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Managing Editor VALNE EUWEN, J. Utrecht AdvisBoorayr d A.MRE.Y ER, CambrgieMd,A MN.VI AT, Paris M.PSTA.E RSON, Coventry PERRIN, Paris D. ELSEVIER THEM ITP RESS AMSTERD•AN ME WY ORK• OXFOR•TD O KYO CAMBRIDMGAES,S ACHUSETTS HandboookfT heoretCiocmaplu tSecri ence Volume A ALGORITHMSA ND COMPLEXITY editbeyd JANV AN LEEUWEN, UtrecUhnti versTihteNy e,t herlands 1111111 1990 1990 ELSEVIER THEM ITP RESS AMSTERD•AN MEWY OR•KO XFOR•DT OKYO CAMBRIDMGAES,S ACHUSETTS ELSEVIESRC IENCPEU BLISHERBS. V. P.O.B ox2 11, 1000 AE AmsterdaTmhe,N etherlands Co-publisfhoterhr esU niteSdt atCeasn,a daa,n dJ apan: TheM ITP ress 55H aywarSdt reet CambridMgAe ,0 2142U,. S.A. LibraorfCy o ngrCeasst aloging-in-DPuabtlai cation Handboookf t heoretciocmaplu tsecri ence/eJdainvt aonr ,L eeuwen. p. cm. Includbeisbl iograrpehfiecraelan ncdei sn dexes. Contenvt.As .:A lgoritahnmdcs o mplexivt.yB .F ormamlo dels -· ands emantics. ISBN0 -444-880(7U5.-S5:. s et-)-I.S BN0 -444-880(7U1.-S2:. v . A).- -ISBN0 -444-880(7U4.-S:7v. . B ). --I0S-B2N6 2-220(4M0I-TP7 r es:ss e t). --ISB0N- 262-220(3M8I-TP5 r es:vs . A ).- -ISBN0 -262-220(3M9I-TP3 r es:vs . B ). Computsecri encIe.L. e euweJn.v, a n( Jan) I. QA76.H27199 90 004--dc20 90-3485 CIP ElsevSiceire nPcueb lishers B.V. TheM ITP ress ISBN0: 4 448 80721 ( VolumAe) ISBN0: 2 622 20358 ( VolumAe) ISBN0: 4 448 80755( Seotf V olAs andB ) ISBN0: 2 622 20470 ( Seotf V olAs andB ) ©ELSEVIERS CIENCE PUBLISHERS1 9B9.0V ., Allr ights resNeor pvaerdto. f t hipsu blicamtaiyobn e reproducsetdo.r eidna retriesvyaslt eomr, transmititnae ndy,f ormor b ya nym eanse,l ectromneicch,a nicpahlo,t ocopyriencgo,r doirno gt herwise, withotuhte p riowrr ittpeenr missoifot nh ep ublishEelrs,e viSecri enPcueb lishBe.rV.s,P .O.B ox 211, AE AmsterdTahme,N etherlands. /000 Speciraelg ulatfioorrn esa deirnst heU .S.-A.T hipsu blicahtaisob ne enr egistweirtethdh eC opyright ClearaCnecnet eIrn c(.C CC)S,a leMma,s sachusIentftosr.m actainob neo btainferdo tmh Ce CC aboucto n­ ditiounnsd ewrh ichp hotocopoifep sa rtosf t hipsu blicamtaiyo bne madei nt heU .S.AA.l lo ther copyriqguhets tiionncsl,u dpihnogt ocopoyuitnsgi odfte h eU .S.As.h,o ubledr efertroet dh peu blisher. No responsiibsia lsistuym ebdy t heP ublisfhoerar n yi njuarnyd /odra magteo p ersoonrsp roperatsay matteorf p roducltisa bilnietgyl,i geonrco et herwiosref ,r oma nyu seo ro peratoiofan n ym ethods, producitnss,t rucotrii odnesac so ntaiinnet dh em aterhiearle in. PrintienTd h eN etherlands Printoenda cid-frpeaepe r Preafce Modedrenv eloipcnmo emnptausnts deo rf tswyasrtheea mvrsea i msaencdyh alleng­ inigs scuoensc etrhndeie nsagin gednffi cioefnc coym pplreoxg raampmpilnigc a­ tioTnhsei.ras en i ncreasfoir"n agd vnatenhecedeo tdrou y n"d,e rasntedax npdl oit basic caonmndec cehpatnsii ncs ommsp uatniidnn gfo rmaptroicoenTs hsei ng. HandobTfo hoekoC roemtpSiucctiaieeldsrne scieg pnreodva wi tidod�e eu dioefn ce professainosdnt auldisen Cn otmsp uStceirea nncrdee ladtiesdc iwpiltaihnn es overovfti hemewaj orre saunlddte sv eloipntm hetenh teso reextpilcoaorlfa tion these diastseu.e s to Thearrmeea ndyie ffrernotlfo er"s t heioCnro ym"p uStceireO nntc heoe.n h ea nd it prtohnveei cdeemssas tahreym foautnidcaafotlris otnusdfo yrimnsagyl s taenmds algortihtaahrtnme es e dOentd ho.et heri pthr aonvcdio,dn ecasen pldta sn gtuaog es capttuhreees seinnac leg,o raintddhe msiccr tieprtmisav,nes y y osftfr eomm specitfieocffia ctiiieomlnnpet m enBtuattthmi eao tnh.e mfraatmiecwatolhrh akatsv e provebdei ntvoa lfourCa obmlpeuS tceirea nrucese ei dn creianms ainnoygt lhye r disciapsl iwWneheleslr .en voetrio ofin nsfo rmoarti inofonr mpartoicoenas rsei ng identqiufieesdot,fir oenprse saenncdto amtpiuotcnaa btneifo ornm aliincz oemd­ putsecri etnecrTemh se.o rCeotmipcuaStlce irec nocneci etrswneislt afhlfo lr mal modaenlds meatnahdlot lde sc hnoifdqe usecsra inpadtn iaoltnyh saairtrse e qeudi r int his domain. Asa c onseqtuheeanrrmceeae n fayc ettoTs h eorCeotmipcuSatclei reA nsac e. disciietpm lpilnaoedy vsa tneccehdn frioqmMu aetsh emaantLdio cgsic a,tt hbeu t samtei mhea si te stablismhoeddae nlifudstn sd aomwenn tfiaownlrh miracelhs ults thoer iginal hmaovrteei mvaaivtniiesodiTn bhsleH e a.n dobfTo hoeko retical CompSuctieaetrnt cetmeopo etffrsa ni n-dveipeotwfht hfiee lodfT heoretical CompuStceirea nsc weah oblyea ,c omprehensiovfte h seec xipeonstiitfiico n advainntc heaisrs e a. Ino rdteokr e etphH ea ndbwoiotkh in mlainmiaiwtgtae dssae, bc litedor ee ds trict thmea tetrtoih raeel c ogcnoiarzreee odaTf sh eorCeotmipcuSatclei re ncwei.t hE ven thriess triimcptofisruoetndhc ,eh ro ihcatedobs e m adient hseu bjceocvtesr ed and theex toeftn htme a teprrioavloi nde eadcs huj becTthc.eu rrveenrtso ifto hne Handbiopsor ke sientn twveood l umes: VolA.:A logritahnmCdso mplexity VolB.:F ormal aMnoSdde emlasn tics This omrJo errsees fl etchdteis v ibseitowanel egno riietnhatmne-dddoe rscription­ oriernetseedta hrcacathbn e w itneisnTs heedo rCeotmipcuatle ra nSidct i ence, seemneadt utrofoa lll iotw tfhoebrso eo Wkhse.r tehaveso lucmaens u sbeed ii PREFAEC indepetnhdeearnrmetea l niyyn, t erceosntnientcghts aihtoo tnwhs a t atrheea st wo reaalrlheyi gihnltye rTtowgienttehhdvee.or l,u gmieavsu e n iiqmuep reosfs ion reseiaTnrh ceho rCeotmipcuSatclei rea nsiic tpse r acttoidsIaenfydo fo. tr r eference purpwoesh eosp,e yuostue h ewbsioelot lkog s e atfe elfoirnt ght eh reeotwiocrakl thiagsto ionnig nt hmea ny ofifCe olmdpsuS tceireo nrtc ose i mspalytyy i osufr curiosity. Eacvho lucmoen soicfsl totssot e w ecnhtayp wtieetrahscc ,hh apdteevrot toae d represseunbtjoaefctc uitrv rreee nsteV aorlcuhAm.p e r estehnet smb aatseiorcni al modoecflos m putcaotmipoltneh,xe idotarysty ta,r uacnteduffi rceicseo nmtp utation inm anrye cogsnuibzdeids ocfTi hpeloirnCeeotsmi pcuaStlce ireV nocleuB.m e presentosf ma at ecorhntio haitelch ee oofar uyt oamnardte aw rsiytsitnteghm es , foundaotmfio odnepsrr no gralmamnignulgao ggfoeirpsc r,so gsrpaemc iafincda tion verificaatn iuomnbo,esf rt a unaddii meaesttd h e thmeoodreeoltafiid ncvgaa ln ced computing applichaatvieo onbrseg.ea nntB ioroz eteflhtde h cdveteo vleulmoeps­ menotfT heorCeotmipcuaStlce irefr nocmie t csl asrsoiocttaotsl h meo dern complexeittaiyncl-d ot gahipecpo rrotaofoc,hre e xsa mppalreaa,ln dldie slt ributed compuItnmi onscgta. s eesx taenbn isbilvieoh gabrsea eppnrh oyv tioad sesdii ns t fuhrestrt uodtfyh fi ee alndfid n dsipnegcs iocfiuedcr o cumfoerfun rttsrh eeferr ence. Specaitfitceh natbsie oenn tgoais vternu cdteuvreeldoo pftmh meean tte irnti hael varicohuaspi tne rostr omd aektreh H ea ndbloaorksg ee-llcfyo ntHaoiewnveedr., somfaem iliwairtCihot myp uStceirea ntac nue n derglreavdieauslsa stuem ed. Thwer itoiftn hHgia sn dbwoaosskt abryt eiadn ni toifta htpeiu vbel isher, who identthinefie eefoddra c ompreahneednn sciyvcel opeodnti hfceu ntdraemaetnitsael areoaTfsh eorCeotmipcuSatclei reT nhacede v.i bsooacrroydn sioAsft. MiRen.yg e r (CambrMiAd)g,Ne i,Mv (.aaP tr iMs.)S,. P(aCtoevreasnnotDdnr.P y e)r( rPianr is) waisn struimne ndteatfilhn ei nvegea rrsloiyfto hnHe a ndbporookjT ehcet . compplreotjee hcats trnheoaswtui ltnth eed pvroelsuhemangestrs o fawrbn e yond thlei moirtisg ifonreaslefolerynt hHea ndbaonoodkn ,lb ye caoufts hele o yal suppooafrl ctlo ntrcioblulteitanotgg hpu ere oshj aeiscbtt e epno ssticobo lmep lete thgei gatnatosifpkcr esetnhcteui rnrogev netro vftih ecewo arree oaTfsh eoretical ComputerI w Soculiliedtkn otec h ea.an laklu thors, btohaear ndtad hd ev isory editoraitaE ll sesSvtciaieffePr nu cbel ifosrht ehreisin rv alsuuapbplaoenr dt contritbotu hHteai nodnbspo rookj ect. Jv.a Lne euwen ManaEgdiintgo r Utre1c9h9t0, Lisotf C ontributtooV rosl ume A A.AVh.o A,&T TB eLlalb oireMasut,roH rria(lCyl5h ). R.BBo.p pNaneaYw,o Urnki v(eCrh1).s4 ity PhF.lj aolIeNtR,RI oAc,q u(eCn9h.)c ourt D.JSo.h nAs&oTnTB, e Llalb orMautroHrria(ilyCel2h s). , R.MK.a rUpin,v eorfCs ailtiByfe orr(knCeih1l)a.7e ,y ThL.e ngaUuneirv,P eardsei(rtCbh1ii)o.6t r n A.KL.e nsAt&TraTB, e Llalb orMaotrorr(iiCseh1t).s2o ,w n H.WL.e nsJtrUr,an ,i voefCr aoslriifnBtieyar ,k(C eh1l).2e y M.L iU,n ivoefWr astie(trCy4hl). o o K.M ehlhUonrin,vd eeSrsas airtSliiaatan rdbe(Crshu,.c k6e)n N.P ippeUnngiervo,efB r rsiCitotilysu Vhmna bcvioe(aurC,h1 ).5 V.R amachaUnndiravonefT,rx e saAisut,sy( tC h1i).7n R.R ivMesats,s aIcnhsuotsfTiec etthutntsoCe la romigbdMygA,(e C,h3). 1 JS.e eirfaUsin,v eorfRs oicth(yeC 3hs.)t er J.STc.h waCrotuzIr,na snetNt,ie Ytwou (rtCk8h ). M.S haCrioru,Ir nasntNtie Ytwou &rtT keeA ,liv Uvn iv(eCr8h)s. ity M.S ipMsears,s aIcnhsuotsfTiec etthutntsoCe la omgbMyrA,i( dC1hg).4e , V.S traUsnseinv,Ke ornss(iCtt1haii).1n t z A.T sakaUlinivdeiosrPf,s a it(trCyha .s 6) L.VGa. liHaanrtUv, naeirrvdsC iatmybM,rA i( dC1hg).8e , P. EvmadnBe o aUsn,i vvearAnssm itte(erCid1hta.) m Jv.a Lne euRweinj,k suUntir(veCec1hr)h.0 s ti teit P.MV.iBt.a CnW/yAi m,e srtdaUmn i&vv earAnssm itte(erCidhta. m4 ) J.VSi.t BtreroU,win nv ePrrsoivtiy(d,Ce 9hn).c e, RI F.F.X YearPooA,xR, P CaAlloCt A(o C,7h ). CHAPT1E R MachinMeo delasn dS imulations PetvearnE MDEB OAS DepartomfMe antth emaatniCdco sm puStceire nUcnei,v eorfsA imtsyt erdam. PlantMaugied erg2r4a1,c0 h1t8 AmsterNdeatmh,e rlaanndd s, CentforrMe a themTaaVtn iCdco sm puStceire nce, Kruis4l1a,3a1 n0 9S8J A msterNdeatmh,e rlands Contents Introduction 3 2I..S equentmiaaclh inmeo dels 16 3.Th es econmda chincel as.s 38 4.Pa rallmealc hinmeo delosu tsitdhee s econmda chincel ass 54 Acknoweldgment 60 Referenc.e s 61 HANDBOOK OF THEORETICALC OMPUTER SCIENCE Editebdy vanL eeuwen © ElsevJSi.ce ire nPcueb lishBe.rVs.1 ,9 90 MACHIMNOED ELASN DS IMULATIONS 3 1.I ntroduction Thset uodfcy o mputcaotmipolnreaexlqi uttihyra etsa gornoeenea ms o doefl computnaotrimocanal,lla lym e adc mhoidnfoeree le ff,ct uaaltgionrgUi ntfohrm­s. tunamtaenlyy dmiaffcehrmieonndethe albvsee pe rn opiotnsh epeda rsatn,g frionmg theordeetvilicictakehlTese u rmiancgh tiomn oero erl e rsesa lmiosdtoeirflca s n dom accmeascsh ainnpdea sr aclolmepluC toenrsse.q tuheeanrrtmeela ynn yo tioofn s computcaotmipolndeaexlpi etnyd,ti hmneag c hominon deoe nlle i tkoaed so apntd, there bsene oe mu nntioofot riomtof n iosmsr e p caocmep lIetnxh icithsya .pw tewe irl l expltohmreoe rf neud ameanstpaeolcf t cso mipmnla ecxhmiiotndyeae nladsd dress thqeu esttowi hoaentx ttehnet machcionmep-lmbeeaxasisetfoudyrr t ehvsea rious modealrse roerdl ieaffrteeWndet w .ii ldle ynt thuienf yiifnpgr inctihpbaliten sd machmiondeet losg etsheettrh eaompr a brytc ,r itoefer ffiicai foernmc uyt ual simulations. 1.T1.hi eni vaaonrcfc oem puctoamtpitlohenexaoilrt yy Iofn wea nttors e asonc oambpolumetex aistsuyur ceahsst htei maens dp ace consubmyae nad l gortihtoehnnmme u, ss tpi efpcyr ecwihsanetol tyio otfni asmn ed spaacreme e aTnhtce.o nventioonfta ilma enns dop tacicooemn psl weixtihtiyn theorceotmipcusatclei rea nrbceae s oendt he imploefma elngtoarotinit ohnm s abstmraacchtic naelmsla,ec dm hoidnTeehlse ts uo.df y commpelaesxiuinrrte eyas l compuitnseo prtus r siunte hde boercya,iu wtso eu ldt hmreae kseu lts dependent on existteicnhgna onlhdoa gryd pweacruel riaatrthihetaorinni e nss aingmdha tt hema­ tiecxaple rRiaetnhtceherr.,o s uugihtm aabclhmeio ndeeo lnaset tetmopp rtosv ide ar easonable oawfph paortnmo eix giehmxtap iteafirc oetcna o lm pwuetrueesrfo e rd onec'osm putations. Steivlielwfn,eb acsoem pltehxeiootnary by s tracotcf o inncsrteetaetd h mea chines, arbitroaftr hciehn oeoisfacsm e o dreelm aIiitnas stt . h piosi tnhtta hte nooft ion simuelnatIetwfrie spo .rn e smeunttus ailm ulbaettiwotenwesmon o dealngsdi ve estifomrta htteei sam nesd p ace overbhype eardfosr miinncgu rtrhweeeds e simulations, shoiwfan c tth at tahnsedp atccioemm ep leixntih ttewi oe sm doond oedtlie sffbr y more tthgheia vone vne frcahteToahrsdesi oz.tfe h oev erfahcetatoder ulsstl wosh at extaesnste ratbiocouontms p laerxmeia tcnyhe i-baanstdeow d h aetx ttehnaetry e machine-independent. Theex isotmfea nndcyiee ffr emnatc hmiondede olnesos nt e cesmseaatrnhit alhtye re arneou nifournmd ernloytiionofcgn o sm putcaotmipolnIeantxl hi teth ye.oo fr y computala atrvigaoerno i mfeo tdyae nlfodsr mcaall hcaubsle ie n ptrcooa ppotsuerde thneo toiefoeff nc tciovmep utTahthiiasnos oln te. ta aodp roliofecfro amtpiuotna tion theodrutietoe h sbe,a sfaictcth tahtpe r oposed hfoaravmlebal el seihns omtwsbon e equiviatnlh foeeln lto sweinnesgaec c:oh m putioannt foeir omna claibnses m i mulated byac omputiatnth oieto hfoner rm alFirsotmmh.e e q uivoanlceeo nnccetl huadtes i f ap robilusen ms olvoanpbeal ret miiocndu telhlaie,ritn as l usnos olfovraa lobltl hee r formalciozmepdud teivnitgcow e hsit chhpi asr timcoudilersale r l baytm eudt ual simulCaotnisoenqt.uh neeon ttoil(foyu n n )solvnaobrtie ladiletlpyyeo nntdd ho ee s 4 P.V ANE MDEB OAS model huasasel dl.ou wstIe ortd e ttuor inan nfo ramnaidln tusittoyiwlfvoe e r king, relyoinwn hgah ta bse cokmneo wanst h"ei nesusseeon"fCt H iUaRlCT HHE'SSI S: whatifeslev tteo re effbcety ci ovmep/uc tabanbeb r loewu igthththsi ecn oo fop neo eft he frommaold Tehlbesa .sm iocd oecflo sm puttahteimosrnee lmvoaenits nhs eh ,et lbofe usieafdn wdh enne edweetd e:at chhe set mooou dre lsastn utddh eenitrs hdaiss covery becohmies [t2or3y,T h ve5a 9l]io.Cdf hi cuthryT' hse isssio sm etwhhiincgh cannot be promvaetnh emaAttbi ectsahttle hl eycs.oi usl idn vbael biysd oamtceeo dn vincing counterbeusxtofaa rmn pocl oeu,n terheabxsea emnp ldei Aslfoclro mvaelrfoiersd m.s computhaabbvieelfoe iuntn tydso a stftiyht eh eWsewi isrl.el s tthreircoetufo rrsee lves tom odfoerlws h iCchhcu hrT'hse hsoilsd s. Whetnht eh eoocfro ym putcaotmipolnweaaxfolsiu tnydi entdh e early nineteen­ six[t4it3ehs]set uodmfya chmiondewe alrsse viMvoeddwe.hl ishc ahbd e sehno twon bec omputaetqiuoinvabalellceyadn miteeff r eangta siinn,tc heeh ya ddi effrent propewrirtteihse tpstoe i camtne sd p accoem plmeexaistAuylr asel osa .rc goel lection onfe mwo dwealissn turcoebdda,so entd he ex peraindeden vceel oiptnmh weeon rtlsd opfr acctoimcpaulTt hiennrogle .o nsgeeertm oebed au niforremol natsbiheitpw een thvea rimooudsle iltkshe e raett hwleae sov egfle necroamlp uttahbeiAollrisyto.y, clasmsaicchailn el imtkohedue ne alTrsuy r imnagc h[i2n12e03, ]a nMdi n'ssk y multicmoaucnh[ti18en1,r9e1 ]tu ronuettdob et ouon wifoerlm doyd erleianlgi stic computaantwdie orgners a dduiaslclaaysrv dieamdba lceh miondee ls. Depenodnti honejbg e ocntlesi tkmoea sn ipiutnlh caeot mep ut(antuimolbnieskr es nonneignatteiogvraeel r psh,a nsutmreitrnwimgocos d)e,l osb thaaaivd neoe mdi nant posiitnmia ocnh inceo-mbpalsteehxdei otryy : thoef fm-ullitnTierut iamnpagec h[]ilw,nh ei rcehp retshseetn atnsmd oadrfoedrl • stringc-oomrpiuetnaatntedid o n, threa ndomm aacc(hciRen)Aase Msis n trobdyCu ocoekd and[ 2Rw1ehc]ik,ch ho w • modtehliesd eaVloiNnze eudm asntny le computer. Buott hmeord weelrpser opaosws eealdnl wd e arcec epteadn dywi iffitchAuotlu tty . thsea mtei mdeu,rt ihneega rnliyn eteeno-nbseee cvaeamnwetao irtfeeh fa sec, tt h at somceo mplneoxtiistoeyne smt eohd a vame odel-imnedaenpTiehnnmegdo .es ntt imporottfha ennstoe t icoonnsce trhcnehe adr actoecfro imzpautftiaeaostnii boinlailt y ort ractability. Ap robilssea tmibo dfe ae siibfcliabetnes olivpneo dl yntoimmiesa tl(afo atrtse h de firtsitbm yeE dmo[n2ds6B ]ut)th .i s veryt orne oqttuihiooarnnte ie sd eeenmtsi fies am achmiondoeen wl h itchhi si mste iamseuT rhceerd u.fac ciitans lo t wh iiifsct :a b ne shotwhnra eta somnaacbhsliienm euesla acthe w oittphhoeilrny nobmoiuanld-etdi me overihftloe latodwh,tsa hp tea rtcihcouoifalmc aoerd i etnlh fien idoteffiae osni biisl ity irrealsle ovanasogn n tre,e mwaiinttshhr ieen ao lfr me asmonaacbhmlioend ee ls. Afu ndamental proibntl heem n,ei andreiltsyec eonav-sews reeelivdtlse h, ne t ies P= N?Pp robHleermPed. e notthceels a osfps r oblemsb yds eotlevrambilnei stic Turmiancgh iipnno elsy ntoimmaienaN,dlP d enotthceels oa pfsr so bsloelmvbsay b le nnodeterTmuirnmiianscgth iiicpnn o elsy ntoimmieaP.l= ? TNhqPeu esatsifokorsn thpP-owoenfro ndetearrmteih nepirrseom bw:lh eimacsn h o ndetemramcihniinset ic casno livnpe o lyntoimmiea,l c awnhnibocest ho livnep do lyntoimmibeay l ar easodneatbelremm iancihSsittnaiedtc?iee ffrde natrnelo yn:d eterministic machines feasifobrpl rea cctoimcpagul?t in MACHIMNOED ELS SAINMDU LATIONS 5 Thfenu damecnotmapll celxaistsye s bPe caapnmadero tfaNf Pnu damental hierLaOrGcShPyAN:CL EO,G SPAPC,NE PP,,S PAECXE,P TI.MA.En.,ad g ain thefaocretydh p er obtlheeamat oc tfhh ecsleah sasasme as chined-edfienpietnidoenn,t antdh eaffitc iseinmtu laarnteei eobdneesfod r ec aconln aeti hmta htec sleaa srsieen s facmta chnidneep-eainndrdee nptr efusnednatm ecnotnacloe fpc tosm putational complIestxe iettmhyse. r tehfocarotem pltehxeiaotsry yk w,ne oi wtto diabsya ,s ed on thfoel loawsisnugm ption. INVARITAHENSC"IESR :e aesm"oa ncahbcilasnnie msu loattwheie treaph a oiclnhy nomially bounodveedr hteiaamdnea dc i onn tsaftcatonovre rihsnep aadc e. 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This first part presents chapters on models of computation, complexity theory, data structures, and efficient computation in many recognized sub-disciplines of Theoretical Computer Science.
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