1 91.4 Botbhe cauosfe its clsoerl iknsw itSha moan Pid(guMihnl uhasle1r9 7d5,1 97,6 197b8)a nd because ofi ts inlfuencfer oTm olaain dG erm,a intsl inguistpircpo ertideisf ferceodn ­ sidaebrlyf rmo thev arieotfyP idgiEnn gliisnh whwaatst hetnh eT ertroiroy f Papu.a NewG uinePai dgi(non wc alled TokP isisnu)b sueeqntltyoo ko vert he functioofnv si rtuaallllyo thelri nugef rancahne,d fors omes peakeartsl ea,s t thef unctni ootfhe iro riginfailr slta nguaagswe e ll. 1.1T.H5SE T ATOUFST OKP IISNV I-SA-VITSH OEFF ICLI LAANGUAGES Ins pite oft he factT otkPh iastni hash adb ehinidtt hel ogiocf e veryday us,e itw asn eveerle vatetdot hes tatuosfa no fficilaanlg ugae. Inste,a bdoth Germanayn dA ustraliinass iteodn t heu seo ft heiro wn langu(aGgemearsna nd Enlgihs respecetlyi)va so fficilaaln gusa.geH owerv,en eihtero ft hec olonial powerwsa ss uccessifnmu alik ngt hierr espectliavneg uaag lein guaf raanc. German wask nowtno a verys malln umbre ofi ndigeonnelsy ,s oemtiems, particulaarroluyn d missionp ost,s ina pidginivsaerdi e(tcy fM.u lhhauselr1 98)0.a Similraly, Englihs remair.tehdel anguagoeft hee xpatriaantdea s v ersym alln umbre ofP apua NewG uineaunnsit lw ella fteWro rlWda rI I. It is ionnm losyt r ecentti metsh at Engilsh hasb ecomea morwe ideluysd e linguaf rancaH.o werv,eb othi tsf unctional domain(st cehnolcoalgi,h igheerd ucat,i hoinhgera dimnsitranti)ao nds ocidail s­ tribunt i(hote educ,a steceodndaarnyd t ertriyas tudnets)h aver emainreedts ricted ands oh aven otl edt oa decreaisnte h eu seo fT okP isin. Its eemcsl eatrh aTto kP isni,E ngliasnhdt hel ocavle rnalcaurasr ei n copmlmeentadriyts rbiutiofnrm o thep oinotf v iwe oft heicro mmuincatifvuen ctions inp resednatyP- apuNae wG unie.a Howveer,t hes tatuosfT okP isni hasb een the topic soomfet imehse atedde bat(euD tto1n9 67a,M cDona1l9d67 ). Thee fefcts of thseed ebatoens tshtea tuosfT okP isinh avne otb eevne rsyi gnicfainatn dh ave notr estueldi ni ts beign awardtehde s tatoufsa nationlaanlg ua,g ethotuhgeh adoptioni tso pfr eseonftf icinaaml,e TokP isi,n isa steopn t her oad towards its possbileh igheorff icisatla uts, tor eplatchea ot fi ts beintgh eu nofficial nationlaaln guagoefP apuNae wG uinetao day. 1.61 T.HES OCILA LREOO FT OKP ISIN Pigdinl angguea,s accordtionH ga l(l9 162,) comei ntboe infgo rc ertain sociarles aonasn de ithgerro w or afwaawyd iet hch angicnogn dtiinos. TokP isin ist het ypicale xamploef a ne xpandpeiddi gn, i.eo.n ew hich bienga a nna rrowly definseodc icaoln teaxntd g raudalleyx pandteodo thefru nctniso.T hrough the coursoefi ts hisrtyoT okP isni expandietsd f unctional fdroommta hianot fa tradlean guagues ebde tweEeunr opeaanndsi ndigse,na e plnatatiloanng ua,g aen intertrilbinaglua f ran,c maisosnil angu,a lgaenguagoeft hea dminsitratiaonnd parlieamn,t tot hef irslta nugageo rp rimarlyan guagfeo ra growinnugmb ero f spekaer.s Inc ontratsoot t hepri dngsi, TokP isni hasn otr emainae ldan guagoef i n­ equali,t oyro ner estcrtietdo d oaminisn volviinnegq luiayt,b uth asb ecomea languafgoeru pwards ocimaolb iltiya ndp articipaitnpi oolnii tcaaln de conomic poewr. Inr ecent yietah rassb ecomea sybmolo fc ulturaanldn ationiadle ntity form any.

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