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HANDBOOK OF Antistatics 2nd Edition Jürgen Pionteck & George Wypych, Editors Toronto 2016 Published by ChemTec Publishing 38 Earswick Drive, Toronto, Ontario M1E 1C6, Canada © ChemTec Publishing, 2016 ISBN 978-1-895198-95-9 (hard copy), 978-1-927885-14-7 (EPUB) Cover design: Anita Wypych All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be repro- duced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means with- out written permission of copyright owner. No responsibility is assumed by the Author and the Publisher for any injury or/and damage to persons or properties as a matter of products liabil- ity, negligence, use, or operation of any methods, product ideas, or instructions published or suggested in this book. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Handbook of antistatics / Jürgen Pionteck & George Wypych, editors. -- Second edition. Includes bibliographical references and index. Issued in print and electronic formats. ISBN 978-1-895198-95-9 (hardback).--ISBN 978-1-927885-14-7 (epub) 1. Polymers--Antistatic additives--Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Pionteck, Jürgen, editor II. Wypych, George, editor TP1142.H35 2016 668.9 C2016-905739-9 C2016-905740-2 1 Introduction Jürgen Pionteck Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Hohe Straße 6, D-01069 Dresden, Germany 1.1 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN STUDIES ON STATIC ELECTRICITY Static electricity is not a phenomenon of modern times. When walking the coast- line and searching for amber, the yellow or sometimes brownish shimmering fos- silized resin of evergreen trees, one finds many similar materials looking like this ancient natural plastic, but to prove whether it is not just a colored stone or a piece of broken glass smoothed by waves, one has to dry it and rub it on clothes. If it then attracts small pieces of dry paper, it is almost certain that it is amber. The rea- son for attracting the pieces of paper is the electrostatic charging caused by fric- tion. More than twenty-five centuries ago the Greek scientist Thales of Miletus (624 BC to 547 BC) observed that amber attracts small particles of dust when rubbed with animal fur.1 The Greek word “elektron” () means amber, and amber gave its name to the negatively charged elemental particle. However, it required centuries to discover the origin and the nature of electrostatic charging. William Gilbert (1544-1603), a London physician, discovered that beside amber, other materials could be charged to attract different objects. He called the attracting force “vis electrica”, and he distinguished between materials which behave like amber (“electriks”) and materials that could not be charged (“noelec- triks”). Even if he did not discover the real nature of the electrostatic attraction, Gilbert discovered that it is different than “magnetic” attraction. Many scientists have been fascinated by the “electriks” and a large variety of impressive, some- times curious apparatuses and experiments have been developed for demonstrat- ing electrostatic phenomena over the years.2 Otto von Guericke (1602-1686) developed the first electric generator, which produced static electricity by applying friction rubbing against a revolving ball of sulfur. This electricity resulted in attractive but also in repulsive (“expulsiv”) 2 Introduction forces, depending on the composition of the body brought into the neighborhood of the charged sulfur ball. The attractive or repulsive forces can be converted into each other by contact with the sulfur ball or contact with other bodies. Possibly Guericke was also the first man who viewed artificially produced electrolumines- cence when wrapping the sulfur ball with dry hands in the dark. Jean Picard (1620-1682), a Parisian astronomer, observed a lightning, which then was called “mercurial phosphor”, when mercury moved within a barometer. Based on this observation Francis Hauksbee (he probably died in 1713 in London) developed instruments for generation of light by electrification of glass tubes (initially with mercury in glass globes). Later he found that just the electrification of glass tubes due to rubbing is sufficient to create the glow inside the glass tubes or globes. In 1729, the English physicist Stephen Gray (1666-1736) tried to convey the electric virtue produced by wrapping a glass tube to other bodies. When connect- ing an ivory ball (and later also other things) to the glass tube by a thread of hemp, the static electricity was transported to the ball, while when substituting hemp by a thin silk thread the ivory ball showed no electric attraction. Hemp acted as a conductor for electricity, while silk was an insulator (even if this term was not used by him). Furthermore, he discovered that distant objects (he did experiments with distances up to 200 meters) could be electrified only if the conducting thread is prevented from contact with earth by insulating materials such as silk threads. Continuing the studies of Gray, the French Scientist Charles François de Cisternay DuFay (often called Charles Dufay, 1698 - 1739) discovered that wet hemp threads conduct electricity better than dry threads and that all bodies can be charged electrically by heating and wrapping, except metals. However, all bodies (including metals) can be charged by influence. He observed that the harder it is to electrify the body, the stronger are their attractive forces. Furthermore, he found that the color of an object does not influence the electric properties but rather the matter from which the color is made. Most importantly, he discovered that there are two kinds of electricity, one produced by glass (“vitreous electricity”) and the other by resin (“resinous electricity”). When measuring if bodies are charged with vitreous electricity or with resinous electricity, he used a thread of silk which becomes resinous electric when wrapping. Bodies which repel this thread are res- inous electric; bodies which attract the thread are vitreous electric. In connection with the studies on electrification, sparks always were observed.2 First, such sparks were used for harmless entertainment, e.g., the elec- tric kiss described by G. M. Bose (1720-1761). In 1744, C. F. Ludwig was the first who proved that electrical sparks can ignite thioether, an experiment that was repeated by J. H. Winkler (1703-1770) and others with alcohol. With the develop- ment of the first electric condenser, the “Leyden jar”, by P. van Musschenbroek, (1692-1761) and, independently, by E. J. von Kleist (1700-1748) the sparks became so strong and painful that some subjects got injured and declined to repeat the experiments. 1.1 Historical developments in studies on static electricity 3 The suspicion that the nature of the sparks is similar to that of lightning was proven by Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) by his famous kite experiment. He and William Watson (1715-1787) described the nature of the electricity as an electric matter (Watson called it penetrating fluid), which penetrates any ordinary matter. When a body has an excess of electric matter it is “plus electric”; when the body has too little electric matter, it is “minus-electric”. The excess of electric matter accumulates at the surface of the body, creating an electric atmosphere (Watson called it electric ether), which follows the shape of the body. Franklin's famous invention, the lightning rod, was not only used for protec- tion of houses, boats, etc., but also to collect “electric fire” from the clouds for electrification experiments. It was surprising for Franklin that the electric fire of the lightning was mainly “minus-electric” loaded, only sometimes Franklin could charge Leyden jars which were connected to the lightning rod “plus-electric”. The lightning rod became an increasingly popular tool for “electrizer” all over the world. G. W. Richmann (1711-1753), a physicist from Petersburg, was apparently the first person in history to die while conducting electrical experiments. He was struck by lightning when he tried to measure the power of the atmospheric elec- tricity by a “gnomon”, a self-made electroscope. In 1759, Robert Symmer (1707-1763) showed that electricity is not based on a single electric matter but on two different electrical matters. Electricity is not based on an excess of a single electric matter as assumed by Franklin but on an excess of one of electric matters over the other. Under normal (non-electrified) condition, each body contains both electric matters in the same content. J. C. Wilcke (1732-1796) found that not only plus-electric bodies repel each other but also minus-electric bodies. He concluded that any charged body (inde- pendent of plus-electric or minus-electric) has an electrical sphere of action. Franklin's definition of an atmosphere allows just the repulsion of plus-electric objects. With this new approach Wilcke could formulate the theory about electrifi- cation by induction: In the electrical sphere of a body A, the distribution of the electric matter in an object B is changed in such a way that the side of a body B facing body A is oppositely charged while the remote side has the same type of electricity as body A. After removal of this (induced) electricity from the far side by short grounding, the whole body B is oppositely charged. Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) invented the electrophorus (he also called it a condenser), a simple device consisting of a resin plate and a chargeable cap (gilded wood with an insulating hand grip) that allowed him to create electricity and to transfer it to other objects. He studied the relation between the distance of a charged cap and the urge of the charge to escape. Volta introduced the terms “capacity” and “tension”, a measure for the urge of the electricity to escape from the charged plate. The lower the distance of the charged plate to an insulating plate, the lower the tension. 4 Introduction Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799) continued the studies of the two types of electric fluids. He introduced the terms “positive” (symbol +) and “nega- tive” (symbol ) instead of the Franklin definition of “plus”-electricity since it was not clear to which of the two types of electric matter the terms “excess” and “deficient” should be applied. With the help of a 2.5 m2 large electrophorus he could create sparks as long as 40 cm. On the resin plate of the electrophorus he observed “positive” and “negative” (as presently known) Lichtenberg figures cre- ated due to the discharging, proving that two types of electric matter exist. Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) described the electrical attractive and repulsive forces as being similar to gravity. The proof that the forces of repellency between similarly charged materials or the attraction between oppositely charged bodies are directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of their separation was done by Charles Auguste Coulomb (1736- 1806) (Coulomb’s law). 1.2 THE TRIBOELECTRIC SERIES AND ELECTROSTATIC CHARGING In 1757, J. C. Wilcke (1732-1796) noted that materials which can be charged could be arranged in a triboelectric series.3 When rubbing any two materials of the series against each other, one will become negatively charged, one positively. The first material in a triboelectric series will become positively charged when rubbed against any other material of the series, the last one always negatively. Over time, different triboelectric series have been established which exhibit certain similari- ties but also some inconsistencies.1,4-7 The inconsistencies of different triboelec- tric series result from the fact that electrostatic charging is a surface phenomenon and the surface properties of materials are sensitive to environmental conditions, impurities, preparation conditions, and the sample history. Furthermore, charging can be introduced by different conditions; the time and intensity of the contact, the contact area, the rubbing intensity, and the grounding of the material all influence the electrostatic charging. However, some tendencies are general. Dry human skin, leather, fur, or human hair, but also some metals like lead or aluminum tend to give up electrons; typical materials which tend to become negatively charged are amber, wood, gold, platinum, polyurethanes, polyesters, polyolefins, polyvi- nylchloride, silicones, and polytetrafluoroethylene. The human body will become positively charged when wearing polyester cloths. Dry hair will “fly away” when combed with a plastic comb. The electrostatic charges are not stable and the attractive or repulsive forces will disappear with time. The rate of discharging depends on the material type, the humidity, and environmental and other condi- tions. 1.3 Electrical properties of plastics 5 The term “triboelectric” comes from the assumption that electrical charges are generated by mechanical work and dissipated in friction. We now know that simple contact between materials may be sufficient to let electrons flow from one material to the other, resulting in oppositely charged surfaces. Even without con- tact, bodies can be charged by induction. The maximum possible quantity of charges on a body, its electron capacity, is a material parameter. The critical breakdown potential depends on the environ- ment. Dry air at atmospheric pressure has a breakdown potential of 30 kV/cm. When the voltage exceeds this critical value, the charge will suddenly disappear in the form of electrical sparks. Everybody has his own experiences with small elec- trical shocks, e.g., when touching the door after going out of the car, or even when taking off synthetic clothes. These small sparks are commonly not dangerous by themselves because the maximum charge on a plane surface under atmospheric conditions is about 3.3x10-9 C/cm2 and the current density is rather low.1 How- ever, the sparks may cause disastrous accidents when occurring under explosive conditions. 1.3 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF PLASTICS 1.3.1 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY According to its electric conductivity, matter in general can be classified as insula- tors ( = 10-22 to 10-12 S cm-1), semiconductors (10-9 to 10-2 S cm-1), conductors (or metals, >102 S cm-1), and superconductors (~1020 S cm-1, Figure 1.1). The given ranges are not strongly defined limits and one may find a large variety of different definitions, which also are dependent on the material type discussed. For inorganics such as metals, the temperature-dependent conductivity is a well- defined material parameter, while for polymers, and especially for doped conduc- tive polymers, the conductivity also depends on impurities, composition, doping degrees, etc. Figure 1.1. Ranges of conductivity. 6 Introduction A simplified model for conductivity derived from the band theory of elec- tronic conduction is schematically shown in Figure 1.2. Electrons exist at different energy levels − in the valence bands and in the conductive bands. The electron- free band and completely filled bands cannot contribute to conductivity since their mean electron velocity is 0. Conductivity is possible only if the bands are partially filled. Metallic conduction is always connected with partially filled bands. There is no energy gap between the bands as in insulators. In insulators, a region of for- bidden energy level exists which cannot be occupied. Virtually, electrons cannot switch between the completely filled valence band and the empty conductive band, and conductivity is not possible. In semiconductors, the energy gap is small enough that, for example, by thermal activation the electrons from the valence band can jump into the conductive band and conductivity, to a certain degree, occurs. The conductivity of materials is dependent on temperature. In metals, the conductivity is reduced with rising temperature while in semiconductors and insu- lators the conductivity increases since more and more electrons can move into the conductive band. However, the conductivity of insulators is mainly caused by impurities rather than by the insulator material itself. By doping semiconductors with positive or negative charge carriers, the value of conductivity can be increased to a large degree. Figure 1.2. Band theory model. Most polymers are insulators by nature, with conductivities ranging from 10-12 to 10-20 S cm-1. All electrons are localized in covalent bonds and cannot move in the bulk of the material as in metals. A list of typical values of polymer conductivities is given in Table 1.1. The electrical properties of the polymers are directly related to their chemical structure, but impurities such as ionic additives or moisture also can significantly contribute to the conductivity measured in polymers. As an example, PA6,6 in the dry state is an insulator while at humid conditions the mate- rial is antistatic. In contrast to metals, the conductivity of plastics increases with temperature since more electrons can be activated to leave the valance band: 1.3 Electrical properties of plastics 7  = A exp(- E/RT) [1.1] A is a coefficient weakly depending on temperature, R is the universal gas constant, E the activation energy of electric conductivity, and T is the absolute temperature (in K). At T above the glass transition, an abrupt decrease in the vol- ume resistivity is observed. The surface resistance decreases above glass transi- tion temperature, T , too, but because of the dominating effect of surface g impurities and moisture on the conductivity, this effect is more difficult to detect. In insulation applications, both the surface and the bulk conductivity are impor- tant. The values of both measured at the same material may differ by some orders of magnitude. In addition to the insulating polymers, semi-conducting and conducting poly- mers also have been developed. All the intrinsic conductive polymers possess a system of conjugated double bonds. However, the -electron system alone does not allow the electrons to move freely in the bulk or along the polymer chain, con- ductivities in the range of insulators or semiconductors are observed. Only when these systems are highly doped the polymers become conductive. The conductiv- ity values given in Table 1.1 for these polymers are just rough estimations found elsewhere.6,9 But conductivity strongly depends on dopant type, the doping degree, and temperature, and it may vary for the same polymer type by more than 10 orders of magnitude.9 This historic discovery by Alan G. MacDiarmid, Alan J. Heeger, and Hideki Shirakawa was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2000. They discovered that oxidation of polyacetylene with chlorine, bromine, or iodine vapors makes the material 109 times more conductive than in its original state.10 The doped polyacetylenes were practically the first polymers with metallic conductivity reaching values of 103 S cm-1. The practical use of polyacetylene is limited because of its insufficient stability but other conductive polymers are widely used, in many cases as antistatics in polymer composites. The conductivity is not a classical electron or ion conductivity. It is based on the formation of soli- tons and polarons, which can exist as neutral radicals, carbo anions, or carbonium ions. For details of the conductivity mechanism see elsewhere.9 Later it was shown that also polymers containing non-conjugated double bonds can be doped, resulting in a strong increase in their conductivity.11 Table 1.1. Volume conductivity and permittivity of insulating and conductive polymers Polymer  , S cm-1 References  References V r Insulating polymers ABS 10-9 7 3.2 8 EP 10-15 6 PA6 (dry) 10-15 6, 8 3.7 8 8 Introduction Table 1.1. Volume conductivity and permittivity of insulating and conductive polymers Polymer  , S cm-1 References  References V r PA6 (conditioned) 10-12 8 7 8 PA6,6 (dry) 10-15 6 4.0 6 PAN 3.1 6 PC 10-16 6 2.6/3.0 6 PE 10-17 7 2.3 6, 8 PEMA 2.7/3.4 6 PET 2.9/3.2 6 PMMA 10-14 to 10-16 7 2.6/3.7 6 PTO 3.0 6 PBD 10-14 to 10-15 7 CR 10-12 7 P2CS 2.6 6 PCTFE 10-18 6 Polyester 10-12 6 3.4 8 PECA 3.1 6 PI 10-16 6 NR 10-15 to 10-16 7 PMCA 3.4 6 PVDC 10-16 6 2.85 6 PMO 3.1 6 PP 10-19, 10-17 6, 7 2.2 6 PPO 10-17 6 2.6 6 PS 10-17 7 2.55, 2.5 6, 8 PSU 10-17 6 PTFE 10-19, 10-20 6, 7 2.1, 2.15 6, 8 PVAc 3.25 6 PVC 10-13 to 10-15 7 2.8/3.05 to <3.7 6, 8 Conductive polymers PAC-UN 10-8 6 PAC-D 500 to 2,000 6 PAC-D,A 105 6 PANI-UN <10-10 9 PANI-D 1 to 10 9 PPh-D 500 6 PPS-D 1 6

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