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TECHNIQUES IN THE BEHAVIORAL AND NEURAL SCIENCES VOLUME 13 HANDBOOK OF MOLECULAR-GENETIC TECHNIQUES FOR BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR RESEARCH Previously published in TECHNIQUES IN THE BEHAVIORAL AND NEURAL SCIENCES Volume 1: Feeding and Drinking, by F. Toates and N.E. Rowland (Eds), 1987, ISBN 0-444-80895-7 Volume 2: Distribution-Free Statistics: An Application-Oriented Approach, by J. Krauth, 1988, ISBN 0-444-80934-1, Paperback ISBN 0-444-80988-0 Volume 3: Molecular Neuroanatomy, by F.W. Van Leeuwen, R.M. Buijs, C.W. Pool and O. Pach (Eds), 1989, ISBN 0-444-81014-5, Paperback ISBN 0-444-81016-1 Volume 4: Manual of Microsurgery on the Laboratory Rat, Part 1, by J.J. van Dongen, R. Remie, J.W. Rensema and G.H.J. van Wunnik (Eds), 1990, ISBN 0-444-81138-9, Paperback ISBN 0-444-81139-7 Volume 5: Digital Biosignal Processing, by R. Weitkunat (Ed), 1991, ISBN 0-444-81140-0, Paperback ISBN 0-444-98144-7 Volume 6: Experimental Analysis of Behavior, by I.H. Iversen and K.A. Lattal (Eds), 1991, Part 1, ISBN 0-444-81251-2, Paperback ISBN 0-444-89160-9, Part 2, ISBN 0-444-89194-3, Paperback ISBN 0-444-89195-1 Volume 7: Microdialysis in the Neurosciences, by T.E. Robinson and J.B. Justice Jr. (Eds), 1991, ISBN 0-444-81194-X, Paperback ISBN 0-444-89375-X Volume 8 Techniques for the Genetic Analysis of Brain and Behavior, by D. Goldowitz, D. Wahlsten and R.E. Wimer (Eds), 1992, ISBN 0-444-81249-0, Paperback ISBN 0-444-89682-1 Volume 9: Research Designs and Methods in Psychiatry, by M. Fava and J.F. Rosenbaum (Eds), 1992, ISBN 0-444-89595-7, Paperback ISBN 0-444-89594-9 Volume 10: Methods in Behavioral Pharmacology, by F. van Haaren (Ed), 1993, ISBN 0-444-81444-2, Paperback ISBN 0-444-81445-0 Volume 11: Methods in Neurotransmitter and Neuropeptide Research, by S.H. Parvez (Eds), 1993, Part 1, ISBN 0-444-81369-1, Paperback ISBN 0-444-81674-7, Part 2, ISBN 0-444-81368-3, Paperback ISBN 0-444-81675-5 Volume 12: Neglected Factors in Pharmacology and Neuroscience Research, by V. Claassen, 1994, ISBN 0-444-81871-5, Paperback ISBN 0-444-81907-X Techniques in the Behavioral and Neural Sciences Series Editor J.P. HUSTON Diisseldorf Volume 13 HANDBOOK OF MOLECULAR- GENETIC TECHNIQUES FOR BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR RESEARCH Editors W.E. CRUSIO (Orlkans, France) and R.T. GERLAI (South San Francisco, CA, USA) 1999 ELSEVIER AMSTERDAM - LAUSANNE - NEW YORK - OXFORD - SHANNON SINGAPORE- TOKYO ~ ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands (cid:14)9 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 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Except as outlined above, no part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Publisher. Address permissions requests to: Elsevier Science Rights & Permissions Department, at the mail, fax and e-mail addresses noted above. Notice No responsibility is assumed by the Publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. First edition 1999 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Handbook of molecular-genetic techniques for brain and behavior research / editors, W.E. Crusio and R.T. Gerlai. -- 1st ed. p. cm. -- (Techniques in the behavioral and neural sciences ; v. 13) ISBN 0-444-50239-4 (alk. paper) 1. Neurogenetics Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Neuropsychology Handbooks, manuals, etc. 3. Genetic psychology Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Crusio, W.E. I1. Gerlai, R.T. III. Series. QP356.22.H36 1999 99-38172 573.8'648-dc21 CIP ISBN: 0-444-50239-4 @The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Printed in the Netherlands. Dedication We dedicate this book to our Fathers: to Kees Crusio (1929-1996), for showing Wim how to live and how to die, and to Gerlai Tamers (1933-1992), who taught Robert how to enjoy the challenges of science and of logical thinking. This Page Intentionally Left Blank vii Preface Behavioral neurogenetics" the new synthesis Wim E. Crusio a'* and Robert T. Gerlai 2 1GOn~tique, Neurog~nOtique et Comportement, CNRS UPR 9074, 3B Rue de la Fkrollerie, 45071 OrlOans Cedex 02, France 2Neuroscience Department, Mailstop #72, GENENTECH Inc., 1 DNA Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-4990, USA Ever since the dawn of scientific thinking, the biological bases of behavior have fascinated scientists, philosophers, and the public alike (De Wit 1982). Unraveling brain-behavior relationships is perhaps the most intriguing, and also the most challenging, problem in modern biology. In the second half of this century, researchers from different disciplines such as psychology, ethology, neuroanatomy, and physiology, started addressing these problems employing ever more sophisticated methods and theoretical concepts. During the seventies, this interdisciplinary approach gave rise to a new field of scientific endeavor, neuroscience, which has been growing at an enormous pace ever since. At the same time, psychologists and ethologists began addressing the equally intriguing question of the genetic underpinnings of behavior and, some four decades ago, the field of behavior genetics was born (Fuller and Thompson 1960). At that time, studying the genetic bases of behavior was mainly restricted to classical and quanti- tative genetic analysis (Fuller and Thompson, 1960). By then it was already clear that behavior is influenced by genetic factors, as shown by a wealth of studies of inbred strains and their crosses, by the generation of artificially selected lines, and by the results of human twin studies. Using these quantitative genetic tools researchers could obtain information about the genetic architecture of the trait in question, including the number of segregating units (presumably genes), or the proportion of phenotypical variance attributable to additive genetic effects or to genes exhibiting dominance or epistasis, for example. However, with the exception of some neurological mutations with rather severe phenotypical effects, the genes themselves remained elusive. Ques- tions concerning where the genes were located on the chromosomes, what proteins they encoded, and where in the nervous system they were expressed, remained a mystery. * Corresponding author: Tel: +33 2 38 25 79 74; Fax: +33 2 38 25 79 79; e-mail: [email protected] viii Asking mechanistic questions was difficult, and testing such hypotheses was even more difficult, if not impossible. Furthermore, there was little emphasis on the neurobiological mechanisms under- pinning the genetics of behavior. For example, in the index of the 1978 updated edition of Fuller and Thompson's classical 1960 book (Fuller and Thompson 1978) hardly any neuroscience-related keywords can be found. Nevertheless, in the 1970s a few scientists began to integrate behavioral, neurobiological, and genetic aspects of their research (see, for example, Van Abeelen 1974) and this integration has continued in both animal and human studies. Simultaneously, a radically different approach, recombinant DNA technology, was being born. This technology revolutionized research across a wide range of biology disciplines, one of them being behavior and brain research. In fact, some researchers would argue that the most important scientific advancement of this century comes not from quantum physics, or computer technology, but from our ability to harness the power of the gene. Recombinant DNA technology allowed scientists to start studying the molecular mechanisms underlying neural function. With the ability to generate animals overexpressing or underexpressing certain gene products at will came the necessity of evaluating the effects of such genetic changes on the animals' phenotypes, not only on a neuronal level, but also on the behavioral level. So while behavior geneticists were moving closer to neuroscience, research in neuroscience and molecular biology was also moving towards behavior genetics. This marriage of disciplines with different histories and traditions has recently led to the emergence of the new and budding field of behavioral neurogenetics, which is rapidly coming of age with its own specialist society (the International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society). A theoretical and conceptual framework of this new field incorporates both the proxi- mate (phenogenetic) and the ultimate (phylogenetic) aspects of causation. The former relates to the physiological mechanisms underlying a trait, whereas the latter concerns questions about its evolution and adaptive value. Most contemporary neurobehavioral genetic research, and all of the work described in this Handbook, are concerned mainly with phenogenetic (proximate) problems. It appears that current methods of analysis would add another, orthogonal dimension to this dichotomy: that of naturally polymorphic vs. monomorphic genes (cf. Table I in Crusio 1999). When studying genes that in nature are monomorphic, we will generally deal with underlying mechanisms common to most or even all members of a species. In contrast, we are investigating mechanisms underlying spontaneous individual differences when studying natural genetic variation, that is, polymorphic genes. Analysis of this natural genetic variation may thus enable us to identify genes that modify behavioral and neural function to a degree that is not grossly disadvantageous to the individual that carries such alleles. In short, whereas one type of question addresses, for example, how animals store information, the other type of question asks why some individuals perform better in a given task than others. Mutational analysis can be used to study both types of genes, but it should be realized that the results of KO or transgenesis studies do not contribute to the explanation of naturally occurring interindividual variation in case the genes investigated are monomorphic in nature. Indeed, most null mutations are not found to occur spontaneously in natural populations. The new technologies have put expectations for progress in the near future very high, but, although probably a caveat, some warning against putting them too high should perhaps be made at this point. It is doubtful whether single-gene analysis, be it by means of mutational analysis or by investigating the genes underlying QTL effects, will ever help us to elucidate all aspects of, say, learning behavior. We and others (Rose 1998) would argue that it will not. Defining the function of the hippocampus, say, or to explain the existence of multiple memory systems would be a daunting task indeed if it were to be done by single-gene analysis only and would take reductionism too far. This appears akin to trying to deduce the orbit of the earth around the sun using only knowledge about subatomic particles. However, we are convinced of the manyfold advantages offered by modern behavioral-neurogenetic analysis. Sooner or later, genetic analysis will certainly help us clarify important basic cellular mechanisms and brain-behavior relationships. In addition, there is very clearly a great potential for the development of new therapeutic tools. In 1990, US President George Bush proclaimed the last ten years of this century to be the "Decade of the Brain", an initiative that found positive acclaim all over the world. And we only just have started our quest. What lies ahead is unknown, but what is clear is that now we have the tools with which we can start dissecting the complex web of interactions from molecules and cells to neuronal networks and higher-order interactions at multiple levels of the biological organization of the brain. The blueprint of information that tells our cells what to do lies within our DNA. Genes may represent the foundation upon which all levels of the complex hierarchical biological organization is built. Recombinant DNA tech- nology now allows us to discover and manipulate genes and study their effects on brain and behavior. It is important for scientists to understand these new tech- niques so that they can capitalize on the technological advances and the oppor- tunities these offer to unravel the genetic bases of behavior and brain in a way that has never been possible before. The time now appears ripe for a Handbook which provides up-to-date technical in- formation on these new methods, one which focuses on the methodological aspects of molecular-genetic research in the analysis of brain and behavior, ranging from dis- covering new genes to making targeted mutations. Each chapter is written by inter- nationally recognized experts in their respective fields, and the emphasis is on integrating molecular-genetic and behavioral neuroscience methodology. The Handbook is divided into six sections, most of which start with basic descriptions of the technique and its strengths, how it can be used, and what the problems and pitfalls are. Next, some case studies are presented to illustrate these points. The aim is to enable the reader to obtain information about both the practical details of the methods and their applications in behavioral brain research. A variety of species are used, including worms (Caenorhabditis elegans), flies (Drosophila melanogaster), fish (Danio rerio), birds (Aphelocoma coerulescens), rodents (Mus musculus domesticus), and humans (Homo sapiens). The information presented covers most, if not all, aspects of modern behavioral neurogenetic research, from information gath- ering techniques and statistical considerations for experimental design, through molecular-genetic techniques for discovering novel genes and manipulating gene

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