Handbooko fS malAln imalR adiologayn d Ultsroanud Commissioning Editor: Robert Edwards DevelEodpimteonrt: LouiWseal ch ProMjaencatg er: Vijayakumar Sekar Designer: Kirsteen Wright IllusMtarnaatgieorn: Gillian Richards Handbooofk Small AnimaRla diology andU ltrasound Techniques and Differential Diagnoses RuthD ennisV eMtAMD,BV ,RD ,i pECMVRDCIV,S AnimaHle altThr usNte,w markeUtK, RobertK iMr.b erBgVeSMrcM ,e dVetD(iRpaEdC)V,D I Onderstepoort AVceatdeermiinca ryH oUsnpiivtearlos,fi P trye torSioau,tA hf rica FrancBeasr MrA V.e tMPBh,DD ,V RD,i pECMVRDCIV,S Schooolf Veterinary SciencBer,i sUtnoilv,e UrBKsr iitsyt oolf, RobertW rHi.g lBeVyS McS,D, V RD,i pADCiVpRE,C MVRDCIV,S University Veterinary Teaching HosApuisttarall,i aU niversity of Sydney, ForewobrydD onalE.d ThraDlVlM ,P hD SECONEDD ITION IllustrabtyiD oenbsb iMea izels laonnda thCalna yton-lanes ELSEVIER Edinburgh London New YoPrhki laOdxefloprShdti aL ouis Sydney Toronto 2010 CHURCHILL UVINGSTONE ELSBVIER Firsetd iti©o nH arcourPlu blishLiemrist ed2 001 Seconedd iti©o nE lseviLeirm ite2d0 10. Allr ightrse servNedo. part of this publication moarty r abnes mrietptreodd uced ina nyf ormo rb ya nym eanse,l ectroonri cm echaniicnacll,u dipnhgo tocoyping, recordionrg ,a niyn fmoartiosnt oraagen d retriseyvsatle mw,i thoupte rmission inw ritifnrgo mt hep ublishPeerr.m issimoanys b es ought dirfercotmEl lys evier's RightD,e pa,tmentp hone( +12)1 253 398 0(U4S A)m (+4148)6 854 38(U3K0) ; fax( +4148)6 855 33e3 3m;a ihlea [email protected] oomu may also completyeo urr equeosnlti nev ia tEhles eviweerb sitateh ttp:/ lwewlws.eiver. com/permiss.i ons 1SBN9 780 70228096 4 British LCiabtraalroygu iinPn ugb licaDtaitoan A catalogrueec orfdo rt hibso oki sa vailafblreo mt heB ritiLisbhr ary LibraorfCy o ngreCsast alogiinPn ugb lication Data A catalorge corfdo r tbhoiosk i sa vailafbrloem t heLi braroyf C ongress Notice Neithetrh ep ublishneorrt he authaosrssu maen yr esponsibfiolri tyal noys osr injurayn d/o rd amaget op ersonosrp roperatryi sionugto f or related to any use of tmhaet ericaoln tainedt hiibnso okIt. ist her esponsiboiflt ihtey treating practitiorneelry!io nng i ndependeenxtp ertainsdek nowledgoef tphaet ientto! determitnhee betsrte atmenatn dm ethodo fa pplicatfioorn the patient. TheP ublisher your source for books, jaumalsand multimedIa int hheaelth sciences www. elsevierhealth.com Worktiongge ttogh reorw libriandr eiveesl coopuinntgr ies www.clscvicrI.ww cwo.mb ookaiIdww .wo.rs:lgb rc.org The PlDlis�r's pc)iicsy 1 0 we paper manufactured from sustainable forests I PrinteidnC hina vii Foreword Ia mh onourteoid n trotdhusece ec oenddi toifo ni magianbgn ormalhiatvbiee eesin d entilfiisetdsf thHea ndboofoS km aAlnli mRaadli olaongdUyl traofc onsideraarpteri oovnisfd oeerda cshi gTnh.e se sound: Techniques andw riDtitffeecnro ennstiidaelrc aatDntii hoaengnsn c oboseme psafr teod thhies byR uth DeRnonbiesKrfit r berFgrearnfcB easr rt Orsyifg nalamnedpn hty sicanadlc linfiicnadli ngs andR obeWrrti glEeayc.oh ft hehsieg hqluayl ifiaeldl owing prraitoirointaiolzf ra etaidloi ns eases. radioliosgs ieasa tsso enxepde hratvfi tnagu gthhte Thipsr ioritciaztnah tebineou ns edt atiofl uorrt her princiopfil measg itnovg e terinary ansdt uddieangtnsot setsoitcrst herapienutteircv e.nO tnieo ns residfeonmrta sn y yeTahreesix.rp eriientn rcaen sfact abouti sti hmaiatfog nienh ga sn evehre ard mittkinnwogl edagbeo huotw itnot erdpiraegtn osofa d iseaistce afn nboetd iagn.oCs oendsultation tic imcaoguepslfe d cwoiltlhe cdteicvaedo efs with rtehsiosu wricleil n creoanseefs a miliarity cliniaccaulme pnrfo viad else voelfc redibiwliittphyo ssibtihlaitt itneoesb e ecd o nsidered. matchbeydf ew other ftoecxutsobenod o fkasc ilAisb efotrheifs ibsno ooatkn a ll-incilmuasgive tatitnhgie m agien terprpertoacteiosns . ingt exntofrw ililt ubsee fwuilt hout some pre Personfaolnrle Yafr4 l0yy e arIhs afv set ruggleexdi steixnpge rieinnci em aging interpretation. witdhe termihnoiwtn og biensstt preuocptel fef iHowevetrhfid so enso td etractt hfvera olmuo ef cienitnli ym agien terpreIht aavtceio omnte. ot he thiwso r-ko nt he contrraersyofu rtpchueibfslu il conclutshiaotn evleerayrnaosn ebd iitf feraenndt lcya tifoinla lm su ch-endeegda pb ye nhanctihneg ata differraetnTeth. e e ffectiovfed niefsfse remnatt uraotfti hoen image intmeorspctro emter. The instrucmteitohnoadlo logies alssot uvapreiteersna tdb ieotlwaoergeneino s jttu ssr te adoefrr so entgen dentMso.sr ta dioliomgaigcii nngs truicsbt aisoend s igTnhse.y are cotnoas nuilmotawalnn etrsps rfa c ona ctpuaatli meantte rii.aet. images oft istiicokan neadorn tsih mesarpl esc i.aE lfifsetcsctoinvseu lta that hapvreo bdeuiecntne h de cIlnti hnwiioscr .tk h e tion reqmaukiirnesgse nsoef tohbes erved messaigsbe a seondd rawiwnhgesr e pathteh olorgoiecn tsgiegnnI nsf.o rmactoinotna ihneerdef ianc il alteroaftt iions siusde e marcactleedaT rhloyu.g hi tatteask iinmga gianbgn ormalfirtoime s the noitd enttiotc hael clinicoafpl a tiimetanhgteesssfed escritpot iitvnhete e rparnedtf iovrmelu atitnhga t drawimnagksie t c rysctlaelea xra cwthlayt is ihnafpormatiaonen f fienctctooi nvseu ltation. penintgh peia nt itehnaltte atdots h aep pearance of various alttiesrsauitenri eoanrlsa diograanpdh ic sonograipmhaigceU sn.d erstandinagl tetriassue tioantts h ibsa sliecv weill la nab ses teomt a nywh o DonaEl.d ThralPlh,D DVM, strugwgitlhe iimnatgeer prientt hacetl iionni c. DiplomAaCtVeR (Radiology, Radiation The main foufn cttbhioioosink s u nchanged;O ncoloPgrYo)ffe sDseoprafr tmeonfMt o lecular that beingt oto hred eirn ttohenoneut'gp shr to cess BiomedSicciaeln Ccoelslfoe fgV ee terinary afttehrer adiogroarps hoinco graapbhniocr mal MediciNnoerftC ha rolSitnaaUt nei versitYf itiheasv bee ecna tegeodrI.in z otwhoerrd sf once RaleiNgCh,U, S A ix Preface Bodsyy stecmason n lrye spotnod diseiansjuer dyoi rs ealsiesmsta eydo cciurnc atassw elals in dogs. ina limintuemdb eorfw ays atnhde reiftoi rse I nfectainodpu asr asdiitsieca wsheisc ahr en ot oftenp osimsitboml aek aes pecdiifaigcn boassiesd u biquibtuowtuh si cahr ceo nfitnoce edr tpaairnt s ona singtleess tufc ahs r adiogrSaupchcye.s soffu l twhoer ladr ien dicbayta enda sterisk *f and interpreotfra atdiioong raanpduh lst rasonogtrhareme sa der csohnosutulhldTet a bolefG eographic depenodnst he recoogfna ibtnioornm alitiDeissft rtihboeuf Dt iisoena isne stA hpep endfioxfr u r formulaotfli iosnot fps o ssicbalues feosrt hoset heirn formaDteitoaonif.rl asd iogrtaepchhinci que abnormalaintdai pelsa fno rf urthdeira gnos(tiincc lucdoinntgrs atsutd iaerisen) c luadnedgd u id tesitfas pfp roprTihaihtsae n.d boiosik n tenadse da ncoen u ltrasonotgercahpnhiaiqncuda ed escrip ana idmee nwoifrde i fferdeinatginaoalsn edos t hert ioonft he nourlmtarla sonoagprpaepahriacn ce of usefiunlf ormaitni osnma anlilm raald iolaongd yo rgainsgs i ven. This seocfoo unrbd o oekd ition ultrasoiunn dofr dears sittshoter adioltoog ihsatsb e eenx pandceodn sidewriatbhl ym euxcthr a compialsce o mplae tleoi fds itf ferdeinatginaols iensf ormaatbiootunet c hniaqnude sn ormal anatomYf asp ossible. lSicndhere amwaitonifmgc as n yo ft he manyn ewd ifferdeinatginaolms oersedf e tailed conditaiswo enlasls n ormaanla toamnydv ariandtess criopftm iaonnyo ft hdei seaisnecsl uudpedf arien clutdoec dofm plemtehnet text. dationfg the TGaebolger aopDfhi isct ribouft ion The authotrhsa tthh oibpsoe o k pwriolvules eDiseaasnedes x pandFeudr thReera disnegc tions. futlo uaslelor fss maalnli mdaila gnoismtaigci ngAfna ddittioto hnAe p pendiisxs eac toinod ni gital frosmp eciraaldiisotl tohgriosutggseh n eral prraadcitoigrfaiplhmi cf aulitsrs efp rwohdiucche d with tionetrovs e terisntaurdye nHtosw.e veirti s kinpde rmisfsriootmnh j eo urnVaelt erRiadniaorly intentdoes du pplemreantthfte hra rne platcheef o gy andU ltrasoNuenwdi .l lustrbay tioaournrts i st manye xcelslteanntd taerxdt boaovkasi laanbdl eD ebbMiaei zealrisen clutdoea ddfdt ot hofsreo m ac ertdaeignr oefee x periientn hcieen terprettahtfeii orns t editbiyJo onn adtrChalawanny ton-Jonesf ofi magiesps r esupepdo.s andw ea rien debttote hde bmo tfho trh eeixrc ellent Theb ooiks d ividiendts oe ctiroenpsr esendtiinagg ramrmeaptriocd uctthireoa nd ioofg raphs and bodysy steamnsdff o vra rioruasd iograanpdh iucl trasonograms. ultrasonoagbrnaoprhmiacpl oistsiiebsl e diaAg nboososekus c ahst his necvaenhr o pteo b ec om arel istienda pproxiomradteeor f l ikelihpoloedtfae sfn ewc onditairoenc so nstabnetilnyg inclutdhiondsgue et on ormaanla tomviacraila tiroenc ognainzded de scriTbheead u.t hoarpso logise andt echniocria alt rogceanuisceC so.nd itiofnosar n yo missitohnesmr aey b ea ndw oulwde l whicphr incioprae lxlcyl usiveilnyc aotacsrc eu cro mec ommenftrso rme adfeorprso ssifbulteu re indicaatsse udc hf althouogfh tmhaen yoe tdhietri ons. xi Acknowledgements Ourt hangkost oP rofeDsosnoT rh rallk infdolryC hapt3e2'r A bdomiMnaasls beysC 'h arRl.eR so ot nd agreetionw gr itteh ef orewotrotd h isse condi nT extboofVo ekt eriDniaargtyni oRcsa dio2logy editiWoen .a lwsios tho a cknowlaesdsgies taendciet ieodni,tb eyDd o naEld.T hraalnldp ublished anda dvifcreo Dmr G.e rhaSrtde enk(admepn tablyS aund.eF risnawlelw yo,u lldi kteot hantkh e radiology)f Dr. Nerissa Smtaannypd eeorp al(teEg lassetvwrihoeoihr na tvesesu tpipnoarults e d ultrnaosgorapahnyd)P rofesBsaonriP ee nzhom throughouptrj oetchti.s (geogradpihsitcr ibouftd iiosne asaelsfl)r fo m theF aculotfVy e teriSncaireyn Ucneifv erosfi ty RutDhe nnis PretoFriigau.9r .e96s., 1 94.,19 5.,19 7.,1a 8n,d9 .19 NewmarkUeKt f have breeepnr oduwcietdphfe rmissfiroonmf Novemb2e0r0 9 Chapt1er Skelestyaslt egmen:e ral 12.0M ixed osteolytic-osteogenic CHAPTCEORN TENTS lesion2s5 General 12.1M ultifodicsaela s2es8 1.R1ad iogratpehcihcn ifqoutreh es kelestyaslt em 12.2L esions afefpeicpthiynsg2e 9s 1 12.3L esions afpfheycstei3sn 0g 12. Anatomoyfb oneg:e nerparli ncip2l es 12.4L esions afmfeetcatpihnygs 3es1 13. Ossificaantdig orno wtphl ate 12.5L esions afdfieacpthiynsg3e 3s closur3e s 14. Responosfe bondei steoa osre injur3y GEENRAL 1.P5a tteornffs o cablo nel oss (osteoly4s is) 11. RADIOGRTAEPCHHINCI FQOUTREH E 1.P6a tteornfos s teogenpeesriiso:s rteeaaclt ions SKLEETSAYLS TEM 6 1.P7r inciopfli enst erpreotfa tisokne letal Thes kelseytsatlle emn idtss weelltflor adiographYf radiogra7p hs buitmt u sbter ememebred otnhltayhtm e i neralized 18. Features of aggressive versus componenbtosn aeor vfei siTbhleoe s.t emoaitdr ix non-aggrebsosnielv ees ion8s ofb onieso fs oftti ssruaed iopacictayn nboaetn d 19. Fracturraedsi:o gracplhays,s ification assesrsaeddi ograpthhiimcsaa klelusyp ;3 0-35% anda ssessmoefn th eal9i ng ofa dult bone. Artiisac luslosa orof ftc atritsisluaeg e Bone1s4 opacaintdyi sn oste eonns urvreayd iogr(aspehes 1.A1l0t ersehda poef l ong bon14es arthrogr2a.p1Lh)eY.sf i oinnts h es kelestyaslt em 1.1Dw1a rfis1m5 mayb er adiograpshuibctaalnledslf oya ttenttoi on 1.1De2l ayoesds ificatgiroonw tphol ra te goorda diogrtaepchhincii seq uses ential. closur1e5 1.H ighedsetf iniftiihonn- sccormebeinn ation 1.1In3c rearsaeddi opawciitthybi onn e 16 consiswtiettnhht te h ickonfet shaser eoar 1.1Pe4r iosrteeaaclt io1n8s approprdiiagtireta adli ograalpghoyr ithm. 1.1Bo5n y mass1e9s 2.N og riidsn ecesesxacreyfp ottr h per oximal 1.1Os6t eopen2i1a limabnsd s piinnel argdeorg isn;s maller 1.1Co7a rster abecpualtatre r2n2 joinitnssfu ffsiccaitetnretar deida itsi on 1.1Os8t eollyetsiico n2s2 producteod warranto fat hger iudsfe and 1.1Ex9p ansoisltee ollyetsiico n2s4 thper eseonfgc rei ldi nmeasy o bscufrien e detail. © 2010 Els�yi�r Ltd. 2 HandboofSo mka Alnli mRaald ioalnoUdgt lyr asound 3.A ccurpaotsei tiaonncdi enngt rinags mwailtlUh n iforrmaldyi opTahqiucek.we hsetrt ehc ei rcum objectd-ifsithatnnom c ien imgiezoem etricf ereonftc hebe o niess mallwehsetrafet tacshoefdt distoarntdbi lounr rdiunetg ot hpee numbrat isseuxeessr ttr eosros n t hec oncasviedo efa effect. curvbeodn aen dt apteorn othiinnt gh mee taphy 4.C locsoel limtaoet nihoann rcaed iographsieca rle gion. definbiytm iionni miszciantgat nedfr ofr Diaphys-iTs hes haoffatl onbgo naet ;u boefc or radiastaifoent y. ticbaoln seu rrounmdeidnugl lcaarvyia tnydc an cellboounse . 5.C orreexcpto sfuarcet tooar lsl eoxwa mination ofs oftti ssauswe esl alsb one. Endosteu-m Simitloap re riosbtuettu hmi nnerf andl inleasr mgeed ullcaarvyi tiimte asyp; r oduce 6.B ewaorfeh aicro adte brcirse atairntge factual boniens omcei rcums(tea.nfgcr.ea sc tures). shadows. Epiphys-isT hee ndo fa l onbgo nbee aritnhge 7.R adiogtrhaoepp hp osliitmfebo cro mparison articsuulrafra ceff owrhmfirsco ahms eparcaetne infe cessary. troef o ssificcaantcieolnbl;oo nuwesi tah d enser 8.U sew edgfei ltrtaetcihonnii qafwu heosl lei mb subchonldaryaelr . vieiwsr equi(ree.fdgo a.rn gulliamrb Medullarcya vit-yF atbtoyn mea rrsopwa icnet he deformuistaeys )p;e cwieadlg fei lotre r mid-diaprhaydsiiosla;u ncdhe onmto geneous. intravfelnuobiuadsg s. Metaphys-isB etwetehnpe h ysainsdd iaphysis; 9.O ptimvuime wicnogn dit-idornfysi lmsf cancelbloonuIesn.t hyeo unagn imiatrt e models darkernoeodmb fr iglhitga hntdd immer bonfer otmh ger owptlha itnet toh dei aphyseal faciglliatarYrefo upnedr ipohfef riyhm na skedc ortheexnfc ee xittesrs nuarlfm aacyeb ei rregularf off. especiianll alrydg oe gst;h iissk nowans t he 10U.s eam agnifgylianfsgosf r i ndee tauislbe;o ne cut-bzaocnaken ds hounlodtb em istafkoearn specimaef nishlfni braanrdry a diographpiecr iosrteeaaclt oiro pna tholoogsitceaoll ysis atlases. (Figl.. 1)A. 11F.o arn alofgiuleem nfs ugroeo pdr ocessinNgu triefnotr ame-nS eeansa r adiolluicnreeun nt techntioqo upet imcioznet raansddt e finitinoinno.gb liqutehlryo utghhec ortaenxdc arrying 12W.i tdhi girtaadli ogrmaapnhiyp,u loaft ionm ajobrl oovde ssietlcsso ;n sisltoecnatti inlo onn g imagsei zaen dg reysicsra elaed ily perbfoonrermsee fdl.re ecltasgt riovweit nhl engftrho tmh e twoe ndosft hbeo n(eio tr igicneanttersia ntl hley fetus). Ocictam saiyob neia nla lnya berrant 12. ANATOOMFY BOGNEEN:AE LR location. PRINCI(FPigL.1 .ElSAa ndB) Perioste-umF ibroelcaosntniecct tiisvsseuu er Apophysi-s Non-artbiocnupylr aort ubefroarn rcoeu ndibnogne ex ceaptta rticsuulrafra acneds attachomfet netn doannsdl igamean stesp;a rawthee rmeu scflieb raensdt endoinnss eirtitsn; n er centorfoe s sification. layperro dubcoensbe y i ntramemborsasniofuisc a Articulcaarr til-agSeo ftti ssoupea citthyefr efotrieoc na usiinncgr eianbs oen dei ameter. appearrasd iolcuocmepnatrw eidtb ho ne(su nlesPhsy si-s Cartilaggrionwoptulhs a ptree seinnt mineraltihzrionudggi hs eaPsreo)v.il doensg ituydoiunagn imaalnsds eerna diograpahsia c ally naglr owotfeh p iphyses. radiolbuacneEdnn.td ochoonsdsriafli actta htei on Cancellobuosn e- Spongbyo nceo nsisotfai ngp hysriess uilnit nsc relaesnegdot fth h beo nIet.s meshwoorfbk o ntyr abecfuoluaniedne; p iphysweisdft rhe ducweistp hr ogreossssiinfgi acfatteiro n; metaphaynsdes sm abloln eAs c.o artsrea becuslkaerl meattaulr iimtt ayyfb es eeansa s clerloitniec pattiessrn e ewnh erfeo rcaercseo nstaanndatf ineo rp hysesaclaI rtp. r ovildoensg itugdrionwatlh trabecpualtatrwe hrne rteh eayr ev ariaTbhlee .o fm etaphaynsdde isa physes. greater asruecraof mapcaerw eidtc ho rtbiocnael S esamoid-sS mabloln syt rucltaucrkepisen rgi os resuilnat 4 s0 t imgerse ateorf r ermaotdee lilni tnegu tmh afto rimn t endonnesaj ro intthso;u gthot respotnods ies eoarsi en juTrhyec. a ncelbloonues r edufcrei cattsi iotnoe fds i reccthiaonng es. ofs kuilscl a lldeidp loe. Subchondrbaoln e- Thindfe nslea yoefrb one Corte-xC ompalcatm elbloanfreo rmbeydi ntrabeneaatrht iccualratri alapgpee;am rosr er adi membranoousss ificfartoimop ne riosteoupma.q tuhea and jacbeonnte .