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Preview Handbook of Anatomy and Physiology for Students of Medical Radiation Technology

HANDBOOK OF ANATOMYA NDP HYSIOLOGY FORS TUDENTS OF MEDICARLA DIATIOTNE CHNOLOGY COMPILEBDY M.MALLEMT.TD,. RadiolroegtiisErtde,md o,n tCoann,a da ILLUSTRBAYT ED M.J.B ABIUMK.,D . DirecotfRo ard ioloSgeircvailc es GenerHaols piEtdamlo,n ton ThiHsa ndbooiksde dicatote sdt udoefnR tsa diolToecghincoalelov gye rywhIeitrehs .o ped thasotm es tudmeantsyacquire anacce ptabklneo wloefAd ngea tomayn Pdh ysiofrolmo agy stuodfty h mea teriianlc liundt ehdTi exst a,n tdh atth eyw idlevle laonip n teresitnt hetsew o mosftasc inatisunbgj ects. THEB URNELCLO MPANYP/U BLISHEIRNSC,. P. 0. BOX 304 MANKATO, MINNESOTA 56002 Copyri1g9h8tb1©yT heB urneClolm panyi/sPhueIbrnlsc,. Alrli grhetsse rved. ISB0N- 916973-00-X Prinitnte hdUe n itSetda toefAs m erica. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dr.M .J .B abiuFk.,R .C(.CPa.n adaa g)r,a duaitnme e dicine oft heU niversoifAt lyb ertaan,da tt het imoef t hiesd ition Directoofr R adiologSiecravli caets t heE dmontGoenn eral Hospitsaple nmta nhyo urisnd rawitnhgei llustrautsieoidnn s theH andbooTkh.ee xcelleonfch ei sw oriks d isplaiynet dh e diagramDsr..B abiruekf usteoda cceapnty r ecompenfsoerh is effortTsh.a nyko uD r.B abiuk. MisSsh elMi.aR obinsAo.nC,. PB..,E da. t,e achoefrE nglish andA rtw itthh eE dmontPounb liScc hooBlo arda,tG randview HeighJtusn iHoirg Shc hooEld,m ontvoenr,ty h orougrhelvyi ewed them anuscrainpdmt a dmea niyn valuasbulgeg estions. MrsN.a omHii teR,. T.Rc.o,n tribuitnte hde c orrectoifo n errorisnt het ext. MisJso aMn. G rahaRm.,N .R,. T.Ra.s,s istienmd a nwya yisn finaliztihnepg u blication. Asi nt hee arliEedri tioonfts h eH andbootkh ec ompiltehre, illustraantdao lrlo thecrosn necwtietdth h ipsu blicahtaivoen nof inanciinatle reisnit t a ndw ilnlo tr eceiavneyr oyalty therefrom. iii PREFACE Thef irEsdti toifto hnHe a ndbo(o1k9w 5a2s)c ompitlose udp psltyu deonft s radioltoegcihcnawolil tgshyu ffiicnifeonrtm ianat niaotno amnypd h ysiology top erfoxr-mre axya minaVteiroeynl se.m enitnaforrym aitnti hoenss ueb jects wasa ddteods uppalb ya skinco wleodfgg een earnaalt oamnypd h ysioTlhoeg y. textbofooksrst udneunrts aensod t hpearr amedgirocuadplis nd o sta tisfactori­ lys upptlhyie n formtahtaiotou nsr t udesnhtosuk lndo wF.o ri nstatnhcee , informoantb ioonnae nsjd o iwnatsls i miwtheidtl,he ai tns omoet haerre waass superflOuuortu esxw.ta st heretfiomreel y. Therhea vbee esnom anrye ceandtv anicnte hsae p plicoafrt aidoino tloo gy medictihnateth t ee chnolmougsnitos wth avaem orceo mplkentoew leodfg e botahn atoamnypd h ysioilnoo rdgeytr op erfotrhremeq uireexda minations. Thiissp articytu rluaoerft l hceo -caslpleecdpi raolc edures. Ina dditaiseo ancr,he visoifto hSney l\aobftu rsa iinspi unbgl imsohreaedn d mordee taiklneodw leodftg hee tsweo s cienicsde esm andMeudc.ho ft his materhiaanslo d ireacptp lictaort aidoino logy. Ina natoimtiy ss implaym attoefir n cluddeitnagti hlawste rper eviously requikrneodw leodnglfeyo m re disctauld eInngt rso.as nsa totmhyeh raevn eo t beemna ncyh angoevset rh yee arost,ht ehra cnh angien·sth t ee rminotlhoeg y, excluosfip orno pnearm efsoa rn atomsitcraulc teutrce.s , Ourk nowleodfmg iec roscaonpaitcoh mayas d vanacg erde daetas li ntchee applicoaftt hieeol ne cmtircorno shcaomspa edv ei sisbtlreu ctthuawreter sne o t previovuissliyob rlw eh icwhe rvei siwbilteh osuutf ficpireecnitts oio n deterdmeitnaeCi olnsc.e tphtawste raec cepwtheetdnh mea gnifibcyal tiigohnt microscwoapsue sse hda vbee edni scaorrdd erda sticchaalnlgayen ddt,h is trewnidlc lo ntiansru ees eaprrcohg resses. Physioluonglyig,kr eo sasn atohmayss, h owmna rkeadd vanicneo su r knowleadngmdea ,n fyu ncthiaovnbese epnr ovoeran tl eassutg gesPtreeds.e nt concempatysb ep roviennc ortroemcotr roormw a yb er adicraelvliys ed. Possipbhlyys ioslhooguhyla dva es epartaetxet beovoefkno t rh pea ramedical grouipno rdteora llfoowfr r equreenvti sion. Thpel aonft hinse wE ditfioolnl tohwaastd opitnee adr loineeTrsh .se u bjects havbee ecno veirneS de ctiaos nesc,ti inmo ann iyn stabnecielnsig m ittoae d singtloep Tihcde.e finmiettihohonad as g abiene uns eadn,td h set ructtobu er e descriisbp erdi nitneb do ltdy paet,t hbee ginnoiftn hgde e finiMtainoyn . chaptaerirens t rodbuyac l eidos ftt h set ructtoub rese tsu dTiheidis.sf ollowed bya l iosftt hiem portpaanrottf se acsht rucftourrre ef,e riennr ceev iAe w. detasitlueoddfey a cpha ritts heunn dertFaikneanal.nl ayt omtiecraumlss e idn thceh apatreleri stIends.t ruwchtodo irssa gwriettehh imse thoofpd r esenta­ tiosnh oudlids rewghaarttdh ecyo nsisduepre rfluous. V THES TUDENT'USS EO FT HE Studenmtuss atc quisroem em ethoodfstudy,maunsdt HANDBOOK eliminbaatdeh abits assus cthu dyiinnag r oomw here othepre opalree t alkiwnhge,r aer adiiosb lasting away, Thea rrangemoefnt th em atericaoln taiinnet dh is o:wrh erae t eleviissii onon p eration. Handbohoaks b eepnl annweidt ah d efinpiutrep oisne mindT.h eo bjecthiavseb eent om akei ta se asya s SOMES UGGESTIONFSO R possibfloert hes tudetnoft i nd itnhfeo rmatainodn ,t o INSTRUCTORS acquitrheke nowledrgeeq uibryea ds tudoyft hseu bject matteErx.p lanatiaonndds r awinhgasv eb eenm ade Ase acpha rotft hbeo diys s tudisepde cimemnosd,e ls, simplbeu ti nclm;ive. chartpsi,c tuarnedsd rawinsghso ulbdeu tiliiznte hde prelimilneacrtyuo rri enr evieIwnt. h set udoyfb ones an Thet exhta sb eendi vidiendt tow enty-cfhoauprt ers, attemsphto ulbdem adet op roviedaec sht udewnitt ah mosto fw hicihn clutdhees tudoyfa s ingslyes teTmh.e specimoefen a cbho nteo sbteu diReedm.e mbear ,v isual skelestyaslt em howheavsbe ere nsu bdiviidnetdso i x imagiesm uchm orev aluabtlheaa nn yw rittoersn p oken chapteerasc,dh e aliwnigt h someo ftp hairssty stem. description. Eachc hapthears b eefnu rthdeirv idiendt Soe ctions.S incaen atomitcearlm asr el ikae f oreilgann guage EachS ectidoena lwsi tahs ingtloep wihc erpeo ssibIlte .e acht ermm ustb es pokecnl earrleyp,e atoefdt eann,d shouldp obses ibblyde e,s ignatthisene gc titoosn p,e cifyw rittoeunt S.t udensthso ulbdee ncouratgoeu ds et he whatm ateriiastl ob es tudioerrd e viewed. termsC.o rrect pronumnacyi baeta icoqnu irieftd h e termasr eu sefdr equenbtytl hyie n strucFtoolrlso.w ing Thed rawinhgasv bee elna belalsFe .d1 -1F,.1-e2tcT.h e an adequastteu doyf p refixaensds uffixsetsu dents firfsitg udreen ottehseC hapter t"h1es" e,c onfdi gure shoulbde t aughttoa nalyesaec hm edictaelr mw here indicatthenes u mbeorft hder awiinngt hafti rCshta pter possible. "1"",2 "e,t c. Radiograpshhso ulbde employetdo illustrate Wherpeo ssibtlheed efinimteitohno odfp resentatainoant omisctarlu ctwuhreesni ti sp ossibalnedn, o s tudy hasb eeenm ployeadn,dt hes tructduerfei nheadsb een shoulbdec onsidecroemdp lete ruandtiiolg rahpahvse printienbd o ltdy paen dc onspicuoiunts hlfeyi rpsatro tf beedne monstraet.egbd.o, n easn dj oints. thed efinition. Inu sintgh Hea ndbosookm er outimneet hosdh oubled Anatomiys l argeal ym emoryc oursGer.e at employEeadc.h sysotfte hmbe o dmyi ghbte i ntroduced numberosft ermmsu sbte s ortoeudat n dr ememberedb.y n amintgh ep artass,i nt hel isitn troductihneg Thet ermasr eu nfamilainadrs ,o metimdeisf fitcou ltc hapteAr g.e nersatla temoefnt th ef unctioofnt sh e pronounTchees. t udemnuts cto rreltahteeex planatisoyns temmi ghfto lloiwno rdetrh atth es tudemnaty ofe acthe rmw itah d rawing wheproesvseirbT lhee. understtahnedp urposfeo rw hicht hes ystem was newt ermssh oulbdep ronounocvedea rn do vearn d designFeodl.l owtihnigis n troduacd teitoani slteuddo yf writtdeonw n. eacpha rotft hsey stesmh oubledm adew,i tthh neo rmal physioloofeg ayc pha rItn.r evieweiancgsh t ructtuhree Manyo ft hder awinhgasv bee esni mplipfuirepdo sellyi.s otf t hei mportapnatr tcso ulbde u tiliozret dh e Eachd rawinsgh oulbde studiseod t haat visuals tudenatt'tse ntmiiognhb te d irecttoei dt . impressiisao cn quired. Studenstese mt oh avea tendentcoyi gnorteh e drawinagnsdt, o m emorize the ddeestcariilpTethdii osn . Ina nys tudtyh ermea y bet hreaep proachtehse: isu nfortuinfia tti est ruteh awth awte s ewee r emember studemnaty r eaad t exmta,y l istteoan lectuornte h e whilweh atw eh eaorr r eadw,e f orgIentc.l udsionmge topiocrm, a ys tuddyr awinWghse.n l istentioan l ge cture diagramosn thee xamination mpaayp eirnsd uce as tudemnatyj odto wnt he esseanntdii maplo rtfaanctt s studetnotls o oakt a ndk nowi llustrations. andm ayd isregtahrpeda ddinIgna. n ye venwth,e thietr isi nr eadinlgi,s tenoirni gn,s tudyidnrga wintgsh,e Becaussteu denstesem t oh aveb eebnr ouguhpto na student slheoaurltndo s eletchtee ssentfiaaclta sn d dieotft esittms a yb en ecesstaorg yi vfer equteenstit ns disregtahrend o nessentFioarel xsa.m plthede e finitioornd eirn diretcotg leyts tudenttoss t udtyh em aterial ofa prefsihxo ulcdo ntatihnr efea c-ts( 1i)tc onsiosft si ncludWehdi.l cer itimcasy condemtnh imse thoads oneo rm ores yllab(l2e)si ,spi lta ced baew foorrd(e,3 i )t "teachfionreg x amsi"tm ay protvobe e t hew hipt hat modifioers a lterthse m eaninogf t he teMroms.t works. definitoirbo rnisde efs criptmiaoybn est reatseidm ilar­ Whilseo mei nstrucwtiolhrlas v aet endentcoiy n clude lyR.e membe-rw hawt eh eawre f orgwehta,wt e s eew e mored etaitlhsa nt hec urricurleuqmu iraensd,e ach remembearn,d whwaetd ow eu nderstand. instruwcitlohlra vea t endentcofy a vocre rtapianr tosf thceo ursuen,n ecessdaertya imulsstb eo mittWeidt.nh o Ind efinainnyga natomisctarulc tutrheei nformation provisfioordn i ssectoifto hneb odyo,ro pportutnoi ty listsehdo ulidn clude: vietwh dei ssecbtoeddys ,t udehnatvsae r eaplr oblienm -whati ti s attempttiomn egm oriazleol ft hset ructluirsetsie ntd h e -wherieti s( thleo cation) course. -whati td oe(si tfsu nctions) REFERENCBEO OKS e.gt.h ep ancreadtuicct : -isa s malpla ssage MorrHiusm'a Ann atoMmcyG,r aHwi lBlo oCko T.o,r onto GrayA'nsa toAmmye,r iEcdaint Leiao& n F,e biger -extentdhsr outghhel engotfht hep ancreaansdj oins GrayA'nsa toEmnyg,l Eidsiht Lioonngrn,a nCsa naDdoan,M ills thec ommonb ildeu ct AnatoMmeys,c hSaanu,n dLetrdTs.o ,r onto -conveypsa ncreajtuiicci en ttoh ed uodenutmom ix CibCao lleMcetdiioIcnla llu strNaettitoenrs , witfho otdo h eldpi getshtef ood BasPihcy sio&l Aongayt oTmayy,l Moarc,m ilCloaC.na, n ada. vii -CONTENTS- 1.AnatomTiecramli no1logy, 2.UniotfsB odSyt ruct1u3re, 3.CelDli vis2i3on, 4.TheS kiann Sde creGtlianng2d 7s, 5.AnI ntrodutcoBt oinoeansn dJ oin3t3s, 6.TheU ppeLri m-bB oneasn dJ oin4t3s, 7.TheL oweLri m-bB oneasn dJ oin5t5s, 8.TheV erteCborlaul-m nB oneasn Jdo in7t1s, 9.TheT hor-aBxo neasn Jdo in8t1s, 10T.heS ku-lBlo neasn Jdo in8t9s, 11T.heM uscuSlyasrt e1m1,1 12T.heB loo1d2,3 13T.heC irculSaytsotre1ym2 ,9 14T.heR espirator&yM eSdyisatsetm1i 5n7um, 15T.heD igesStyisvtee1 m6,7 16T.heU rinaSryys te1m8,7 17T.heF emaRleep roduScytsitve1em9 ,7 18T.heM alRee produScytsitve2em0 ,3 19.IAnnt rodutcoEt miborny ol2o0g9y, 20T.heE ndocrGilnaen 2d1s1, 21T.heN ervoSuyss te2m1,9 22T.heS ensOer gan2s3,9 23C.onteonfBt osd Cya vit2i4e7s, 24A.ppendi2c4e9s, Inde2x5,2 viii CONTENTOSF HA NDBOOK - LISTED BYS ECTIONS 1.ANATOMICATLE RMINOLOGY s5.4 Bonaeg &e c hronolaoggei cal s1. Basic anadteofmiinciatilo ns 8.55 Bonegsr,o watnhrd e pair 8.2 ThNeo miAnnaa tomica JOINTSg:e neirnaflo rmation 8.3 Origoifan n atomniacmaels 8.56 Movemeantjt osi nts S.4 Anatomtiecramli nionHl aongdyb ook s5.7 Classifoifjc oaitnitosn 8.5 Plurfaolr amnsad d jectives 8.58 Strucotfju orien ts 8.6 Spellings 8.59 Varieotfsi yenso vjioailn ts S.7 (1G)enearnaalt omtiecramls s6.0 Anomaloifde esv elobpoinnegs (2P)arotfos r gans s6.1 Radiogroafgp rhoyw ibnogn es (3O)peniinngtason wdi thoirng ans s6.2 Anatomtiecrafmlrs o m ch5a pter (4 )Depresosnia onnast omsitcraulc tures 6.BONEASN DJ OINOTFSU PPELRI MB (5A)dditidoensaclr itpetrimvse s8. Termrse lattopi onsgi atnildoo nc ations6.3 Boneosf uplpiemlrbi sted 8.9 Anatompilcaanalen ssd e ctions s6.4 Joinotfus p pleirm lbi sted s1.0 Prefliixseatsl epdh abetically s6.5 Boneosfu ppleirm ibm,p orptaarntts s1.1 Prefidxeefsi,gn reodu,pe exda,m ples 8.66 Detasitlue-ddb yo noefs uplpiemrb s1.2 Suffidxeefsi,gn reodu,pe exda,m ples 8.67 Parotfbs o nfeosr mjionign ts s1.3 Termuss eidnc hap1ter 8.68 Detasitluedjdyo ,io nfut ps pleirm b s6.9 Congenaintoamla luipeplsei,rm b 2.UNITOSFB ODYS TRUCTURE s7.0 Landma&rp krso mineunpcpelesir,m b 8.14 Divisoifto hnbeso dlyi sted S.71 Anatoampyp ltiore add iography s1.5 Thbeo dcya vities 7.BONEASN DJ OINOTFSL OWELRI MB 8.16 Regiosnuarlfa arceena asm ed s1.7 Organizoafbt oidsoytn r ucture s7.2 Boneosfl owleirm lbi sted 8.18 Composoiftc ieolnl s Joinotfls o wleirm lbi sted 8.73 s1.9 Instruumteinltiisnmz iecdr oscopy s7.4 Bonoefsl owleirm ibm,p orptaarntts s2.0 Strucotfcu erle-l msi croscopic s7.5 Detasitlue-ddby o noefls o wleirm b s2.1 Tissmuiecsr,o sacnogdpr iocas nsa tomys 7.6 Parotfbs o nfeosr mjionign ts s2.2 Epithteilsi-sauelep ithelium S.77 Detasitlue-ddjy o ionflt osw leirm b s2.3 Connecttiisvseu es s7.8 Archoefts h feo ot 8.24 Muscutliars sue s7.9 Congenaintoamla llioewlsei,rm b 8.25 Nervotuiss sue s8.0 Landma&rp krso minelnocwleeisrm b s2.6 Organs S.81 Anatoampyp ltiore add iography S.26A Systems 8.27 Physiochpermoiccieancsl es l ls 8.THE VERTEBRCAOLL UMN s2.8 Celalnt di sdseunes ity s8.2 Bonoesfv ertecborlaullmi ns ted s2.9 Termuss eidnc hap2t er S.83 Joinotfvs e rtecborlaullm ins ted 3.CELDLI VISION S.84 Vertebra&e p,r opmairntelsni csetse d s8.5 Detasitluebddoy n oefvs e rtecborlaulm n 8.30 Mitocteidlcil v ision s8.6 Divisoifvo enrst ecborlaulm n s3.1 Celdli vibsyim oino s(imse iosis) S.87 Normcaulr vatvuerretsec,bo rlaulm n 8.32 Genes s88. Struccthuarrea,c toefrv iesrttiecbsr ae s3.3 Congenaintoamla dleifeisn ed s8.9 Identicfhyairnagc tevreirstteibcrsa,e 8.34 Termuss eidnc hap3t er s9.0 Pasro tfv ertefborrameji onign ts 4.THE SKIN S.91 Detasitluedjdyo i,vn etrst ecborlaulm n s9.2 Congenaintoamla olfiv eesr tebrae 8.35 Layeorfts h sek ilni sted s9.3 Landmaprrkosm,i neonfvc eerst ebrae 8.36 Strucotftu hrseek in s9.4 Anatoampyp ltiore add iography 8.37 Appendoafsg keisln i sted s9.5 Termuss eidns tuodfvy e rtebrae s3.8 Thnea ils 9.THETH ORAX s3.9 Thhea ir s4.0 Sebacgeloaunsd s s9.6 Bonaenscd a rtiolfta hgoersla ixs ted s4.1 Sweastu,d origflearnoduss s9.7 Joinotfts h orlaixs ted s4.2 Cerumignloaunsd s s9.8 Boneosft htheo raixm,p orptaarntts s4.3 Subcutatniesosuuse s9.9 Detasitluedbdyo ,no efst horax s4.4 Functoifto hnsesk in s1.00 Parotfts h orbaocnifecos r mjionign ts s4.5 Secregtlianndgde sf ined s1.01 Detasitlueoddfjy o ionftt hso rax s4.6 Termuss eidns tuodfthy e s kin s1.02 Congenaintoamla olfit ehso rax S.103Landmarks, ptrhoomriboannceeinscc es 5.BONEASN DJ OINTINSTR,O DUCTORY s1.04 Anatoampyp ltiore add iography BONES:g eneirnaflo rmation s1.05 Termuss eidns tuodfty h orax 8.47 Prominepnrcoejse,cd teiporness,s ions 10T.HE SKULL s4.8 Functoifbo onnse s 8.49 Classif&i pcaartotifbso o nn es s1.06 Nameosfb onaenstd h epiarr -tssk ull s5.0 Strucotfbu ornee s s1.07 Divisoifto hnsesk ull s5.1 Developomfbe onnte s s1.08 Joinotfts hs ek ull s5.2 Intrialcaagritonsosuisf ication s1.09 Aspects, rseugriofofasn ckseu sl,l 8.53 Intra.memborsasniofuisc ation s1.10 Sombea stiecr dmesf ined ix s1.11 Detaislteudds yk uilnlt roduced s1.77 Cardiovascciurlcauri ts S.112 Detaislteuddb yo neosfc erebral cransi1.u7m8 Somea nomaloifeh se arvte,s sels S.113 Viscecrraaln i-umd etaislteudd y s1.79 Applicattori aodni ography s1.14 Theh yoibdo ne s1.80 Somep atholocgoincdailt ions s1.15 Thea uditoosrsyi cles s1.81 Termuss eidn s tudcyi,r culastyosrtye m S.116 Theo rbit s1.82 Char-tb ranchoefas o rta S.117 Then asacla vities s1.18 Thep a.ranassianlu ses 14.THER ESPIRASTYOSRTYE M s1.19 Suturoefts h sek ull s1.83 Partosfr espirastyosrtyel mi sted s1.20 Temporomandjiobiunltasr s1.84 Detaislteudd rye,s piraptaosrsya ges s1.21 CraniFaols sae s1.85 Detaislteuddo yfl ungs s1.22 Theb asaflo ramina s1.86 Thep leura. s1.23 Developmoefcn rta nibaoln es S.187 Bloovde ssealnsdn ervoefst hleu ngs s1.24 Thef ontanelles s1.88 Physioloofrg eys piration s1.25 Congeniatnaolm aloifet shs ek ull s1.89 Summaroyff unctions s1.26 Landmaraknsdp rominenocfte hsse k ull s1.90 Anomaloiefrs e spirastyosrtye m S.127 Anatomipceaclu liaarnidtR iaedsi ographsy1. 91 Somep atholocgoincdailt ions s1.28 Introdutcott ihotene eth s1.92 Anatomayp pliteord a diography S.129 Partosfa t ooth s1.93 Someo peratpirvoec edures s1.30 Structoufar t eo oth s1.94 Them ediastinum s1.31 Classifictaeteitohn of s1.95 Termuss eidn s tudoyfr espirastyosrtye m. s1.32 Thed ecidutoeuest h s1.33 Thep ermanent teeth 15.THED IGESTIVE SYSTEM s1.34 Functiooftn hste e eth s1.96 Divisioofdn isg estsiyvset em listed s1.35 Termuss etdo d escrtihbseek ull s1.97 Foods s1.36 Analysainsa tomisckaell ettearlm s s1.98 Functioofdn isg estsiyvset em s1.37 Bonewsi tmho rteh aonn en ame s1.99 Factoirnsf luenpcoisnigto ifoo rng ans s1.38 Plurfaolr masn da dject-ibvoense s s2.00 Surfadciev isioofan bsd omen s1.39 Uppearn dl owelri mbcso mpared S.201 Basitce rmdse fined s1.40 Skelettearlmm so difbiyea dp refix s2.02 Structhuorlel,do iwg estoirvgea ns 11.THEM USCULAR SYSTEM s2.03 Partosfe acdhi vision s2.04 Developmoefdn itg estive system s1.41 Genertaelrm sd efined s2.05 Detaislteudd- yd igesttirvaec t s1.42 Characteroifss kteilcesmt uaslc les s2.06 Accessory doirggeasntssiy,vs et em s1.43 Functoifmo unssc les s2.07 Bloovde ssels s1.44 Musclsep asm S.208 Hormonseesc rebtyed di gesttirvaec t s1.45 Paralyosfmi uss cles s2.09 Summaroyff unctions s1.46 Distribouftm iuosnc les s2.10 Somec ongenaintoamla lies s1.47 Musclger oupibnylg o cation s2.11 Somep atholocgoincdailt ions s1.48 Muscliemsp orttaotn htre a diographers 2.12 Termuss eidn o peratpirvoec edures s1.49 Otheerx amploefss k elemtuaslc les S.213 Termsu seidn s tuddyi,g estsiyvset em S.150 Examploefls i gameanntdts e ndons s1.51 Termuss eidn t hset udoyfm uscles 16.THEU RINARSYY STEM 12.THEB LOOD S.214 Partosfu rinasryys telmi sted s2.15 Detaislteudd pya,r tusr inasryys tem s1.52 Constitoufet nhtbesl ooldi sted s2.16 Microscaonpaitco omfyk idneys s1.53 Theb loopdl asma s2.17 Physioloof.g tyhn ee phron s1.54 Functiooftn hspe l asma s2.18 Functiooftn hske i dneys s1.55 Theb loocde lls s2.19 Anomaliofet sh uer inasryys tem Coagulaotfib olno o-dc lotting S.220 Somep atholocgoincdailt ions Bloogdr ouping s2.21 Applicattori aodni ography s1.56 Somep atholotgeircmasl S.222 Termuss eidn s tuduyr,i nasryys tem s1.57 Termuss eidn s tudoyft hbel ood 17.THEF EMALREEP RODUCTIVE 13.THEC IRCULASTYOSRTYE M SYSTEM s1.58 Componeonftc si rculastyosrtye m S.223 Partosff emarleep roduscytsitveem S.159 Structoufbr leo ovde ssels s2.24 Definitoifbo anssit cer ms s1.60 Theh ear-td etaislteudd y s22.5 Detaislteuddo yfe acpha rt s1.61 Pulmovneasrsyea lnsdc irculation 8.226 Bloovde ssels s1.62 Systemvteiscs ealnsdc irculation S.227 Externgaeln itals s1.63 Thea orta s2.28 Thef emablree ast s1.64 Branchoefts h aeo rta s2.29 Anomalianedsp atholotgeircmasl s1.65 Supervieonrca a vaan dt ributaries s2.30 Someo peratpirvoec edures s1.66 Infervieonrca a vaa.n dt ributaries S.231 Applicattori aodni ography s1.67 Portva.eIs se&l csi rculation s2.32 Termuss eidn s tudy s1.68 Blood veosfts hebelr sa.i n s1.69 Bloovde sseslesap,l,f acnee,c k 18.THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM s1.70 Bloovde sseolfus p pelri mb s2.33 Partosfm a.lreep roducstyisvtee m s1.71 Bloovde sseolfls o welri mb s2.34 Ba.dseifci nitions s1.72 Lymphatviecs senlosd,e osr,g ans s2.35 Detaislteuddo yfg lands s1.73 Circulastyosrtyei mnt hfee tus s2.36 Detaislteuddo yfd uctasn dp enis s1.74 Thep ulse s2.37 Congeniatnaolm alies s1.75 Presspuorien -tasr teries s2.38 Pathol&o ogpye rations s1.76 Bloopdr essure s2.39 Termuss eidn s tudy X

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