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Handbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production - Best Practices in The Petroleum Industry (Handbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production, Volume 1) PDF

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Preview Handbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production - Best Practices in The Petroleum Industry (Handbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production, Volume 1)

WilliamAndrewisanimprintofElsevier LinacreHouse,JordanHill,OxfordOX28DP,UK 30CorporateDrive,Suite400,Burlington,MA01803,USA Firstedition2009 Copyright(cid:2)2009,NicholasP.CheremisinoffandPaulRosenfeld.PublishedbyElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved TherightofNicholasP.CheremisinoffandPaulRosenfeldtobeidentifiedastheauthorofthisworkhasbeen assertedinaccordancewiththeCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988 Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic ormechanical,includingphotocopying,recording,oranyinformationstorageandretrievalsystem,without permissioninwritingfromthepublisher.Detailsonhowtoseekpermission,furtherinformationaboutthe Publisher’spermissionspoliciesandourarrangementwithorganizationssuchasCopyrightClearanceCenterand theCopyrightLicensingAgency,canbefoundatourwebsite:www.elsevier.com/permissions ThisbookandtheindividualcontributionscontainedinitareprotectedundercopyrightbythePublisher (otherthanasmaybenotedherein). Notices Knowledgeandbestpracticeinthisfieldareconstantlychanging.Asnewresearchandexperiencebroadenour understanding,changesinresearchmethods,professionalpractices,ormedicaltreatementmaybecomenecessary. Practitionersandresearchersmustalwaysrelyontheirownexperienceandknowledgeinevaluatingandusingany information,methods,compounds,orexperimentsdescribedherein.Inusingsuchinformationormethodsthey shouldbemindfuloftheirownsafetyandthesafetyofothers,includingpartiesforwhomtheyhaveaprofessional responsibility. Tothefullestextentofthelaw,neitherthePublishernortheauthors,contributors,oreditors,assumeanyliability foranyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsorpropertyasamatterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,or fromanyuseoroperationofanymethods,products,instructions,orideascontainedinthematerialherein. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Cheremisinoff,NicholasP. Handbookofpollutionpreventionandcleanerproduction: bestpracticesinthepetroleumindustry. 1.PetroleumindustryandtradedEnvironmentalaspects. 2.Greentechnology.3.Bestmanagementpractices (Pollutionprevention)4.Industrialecology. I.Title 665.5’0286-dc22 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2009927237 ISBN:978-0-81-552035-1 ForinformationonallWilliamAndrewpublications visitourwebsiteatelsevierdirect.com PrintedandboundintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 0910111211 10987654321 About the authors Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff is a chemical engineer with more than 35 years of international business, applied research, and engineering experience across several heavy industry sectors. He has led scores of pollution prevention and cleaner production assessments in major industrial complexes and trained several thousand industry professionals on best practices, waste management, and pollution prevention. He has contributed extensively to the literature of environmentalandchemicalengineeringpracticesasauthor,co-author,oreditor ofnumerousbooksandmanyhundredsofarticles.HereceivedhisB.Sc.,M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering from Clarkson College of Technology. PaulRosenfeldisanenvironmentalchemistwithover20yearsofexperience. Hisfocusisfateandtransportofenvironmentalcontaminants,riskassessment, and ecological restoration. His project experience ranges over monitoring and modelingofpollutionsourcesastheyrelatetohumanandecologicalhealth.Dr Rosenfeldhasinvestigatedanddesignedcleanupprogramsandriskassessments for contaminated sites containing pesticides, radioactive waste, PCBs, PAHs, dioxins, furans, volatile organics, semi-volatile organics, chlorinated solvents, perchlorate, heavy metals, asbestos, odorants, petroleum, PFOA, unusual polymers, and fuel oxygenates. He received a B.A. in Environmental Studies from UC Santa Barbara, an M.S. in Environmental Science, Policy and ManagementfromUCBerkeley,andaPh.D.fromtheUniversityofWashington. Preface This is the first in a series of volumes on cleaner production and pollution prevention.Theintentoftheseriesistoprovideguidanceonbestmanagement practices, technologies, andapproaches to managing environmental aspects. The term environmental aspect (EA) refers to the relevant issue(s) that management needs to address, irrespective of level of abstraction, e.g. waste management, worker protection, compliance, public safety, property damage, global warming, and resource extraction, lack of knowledge about process emissions,toxicmaterialmanagement,andbiodiversity.Alistthatidentifiesthe EAs logically leads to defining the inputs to other actions aimed at their management, which forms thebasis for both a strategy and action plans. CompaniesthatrelyonaformalEnvironmentalManagementSystemorEMS apply the EA concept to managing compliance issues. In contrast, other companies conduct their business without an explicit list of EAs. These companies generally tend to lack transparency in the priority settings of their environmental work even though they may have a corporate Environmental Policy statement. All companies really should explicitly identify their EAs because if nothing else it brings clarity and transparency to the organization’s management of environmental issues. Among the reasons why transparency is needed are: (cid:2) Internaltothecompanymanagement(bothdecision-makersandlineandfunction) requireitinordertoeffectivelyimplementcorrectiveactionsandactionplans,andto maketheharddecisionsconcerningresourceandmoneyallocations. (cid:2) Internaltothecompanyagain,theaccountingdivisionneedstransparencyinorder toproperlyaccountforenvironmentalexpendituresinthebottomline. (cid:2) External to the company, shareholders and investors demand this today, more so thanatanyothertimeinhistory. (cid:2) Homeland security and emergency responders need access to this information because it can impact on emergency preparedness and responses to environmental catastrophes. (cid:2) Itcanserveasaformofinsuranceagainstfrivolousclaimsofwrongdoingorlegal suits,orinbeingnamedasapotentiallyresponsibleparty(PRP)forenvironmental damages. (cid:2) Itcanhelpprotectthefuturevalueofassetsorproperty,especiallyatthetimeofsale orinmergersandacquisitions. ThetermEAisusedtoidentifytheimportantissuesintheenvironmentthatan organizationshouldtakeintoconsiderationintheirenvironmentalwork.These includethingsthatwecareaboutduetoindividualhumanaspects,suchasnoise, x Preface odor, occupational exposures to potentially harmful environments and situa- tions, laws and regulations, being a good neighbor and responding to a com- plaining community. EAs can also be a product’s or production process’s environmental impact, e.g. emissions to a nearby stream, lake or river, stack emissions, and the overuse of energy. Some other examples are emissions of achemical,wastegeneration,productionleakage,recycling,differentmaterials, hazardousmaterials, electromagnetic fields,and impact on flora and fauna. There are different types of EAs according to ISO standards. The EMS, ISO 14001, and other international standards are used by companies to find a common basis for managing the environment affected by a business’s opera- tions. Implementation of an EMS like ISO 14001 includes defining environ- mental policy, planning and implementing of an environmental program, checking measures according to goals, and reviewing by management. ISO 14001ischaracterizedbydemandsforcontinuousmeasurementsandanEMSis businessfocused. According to ISO 14001, EAs are ‘‘elements of an organization’s activities, products or services that can interact with the environment’’ (according to standard ISO 14001:1996). The environment is defined as ‘‘surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and theirinterrelation.’’ The term environmental impact (EI) is ‘‘any change of the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organ- ization’sactivities,productsorservices.’’AnnexAtoISO14001statesthatthe process to identify the significant environmental aspects associated with the activitiesat operatingunits should, where relevant,consider: (cid:2) emissionstoair; (cid:2) releasestowaterbodies; (cid:2) wastemanagement; (cid:2) contaminationofland; (cid:2) useofrawmaterialsandnaturalresources; (cid:2) otherlocalenvironmentalissues. SignificantEAsarethemostimportantonesthatcausethehighestenvironmental impact or are important due to legislation and other requirements (e.g. envi- ronmental policy, customer demands). Significance equals the prioritizing (not relative)between chosen EAs ata company. There are many EAs in the refining sector because the petroleum industry is among the highest generators of pollution. While it has made major strides to reduceemissionsandhazardouswastessinceaboutthelate1980s,itcontinues togeneratesignificantlevelsoftoxicairemissionsandpoorlymanagemanyof its other EAs. There are numerous waste reduction case studies that have been documented where petroleum refineries have simultaneously reduced pollution and operating costs, but there are many more that are never implemented because a major barrier is cost. Because environmental accounting practices focuslargelyondirectfinancialreturns,mostpollutionreductionoptionsappear Preface xi nottopayforthemselves.Corporatementalityissuchthatinvestmentstypically mustearnanadequatereturnoninvestedcapitalfortheshareholdersandsome pollutionpreventionoptionsatsomefacilitiesmaynotmeettherequirementsset by the companies. In addition, the equipment used in the petroleum refining industry is very capital intensive and has very long lifetimes. This reduces the incentivetomakeprocessmodificationsto(expensive)installedequipmentthat isstill useful. Whatisoftenmissedisthefactthatpollutionpreventiontechniquesareoften more cost-effective than pollution reduction through end-of-pipe treatment. This is best understood when consideration is given to indirect cost savings. Indirectcostsavingsinclude:reducedhealthcarecostsfromlessexposuretoair pollution; reduced threat from litigations for property damages, medical monitoring, and healthclaimsby citizens who havebeenexposedtopollution; greaterinvestorconfidence(directcorrelationbetweenstockpricesontheDow Jones Industrials have been linked to reported reductions in emissions from companyToxicReleaseInventoryreporting).Afurtherexampleisacasestudy basedontheAmoco/EnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA)jointstudy,which claimedthatthesamepollutionreductioncurrentlyrealizedthroughend-of-pipe regulatoryrequirements attheAmocofacilitycouldbeachievedat15%ofthe currentcosts usingpollution preventiontechniques. In addition to the general discounting of indirect cost savings, today’s regu- latoryincentivestoinvestincleanerproductiontechnologiesarepoor.Consider thefollowing: (cid:2) The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments intended to encourage voluntary reductions above the regulatory requirements by allowing facilities to obtain emission credits forvoluntaryemissionsreductions.Thesecreditsweretoserveasoffsetsagainstany potential future facility modifications resulting in an increase in emissions. Other regulations established by the amendments, however, require the construction of majornewunitswithinexistingrefineriestoproducereformulatedfuels.Butthese new operations require emission offsets in order to be permitted. This is counter- productive because it consumes many of the credits available for existing facility modifications.Thusashortageofcreditsforfacilitymodificationsmakesitdifficult toreceivecreditsforemissionreductionsthroughpollutionpreventionprojects. (cid:2) UndertheCleanWaterAct,dischargeofwater-bornepollutantsislimitedbyNPDES permits.Refineriesthatmeettheirpermitrequirementsoftenhavetheirpermitlimits changed to lower values. Because system upsets occur, resulting in significant excursionsabovethenormalperformancevalues,manyrefineriesbelievetheymust maintain a large operating margin below the permit limits in order to ensure continuous compliance. Refineries that can significantly reduce water-borne emis- sions are faced with the risk of having their permit limits lowered, which is adisincentive. (cid:2) WastesfailingaToxicityCharacteristic(TC)testareconsideredhazardousunderthe Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). There is less incentive for arefinerytoattempttoreducethetoxicityofsuchwastebelowtheTClevelsbecause, even though such toxicity reductions may render the waste non-hazardous, such waste may still have to comply with new land disposal treatment standards under xii Preface subtitleCoftheRCRAbeforebeinglanddisposed.Thereislessincentivetoreduce the toxicity of listed refinery hazardous wastes because, once listed, the waste is subjecttosubtitleCregulationswithoutregardtobyhowmuchthetoxicitylevels arereduced. Inadditiontothesedisincentives,theUSAhashad8yearsofnationalpolicythat has heavily favored productivity at the expense of the environment and public safety.ThisisexemplifiedbyattemptstodismantletheToxicReleaseInventory program,refusaltocommittointernationalreductiontargetsingreenhousegas emissions, the absence of an energy conservation policy, refusal to invest in renewable energy resources, and an extension of emissions monitoring requirements overlonger periods with lessfrequent reporting. Whilethesefactorssuggestthattheindustrywillcontinuetobesatisfiedwith poor to marginal environmental performance, there has been an exponential increaseinclassactionandprivatecitizensuitsagainsttheindustryandeventhe EPA.Thisinfactissimplyhistoryrepeatingitself.InatimebeforetheUSEPAit wascitizenactiongroupsandcivilcourtactionsonthepartofcitizensandclass actionsthat forced corporationsto act more responsibly. This volume is written largely for the industry. It highlights EAs, offers alternatives to managing them with a focus on some of the more low-cost pollution prevention practices, and it is intended to stimulate ideas and approaches to better management ofpollution issues. There are six chapters. The first chapter provides an overview of gas plant operationsandrefineries,andidentifiesmajorEAs.Chapters2–4arecasestudies of major incidents that resulted in catastrophic releases of oil and refined products. Chapter 5 provides a critical assessment of the methodology and calculation procedures that the industry relies on in preparing emissions inventories. The chapter offers alternative approaches to providing more accu- rate emissions estimates. Chapter 6 provides guidelines on cleaner production and pollution prevention practices for improving overall environmental performance. The authors wish tothank Elsevier forthe fine productionof this volume. Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff Ph.D. Paul Rosenfeld Ph.D. 1 The petroleum industry 1.1 Introduction The petroleum industry refines crude petroleum and processes natural gas into amultitudeofproducts.Itisalsoinvolvedinthedistributionandmarketingof petroleum-derived products. The primary family of pollutants emitted from these activities is volatile organic compounds (VOCs) arising from leakage, venting, and the evaporation of raw materials and finished products. The air emissions comprise point, fugitive, and area sources. Other significant air emissionsincludesulfuroxides,hydrogensulfide,particulatematter,andawide range of toxic chemicals. The operations within a typical refinery also emit avarietyofcriteriapollutantsandtoxicchemicalsfromfuelcombustiondevices. Oil-andgas-fieldoperationsaswellasgasprocessingplantsarealsosignificant sourcesof emissions. Historically the industry sector has not acted responsibly towards environ- mentalmanagement.Laterchaptersdocumentpoorenvironmentalmanagement practices that have stemmed from both unintentional and intentional actions. These actions have placed the public at risk from both chronic and acute exposures to various toxic chemicals, including significant amounts of carcin- ogens like benzene. Aproblemwiththesectoristhelackofasystematicandtransparentapproach to the quantification and reporting of air emissions. The majority of air emis- sions from refinery operations are fugitive in nature. The literature that the authorshavereviewedsupportthat,onthewhole,theindustrycontinuestorely on the application of published emission factors that are not statistically significant and calculation procedures that favor low estimations. The under- reporting of air emissions has a significant advantage to companies because pollution fees imposedby regulators can be minimized and regulatory enforce- mentheldincheck.Thesectorthushasnodirectfinancialincentivestoimprove on the accuracy of itsquantification,reporting, and control of emissions. In a report to Congress (Waxman report, 1999) it has been noted that oil refineries ‘‘vastly under-report leaks from valves to federal and state regulators and that these unreported fugitive emissions from oil refineries add millions of pounds of harmful pollutants to the atmosphere each year, including over 80 millionpoundsofvolatileorganicchemicals(VOCs)andover15millionpounds of toxic pollutants.’’ Fugitive emissions are the emissions from equipment leaks, such as from valves,storagetanks,andvarioussupportequipment.Over50%ofallreported VOCandtoxicairemissionsfromrefineriesarefugitiveemissionsaccordingto theUSEnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA).TheWaxmanreportgoesonto HandbookofPollutionPreventionandCleanerProduction Copyright(cid:2)2009byElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved 2 HandbookofPollutionPreventionandCleanerProduction state that the ‘‘refineries fail to report large volumes of fugitive emissions. The averageoilrefineryreports.that1.3%ofthevalvesatitsfacilitieshaveleaks. Infact,theaverageleakratefromvalvesinrefineriesis5.0%–nearlyfourtimes higher than the average reported leak rate.’’ This under-reporting is alarming because it means that emissions reported under the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) program in the USA are unreliable and cannot be used as a basis for assessing industryenvironmentalperformance and community risk. As noted in the Preface, it is our intent to provide greater transparency to the identification and quantification of emissions and waste streams from refinery and gas processing operations. It isalso the intent of this handbook to document best management practices, cleaner production technologies, and pollution prevention practices that can assist in improving environmental performance. Thisfirst chapterprovides anoverview ofthemost widelyused technologies employed by the industry. Many of the descriptions of refinery process opera- tions are taken from the US OSHA standards and US EPA’s AP-42 for back- groundpurposes.Anidentification ofmanyofthesourcesofpollutionisgiven along withthese descriptions. 1.2 Oil- and gas-field operations 1.2.1 Field characterizations Schlumberger World Energy Atlas lists more than 40,000 oil and gas fields of varying sizes throughout the world. Approximately 94% of known oil is concentrated in fewer than 1500 giant and major fields (Ivanhoe and Leckie, 1993). The largest discovered conventional oil field is the Ghawar Field in Saudi Arabia. Approximately 65% of all Saudi oil produced between 1948 and 2000 came from the Ghawar Field. Cumulative production to the end of 2005 was about 60 billion barrels (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghawar_ Field#cite_note-5). Currently it is estimated to produce over 5 million barrels (800,000 m3) of oil a day, which is roughly equivalent to 6.25% of global production. Ghawar also produces approximately 2 billion cubic feet (57,000,000 m3) of natural gas per day. Therearealsomassiveunconventionaloilfields,suchasVenezuela’sOrinoco tarsandsandCanada’sAthabascatarsands.Thesefieldsreportedlymaycontain even greater reserves than the Ghawar Field. Oilandgasfieldsarecharacterizedbythegeologicalstructureofthefield,as wellasbythequalityandcompositionoftheproductionstreams.Dependingon the set of conditions, different and sometimes unique recovery processes are employed. Discoveries of new oil and gas reserves generally require drilling of very deep wells. As a consequence, the wellhead equipment must be capable ofhandlinghigh-temperature/high-pressurehydrocarbonswithahighdegreeof reliability. Thepetroleumindustry 3 Oil and gas reserves are brought to the surface through piping that runs the entiredepthofthewell,andwhichishungwithinasteelcasing.Sincethecasing diameter is larger than that of the piping, there is a void space or ‘‘annulus’’ between thetubingand the casing. Inmanyoilreservoirsthenaturallyoccurringpressureissufficienttoforcethe crude oil to the surface of the well. This production process is referred to as ‘‘primaryrecovery’’andmostgenerallydoesnotrequiretheuseofacompressor. However, the duration of the primary recovery is limited because at a certain point in time the natural energy to lift the oil is no longer adequate. After this point,acompressorandchokevalvecombinationisusedtorestoreorincrease the pressure in the field. This phase of the well’s life is known as gas depletion and isa form of secondary recovery. In situations where the oil reservoir pressure is not sufficient to ensure the desired level of production, pumping systems may be employed. Enhanced recoverysystemsareinstalledtoincreaseproductionand/ortoavoidthedecline of productionoverthe years and to increase therecoveryratio. 1.2.2 Drilling rigs Boreholesaremade to recover oil and gasusing a machine knownasa drilling rig.Theycanbemobileequipmentmountedontrucks,tracksortrailers,ormore permanent land- or marine-based structures (such as oil platforms, commonly called ‘‘offshore oil rigs’’). The term ‘‘rig’’ refers to the complex of equipment thatisusedtopenetratethesurfaceoftheEarth’scrust.Small,portablesystems are generally used for mineral exploration and drilling water wells, and in environmental investigations. Larger, more fixed installations are capable of drilling through thousands of meters of the Earth’s crust. Large ‘‘mud pumps’’ circulate drilling mud (slurry) through the drill bit and the casing, for cooling and removing the ‘‘cuttings’’ while a well isbeing drilled. Hoists in the rig can lift hundreds of tons of pipe. Otherequipmentcanforceacidorsandintoreservoirstofacilitateextractionof the oil or mineral sample. Marine rigs may operate many hundreds of miles or kilometers offshorewith infrequentcrew rotation. An example of an onshore rig is shown in Figure 1.1. The following list providesdefinitionsofeachoftheequipmentcomponentsshowninthediagram. The equipment associated with a rig depends on the type of rig, but typically includesatleastsome of the following items: 1. Mudtank–oftencalledmudpits;providesareservestoreofdrillingfluiduntilitis requireddownthewellbore. 2. Shaleshakers–separatedrillcuttingsfromthedrillingfluidbeforeitispumpedback downthewellbore. 3. Suctionline(mudpump)–intakelineforthemudpumptodrawdrillingfluidfrom themudtanks. 4. Mud pump – reciprocal type of pump used to circulate drilling fluid through the system.

This new Handbook provides a series of reference guides to cleaner production methods, technologies, and practices for key industry sectors. Each volume covers, for each industry sector: * the manufacturing technologies * waste management * pollution * methods for estimating and reporting emissions
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