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Preview Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan: Warblers to Redstarts

HANDBOOK OF THE BIRDS OF INDIA AND PAKISTAN TOGETHER WITH THOSE OF BANGLADESH, NEPAL, SIKKIM, BHUTAN AND SRI LANKA SALIM ALI AND S. DILLON RIPLEY With contributions by T.J . Roberts Volume 8 WARBLERS TO REDSTARTS Synopsis Nos. 147 1 - 1680 Colour Plates 83-89 SECOND EDITION Sponrored by the Bombay Natural Hislofy Sociely DELHI OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS CALCUTTA CHENNAI MUMBAI INDEX TO THE VOLUMES BY RAMILY Salpornitinae (Sittidae), 9 Tichodromdinae (Sittidae), 9 htin names (for English names see back endpaper) Scolopacinae (Charadriidae), 2 Timaliinae (Murcicapidoe), 6-7 Sittidae, 9 Troglodytidae, 9 Accipitridae, 1 Jawnidae, 2 Sittinae (Sittidae), 9 Trogonidue, 4 Aegithalinae (Paridac), 9 Jynginae (Picidae), 4 Stercorariidae, 3 Turdinae (Muscicapidae), &9 Alaudidae, 5 Strigidae, 3 Turnicidae, 2 Alcedinidae, 4 Laniidae, 5 Sturnidae, 5 Tytoninae (~trigidae),3 Anatidae, I Laridae, 3 Sulidae, I Apdidae, 4 Sylviinae (Muscicapidae), 8 Upupidae, 4 Ardeidae, 1 Megapodiidae, 2 Artamidae, 5 Meropidae, 4 Thmkiornithidae, 1 Zosteropidae, 10 Monarchinae (Muscicapidae), 7 Bombycillidae, 5 Motacillidae, 9 Bucerotidae, 4 Muscicapidae, 6-9 Burhinidae,3 Monarchinae, 7 Muscicapinae,, 7 Campephagidae, 6 Pachycephalinae, 7 Capitonidae, 4 Sylviinae, 8 Caprirnulgidae,4 Tirnaliinae, 6-7 Carduelinae (Frinlqillidae), 10 Turdinae, 8-9 Certhiidae, 9 Muscicapinae, 7 Charadriidae, 2 Ciconiidae, I Nectariniidae, 10 Cinclidae, 9 Columbidae, 3 Oriolidae, 5 Coraciidae, 4 Otididae, 2 Cowidae, 5 Cuculidae, 3 Pachycephalinae (Muscicapidae), 7 Paridae, 9 Dicaeidae, 10 Parinae (Paridae), 9 Dicruridae, 5 Passerinae (Ploceidae), I0 Dromadidae, 2 Pelecanidae, 1 Phaethon tidae, I Emberizidae, 10 Phalacrocoracidae, I Estrildinae (Ploceidae), 10 Phalaropinae (Charadriidae), 2 Eurylairnidae, 4 Phasianidae, 2 Ph~enico~terjdaeI , Falconidae, I Picidae, 4 Fregatidae, I Picinae, 4 F~ingillidae, 10 Picumninac (Picidae), 4 Fringillinac (Fringillidac), 10 Pittidae, 4 Ploceidae, 10 Gaviidae, I Ploceinae (Ploceidie), 10 Glareolidae, 3 Podargidae, 4 Gruidae. 2 Podicipitidae, I Procellariidae, I Haernatopodidae, 2 Prunellidae, 9 Heliornithidae, 2 Psittacidae, 3 Herniprocninac (Apodidae), 4 Pteroclididae, 3 Hirundinidae, 5 Pycnonotidae, 6 Hydrobatidae, I Hypomliinae (Bornbycillidae), 5 Rallidae, 2 Recurvimstridae, 2 Jndicatoridae, 4 Remizinre (Paridae), 9 Irenidae, 6 Rootrrtulidae, 2 Oxford Univem'ly Press, Great Clarendan Stred, Oxfwd 0x2 ~ D P Oxford New York Athens Auckland Bangkok Calcutta Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Paris Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto and associates in Berlin Ibadan 0 Oxford University Press. 1973, revised 1991 Sdim ALI 1896 - 1987 Sidney Dillon FUPLEY 1913 Second edition 1997 ISBN 0 19 563657 0 Phototypeset hy -l'a,j Services Ltd., E-100, Sector-VI, Noida, U.P. Printed at Rekha Printers Yvt. Ltd., New Delhi 110020 and published by Manzar Khan, Oxford University Press YMCA Library Building. Jai Singh Road, New Delhi 110001 SYSTEMATIC INDEX Order PASSERIFORME(cSon t.) Family MUSCICAPIDAE (cont.) Subfamily SY LV I I NA E : Warblers 1471 Yellowbrowed Ground Warbler. Tcsia cyanivcntcr Hod son ............... 1472 Slatybellied Ground Warbler. Tesia oliuca (~c~lellan..s..). ............. 1473 Chestnut-headed Ground Warbler. Tcsia castancocoronata cartaruocoro- nata (Burton) ............................................ 1474 Palefooted Bush Warbler. Ccttia pallidipcspallidipcs (Blanford) .......... 1475 ssp. ojmastoni (Hartert) ...............:. ...................................... .............. 1476 Japanese Bush Warbler. Ccttia diphoru canturians (Swinhoe) 1477 Strongfooted Bush Warbler. Ccttia montanapallida (Brooks) .............. 1478 ss .f ortipcs (Hodgson) ........................................................ 1479 Large %ush Warbler. Ccttia major major (Moore) ............................ 1480 ssp. vafcr (Koelz) ............................................................... 1481 . 1580 Aberrant Bush Warbler. Ccttia j7avolivacca j7avolivacca (Hodgson) 1482 ssp. strcsnnanni (Koelz) ....................................................... 1483 akxandcri Ripley .......................................................... 1484 Hurne's Bush Warbler. Ccttia acanthizoidcs brunrusccns (Hurne) ........... 1485 Rufouscapped Bush Warbler. Ccttia brunnifrons whistlcri (Ticehurst) 1486 ssp. brunn~yrons( Hodgson) ................................................... 1487 ssp . muroidcs (Koelz) .......................................................... 1488 Cetti's Warbler. Ccttia cctti albivcntris Severtzov .............................. 1489 Spotted Bush Warbler. Bmajpkm thoracicurprzcvalskii (Sushkin) ...... 1490 ssp. thoracicus (Blyth) .......................................................... 1491 Largebilled Bush Warbler. BradyPtcnu major major (Brooks) .............. 1492 Chinese Bush Warbler. Bradyptcnu tacsanowskiur tacsanowskiur (Swinhoe) .............................................. 1493 Brown Bush Warbler. BradyPknu lukovcntris lutcovmtrir (Hdgson) .... 1494 Palliser's Bush Warbler. Braajptcnupalliscri (Bly th) ....................... 1496 Fantail Warbler. Cisticola cxilis c~throccphalaB ly th .......................... 1497 ssp . ~tlcrJie rdon ............................................................... 1498 Streaked Fantail Warbler. Cisticolaj udis cursifam (Franklin) .......... 1499 ssp. salimalii Whistler ........................................................ 1500 omalura Blyth ............................................................... 1500a malaya Lynes ............................................................... 1501 Rufous Wren-Warbler. Prinia rufcsccns rufcsccns Blyth ...................... 1502 Ashy-grey Wren-Warbler. Prinia hodgsonii rufula Gdwin-Austen ...... 1503 ssp . hodgsonii Bly th ............................................................. 1504 albogularis Walden ....................................................... 1505 prctoralis Legge ............................................................ 1506 Rufouslronted Wren-Warbler. Prinia buchanani Blyth ...................... 1507 Hodgson's Wren-Warbler. Prinia cinrrcocapilla Moore ...................... 1508 Streaked Wren-Warbler. Prinia gracilis lcpida Blyth ......................... 1509 ssp. slmrnsi Hartert ............................................................ 1510 Plain Wren-Warbler. Prinia subjlava tcm'color (Hurne). ..................... 151 1 ssp . inornata Sykes .............................................................. 1512 fusca (Hodgson) .......................................................... 1513 .f ranklinii Blyth ............................................................ 1514 inru1ari.v (Le.g r) .................................................. 151 5 shy wren-ivarh~rrk riniiiii,a /is steuurti ~ ~ y..t...h... .................... 1516 ssp . inglisi Whistler & Kintiear ............................................. 1517 sorialis Sy kes ............................................................... 15 18 brrnirauda Leg.g e ........................................................... 15 19 Jungle U'rcn- Warbler Prinia sylvatica gangctira (Blyth) .................... 1520 ssp . insi.cni.r (Hume) ........................................................... 152 1 svluatira Jerdon ............................................................ vi SYSTEMATIC INDEX 1522 mnlundrac Koelz ........................................................... 1523 ualida (Blyt h) .............................................................. 1524 Yellowbellied Wren.Warbler. Priniaflaviumtris sindiana Ticehurst ..... 1525 ssp./kruiumtrir (Delessert) ................................................... 1526 Brown Hill Warbler. Prinia crinigcr strintula (Hume) ........................ 1527 ssp. crinigtr Hodgson .......................................................... 1528 catharia Reichenow ....................................................... 1529 Blackthroated Hill Warbler. Prinia atrogulak atrogularis (Moore) ...... 1530 ssp. khiana (Godwin-Austen) ............................................. 1531 Longtailed Grass Warbler. Pnnia bumsii bumsii (Blyth) ................. 1532 ssp. cincruscm (Walden) ...................................................... 1533 Streaked Scrub Warbler. Scotocerca inquicta stnata (Brooks) ............... 1534 Large Grass Warbler. Graminicola bmgalmis btngalcnsisJ erdon .......... 1535 Tailor Bird. Orthotomu suhriur guzuratw (Latham). ......................... 1536 ssp. patia Hodgson ............................................................. 1537 lukur Ripley ................................................................ 1538 suforiu (Pennant) ........................................................ 1539 fcmndonis Whistler ...................................................... 1540 Blacknecked Tailor Bird, Orthotomur atrogularis nitidu Hume ............ 1541 Goldenheaded Tailor Bird, Orthotomu nuullah coronatu Bly th ......... 1542 Pallas's Grasshop r Warbler, Locustella ccrthiola ccnfralmiae Sushkin 1543 ssp. ruberrnu Eyth ............................................................. 1544 Streaked Grasshopper Warbler, Locurtella lanccolata (Temminck) ...... 1545 Eastern Grasshopper Warbler, Locurtella muia strarninca Seebohm ..... 1546 Broadtailed Grass Warbler, Schicolapla ura Uerdon) .................. 1547 Bristled Grass Warbler, Chaetomir sfriaN fierdon) ......................... I548 Striated Marsh Warbler, Mcgalurwpalutris toklao (Blyth) ................ 1549 Thickbilled Warbler, Acroccphalu cudon atdo0 (Pallas) ...................... 1550 Indian Great Reed Warbler, Acroccphalur shfortur brunncscm Uer- don) ........................................................ 1551 ssp. mcridio~lis(L egge) ...................................................... 1552 am ac Baker ................................................................ 1553 Eurasian &reat Reed Warbler, Acrocephalu arundinactur zanidnyi Hartert .................................................. 1554 Eastern Great Reed Warbler Anoccphalu orientalis (Ternminck & ~chle~e..l..). ................ .,. .......................... 1555 Blackbrowed Reed Warbler, Anoccphalus bisfrigiccps SwinhoP'.. .......... 1555a Asian Re'ed Warbler, Acroccphalu scirpaccu /"CUT (Hemprich & Ehrenberg) ............................................... 1556 Blyth's Reed Warbler, Acroccphlus dumctorurn Blyth ........................ 1557 Paddyfield Warbler, Anoccphalus agricola agricola Uerdon) ................ 1558 ssp. capisfrata (Severtzov) .................................................... 1559 Bluntwinged Paddyfield Warbler, Acrocephalus concinmr haringtoni Witherby ............................................... 1560 ssp. steumi Baker ............................................................... 1495 Moustached Sedge Warbler, Acroccphalus mclanopogon mimicw (Madarasz) ............................................ 1561 Largebilled Reed Warbler, Acroccphalu (stcnfortur) orinw Oberholser 156 1 a Sedge Warbler, Acroccphalu schocmbacnrr~( Linnaeus) ...................... 1562 Booted Tree Warbler, Hippolais caligata caligafa (Lichtenstein) .......... 1563 ssp. ram (Syk es) ............................................................... 1564 Upcher's Tree Warbler, Hippolais languida (Hemprich & Ehrenberg) 1564a Barred Warbler, Sylvia nisoria (Bechstein) ..................................... 1565 Orphean Warblrr, Syluia hork~ijcsr doni (Blyth) ............................. 1566 Whitethroat. Sylvia communis icftrops MCnttriZs ............................... 1567 Lesser Whitethroat. SB lvia curruca blytji Ticehurst & Whistler ........... 1568 ssp. halimodcndn ushkin ..................................................... 1569 minula Hume ............................................................... 1570 alfhum Hume .............................................................. 157 1 Desert Warbler, Sylma MM MM (Hem rich & Ehrenberg) .............. 157 I a MCnetries's Warbler, Syluia mysfacca dnktriks .............................. SYSTEMATIC INDEX vii 1573 Siberian Leaf Warbler. Phyllosc@us tmchiluryakutmis Ticehurst ........ 136 1574 Chiffchafi. Phylloscopur collybita collybita (Vieillot) ............................ 137 1575 ssp. tktk Blyth ................................................................. 138 1576 Sind ChiffchaBsindianur Brooks .................................................. 139 1577 Plain Leafwarbler. Phyllosc@~n~t glect~H ume .............................. 140 1578 Tyt Jer\ Leaf Warbler. Phyllosc@~~~t lcrBi rooks ............................ 142 1579 Tlckellls Leaf Warbler. Phylloscopur afinis (Tickell) ........................ 144 1581 Olivaceous Leaf Warbler. Phyllosc IU gke0h.f Blyth ....................... 146 I582 Smoky Leaf Warbler. Phylloscopur~ligiven&rluligiuen&r (Hodgson) .... 147 1583 ssp. tibefanuT icehurst ........................................................ 148 1584 Dusky Leaf Warbler. Phylloscopw furcah weigoldi Stresemann ........... 149 1585 ssp. maria Ripley .............................................................. 149 1586 furcatur (Blyt h) ................................................ < ........... 151 1587 Orangebreasted Leaf Warbler. Phylloscopurpulchcr kangrae Ticehurst 152 1588. 1589 ssp. pulchcr Bly th ........................................................... 153 1590 Yellowbrowed Leaf Warbler. Phylloscopur immafwh umi (Brooks). ..... 154 1591 ssp. mandcllii (Brooks) ........................................................ 156 1592 inomah (Blyth) .......................................................... 157 1593 Brooks's Leaf Warbler. Phylloscopur subviridis (Brooks). .................... 158 1594 . Pallas's Leaf Warbler. Phylloscopur proregulur simlaenris Ticehurst ....... 159 1595 ssp. chloro~tur( Gray) ......................................................... 161 1596 newtoni Gatke .............................................................. 162 1597 Greyfaced Leaf Warbler. Phyllosc~urm aculipennir uirnu Ticehurst ...... 162 1598 ssp. centralis Riplei ............................................................. 163 1599 maculipennis ( ly th) ...................................................... 163 1600 Arctic Leaf Warbler. Phyiloscoj~urb orealb borealis (Blasius) ................ 165 160 1 . Lar ebilled Leaf Warbler. Ph lloscopur magnirostris Bly th .................. 165 1602. 1572 kreenish Leal Warbler. dylloscopw trochiloides viridauu Blyth ...... 168 1603 ssp. ludlowi Whistler ........................................................... 170 1604 frochiloides (Sundevall) .................................................. 171 1605 nitidur Bly th ................................................................ 172 1605a Palelegged Leaf Warbler. Phylloscopur tenellipes Swinhoe ................... 173 1606 Large Crowned Leaf Warbler. Ph lloswpur m'pitalis ocC;pifalb (Blyt h) 174 1607 ssp. CORM^ (Temrnind 8 lchlegel) .................................... 176 1608 Crowned Leaf Warbler. Phylloscopur reguloides karhrniriensis Ticehurst 177 1609 ssp. reguloides (Blyth) .......................................................... 178 1610 arsomnris Hartert ........................................................ 179 161 1 claudiae (La Touche) .................................................... 180 1612 Blackbrowed or Yellowfaced Leaf Warbler. Phylloscopur cantator canhtor (Tickell) ........................................ 16 12a Radde's Leaf Warbler. Phylloscopur schwarzi (Radde). ...................... 1613 Allied Flycatcher.Warbler. Seicercur afinis (Hodgson) ..................... 16 14 Blackbrowed Flycatcher.Warbler. Sciurcur burkii whisfleri Ticehurst 1615 ssp. burkii (Burton) ............................................................ 1615a tephroccphalur (Anderson) ............................................... 16 16 Grey headed Flycatcher.Warbler. Seicercur xanthoschistos a1bosuper'- liaris (Jerdon). ........................................... 161 7 ssp. xanfhoschistos (Gray) ..................................................... 1618 Jlauogularis (Godwin-Austen) ......................................... 1619 fephrodirar Sick ............................................................. 1620 Greycheeked Flycatcher.Warbler. Seicercurpoliogenys (Blyth) ............ 1621 Chestnut-headed Flycatcher.Warbler. Seicercur cartaniccps carfaniceps (Hod son) .............................................. 1622 Yellowbellied ~l~ratcher.darblerA.b roscopw supemliaru fiuivrntris Uerdon) ................................................. 1623 ssp. drasticur Deignan ......................................................... 1624 Blackfaced Flycatcher.Warbler. Abroscopur schirficeps schisticeps (Gray) 1625 ssp.Jlnuimenfalu (Baker). ..................................................... 1626 Whitethroated Flycatcher.Warbler. Abroscopur albogularis albogularis (Horsfield & Moore) .................................. 1627 Broadbilled Flycatcher.Warbler. Abroscopur hodgsoni Aodgsoni (Moore) ... VII~ SYSTEMATIC INDEX 1628 Goldcrest. Rcgulw rcgulw t+tis Pleske .......................................... 1629 ssp. himalayensis Bonaparte .................................................. 1630 sikkimcnris R . & A . Meinertzhagen .................................. 1631 +umannrb Ri pon ....................................................... 1632 Crested it.Warbler. ~t~aR'lcc&gamPneval&..i.. ..................... 1633 Stoliczka's Tit.Warbler. Lcptopoccilc sophiac sophiac Severtzov ............ 1634 ssp. obscura Przevalski ......................................................... Subfamily T u R D I N A E : Thrushes and Chats 1635 Gould's Shortwing. Brach~ptqxst ellata stellata Could ...................... 1636 Rustybellied Shortwing. Brachyptqx hUpnythra Jerdon & Blyth ......... 1637 Rufousbellied Shortwing. Brachypteyx major major Uerdon) .............. 1638 ssp. albiucntris (Blanford). .................................................... 1639 Lesser Shortwing. Brachyptcyx Inrtophys nip& Moore ................. 1640 Whitebrowed Shortwing. Bracliyptqx monta~m ralir (Blyt h) ........... 164 1 Rufous Chat. Eythropygia galactotes familiaris (Mknktrits) ................. 1642 Nigh tingale. Enthocur mcgarhynchos ha&i (Severtzov) ...................... 1643 Ruby throat. Eritluuur calliope (Pallas) .......................................... 1644 Bluethroat. Eritluuur svccicur svccicur (Linnaeus) .............................. 1645 ssp. pallidogularis (Zarudny) ................................................. 16 46 abbotti (Richmond) ...................................................... 1646a saturatior (Sushkin). ...................................................... 1647 Himalayan Ruby throat. E r i t hp ccbrn~ispcctora1is (Could) ............ 1648 ssp. confusus (Hartert) ......................................................... 1649 tschcbauwi (Przevalski) .................................................. 1650. 165 1 Blue Chat. Enthatus brunneur b m n m( Hodgson) ....................... 1652 Firethroat. Enthocur pectardnu (David) ......................................... 1653 Siberian Blue Chat. Eritluuur gone cyanc (Pallas) ............................ 1654 Redflanked Bush Robin. E r i t b~ anururpallidior(B aker) .............. 1655 ssp. rujilatus (Hodgson) ...................................................... 1656 ganurur (Pallas) .......................................................... 1657 Golden Bush Robin. E r i t bc hysacur whutkri (Ticehurst). ............. 1658 ssp.chysacur (H~od0 sotnh) ... .................................................... 1659 Whitebrowed Bush E r i t hi d- idincr (Vieillot) ............. 1660 Rufousbellied Bush Robin. E r i t hh ypqthrur (Blyth) ................... 1661. 1663 Magpie.Robin. Copsych saularis saularis (Linnaeus) .................. 1662 ssp . ctylonnris Sclater ......................................................... 1664 andamanensis Hurne ....................................................... 1665 Sharna. Copsychus malabaricllr malabaricur (Scopoli) .......................... 1666 ssp. lcggci (Whistler) .......................................................... 1667 indicus (Baker) ............................................................. 1668 albivmtris (Blyth) ......................................................... 1669 Eversmann's Redstart. Phomicurur cylronoh (Eversrnann) ............. 1670 Blueheaded Redstart. Phicurur cae~l~occphal(uVs igors) ................ 167 1 Black Redstart. Phomicurur ochmrosphoenicuroidcs (Moore) ................. 1672 ss . ruJivcntrir (Vieillot). ...................................................... 1673 White f'r onted Redstart. Phomuurur phomicurur phocnicuw (Linnaeus) 1674 Hodgson's Redstart. Phocnuuw hodgsoni (Moore) ........................... 1675 Bluefronted Redstart. Phomicuw frontalis (Vigors) ......................... 1676 Whitethroated Redstart. Phocnicurur schirticcps (Gray). ..................... 1677 Daurian Redstart. Phanicurur ourorcur lmopterur (Blyth) .................. 1678 Giildenstadt's Redstart. Phocniurur cydrogartcrgrandis (Gould) ........ 1679 Plurnbeous Redstart. Rhyacornu fuliginosur/uligi~sru( Vigors) ........... 1680 Hodgson's Shortwing or Whitebellied Redstart. Hodgsoniurphimr- oidcs phanicuro~dcs( Gray) ............................. COLOUR PLATES Synopsis numbers in brackets (SE) = species extralimital (RE) = race extralimital Plate 83 I Cctfia pallidipes, Palefooted Bush Warbler (1474-1475) 2 Ccnia diphone, Japankse Bush Warbler (1476) 3 &trio montana, Strongfooted Bush Warbler (1477-1478) 4 Gnio f2ouoliuacca, Aberrant Bush Warbler (1481-1483) 5 Ccttio bmnnijionr, Rufouscapped Bush Warbler (1485-1487) 6 Cctfia major, Large Bush Warbler (1479-1480) 7 Ccttiu acanfhizoidcs, Hurne's Bush Warbler (1484) 8 Brodyph luteovmtrir, Brown Bush Warbler (1493) 9 Braaypfem palliscri, Palliser's Bush Warbler (1494) 10 Brodyph thoracituc, Spotted Bush Warbler (1489-1490) 11 Cettio utti, Cetti's Warbler (1488) 12 Acrocephalu bistrigiccps, Blackbrowed Reed Warbler (1555) 13 Bradyptcnrr major, Largebilled Bush Warbler (1491) 14 Acroccphalu aedon, Thickbilled Warbler (1549) 15 Brdypfem taaonowskilu, Chinese Bush Warbler (1492) 16 Acmccphalu dumctomrn, Blyth's Reed Warbler (1556) 17 Acroccphalu agricola, Paddyfield Warbler (1557- 1558) 18 Amphalu scirpamu, Asian Reed Warbler (1555a) 19 Acmccphalu shtorrur, Indian Great Reed Warbler (1550-1552) Plate 84 I SyIoia nirorio, Barred Warbler (1564a) 2 Syluia ammunu, Whitethroat (1566) 3 S/l& krh~uO, rphean Warbler (1565) 4 Syluia curmca minula, Lesser Whitethroat (1569) 5 ssp althaca of 1569 (1570) 6 ssp bbthi of 1569 (1567) 7 S/Iuia rwa, Desert Warbler (1571) 8 Ljthpoailr sophim, Stoliczka's Tit-Warbler (1633) 9 ssp obscura of 1633 (1634) 10 Rrgnlus ngulus, Goldcrest (1628- 1631) 11 SyIoio mjstucca, Mknttrits's Warbler (1571a) 12 L4ropocnh clrgam, Crested Tit-Warbler (1632) 13 Priniu die, Ashy Wren-Warbler (1516- 1518) 14 ssp stcmrti of I517 (1515) 15 P- cinncocdpilla, Hodgson's Wren- Warbler ( 1 507) 16 Phis nfwm, Rufous Wren-Warbler (1501) 17 Prinia hodlsonii, Ashy-grey Wren-Warbler (1502- 1505) Plate 85 I Loarrkk dwla, Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler (15 42- 1543) 2 &Atmicola plaQra, Broadtailed Grass Warblcr (1546) 3 Locwkllo m'a, Eastern Grasshopper Warblcr (1545) 4 ssp obscurior of 1545 (RE) 5 ~ckaiunup olutrir, Striated Marsh Warbler (1548) 6 CAarhnu slrinhu, Bristled Crass Warbler (1547) 7 f i b g rm'lu, Streaked Wren-Warbler (1508- 1509) 8 Prirti. buhri, Rubusfronted Wren-Warbler (1506) x COLOUR PLATES 9 Lonu&lla lanccolata, Streaked Grasshopper Warbler (1544) 10 Acroccphalur melanofigon, Moustached Sedge Warbler (1495) 11 Prinia atrogularir, Blackthroated Hill Warbler (1 529- 1530) 12 Priria mbjlova, Plain Wren-Warbler (1510- 1514) 13 Prinia syluatica, Jungle Wren-Warbler (1519- 1523) 14 ssp sindiana of 1525 (1 524) 15 Pnnia jlaviucntrir, Yellowbellied Wren-Warbler (1525) 16 ssp. n'ncrascm of 1531 (1532) 17 Pnnia bumcsii, Longtailed Grass Warbler (1531) 18 Scotocrrca inquicta, Streaked Scrub Warblcr (1533) 19 Prinia mhigcr, Brown Hill Warbler (1526-1528) 20 Cisticola juncidis, Streaked Fantail Warbler (1498-1500a) 21 Graminicola bmgalmir, Large Grass Warbler (1534) 22 Cisticola cxilis, Fantail Warbler (1496-1497) Plate 86 1 Hippolais languida, Upcher's Tree Warbler (1564) 2 Plryllorcopur ncglcchLI, Plain Leaf Warbler (1577) 3 Hippolais caligata, Booted Tree Warbler (1 562- 1563) .4 Ptylloscopur collybita, ChilTchalT (1574- 1576) 5 Ptylloscopur lytlcri, Ty tler's Leaf Warbler (1 578) 6 Phylloscop~o~f inis, Tickell's Leaf Warblcr (1579) 7 Ccttia Jlavolivacca, Aberrant Bush Warblcr (1481, 1580) 8 Ptylloscopur grircolur, Olivaceous Lcaf Warbler (1581) 9 Phylloscopur subvindis, Brooks's Lcaf Warbler (1593) 10 Phylloscopur inornatur, Yellowbrowed Leaf Warbler (15 90- 1592) 11 Phylloscopur Jiicahu, Dusky Leaf Warbler ( 1584- 1586) 12 Ptyllozcopur fuligium&r, Smoky Leaf Warbler (15 82- 1583) 13 Ptylloscopur schwarzi, Radde's Leaf Warblcr ( 16 12a) 14 Phylloscopur pulchcr, Orangebarred Leaf Warblcr (1588, 1589) 15 Phylloscopur porcgulur, Pallas's Leaf Warbler ( 1594- 15%) 16 Phyllo~copur wuuulipcnnis, Greylaced Leaf Warbler (1597- 1599) 17 Phylloscopur cantator, Blackbrowcd or Yellowfaced Leal Warbler (1612) 18 Phylloscopur occipitalir, Large Crowned Leaf Warbler (1606) 19 ssp coronatw of 1606 (1607) 20 Ptyllozcopur rcguloi&s, Crowned Leaf Warblcr (1608- 161 1) 21 Plr/lloscopw trochiloi&s, Greenish Leaf Warbler (1602- 1605; 1572) 22 Ptylloscopur mognirostrir; Largebilled Leaf Warbler (1601) Plate 87 I Rhipidura hybxantha, Yellowbellied Fantail Flycatcher (1450) 2 S ~ ~ ~ bCurYkiiT, B lackbrowed Flycatcher-Warbler (1614 - 1615a) 3 Abroscopvr alboguhrir, Whitethroated Flycatcher-Warbler (1626) 4 Abroscopur ~chirticrps, Blackfaced Flycatcher-Warbler (1624-1625) 5 S~~~CTaCJYJiTni r, Allied Flycatcher-Warbler (1613) 6 Abroscopur suprciliarir, Yellowbellied Flycatcher-Warbler (1622-1623) 7 Seiccrcur xanthoschistos. Greyheaded Flycatcher-Warbler (1616- 1619) 8 Culicicapo cryloncnris, Grcyheadcd Flycatcher (1449) 9 Selccrnu poliogmys, Greycheeked Fl ycatcher-Warbler (16 20) 10 Abroscopur hodgsoni, Broadbilled Flycatcher-Warbler (1627) I I Orthtornur sutonw. Tailor Bird ( 1535- 1539) 12 Orthotornw mcullatur, Goldenheaded Tailor Bird ( 1541 ) 13 &icemu cartaniceps, Chestnut-headed Flycatcher-Warbler (1621) 14 Orthotomur atrogulans, Blacknecked Tailor Bird ( 1540) 15 Trsia cyaniumkr, Yellowbrowed Ground Warbler (1471) 16 Tcria oliuro. Slatybellied Ground Warbler (1472) 17 Tesia cattammcomnata, Chestnut-headed Ground Warbler ( 1473) COLOUR PLATES Plate 88 1 Bmchyptcyx stcllata, Gould's Shortwing (1635) 2 Brachyptcyx hypcythra, Rust~belliedS hortwing (1636) 3 Brachyptcryx lcucophrys, Lesser Shortwing (1639) 4 Brachyptcryx major, Rufousbellied Shortwing (1637-1638) 5 Brachypteqx montana, Whitebrowed Shortwing (1640) 6 Erithow rmgarhynchos, Nightingale (1642) 7 Erithow calliope, Rubythroat (1643) 8 Erithanu pectoralis, Himalayan Ruby throat (1647- 1649) 9 Erithanu svccicw, Bluethroat (1644- 1646a) 10 Erithow pcctardm, Firethroat (1652) I I Enthocur bnmwur, Blue Chat (1650, 1651) 12 Erithanu cyaw, Siberian Blue Chat (1653) 13 Eridacus indicur, Whitebrowed Bush Robin (1659) 14 Erithow cyanunu, Redflanked Bush Robin (1654-1656) 15 Erithacw chrysacur, Golden Bush Robin (1657-1658) 16 lrania gutturalis, Whitethroated Robin (SE) 17 E r i t h hypcythnu, Rufousbellied Bush Robin (1660) Plate 89 1 Erythropygia galactotcs, Rulous Chat (1641) 2 Phocnicunu eythronotw, Eversmann's Redstart (1669) 3 Phocnicunu ochruros nrfiventris, Black Redstart (1672) 4 ssp phomicuroidcs of 1672 (1671) 5 Phocnicunu cacrulcoccphalur, Blueheaded Redstart (1670) 6 Phocnicunu phoenicunu, Whitefronted Redstart (1673) 7 Phocnicunu hodgsoni, Hodgson's Redstart (1674) 8 Phocnicunu frontalis, Bluefronted Redstart (1675) 9 Phocnicunu schisticcps, Whitethroated Redstart (1676) 10 Phornicunu cythrogarter, Giildenstadt's Redstart (1678) I I Phomicum ourorcur, Daurian Redstart (1677) 12 Rhyacornu Juliginosur, Plumbeous Redstart (1679) 13 Hodgsoniw phocnicuroidcs, Hodgson's Shortwing or Whitebellied Redstart (1680) 14 Cinclidiurn lcucururn, Whitetailed Blue Robin (1681) 15 Cinclidium frontale, Bluefronted Robin (1682) 16 Saxicoloidcs Julicata, Indian Robin (17 20- 172 1) 17 sspcarnbairnrisof1720 (1717-1719) 18 Ccrcornela Jurca, Brown Rock Chat (1692) 19 Chairnowornis lcucoccphalur, Whitecapped Redstart or River Chat (1716)

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