BijayaKetanPanigrahi,YuhuiShi,andMeng-HiotLim(Eds.) HandbookofSwarmIntelligence Adaptation,Learning,andOptimization,Volume8 SeriesEditor-in-Chief Meng-HiotLim NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore E-mail:[email protected] Yew-SoonOng NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore E-mail:[email protected] Vol.1.JingqiaoZhangandArthurC.Sanderson AdaptiveDifferentialEvolution,2009 ISBN978-3-642-01526-7 Vol.2.YoelTenneandChi-KeongGoh(Eds.) ComputationalIntelligencein ExpensiveOptimizationProblems,2010 ISBN978-3-642-10700-9 Vol.3.Ying-pingChen(Ed.) ExploitationofLinkageLearninginEvolutionaryAlgorithms,2010 ISBN978-3-642-12833-2 Vol.4.AnyongQingandChingKwangLee DifferentialEvolutioninElectromagnetics,2010 ISBN978-3-642-12868-4 Vol.5.RuhulA.SarkerandTapabrataRay(Eds.) Agent-BasedEvolutionarySearch,2010 ISBN978-3-642-13424-1 Vol.6.JohnSeifferttandDonaldC.Wunsch UnifiedComputationalIntelligenceforComplexSystems,2010 ISBN978-3-642-03179-3 Vol.7.YoelTenneandChi-KeongGoh(Eds.) ComputationalIntelligenceinOptimization,2010 ISBN978-3-642-12774-8 Vol.8.BijayaKetanPanigrahi,YuhuiShi,andMeng-HiotLim(Eds.) HandbookofSwarmIntelligence,2011 ISBN978-3-642-17389-9 Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi,Yuhui Shi, and Meng-Hiot Lim (Eds.) Handbook of Swarm Intelligence Concepts,Principles and Applications 123 Dr.BijayaKetanPanigrahi Dr.Meng-HiotLim ElectricalEngineeringDepartment SchoolofElectrical&ElectronicEngineering IndianInstituteofTechnology,Delhi NanyangTechnologicalUniversity NewDelhi,India–110016 Singapore639798 E-mail:[email protected] E-mail:[email protected] Prof.YuhuiShi DirectorofResearchandPostgraduateOffice Xi’anJiaotong-LiverpoolUniversity, Suzhou,China215123 E-mail:[email protected] ISBN 978-3-642-17389-9 e-ISBN 978-3-642-17390-5 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17390-5 Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization ISSN1867-4534 (cid:2)c 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg This work is subject to copyright. 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Printed on acid-free paper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface Swarm Intelligence is a collection of nature-inspired algorithms under the big um- brella of evolutionary computation. They are population based algorithms. A popula- tion of individuals (potential candidate solutions) cooperating among themselves and statistically becoming better and better over generations and eventually finding (a) good enough solution(s). Researches on swarm intelligence generally fall into three big categories. The first category is on algorithm. Each swarm intelligence algorithm has been studied and modified to improve its performance from different perspectives such as the conver- gence, solution accuracy, and algorithm efficiency, etc. For example, in particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, the impacts of inertia weight, acceleration coef- ficients, and neighborhood on the performance of the algorithm have been studied extensively. Consequently, all kind of PSO variants have been proposed. The second category is on the types of problems that the algorithms are designed and/or modified to solve. Generally speaking, most of the swarm intelligence algorithms are originally designed to solve unconstraint single-objective optimization problems. The algo- rithms are then studied and modified to suit for solving other types of problems such as constraint single-objective optimization problems, multi-objective optimization problems, constraint multi-objective optimization problems, and combinatorial opti- mization problems, etc.. The third category is on algorithms’ applications. Swarm intelligence algorithms have been successfully applied to solve all kinds of problems covering a wide range of real-world applications. Due to algorithms’ characteristics such as that they usually do not require continuity and differentiability which are critical for traditional optimization algorithms to have, swarm intelligence algorithms have been able to solve a lot of real-world application problems which are very diffi- cult, if not impossible, for traditional algorithms to solve. Therefore, swarm intelli- gence algorithms have been attracting more and more attentions from engineers in all industrial sectors. It is the successful real-world applications that are the impetus and vitality that drives the research on swarm intelligence forward. A research trend of swarm intelligence is on hybrid algorithms. A swarm intelli- gence algorithm is combined with other swarm intelligence algorithms, evolutionary algorithms, or even other traditional algorithms to take advantage of strengths from each algorithm to improve algorithms’ performance for more effective and efficient problem-solving. Initially and intuitively, a swarm intelligence algorithm such as VI Preface particle swarm optimization algorithm is used as a global search method to find good initial starting point(s), and then a local method such as greedy algorithm, hill- climbing algorithms, etc. is employed to search for the better solution from the initial starting point(s). Currently a new concept of memetic computation is becoming popu- lar. Within the memetic computation framework, memetic algorithms is arguably the most popular. In memetic algorithms, two levels of learning processes are involved: one on learning capability, another on knowledge (individual) learning. Over genera- tions, each individual evolves to have better learning capability. Within each genera- tion, each individual learns knowledge in its neighborhood. Currently, the individuals at two different learning levels generally use the same representation. But it is reason- able to expect different representation for individuals at different level of learning. Another research trend is on solving large-scale problems. Similar to the traditional algorithms for solving large scale problems, swarm intelligence algorithms also suffer the “dimensionality curse”. Researchers are actively engaging in applying swarm in- telligence algorithms to solve large-scale optimization problems. In recent years, swarm intelligence algorithms have become a very active and fruit- ful research area. There are journals dedicated to swarm intelligence. There are also international conferences held annually that are dedicated to swarm intelligence. The number of papers published in both journals and conferences are increasing exponen- tially. It is therefore the right time to commit a book volume dedicated to swarm intel- ligence. Due to the limited space, this book does not intend to cover all aspects of research work on swam intelligence. More appropriately, it is a snapshot of current research on swarm intelligence. It covers particle swarm optimization algorithm, ant colony optimization algorithm, bee colony optimization algorithm, bacterial foraging optimization algorithm, cat swarm optimization algorithm, harmony search algorithm, and their applications. This book volume is primarily intended for researchers, engineers, and graduate students with interests in swarm intelligence algorithms and their applications. The chapters cover different aspects of swarm intelligence, and as a whole should provide broad perceptive insights on what swarm intelligence has to offer. It is very suitable as a graduate level text whereby students may be tasked with the study of the rich variants of swarm intelligence techniques coupled with a project type assignment that involves a hands-on implementation to demonstrate the utility and applicability of swarm intelligence techniques in problem-solving. The various chapters are organized into 4 parts for easy reference. Part A grouped together 12 chapters, forming the most substantial part of this volume. The focus is primarily on particle swarm optimization. Besides the first two chapters that focus on general issues pertaining to particle swarm optimization, the remaining of the chapters in Part A offer a good mix of work, with some focusing on analytical issues and the remaining on applications. Part B has 3 chapters on honey bee algorithms, one of which describes the application of honey bee algorithm in vehicle routing problem. Part C covers ant colony optimization, a long established swarm technique. The two chapters in this part should serve as a gentle reminder to the fact that established or matured swarm techniques such as ant colony optimization can be combined innova- tively with other swarm or conventional techniques to further enhance its problem- solving capability. In Part D, we grouped together the various swarm techniques, including work that combines two swarm techniques, otherwise referred to as hybrid Preface VII swarm intelligence. This serves as a glimpse of the possibilities of swarm techniques inspired by the metaphors of swarming behavior in nature. Glowworm optimization, bacterial foraging optimization and cat swarm optimization are examples to this effect. We are grateful to the authors who have put in so much effort to prepare their manuscripts, sharing their research findings as a chapter in this volume. Based on compilation of chapters in this book, it is clear that the authors have done a stupen- dous job, each chapter directly or indirectly hitting on the spot certain pertinent aspect of swarm intelligence. As editors of this volume, we have been very fortunate to have a team of Editorial Board members who besides offering useful suggestions and comments, helped to review manuscripts submitted for consideration. Out of the chapters contributed and finally selected for the volume, 4 were honored with the Outstanding Chapter Award. The chapters selected for the awards were decided with the help of the Editorial Board members. The original intention was to choose only 3. However, due to a tie in ranking scores submitted by the Editorial Board members, it was deemed as more appropriate to grant 4 awards instead. We must emphasize that this had not been easy as many of the chapters contributed are just as deserving. Finally, we would like to put in no definitive order our acknowledgements of the vari- ous parties who played a part in the successful production of this volume: - Authors who contributed insightful and technically engaging chapters in this volume; - To the panel of experts in swarm intelligence that form Editorial Board members, a big thank you; - Our heartiest Congratulations to the authors of the 4 chapters honored with the Outstanding Chapter Award; - The publisher, in particular Tom Ditzinger and his team have been very helpful and accommodating, making our tasks a little easier. Editors Yuhui Shi Meng-Hiot Lim Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi Contents Part A: Particle Swarm Optimization From Theory to Practice in Particle Swarm Optimization ...... 3 Maurice Clerc What Makes Particle Swarm Optimization a Very Interesting and Powerful Algorithm? ....................................... 37 J.L. Ferna´ndez-Mart´ınez, E. Garc´ıa-Gonzalo Developing Niching Algorithms in Particle Swarm Optimization ................................................... 67 Xiaodong Li Test Function Generators for Assessing the Performance of PSO Algorithms in Multimodal Optimization................... 89 Julio Barrera, Carlos A. Coello Coello Linkage Sensitive Particle Swarm Optimization ................. 119 Deepak Devicharan, Chilukuri K. Mohan Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Graphic Processing Units....................................... 133 Ying Tan, You Zhou Velocity Adaptation in Particle Swarm Optimization ........... 155 Sabine Helwig, Frank Neumann, Rolf Wanka Integral-Controlled Particle Swarm Optimization ............... 175 Zhihua Cui, Xingjuan Cai, Ying Tan, Jianchao Zeng Particle Swarm Optimization for Markerless Full Body Motion Capture ................................................ 201 Zheng Zhang, Hock Soon Seah, Chee Kwang Quah X Contents An Adaptive Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Constraint Handling ........................... 221 Praveen Kumar Tripathi, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, Sankar Kumar Pal Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization for Optimal Power Flow Problem ........................................... 241 M.A. Abido A Multi-objective Resource Assignment Problem in Product Driven Supply Chain Using Quantum Inspired Particle Swarm Algorithm ...................................................... 269 Sri Krishna Kumar, S.G. Ponnambalam, M.K. Tiwari Part B: Bee Colony Optimization Honeybee Optimisation – An Overview and a New Bee Inspired Optimisation Scheme .................................. 295 Konrad Diwold, Madeleine Beekman, Martin Middendorf Parallel Approaches for the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm ...................................................... 329 Rafael Stubs Parpinelli, C´esar Manuel Vargas Benitez, Heitor Silv´erio Lopes Bumble Bees Mating Optimization Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem ............................................... 347 Yannis Marinakis, Magdalene Marinaki Part C: Ant Colony Optimization Ant Colony Optimization: Principle, Convergence and Application..................................................... 373 Haibin Duan Optimization of Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Robotic Autonomous Systems with PSO and ACO ...................... 389 Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin, Fevrier Valdez, Ricardo Mart´ınez-Marroqu´ın Part D: Other Swarm Techniques A New Framework for Optimization Based-On Hybrid Swarm Intelligence ..................................................... 421 Pei-Wei Tsai, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Peng Shi, Bin-Yih Liao Contents XI Glowworm Swarm Optimization for Multimodal Search Spaces.......................................................... 451 K.N. Krishnanand, D. Ghose Direct and Inverse Modeling of Plants Using Cat Swarm Optimization ................................................... 469 Ganapati Panda, Pyari Mohan Pradhan, Babita Majhi Parallel Bacterial Foraging Optimization........................ 487 S.S. Pattnaik, K.M. Bakwad, S. Devi, B.K. Panigrahi, Sanjoy Das Reliability-Redundancy Optimization Using a Chaotic Differential Harmony Search Algorithm......................... 503 Leandro dos Santos Coelho, Diego L. de A. Bernert, Viviana Cocco Mariani Gene Regulatory Network Identification from Gene Expression Time Series Data Using Swarm Intelligence ......... 517 Debasish Datta, Amit Konar, Swagatam Das, B.K. Panigrahi Author Index................................................... 543