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Handbook Of Pattern Recognition And Computer Vision PDF

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HANDBOOK OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND COMPUTER VISION 6th Edition 115783_9789811211065_tp.indd 1 26/7/19 1:30 PM TTTThhhhiiiissss ppppaaaaggggeeee iiiinnnntttteeeennnnttttiiiioooonnnnaaaallllllllyyyy lllleeeefffftttt bbbbllllaaaannnnkkkk HANDBOOK OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND COMPUTER VISION 6th Edition editor C H Chen University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA World Scientific NEW JERSEY • LONDON • SINGAPORE • BEIJING • SHANGHAI • HONG KONG • TAIPEI • CHENNAI • TOKYO 115783_9789811211065_tp.indd 2 26/7/19 1:30 PM Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. HANDBOOK OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND COMPUTER VISION Sixth Edition Copyright © 2020 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the publisher. For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to photocopy is not required from the publisher. ISBN 978-981-121-106-5 (hardcover) ISBN 978-981-121-107-2 (ebook for institutions) ISBN 978-981-121-108-9 (ebook for individuals) For any available supplementary material, please visit https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/11573#t=suppl Printed in Singapore SStteevveenn -- 1111557733 -- HHaannddbbooookk ooff PPaatttteerrnn RReeccooggnniittiioonn..iinndddd 11 2266--0033--2200 1122::2222::2222 PPMM The book is dedicated to the memory of the following pioneers of pattern Recognition and computer vision Prof. K.S. Fu, Dr. Pierre A. Devijver, Prof. Azriel Rosenfeld, Prof. Thomas M. Cover, Dr. C.K. Chow, Prof. Roger Mohr, and Prof. Jack Sklansky v TTTThhhhiiiissss ppppaaaaggggeeee iiiinnnntttteeeennnnttttiiiioooonnnnaaaallllllllyyyy lllleeeefffftttt bbbbllllaaaannnnkkkk PREFACE TO THE 6TH EDITION Motivated by the re-emergence of artificial intelligence, big data, and machine learning in the last six years that have impacted many areas of pattern recognition and computer vision, this new edition of Handbook is intended to cover both new developments involving deep learning and more traditional approaches. The book is divided into two parts: part 1 on theory and part 2 on applications. Statistical pattern recognition is of fundamental importance to the development of pattern recognition. The book starts with Chapter 1.1, Optimal Statistical Classification, by Profs. Dougherty and Dalton, that reviews the optimal Bayes classifier in a broader context than an optimal classifier with unknown feature-label distribution designed from sample data, an optimal classifier that possess minimal expected error relative to the posterior, etc. Though optimality includes a degree of subjectivity, it always incorporates the aim and knowledge of the designer. The chapter also deals with the topic of optimal Bayesian transfer learning, where the training data are augmented with data from a different source. From my observation of the last half century, I must say that it is amazing that the Bayesian theory of inferences has such a long lasting value. Chapter 1.2 by Drs. Shi and Gong on Deep Discrimitive Feature Learning Methods for Object Recognition, presents the entropy-orthogonality loss and Min-Max loss to improve the within-class compactness and between- class separability of the convolutional neural network classifier for better object recognition. Chapter 1.3 by Prof. Bouwmans et al. on Deep Learning Based Background Subtraction: A Systematic Survey, provides a full review of recent advances on the use of deep neural networks applied to background subtraction for detection of moving objects in video taken by a static camera. The readers may be interested to read a related chapter on Statistical Background Modeling for Foreground Detection: A Survey, also by Prof. Bouwmans, et al. in the 4th edition of the handbook series. Chapter 1.4 by Prof. Ozer, on Similarity Domains Network for Modeling Shapes and Extracting Skeleton Without Large Datasets, introduces a novel shape modeling algorithm, Similarity Domain Network (SDN), based on Radial Basis Networks which are a particular type of neural networks that utilize radial basis function as an activation function in the hidden layer. The algorithm effectively computes similarity domains for shape modeling and skeleton extraction using only one image sample as data. As a tribute to Prof. C.C. Li who recently retired from University of Pittsburgh after over 50 years of dedicated research and teaching in pattern recognition and computer vision, his chapter in the 5th edition of the handbook vii viii Preface series is revised as Chapter 1.5 entitled, On Curvelet-Based Texture Features for Pattern Classification. The chapter provides a concise introduction to the curvelet transform which is still a relatively new method for sparse representation of images with rich edge structure. The curvelet-based texture features are very useful for the analysis of medical MRI organ tissue images, classification of critical Gleason grading of prostate cancer histological images and other medical as well as non-medical images. Chapter 1.6 by Dr. Wang is entitled, An Overview of Efficient Deep Learning on Embedded Systems. It is now evident that the superior accuracy of deep learning neural networks comes from the cost of high computational complexity. Implementing deep learning on embedded systems with limited hardware resources is a critical and difficult problem. The chapter reviews some of the methods that can be used to improve energy efficiency without sacrificing accuracy within cost-effective hardware. The quantization, pruning, and network structure optimization issues are also considered. As pattern recognition needs to deal with complex data such as data from different sources, as for autonomous vehicles for example, or from different feature extractors, learning from these types of data is called multi-view learning and each modality/set of features is called a view. Chapter 1.7, Random Forest for Dissimilarity-Based Multi-View Learning, by Dr. Bernard, et al. employs random forest (RF) classifiers for measuring dissimilarities. RF embed a (dis)similarity measure that takes the class membership into account in such a way that instances from the same class are similar. A Dynamic View Selection method is proposed to better combine the view-specific dissimilarity representations. Chapter 1.8, A Review of Image Colorisation, by Dr. Rosin, et al. brings us to a different theoretical but practical problem of adding color to a given grayscale image. Three classes of colourization, including colourization by deep learning, are reviewed in the chapter. Chapter 1.9 on speech recognition is presented by Drs. Li and Yu, Recent Progresses on Deep Learning for Speech Recognition. The authors noted that recent advances in automatic speech recognition (ASP) have been mostly due to the advent of using deep learning algorithms to build hybrid ASR systems with deep acoustic models like feed- forward deep neural networks, convolution neural networks, and recurrent neural networks. The summary of progresses is presented in the two areas where significant efforts have been taken for ASR, namely, E2E (end to end) modeling and robust modeling. Part 2 begins with Chapter 2.1, Machine Learning in Remote Sensing by Dr. Ronny Haenesch, providing an overview of remote sensing problems and sensors. It then focuses on two machine learning approaches, one based on random forest theory and the other on convolutional neural networks with examples based on synthetic aperture radar image data. While much progress has Preface ix been made on information processing for hyperspectral images in remote sensing, spectral unmixing problem presents a challenge. Chapter 2.2 by Kizel and Benediktsson is on Hyperspectral and Spatially Adaptive Unmixing for Analytical Reconstruction of Fraction Surfaces from Data with Corrupted Pixels. Analysis of the spectral mixture is important for a reliable interpretation of spectral image data. The information provided by spectral images allows for distinguishing between different land cover types. However, due to the typical low spatial resolution in remotely sensed data, many pixels in the image represent a mixture of several materials within the area of the pixels, Therefore, subpixel information is needed in different applications, which is extracted by estimating fractional abundance that corresponds to pure signatures, known as endmembers. The unmixing problem has been typically solved by using spectral information only. In this chapter, a new methodology is presented based on a modification of the spectral unmixing method called Gaussican-based spatially adaptive unmixing (GBSAU). The problem of spatially adaptive unmixing is similar to the fitting of a certain function using grid data. An advantage of the GBSAU framework is to provide a novel solution for unmixing images with both low SNR and a non-continuity due to the presence of corrupted pixels. Remote sensing readers may also be interested in the excellent chapter in the second edition of the handbook series, Statistical and Neural Network Pattern Recognition Methods for Remote Sensing Application also by Prof. Benediktsson. Chapter 2.3, Image Processing for Sea Ice Parameter Identification from Visual Images, by Dr. Zhang introduces novel sea ice image processing algorithms to automatically extract useful ice information such as ice concentration, ice types, and ice flow size distribution, which are important in various fields of ice engineering. It is noted that gradient vector flow snake algorithm is particularly useful in ice boundary-based segmentation. More details on the chapter is available in the author’s recent book, Sea Ice Image Processing with Matlab (CRC Press 2018). The next chapter (2.4) by Drs. Evan Fletcheris and Alexandeer Knaack is, Applications of Deep Learning to Brain Segmentation and Labeling of MRI Brain Structures. The authors successfully demonstrated deep learning convolution neural networks (CNNs) applications in two areas of brain structural image processing. One application focused on improving production and robustness in brain segmentation. The other aimed at improving edge recognition, leading to greater biological accuracy and statistical power for computing longitudinal atrophy rates. The authors have also carefully presented a detailed experimental set-up for the complex brain medical image processing using deep learning and a large archive of MRIs for training and testing. While there have been much increased interest in brain research and brain image

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