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Preview Handbook of pharmaceutical wet granulation

CHAPTER 13 Use of Mannitol as a Filler in Wet Granulation Sherif I.F. Badawy, Keyur R. Shah, Madhu S. Surapaneni, Marta M. Szemraj, Munir Hussain DrugProductScience&Technology,Bristol-MyersSquibbCo.,NewBrunswick,NJ,UnitedStates 1 INTRODUCTION Wetgranulatedtabletformulationsbasedonmicrocrystallinecellulose(MCC)andlactose as the fillers are commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is well known, however, that lactose could react chemically with drugs containing an amine moiety (particularlyprimaryamine),andthereforetheuseoflactoseasafillerintheformulation ofthosedrugsshould beavoided.In suchcases,MCC couldbeusedalone or couldbe usedalongwithotherfillerssuchasdicalciumphosphatedihydrateandmannitol.Certain problemsareassociatedwithusingMCCasthesolefiller.Theexcellentcompactibilityof MCC could be reduced significantly upon wet granulation (Badawy, Gray, & Hussain, 2006; Gustafsson, Lennholm, Iversen, & Nystro€m, 2003). Reier and Shangraw (1966) reported that exposure of tablets of MCC-based formulation to increased humidity (75% RH, 1week) resulted in a softening and swelling of the tablets. Compactibility ofMCCalsoisknowntobesensitivetotheeffectofcompressionspeedorpunchveloc- ity.DavidandAugsburger(1977)studiedtheeffectofdurationoftheoverallcompres- sioncycleontabletstrengthofsomecommondirectcompressionfillersincludingMCC. They observed that an increase in the duration of the overall compression cycle from 0.09–10s resulted in significant increases in the tensile strength of the tablets prepared from MCC. When MCC is used alone as a filler in a wet granulated formulation, all thethreeincidences―lossofcompactibilityonwetgranulation,decreasedcompactibil- ity at higher compression speeds (speed sensitivity), and loss of tablet hardness under humid conditions (hardness decay)―could occur simultaneously, reducing the overall compactibility of the formulations. Dicalciumphosphateislesspreferredinaformulationbecauseoflowcompactibility (Zhang,Law,&Chakrabarti,2003),andalsobecausethewaterofcrystallizationcouldbe releasedduringprocessingorstorageandthereforechemicallyinteractwithdrugsprone to hydrolysis (Schlack, Bauer-Brandl, Schubert, & Becker, 2001). Mannitol is an alter- native excipient that is water soluble, nonhygroscopic, and produces a semisweet, smooth cool taste. Therefore, it is a widely used filler in the formulation of chewable HandbookofPharmaceuticalWetGranulation ©2019ElsevierInc. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-810460-6.00006-3 Allrightsreserved. 455 456 HandbookofPharmaceuticalWetGranulation orrapidlydisintegratingtabletformulations.Mannitolalsocouldbeusedinconventional tablets, where nonhygroscopicity and chemical inertness are desired. There have been numerous reports about the various polymorphs of D-mannitol. According to Burger et al. (2000), mannitol exists in three different polymorphic forms in the pure state: the α form,theβ form, andthe δform. The βform is the main commercially available polymorph.Severalcommercialgradesofmannitol,whichdiffermainlyintheirparticle sizeandmanufacturingmethod,areavailable.Thedifferentgradesgenerallyarereferred toaspowder,granulated,orspray-driedandshowsignificantdifferencesintheirbehavior in the tablet compression process. Powder grades of mannitol generally have high lubricantrequirementandexhibithighfrictionalforceduringtheejectionofthetablet. Granulated grades have lower compactibility than the powder or spray-dried grades. Spray-dried mannitol typically exhibits superior characteristics compared to the other grades. A study was conducted to evaluate the inclusion of a commercially available spray- dried grade of mannitol along with MCC in the formulation instead of MCC alone, inwhichlactosecouldnotbeaddedbecauseofchemicalincompactibilitywiththeactive ingredient(Badawy,Shah,Surapaneni,Szemraj,&Hussain,2010).Anotherpurposeof this study was to evaluate the processing advantage of incorporating this grade of man- nitol in MCC-based wet granulated formulation compared to MCC alone, particularly with respect to compactibility loss, speed sensitivity, and hardness loss in humid condi- tions occurring in MCC based formulations. The granulating water-to-solids ratio and the magnesium stearate required for optimum granulation properties depends on the ratioofmannitoltoMCCusedintheformulation.Therefore,thewater-to-solidsratio and lubricant level required for the optimum granulation performance also were evaluated. 2 STUDY DESIGN A two-level full factorial design with two center points (Table 1) was used to study the effect of three variables of the mannitol to MCC ratio (mannitol weight fraction of the filler:low0(nomannitol)andhigh0.5),watertointragranularsolidsratio(low0.25and high 0.4), and magnesium stearate concentration, w/w (0.6% low and 1.2% high). In additiontomicrocrystallinecellulose,mannitol,andmagnesiumstearate,allformulations contained3%hydroxypropylcelluloseand4%croscarmellosesodium(2%intragranular and 2% extragranular). Response variables evaluated were: granulation compactibility, ejection force, normalized granule parameter, percentage of fines, flowability index and percentage of hardness decay. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out in SAS JMP 4.0 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Preliminary data analysis using a regression model with main effects, and the two-way interactions indicated that the UseofMannitolasaFillerinWetGranulation 457 Table1 Fullfactorialdesignwithtwocenterpoints Run# Mannitolratio Waterratio Magnesiumstearateconcentration 1 1 (cid:1)1 1 2 (cid:1)1 (cid:1)1 1 3 1 1 (cid:1)1 4 0 0 0 5 1 1 1 6 (cid:1)1 1 1 7 1 (cid:1)1 –1 8 0 0 0 9 –1 1 –1 10 –1 –1 –1 ReproducedwithpermissionfromBadawy,S.I.F.,Shah,K.R.,Surapaneni,M.S.,Szemraj,M.M.,&Hussain,M. (2010).Effectofspray-driedmannitolontheperformanceofmicrocrystallinecellulose-basedwetgranulatedtablet formulation.PharmaceuticalDevelopmentandTechnology,15(4),339–345.https://doi.org/10.3109/10837450903229065. magnitudes of some of interaction terms were insignificant. As a result, data were ana- lyzed subsequently with a regression model that excluded those interaction terms. Granulation of the different experimental design batches was carried out in a 10-L Fujihigh-sheargranulatoratabatchsizeof1.75kgusingwaterasthegranulatingliquid. Microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, intragranular croscarmellose sodium,andmannitol(whenapplicable,asperthestudydesigninTable1)wereadded tothebowlofthegranulatorandblendedfor2minatanimpellerspeedof300rpmanda chopperspeedof1500rpm.Thespecifiedamountofwaterforthebatchthenwasadded to the blend in the granulator using a peristaltic pump over a period of 2min, with the impellerspeedmaintainedat300rpmandthechopperspeedat1500rpm.Aftercomplete addition of water, the granulation was wet massed for 30s while maintaining the same impeller and chopper speeds. The wet granulation was screened through a 12-mesh screen and dried in a hot air oven at 50°C to a moisture content of 1%–3% w/w(determinedbyLossonDryingat105°C).Thedriedgranulationwasmilledusing aconicalmill(Comil197S,QuadroInc.,Millburn,NJ,USA)througha20-meshscreen. Subsequently,extragranularcroscarmellosesodiumwasaddedtothemilledgranulation inan8.0quartV-blender(Patterson-Kelly,EastStroudsburg,PA,USA),andblendedfor 15min. The blend then was lubricated with magnesium stearate by additional mixing for 5min. Granulation was compressed into 90mg tablets on a Korsch 6-station press (equipped with only two tooling sets) using 1/4-in. shallow concave tooling with scored lower punch and upper punch embossed with “468.” The Korch press was instrumented by Metropolitan Computing Corporation (East Hanover, NJ, USA). At the beginning of the compression run, the compaction profile was obtained for each granulation by determining mean tablet hardness of 10 tablets at different 458 HandbookofPharmaceuticalWetGranulation compaction forces. Hardness was determined in Strong Cobb Units (SCU) using a hardness tester (Key International, Englishtown, NJ, USA). The maximum hardness obtained at the highest compression force for each granulation was used to compare compactibility of the different batches. For the batches with high level of mannitol, thecompressionrunwascontinuedatatargethardnessof6SCUforatleast5000hits perpunch.Attheendoftherun,thetoolingwasinspectedforanyfilming,sticking, or filling of the embossing. 3 CHARACTERIZATION OF GRANULATION AND TABLETS CompactionprofilesofthelubricatedgranulationswereobtainedusingESHtabletcom- paction simulator. A weight of 260mg of each batch was compressed on the simulator using3/8-in.flatfacetoolingtoapredeterminedin-diethickness.Eachbatchwascom- pressed to four different thickness targets with three tablets obtained at each thickness. The actual thickness achieved for each compressed tablet was determined by the linear variabledisplacementtransducer(LVDT)ofthecompactionsimulator.Compressionand ejection forces were determined for each tablet. The hardness of each tablet was determined by a diametrical compression test on a hardness tester (Key International, Englishtown, NJ) and converted to a tensile strength. Compaction profiles then were constructedusingthecompressionpressure(obtainedbydividingthecompressionforce bypuncharea)andcorrespondingcompacttensilestrength.Thecompactibilityparam- eterwascalculatedastheslopeofthelineobtainedbylinearregressionofthedatapoints in the compaction profile. Two additional compaction parameters also were calculated from thecompaction simulator data.The yield pressurewasobtainedfrom theslopeof the linear portion of the natural logarithm of the reciprocal tablet porosity versus com- pression pressure. A bonding parameter was calculated as the Y-intercept of the plot of tensile strength versus tablet porosity and representstheoretical tablet tensile strength at zero porosity. The effect of compression speed on granulation compactibility also was evaluatedforfourbatchesusingthePresstercompactionsimulator(MetropolitanCom- puting Corporation,East Hanover,NJ).Granulation frombatches5,6,7, and10 were compressedinto260mgtabletsusing3/8-in.flatfacetooling.Compactionprofileswere determinedatthreecompressiondwelltimes(7.4,14.8,and29.5ms)foreachgranulation withthreetabletreplicatesateachcompressionforce.Compactibilityparameterwascal- culated for each granulation at the different compression speeds from the slope of the compactionprofileasdescribedabove.Acompressionspeedsensitivityindex(SSI)then wascalculatedforeachgranulationastheratioofthecompactibilityatthe29.5msdwell time to that at the 7.4ms dwell time. The effect of mannitol on compression speed sensitivity was assessed by comparing the SSI values for batches 5 and 7 (high level of mannitol) to batches 6 and 10 (no mannitol), respectively. UseofMannitolasaFillerinWetGranulation 459 Particle size distribution of the dried granulation material was determined by mesh analysis using an Allen Bradley sonic sifter (Allen Bradley, Milwaukee, WI, USA) equipped with a series of six screens and a pan. Normalized granule growth parameter wascalculatedastheratioofgeometricmeandiameterofthegranulestogeometricmean diameterofthepre-blendpriortogranulation.Thepercentageoffineswascalculatedby thesummationofthepercentagematerialretainedoverthemesh#325anddustcollected in the pan of the sonic sifter (particle size <75μm). TheflowabilityindexofthedifferentgranulationswasmeasuredusingFlodexpow- derflowabilitytester(HansonResearch,Chatsworth,CA,USA).Theflowabilityindex isthediameter(mm)ofthesmallestholethroughwhichthepowderfallsfreelyinthree successivetrials.A(cid:3)30gofthetestsamplewaspouredthroughafunnelintoacylinder andallowedtosettlefor30s.Thecylinderwasequippedwithseriesofreplaceableindex flowdiscsofdifferentdiametersinthebottom,andtheholeisclosedwithamobileshut- ter.Theleverdeviceattachedtothecylinderwasusedtoopentheholeandevaluatethe flow of the powder through the index flow disc. The lower the flowability index, the better the flow of the granules. Tablet hardness decay was evaluated using 10 tablets from each of the experimental runsontheKorsch6-stationpresscompressedtothetargethardnessof6SCU.Thetab- letswerestoredinanopendishat25°C/65%RHfor6h.Thehardnessofeachtabletwas determined by the diametrical compression test. The percentage of hardness decay was calculated from the mean of the tablet hardness after storage and the initial tablet hardness as follows: %Hardnessdecay¼ðInitialhardness(cid:1)FinalhardnessÞ=Initialhardness: 4 COMPACTION STUDIES 4.1 Compactibility The presence of mannitol in the formulation increased the maximum tablet hardness achieved in the Korsch experiment (P¼0.0005) and the compactibility parameter in the compaction simulator study (P¼0.0087) (Table 2). A higher level of magnesium stearate,however,decreasedmaximumtablethardness(P¼0.0187)andthecompactibil- ityparameter(P¼0.0302).Thenegativesignoftheparameterestimatefortheeffectof wateronthevariouscompactionparameterssuggestsatrendofreducingcompactibility asthe waterratio isincreased. Theeffect of water, however, wasnot statistically signif- icant on any of the compaction parameters. Thecompactionprofilealsowasdifferentbetweenformulationswithhighermanni- tol ratio and those without mannitol (Fig. 1). Formulations without mannitol demon- strate a biphasic profile with high initial slope followed by a region with minimal increaseinthetablethardnessasthecompressionforcewasincreased.Compactionpro- files, however, were more linear for formulations with high mannitol ratio, and tablet 460 HandbookofPharmaceuticalWetGranulation Table2 Regressionanalysisofcompactiondata Parameterestimate(Pvalue) Maximum Parameter hardnessa Compactibilityb Bondingb Yieldpressureb Mannitol:MCC 1.91 (0.0005) 1.22 (0.0087) 0.91 (0.0041) 49.1 (<0.0001) ratio Waterratio (cid:1)0.463 (0.1087) (cid:1)0.095(0.7756) (cid:1)0.015(0.9431) 1.48 (0.7318) Magnesium stearate (cid:1)0.0813(0.0187) (cid:1)0.90 (0.0302) (cid:1)0.29 (0.2005) 8.93 (0.0741) concentration Mannitol 0.8375 (0.0167) NSc NSc NSc ratio(cid:4)water ratio aKorsch6-stationexperiments. bCompactionsimulatorstudy. cInteractionnotstatisticallysignificant(P<0.05). ReproducedwithpermissionfromBadawy,S.I.F.,Shah,K.R.,Surapaneni,M.S.,Szemraj,M.M.,&Hussain,M. (2010).Effectofspray-driedmannitolontheperformanceofmicrocrystallinecellulose-basedwetgranulatedtablet formulation.PharmaceuticalDevelopmentandTechnology,15(4),339–345.https://doi.org/10.3109/10837450903229065. 16 14 12 )U C 10 S ( ss 8 e n d 6 ra H High mannitol, low water 4 Low mannitol, low water High mannitol, high water 2 Low mannitol, high water 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Compression force (kN) Data shown are for batches 1, 2, 5, and 6 with high level of magnesium stearate. Fig. 1 Compaction profile of the granulations on the Korsch PH106 tablet press. (Reproduced with permission from Badawy, S. I. F., Shah, K. R., Surapaneni, M. S., Szemraj, M. M., & Hussain, M. (2010). Effect of spray-dried mannitol on the performance of microcrystalline cellulose-based wet granulated tablet formulation. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 15(4), 339–345. https://doi.org/10. 3109/10837450903229065.) UseofMannitolasaFillerinWetGranulation 461 hardness continued to increase as the compression force was increased up to the maxi- mum compression force examined. The interaction term between mannitol ratio and water ratio was significant for the maximum tablet hardness in the Korsch study (P¼0.0167). The positive sign of the parameter estimate for this interaction term reflects the enhanced maximum hardness for the formulations with high mannitol ratio at the higher water ratio in contrast to the formulations without mannitol that showed decreased tablet hardness as the water ratiowasincreased.Thisinteractiontermwasnotstatisticallysignificantforthecompac- tion simulator compactibility parameter. Because the compression cycle time is much shorter in the Korsch, it can be inferred that this interaction becomes less important at the slow compression speed of the compaction simulator. Fig.2showsthesimulatorcompactionprofileoftwogranulatedbatches,onewitha highmannitolratio,andtheotherwithoutmannitol.Bothbatchesweregranulatedwith low water ratio and have low level of magnesium stearate. Compaction profiles of the corresponding blends prior to granulation also are shown in Fig. 2 (lubricated with the same concentration of magnesium stearate as the granulation). Compactibility of pregranulated blend without mannitol was higher than the one with the high mannitol ratio, reflecting the higher compactibility of MCC starting material compared to man- nitol. Both formulations showed decreased compactibility upon wet granulation, resultingin comparablecompactibilityforthetwogranulatedbatches.Becausethefor- mulation without mannitol showed higher compactibility for the pregranulated blend, 8 7 )a 6 P M ( 5 h tg ne 4 rts e 3 lis n Granulated blend — high mannitol e 2 T Granulated blend — low mannitol 1 Pregranulated blend — high mannitol Pregranulated blend — low mannitol 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Compression pressure (MPa) Fig. 2 Compaction profiles of the granulations and preblends obtained using the compaction simulator. (Reproduced with permission from Badawy, S. I. F., Shah, K. R., Surapaneni, M. S., Szemraj, M. M., & Hussain, M. (2010). Effect of spray-dried mannitol on the performance of microcrystalline cellulose-based wet granulated tablet formulation. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology,15(4),339–345.https://doi.org/10.3109/10837450903229065.) 462 HandbookofPharmaceuticalWetGranulation however,itcanbeconcludedthatformulationcontainingmannitolislesspronetocom- pactibility loss than the one without mannitol. Wet granulation is known to decrease compactibility of MCC. Compactibility of mannitol as an excipient, however, is not reduced and might even be enhanced by wet granulation (Debord et al., 1987; Juppo, Kervinen, Yliruusi, & Kristoffersson, 1995). As a result, addition of mannitol to the MCCformulationdemonstrateddecreasedsusceptibilityoftheformulationtocompac- tion loss upon wet granulation. 4.2 Compression Speed Sensitivity Thespeedsensitivityindex(SSI)forbatches5,6,7,and10isshowninTable3.Incor- poration of the high level of mannitol decreased compression speed sensitivity of the granulation when other parameters are kept constant. Thus, the SSI decreased from 1.92 for batch 6 without mannitol to 1.11 for batch 5 with high level of mannitol (bothbatchesprocessedusinghighlevelofwaterandhighlevelofmagnesiumstearate). Similarly,theSSIdecreasedfrom1.86forbatch10withoutmannitolto1.20forbatch7 withhighlevelofmannitol,wherethetwobatchesweremanufacturedatalowlevelof waterandlowlevelofmagnesiumstearate.Minimizingtheeffectofcompressionspeed on compactibility is desirable because it facilitates process scaleup and allows for high throughput tablet manufacture at the production scale. 4.3 Granule Lubrication Nosticking,filming,orpickingwasobservedforthemannitolgranulationsafter>5000 hitsperpunchontheKorsch6-stationevenusingthe468embossedtooling,suggesting that the formulations have sufficient anti-adherent characteristics even for those with high mannitol ratio and low magnesium stearate concentration. Mean ejection forces Table3 Effectofcompressionspeedoncompactibilityofdifferentgranulations Batch Dwelltime(ms) Compactibility(SCU/kN) Speedsensitivityindex 5 29.5 1.22 5 7.4 1.1 1.11 6 29.5 0.566 6 7.4 0.295 1.92 7 29.5 0.838 7 7.4 0.7 1.20 10 29.5 1.06 10 7.4 0.57 1.86 ReproducedwithpermissionfromBadawy,S.I.F.,Shah,K.R.,Surapaneni,M.S.,Szemraj,M.M.,&Hussain,M. (2010).Effectofspray-driedmannitolontheperformanceofmicrocrystallinecellulose-basedwetgranulatedtablet formulation.PharmaceuticalDevelopmentandTechnology,15(4),339–345.https://doi.org/10.3109/10837450903229065. UseofMannitolasaFillerinWetGranulation 463 Table4 Ejectionforce,flowabilityindex,andtablethardnessdecaydata Run Meanejection Flodexflowability %Decayhardnessafter6h number force(kN) index(mm) at25/60 1 0.22 4 4 2 0.198 5 57 3 0.21 4 7 4 0.186 6 30 5 0.219 5 15 6 0.195 7 60 7 0.214 4 35 8 0.168 5 40 9 0.179 5 65 10 0.209 5 60 ReproducedwithpermissionfromBadawy,S.I.F.,Shah,K.R.,Surapaneni,M.S.,Szemraj,M.M.,&Hussain,M. (2010).Effectofspray-driedmannitolontheperformanceofmicrocrystallinecellulose-basedwetgranulatedtablet formulation.PharmaceuticalDevelopmentandTechnology,15(4),339–345.https://doi.org/10.3109/10837450903229065. Table5 Regressionanalysisofejectionforceandtablethardnessdecay Parameterestimate(Pvalue) Parameter Ejectionforce Tablethardnessdecay Mannitol:MCCratio 0.010 (0.14) (cid:1)22.6 (0.0005) Water ratio (cid:1)0.0048 (0.462) (cid:1)1.125 (0.751) Mannitol ratio(cid:4)water ratio 0.0025 (0.694) (cid:1)3.875 (0.296) ReproducedwithpermissionfromBadawy,S.I.F.,Shah,K.R.,Surapaneni,M.S.,Szemraj,M.M.,&Hussain,M. (2010).Effectofspray-driedmannitolontheperformanceofmicrocrystallinecellulose-basedwetgranulatedtablet formulation.PharmaceuticalDevelopmentandTechnology,15(4),339–345.https://doi.org/10.3109/10837450903229065. inthecompactionsimulatorstudiesrangedbetween168and220N(Table4),suggesting adequatelubricationforallbatches.Neithermannitolrationormagnesiumstearatecon- centrationshowedstatisticallysignificanteffectonejectionforce(P¼0.14,0.69,respec- tively) (Table 5). 4.4 Tablet Hardness Decay Tablets without mannitol showed substantial decrease in hardness upon storage at 25°C/60% RH for 6h. Percentage decrease in hardness for those tablets ranged from 57%–65% relative to initial tablet hardness. Tablets with high mannitol ratio, however, werelesssusceptibletolossofhardnessuponstorageatthiscondition.Percenthardness loss ranged between 4% and 35%. The effect of mannitol on tablet hardness decay was statisticallysignificant(P¼0.0005).Neithermagnesiumstearate,waterratio,noranyof the two-way interactions showed an effect on tablet hardness decay (Table 5). 464 HandbookofPharmaceuticalWetGranulation 5 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION Statisticalanalysisofparticlesizedistributiondidnotincludemagnesiumstearateconcen- trationbecausegranulegrowthduringgranulationandsizereductionduringdrymilling are not affected by the magnesium stearate added in the last processing steps. Granule geometric mean diameter, percentage of fines (<75μm) and granule growth parameter data(Table6)wereanalyzedforthedriedunmilledgranulationandthefinalgranulation. Increasingmannitolratioresultedinastatisticallysignificantincreaseingeometricmean diameterandgranulegrowthratioandadecreaseinthepercentageoffinesforboththe unmilled and final granulation (Table 7). Because mannitol is less hydroscopic than MCC,replacingpartoftheMCCwithmannitolmakesmorewateravailableforgranule growthatagivenwaterratio.Theeffectofmannitolonparticleagglomerationandgran- ule growth was maintained largely in the final granulation despite the subsequent milling step. Asexpected,increasingthewaterratioalsoresultedinstatisticallysignificantincrease inthegeometricmeandiameterandgranulegrowthratioanddecreasedthepercentage offinesfortheunmilledgranulation.Theeffectofwater,however,wasreducedsubstan- tiallyinthefinalgranulationasshownbytheconsiderablereductioninthevalueofthe parameterestimatesforthefinalgranulation.Unlikemannitol,theeffectofwateronpar- ticle agglomeration appears to be lost during milling, which might be attributed to the pronounced attrition of the large granules formed as the result of increased water ratio. Theinteractiontermsbetweenmannitolratioandwaterratioweresignificantforthe geometric mean diameter, granule growth ratio and percentage of fines for both the unmilled granulation and milled granulations. The parameter estimates for those Table6 Granulationparticlesizedata Geometricmean Granule %Fines Geometricmeandiameter diameter growth (unmilled Run (μm,unmilledgranulation) (μm,preblend) ratio granulation) 1 135.8 85.1 1.6 15.38 2 133.85 76.2 1.76 17.595 3 231.8 85.1 2.72 4.665 4 151.15 80.6 1.88 14.02 5 224.25 85.1 2.64 3.635 6 135.75 76.2 1.78 17.815 7 153.7 85.1 1.81 10.805 8 148.3 80.6 1.84 13.82 9 127.1 76.2 1.67 21.29 10 119.55 76.2 1.57 21.735 ReproducedwithpermissionfromBadawy,S.I.F.,Shah,K.R.,Surapaneni,M.S.,Szemraj,M.M.,&Hussain,M. (2010).Effectofspray-driedmannitolontheperformanceofmicrocrystallinecellulose-basedwetgranulatedtablet formulation.PharmaceuticalDevelopmentandTechnology,15(4),339–345.https://doi.org/10.3109/10837450903229065.

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