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Handbook of extractive metallurgy: Ferroalloy Metals, Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Authors Name Index• Subject Index, Volume 4 PDF

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Preview Handbook of extractive metallurgy: Ferroalloy Metals, Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Authors Name Index• Subject Index, Volume 4

Handbook of Extractive Metallllrgy Edited by Fathi Habashi Volume IV: Ferroalloy Metals Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Authors Name Index • Subject Index ~WILEY-VCH Weinheim . Chichester· NewYork·Toronto· Brisbane·Singapore ProfessorFathiHabashi UniversiteLaval DepartementdeMinesetdeMetallurgie Preface QuebecG1K7P4 Canada Extractivemetallurgyisthatbranchofmet presentfourvolumeswillfll1the gapformod allurgythatdealswithoresasrawmaterialand ernextractivemetallurgy. metalsasfInishedproducts. Itis an ancientart The Handbook is an updated collection of Thisbookwas carefullyproduced.Nevertheles,theeditor,the autors and publisherdonotwarrantthe informationcontainedthereintobefreeoferrors.Readersareadvisedtokeepinmindthatstatements, that has been transformed into a modt;rn sci more than ahundredentriesin UllmannsEn data,illustrations,proceduraldetailsorotheritemsmayinadvertentlybeinaccurate. ence as aresult ofdevelopmentsinchemistry cyclopediaofIndustrialChemislly~rittenby andchemicalengineering.Thepresentvolume over200 specialists. Some articles were writ isacollectiveworkofanumberofauthors in tenspecifIcallyfortheHandbook. Someprob whichmetals, theirhistory, properties, extrac lems are certainly faced whenpreparing such tiontechnology, andmostimportantinorganic avastamountofmaterial. Thefollowing may EditorialDirectors:KarinSora,UseBedrich ProductionManager:PeterJ.Biel compounds and toxicology are systematically bementioned: CoverIllustration:MichelMeyer/mmad described. • Although arsenic, antimony, bismuth, bo Metals are neitherarranged by alphabetical ron, germanium, silicon, selenium, and tel order as in an encyclopedia, nor according to lurium are metalloids because they have the Periodic Table as in chemistry textbooks. covalentandnotmetallicbonds,they arein The system used here is according to an eco cluded here because most ofthem are pro nomic classifIcationwhich reflects mainly the duced in metallurgical plants, either in the LibraryofCongressCardNo.appliedfor uses,theoccurrence,andtheeconomicvalueof elementalformorasferroalloys. ACIPcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary metals. First, the ferrous metals, i.e., the pro • Each chapter contains the articles on the duction ofiron, steel, and ferroalloys are out metalinquestionanditsmostimportantinor lined. Then.. nonferrous metals are subdivided ganiccompounds.However,therearecertain intoprimarY, secondary,light, precious,ref;ac compounds that are conveniently described tory, scattered, radioactive,rare earths,ferroai togetherandnotunderthemetalsinquestion loy metals, the alkali, and the alkaline earth for a variety of reasons. These are: the hy metals. drides, carbides, nitrides, cyano compounds, Although the general tendency today in DieDeutscheBibliothek- CIP-Einbeitsaufnahme peroxocompounds,nitrates,nitrites,silicates, teachingextractivemetaliurgy isbasedonthe HandbookofextractivemetallurgyIed.byFathiHabashi. fluorine compounds, bromides, iodides, Weinbeirn;NewYork;Chichester;Brisbane;Singapore;Toronto: fundamental aspects rather than on a system sulfItes, thiosulfates, dithionites, and phos WILEY-VCH ISBN3-527-28792-2 aticdescriptionofmetal extractionprocesses, phates. These are collectedtogetherinaspe Vol.1.Themetalindustry,ferrousmetals.-1997 it has been found by experience that the two cialsupplemententitledSpecialTopics,under Vol.2.Primarymetals,secondarymetals,lightmetals.- 1997 approaches are complementary. The student preparation. Vol.3.Preciousmetals,refractorymetals,scatteredmetals,radioactivemetals,rareearthmetals.-1997 musthave abasicknowledge ofmetal extrac tionprocesses: hydro-, pyro-, and electromet .. Becauseoflimitationofspace,itwasnotpos Vol.4.Ferroalloymetals,alkalimetals,alkalineearthmetals;Nameindex;Subjectindex.-1997 allurgy, and at the same time he musthave at sible to include the alloys of metals in the his disposal a description ofhow aparticular present work. Another supplement entitled ©VCHVerlagsgesellschaftmbH- AWileycompany, metal is extracted industrially from different Alloysisunderpreparation. D-69451Weinbeim,FederalRepublicofGermany,1997 rawmaterialsandknowwhatareitsImportant • Since the largest amount of coke is con Printedonacid-freeandlow-chlorinepaper compounds. It is for this reason, that this sumed in iron production as compared to All rights reserved (including those of translation into other languages). No part of this book may be HWldbookhasbeenconceived. othermetals, the articles "Coal" and "Coal reproducedinanyform- byphotoprinting,microfilm,oranyothermeans- nortransmittedortranslatedinto amachinelanguagewithoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublishers.Registerednames,trademarks,etc.usedin TheHandbookisthefIrstofitstypeforex ,Pyrolysis" are includedinthe chapterdeal thisbook,evenwhennotspecificallymarkedassuch,arenottobeconsideredunprotectedbylaw. tractive metallurgy. Chemical engineers have ingwithiron. Composition:JeanFran~oisMorin,Quebec,Canada alreadyhadtheirPerry'5ChemicalEngineers' . I amgratefultothe editorsatVCHVerlags Printing:StraussOffsetdruckGmbH,D-69509Miirlenbach Handbook for over fIfty years, and physical gesellschaftfortheirexcellentcooperation, in Bookbinding:WilhelmOswald& Co.,D-67433NeustadtlWeinstraBe metallurgists have an impressive 18-volume particularMrs. Karin Sora who followed the PrintedintheFederalRepublicofGermany ASMMetals Handbook. It is hoped that the project since its conception in 1994, and to vi HandbookofExtractiveMetallllrgy Jean-Franyois Morin at Laval University for thereforebeusefultoindustrialchemistsaswell. Table ofContents hisexpertiseinwordprocessing. Itcan also be useful to engineersand scientists Thepresentworkshouldbeusefulasarefer from otherdisciplines, but itis an essential aid ence work for the practising engineers and the fortheextractivemetallurgist. students ofmetallurgy, chemistry, chemical en volumeI Part· RefractoryMetals gineering,geology,mining,andmineralbenefi Seven 26 Tungsten 1329 Part One TheMetal Industry ciation. Ei\.1ractivemetallurgy and the chemical 27 Molybdenum 1361 industry arecloselyrelated;thisHandbookwill FatMHabashi 1 TheEconomic Classifica- 28 Niobium 1403 tionofMetals , 1 29 Tantalum ........•.1417 2 MetalProduction 15 30 Zirconium 1431 3 RecyclingofMetals 21 31 Hafnium 1459 4 By-ProductMetals 23 32 Vanadium 1471 Part Two Ferrous Metals 33 Rhenium 1491 5 Iron 29 PartEight Scattered Metals 6 Steel 269 7 Ferroalloys .403 34 Germ?nium 1505 35 Gallium 1523 VolumeII 36 Indium 1531 37 Thallium 1543 Part Primary Metals 38 Selenium 1557 Three 8 Copper 491 39 Tellurium 1571 9 Lead 581 PartNine Radioactive Metals 10 Zinc 641 11 Tin 683 40 GeneraL 1585 12 Nickel 715 41 Uranium 1599 42 Thorium 1649 PartFour SecondaryMetals 43 Plutonium 1685 13 Arsenic 795 14 Antimony 823 Part Ten RareEarth Metals 15 Bismuth 845 44 GeneraL 1695 16 Cadmium 869 45 Cerium 1743 17 Mercury 891 18 Cobalt. . 923 volumeIV PartFive LightMetals Part Ferroalloy Metals 19 Beryllium 955 Eleven 46 Chromium 1761 20 Magnesium 981 47 Manganese 1813 21 Aluminum 1039 48 Silicon 1861 22 Titanium - 1129 49 Boron 1985 ~'olumeIII Part Alkali Metals PartSix Precious Metals Twelve 50 Lithium 2029 23 Gold _ :..1183 51 Sodium 2053 24 Silver 1215 52 Potassium 2141 25 PlatinumGroup 53 Rubidium 2211 Metals 1269 54 Cesium 2215 viii HandbookofExtractiveMetallllrgy Part Eleven 55 Alkali Sulfur Compounds 2221 Ferroalloy Metals Part Alkaline Earth Metals Thirteen 56 Calcium 2249 57 Strontium. 2329 58 Barium 2337 H He Authors 2355 Name Index 2375 Li Be N 0 F Ne I SubjectIndex 2379 Na Mg Al P S Cl AI K Ca Sc Ii V Fe Co Ni eu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Ic Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Ie I Xe Cs Ba Lat Hf Ia W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg II Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac+ 46 Chromium JAMESH.DOWNING(§§46.1-46.7);GERDANGERt(§46.4);PAULD.DEELEY(§46.8);HERaERTKNOPF,PE"IERSCHMIDT(§§ 46.9.1-46.9.5 EXCEPT; 46.9.10); JOST HALSTENBERG (§§ 46.9.1-46.9.6 EXCEPT; 46.9.10); MANFRED OHLINGER(§§,46.9.11,46.10.3);KLAUSHOCHGESCHWENDER,GEORGUECKER(§§46.9.7-46.9.9);ULRICHKORAL LUS(§46.9.11);MANfREDMANSMANN,DIETERRAnE,GERHARDTRENCZEK,VOLKERWILHELM(§46.10.1);GERHARDADRIAN, KARLBRANDT(§§;GONTERETZRODT(§§,46.10.4);HELMUTJAKUSCH,EKKEHARDSCHWAB, RONALDJ.VEITCH(§46.10.3) o 46.1 History 1761 flIerClIromates : 1790 46.2 Properties ; 1762 46.9.5 OtherChromiumCompounds 1792 46.9.6 Analysis 1792 46.3 ResourcesandRawMaterials 1762 46.9.7 Transportation,Storage,and 46.4 Ores 1763 Handling 1793 46.4.1 OreDeposits 1764 46.9.8 EnvironmentalProtection 1793 46.4.2 OreBeneficiation 1767 46.9.9 Ecotoxicology 1794 46.5 Production 1767 46.9.10 EconomicAspects 1795 46.9.11 ToxicologyandOccupational 46.6 Uses 1770 Health 1795 46.7 EconomicAspects 1771 46.10 Pigments 1797 46.8 Alloys 1771 46.10.1 ChromiumOxidePigments 1797 46.9 Compounds 1772 Properties 1798 46.9.1 SodiumDichromate 1773 1798 AlkalineRoasting 1774 QualitySpecijicatiollSand Analysis 1800 LeaclIingo/tlIeRoast 1775 StorageandTrmlSportation 1800 Acidification 1776 Crystallization ; ' 1776 Uses ~ 1800 1801 46.9.2 ChromiumOxides 1777 ClIromium(lll)Oxideand ClIronuunlJ(vdroxide..........•1777 HealtlI 1801 46.10.2 ChromatePigments 1801 ClIromium(IV)Oxide(ClIromium Dioxide) 1779 ClIromeYellow : 1801 ClIromium(VI)Oxide 1780 ClIromeOrange 1803 46.9.3 Chromium(IIl}Salts 1782 ClIromeGreenmlI:JFastClIrome GeneralProperties 1782 Green 1803 ClIromium(1l1)Sulfatesand Toxico/~gymIdOccupational ClIromeTanningAgents 1783 .Hea1tlI 1804 OtlIerClIromium(lll)Salts 1785 46.9.4 ChromicAcidsandChromates(V1)1787 46.10.3 ChromiumDioxide 1806 46.10.4 ChromiumPhosphate.; 1807 ClIromicAcids 1787 AlkaliClIromatesandDiclIromates 1788 .46.11 References 1807 46.1 History [1-5] During the 19th century, ferrochromium and chromium were produced by avariety of Chromium was discovered by VAUQUELIN, techniques. However, a commercial process was not developeduntil 1893, when MOlSSAN in the mineral cmcojte, PbCrO4' in 1797. In produced ferrochromium in an electric fur 1798he isolatedchromiummetalby reducing nace by the reaction of chromium oxide the oxide with carbon. Soon afterthe discov (CrZ03) and carbon. In 1898, GOLDSCHlvlIDT ery ofchromium, the commercial process for produced chromium by the aluminotheImic manufacturing chromates by roasting reduction' of Cr 0 • Other advances have in Z 3 chromitewithsodaashwas developed. cludedthe application ofsilicothermicsto the 1762 HandbookofExtractiveMetallllrgy Chromium 1763 production oflow-carbonferrochromium and 46.3 Resources and Raw. The 1983 production and reserves of Minerals. Ofthe many minerals that contain chromium, production ofchromium by'aque Materials chromite are shown in Table 1. Generally, chromium only the chromium spinels are of ouselectrolysis,andproductionoflow-carbon [4] richer lumpy Cr bearing ores have been pre economicimportance. Theformula forthe se fcehrrroomchiurommibuymhiagnhd-termefpIenriantgureofvaecluecutmrolpyrtoic Chromite is a spinel FeO·Cr203. In nature fceornretednftolresssmtehlatinng4,0w%hehraevaes tbheoesnewusiethdCinr2r0e 3 ries of isomorphous mixtures of chromium cessing. itis amixturedescribedby the formula (Fe2+, spinelsthatform geologicaldepositsis fractories. Althoughchromiumisfoundinmanymin Mg)O'(Cr, Al, Fe~P3' Chromite ore rarely (Fell,Mg)O'(Cr,AI,Few}zO, erals, chromite is the only commercial source containsmorethan50%Cr 0 ;otherminerals 2 3 ofchromium. Mostofthemineralcamefrom suchasSi0 canalsobepresent. 46.4 Ores [27-39] The proportion of Cr 0 in the chromium 2 2 3 theUralMountainsupto 1827,whendeposits Chromite is found in stratiform and podi spinels varies widely, causingthe Cr:Fe ratio were discovered in the United States. These form deposits. Stratiform deposits occur in The distribution ofchromium in terrestrial (also known as the Cr-Fe factor) to vary as supplied a limited market up to about 1860, layersuptoameterthick. TheBus~weldIgne rocks isclosely linked to magmaticintrusions well; this can have a profound effect on the when large deposits were found in Turkey. and their crystallization. The average content ous Complex (Transvaal, Republic of South evaluation ofadeposit. In an ideal chromium Since that time chromitehas beenmined pri intheten-milecrustoftheearthis 100ppmof marilyintheeasternhemisphere. Africa), the Great Dyke (Zimbabwe) and the chromium [33]. Table 46.2 contains a world spinel (FeO'Cr203; 67.8% Cr203, 32.2% Stillwater Complex (Montana, United States) . FeO)thechromium:ironratiois2.As aresult Chromium was electrolyzed from a solu wideestimateofchromiumoreresources. areexamples. Podiformdepositsrange insize of the isomorphous inclusion of MgO, the tionofchromiumchloridebyBUNSENin 1854. The most important applications of chro However, large-scale commercial production but atypical commercial deposit will be over Cr:Fe ratio may rise to between 2.5 and 5. mium ores are inthe manufacture ofstainless 100000 t. Deposits occur in the Ural Moun of electrolytic chromium did not begin until Figure46.1 showsthe region ofisomorphism steel, grey cast iron, iron-free high-tempera tains, Albania, Zimbabwe, and the Philip 1954. ture alloys, and chromium plating for surface withvaryingcompositionofthespinels.Natu pines. protection. In the nonmetallic mineral indus ral chromiumspinelsusually contain33-55% 46.2 Properties [6-8] Table46.1:Chromiteproductionandreserves,1983[4]. try, chromiteis processedinconjunctionwith Cr203, 0-30% Fep3, 0-30% Al203, 6-18% Produc- Reservesb, Reserve magnesite (sintered magnesia, calcined mag FeO,and 10-32%MgO.Table46.4listssome Atroomtemperaturechromiumisresistant tion",10't 106t baseb•c,106t nesia) and binders(clay, lime, gypsum, baux physicalpropertiesofchromiumspinels. to ordinary corrosive agents, which explains NorthAmerica ite, corundum). The products are intendeq to its use as an electroplated,protective coating. Canada 0 4 ChromiUmalsooccursinall groupsofsili have good resistance to pressure, fIre, and It dissolves in nonoxidizing mineral acids, SouthAmerica cateswherechromiumreplacesAI3+,Fe3+,and such as hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, but CBruabzail 828 38 39 tpermoppeerrtaietusrbeecthwaenegne,baasswiceallndasagcoidoidcinmsausloantirnyg. Mg2+. SulfIdicchromiumoresdonotoccuron notincoldaquaregiaornitricacid,whichpas Europe Thechemicalindustry uses chromium oresin earth. Chromates and chromium iodates are saicvtastewtihthemhaeltoalg.eAnst,elseivliactoend,tebmorpoenr,atnuirteroigteren , FAilnblaannida 27576 167 2290 the production ofchromjum compounds. Ta described, which originate from the weather oxygen,andcarbon. Greece 15 1 1 ble 46.3 shows quality requirements ofchro ingzone of~ulfIdiclead deposits (e.g., croco FormerUSSR 855 129 129 miumoresfordifferentareasofapplication. ite,PbCr0 ). Chromium and chromium-rich alloys are Africa 4 brittle at room temperature and this has lim Madagascar 13 7 7 Table46.2:Estimatedreservesofchromiumore[93]. ited their application [9]. Selected physical Rep.SouthAfrica 688 828 5715 Sudan 8 2 2 propertiesofchromiumareasfollows: . Zimbabwe 147 17 75 Metallurgical", Chemical", Refractory", Total Ar 51.9961 Asia : >45%Cr203 >40%Cr20, >20%AlP3 Atomicnumber 24 India 112 14 60 SouthMrica 20006 100(5%) 1900(95%) mp 1857°C Iran 16 1 1 Zimbabwe 600 300(50%) 300(50%) Pakistan 1 1 bp 2672°C Philippines 75 14 29 Turkey 10 9(90%) 1(10%) Densitypat20°C 7.19glcrn3 Turkey 103 5 73 Philippines ..;:. 7.5 1.5(20%) 6(80%) Crystalstructure cubic,bodycentered Vietnam 5 1 1 UnitedStates 8 0.4(5%) 7.4(92.5%) 0.2(2.5%) Specific.heatat25°C 23.25Jmor1K-1 Oceania Canada 5 5(100%) MolarentropyS"298 23.64Jmol-1K-1 NewCaledonia 30 2 2 Finland 7.5 7.5(100%) Heatoffusion 16.93kllmol Australia 2 Others 11.35 8.175(72%) 0.2(2%) 2.975(26%) Total 2649.35 '419.075(16%) 2220.1(84%) 10.175(0.4%) Latentheatofvaporizationatbp 344.3kllmol •Estimatecl Linearcoefficientof bShippinggradeoreisdepositquantityandgradenormalizedto USSRandotherEasternbloccountries 51.5 26.5(51%) 15(29%) 10(20%) thermalexpansionat20°C 6.2X106 45%Cr,G]forhigh-Crandhigh-Fechromite,and35%Cr,O]for Toralworldwide(roundedoff) 2701 446(17%) 2235(83%) 20(1%) high-aluminachromite. Resistivityat20°C 12.9X10-8Om 'Reserve baseincludes deposits currently economic (reserves), •GradedaccordingtoCr,O]orAI,O]contents. Thermalc·onductivityat20°C 67Wm-1K-1 marginallyeconomic,andsomecurrentlysubeconomic. bOrescontaining30-50%Cr,O]. 1764 HandbookofExtractiveMetallurgy Chromium 1765 Table46.3: Qualityrequirements (massfractions in%) deposits. Mainrepresentatives are Selukwe, alsoatdepthsofseveralhundredmetersbelow bodies are small. A new open-cast mine was forchromiumores(accordingtoU.S.BureauofMines). Guleman,andTiebaghi. thepresent-daylandsurface. putintoproductionnearDonskoye,asisapro Metallurgi- Refractory Chemical Variousintermediatetypessuchasadjacent cessing plant with a throughput of 106 t1a. cal(high-Cr (high-Al (high-Fe Chromite transformation in the course of chromite) chromite) chromite) "seam" pockets, striated chromite slabs, mot more recent tectonic superficial modification Strongprospectioneffortfornewoccurrences Cr:Feratio 3:1orhigher tled ores, and vein-like deposits also occur. under pneumatolytic or hydrothermal condi is being made in the Northern Urals, but be Cr203 >48 >31 >44 "Placer" deposits, i.e., enrichment due to tions has resulted in the striking colors ofre cause ofthe rough climate no mine has been Cr203+Al203 >58 chromitelumpsand grains onornearprimary. cent uvarovite, smaragdite, and karnmererite openedupto 1986. Fe <12 deposits, arenow achieving economic impor formations which act as pathfinders in pros SSi02 <0<.808 <6 <5 tanTceh.e seam-like deposits reveal layers or pecting and exploring for chromite deposits. Bmuinsihnvgeblde.gaInninthteheB1u9s2h0vseilndtw(SooduitshtriActsfr:icthae) P <0.04 Table 46.5 shows some analyses of selected CaO <1 strata of chromite enrichment, with thick chromiumores. Lydenburgdistrict(EasternBushveld) andthe nesses ranging from centimeters to decime Rustenburgdistrict(WesternBushveld). Hagnesiochromite ters; the layers are regularly interlaminated Former Soviet Union. The former Soviet Fromageologicalandpetrologicalpointof MgO'CrZ03 Magnesio with banded series of olivine-rich or pyrox Unionisoneofthe most importantproducers viewthisisalargeintrusion of500 x 250km ferrite ene-richrocks. TheMainSeamofthe Western ofchromiumoreintheworld.Allthedeposits with athickness ofover 5 km. The chromite MSpgiOne·lAIZO ~=-----:::-....-:f'\---_'=::" MgO·FeZ03 Bushveld is, for example, 1.10-1.30 m thick are distributed in ultrabasite massifs in the "seams" are located in the pyroxenite-norite J andcanbetracedforover65 km withoutany CentralandSouthernUrals. zone of the basal section ofthe intrusion, al significantchangeinthe mineral composition The deposits that are most important at ways below the platinum-bearing Merensky orthickness. present were found in the late 1930s in the Reef. InthecaseofRustenburgthere areupto Thedemarcation betweenthe chromiteen Akhtiubinsk region (North Kazakhstan). The 25 chromite seams ontop ofeach other. The richment andtheunderlyingbedisusually ra Hercynite Chromite Magnetite zor-sharp; in the direction of the overlying Donskoye deposit, which is associated with thickness ofthe individual seamsvaries from FeO'AIZOJ FeO·CrZOJ FeO·Fez03 layer,disintegrationintolayersormottledores theminingsettlementofKillom Tau,contains a few centimeters to 1.80 m. The seams are high-gradechromiumoresforferrochromium workable from 0.3~ m upward, especially if Figure 46.1: Ternary spinel system showing main iso as aresult ofincreased silicate content is ob production and low-grade ores for chemical they can be combined into mining units morphousregion. served. purposes. Mining is carried on in numerous (Cr0 content in the crude ore 30-40%; Table46.4:Physicalpropertiesofchromiumspinels. The chromite bodies that are sack-like to open-pit mines, which implies that the ore Cr:2Fe3ratio=1.6-2.3). tube-like in appearance are usually aligned Properties Notes Specificdensity:3.8-4.8 increasesasFeandCrcon with the direction ofthe magmatic stratifica Table46.5:Chemicalanalyses(massfractionsin%)ofsomechromiumores(crudeores,concentrates). tentsincrease tion, i.e., the lowest sections are massive Country Cr0 FeO Si0 MgO Al0 CaO vp~ Cr:Feratio MohsHardness:4.5-8 increaseswithincreaseinthe chromiteores;inthedirectionoftheoverlying 2 3 2 2 3 SouthMrica n.d." ferrochromitecomponent, layer, these merge into striated slabs or mot Rustenberg(c)' - 44.5 26.4 3.5 10.6 14.1 0.4 1.7:1 veryhighforAlspinels tledores. Lydenburg(c) 44.3 24.6 2.3 11.2 1~.1 1.8:1 Meltingpoint:1545- inclusionofMgraisesmelting The internal texture of the chromite ore Zimbabwe 1730°C point,inclusionofFe2+re- ducesit bodies varies widely. The closest chromite GreatDyke(m) 48.5 18.3 5.6 13.4 11.5 0.8 2.6:1 GreatDyke(r) 50.7 16.4 4.3 13.2 13.0 0.8 3.1:1 Color:darkbrownto reddishwithhighCr203con- crystal packing results in the formation of Selukwe(m) 47.0 12.0 5.7 15.5 12.6 1.8 3.9:1 black tent massive ores containing 75-85 vol% of Selukwe(r) 42.0 15.7 8.6 15.8 13.8 0.3 2.7:1 Streakonporcelainplate; importantfeaturefordifferen- chromite. Sphere orleopard ores, which con Turkey hammerstrikingmark: tiatingfromserpentine brown sistofround chromite crystal aggregates0.5 (m) 48.3 14.1 5.1 16.8 13.0 0.9 3.4:1 (r) 37.0 15.2. 4.3 17.7 24.3 0.2 2.4:1 2em indiameterin a silicate matrix(olivine, Philippines pyroxene, serpentine), are also characteristic. 46.4.1 OreDeposits (Masinloc)(r) 33.3 13.2 4.6 19.6 28.2 0.4 2.5:1 Bandedoresarecloselyrelatedto themassive Finland(Kemi) Chromiumore depositscanbedividedinto ores, but they are frequently richer in silicate Crudeore 26.5 15.0 18.5 19.5 9.5 n.d. 0.04-0.1 1.8:1 two geneticallydifferenttypes: and then form a link with the mottled ores Concentrate 45.7 33.8 0.4 2.9 13.6 0.1 1.4:1 (chromitesinglecrystalsinsilicatematrix). Albania • Seam-likedeposits, alsocalledstratiformor (m,r) 43.0 16.2 9.8 22.2 7.9 0.1 2.6:1 During transformation (serpentinization), anorogenic deposits. Main representatives the silicate content within the chrornite ore USSR areBushveld, GreatDyke,andStillwater. (m) 53.9 1:2.6 5.8 13.3 9.6 1.1 4.3:1 bodieshas resultedinthe formation offriable (r) 39.1 14.0 9.4 16.1 17.4 0.7 2.8:I • Deposits which are shaped like sacks or and pulverizable masses (friable ore) which tubes; they are called podiform ororogenic are encounterednot only nearthe surface but 'em)=metallwgical,(r)=refractory,(c)=chemical. bn.d.=notdeteITI1ined 1766 HandbookofExtractiveMetallurgy Chromium 1767 In the Lydenburg district, which is geneti havebeenforcedtoclose. Themostimportant Albania. Since 1960,Albaniahasbecomethe At the chromite concentration plant at cally very similar to the Rustenburg district, regions belong essentially to the alpidic era, third largestproducerin the world. All actual Kemi in Finland a fraction of the crude ore only two seams are being mined; the Cr203 e.g.,Bursa,Mugladistrict,andElazig,includ data arebasedonestimatesbecausethe Alba (70%)iscrushedtobelow 10mIllinaprimary content is 44% and the chromium: iron ratio ing the Guleman chrome ore field. Open-pit nian government withholds production and crusher plant at the open-pit mine. After fur 1.6-1.7. The iron content is frequently high, mining, andinsomeplacesunderground min export figures. Albanian deposits belong to ther grinding (rod and ball mill) and removal which may cause difficulties in the case of ingatshallowdepths, areemployed. the podiform type and normal grades are re ofsludge, the intermediateproductis dried in metallurgical ores; however, these ores are portedto be43% Crp3with a Cr:Feratio of arotarykiln. Themagneticseparation(acom Iran. Chromite deposits are described in two higWyvaluedaschemicalores. 3:1. The largest chrome ore mines are bination of weakand strong fields) produces regions of Iran: northwest of Sabzawar near Great Dyke. The Great Dyke (Zimbabwe) is Mashadand200kmnortheastoftheGulfport Bulquize and Matanesh with conce?tration two concentrates: concentmte 1 containing anintrusionwhich is610kmlongand6-9km ofBandarAbbas. These deposits are pocket plantsoDOO000t/aeach. 45.9% Cr203, which is sold or used as mold thick - a remarkable length: thickness ratio like, sometimes containing only 500 t ofore. ing sand, and concentrate2 containing42.0% which is unique in the world. The internal Extractionisbyopen~pitminingandbyprimi 46.4.2 OreBeneficiation Cr203fortheproductionofferrochromium. structure is similar to that of the Bushveld. tiveunderground mining. Onlyhardlumpore Fromnorthtosouth,theindividualcomplexes for metallurgical applications is sometimes The simplest method of concentrating 46.5 Production! areMusengezi,Hartley, Seluk."we, and Wedza. exported. chromite is by hand picking; this is still em Selukwe consists of sack-like deposits con ployed today at many pits, including those in Philippines. On the Philippine island ofLu Extraction. Chromium is extracted from its taining 48% Cr203 and even more, with a zonthe most importantchromite deposits are Turkey, Brazil, Iran, and the Philippines. Be oresbyalkalineoracidicdissolution. Inalkali chromium:ironratiogreaterthan2.8(ahigWy cause the mining of richer ores continues to tobefoundinthe Cotoregion(nearMasinloc, dissolution, finely ground chrome ore is valued metallurgical ore). In the Hartley re decline, concentratingprocedures, chiefly us gion, on the otherhand, numerous bands and province of Zambales). These are chromite ing the gravity method, have beendeveloped roasted with Na2C03under oxidizing condi seams andpockets withinlayered dunites and tions at ca. 1100 °C. The sodium chromate is seams 2-75 cm thick are being mined; these to separate the serpentine from the chromite. harzburgites. They are classical metallurgical leached from the calcine; most ofthe gangue are separated by serpentinized peridotite lay For example, in South Mrica or Brazil the andrefractory ores. More recently anewtype is insoluble. The solution containing hexava ers, some of which are very thick and make chromite ores are enriched by crushing, mill of chrome ore has been put into production: lent chromium can be reduced with S02 and mining very difficult. However, the Cr203 ing, screening, and sophisticated gravity pro content varies between 48 and 57%, and the chromitefrom lateriticsoils. Theconcentrates cedures. InSouthMrica, spirals and diampnd used for electrowinning, or Na2Cr207can be aresuitedforthechemicalindustry. crystallizedfromit.TheN~Cr207canbecon chrAomcciourmdi:nirgotnorcaotinoseisrvoavteivre2.e8st(iTmaabtlees4,61.6k)m.2 Finland. In 1959 a fairly large deposit of poafnRseiacrheesrttacnodnaersdaenqduRipemicehnetr.tAspicroalmsbhiansaatiloson verted to cr03for use in electrolysis or to ofthe GreatDyke contains around 1.4x 106t chromite was discovered near Kemi, which beenemployed. Althoughthecostsarehigher, Cr203foruseinmetallothermics. ofcrudeore, whichcorrespondsto assuredre has been developed into a productive mine. the use of hydrocyclones for separating the Chrome ore can be dissolved in acid if an serves of600x 106t (geologically 4.6 x 109t Chromium ore occurs in a serpentinite-an finechromitegrainsfromwasteisofgreatim 9xidizing agent is present. However, Fe, Al, arepossible). orthositemassif12kmlongand 1-2kmwide; portance in the recyclmg of tailing dumps. and Mg also dissolve and must be removed. Table46.6:AnalysisofchromiumoresfromZimbabwe. theorezone, however, isonly 15 100m thick Somechromiumorescontainmagnetitewhich The preferred acidic dissolution technique is Cr0 con- Proportion, and dips at an angle of60° toward the north. canberemovedbymeansofmagneticsepara to reduce the ore with carbon, forming ferro t2ent3,% Cr:Feratio '¥o TheCr203contentofthecrudeoreofthevari tion.However,ifthemagnetiteispresentasan chromium, which is ground and dissolved in Metallurgical over48 over2.8 80 ousorebodiesvariesbetween17.5and21.9% individualphasewithin\thechromitegrainsor sulfuric acid. The only significant impurity Chemical 45-48 2.2-2.5 17 (locally even up to 30.5% Crp3); the as a fringe around the grains, this method is carriedoveris Fe, whichis removed by crys Refractory 42-46 1.8-2.0 3 chromium:ironratioislow(0.81-1.87).. onlysuitableifCr203isfurtherenriched. Flo ctahlrliozmatiiuomn ains tihroens(oIIl)utaiomnmisoniniutmhes+ul3favtea.leTnhcee Madagascar. On the island of Madagascar, tation and electrostatic processes have so far Yugoslavia. The deposits ofchromite in Yu stateandwithadditionalpurificationisusedto chromium ores are being mined since 1967 enjoyed little success in the concentration of goslavia are restricted to the Radusa massif produceelectrolyticchromium. with an annual productionofaround 60000 t near Skopje, but the mining of metallurgical chromium ores. If the Cr203 content or the ofmetallurgical gradeore. Total outputiscal chromium:ironratioissufficient,fine-grained orestherehasfallen considerably. Nativeores ProductionofChromium Metal. Chromium culatedto be almost 2 x 106t sincethe begin chromite concentrates can be briquetted or are being processed in a new plant, whereas metalisproducedbythereductionofCrp3or ning of the operation (50-52% Cr2q3)' The ores imported from Albania are being pro pelletedwiththeaidofbinders. the electrolysisofCr(Ill) solutions. Themetal reservesaresaidtobearound5.5X 10 t. cessed inthe oldone. The chromiumores are Theyield(65-85%ofthechromiteactually canalsobeobtainedfrom Cr(VI)solutionsby Turkey. Turkey still is the traditional country always associated with serpentinized ultraba contained in the crude ore) depends on many electrolysis, but the process is less efficient for chromitedeposits ofmetallurgical quality, sites. Thestriated slabtypepredominates, but factors including the nature ofthe chromite ~ndisusedprimarilyforplating. butbecauseoffallingpricesontheworldmar massivechromeores are encounteredinsome serpentine intergrowth, grain size, and Cr203 ket and exhaustion of reserves, many mines places. contentoftheoreorindividualgrain. 1ForFerrochromium,seeSection7.5. 1768 HandbookojErtractiveMetallurgy Chromium 1769 Aluminothermic Reduction. Aluminum is the [Fe(NHJzCSOJ:zJ, which is recrystallized to High-carbon ferrochromium most important reducing agent for producing recoverthecoprecipitatedchromium. ~ . rcihtyromAilumpofwrodmerCarnZd03C.CrZl0o3sealyresibzelednhdiegdh-apnud itatTiohneochfrcohmroimume aislufmur.thTerrapnusfroifrimedatbiyonproefctihpe GrindIingj charged into a vessel lined with refractory, Cr(lIl) to an insoluble salt requires aging at H2S04 which is usually Al:P3' The charge is ignited 30°C. Afterfiltration the motherliquoris re _-M-ak----.:.eup-----,j either with a KClOrAl powder "wick" or circulatedto the leachtank. Thechrome alum electrically. Theexothermicreactionresultsin crystals are redissolved to make the cathode aleatdesmtpoearactuleraengserepaatreartiothnaonf2sl0a0g0f°roCm, mwhetiaclh. fwehedic.hTihsereodvuecretldowbyaSnOolzy,ttehecroenbtyaingsenCerra(VtinI)g, LeaIc·hingl'-_~~~'!..-~t..:r_"~~ _ Thepurityofthe chromiummetaldependson additionalHzS04. Thereducedanolyteis also I the purity of the reactants, particularly the cycled to the leach tank. The stripped Crystallizing CrZ03' Originally this oxide was made by re catholyte is recycled. Dissolvedchrome alum ~ duction of sodium chromate with sulfur, re crystals are used to bring the chromium con r sulting in Cr 03 of high sulfur content. centration in the catholyte feed up to the de Filtering Z Proprietary processeshave beendeveloped to siredlevel. ------.1 produce Cr:P3 of higherpurity. Analysis of ....7..4- The details ofthe cell reactions are shown Crude ferrous 'o aluminothermically reduced chromium is Aging ammonium sulfate g::l inFigure46.3 [11]. Adiaphragm isnecessary giveninTable46.7. ! to prevent migration ofCr(VI) into the cath Chromium is also produced by carbon re odecompartmentwhereitsreductionbyCr(II) Conditioning duction. Chromiumoxideandcarbonarecare would lead to loss ofcurrent efficiency. Flow Mother liquor ! fully weighed, mixed, briquetted, and heated is maintained into the anode compartment inafurnaceat 1400 °Cataminimumpressure from the cathode compartment by a higher EEOJ E Recrys!tallizing °of40Pa. Theheatingcycle is 100h. The C+ level ofsolution in the latter. The pH ofthe .s: ":i:iil w contentis~1.5%(Table46.7). catholyte must be controlled. At too low a Filtering Solutions suitable for electrolytic plVduc value, Hz evolution increases; at too high a I Dissolving I tion ofchromiumcan be derivedfrom ore by value, precipitation of Cr(0H)3 occurs. This l I . oxidativeroasting inalkali, orby directsolu can be seenby an examinationofthe pH-po I Ferrous ammOnium Clarifying L~u~a.!..e _ tion ofchromite in sulfuric acid; however, a tential diagram [12]. The pHis controlled by Diluent commercial.processwasnotachieveduntilthe chromiumconcentration,currentdensity,tem Water l - electrolytewasmadeby dissolvingferrochro perature,anddifferentialheightofsolutionbe mium in H S0 and reduced anolyte. Figure tween cathode and anode compartments. 2 4 Electrolysis 46.2 [10] shows the essential aspects of the Wateris fed to the anode to control the con ~ process for electrolytic production of chro- centratiop.ofH2S04, Catholyte overflow r 2 t IL-...:C::.:h:..:ro:::m::.:iu:::m:.c...•., miummetal. . Chromium is plated onto stainless steel Sulfur dioxide i' f~ ~ MilledFeCrisleachedwithhotreducedre cathodes until it attains a thickness of ca. 3 wastng cycled anolyte, chrome alum mother liquor, mID. The plate is stripped from the cathode Reducing Degassing and makeup HzS04• The iron precipitates on anddegassedbyheatingat420°C. Theanaly Reduced anolyte l cooling as iron(lI) ammonium sulfate sisoftheflake isshowninTable46.7. Market Table46.7:Analysisofvariousgradesofchromiummetal(in%). Figure46.2:Flowsheetforproducingelectrolyticchromiumfromferrochromium[10]. Cr C 0 Si S P N AI For many applications the o;,"ygen content duced from chrome alum solutions than on Aluminothermic' 99.4 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.010 0.010 0.02 0.10 E1ectrolyticb 99.1 0.02 0.5 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.05 om of the electrolytic chromium is too high. chromium from hexavalent solutions [14]. E1ectrolyticb., 99.5 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.002 0.0158 Deoxidation is carried out on a commercial The second technique involves heating bri Carbonreducedb 98 1.5d 0.1 0.02 0.001 0.1 scalebytwotechniques [13].Inthefirsteither quettes ofground electrolytic flake and care •Shield.llayCorp. flake orbriquettesofpowderedflake arecon fully controlled trace amounts of C in a bElkemMetalsCo. tacted with Hz at elevated temperature. The vacuumfurnace to form CO. The heating cy c:Vacuumtreated. dC+O. procedure is less effective on chromium pro- cle is 90 h, the maximum temperature is 1770 Handbooko/ExtractiveMetallllrgy Chromium 1771 1400 cC, and the pressure is 13Pa. The prod-. Chromium enhances an alloy's hardenability, Chromium chemicals are used in a variety ing high-temperature exposed components in uct is cooled inhelium to prevent contamina creep and impact strength, and resistance to of applications. The largest amount is con chemicalandpetrochemicalindustries. tion. Analysis of the vacuum-treated product corrosion,oxidation,andwear. Ferrousalloys, sumed to manufacture pigments for use in Chromium-based alloys have found a isshowninTable46.7. paints and inks. Other applications include unique application in power stations as sup mainlystainlesssteels,accountformostofthe leather tanning, metal corrosion inhibition, portsforheatexchangerpipes. Thebalanceof There areseveralothertechniquesforpuri consumption. These steels have awide range. drilling muds, textile dyes, catalysts, and cobalt- and nickel-based high-chromium al fying chromium. These include iodide refin ofmechanicalpropertiesaswell as beingcor woodandwatertreatment. loys are used mainly in components for gas ing [9, 14], zone melting [9, 14], and treating chromium with a flux containing an alkaline rosion and oxidationresistant. Castironsmay Chromite is·used in the refractory industry turbine engines and for parts requiring resis earthmetal [15]. Chromiumpreparedbythese containfrom0.5%to30% Cr,whichprovides tomakebricks,mortar,andrammingandgun tance to elevated temperature, oxidation, and methods is purer ·but more expensive, and hardenability, toughness, hardness, and corro ningmixes. Chromiteenhancesthermalshock hotcorrosion. . therefore is used only in, electronic applica si01Iandwearresistance. Chromiumis widely and slag resistance,.volume stability, and Chromiummetalinpowderform is used in tions. used in nonferrous alloys, including those strength. themanufactureofcermets [18]. The cermets ofcommercialimportanceareasfollows: based on nickel, iron-nickel, cobalt, alumi CennetLT-l:77%Cr,23%Al 0 46.6 Uses [4] num, titanium, and copper. In Ni, FeNi, and 46.7 EconomicAspects CermetLT-IB:59%Cr,19%A2lp33'20%Mo,2%Ti02 Co, Cris used for oxidationand corrosionre CermetLT-2:25%Cr,15%Al203,6%W Chromium is used in ferrous and nonfer sistance. In AI, Ti, and Cu it controls the mi The world productionofchromiumfluctu These particular cermets have very good rous alloys, in refractories, and in chemicals. crostructure. atedbetween 1973 and1983;however,growth thermalstabilityandcorrosionresistance. is expectedtothe endofthe century. Datafor Chromium metal from electrolytic or alu Cathode Diaphragm An+ode worldwideproductionareasfollows[4]: minothermic processesis used inabriquetted aluminum powdercompactto provide the al (ell feed Direction of solution flow Year Production,1!Yt Year Production,1!Yt loying addition to both cast and wrought alu (atholyte Relative 1973 1999 1979 2936 makeup density 1974 2207 1980 2973 minum products [19]. Two grades ofsmelted control 1975 2540 1981 2786 binary aluminothermic chromium-aluminum (atholyte 1976 2669 1982 2489 alloys (10% chromium and 20% chromium) bleed 1977 2883 1983 2490 , arealsoused. 1978 2820 2000 5625" Anolyte Otherbinary aluminothermicchromiumal bleed •Probableprojecteddemand. loys available for special alloying require ments are chromium-molybdenum (30% Mo) 46.8 Alloys and niobium-chromium (30% Nb). Chro mium-tungsten binary alloys were once used In the manufacture ofsteel, chromium is butarenowr.edundant [20,21]. (r3-.e-_ (r2- 202-.4e-- O2' Padudreedchursoumaliluyminmethtael,foprrmoduocfedfebrryocehlerocmtroe . botMhectaolalitced.charnodmicuomredpowwedldeirnsgareeleuctsreoddeisn. (r2-.2e-_(rO (r3-_3e-_ (r6- lytic oraluminothermicprocesses, isusedfor Small quantities of pure chromium are used alloying nonferrous engineering materials. foranodesinX-raytubes andalsoforvacuum 2W+2e--H 1 The mostcommonmaterials are nickel-based vaporizationorsputtering. 2 and cobalt-based alloys, most of which are Chromium powder, as well as ferrochro usedathightemperature. inium powder, has been used in considerable H' NH4 The only true chromium-based alloys that quantitiestoproducechromiumcoatings. (r6+ have been developed and used commercially Theso-calledpackchromecoating [21, 22] are a few chromium-nickel alloys developed is applied to cast and wrought steel parts by sot bytheInternationalNickelCo. (INCO).These immersing the article in a mi>.'ture of chro materials contain 50---60% chromium; the re mium powder; an inertmaterial, e.g., kaolin, (r6-.3(r2-_ 4(r3- (r6••3(r2•_ 4(r3- mainingpercentage is nickel, witheithernio alumina,ormagnesia; andmixturesofvarious bium (columbium) or titanium specifed as salts, suchas ammonium, iodide, orchloride. carbonandnitrogenscavengers. Thesealloys, The packed part is then heated in an inert at aswellasmaterialscitedin [16, 17],oftenre mosphereat900-1300 cC (heatingtimeis de Figure46.3:Idealizedelectrolyticcellreactions. ferred to assuperalloys, areused inconstruct- pendentonpartsize).

Extract all the metals information you need! A wealth of data on metals and their extraction is revealed in this comprehensive handbook. The aim of this book is to provide a clear description of how a particular metal is extracted industrially from different raw materials, and on what its important
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