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Preview Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan: Robins to Wagtails

HANDBOOK OF THE BIRDS OF I N D I A AND PAKISTAN TOGETHER WITH THOSE OF BANGLADESH, NEPAL, SIKKIM, BHUTAN AND SRI LANKA SALIM ALI AND S. DILLON RIPLEY With contributions by T. J. Roberts Volume 9 ROBINS TO WAGTAILS Synopsis Nos. 168 1 - 189 1 With Nine Colour Plates SECOND EDITION Sponsored by the Bombay Natural Histoty Socic~ DELHI OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS CALCUTTA CHENNAI MUMBAI 1998 INDEX TO THE VOLUMES BY FAMILY Salpornitinac (Sittidae), 9 ~ ~ r o m d i (nSiuttid ac), 9 Lotin narr (for English names see back endpaper) Soolopaanae (Churdriidae), 2 Tipdiinae (Mdupidae), 6-7 Sittidac, 9 Troglodytjd.c* 9 Accipitridae, 1 Jatpnidae, 2 Sittime (Sittidae), 9 Trql~nidu,4 Aegithalinae (Paridac), 9 Jynginae (Picidae), 4 Stcrmmriidac, 3 Turdinae (Mumciupidu), 8-9 Alaudidae, 5 Strigidre, 3 Turnicidae, 2 Alcedinidae, 4 Sturnidae, 5 Tytoninre (~trigid8t),9 Anatidae, 1 Sulidae, I Apodidae, 4 Sylviinac (Muaciapidae), 8 Ardeidae, I Mqapodiidae, 2 Artamidae, 5 Meropidiu, 4 Monarchinae (Muscicapidae), 7 Bombycillidae, 5 Motacillidae, 9 Bucerotidae, 4 Muscicapidae, 6 9 Burhinidae,3 Monarchinae, 7 Muscicapinae, 7 Campcphagidae, 6 Pachycephalinae, 7 Capitonidae, 4 Sylviinac, 8 Caprirnulgidae,4 Timaliinae, 6 7 Carduelinae (Fringillidae), 10 Turdinae, &9 Certhiidae, 9 Muscicapinae, 7 Charadriidae, 2 Ciconiidae, 1 Nectariniidae, 10 Cinclidae, 9 Columbidac, 3 Oriolidae, 5 Coraciidae, 4 Otididae, 2 Corvidae, 5 Cuculidae, 3 Pachycephalinae (Muscicapidae), 7 Paridae, 9 Dicacidae, 10 Parinae ( Paridae), 9 Dicruridae, 5 Passerinae ( Plooeidae) , 10 Dmmadidae, 2 Pelee~nidae, 1 Phaethontidae, 1 Emberizidae, 10 Phalacmcoracidae, 1 Estrildinae (Plmidae), 10 Phalaropinac (Charadriidae), 2 Eurylaimidae, 4 Phasianidae, 2 ~hocniw~tendaeI , Falconidae, I Picidae, 4 Fregatidae, I Picinae, 4 Fringillidae, 10 Picumninae (Picidae), 4 Fringillinae (Fringillidae), 10 Pittidae, 4 Ploceidae, 10 Gaviidae, I Pluceinac ( Ploccidbc) , 10 Glareolidae, 3 Podargidae, 4 Gruidae, 2 Podicipitidae, 1 Rocellariidae, 1 Haematapodidae, 2 Prunellidae, 9 Heliornithidae, 2 Rittacidae, 3 Hemiprocninu ( Apodidae), 4 Reroclididae, 3 Hirundinidae, 5 Pycnonotidae, 6 Hydrobatidae, 1 Hypoaoliinae (Bornbycillidae), 5 Rdlidae, 2 Recurvimtridae, 2 Remizinae ( Paridae), 9 Rmtratulidae, 2 Oxford University Press, Geat Clarendon Street, Oxfwd OX2 6DP Oxford New York Athens Auckland Bangkok Calcutta Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Paris Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto and associates in Berlin Ibadan O Oxford University Press, 1973, revised 1997 Silim ALI 1896-1987 Sidney Dillon RIPLEY 1913 First published 1973 Second edition 1998 (revised to 30 April 1992) ISBN 0 19 563695 3 Phototypeset by Taj Services Ltd., E-100, Sector-VI, Noida, U.P. Printed at Rekha Printers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 110 020 and published by Manzar Khan, Oxford University Press YMCA Library Building,,Jai Singh Road, New Delhi 110 001 SYSTEMATIC INDEX Order PASSERIFORM(EcSon t.) Family MUSCICAPIDA(cEon t.) Subfamily T u R D I N A E : Thrushes and Chats (cont.) Whitetailed Blue Robin. Cinclidium leucururn (HodP :s on) ................... ........................ Bluefronted Robin. Cintlidiumfrontalef rontale Blyt ssp . o h t a h( Delacour & Jabouille) ..................................... Hodgson's Grandala. Grandala coeluolor Hodgson ........................... Little Forktail. Enhrus scoulni scouleri Vigors ................................. Blackbacked Forktail. Enicurus immuculatus (Hodgson) .................... Slatybacked Forktail. Enicurus schirtocc~ls( Hodgson) ....................... Leschenault's Forktail. Enicurus leschenaulti i n d hH artert ................ Spotted Forktail. Enicurus manrlahu maculahu Vigors ....................... ssp . guttah Gould ............................................................. Purple Cochoa. Cochoapurpurea Hodgson ................................. Green Cochoa. Cochoa viridis Hodgson .......................................... Brown Rock Chat. Cercomclaf usca (Blyth) ..................................... Stoliczka's Bush Chat. Saxicola mocrorhyncha (Stoliczka) ................... Hodgson's Bush Chat. Saxicola inrignis Gray .................................. Collared Bush Chat. Saxuola torquata maura (Pallas) ........................ ssp. p rzevaldii (Pleske) ....................................................... ssp . indica (Blyth) .............................................................. ssp . stejnegeri (Parrot) ......................................................... Whitetailed Bush Chat. Saxicola leucura (Blyth) .............................. Pied Bush Chat. Saxicola caprata bicolor Sykes ................................. ssp . burrnanica Baker ........................................................... ssp . nilginemis Whistler ....................................................... ssp . atrata (Kelaart) ........................................................... Jerdon s Bush Chat. Saxicola jerdoni (Blyth) ................................... Dark- rey Bush Chat. Saxicolafcka Gray ..................................... ~sabelfinec hat. Oenanthe irabellina (Temrninck) ............................. Redtailed Chat. Oenanthe xanthoprymna kingi (Hume) ....................... Wheatear. Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe (Linnaeus) ............................. Desert Wheatear. Oenunthe deserti oreophila (Oberholser). .................. ssp. deserti (Temminck) ....................................................... Barnes's Chat. Oenanthejnschii banusi (Oates) ............................... Pied Chat or Variable Wheatear. Oenanthepicata (Blyth) ................. Hooded Chat. Oenanthe monacha (Temminck). ................................ Hume's Chat. Ocnanthe alboniger (Hume) ...................................... Pleschanka's Chat. Oenanthe pleschnka pleschanka (Lepechin) ............ Whitecapped Redstart or River Chat. Chaimarrornis lcucocephalur (Vigors) ................................................ Indian Robin. Saxicoloida fulicata cambaiensis (Latham) .................... ssp . erythrura (Lesson) ......................................................... ssp. intenncdia Whistler & Kinnear ........................................ ssp. f ulicata (Linnaeus) ....................................................... . leucoptera (Lesson) ........................................................ Rock hrush. Monticola saratilis (Linnaeus) .................................. Blueheaded Rock Thrush. Montuola cinclorhynchur (Vigors) .............. Chestnutbellied Rock Thrush. Monticola rujventris (Jardine & Selby) Blue Rock Thrush. Monticola solitanus longirostris (Blyth) .................. ssp$+ (Stkes) ............................................................. Ceylon hlstllng hrush. Myiophonur blighi (Holdsworth) ............... Malabar Whistling Thrush. Mi io phonus horsjieldii horsJicldii (Vigors) Blue Whistling Thrush. Myiop onur caerulm temminckii (Vigors) ........ vi SYSTEMATIC INDEX 1730 ssp. eugenei (Hume) ............................................................ 1731 Pied Ground Thrush. Zoothera wardii (Blyth) ................................. 1 732 Whitebrowed Ground Thrush. Zoothra sibirica sibirica (Pallas) ......... 1732a ssp. davisoni (Hurne). .......................................................... 1733 Orangeheaded Ground Thrush. Zoothera citrina citrina (Latham) ....... 1734 ssp. cyanotus (Jardine & Selby) ............................................. 1735 ssp. andamanemis (Walden) .................................................. 1736 ssp. albogularis (Blyth) ........................................................ 1737 SP o ttedwinged Ground Thrush. Zoothera spiloptera (Blyth) ............... 1738 P ainbacked Mountain Thrush. Zoothera mollissima whitehadi (Baker) 1739 ssp. mollissima (Blyth) ......................................................... 1740 Longtailed Mountain Thrush. Zoothtra dixoni (Seebohm). ................ 1741 Srnallbilled Mountain Thrush. Zoothera dauma dauma (Latham) ........ 1742 ssp. ncilgheninrsis (Blyth). .................................................... 1743 ssp. imbricata Layard .......................................................... 1 744 . aurea (Holandre) ......................................................... 1745 Large rown Thrush. Zoothera monticola monticola Vigors .................. 1746 Lesser Brown Thrush. Zoothera marginata Blyth .............................. 1747 Blackbreasted Thrush. Turdus dissimilis dissimilis Blyth .................... 1748 Tickell's Thrush. Turdus unicolor Tickell ........................................ 1749 Whitecollared Blackbird. Turdus albocinctur Royle ........................... 1750 Greywinged Blackbird. Turdus boulboul (Latham) ........................... 1 75 1 Blackbird. Turdus merula intenncdius (Richmond) ............................. 1752 ssp. maximus (Seebohrn) ..................................................... 1753. 1754 ssp. nigropileus (Lafresnaye) ................................................. 1755 ssp. simillimus Jerdon .......................................................... .................................................... 1756 ssp. bourdilloni (Seebohrn) . ......................................................... 1757 ssp kinnisii (Kelaart) 1758 Greyheaded T.h. rush. Turdus rubrocanus rubrocanus Hodgson ............... 1759 ssp. gouldzz (Verreaux) ........................................................ 1760 Kessler's Thrush. Turdur kessleri Przevalski ................................... 1 761 Fea's Thrush. Turdusf eai (Salvadori) ........................................... 1762 Dark Thrush. Turdur obscum Grnelin ........................................... 1763 Redthroated Thrush. Turdus rufuollis atrogularis Jarocki ................... ............................................................. 1 764 nrficollis Pallas ........................ 1765 Dusky hrush. Turdus naumanni Gunomus Ternrninck . 1 766 Fieldfare. Turduspilaris Linnaeus ................................................ ................................................ 1767 RedwinI Turdus iliacur Linnaeus 1768 Mistle hrush. Turdus viscivom bornC a rtei Cabanis .......................... 1 768a Song Thrush. Turdur philomelos (Bre rn) ...................................... Family TROGLODYTIDAWEr:e ns ........................... 1769 Wren. Troglodytes troglodytes magrathi (Whitehead) 1770 ssp. neglectus Brooks ............................................................ . ............................................................ 1771 ssp nipalmis Blyth Family C I N c L I D A E: Dippers ................................... 17 72 Dipper. Cinclur cinclur leucogaster Bonaparte 1773 ssp. carhmerictrsis Gould ....................................................... 1774 ssp. Q rzewalskii Bianchi ....................................................... 1775 Brown D 'lI per. Cinclur pallasii huirosttis Bonaparte ........................ 1776 ssp. ojei Kinnear ............................................................. Family P R v N E L L I D A E: Accentors or 'Hedge Sparrows' 1777 Alpine Accentor. Pmnella collaris @lab (Severtzov) ....................... 1778 ssp ......................................................... 1779 17 80 Altai (Blyth) .................................... 1781 Robin Accentor, Pnuvlla mbmloida (Moore) ................................ SYSTEMATIC INDEX ............. 1 782 Rufousbreasted Accentor. Prunella strophiata jerdoni (Brooks) .......................................................... 1783 ssp. strophiata (Blyth) .................. 1784 Brown Accentor. Prunella fulvescenr fulvescem (Severtzov) 1785 ssp. surhkini Collin & Hartert ............................................... ........................................................... 1785a ssp. ocularis (Radde) .............. 1786 Blackthroated Accentor. Ptunella atrogularir hutbni (Moore) 1787 ssp. atrogularis (Brandt) ...................................................... .................. 1787a Siberian Accentor. Prunella montanella montanella (Pallas) ................. 1 788 Maroonbacked Accentor. Prunella immaculata (Hodgson) Family PARIDAET:i ts or Titmice Subfamily PAR I N A E: True Tits 1789 Sultan Tit. Melanochlora sultanea sultanca (Hodgson) ......................... 1790 Grey Tit. P a w m ajor ziaratenris Whistler ....................................... 1791. 1792 ssp . ca~chmirenrisH artert ..................................................... ....................................................... 1793 ssp. nipalenris Hodgson 1794 ssp . stupae Koelz ................................................................ ...................................................... 1795 ssp . mahrattarum Hartert .............................................................. 1796 ssp. vauriei Ripley . .......................................................... 1797 ssp tibetanw Hartert 1798 Whitewinged Black Tit. P a w n uchalis Jerdon ................................ 1799 Greenbacked Tit. P a mm onticolus monticolw Vigors ......................... 1800 Yellowbreasted Blue Tit. P a mc yanwjlavipectur Severtzov ............... 1800a ssp . tianrchaniw (Menzbier) ................................................ 1801 Blackbibbed Tit. P a w h ypennelus (Berezovski & Bianchi) ................ 1802 Crested Black Tit. P a mm elanolophu Vigors .................................. 1803 Coal Tit. P a w a ter aemodiur Hodgson ........................................... 1804 Simla Black Tit. P a w rufonuchalis Blyth ....................................... 1805 Rufousbellied Crested Tit. P a w rubidiventrir rubidir~entrisB lyth .......... 1806 ssp. beavani Uerdon) ........................................................... 1806a ssp. saramatii Ripley ........................................................... 1807 Brown Crested Tit. Panu dichrour kangrae (Whistler) ....................... 1808 ssp . dichrour Hodgson ......................................................... 1809 Yellowcheeked Tit. P a mx anthogenys xanthogenys Vigors ................... 1810 ssp. aplonotw Blyth ............................................................. 181 1 ssp. travancoremrir (Whistler & Kinnear) ................................ 18 12 Blackspot ted Yellow Tit. Parw spilonotus spilonohcs Bonaparte ............ 1812a ssp . subvindir Blyth ............................................................ 18 13 Yellowbrowed Tit. Sylvipam modestus simlacnris Baker ...................... 1814 ssp. modcstw Burton ........................................................... Subfamily R EM I z I N A E: Penduline Titmice 18 15 Firecapped Tit. C~hulopynu~ammiccps_f2ammue(pBsu rton) .............. 1816 ssr. oliuanvr Rothschild ...................................................... 18 17 Pendu ~ nTei t. Remiz pcndulinur coronatus (Severtzov) ....................... Subfamily A E c ITH A L I N A E: hngtailed Titmice 181 8 Redheaded Tit. Aegithulos continnus iredalei (Baker) .......................... 1819 ssp . rubticapillus (Ticehurst) ................................................. 1820 ssp . manipurmir (Hume) ..................................................... 182 1 Whitecheeked Tit. Aegithalos leucogmys (Moore) ............................. 1822 Whitethroated Tit. Aegithalos niueogularis (Gould) ........................... 1823 Rufousfronted Tit. Aegithulos wurchistos iouschishs (Hodgson) ............ Family S ITTID A E : Nuthatches and Wall Creepers Subfamily S ITTIN A E : Nuthatches ...................... 1824 Common Nuthatch. Sitta curopaea cahmirmris Brooks 1825 ssp . sinensis Verreaux .......................................................... ... WII SYSTEMATIC INDEX ssp. nagcrcnriJ Godwin.Austen ............................................... Chestnutbellied Nuthatch, Sitta castanea almorac Kinnear & Whistler ssp. n'nnamoventris Blyth ....................................................... ssp. koelzi Vaurie ............................................................... ssp. castanea Lesson ............................................................ ssp.pratm' Whistler & Kinnear ............................................ Whitecheeked Nuthatch, Sitta leuco sis leucopsis Gould ..................... ssp. p rzewalskii Berezovski & &anchi ................................... Whitetailed Nuthatch. Sitta himalayemis himalaycnsis Jardine & Selby ssp. awtralis Koelz ............................................................. Eastern Rock Nuthatch. Sitta tcphronota tcphronota Sharpe ................. Beautiful Nuthatch. Sitta fomosa Blyth ......................................... Velvetfronted Nuthatch. Sitta frontalis frontalis Swainson .................. Subfamily TICHODROMADINWAaEll: Creepers 1839 Wall Creeper. Tichodroma muraria nepalensis Bonaparte ..................... Subfamily S A L P o R N ITH IN A E : Spotted Creepers 1840 Spotted Grey Creeper. Salpomir spilonotw rajputancu R . & A . Mein- ertzhagen ................................................. 1841 ssp. spilonotw (Franklin). ..................................................... Subfamily C E R T H I D A E: Tree Creepers Tree Creeper. Certhia familiaris hodgsoni Brooks .............................. ssp. mandcllii Brooks ........................................................... ssp. khamcnsis Bianchi ......................................................... Himalayan Tree Creeper. Certhia himalayana limes Meinertzhagen ..... ssp. tmiura Severtzov. ........................................................ ssp. himalaya~V igors ......................................................... ssp. injma Ripley ............................................................... Sikkim Tree Creeper, Certhia discolor discolor Blyth .......................... ssFm anipurmsi.s Hume ....................................................... Nepal ree Creepr Certhia nipalmsis Blyth .................................... Family MOTACILLIDAPEip:i ts and Wagtails Indian Tree Pipit. Anthw hodgsoni hodgsoni Richmond ...................... ssp. y unnamis Uchida & Kuroda ......................................... Tree Pipit. Anthw trivialis trivialis (Linnaeus) ................................. ssp. haringtoni Witherby ...................................................... Meadow Pi !it . Anthw pratemis (Linnaeus) .................................... Paddyfield ipit. Anthw nouaeseelandiae richardi Vieillot ..................... ssp. waitei Whistler ............................................................ ssp. mjiulw (Vieillot) .......................................................... ssp. malaymis Eyton .......................................................... Tawny Pipit, Anthw campest* campest* (Linnaeus) ........................ ssp. kastschenkoi Johansen .................................................... Blyth's Pipit, Anthw godlmskii (Taczanowski) ............................... Redthroated Pipit, Anthtu cminur (Pallas). .................................... Vinaceousbreasted Pipit, Anthw roscatw Blyth ............................... Indian Rock Pipit, Anthus similis decaptus Meinertzhagen .................. ssp. j erdoni Finsch .............................................................. ssp. sirnilis Jerdon .............................................................. ssp . trauancoriatis Ripley ..................................................... Nilgiri Pipit, Anthur nilghirienris Sharpe ......................................... Water Pi pit , Anthw spinolctta coutellii Audouin ................................ ssp .d ' aponicus Temminck & Schlegel ...................................... Upland ipit, Anthw sylvanur (Hodgson). ...................................... Forest Wagtail, Motacilla indica Grnelin ........................................ Yellow Wagtail, MotatillaJIava thunbergi Bill berg ............................ SYSTEMATIC INDEX 1875a ssp. simillima Hartert .......................................................... . .............................................................. 1876 ssp betma (Sykes) . ............................................................. 1877 ssp lutea (Gmelin) . z .................................................. 1878 ssp melanogrisea (Home er) . ................................................. 1879 ssp bucocephala (Pneva ski) 1880 ssp. taiuam (Swinhoe) ......................................................... 1881 Yellowheaded Wagtail, Motacilla citreola citreola Pallas ..................... 1882 ssp. werue (Buturlin) .......................................................... . ........................................................ 1883 ssp calcarata Hodgson 1884 Grey Wagtail, Motacilla cinerea cinerea Tunstall ............................... .............................. 1885 White Wagtail. Motacilla alba dukhuncnris Sykes 1886 ssp .p ersonata Gould ............................................................ 1887 ssp . alboides Hodgson .......................................................... 1888 ssp. leucopsis Gould ............................................................. 1889 ssp . ocularis Swinhoe ........................................................... 1890 ssp . baicalensis Swinhoe ....................................................... ...................... 1891 Large Pied Wagtail, Motacilla madera.@atensis Gmelin COLOUR PLATES Synopsis number in brackets (SE) = Species extralimital (RE) = race extralimital PLATE 90 1 Erythropygia galactotes, Rufous Chat ( 1641) 2 Phoenicurus erythronotus, Eversmann's Redstart (1669) 3 Phoenicurus ochruros ruJiventris, Black Redstart (1672) 4 Phoenicurus ochruros phoenicuroides, Black Redstart (1671) 5 Phoenicurus caeruleocephalus, Blueheaded Redstart (1670) 6 Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Redstart ( 1673) 7 Phoenicurus hodgsoni, Hodgson's Redstart (1674) 8 Phoenicurus frontalis, Bluefronted Redstart (1675) 9 Phoenicurur schisticeps, Whitethroated Redstart ( 1676) 10 Phoenicums elythrogaster, Giildenstad t's Redstart ( 1678) 11 Phoenicurus auroreus, Daurian Redstart (1677) 12 Rhyacornis fuliginosus, Plumbeous Redstart (1679) 13 Hodgsonius phoenicuroides, Hodgson's Shortwing (1680) 14 Cinclidium leucurum, Whitetailed Blue Robin (16 8 1) 15 Cinclidium frontale, Bluefronted Robin ( 1682) 16 Saxicoloides fulicata, Indian Robin ( 1720) 17 Saxicoloides f. cambaienris, Indian Robin (17 17) 18 Cercomela fusca, Brown Rock Chat (1692) 19 Chaimarrornis leucocephalw, Whitecapped Redstart or River Chat ( 17 16) PLATE 91 1 Copsychus malabaricus, Shama ( 1665) 2 Copsychus m. albiventris, Shama (1668) 3 Grandala coelicolor, Hodgson's Grandala ( 1683) 4 Copsychw saularis, Magpie-Robin (16 61) 5 Enicums scoulcri, Little Forktail (1684) 6 Enicurus schistaceus, Slatybacked Forktail (1686) 7 Enicums immaculatus, Blackbacked Forktail ( 1685) 8 Enicums maculatus, S otted Forktail (1688) 9 Enicum leschenaulfi, Leschenault's Forktail (1687) 10 Cochoa viridis, Green Cochoa (1691) 1 1 Cochoa purpurca, Purple Cochoa (16 90) 12 Md iophonus blighi, Ceylon Whistling Thrush (17 27) 13 yiophonur horsfuldii, Malabar Whistling Thrush (1 728) 14 Myiophonus cueruleus, Blue Whistling Thrush (1729) PLATE 92 1 Saxicola rnacrorhyncha, Stoliczka's Bush Chat (1693) 2 Saxicola forquata, Collared Bush Chat (1697) 3 Saxicola t. pr~evalskii,C ollared Bush Chat (1696) 4 Saxicola inrignis, Hodgson's Bush Chat ( 1694) 5 Saxicola caprata, Pied Bush Chat (1701) 6 Saxicola jerdoni, Jerdon's Bush Chat ( 1 704) 7 Saxicola leucura, Whitetailed Bush Chat ( 1699) 8 Saricola ferrea, Dark-grey Bush Chat (1705) 9 Oenanthc oenantlu, Wheatear (1 708) 10 Ocnantlu habcllina, Isabelline Chat ( 1706) 1 1 Ocnantlu xanfhoprymna, Redtailed Chat ( 1707)

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