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Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids PDF

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Preview Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids

Yoshikazu Giga Antonín Novotný Editors Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids Yoshikazu Giga • Antonín Novotný Editors Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids With62Figuresand3Tables 123 Editors YoshikazuGiga AntonínNovotný GraduateSchoolofMathematicalSciences UniversitédeToulon UniversityofTokyo IMATH,Toulon Meguro-ku,Tokyo France Japan ISBN978-3-319-13343-0 ISBN978-3-319-13344-7(eBook) ISBN978-3-319-13345-4(printandelectronicbundle) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-13344-7 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2017957054 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingAG,partofSpringerNature2018 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof thematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation, broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionorinformation storageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodology nowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevant protectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthorsandtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbook arebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsor theeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinorforany errorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregardtojurisdictional claimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerInternationalPublishingAGpart ofSpringerNature. Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland InmemoriamMariarosariaPadula, ourrespectedcolleagueandfriend Preface FluidmechanicshasalonghistorysinceGreekphilosopherArchimedesdiscovered hisfamouslawofforcesactingonbodiesinmotionlessfluid.Agoodunderstanding ofitsprinciplesanditsmathematicalformulationandpropertiesiscrucialinmany branchesofcontemporaryscienceandtechnology.Notonlyitsmodernfoundation relies on mathematics but also many branches of mathematics were developed or evenemergedthroughtheresearchinfluidmechanicsorthroughthemathematical formulation of problems of fluid mechanics. The examples include the theory of functions of one complex variable, topology, dynamical systems, differential equations,differentialgeometry,probabilitytheory,andfunctionalanalysis,toname onlyafew. Mathematics has been always playing a key role in the research on fluid mechanics.Manyimminentproblemsinvariousbranchesofmathematicshavetheir originorcanbeinterpretedasproblemsoffluidmechanicsalthoughinmanycases thecommunityofpuremathematiciansfailstonoticethisfact. The purpose of this handbook is to provide a synthetic review of the state of the art in the theory of viscous fluids, present fundamental notions, formulate problemsoffluidmechanicsrepresentingthedevelopmentofthetheoryduringlast severaldecades,andshowthemethodsandmathematicaltoolsfortheirresolution. Since the field of mathematical fluid mechanics is huge, it is impossible to cover all topics. In this handbook, we focus on mathematical analysis in mechanics of viscous Newtonian fluids. The first part consisting of two chapters is devoted to derivation of basic equations by physical modeling. The second part is devoted to mathematicalanalysisofincompressiblefluids,whilethethirdpartisdealingwith themathematicaltheoryofviscouscompressiblefluids.Therearemanytopicsthat arenotcoveredbythehandbook.Inparticular,thisisthecaseofnumericalanalysis oftheequationswhichwoulddeservebyitselfanindependentvolume. Thehandbookreviewsimportantproblemsandnotionsthatmarkedthedevelop- mentofthetheory.Itexplainsthemethodsandtechniquesthatmaybeusedfortheir resolution.Wehopethatitwillbeusefulnotonlytomathematicianswhoworkon thefuturedevelopmentofthetheorybutalsotophysicistsandengineerswhoneed toknowthetoolsofmathematicalanalysisfordevelopingapplications. vii viii Preface Part1:DerivationofBasicEquations There are several ways to derive the basic equations. One of the most typical waysistostartfromthebalanceequations formass,momentum,andtotalenergy incorporating to the process the second law of thermodynamics. This approach is discussed in the first chapter by J. Málek and V. Pru˚ša. The approach based on variationalprinciplesisdiscussedinthecontributionbyM.-H.Giga,A.Kirshtein, andC. Liu. Part2:IncompressibleFluids TheNavier-Stokessystemisaconventionalmacroscopicmodelconsistingofpartial differential equations describing the motion of viscous incompressible Newtonian fluids.Themodernmathematicalanalysisoftheseequationsgoesbacktoseminal worksofJ.Lerayin1933and1934.Lerayintroducedthenotionofweaksolutions for the Navier-Stokes equations and developed several key tools of functional analysisfortheirmathematicaltreatment. Inhisabovementionedpapers,Lerayformulatedmanyimminentopenproblems. One of them, on the regularity of weak solutions, was named among the seven MillenniumPrizeProblemsoftheClayInstituteofMathematics.Thefundamental questioniswhether,inthreespacedimensions,theglobalintime(weak)solutions of the Navier-Stokes system emanating from the smooth initial data must be smooth. This problem is related to the question whether or not the system of Navier-Stokesequationsisstillagoodmodelforfluidflowsinregimeswithlarge Reynoldsnumbers.Despitealotofeffortofexcellentmathematicians,thisproblem is still open. Many mathematical tools and specific techniques, e.g., the theory of partial differential equations, theory of interpolation, and maximal regularity theory,havebeendevelopedorrefinedwithintheprocessofitsinvestigation.Many important open problems have been formulated during its investigation, and some ofthemsolved. The accelerated development of technology at the end of the last century gave rise to many new mathematical problems in fluid mechanics. We can name as examples free boundary problems and problems related to complex fluids. In all theseproblems,theNavier-Stokesequationsplayanimportantorevenacrucialrole. Weshallincludeinthehandbookthesemoderntopics,aswellasrecentdevelopment intheproblemsoninviscidlimits. In this part, we intend to provide key notions and tools for mathematical understanding of equations of incompressible fluids. We mainly discuss existence and uniqueness problems as well as behavior of solutions and different notions of theirstability. When the flow is slow, or more precisely when the Reynolds number is small, it is convenient to consider a linearized version of Navier-Stokes equations called Stokes equations. The investigation of the Stokes system is not only extremely importantforitself,butitisfundamentalalsoforthedevelopmentofthenonlinear theory. Well-posedness and regularity questions for the various initial-boundary value problems for the Stokes equations in various types of sufficiently smooth domains are discussed in the first chapter by M. Hieber and J. Saal. Similar Preface ix problemsindomainswithlessregularboundariesareinvestigatedbyS.Monniaux andZ.Shen. There are several long-standing problems opened by Leray for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations related to general inflow-outflow boundary conditions in the case of bounded domains and to velocity profiles at infinity in the case of unbounded domains. The recent development in the former case is reported in the contributionbyM.V.Korovkov,K.Pileckas,andR.Russo,whilethecontribution of T. Hishida deals with the latter case in 3-D exterior domains. The contribution of G.P.Galdiand J.Neustupa isdevoted tothestationaryflows around arotating body. AftertheshortexcursiontothestationaryNavier-Stokesequations,thehandbook continues by several chapters dealing with weak and strong solutions to the nonsteadyNavier-Stokesequations. The existence of a weak solution in a smooth general domain is discussed by R. Farwig, H. Kozono, and H. Sohr. Self-similar solutions are introduced and investigatedbyH.Jia,V.Šverák,andT.-P.Tsai.Theproblemofexistenceoftime periodic solutions is addressed in the contribution by G. P. Galdi and M. Kyed. LargetimebehaviorofsolutionsisdiscussedbyL.BrandoleseandM.E.Schonbek. Since the Navier-Stokes equations have a regularizing property, it is interesting to investigatethestructureofsetsof“rough”initialdatastillallowingsmoothsolutions globally in time. These questions are addressed in the contribution by I. Gallager. Stability of some special solutions, e.g., of the so-called Lamb-Oseen vortex, is investigated by T. Gallay and Y. Maekawa. Some important exact solutions are constructed in the contribution by H. Okamoto. Asymptotic behavior of solutions neartheboundaryendowedwithno-slipconditionsisinvestigatedinthechapterby Y.MaekawaandA. Mazzucato.Regularityandregularitycriteriaforweaksolutions arediscussedbyG.SereginandV.ŠverákandbyH.BeirãodaVeiga,Y.Giga,and Z.Grujicfromseveraldifferentviewpoints.Behaviorofsolutionofanidealflowis discussedbyT.Y.HouandP.Liu. The Navier-Stokes flow coupled with other effects is increasingly important. A class of models for geophysical flows is discussed by J. Li and E. S. Titi. EquationsforpolymetricmaterialsareinvestigatedbyN.Masmoudi,whilenematic liquid crystal flows are discussed by M. Hieber and J. Prüss. Some problems for viscoelasticfluidsarediscussedbyX.Hu,F.-H.Lin,andC.Liu. A problem dealing with two-phase flows is a typical free boundary problem. There are several chapters devoted to this topic by J. Prüss and S. Shimizu; by V.A.SolonnikovandI.V.Denisova;byG.SimonettandM.Willa;andbyH.Abels and H. Garke. The first three chapters handle smooth solutions, while the latter chapterhandlesweaksolutionswhichallowtopologicalchangeofregionoccupied by the fluid. Finally, the classical free boundary value problem of water wave is discussedbyD.CórdovaandC.Fefferman. Part3:CompressibleFluids The mathematical models that take into account the compressibility of the fluid andthermodynamicaleffectsleadtoarichvarietyofsystemsofpartialdifferential x Preface equations. Their mathematical character depends on the physical assumptions on transportphenomena(describingtheviscouseffectsandtheheattransport)andon constitutive laws (usually prescribing pressure and internal energy as functions of densityandtemperature),notspeakingaboutthesituationswhentheseequationsare coupledwithsystemsdescribingotherphenomena(e.g.,inmagnetohydrodynamics, multifluid models, and theory of chemically reacting mixtures). In these circum- stances, the classical formulation may give rise to different nonequivalent weak formulations, which are all physically reasonable. This abundance of possibilities imposes severe restrictions on the material that can be treated in one handbook volume. In particular, as in the “incompressible part” we have restricted our subject of interest only to the so-called Newtonian fluids (when, loosely speaking, the stress tensordependslinearlyonthegradientofvelocity),andtheheatfluxisproportional to the gradient of temperature through the Fourier law. The resulting system is called Navier-Stokes-Fourier system. This system describes the most simple thermodynamically consistent model of fluid dynamics. If the pressure depends on density only, one obtains a simpler model communally called compressible Navier-Stokesequationsinbarotropicregime.Althoughsimplerthanthecomplete Navier-Stokes-Fouriersystem,itinheritsmostofitsmathematicaldifficulties.The presenthandbookisexclusivelytreatingthetwoabovementionedsystems. The mathematical difficulties encountered in mathematical investigation of compressible Navier-Stokes equations are many fold: they are related to (1) the enormous range of scales of motion described by the system, (2) the absence of mechanisms preventing density to create a vacuum and the absence of dissipation inthemassconservation,(3)themixedparabolic-hyperbolic(orelliptic-hyperbolic in the steady case) character of the underlying linearized equations, and (4) the nonlinear character of equations (which still allows, through a priori estimates, to prevent the field quantities of concentrations but does not defend them from oscillations). The history of mathematical investigation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations is more recent than the history of investigation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. It starts with the works of D. Graffi and J. Nash on the local in time existence of strong solutions in the 1960s and continues with global in time existence results for data close to the equilibrium in works of A. Matsumura and T. Nishida in the 1980s. The first results on the existence of weak solutions similar to those introduced for incompressible fluids by Leray in 1934wereestablishedbyP.-L.Lionsonlyin1998.Likewise,thestabilityanalysis introduced for the Navier-Stokes equations by Prodi and Serrin in the 1960s was waiting for its “compressible” counterpart till 2012. Being much younger than its “incompressible” counterpart, the mathematical theory of compressible fluids undergoes still a tumultuous development, and the synthetic level of contributions in “compressible” part is therefore necessarily objectively less high than in the “incompressible”part. Thehandbook chaptersreportthestateoftheartofsomepartsofthetheoryat the end of 2016. It covers mostly the questions of well-posedness of solutions to Preface xi variousboundaryandinitial-boundaryvalueproblemstotheseequations(meaning the existence of strong and weak solutions, uniqueness or conditional uniqueness, stability, longtime behavior, conditional regularity, and qualitative properties of solutions) in one and several space dimensions. We have made a preference to cover in the handbook solely these topics knowing well that this is a subjective andnonexhaustingchoice. Various types of weak and strong solutions are introduced and discussed in the contribution of E. Feireisl. Qualitative theory of strong solutions has longer history and its solid foundations are nowadays relatively well established. These questions are treated in three chapters by R. Danchin; J. Burczak, Y. Shibata, and W.M.Zaja¸czkowski;andM. Kotschote.Relatedquestionsofblowupcriteriaand existenceofstrongsolutionsforsmalldatawithlargeoscillationsaredevelopedin two contributions by Z. Huang and Z. Xin and by J. Li and Z. Xin. The longtime behavior of strong solutions is investigated in the contribution of Y. Shibata and Y.Enomoto,whileanoverviewofsomeresultsforfreeboundaryvalueproblemsis giveninthecontributionbyI.DenisovaandV.A. Solonnikov. The existence, stability, and asymptotic behavior of solutions to the equations in one dimension, or of spherically and axially symmetric solutions, are treated in threechaptersbyA.Zlotnik,byY.Qin,andbyS.JiangandQ.Ju.Thechapterby A.Matsumuraisacomprehensiveintroductiontowavesin1-Dcompressiblefluids. The theory of weak solutions has a short history and is still in agitated development.Theexistenceofdifferenttypesofweaksolutions,stability,longtime behavior,andweak-stronguniquenessprinciplearediscussedbyA.Novotnýandby H.Petzeltová.Theexistenceproblemforweaksolutionswithdegenerateviscosity coefficients is presented by D. Bresch and B. Desjardins. The contribution by P. I. Plotnikov and W. Weigant is devoted to the existence results in the case of critical adiabatic coefficients. A particular role in the theory of weak solutions is playedbysolutionsbelongingtotheso-calledintermediateregularityclass.These solutionsareintroducedinthecontributionbyM.Perepelitsa.Thecontributionof Y.SunandZ.Zhangontheconditionalregularityofweaksolutionsprovidesalink betweenthetheoryofweaksolutionsontheonehandandstrongsolutions/blowup criteriaontheotherhand. Three chapters are devoted to the stationary solutions, written by S. Jiang and C.Zhou,byP.Mucha,M.Pokorný,andE. Zatorska,andbyP.Mucha,M.Pokorný, andO.Kreml. Compressible Navier-Stokes equations are applicable to modeling of a large variety of fluid motions ranging from small-scale motions (as acoustic waves) to large-scale motions of planetary size. The specific regimes of some of these flows aredescribedsufficientlybysimplifiedmodelscharacterizedbyextremevaluesof nondimensionalnumbers(asMach,Reynolds,Péclet,Strouhal,andothernumbers). Some of the simplified models can be obtained rigorously from the compressible Navier-Stokes equations as singular limits of nondimensional numbers. Typically, theincompressibleNavier-StokessystemisknowntobealowMachnumberlimitof thecompressibleNavier-Stokesequations.ThreehandbookchaptersbyN.Jiangand N. Masmoudi,byFeireisl,andbyR.Kleinaredevotedtotheinvestigationofthe

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