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Preview Handbook of Biopolymers and Biodegradable Plastics

1 Overview of Plant Polymers: Resources, Demands, and Sustainability XiuzhiSusanSun O U T L I N E 1.1 Plant Proteins 2 1.6 Sustainable AgricultureIndustryof theFuture 6 1.2 Plant Oils 3 1.7 Conclusion 8 1.3 Plant Starches 4 Acknowledgment 8 1.4 AgriculturalFibers and Cellulose 5 References 8 1.5 MarketPotential forPlant Polymers 5 Advancesin petroleum-based fuels and polymers durability of petrochemicals. This chapter focuses on have benefited mankind in numerous ways. Petro- bio-based polymers derived from plant-based renew- leum-based plastics can be disposable and highly able resources, their market potential, and the durable, depending on their composition and sustainabilityoftheagricultureindustryofthefuture. specific application. However, petroleum resources The three major plant-based polymers are are finite, and prices are likely to continue to rise in protein,oil,andcarbohydrates.Starchandcellulose, the future. In addition, global climate change, also called polysaccharides, are the main naturally caused in part by carbon dioxide released by the occurring polymers in the large carbohydrate process of fossil fuel combustion, has become an family. Agricultural fiber is also a member of the increasingly important problem, and the disposal of carbohydrate family. Natural fiber such as flax, items made of petroleum-based plastics, such as hemp, straw, kenaf, jute, and cellulose consists fast-food utensils, packaging containers, and trash mainlyofcellulose,hemicellulose,andlignin,butis bags, also creates an environmental problem. usually listed as a material when used as a fiber in Petroleum-based or synthetic solvents and chem- composites. icals are also contributing to poor air quality. It is Corn, soybean, wheat, and sorghum are the four necessary to find new ways to secure sustainable major crops grown in the United States (Table 1.1), world development. Renewable biomaterials that with total annual production of about 400 million can be used for both bioenergy and bioproducts metric tons (800 billion pounds) in the year 2000. are possible alternatives to petroleum-based and Annually,10e15%ofthesegrainsareusedforfood, synthetic products. 40e50% for feeds, and the rest could be for various Agriculture offers a broad range of commodities, industrial uses. Based on U.S. Department of Agri- includingforest,plant/crop,farm,andmarineanimals, culturestatistics,thetotallandusedforcropsisabout thathavemanyuses.Plant-basedmaterialshavebeen 455 million acres, which is about 20% of the total used traditionally for food and feed and are increas- usableland(Fig.1.1)[1].Includingothercrops,such ingly being used in pharmaceuticals and nutraceut- asrice,barley,peanuts,andcanola,theUnitedStates icals. Industrial use of agricultural commodities for hasthepotentialtoproduceabout550millionmetric fuels and consumer products began in the 1920s, but tons of grains and legumes. At least 150 million they were soon replaced by petroleum-based chem- metric tons of grains and legumes are available for icals after World War II because of low cost and nonfood industrial uses. In general, seeds make up Ebnesajjad:HandbookofBiopolymersandBiodegradablePlastics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-4557-2834-3.00001-X (cid:1)2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.Adaptedfromachapterin:Wool,Bio-basedPolymersandComposites(2005). 1 2 HANDBOOK OF BIOPOLYMERS AND BIODEGRADABLE PLASTICS Table1.1 Production of Selected Grains and Legumes(Million MetricTons) Wheat Soybean Corn Sorghum World production 578 172 585 55 UnitedStates 60 (2nd) 75 (1st) 253(1st) 12 (1st) Othercountries 99.6(1st) 37 (2nd) 106(2nd) 9 (2nd) China Brazil China India 37 (3rd) 15.4 (4th) 40 (3rd) 2.8 (6th) France China India China Sources:FromRef.[31]andUSDAWorldAgricultureProduction,July27,2001. pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, paper coating, Misc. other uses 13% Grassland textile sizing, and, increasingly, adhesives. Plant 28% Special uses proteins are complex macromolecules that contain 13% a number of chemically linked amino acid mono- mers, which together form polypeptide chains, constituting the primary structure. The helix and sheet patterns of the polypeptide chains are called 20% secondary structures. A number of side chains are Cropland 26% connected to the amino acid monomers. These side Forestland chains and attached groups interact with each other, Figure 1.1 Land use and distribution. Total useful mainly through hydrogen and disulfide bonds, to land in the United States is about 2.3 billion acres. formtertiaryorquaternarystructures.Theseproteins often have large molecular weights, in the range of about45e52%ofthedrymassofaplant.Thismeans 100,000e600,000 Dalton (Da) (Dalton ¼ grams per that there is the potential to produce about 400 mole), which makes them suitable for polymers and million metric dry tons of cellulosic sugar-based adhesives. biomass (agriculture fiber residues) annually in the Proteins can be modified by physical, chemical, United States alone based on the total production of and enzymatic methods. Modification results in corn, soybean, wheat, and sorghum. Including other structuralorconformational changesfromthenative crops,plants,andforestproducts,thetotalannualUS structure without alteration of the amino acid production of cellulosic sugar-based biomass could sequence. Modifications that change the secondary, be about 800 million dry tons. tertiary,orquaternarystructureofaproteinmolecule arereferredtoasdenaturationmodifications[3].The compact protein structure becomes unfolded during 1.1 Plant Proteins denaturation, which is accompanied by the breaking and reforming of the intermolecular and intra- Plant proteins are amino acid polymers derived molecular interactions [4]. mainlyfromoilseeds(i.e.,soybeans)andgrains(i.e., Physical modification methods mainly involve wheat and corn), and are usually produced as by- heat [5] and pressure [6] treatments. Heat provides products of processing oils and starches (Table 1.2). the protein with sufficient thermal energy to break The potential US protein production is about 120 hydrophobic interactions and disassociate the billion pounds of soybean meal containing about subunits [5]. The disassociation and unfolding 50%protein,about20billionpoundsofwheatgluten expose the hydrophobic groups previously enclosed containing about 70% protein, and about 40 billion within the contact area between subunits or on the poundsofcornglutencontainingabout65%protein. interior of the folded molecules. For example, Of the corn protein, about 30% is a functional soybean protein disassociates and coagulates at high protein called corn zein protein [2]. Plant proteins pressure and exhibits large hydrophobic regions and are widely used as major ingredients for food, feed, high viscosity [6]. OVERVIEW OF PLANT POLYMERS: RESOURCES, DEMANDS, AND SUSTAINABILITY 3 Table 1.2 AverageComposition of Cereal Grains andOilseeds (%Dry Weight Basis) CerealGrains Protein Fat Starch Fiber Ash Source Wheat 12.2 1.9 71.9 1.9 1.7 [45] Rye 11.6 1.7 71.9 1.9 2.0 [45] Barley 10.9 2.3 73.5 4.3 2.4 [45] Oats 11.3 5.8 55.5 10.9 3.2 [45] Maize 10.2 4.6 79.5 2.3 1.3 [45] Millet 10.3 4.5 58.9 8.7 4.7 [45] Sorghum 11.0 3.5 65.0 4.9 2.6 [45] Rice 8.1 1.2 75.8 0.5 1.4 [45] Oilseeds Soybean 51e701 18e26 __ 6.5 3.7e7.4 [47] Rapseed 36e441 38e50 d 12e18 7.4e8.8 [47] Sunflower 20.8 54.8 18.4 2.1 3.4 [47] Peanut 30 50 14 2.9 3.1 [47] Canola 22.0 41.0 22 10.0 5.0 [46] Caster bean 12e16 45e50 3e7 23e27 2 [47] Cottonseed 22 19.5 35 19.0 4.5 [46] Copra 4.6e8.0 68e79 17.4e21 4.6e7.7 2.4e3.7 [47] Safflower 21 41.0 14.5 19.0 4.5 [46] Linseed 22e26 41.5e45.5 27e31 5.5e9.7 4.3e2.7 [47] Sesame 20 52 23 d 5.6 [47] 1Oil-freebasis. Sources:FromRefs.[45],[46],and[47]. Chemical modification methods may cause alter- [9]. Phosphorylation is another effective method to ation of the functional properties, which are related increase negative charges, thereby affecting gel- closely to protein size, structure conformation, and forming ability and cross-linking [10]. Gel-forming the level and distribution of ionic charges. Further- ability can also be increased by alkylation treatment more, chemical treatments could cause reactions [8]. Chemical hydrolysis is one of the most popular betweenfunctionalgroups,resultingineitheradding methods for protein modifications by acid-based a new functional group or removing a component agents. For example, peptide bonds on either side of from the protein. Chemical modification methods aspartic acid can be cleaved at a higher rate than include acetylation, succinylation, phosphorylation, other peptide bonds during mild acid hydrolysis limited hydrolysis, and specific amide bond hydro- [11]. The hydrophobicity of a protein greatly lysis. Acetylation is the reaction between a protein increases under specific conditions of mild acid amino, or a hydroxyl group, and the carboxyl group hydrolysis [12, 13]. of an acetylating agent.The acetylation reactioncan modify the surface hydrophobicity of a protein [7]. Succinylation converts the cationic amino groups in 1.2 Plant Oils theproteintoananionicresidue,whichincreasesthe net negative charge, resulting in an increase in Plantoils,suchassoyoil,cornoil,andflaxoil,can hydrophobicity under specific succinylating condi- be derived from many crops (Table 1.2). The United tions [8]. This treatment also increases the viscosity States has the potential to produce about 30 billion 4 HANDBOOK OF BIOPOLYMERS AND BIODEGRADABLE PLASTICS pounds of soy oil, 25 billion pounds of corn oil, and soundprocessesandgreenengineering.Corn,wheat, many billion pounds of oils from other oilseeds as sorghum, and potato are all major resources, con- listed in Table 1.2. Plant oils are triglycerides and taining about 70e80% starches (Table 1.2). The containvariousfattyacids.Soybean,amajoroilplant, potential US starch production is about 455 billion contains about20%oil.Soyoilisinexpensivein the pounds each year, obtained from wheat, corn, and UnitedStates,soldatabout$0.20/lb.Refinedsoyoil sorghum. However, only 5 billion pounds of starch containsmorethan99%triglyceridesandabouteight are produced annually in the United States, mainly major fatty acids, including linoleic, oleic, linolenic, fromcorn.Thesestarcheshavebeenusedinthefood palmitic, and stearic acids [14]. These fatty acids industries, as well as in the paper and other nonfood differ in chain length, composition, distribution, and industries. This number is expected to increase to location. Some are saturated, and some are unsatu- about 10 billion pounds in the near future with the rated,whichresultsindifferencesinthephysicaland development of biopolymers, such as poly(lactic chemicalpropertiesoftheoil.Controlofthefattyacid acid) (PLA), as substitutes for petroleum-based distributionfunctionisessentialtooptimizepolymer plastics [20]. Ethanol production from starch as properties. Such plant oil can be physically treated a liquid fuel substitute will also increase until new and chemically modified to meet specific industrial hydrogen- and methanol-based fuels become viable applications[15]. in the next 10e20 years. Adhesives and resins can be derived from bio- Starch is a polysaccharide of repeating glucose based oils using similar synthetic techniques to monomers and is a mixture of two polymers: linear those used with petroleum polymers. Many active amylose linked by a-l,4-bonds and branched sites from the triglycerides, such as double bonds, amylopectin linked by a-l,6-bonds. At a given allylic carbons, and ester groups, can be used to molecular weight, amylose swells to a much larger introduce polymerizable groups. Wool and volume in solution than amylopectin [21], but the coworkers [16] prepared soy oil-based resins by more amorphous amylopectin absorbs the more functionalizing the triglycerides. This was accom- water than amylose at elevated temperatures [22]. plished by attaching polymerizable chemical Linearamylosepolymerscanalsoaligntheirchains groups, such as maleinates and acrylic acid, or by faster than branched amylopectin polymers. The converting the unsaturated sites to epoxies or branched amylopectin can have an infinite variety hydroxyl functionalities, making the triglycerides of structures, depending on the frequency of capable of polymerizing via ring-opening, free- branching and the length of the branched chains. radical, or polycondensation reactions. Different physical properties are associated with Thesecondmethodofproducingresinsfromoilis these various structures. These molecules can be to reduce the triglycerides into monoglycerides. cross-linked by themselves, or with other multi- Polymerizable groups, such as maleate half esters, functional reagents. As the cross-linking increases, can be attached to the monoglycerides, allowing the cross-linked polymer becomes less water them to polymerize through free-radical polymeri- soluble. zation [17]. Many modified starches are produced by chemical The third method is to functionalize the unsatu- substitution of the hydroxyl groups attached to the rated sites and reduce the triglycerides to mono- starch molecules. The typeof modification, degree of glycerides, which can form monomers by reacting substitution, and modification conditions will greatly with maleic anhydride, allowing polymerization by affect the characteristics of the final modified starch free-radical polymerization [18,19]. Such reactions and, consequently, product quality. Four major starch producebio-basedpolymersthathavepropertiesand modification methods have been used [23]: (1) pre- costs comparable to those of petrochemical-based gelatinization,suchasdisintegrationofthecrystalline adhesives and composite resins. starch granules by heat, high pH, or shear force, to obtain water-soluble amorphous products; (2) degra- dation of starch by acids or enzymes to reduce the 1.3 Plant Starches molecular weight, resulting in a lower viscosity; (3) chemicalsubstitutionbyeitheresterificationwithacid Starch is a carbohydrate polymer that can be anhydrides or by etherification with epoxide purified from various sources with environmentally compounds; and (4) cross-bonding with bifunctional OVERVIEW OF PLANT POLYMERS: RESOURCES, DEMANDS, AND SUSTAINABILITY 5 esterifyingoretherifyingreagentstoincreasethestarch its 4-O-methyl ether, D-galactose, and possibly D- molecularweight,resultinginahigherviscosity. glucose [40]. Lignin is mainly made up of phenyl- propaneunits.Ligninisencrustedinthecellwalland partly covalently bonded with hemicellulose poly- 1.4 Agricultural Fibers saccharides.Ligninisoftenaby-productofcellulose and Cellulose or paper pulping manufacture. It is inexpensive and mainly used for fuel and reformed composite mate- Agricultural fibers include crop residuals, such as rials [41]. Lignin may also have a potential use in straw, stems, hulls, and milling by-products (e.g., adhesives.Itcanbefunctionalizedtomakeitsoluble brans) from wheat, corn, soybean, sorghum, oat, incompositeresinsandbeusedasacomonomerand barley, rice, and other crops. The major chemical interfacial agent for natural fibers and soy-based composition of these fibers is similar to wood fibers resin composites. and includes cellulose, lignin, and pentosan. Wood fiber contains about 40e45% cellulose, 26e34% lignin, and 7e14% pentosan. In comparison, wheat 1.5 Market Potential for Plant straw contains about 29e35% cellulose, 16e21% Polymers lignin,and26e32%pentosan[24].Wheatstrawalso contains about 0.6e3.6% protein [25]. Other cereal Materials and composites used for construction, straws, such as rice, barley, oat, and rye, have automobile parts, furniture, packaging, utensils, chemicalcompositionssimilartothatofwheatstraw printing,coatings,andtextilesizingrepresentalarge [26]. Large quantities of agricultural fibers are market (about $100 billion) that includes a broad available for biofuels and bioproducts. For example, variety of products, such as adhesives, resins, plas- about400millionmetrictons(800billionpounds)of tics, binders, fibers, paints, inks, additives, and dry crop residues are available, based on the grain solvents. For example, about 20 billion pounds of production of corn, soybean, wheat, and sorghum at adhesives are used annually in the United States. a straw-to-seed ratio of 45e52% [27e31]. Among Among those adhesives, about 8 billion pounds are these residues, about 150 billion pounds are wheat formaldehyde-based adhesives, 3.5 billion pounds straw [32]. Wheat straw is usually used for fuel, are thermoset- and thermoplastic-based adhesives, manure,cattlefeed,mulch,andbeddingmaterialsfor 7.5billionpoundsarelatexbased,0.5billionpounds animals [33]. Particleboard can be prepared using are isocyanate based, and the rest are various adhe- wheat straw [34e36], sunflower stalks [37], rice sives with unique applications. The latex-based straw, cotton stalks, sugarcane bagasse, flax [38], adhesives are mainly used for packaging, coatings, maize husks, and maize cobs [33]. labeling, inks, paints, office glues, furniture, Natural fibers can be used for composites as har- furnishings, and similar uses. The formaldehyde- vested, or they can be used as raw materials for basedadhesivesprimarilyincludeureaformaldehyde cellulose production. Cellulose can be modified into and phenol formaldehyde adhesives, which are cellulose esters, such as cellulose acetate, cellulose mainly used for plywood, particleboard, medium- acetatepropionate,andbutyrate,whicharecurrently density fiberboard, and oriented strand board for used as major components of thermoplastics. Cellu- constructionandfurniture.Generally,theadhesiveis lose, a major component of natural fibers, occurs in about 5e20 wt% of a wood-based composite mate- nature largely in crystalline forms made up of rial used in construction, with the rest of the partially aligned or oriented linear polymer chains, compositecomprisedmainlyoffibermaterials.With consisting of up to 10,000 b-1, 4-linked anhy- anaverageof10%adhesiveusedinsuchcomposites, droglucose units. Cellulose chains are compacted the total annual fiber demand is about 150 billion aggregates,heldtogetherbyhydrogenbondsforming pounds. a three-dimensional structure, which imparts The demands for thermoplastic resin are another mechanicalstrengthtocelluloseandcontributestoits indicator of market potential. Narayan [20] did biodegradation and acid hydrolysis [39]. Hemi- a search in 1994 and found that about 54.2 billion cellulose is mainly composed of b-1, 4-linked D- pounds of thermoplastic resins and 11.1 billion xylopyranoyl units with side chains of various poundsofstyrene-basedlatexresinswereproducedin lengthscontainingL-arabinose,D-glucuronicacid,or 1992 in the United States. These resins are used 6 HANDBOOK OF BIOPOLYMERS AND BIODEGRADABLE PLASTICS Table 1.3 Thermoplastic Resin Uses and Distributions Amount (Billions Amount (Millions ThermoplasticResins of Pounds) Styrene-Based Latex of Pounds) Packing 18.2 Adhesives,inks, and 461 coatings Building and construction 7.6 Furnitureandfurnishings 369 Electricalandelectronic 2.6 All other 313 Furniture andfurnishings 2.4 Consumerand Institutional 5.9 Industrial 0.6 Adhesives,inks, andcoatings 1.2 Transportation 2.5 Exports 6.8 All other 6.6 Source:FactsandFiguresoftheU.S.PlasticsIndustry,SocietyofthePlasticIndustry,1993. mainly in packaging, construction, furniture, and term-use items, such as diapers, personal and femi- adhesives (Table 1.3). About 22 billion pounds of nine hygiene products, masks, gowns, gloves, and plastic wastewas discharged in 1992 with an annual even computer hardware and television frames, all rateofincreaseof5.9%[42].Thisfigureisexpectedto havemarketpotentialforbio-basedmaterials. reach 42 billion pounds by 2007. Based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) statistics, 1.6 Sustainable Agriculture about 10 million pounds of plastic wastes are producedaboardgovernmentships[20].Thesewastes Industry of the Future can be used as an indicator for market potential for Durability, compatibility, affordability, and bothbio-basedandbiodegradablematerials. sustainability are the challenges of converting Anexampleofdisposablematerialsproducedfrom renewable resources into industrial materials. thermoplastics is given in Fig. 1.2. These thermo- Sustainable development provides growth of both plasticsarecommonlyusedforpackagingcontainers, ecological integrity and social equity to meet basic films,closures,foams,cutlery,utensils,loosefill,and human needs through viable economic development other applications. Many other single-use or short- over time. When a new material is designed and manufactured, one consideration should be sustain- Polyethyleneterephthalate 10% HD Polyethylene ability, including resource availability, land use, Polyvinylchloride 5% 32% biodiversity, environmental impact, energy effi- 12% Polystyrene ciency,soilconservation,andtheimpactonthesocial community. Besides a favorable life cycle analysis, research and development of bio-based products 11% should consider the limits that will maintain Polypropylene 30% sustainable development. The design of bio-based LD Polyethylene materials should favor increased materials supple- Figure 1.2 Uses and distributions of disposable ments, optimized land use, improved plant biodi- plastic materials. Total disposable plastics are about versity, minimized environmental pollution, and 13,655millionpounds. (Source: Facts and figures of the improved energy efficiency, while at the same time U.S.PlasticsIndustry,SocietyofthePlasticIndustry,1993.) meeting consumer demands. OVERVIEW OF PLANT POLYMERS: RESOURCES, DEMANDS, AND SUSTAINABILITY 7 About 467 million dry tons of biomass are avail- developedtoconvertthesebiomassesintobiofuelsat able for energy use, including energy crops (switch higherefficiency.Inaddition,plantproductionneeds grass, hybrid poplar, and willow), forest residues, to be increased at least three- to fourfold during the mill residues, sludge, biogas, and other wastes [43]. next40yearstomeetnationalbiofuelneeds.Itmakes In addition, about 550 million dry tons of crop resi- anexcellentenvironmentalsensetoutilizegrainsand dues are produced annually in the United States, waste agriculture fibers for materials and fuels that based onthetotal grain andlegume production[31]. otherwise would be derived from petroleum. Someoftheseresiduesneedtobereturnedtofieldsto However, such energy and material conversions maintain soil quality (such as soil carbon balance), should be done in a sustainable green engineering andsomeareusedformanureoranimalbedding,but manner such that a gallon of ethanol fuel does not approximately 70% of these crop residues may be require a gallon of petroleum to produce. availableforenergyuses.Burningofresidualnatural The total estimated market potential for bio- fibers is now forbidden in most Western countries, productscouldbeabout160billionpounds(about80 and their utilization in materials as proposed herein million metric tons). There are about 250 million has a double environmental benefit. metric tons of grains and legumes potentially avail- The total amount of energy consumption in the able annually in the United States for industrial United States is about 100 quadrillion Btu annually products. Polymers from grains and legumes require [44]. About 40% of the Btu comes from petroleum muchlessenergytoconvertintousefulmaterialsfor oils. The total estimated cellulosic sugar-based some, but not all, bioproducts. Protein, oil, carbo- biomassavailableforbiofuelisabout467milliondry hydrates, and/or their monomers, including amino tons in addition to 385 million dry tons of crop acids, fatty acids, sugars, and phenolics, are all residues. Based on current technology, biomass important platforms as coproducts of a feedstock materials would contribute about 10e15% of the system and meet the large demands for bioproducts, total energy annually used in the United States [43]. including adhesives, resins, composites, plastics, To make sugar-based cellulosic biomass economi- lubricants, coatings, solvents,inks, paints, and many callyviableforenergy,advancedtechnologyisbeing otherchemicals(Fig.1.3).Plantmaterialscanrarely Adhesives Grains Flour Protein by-products Dry milling Fermentation substrates Bran Fermentation Chemical segregation Chemicals Fibers Lipids Detergent Ethanol Starch Fermentation substrates Organic acids Protein Detergent Coating/sizing Chemicals Adhesives Paint & ink Papers Adhesives Adhesives Plastics Adhesives Paints & inks Surfactant Resins Fuel Plastics Plastics Lubricant Plastics Fermentation Coatings Protein substrates by-products Figure 1.3 Diagram of possible industrial products from biorefinery process of grains and legumes. Application potentials are beyond those listed in the diagram. 8 HANDBOOK OF BIOPOLYMERS AND BIODEGRADABLE PLASTICS be used in their natural form, but they can be con- economically. For bio-based polymer and materials verted into functional polymers for consumer prod- scienceandengineering,attentionshouldbegivento ucts after bioconversions, reactions, and bio-based polymer chemistry, reactions and modifi- modifications with physical, chemical, enzymatic, cation pathways, processing technologies, enzyme and genetic approaches. metabolism for bioconversion, bioseparation, Plant material structures are genetically molecular structure and functional performance, controlled, which consequently affects product per- scale-up, economics, and infrastructure. Under- formance.Plantmaterialsarestudiedinthisbookin standing these areas will allow for the development relation to their product performance. Proteins are of new technologies for cost-effective conversion of complex macromolecules that contain a number of plant materials into functional industrial materials. amino acid monomers linked by amide bonds. The Plant materials utilization focuses on market/ sequences of these amino acids and composition function identification, bioproduct designs, new bio- determine protein structure, functional groups, and based materials development, performance defini- conformationalstructuresthataffectbothprocessing tion, life cycle analysis and costevalue analysis, and quality of the end product. The triglyceride oil material standards improvement, new analytical molecularstructureis essentiallythatof athree-arm method development, infrastructure and distribution star, where the length of the arms, the degree of system, and the main driver, economics. unsaturation, and the fatty acids’ content and distributionaretheimportantstructuralvariablesfor product quality. Advanced technologies, such as 1.7 Conclusion biopolymer simulation and modeling, surface structure analysis, chemical structure analysis, Plant protein, oil, starch, lignin, and cellulosic synthesis,thermal phasetransitions, and rheological materials are all important platforms for bioproduct behavior analysis, should be used to obtain the applications. Agricultural commodities typically information required to better understand bio-based cannot be used as they appear in nature. They need polymers. to be converted into functional polymers and mate- Research and development for a sustainable agri- rials by various technologies including chemical cultural industry for plant-based materials and reactions, fermentation, and modifications. Research composites include five major units: plant science, efforts need to focus on interdisciplinary approaches production, bioprocessing, utilization, and products that integrate plant science, production, processing, designed to meet society’s demands. Based on and utilization. Integrated research teams in the several road maps developed by federal funding areas of materials science and engineering, plant agencies for bio-based materials research, we science, biochemistry/chemistry, and economics summarize the critical research needs and directions should be assembled in collaboration with univer- as follows: Research efforts in plant science should sities, institutions, national laboratories, and indus- focus on genomics, enzymes, metabolism, and bio- tries to achieve what we need in this and coming informatics.Thisallowsforabetterunderstandingof centuries. gene regulation, plant metabolic pathways, carbon flow, functional genomics, molecular evolution, and protein/oil/carbohydrate formation, which helps in Acknowledgment developing tools and technologies for functional The authors thank Dr. Forrest Chumley for his gene markers, gene switching, gene screening and thorough review of this chapter. sequencing,andgenemanipulation.Researchefforts in production focus on plant and grain quality consistency, unit costs, yield, infrastructure, and References designed plants. 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