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Preview Handbook of Extractive Metallurgy Volumes 1 to 4

Handbook of Extractive Metallurgy Edited by Fatbi Habashi Volume I: The Metal Industry Ferrous Metals @WILEY-VCH Weinheim· Chichester·NewYork·Toronto·Brisbane·Singapore ProfessorFathiHabashi UniversiteLaval DepartementdeMinesetdeMetallurgie Preface QuebecG1K7P4 Canada EX1ractivemetallurgyisthatbranchofmet presentfourvolumeswillf1l1 thegapformod allurgythatdealswithoresasrawmaterialand ernextractivemetallurgy. Thisbookwascarefullyproduced.Nevertbeles,theeditor,the autorsandpublisherdonotwarrantthe metalsasfInished products.Itisan ancientart TheHandbook is an updated collectionof informationcontainedthereintobefreeoferrors.Readersareadvisedtokeepinmindthatstatements, that has been transformed into a modern sci more than ahundredentriesin UllmannsEn data,illustrations,proceduraldetailsorotheritemsmayinadvertentlybeinaccurate. ence as aresult ofdevelopments in cheinistry cyclopedia ofIndustrialChemistlYwritten by andchemicalengineering.Thepresentvolume over200 specialists. Some articles were writ is acollectiveworkofanumberofauthors in tenspecificallyfortheHandbook. Someprob wliichmetals, theirhistory, properties, extrac lems are certainly faced whenpreparing such EditorialDirectors:KarinSora,UseBedrich tiontechnology, andmostimportantinorganic avastamountofmaterial. Thefollowing may ProductionManager:Peter1.Biel compounds and toxicology are systematically bementioned: Coverillustration:MichelMeyer/mmad described. • Although arsenic, antimony, bismuth, bo Metals are neitherarranged by alphabetical ron, germanium, silicon, selenium, and tel order as in an encyclopedia, nor according to lurium are metalloids because they have the Periodic Table as in chemistry textbooks. covalentandnotmetallicbonds,theyarein The system used here is according to an eco cluded here because most ofthem are pro nomicclassification which reflects mainly the duced in metallurgical plants, either in the LibraryofCongressCardNo.appliedfor uses,theoccurrence,andtheeconomicvalueof elementalformorasferroalloys. ACIPcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary metals. First, the ferrous metals, i.e., the pro duction ofiron, steel, and ferroalloys are out • Each chapter contains the articles on the metalinquestionanditsmostimportantinor lined. Then, nonferrous metals are subdivided ganiccompounds.However,therearecertain intoprimary,secondary, light,precious, refnlc tory, scattered,radioactive,rare earths,ferroai compounds that are conveniently described togetherandnotunderthemetalsinquestion loy metals, the alkali, and the alkaline earth metals. for a variety ofreasons. These are: the hy drides, carbides, nitrides, cyano compounds, Although the general tendency today in DieDeutscheBibliothek- CIP-Einheitsaufnahme peroxocompounds,nitrates,nitrites,silicates, teachingextractivemetallurgy isbasedonthe HandbookofextractivemetallurgyIed.byFathiHabashi. fluorine compounds, bromides, iodides, Weinbeim;NewYork;Chichester;Brisbane;Singapore;Toronto: fundamental aspects ratherthan on a system sulfites, thiosulfates, dithionites, and phos WILEY-VCH ISBN3-527-28792-2 aticdescriptionofmetal extractionprocesses, phates. Thesearecollectedtogetherinaspe Vol.1.Themetalindustry,ferrousmetals.-1997 it has been found by experience that the two cialsupplemententitledSpecialTopics,under Vol.2.Primarymetals,secondarymetals,lightmetals.-1997 approaches are complementary. The student preparation. musthave abasicknowledge ofmetal extrac Vol.3.Preciousmetals,refractorymetals,scatteredmetals,radioactivemetals,rareearthmetals.-1997 tionprocesses: hydro-, pyro-, and electromet • Becauseoflimitationofspace,itwasnotpos Vol.4.Ferroalloymetals,alkalimetals,alkalineearthmetals;Nameindex;Subjectindex.-1997 allurgy, and at thesame time he must have at sible to include the alloys of metals in the his disposal a descriptionofhow apartiCUlar present work. Another supplement entitled ©VCHVerlagsgesellschaftmbH- AWileycompany, metal is extracted industrially from different Alloysisunderpreparation. D-69451Weinheim,FederalRepublicofGermany,1997 rawmaterialsandknowwhatareitsimportant • Since the largest amount of coke is con Printedonacid-freeandlow-chlorinepaper compounds. It is for this reason, that this sumed in iron production as compared to All rights reserved (including those of translation into other languages). No part of this book may be Handbookhasbeenconceived. other metals, the articles "Coal" and "Coal reproducedinanyform- byphotoprinting,microfilm,oranyothermeans- nortransmittedortranslatedinto TheHandbookisthefirstofitstypeforex Pyrolysis" are included in the chapterdeal amachinelanguagewithoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublishersRegisterednames,trademarks,etc.usedin thisbook,evenwhennotspecificallymarkedassuch,arenottobeconsideredunprotectedbylaw. tractive metallurgy. Chemical engineers have ingwithiron. Composition:JeanFran~oisMorin,Quebec,Canada alreadyhadtheirPerry'sChemicalEngineers' IamgratefultotheeditorsatVCHVerlags Printing:StraussOffsetdruckGmbH,D-69509Morlenbach Handbook for over fifty years, and physical gesellschaftfortheirexcellentcooperation, in Bookbinding:WJ1helmOswald& Co.,D-67433NeustadtlWeinstraBe metallurgists have an impressive 18-volume partiCUlarMrs. Karin Sora who followed the PrintedintheFederalRepublicofGermany ASMMetals Handbook. It is hoped that the project since its conception in 1994, and to vi HandbookofExtractiveMetallurgy lean-Franyois Morin at Laval University for thereforebeusefultoindustrialchemistsaswell. Table ofContents hisexpertiseinwordprocessing. Itcan also beuseful to engineers and scientists Thepresentworkshouldbeusefulasarefer from otherdisciplines, butitis anessential aid ence work for the practising engineers and the fortheextractivemetallurgist. volume! Part RefractoryMetals studentsofmetallurgy, chemistry, chemicalen gineering, geology, mining, andmineralbenefi Seven 26 Tungsten 1329 Par( One The Metal Industry ciation. Extractivemetallurgy and the chemical 27 Molylxlenum 1361 industry arecloselyrelated;thisHandbookwill FarhiHabashi 1 TheEconomic Classifica- 28 Niobium 1403 tionofMetals. . ' 1 29 Tantalum ~ ..1417 2 MetalProduction 15 30 Zirconium 1431 3 RecyclingofMetals 21 31 Hafnium 1459 4 By-ProductMetals 23 32 Vanadium 1471 Part Two Ferrous Metals 33 Rhenium 1491 5 Iron 29 PartEight Scattered Metals 6 Steel 269 7 Ferroalloys .403 34 Gennanium 1505 35 Gallium 1523 Volume!! 36 Indium 1531 37 Thallium 1543 Part Primary Metals 38 Selenium 1557 Three 8 Copper 491 39 Tellurium 157l 9 Lead 581 PartNine Radioactive Metals 10 Zinc , 641 11 Tin 6'33 40 General. 1585 12 Nickel 715 41 Uranium 1599 42 Thorium 1649 PartFour SecondaryMetals 43 Plutonium 1685 13 Arsenic 795 14 Antimony 823 Part Ten Rare Earth Metals 15 Bismuth 845 44 General. 1695 16 Cadmium 869 45 Cerium 1743 17 Mercury 891 18 Cobalt 923 Volume IV PartFive LightMetals Part Ferroalloy Metals 19 Beryllium 955 Eleven 46 Chromium 1761 20 Magnesium 981 47 Manganese 1813 21 Aluminum 1039 48 Silicon 1861 22 Titanium 1129 49 Boron 1985 Volume!!! Part Alkali Metals Part Six Precious Metals Twelve 50 Lithium 2029 23 Gold........... 1183 51 Sodium 2053 24 Silver 1215 52 Potassium 2141 25 PlatinumGroup 53 Rubidium 2211 Metals 1269 54 Cesium 2215 viii HandbookofExtractiveMetallllrgy Part One 55 AlkaliSulfur Compounds 2221 The Metal Industry Part AlkalineEarth Metals Thirteen 56 Calcium 2249 57 Strontium 2329 58 Barium 2337 i\uthors 2355 NameIndex 2375 Li Be Metalloids Metals SubjectIndex 2379 Na Mg A1 K Ca Sc Ii V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Ie Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd Cs Ba Lat Hf Ia W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Fr Ra Act 1 The Economic Classification ofMetals FATHIHABASHI 1.1 Introduction...................... 1 1.3.4 PreciousMetals................ 8 1.2 FerrousMetals................... 1 1.3.5 RefractoryMetals............... 8 1.2.1 Steel......................... 1 1.3.6 ScatteredMetals................ 10 1.2.2 WroughtIron.................. 2 1.3.7 RadioactiveMetals.............. 10 1.2.3 CastIrons..•...............•.. 2 1.3.8 RareEarths...................... 12 1.2.4 PureIron ..................... 3 1.3.9 FerroalloyMetals............... 12 1.3 NonferrousMetals................ 3 1.3.10 AlkaliMetals.................. 12 1.3.1 PrimaryMetals................ 3 1.3.11 AlkalineEarthMetals............ 13 1.3.2 SecondaryMetals.............. 5 1.3.3 LightMetals................... 6 1.4 References....................... 13 1.1 Introduction 1.2.1 Steel While the Periodic Table classifiesmetals, Steel is made on a large scale by blowing metalloids, and nonmetals according to their oxygen and powdered lime through molten chemical properties, it does not indicate their iron to oxidize the impurities. According to relativeeconomicvalue.Thefactthatironand their use, steels are divided into three main itsalloys,e.g.,steel,arebyfarthemostimpor groups: tant metalsfrom the pointofview ofproduc tion and use, has resulted in the classification Constructional Steel. This is used for the cars, ofmetals as ferrous (iron and its alloys) and manufacture of machine parts, motor nonferrous (all other metals and metalloids). building elements, slqr scrapers, ships, Thisclassificationiswelljustified: the annual bridges, war instruments (cannons, tanks, productionofironinoneyearexceedsthepro etc.), andcontainers. Itcanbecarbonoralloy duction of all other metals combined in ten steel. Themechanicalpropertiesofalloy steel years. are considerably higher than those ofcarbon steel. chromium and nickel are the main al 1.2 Ferrous Metals loyingelementsusedinthis category. Ironproducedintheblastfurnace(pigiron) ToolSteel.Thisisusedforthemanufactureof is converted into the following commercial tools (latheknives, chisels, cutters, etc.). Itis products: Steel, wrought iron, cast irons, and either carbon (0.7-1.2% C), or chromium, pure iron. Table 1.1 showstypical analysis of manganese, silicon, or tungsten alloy steel. these products; steel is the most important Manganese alloy steels are used to make ma product.Chemicallypureironispreparedona chines such asrockcrushers andpowershov smallscalebecauseofitslimiteduse. els,whichmustwithstandextremelyharduse. Table1.1:Typicalanalysisofferrousmaterials. Pigiron Castiron Whitecastiron Steel Wroughtiron C 3.5--4.25 2.50-3.75 1.75-2.70 0.10 0.02 Si 1.25 0.50-3.00 0.8--1.20 0.02 0.15 Mn 0.90-2.50 0.40-1.00 <0.4 0040 0.03 S 0.04 0.01--0.18 0.07-0.15 0.03 0.02 P 0.06-3.00 0.12-1.10 <0.02 0.D3 0.12 Slag o o 0 0 3.00 2 HandbookofExtractiveMetallurgy TheEconomicClassificationofMetals 3 Special-Quality Steel. These include corro which carbon-ispresentin the castirondeter duced from any cast iron by introducing a properties, use, and occurrence (Table 1.2). sion-resisting, stainless, acid~resisting, and minesitsproperties. small amount of magnesium (in form of a Thisclassificationisarbitrarysinceonemetal heat-resisting steels. Stainless steel, which magnesium-nickel alloy containing 50-80% may beplaced in two groups, e.g., titaniumis Grey Cast Iron. Produced by melting pig containschromiumandsometimesnickel and iron, scrap iron, and steel mixture to give the Ni),orceriumintothemoltenironwhileinthe bothalight and arefractory metal, rheniumis manganese,is ahard, strong alloy that resists cast iron composition. The slow cooling and ladle,shortlybeforecasting. Thisadditioncat both scattered and refractory; similarly heat and corrosion. Stainless steels are used thehighsiliconcontentfavorsthedecomposi alyzesthedecompositionofcarboninto sphe hafnium. The term"raremetals"issometimes for such things as jet engines, automobile tion ofcementite into iron and free carbon in parts, knives, forks, spoons, and kitchen roidsandnotflakes. applied to the refractory, scattered, radioac theform offlakes_ Gray castironischaracter equipment. tive,andthelanthanidescollectively. Thister ized by its power to damp vibrations and by thewearresistanceimpartedbythelubricating 1.2.4 PureIron minology is misleading because such metals 1.2.2 WroughtIron effect of graphite. Both properties make it a arenotrare;itmaybethedifficultyintheirex usefulmaterialfortheconstructionofmachin . High-purityironpossessestemporarymag traction and uncommon utilization that give Wrought iron was known since antiquity erybycasting.Itisreadilymachinable(dueto netism, i.e., when the magnetic field is re theimpressionthatthey arerare. and was the majorferrous material produced graphite flakes) and is an economic material moved, the magnetism disappears. Carbon until the nineteenth Century; it is produced since it has a low melting point of about ironalloysontheotherhand,showpermanent 1.3.1 PrimaryMetals nowinlimitedamounts. Wroughtironisprac 1200DC. It has, however, poortoughness and magnetism. For this as well as for other rea tically pure iron, low in carbon, manganese, limitedtensilestrength. sons, e.g., studying the physical properties of Whileironisthemostwidely usedmetal,it sulfur, andphosphorus, butcontainsan appre White Cast Iron. Produced by melting pig the metal, the preparation ofhigh-purity iron lacks important properties such as corrosion ciable amount of slag in mechanical admix iron and steel scrap. After solidifIcation no ture. Its desirable properties are due to the is of scientific interest. Preparation of pure resistance. From the beginning of the Nine carbonisprecipitatedbutremainsincombina fibrousstructureofthisslagwhichgivesitex iron is a tedious process that requires special teenth Century, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, and tion as ironcarbide. Itis hard, brittle, and un cellentresistancetoshockandvibration,mak machinable. It is used for making grinding techniquesandnumerousoperations. tinandtheiralloysfounduseassubstitutesfor ingitparticularly suitableforthemanufacture balls, dies, car wheels, but mostly used for iron in industrial applications that required ofsuchproducts asenginebolts,cranehooks, makingmalleablecastiron. 1.3 Nonferrous Metals particular properties in which cast irons and lifting chains and couplings. Wrought iron is readily welded, and the presence of slag Malleable Cast Iron. Prepared from white steels were lacking. That is one reason why makes itself-fluxing. Itisreadily machinable cast iron by annealing for several days, Thenonferrous metals are dividedinto nu these metals are known as primary metals. and cuttings are sharp and clean because the whereby ironcarbide isdecomposedintoiron merous groups according to theirproduction, (Table1.3). chips crumble and clear the dies instead of and graphite in form of nodules. It is more forming long spirals. Wrought iron is made ductile and more resistant to shock than grey Table1.2:Commercialclassificationofnonferrousmetalsandmetalloids. from pig iron by melting in a furnace lined castiron.Itisusedinlargequantitiesforsuch Group Metals Remarks with ferrous oxide. Under these conditions, materialsaspipesandpipefittings andtheau Primary Cu,Pb,Zn,Sn,Ni Extensivelyused;secondinimportancetoiron. theentirecarboncontentofthepigironisoxi tomativeindustryrequiringhighermechanical Secondary As,Sb,Bi,Cd,Hg,Co Mainlyby-productsofprimarymetalsbutalsofonntheirown deposits.Usedinalmostequalamounts(10-20thousandtonsan dized and removed, as well as most of the properties. nually). otherimpuritieswhilesiliconformsslag. As a Ductile CastIron. Itisahigh-carbonferrous Light Be,Mg,AI,Ji Lowspecificgravity(below4.5),usedmainlyasmaterialofcon result, the meltingpointofthemassincreases struction. product containing graphite in the form of and a sticky lump is obtained saturated with Precious Au,Ag,Pt,Os,!T,Ru,Rh,Pd Donotrust;highlypriced. spheroids. The spheroid is a single poly slag. the lump, which weighs about 200kg is Refractory W,Mo,Nb,Ta,Ti,Zr,Hf,V,Re, Meltingpointsabove1650DC.Mainlyusedasalloyingelements crysallineparticle,whereasthenoduleiscom removed from the furnace then putthrough a Cr insteelbutalsousedintheelementalform.Someresisthightem posed ofan aggregate offine flakes. Ductile peraturewithoutoxidation. squeezertoremoveasmuchslagaspossible. cast iron has all the advantages of cast iron, Scattered Sc,Ge,Ga,In,Tl,Hf,Re,Se,Te Donotformmineralsoftheirown.Distributedinextremely e.g., low melting point, goodfluidity and ca minuteamountsintheearth'scrust. 1.2.3 CastIrons stability, ready machinability, and low cost, Radioactive Po,Ra,Ac,Th,Pa,U,Pu Undergoradioactivedecay.Someofthem(0,Pu,andTh)un dergofission.Plutoniumpreparedartificiallyinnuclearreactors. plus the additional advantages of high yield Rareearths Y,La,Ce,Pr,Nd,Sm,Eu,Gd, Alwaysoccurtogether,similarchemicalproperties.Notrareas Cast iron is a series of iron-carbon alloys strength, high elasticity, and a substantial Th,Dy,Ho,Er,Tm,Yb,Lu thenameimplies. containing more than 1.5%C, together with amount ofductility. Itis used by the automo Ferroalloy Cr,Mil,Si,B Wereoncemainlyusedasalloyingelementstostee~butnow silicon, manganese, phosphorus, and -sulfur tive, agricultural instruments and railroad in metals alsousedinelementalform. which are impurities from the raw material dustries, pumps, compressors, valves, and Alkali Li,Na,K,Rb,Cs Softandhighlyreactive. and are not alloying elements. The form in textile machinery. Ductile cast iron is pro- -Alkalineearths Be,Mg,Ca,Sr,Ba Highermeltingpointandlessreactivethanthealklalimetals 4 HandbookofExtractiveMetallllrgy TheEconomicClassificationofMetals 5 Table1.3:Typicalusesofprimarymetals. per, canreadily beshaped andmachined, and structures, generalmachinebuilding, andmil hard,whiletingreatlyimprovestheircastabil are strong, hard and resistant to corrosion. itary engineering. Strong and wear-resistant ity.Alloysofleadandantimony,hardandcor Metal Use % They fInd extensive application in chemical nickelcastirons, alloyedwithchromium,mo rosion-resistant, find extensive use in Copper Electrical 50 Buildings 20 and general machine-building, ship-building lybdenum, and copper, are necessary for the chemical engineering. In soldering alloys, or Engineeringandtransport 25 andmilitaryengineering.Bronzeisanalloyof manufactureofheavy internalcombustionen solders,leadmaypartlyreplacetin. Other 5 copperwith6to 20% tin thatfound extensive gines for locomotives and ofspecial machine 100 Zinc. Zinc protects iron against corrosion in use because ofits excellentmechanical, anti toolsanddies. the air and in cold water. More than half of Lead Batteries 35 friction, and anticorrosion properties. Alloys Many nickel alloys are chemically resis Pipes,sheets 15 zinc output is consumed for this purpose. Gasolineadditive 12 similar to bronze are prepared by admixing tant and can withstand temperatures up to Zinc-plating (galvanizing) is considerably Cablesheathing 10 metalsotherthantinto copper,e.g.,aluminum 600 cC. They are usedfor turbines ofjet air cheaperthantin-platingornickel-plating. An Pigments,chemicals 10 (5-11%), lead (25-33%), silicon (4-5%), craft, gasturbinepowerplants, andinnuclear Alloys,solder 10 otherimportantfIeldofapplicationistheman andberyllium(1.8-2.3%).Aluminumbronzes reactors. Nichrome (75-85% Ni, 10-20% Cr, Other 7 ufacture of alloys, inclusive of the already 100 withadditionsofleadaresuitableforbearings the balance iron) and other similar thermo mentioned brases and German silver. Zinc whileberylliumbronzesareusedinthemanu electric nickel alloys are not only refractory, Zinc Galvanizing 40 based alloys, partly employed instead of Diecasting 27 facture of springs. Copper-nickel alloys (5 but possess high electrical resistance and are bronzes and low-friction alloys in bearings, Alloys 18 35% Ni) and German silver (5-30% Ni and suitable for wire or strip resistor heaters. contain aluminium (8-11%), copper (1-2% Sheet,wire,etc. 8 13-45%Zn)areparticularlyresistantto attack Strongly, magnetic alloys ofnickel with iron Zinccompounds 5 andmagnesium(0.03-0.06%).Identicalcom Other 2 by aggressive media. They are used to make (permalloys) and othersimilaralloysfInd ex ponents, but in a different ratio to zinc, are 100 medical instruments, home appliances, and tensive application in electrical and radio en containedinprintingalloys, similarinproper Tm TInplate 50 worksofart. CopperwasthefIrstamongnon gineering. Alloys ofnickel with copper have tiestolead-antimony alloys. Solder 20 ferrous metals in world output until 1958 beenmentionedearlier. Alloys 15 whenitwasmovedto secondplaceby alumi Tin. Used in tin-plating, solders, bronze and Chemicals 3 num. Inelectricalengineering, copperismore Lead. Lead was used to make coins, orna other alloys. At one time was used for wrap Other 12 100 andmore beingreplacedby aluminum, which ments,miscellaneousvessels,andwaterpipes. pingpurposedinformoftinfoil. Withtheinventionofgunpowder,itfounduse Nickel Stainlesssteel 28 islesselectroconductive,butlighter. Castironsandalloysteels 20 for the manufactureofcase-shot, bullets,,and 1.3.2 SecondaryMetals Nonferrousalloys 20 Nickel. As compared to other heavy nonfer shot.Abilitiesofleadtoresist attackbydilute High-temperaturealloys 12 rous metals, nickel is stronger, harder, more sulfuric and hydrochloric acids and many This group includes the metals cadmium, Electroplating 16 Catalysts 1 refractory andmorecorrosionresistant. Simi otllerchemicalshavemadethemetalthechief cobalt, and mercury and the metalloids ar Other 3 larto ironand cobalt, itisferromagnetic. Itis materialfor the chemical industry in the 19th senic, antimony, and bismuth. They are 100 relatively expensive and its consumption as a century. Leadis amenable to rolling: sheets 2 mainly by-productsofthe primary metals but pure metal is low. Nickel is used for plating to 10rom thick are suitablefor anti-corrosion also form their own deposits. They are used Copper. The highheatconductivityofcopper metalswithaviewtoprotectthen againstcor coating ofvarious apparatus. Sheathsofelec worldwide in almost equal amounts of about makesitasuitablematerialofconstructionfor rosion and for ornamental purposes. Nickel tric cables intended for prolonged under 20000tonsannually(Table 1.4). heat conducting devices such as heating or sheets, pipes, and wire are used for special groundservice,inwaterormoistsurroundings cooling coils, boiling kettles, and other parts components of apparatus and instruments in are made from lead blended with small Cadmium. Cadmium is used in the metallic ofchemicalengineeringapparatus.Becauseof the chemical industry. Nickel is also required amountsofothermetalstoenhanceitsplastic forminelectroplatingand alloying. Cadmium its high electrical conductivity it became the forthe manufacture ofcertain types ofbatter ity. Lead storage batteries are necessary to compounds are used in paints and pigments; chief material for conductors, contacts, and ies which are lighter, more compact and de start internal combustion engines. About half cadmium sulfIde is yellow, and cadmium se other electroconductive parts. It is used only pendable in operation than lead batteries. ofthe lead produced is used in the manufac lenide is red. Cadmium compounds are toxic as a pure metal since traces of impurities NickelcatalystsfIndtheirapplicationinmany tureofelectriccablesandstoragebatteries. In and therefore care must be taken during pro greatly reduce this property. However, pure chemicalprocesses. nuclear engineering, lead serves as a shield cessing cadmium and its compoundsto avoid copperistoosoftforstructuralcomponentsof againsty-rays. inhalationordispersalofcadmiumfumes and Morethanhalfofnickelisconsumedinthe machines and apparatus. Its alloys with other dust orthe release ofcadmium-bearing efflu manufacture of nickel-iron alloys. Chro Lead alloys differfrom the pure metal ei metals are much stronger and many ofthem entsintotheenvironment. mium-nickel, stainless, and acid-resistant therbygreaterstrengthandhardnessorbyan surpasscopperinotherproperties,e.g.,incor steels,commonly containingupto 8% Ni and tifrictionproperties, andmostofthealloysare Cobalt. This metal is usedprincipally in heat rosionresistance. with admixtures ofchromium and othermet resistantto corrosion.Printing alloysfor cast and corrosion-resistant alloys, in jet engine Alloys of copper with 10 to 40% Zn are als, are widely used in the chemicalindustry, ing type contain antimony, tin, and copper in parts,andinmagnets.Italsoservesasabinder calledbrass. They are cheaperthen pure cop- machinetoolmanufacture,buildingofdurable addition to lead. Antimony makes the alloys material in tungsten and othercarbidecutting G HandbookofExtractiveMetallurgy TheEconomicClassificationofMetals 7 tools, and in hardfacing alloys. Nonmetallic Arsenic.Arsenicisregardedas atroublesome form, 80%informofberyllium--copperalloys aircraftand automotiveenginesastheyreadily applications (paint drier, ceramics, and cata impurity insmeltingandrefining andmustbe (containing about 2%Be), orothermasteral reproduce mould configuration; they are also lysts) accountfor about 20% ofits consump removed during the recovery of the primary loys, and the remaining 10% is used as a re lightandstrong. tion. metals. Its compounds are toxic and therefore fractory oxide. In the metallic form it is used Thesurfaceofaluminumandofitsalloysis their handling in a plant is costly because of as amoderator to slow down fast neutrons in always coated by a thin but strong layer of Table1.4:Typicalusesofsecondarymetals. the strict anti-contamination measures. Its nuclear reactors because of its low atomic Al 0 whichprotectsitagainstfurther oxida 2 3 Metal Use % consumption in the metallic form is only 3% weight and low neutron cross section. As an tion. The film is extra strong ifitis obtained Antimony Batteries 47 ofthe total; it is mostly used as compounds. alloy with copper, it is particularly important by anodic oxidation. The film can readily be Pigments,chemicals 18 Asmetal,itisusedas aminoradditiveinnon in springs because such alloys possess high dyed in many colors and this is widely used. Fireretardants 11 ferrous alloys (copper and lead based) to im elasticityandgreatendurance. Thestrengthofthesurfacefilms and-itsharm Rubber,plastics 8 prove their strength, and sometimes to lessness to users make aluminum suitable for Glass,ceramics 6 Table1.5:Typicalusesoflightmetals. Bearingalloys 4 improvecorrosionresistance. Intheelectronic the manufacture ofvarious equipment in the Metal Use % Other 6 industry,high-purity arseniciscombinedwith food industry. In theform offoil itis used for 100 gallium and/or indium for making semicon Beryllium Electricindustry 37 packingfoodstuffs. Aluminumpowderis also Electronicindustry 16 Cadmium Cadmiumplating 50 ductors, solar cells, infrared detectors, light used in.the manufacture ofpaint The strong PPliagsmtiecnstsstabilizer 2105 emitting diodes, and lasers. Arsenic com NAuercolespaarcreeactors 2108 affmityofaluminummakesitsuitableforpre Ni-Cdbatteries 7 pounds are mainly used as herbicides and in Others 9 paringmetalsfrom theiroxides.Becauseofits Other 8 secticides. 100 abundance in the Earth's crust, the metal is 100 Aluminum Buildings 30 morelikely to be used as asubstituteto wood, Antimony.Antimony ismainly used as anal Transportation(automotive, Cobalt Alloys 45 plastics, and other construction materials. loyingconstituentoflead, e.g., to hardenlead aircrafts) 20 Magnets 30 Paintdriers 10 for storage batteries, and as alloying element Electrical 15 Nonmetallic applications of aluminum ac Ceramics 5 in bearings, type metal, and solder. In com Packaging 15 count for about 10% ofthe element. Bauxite Catalysts 5 pound form antimony trioxide is used in ce Others(reducingagent,paint) TO2O0 and alumina are used as refractories, fused Other 5 aluminaisusedinabrasives,aluminumsulfate ramicenamelsinplastics, as awhitepigment, 100 TItanium Jetengine 84 Mercury Caustic-chlorinecells 35 andasflameretardant. Chemicalindustry 16 isusedinwatertreatment. Batteries,electrical 28 Bismuth.Bismuthismainlyusedfortheman )(JO Magnesium. Magnesium is lighter than alu Biocidalpaints 14 ufactureoflow-meltingalloys(m.p. aslowas Magnesium Asmetalandalloy(reducing minum resists poorly the action of atmo Instruments 10 agent) 65 Dental 5 60 DC) which are used for making safety Asoxideforrefractories 7 spheric air, particularly when moist but its Agriculture 3 plugs. Fertilizer,paper,etc. 28 alloys with aluminum, zinc, and manganese Other 6 100 are adequately corrosion resistant. These al 100 loys, readily castable and machinable, have a 1.3.3 LightMetals Aluminum. Pure aluminum often replaces wide application in the manufacture of air Mercury. In oldertimes mercury wasprinci copperinelectrical engineering. Although its These are beryllium, aluminum, magne craft, automotiveindustry, andinrockets. The pally used for the recovery ofgold and silver electrical conductivity is only 65% that.of sium,andtitanium.Theyareusedinpurestate highaffmity ofmagnesiumforoxygenallows from their ores by amalgamation, a process copper, the density of aluminum: is almost and in alloys, characterized by light weight its use as a reducing agentformetallotherrnic that isnow obsoletebecauseofthe poisonous andhighstrengthhencethey arevaluablema three times as less (Cu 8.95, Al 2.7). This reactions,e.g.,productionoftitaniumandura nature ofthe metal vapor. It is now used as a terialsofconstruction(Table1.5).Theyarere meansalesserconsumptionofthemetal. Also nium. Thehigh affinityofmagnesiumforoxy suspension of aluminum conductors requires liquidcathodeinchlorineandsodiumhydrox active metals and difficult to prepare and gen and its ability to burn in the air with fewer poles than thatfor copper. Pure alumi ide manufacture. The mercury lamps use and becameknown in the metallic staterelatively evolutionoflarge quantities ofheat and light num is soft, but, ifalloyed with small addi electric discharge tube that contains mercury recent. makes itsuitable inthe manufactureofincen tions of other elements its mechachical vapor; they are more efficient as a light diary shells and flares. The main application Beryllium. Beryllium is an expensive metal strengthincreases. Aluminum alloys combine source. Mercury is also used in electrical ofmagnesium atpresentis anoxide used as a used in small and specialized industries. Its strength, lightness, and corrosion resistance. switching devices, in thermometers and ba dust and fumes as well as vapors ofits com Its large scale production started in the first refractory brick for furnace lining. A large rometers, as an alloy with silver and tin for poundsarepoisonoustoinhale.Itisfabricated quarterofthis century when aeronautics was amount ofthis material is prepared from sea water. dental applications. Nonmetallic applications by powder metallurgy techniques because thenmakingitsfirststeps. Todayitfmdswide includemercuric oxide inbatteries, incertain coarse grains tend to develop in the castings application in building construction. Alumi Titanium. Titaniumissomewhatheavierthan organicpreparationsasfungicide, bactericide, causing brittleness and low tensile strength. numalloyscontainingsiliconarecsedincast magnesium and aluminum, but it is stronger orpreservative. About10%ofthemetalisusedinthemetallic ing, cylinders, pistons, and other parts of and very resistant to corrosion. TitaniUm and 8 HandbookofExtractiveMetallurgy TheEconomicClassificationofMetals 9 itsalloysresistheatupto450 °e,whereasalu • All the goldeverminedintheworldwould someareveryhard,havingexcellentwearand eralliquidmetals including sodium, mercury, minum and magnesium alloys tend to fail at fit into a store room measuring 17 metres abrasionresistance(Table1.7). gallium, and magnesium; to oxide ceramics about300°e. Thatis why titanium alloysbe long, 17metreshigh,and 17metreswide. such as alumina, magnesia, zirconia and tho Table1.7:Typicalusesofrefractorymetals. camethe basicmaterialsforjetaircraft. Tita • The American Federal Reserve Bank on ria. Itis oftenusedfor cruciblestomeltthese niumalloysareusedforthemanufactureofjet Wall Streetis thebiggestrepository ofgold Metal Use % materialsinaninertatmosphere.. engines, rockets, and shells ofsatellites. The in the world: some 13000 tons of gold are Vanadium Ferrousalloys 80 Molybdenum. Molybdenum is hard with re largestapplicationoftitaniumisanoxideused kept behind 90 ton steel doors in vaults NCoatnafleyrsrto(uVs2a0ll5o)ys 1100 spect to tensile stresses. Its electric and heat asawhitepigment. blastedoutofsolidgranite. 100 conductivities are somewhatlowerthan those • Gold is used in the electronics industry to Chromium Metallurgical(stainlesssteel) 58 of tungsten. When heated without access of 1.3.4 Precious Metals make more than 10 billion tiny electrical Refractories(oxide) • 30 air,itisreadily amenabletomechamcal work Chemicalindustry(tanningof contactseveryyear. ingandcanbedrawnintoathinwire.Itretains TIns group ofmetals iscomposed ofgold, leather,electroplating) 12 ae. silver, andthesixplatinumgroupmetals:plat • Of the estimated 100000 tons of refined 100 strengthup totemperaturesofabout 1000 inum, osmium, iridium, ruthenium, rhodium, goldintheworld- bullion,jewellery,coin Molybdenum Steelindustry 80 It is used in parts ofvacuum apparatus, e.g., and palladium. They are all common in that nolessthan40000tons, or40%wasmined Chemicals 20 hooksforfJlamentsinelectricbulbs,targetsof they do not rust, and arehighly priced (Table inSouthAfricasince 1886. 100 X-ray tubes, heaters ofhigh-temperature fur Tungsten Tungstencarbides 53 naces, plates ofgenerator and rectifier tubes. 1.6). • Over50 tonsofgoldare usedeveryyearby Alloysteels 23 Molybdenumsteels posses ahighmechanical TlIble1.6:Typicalusesofpreciousmetals. theworld'sdentists. Eleetricallamps 13 strength, wearability and impactstrength. Be Chemicals 4 Metal Use % III Italyisbyfarthebiggestuserofgoldforthe Other 7 cause molybdenum oxidizes rapidly at about Gold Jewelryandarts 70 manufacture of jewellery: about 250 tons 100 600 aeinair, aprotectivecoatingisneededin Dental 9 annually, enough to make 100millionwed hot air applications. Many coatings involve SOpthaceeranddefence 138 dingrings. pTouinngtsotfenal.l.Tmuentaglsst;enitahlassothhaeshoingehoesftthmeehlitginhg formation ofathinlayerofMoSi2onthe sur 100 Silver.Puresilveristoosoftformanyapplica est densities. When combinedwith carbon, it face ofthe molybdenum part. The compound Silver Silverware 29 tionsandanalloyofsilverandcopperiscom becomesoneofthehardestman-mademateri has outstandaien.g oxidation resistance up to Photography 28 monly used. Silver is used as an ornamental about 1650 In vacuum, uncoated molyb als. While the tungsten filaments for- light Electrical 22 metal for tableware and in coins. It is also denum has a virtually unlimited life at high Brazes,solder 10 bulbs are widely used, its most common and Silverbatteries 3 commonly used in plating articles made of mostvaluable use isinmetal cutting,mining, temperature. Other 8 cheapermetals, in fabricating mirrors, and in and oil drilling tools. Although tungsten can Vanadium is mainly used as an alloying ele 100 preparation of silver salts used in photogra be used at high temperatures, an oxide fIlm ment in steel, in titanium alloys, and in some Platinum Catalysis 60 phy. forms which is volatile above temperature of high-temperaturealloys. Inform ofV205 itis GElleacstsrifcOaflfiling 197 Platinum. Platinum is an important contact approximately 540 ae. So, for use at ex used as acatalystforoxidationreactions(S02 Dental,medical 5 catalyst in the chemical industry e.g., oxida tremely high temperatures, tungsten parts toS03)' Jewelry,etc. 4 Other 5 tionofammonia. Ithas also importantuses in must be coated, used ina vacuum, orbe sur Niobium. The major use ofniobium is as an 100 the electrical industry, in dentistry, in jewel rounded by a protective atmosphere. Typical alloyingelementfor steel. Italso offers lower lery,andinlaboratoryware. uses involving protective atmospheres - or density andlowthermalneutroncross section Gold. A large part ofthe world's gold supply vacuum - include incandescent lamp fIla compared to other refractory metals, which is held by governments and central banks, to 1.3.5 Refractory Metals ments, electron tube electrodes, and various makes niobiuni useful in atomic reactors. At provide stability for paper currency, and as a typesofheatingelements. Silicidecoatingand ordinary temperatures niobium will resist at medium for settling international trade bal This group of metals is composed of the noble metal cladding are effective oxidation tackbyallmineralacids,withtheexceptionof ances. Theunitofgoldpurityiscalledkarat,it transition metals tungsten, molybdenum, nio resisting coatings, for example, cladding the hydrofluoric acid, and it is not affected by is 1/241.A22-karatgold,forexample,isanal bium,tantalum,titanium,zirconium,hafnium, tungstenwithaplatinumgoldalloys. mixedacidssuchasaquaregia. loy containing22 parts goldand 2parts other vanadium, rhenium, and chromium. All these Tungsten is resistant to many severe envi ingredients, usually silver; ltence it contains metalshavehighmeltingpoints.Forexample, ronmentswhichreadily attackothermetals. It Tantalum. Tantalumisoneofthemostcorro 91.67% gold and8.33%silver.Alargepartis tungsten melts at 3380°e, rhenium at resists nitric, sulfuric, and hydrofluoric acids sionresistantmaterials available. Itforms sta alsousedinjewellery,arts, indentistry, andin 3180°e, molybdenum at 261Ooe. They are at room temperatures. It is only subject to ple anodic oxide films which make excellent corns. mainly used as alloying elements in steel but slight attack by hotalkaline solutions such as electroniccapacitors. also areused in the elementalform. Somere potassium, sodium, and ammonium hydrox Rhenium. Rhenium has a melting point'ex 1Acaratisalsotheunitoftrade(200mg)ofdianlOnds. sist high temperature without oxidation, and ides.Tungstenalsohasgoodresistancetosev- ceeded only by tungsten, density exceeded 10 HandbookofExtractiveMetallllrgy TheEconomicClassificationofMetals 11 only by osmium, iridium, and platinum. It is 1.3.7 RadioactiveMetals Uraniwnseries Actiniumseries Thoriumseries :Z:~u+~-7::Kr+l::Ba+3~n+200MeV unique amongrefractorymetalsinthatitdoes J, J, notform carbides. Itis highly desirable as an These metals have the highest atomic ::y alloyingadditionwithotherrefractorymetals. weights in the Periodic Table starting from +4e- l~a+3e- The addition ofrhenium greatly enhances the polonium, and include radium, actinium, tho Uranium 238 absorbs neutrons forming ductility and tensile strength ofthese metals rium,protactinium,uranium,andthetransura and tlleir alloys. Rhenium alloys are gaining nium metals which do not occur in naturel. uranium 239 which is a beta emitter with a shorthalflife;itsdaughterneptunium239also acceptance in nuclear reactors, semiconduc They undergospontaneousnucleardisintegra j J. emitsanelectrontoformplutonium239. tion duetotllerepulsion oftheprotons within tors, thermocouple, gyroscopes and other thenucleiofthoseatomsasaresultoftheirin aerospace applications. Tungsten-rhenium al creased number. In this process a helium ion loys are used to surface molybdenum targets (composed oftwo protons and two neutrons) • • inX-ray tube manufacture. Otherrhenium al loys (with tungsten ormolybdenum) areused is ejected. Theheliumion (called alpha parti 227Ac 228Ac forfilaments, gridheaters,andignitorwiresin cle)possessesextraordinarycohesion. • • • Plutonium239(halflife2.4X 104years) is photo-flashbulbs. Rhenium hasfound impor Naturally-occurring radioactive metals 230Th 227Th 228Th an alpha emitter, itundergoesfission with the tant applications in catalystsfor reforming in form three series, each element in the series • • • emissionofseveralneutronsandcanmaintain conjunctionwithplatinumandinselectivehy beingproducedwhentheonebeforeitdisinte 220Ra 223Ra 224Ra achainreaction. Thus, anuclearreactorusing drogenation.Itisresistanttohydrochloricacid grates,withthesuccessiveradioactivedisinte • • • uranium as a fuel, not only produces energy, andshowsgoodresistancetosaltwatercorro grationsstoppingwhenastableisotopeoflead butalsoproduces anothernuclearfuel. Under is formed. The three series are formed from 222Rn 219An 220Tn certainconditionsitispossibletogeneratefis SlOn. uranium238, uranium235 (anisotope ofura (Radon) (Actinon) (Thoron) sionable material at arate equal to or greater nium occurringin uranium ores·to the extent • • • than the rate ofconsumption ofthe uranium. 1.3.6 ScatteredMetals of0.7%), and thorium 232 (Figure 1.1).Dur 218po 215po 216po Suchareactorisknownas abreederreactor. Thisgroupofmetalsandmetalloidsiscom ing their disintegration radium 226, 223, and • • • Thorium absorbs neutrons and is trans 224 are formed respectively. These disinte formedtouranium233: posed of scandium, germanium, gallium, in 214Pb . 211Pb 212Pb grateintumto theradioactiveinertgasradon dium, thallium, hafnium, rhenium, selenium, • • • 222 and its isotopes radon 219 (called acti and tellurium. They do not form minerals of non), and radon 220 (called thoron), respec 214Bi 2llBi 212Bi their own but occurin very small amounts in tively. They then disintegrate to different the ores of other common metals. Thus gal polonium isotopes. Being gases with short limn occurs with aluminum in bauxite, sele Uranium 233 also undergoes fission; and half lives, radon and its isotopes represent a nium and tellurium in copper and nickel serious health hazard during the treatment of can be used to operate a breeder reactor ac sulfide ores, etc. (Table 1.8). As a result of orescontainingradioactivemetals. cordingtothescheme: • processing a large tonnage ofores each year, ~U+~n-7Fissionproducts+Energy these melals are enriched in certain fractions 210Bi 1Pota<;sium40isaveryweaknaturallyoccurringradioac + andareusuallyrecovered. tiveelement;itemitsbetaparticles. • ......... oneneutron oneneutron 21Opo Table1.8:Parentoresofscatteredmetals. thatiscaptured tocontinue • by 23~ chainreaction Metal Parentore Concentrationinore,% Majoruse 90 206Pb Gallium Bauxite 0.01 Semiconductor ,J. Gemmnium Zincsulfide Trace Semiconductor Figure1.1:Radioactivemetals. 23~Th Hafnium Zirconsand Nuclearreactors,control£ods ,J. Indium Zincsulfide Trace Semiconductor :Z:~Pa+e Rhenium Molybdeniteconcentratesfrom 0.07 Refractorymetal Uranium235undergoesfissionwhenbom porphyrycopperores 23~U+e- barded by thermal neutrons; it breaks apart Scandium Uraniumandthorium Trace Selenium Coppersulfides Trace Photoelectriccells intotwosmallerelementsandatthesametime Uraniumis the baseofnuclearpowerreac Tellurium Coppersulfides Trace emitting several neutrons and a large amount tors and nuclear weapons. Non-energy appli llmllium Zincsulfide Trace ofenergy(Figure1.1): cations (ceramic glazes, catalysts) accountfor

Extract all the metals information you need! A wealth of data on metals and their extraction is revealed in this comprehensive handbook. The aim of this book is to provide a clear description of how a particular metal is extracted industrially from different raw materials, and on what its important
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