Handbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production Volume 3 This page intentionally left blank Handbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production Volume 3 Best Practices in the Agrochemical Industry Edited by Nicholas P Cheremisinoff and Paul E. Rosenfeld AMSTERDAM BOSTON HEIDELBERG LONDON (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) NEWYORK OXFORD PARIS SANDIEGO (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) SANFRANCISCO SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) WilliamAndrewisanimprintofElsevier WilliamAndrewisanimprintofElsevier TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOXS1GB,UK 30CorporateDrive,Suite400,Burlington,MA01803,USA Firstedition2011 Copyrightr2011ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemortransmittedin anyformorbyanymeanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher PermissionsmaybesoughtdirectlyfromElsevier’sScience&TechnologyRights DepartmentinOxford,UK:phone(144)(0)1865843830;fax(144)(0)1865853333; email:permissions@elsevier.com.Alternativelyyoucansubmityourrequestonlineby visitingtheElsevierwebsiteathttp://elsevier.com/locate/permissions,andselecting ObtainingpermissiontouseElseviermaterial Notice Noresponsibilityisassumedbythepublisherforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsor propertyasamatterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuseor operationofanymethods,products,instructionsorideascontainedinthematerialherein. Becauseofrapidadvancesinthemedicalsciences,inparticular,independentverificationof diagnosesanddrugdosagesshouldbemade BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress ISBN:978-1-4377-7825-0 ForinformationonallWilliamAndrewpublicationsvisit ourwebsiteatwww.books.elsevier.com TypesetbyMPSLimited,aMacmillanCompany,Chennai,India www.macmillansolutions.com PrintedandboundintheUK 1112131415 10987654321 Contents 1 IndustryandProducts 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Fertilizers 2 1.3 PesticidesandOtherAgriculturalChemicals 4 1.4 FederalInsecticide,Fungicide,andRodenticideAct(FIFRA) 10 1.5 ManufacturingTechnologies 10 2 PollutionandPollutionPrevention 25 2.1 SourcesofPollution 25 2.2 CaseStudy 25 2.3 EnvironmentalAspects 53 2.4 RecommendedPollutionPreventionandControlOptions 56 2.5 SourceReductionOpportunities 59 2.6 WaterManagementandTechnicalChallenges 60 2.7 SteamLossesandSensibleHeatRecovery 62 2.8 PollutionPreventionOpportunities 68 3 ToxicandDangerousProperties 81 4 Atrazine 215 4.1 Introduction 215 4.2 Regulations 215 4.3 HowAtrazineWorks 216 4.4 BreakdownProducts 218 4.5 WaterContaminationIssues 219 4.6 SyngentaAtrazine MonitoringProgram(AMP) 220 4.7 HealthEffects 225 4.8 AtrazineExposureCaseStudies 226 4.9 AtrazineRemovalTechnologies 228 4.10 AlternativestoAtrazine 229 5 1,2,3-Trichloropropane(TCP) 233 5.1 Introduction 233 5.2 ToxicologyandHealthRisks 234 5.3 RegulationsandStandards 236 5.4 TheTCP(cid:1)DCPFumigantLink 237 5.5 GroundwaterContaminationCaseStudies 239 5.6 AnotherToxicSoilFumigant:Dibromochloropropane 239 5.7 TreatmentandRemediationTechnologies 242 vi Contents 6 DDTandRelatedCompounds 247 6.1 Introduction 247 6.2 HistoryofDDT:ProductionandUses 247 6.3 Distribution,Transport,andEnvironmentalFate 250 6.4 ImpactonWildlife 252 6.5 HealthEffects 253 6.6 CurrentUse,MalariaControversy,andAlternatives 255 7 AgentOrange 261 7.1 Introduction 261 7.2 ChemicalComposition 261 7.3 UsesintheVietnamWar 262 7.4 HealthEffects 264 7.5 Government Response 265 7.6 Litigation 266 7.7 OtherUses 267 8 PesticideResidueinFoods 269 8.1 FederalMonitoringandSurveillanceofResidueContamination 269 8.2 ModificationofPesticides DuringPost-Harvest 272 8.3 TheFoodQualityProtectionAct(USEPA,2008) 272 8.4 OrganicFoods 273 8.5 The‘DirtyDozen’ 274 8.6 MeasuringResidualLevels(Nasreddineetal.,2002) 275 8.7 AcuteExposuresandContaminationVariability 276 9 EPAScreeningLevelsandPesticideStatus 281 Index 307 1 Industry and Products 1.1 Introduction The fertilizer, pesticide, and agricultural chemical industry sector is diverse. The justification for this industry is that as the world population increases, crop lands are increasingly strained and unable to meet the growing demand for food without employing some method of crop enhancement. There are generally believed to be fivecommonpracticescapableofmeetingthegrowingdemand: (cid:1) increasingtilledacreage (cid:1) improvingplantstrains (cid:1) introducingorexpandingirrigation (cid:1) controllingpestsbychemicalorbiologicalmethods,and (cid:1) initiatingorincreasingfertilizerusage. Thelasttwomethodshavecreatedalargeagrichemicalindustrywhichproduces a wide variety of products designed to increase crop production and protect crops from disease and pests. Along with the benefits there have been increasingly nega- tiveimpactsontheenvironment,variousnaturalresources,andtohumanhealth. Plantliferequires18elementstogrow,withthemostimportantonesbeingoxy- gen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen are obtained from the atmosphere and water, while nitrogen, phospho- rous,andpotassiumarenaturallyobtainedfromsoils.Undercurrenthigh-yieldpro- duction methods, soils are stripped of the essential nutrients, thereby requiring the addition of fertilizers, particularly those comprised of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in order to resupply the land. The additional 12 essential nutrients are generally maintained in soil at sufficient levels for plant growth, but they may be addedtosomefertilizerformulationstoimprovecropyields. There are more than 8000 establishments identified by the United States EPA that manufacture, formulate, and package pesticides and other agricultural chemi- cals. Many of these are relatively small establishments and are comprised of facili- ties that have a primary line of business other than producing pesticides and other miscellaneous agricultural chemicals. The industry is therefore diverse with a sig- nificantnumberofstakeholders. Thischapterprovidesanoverviewoftheindustryandvariouschemicalproducts and building blocks used in the manufacture of agrochemicals. From this general overview, we will build on an understanding of the pollution issues stemming from HandbookofPollutionPreventionandCleanerProduction.DOI:10.1016/B978-1-4377-7825-0.00001-7 ©2011ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 2 HandbookofPollutionPreventionandCleanerProduction the industry and then discuss pollution prevention and responsible care practices in subsequentchapters. 1.2 Fertilizers Therearetwoimportantclasses:nitrogenousandphosphaticfertilizers. 1.2.1 Nitrogenous Fertilizers The nitrogenous fertilizer industry includes the production of synthetic ammonia, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, and urea. Synthetic ammonia and nitric acid are used primarily as intermediates in the production of ammonium nitrate and urea fertilizers. The following is a list of primary specific products classified as nitroge- nousfertilizers: (cid:1) ammonialiquor (cid:1) ammoniumnitrate (cid:1) ammoniumsulfate (cid:1) anhydrousammonia (cid:1) aquaammonia (cid:1) fertilizers,mixed,producedinnitrogenousfertilizerplants (cid:1) fertilizers,natural (cid:1) nitricacid (cid:1) nitrogenfertilizersolutions (cid:1) plantfoods,mixedinnitrogenousfertilizerplants (cid:1) urea. Synthetic ammonia is ammonia that has been synthesized from natural gas in which natural gas molecules are reduced to carbon and hydrogen. The hydrogen is then purified and reacted with nitrogen to produce ammonia. About 75% or more of the synthetic ammonia produced in the United States is used as fertilizer, either directly as ammonia or indirectly after fertilizer synthesis into urea, ammonium nitrate, and monoammonium or diammonium phosphates. Roughly one-third of the fertilizer nitrogen is applied directly to the land as anhydrous ammonia. The remaining25%ofammoniaproduced isused asrawmaterialinthemanufacture of polymericresins,explosives,nitricacid,andotherproducts. Nitric acid is formed by concentration, absorption, and oxidation of anhydrous ammonia.About70%ofthenitricacidproducedisconsumed asanintermediatein the manufacture of ammonium nitrate (NH NO ), which is largely used in fertili- 4 3 zers. Up to 10% of the nitric acid produced is used in adipic acid manufacturing which is an intermediate in nylon production. Explosive manufacturing uses nitric acid for organic nitrations to produce nitrobenzene, dinitrotoluenes, and other chemical intermediates. Otherenduses of nitric acidare goldandsilver separation, military munitions, steel and brass pickling, photoengraving, and acidulation of phosphaterock. IndustryandProducts 3 Ammonium nitrate is produced by neutralizing nitric acid with ammonia. Up to 20% of ammonium nitrate is used for explosives and the remainder for fertilizer production. Liquid ammonium nitrate may be sold as a fertilizer, generally in com- bination with urea. Liquid ammonium nitrate may also be concentrated to form an ammonium nitrate ‘melt’ for use in solids formation processes. Solid ammonium nitrate may be produced in the form of prills, grains, granules, or crystals. Prills, round or needle-shaped aggregates, can be produced in either high- or low-density form,dependingontheconcentration ofthemelt.High-densityprills,granules,and crystals are used as fertilizer, grains are used solely in explosives, and low-density prillscanbeusedaseitherfertilizerorexplosives. Urea (also known as carbamide or carbonyl diamide) is produced by reacting ammonia with carbon dioxide. Roughly 85% of urea solution produced is used in fertilizer mixtures, with 3% used as animal feed supplements and 12% used for plastics and other uses. Urea is marketed as a solution or in solid form. Most solids are produced as prills or granules for use as fertilizer or protein supplement in ani- malfeed,andinplasticsmanufacturing. Ammonium sulfate is not economically feasible to produce for use as a fertil- izer. However, it is formed as a by-product of other process such as acid scrubbing ofcoke ovengas, syntheticfiberproduction,andtheammoniationofprocess sulfu- ricacid. 1.2.2 Phosphatic Fertilizers The phosphatic fertilizer industry is organized into three major segments: phospho- ricacid,granularammoniumphosphate,andnormalandtriplesuperphosphate.The followingisalistofimportantproducts: (cid:1) ammoniumphosphates (cid:1) calciummeta-phosphates (cid:1) defluorinatedphosphates (cid:1) diammoniumphosphates (cid:1) fertilizers,mixed,producedinphosphaticfertilizerplants (cid:1) phosphoricacid (cid:1) plantfoods,mixedinphosphaticfertilizerplants (cid:1) superphosphates,ammoniatedandnotammoniated. Phosphoric acid (H PO ) can be manufactured using either a wet or a thermal 3 4 process to react phosphate rock with sulfuric acid. Approximately 96% of the domestic phosphoric acid produced is made using the wet process. Wet process phosphoric acid has a phosphorous concentration typically ranging from 26(cid:1)30% asphosphorouspentoxide(P O )andisused intheproductionofammoniumphos- 2 5 phates and triple superphosphates. Thermal process phosphoric acid is used in the manufactureofhigh-gradechemicalswhichrequirehighpurity. Ammonium phosphate (NH H PO ) is produced by reacting phosphoric acid 4 2 4 with anhydrous ammonia. Both solid and liquid ammonium phosphatic fertilizers are produced. The most common ammonium phosphatic fertilizer grades are