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Handbook of Plasma Processing Technology: Fundamental, Etching, Deposition and Surface Interactions (Materials Science and Process Technology) PDF

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Preview Handbook of Plasma Processing Technology: Fundamental, Etching, Deposition and Surface Interactions (Materials Science and Process Technology)

HANDBOOK OF PLASMA PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Fundamentals, Etching, Deposition, and Surface Interactions Edited by Stephen M, Rossnagel IBM Thomas J, Watson Research Genter Yorktown Heights, New York Jerome J. Cuomo IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Helghts, New York William D. Westwood Bell-Northern Research Ottawa, Canada NOYES PUBLICATIONS FUP | roc rie. new Jo, OBA Gopyriaht © 1900 by Noyes Publications No gar of this Hook may be reproducad oF uti It {any formar by any mens, eeetvoni or mochanoal, including photocopying, recording or by amy inform An stra ae otal system, without parmiion im wring ram the Publier, Library of Congrase Cetatoa Card Number: 60-22836 SeNe batE-Z20-1 Print i the Unie Stoter Pobishe ithe United States of Amerios by Novas Publications woe76 Library of Congress Catalonig-in-Publization Data Hardbonk af mina pacing tichnology : turlanentl,eihing, “Anoonitin, ond marta teractions / aia by Stephan M Rosonage,Jerame 1 Cuomo, #iiiam D. Westwood oom Iaclades iligraphicst reterence. sen 0 8755-1220-1 rina. 2. Semisonductors- Etching. 3. Maema T Rosen, Stephen M. 11 Conse, fa HL Wesevond, Whiham D. Willa Oiekeor, 1937. ‘ragoat.n 1380, eat Uae coors er MATERIALS SCIENCE AND PROCESS TECHNOLOGY SERIES Editors Rointan F. Bunshah, University of California, Las Angeles (Materials Science and! Techowtogy) Gary E. MeGuirs, Micraeectranics Center of Nerth Carotina (Eveceranic ‘Maverisis and Processing) DEPOSITION TECHNOLOGIES FOR FILMS AND COATINGS: by Rointan F. CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION IN MICROELECTRONICS: by Arthur Shorman SEMICONDUCTOR MATEAIALS AND PROGESS TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK, stited by Gary E, Setuire SOL-GFL TECHNOLOGY FOR THIN FILMS, FIBERS, PREFORMS, ELECTRON: ICS AND SPECIALTY SHAPES: eviceaby Lika A. Risin HYBRID MICHOCIRCUIT TECHNOLOSY HANDBOOK: by domes J Lice and Ceanard A. entow HANDBOOK OF THIN FILM DEPOSITION PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES: es By Klaus X, Schongrat IONIZED-GLUSTER BEAM DEPOSITION AND EPITAXY: by Tachinor Tokagi DIFFUSION PHENOMENA (N THIN FILMS AND MIGROCLECTRONIG MATE. RIALS! ccitod by Desenara Gupm@ and Pa0tS. Ho SHOCK WAVES FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS: sued by Lawrence E, urs HANDBOOK OF CONTAMINATION CONTROL IN MICROELECTAONICS: ‘edited by Danols E. Toeer| HANDEGOK OF 10M REAM PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY: titel by Jarome J Caome, Stepien M. Rossnage, en Harold. Kevin FRICTION AND WEAR TRANSITIONS OF MATERIALS: by Peter, Bay CHARACTERIZATION OF SEANCOWDUGIOR MATERIALS-Valume 11 mhind ty Cary & HeBuire SPECIAL MELTING AND PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES: itd by G.K. Brat HANDBOOK OF PLASMA PROCESSING TECHNDLOGY: wlited by Seepten [IM Rasanoges, drome. uome, snd ian D. Kestvooe Fielated Titles ADHESIVES TECHNOLOGY HANDEGOK: by Arthur Lancrock HANOROOK OF THERMOSET PLASTICS: ected by Sidy 1 Goutnan SURFACE PREPARATION TECHNIGUES FOR ADHESIVE BONDING: by fy ond © Wagrat This book “& dedicated 10 the memo:y of Professor Joh Thorntun of the Universixy of Mlirois, axd torm- tly of Telic Corporstian. Jahr. was a pioneer, er ‘ruby tor, ard a sires teach in the Fields of spustering aud thin film technology. He was a colleague and Trier of each of the editors axd the majority of contibuting authors <0 chis book. His umelligence, integrity, and ‘dedication have touehed many of us. Preface The field of plzsmarbated thin film processing has grown rapidly over the atl two decades. The technologies discussed in this book ave the bats for the revolucionary inc-ease in computer capabilities, as well as for such applications as 160i coatings, Food packaging and arch Lectural cuatings on skyscraper widows, Pragma processing isetuioiouy has @ number of mgnifustatiens, (com simple de discharges up Lo she complicated election eyctot-an resonance (ECR! plasmas intended tor single waler brocessiny. Films ara dupusited ard hud by u rage ‘ol duvices. including rf diades, magnetrons, bread beam ion souress, holtoe ceathad sources and mary. Each uf these techniques can operate in primaily on-chemrical mades with ners gases, or Can easily be sw'tehed ta reactive modes, whera a surluey a be shen cally traded or a snecific chemical compound de p ast isting, jon cluster guan aid activauud, evget vu evapocalian deposition teciiniques, Im addition te simply che plasma process, a wealth of knowfudge has bee generated 09 iomstirface interactions. The impact of ions at “wany times che thermal eacray of the surface can strongly change the structurs as well as the chemistry oF the surface. Techniques such as these allow ane to axprore mate rials nov available ia bulk form, and 0 produce new compounds, phases cr slivewtes, Much cuinaiue ty be accomplished in :erms of plastmarhasee processing technologies, The fundamental understanding of the plasma itself i stilt at crude fevel; she riust svabiesiveled models ure makina progress in urderslaading the operaticn of simple rT ioe plasmas. Clussicaf plasma physics, as it applles ta, perhans, high temperature fusion plasms, is begin ay to make some sense \ He he_apel a fied hs Practival situation of using reactive, motecular species 7m the plasinas dramati- ally compl cates the level of understanding ait Preface This 200k is intended to provide a persnect’ve look at a range of thin fit plasma processing technologies. The authors were selected to represent. the stateafthe-srt unders-erding. The chapters are sint just the classical reviow: type cupter found in many txts, bus provide a more concise view uf the level of understanding of the fie d Today, withaur wading thraugh the entice nistory of exch fel. Yorktower Heights, WY Stuphun M, Rosssagel October, 1989, About the Editors Stephen M. Rossnagel is preseutty a research staff member at tne IBM Tad. Wagon Research Canter, Yarkiown He'ghts, New York, His current r= euch is in plasma-based processing, particularly in ion beam and magnetren areas. He received nis doctorate ‘a physics from Cole-ado State University, and bias held Positions at Pracs:on University and at the Mlax Planck srstitute in Garching, Wes" Germany. Dr. Rossnagel has published extensively in areas of magnetron souller'ag and also film modit'cation by ion bombardment. He has published over §@ ressarch papers and book chaprers, ane co-edited two books. He is the autho: of G patanss, and 's chairman af she Plasira Science Technolagy Division nf the American Vacuurn Society. ever J Cuomo presently Manager OT ine Waterlals Processing Labare—————] tory sat the BM T.J, Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York Dr. Cuomo renrived his Ph.D. ar Odenes (University and ie parsiculurly invalved in the study pI materials and :he processing of maler"als by sputlering, [oa besrn and lasma processes, He naz mace “snportant cerctibutinns to the development of LaBy eluctron wirittars and SigNe as dicluctic ayers, aud alse plunesrud ‘work in chemical Vapor depatition, dendritic solar ther-nat absorbers, sputtered amorphous icon, amorphous magnetic bubble domain macerials, ion besrn modification and iynthesis et materials, enhanced plasma srocesses, and gh T., superconductors. Dr. Cuoma hes been active in various capacities in the Aamerican Vacuum Sociely and the Mutérials Research Society. He is a member bf tne Advisory Committes ta che lpterisls Science Deogrrmant af North Garalina Slate University andl Pennsylvania Siate University and is an Adjunct Professor at Cornell University. He is the autfior or co-autnor of 56 patents, 197 pater: puolications and 8 “esearch papers, chapters in soveral boDks and is in the 4Bt4 Corporation. ABOU Wie BaWGE William B, Westwood ie presently Meneger of Advanced Materials and De vices at Bell-Northern Research’: Advanced Tuchnelagy Laoorato-y, Ottawa Canada. He rece ved his Ph.D. from the Uriversity of Aberdeen, Scotland in solid ecate physics, He then joined Nerthurn E ac-ri¢ RAD Laporatery to work fon magnetic oxide ceramics, aud developed sputcering meshods for Tasricating thin films of chese exides, His rasearch interests have centered or. this technique since then. From. 1966 to 1968, he wes a faculey member at Flinders Univers ty iy Austrafia, In 1969, he headed a grovn a: Bell-Northern Research studying nin tims for hybrid ciecuits, ané from the sputtering aspects of this work ‘evolved research on integrated optics, He has slso been involved in technology research for electronic office applications, such as facsimile and displays. Since 1982, he has been involved in TII-V semiconductor device technology for his speed electronics aiid optoelectronics. He has co-authored aver 100 technical Papers, cc-edited a book, and has move than 20 patents, He has served the ‘Amarican Vacuum Society as a director, ad is presently the Clerk of thesociety. Contributors Jes Asmussen Michigan State University East Langig, 04 Soren Berg University of Uppsala Uppsala, Sweden Rointan F. Bunshah Univursity of Califucnia, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA Chris M, Horwitz University of New Sout Kennsingtan, Australia Wales Harold R. Kaufman Front Range Research Fart Covlins, CO Roger Kelly JUM, Thomas J, Watson Research Center Jovepb L. Cecchi Princeton Univers'ty Princetos, NJ (Chandra V. Deshpanday Univarsiey af California, Los Anaelas Los Ange!es, CA, David B. Fraser Intel Corporasion Sunt Clara, C4 avid W. Hoffman Ford Research Center Yarkiows He abs, NY Joseoh S, Logan IBM, Thomas J. Werson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY Geral Lucovsky North Garalina State University Raleigh, NC Flobert J. Markunas Research Triangle Institute Research Triangle Park, NC Donald M, Mattox. Sandia National Laberatories Athuquecque, NM Robert C. MeCune Ford Research Cemter Deartere, Mt James J. McNally Raymond S. Robinson Colorado State University Fart Cailins, CO Stephen M. Rossnaget IBM, Thomas J, Watson Research Cone Yorktown Heights, NY US. Air Frrca Academy David N. Ruzie US. Air Fores Academy, CO University of Mlinais Urbana, AL Pussell Messier University Park, PA. ‘Lawrence Livermare National Laboratory Claes Nender Livermpre, CA Unizarsity uf Uppsala Uppsa a, Sweden David V. Tau Gottliah 8. Oehriein IBM, Thomas J. Watson Reseaccts Center Yorktav Heights, NY No-th-Carating State University Raleigh, NC Nurther Resuarch Ottawa, Canada Lawrence J. Pitione Pennsylvania State University Isa0 Yamada University Perk, PA. Kyoto University K Rafael Feit Massachusetts Institute of Tachnolugy Cernbridge, NA Joveoh E, Yahioda Pennsylvania Stave Un'versity University Park, PA. NOTICE To thu bert of the Publisher's knowledge the informe lion contained in this book is accurate; hover, thu Pub isher assumes no responsitilicy nor bility. for eerors oF any consequences arising from the use of the informstion contained in. Final -derarminasion nf the suitability of say infrmatinn, procedure, or prod ct for use camtemp' stad by any user, and she manner oF inet use, is the sole responsibility of the user. The book vice should be obtaired at all tives before implementa G Pon of any procedure descrived or implied in the book, and cat rion should be exercised in the use of any mute als or Procedures for plasma processing which could be potentially hazardous.

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