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H M F ANDBOOK OF AGMA UNCTIONS John Cannon Wieb Bosma Claus Fieker Allan Steel Editors Version 2.19 Sydney April 24, 2013 ii M A G M A • COMPUTER ALGEBRA H M F ANDBOOK OF AGMA UNCTIONS Editors: John Cannon Wieb Bosma Claus Fieker Allan Steel Handbook Contributors: Geoff Bailey, Wieb Bosma, Gavin Brown, Nils Bruin, John Cannon, Jon Carlson, Scott Contini, Bruce Cox, Brendan Creutz, Steve Donnelly, Tim Dokchitser, Willem de Graaf, Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans, Claus Fieker, Damien Fisher, Volker Gebhardt, Sergei Haller, Michael Harrison, Florian Hess, Derek Holt, David Howden, Al Kasprzyk, Markus Kirschmer, David Kohel, Axel Kohnert, Dimitri Leemans, Paulette Lieby, Graham Matthews, Scott Murray, Eamonn O’Brien, Dan Roozemond, Ben Smith, Bernd Souvignier, William Stein, Allan Steel, Damien Stehl´e, Nicole Suther- land, Don Taylor, Bill Unger, Alexa van der Waall, Paul van Wamelen, Helena Verrill, John Voight, Mark Watkins, Greg White Production Editors: Wieb Bosma Claus Fieker Allan Steel Nicole Sutherland HTML Production: Claus Fieker Allan Steel PREFACE The computer algebra system Magma is designed to provide a software environment for computing with the structures which arise in areas such as algebra, number theory, al- gebraic geometry and (algebraic) combinatorics. Magma enables users to define and to compute with structures such as groups, rings, fields, modules, algebras, schemes, curves, graphs, designs, codes and many others. The main features of Magma include: • Algebraic Design Philosophy: The design principles underpinning both the user lan- guage and system architecture are based on ideas from universal algebra and category theory. The language attempts to approximate as closely as possible the usual mathe- matical modes of thought and notation. In particular, the principal constructs in the user language are set, (algebraic) structure and morphism. • ExplicitTyping: Theuserisrequiredtoexplicitlydefinemostofthealgebraicstructures in which calculations are to take place. Each object arising in the computation is then defined in terms of these structures. • Integration: The facilities for each area are designed in a similar manner using generic constructors wherever possible. The uniform design makes it a simple matter to pro- gramcalculationsthatspandifferentclassesofmathematicalstructuresorwhichinvolve the interaction of structures. • Relationships: Magma provides a mechanism that manages “relationships” between complex bodies of information. For example, when substructures and quotient struc- tures are created by the system, the natural homomorphisms that arise are always stored. These are then used to support automatic coercion between parent and child structures. • Mathematical Databases: Magma has access to a large number of databases containing information that may be used in searches for interesting examples or which form an integralpartofcertainalgorithms. Examplesofcurrentdatabasesincludefactorizations of integers of the form pn ±1, p a prime; modular equations; strongly regular graphs; maximal subgroups of simple groups; integral lattices; K3 surfaces; best known linear codes and many others. • Performance: The intention is that Magma provide the best possible performance both in terms of the algorithms used and their implementation. The design philosophy permits the kernel implementor to choose optimal data structures at the machine level. Most of the major algorithms currently installed in the Magma kernel are state-of-the- art and give performance similar to, or better than, specialized programs. ThetheoreticalbasisforthedesignofMagmaisfoundedontheconceptsandmethodology of modern algebra. The central notion is that of an algebraic structure. Every object created during the course of a computation is associated with a unique parent algebraic structure. The type of an object is then simply its parent structure. vi PREFACE Algebraic structures are first classified by variety: a variety being a class of structures having the same set of defining operators and satisfying a common set of axioms. Thus, the collection of all rings forms a variety. Within a variety, structures are partitioned into categories. Informally, a family of algebraic structures forms a category if its members all share a common representation. All varieties possess an abstract category of structures (the finitely presented structures). However, categories based on a concrete representation are as least as important as the abstract category in most varieties. For example, within the variety of algebras, the family of finitely presented algebras constitutes an abstract category, while the family of matrix algebras constitutes a concrete category. Magma comprises a novel user programming language based on the principles outlined above together with program code and databases designed to support computational re- search in those areas of mathematics which are algebraic in nature. The major areas represented in Magma V2.19 include group theory, ring theory, commutative algebra, arithmetic fields and their completions, module theory and lattice theory, finite dimen- sional algebras, Lie theory, representation theory, homological algebra, general schemes and curve schemes, modular forms and modular curves, L-functions, finite incidence struc- tures, linear codes and much else. This set of volumes (known as the Handbook) constitutes the main reference work on Magma. It aims to provide a comprehensive description of the Magma language and the mathematical facilities of the system, In particular, it documents every function and oper- ator available to the user. Our aim (not yet achieved) is to list not only the functionality of the Magma system but also to show how the tools may be used to solve problems in the various areas that fall within the scope of the system. This is attempted through the inclusion of tutorials and sophisticated examples. Finally, starting with the edition corre- sponding to release V2.8, this work aims to provide some information about the algorithms and techniques employed in performing sophisticated or time-consuming operations. It will take some time before this goal is fully realised. We give a brief overview of the organization of the Handbook. • Volume 1 contains a terse summary of the language together with a description of the central datatypes: sets, sequences, tuples, mappings, etc. An index of all intrinsics appears at the end of the volume. • Volume 2 deals with basic rings and linear algebra. The rings include the integers, the rationals, finite fields, univariate and multivariate polynomial rings as well as real and complex fields. The linear algebra section covers matrices and vector spaces. • Volume 3 covers global arithmetic fields. The major topics are number fields, their orders and function fields. More specialised topics include quadratic fields , cyclotomic fields and algebraically closed fields. • Volume 4 is concerned with local arithmetic fields. This covers p-adic rings and their extension and power series rings including Laurent and Puiseux series rings, PREFACE vii • Volume 5 describes the facilities for finite groups and, in particular, discusses permu- tation groups, matrix groups and finite soluble groups defined by a power-conjugate presentation. A chapter is devoted to databases of groups. • Volume 6 describes the machinery provided for finitely presented groups. Included are abelian groups, general finitely presented groups, polycyclic groups, braid groups and automatic groups. This volume gives a description of the machinery provided for computing with finitely presented semigroups and monoids. • Volume7isdevotedtoaspectsofLietheoryandmoduletheory. TheLietheoryincludes root systems, root data, Coxeter groups, reflection groups and Lie groups. • Volume 8 covers algebras and representation theory. Associative algebras include structure-constant algebras, matrix algebras, basic algebras and quaternion algebras. Following an account of Lie algebras there is a chapter on quantum groups and another on universal enveloping algebras. The representation theory includes group algebras, K[G]-modules, character theory, representations of the symmetric group and represen- tations of Lie groups. • Volume 9 covers commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. The commutative alge- bra material includes constructive ideal theory, affine algebras and their modules, in- variant rings and differential rings. In algebraic geometry the main topics are schemes, sheaves and toric varieties. Also included are chapters describing specialised machinery for curves and surfaces. • Volume 10 describes the machinery pertaining to arithmetic geometry. The main topics include the arithmetic properties of low genus curves such as conics, elliptic curves and hyperelliptic curves. The volume concludes with a chapter on L-series. • Volume 11 is concerned with modular forms. • Volume 12 covers various aspects of geometry and combinatorial theory. The geometry section includes finite planes, finite incidence geometry and convex polytopes. The combinatorialtheorytopicscompriseenumeration, designs, Hadamardmatrices, graphs and networks. • Volume 13 is primarily concerned with coding theory. Linear codes over both fields and finite rings are considered at length. Further chapters discuss machinery for AG- codes, LDPC codes, additive codes and quantum error-correcting codes. The volume concludes with short chapters on pseudo-random sequences and on linear programming. Although the Handbook has been compiled with care, it is possible that the semantics of some facilities have not been described adequately. We regret any inconvenience that this may cause, and we would be most grateful for any comments and suggestions for improve- ment. We would like to thank users for numerous helpful suggestions for improvement and for pointing out misprints in previous versions. viii PREFACE The development of Magma has only been possible through the dedication and enthusi- asm of a group of very talented mathematicians and computer scientists. Since 1990, the principal members of the Magma group have included: Geoff Bailey, Mark Bofinger, Wieb Bosma, Gavin Brown, John Brownie, Herbert Bru¨ckner, Nils Bruin, Steve Collins, Scott Contini, Bruce Cox, Brendan Creutz, Steve Donnelly, Willem de Graaf, Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans, Claus Fieker, Damien Fisher, Alexandra Flynn, Volker Gebhardt, Katharina Geißler, Sergei Haller, Michael Harrison, Emanuel Herrmann, Florian Heß, David How- den, Al Kasprzyk, David Kohel, Paulette Lieby, Graham Matthews, Scott Murray, Anne O‘Kane, Catherine Playoust, Richard Rannard, Colva Roney-Dougal, Dan Roozemond, AndrewSolomon,BerndSouvignier,BenSmith,AllanSteel,DamienStehl´e,NicoleSuther- land, Don Taylor, Bill Unger, John Voight, Alexa van der Waall, Mark Watkins and Greg White. John Cannon Sydney, December 2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Magma Development Team Current Members Geoff Bailey, BSc (Hons) (Sydney), [1995-]: Main interests include elliptic curves (espe- cially those defined over the rationals), virtual machines and computer language design. Has implemented part of the elliptic curve facilities especially the calculation of Mordell- Weil groups. Other main areas of contribution include combinatorics, local fields and the Magma system internals. John Cannon, Ph.D. (Sydney), [1971-]: Research interests include computational meth- ods in algebra, geometry, number theory and combinatorics; the design of mathematical programming languages and the integration of databases with Computer Algebra systems. Contributions include overall concept and planning, language design, specific design for many categories, numerous algorithms (especially in group theory) and general manage- ment. Brendan Creutz, Ph.D. (Jacobs University Bremen) [2011-]: Primary research interests are in arithmetic geometry. Main contributions focus on descent obstructions to the exis- tence of rational points on curves and torsors under their Jacobians. Currently developing a package for cyclic covers of the projective line. Steve Donnelly, Ph.D. (Athens, Ga) [2005-]: Research interests are in arithmetic geom- etry, particularly elliptic curves and modular forms. Major contributions include descent methods for elliptic curves (including over function fields) and Cassels-Tate pairings, clas- sical modular forms of half-integral weight, Hilbert modular forms and fast algorithms for definite quaternion algebras. Currently working on Hilbert modular forms, and elliptic curves over number fields. Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans, Ph.D. (G¨ottingen) [2012-]: Main research interests are in the areas of arithmetic and algebraic geometry, particularly cubic and K3 surfaces. Main contributions focus on cubic surfaces from the arithmetic and algebraic points of view. Currently working on the computation of invariants. Michael Harrison, Ph.D. (Cambridge) [2003-]: Research interests are in number theory, arithmetic and algebraic geometry. Implemented the p-adic methods for counting points on hyperelliptic curves and their Jacobians over finite fields including Kedlaya’s algorithm andthemodularparametermethodofMestre. Currentlyworkingonmachineryforgeneral surfaces and cohomology for projective varieties. David Howden, Ph.D. (Warwick) [2012-]: Primary research interests are in computa- tional group theory. Main contributions focus on computing automorphism groups and isomorphism testing for soluble groups. x ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Allan Steel, Ph.D. (Sydney), [1989-]: Has developed many of the fundamental data structures and algorithms in Magma for multiprecision integers, finite fields, matrices and modules,polynomialsandGr¨obnerbases,aggregates,memorymanagement,environmental features, andthepackagesystem, andhasalsoworkedontheMagmalanguageinterpreter. In collaboration, he has developed the code for lattice theory (with Bernd Souvignier), invariant theory (with Gregor Kemper) and module theory (with Jon Carlson and Derek Holt). Nicole Sutherland, BSc (Hons) (Macquarie), [1999-]: Works in the areas of number theory and algebraic geometry. Developed the machinery for Newton polygons and lazy power series and contributed to the code for local fields, number fields, modules over Dedekind domains, function fields, schemes and has worked on aspects of algebras. Don Taylor, D.Phil. (Oxford), [2010-] Research interests are in reflection groups, finite group theory, and geometry. Implemented algorithms for complex reflection groups and complex root data. Contributed to the packages for Chevalley groups and groups of Lie type. Currently developing algorithms for classical groups of isometries, Clifford algebras and spin groups. Bill Unger, Ph.D. (Sydney), [1998-]: Main area of interest is computational group theory, with particular emphasis on algorithms for permutation and matrix groups. Implemented many of the current permutation and matrix group algorithms for Magma, in particular BSGS verification, solvable radical and chief series algorithms. Recently discovered a new method for computing the character table of a finite group. Mark Watkins, Ph.D. (Athens, Ga), [2003, 2004-2005, 2008-]: Works in the area of number theory, particularly analytic methods for arithmetic objects. Implemented a range of analytic tools for the study of elliptic curves including analytic rank, modular degree, Heegner points and (general) point searching methods. Also deals with conics, lattices, modular forms, and descent machinery over the rationals.

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