Thursday, January 22, 2015 For 122 Years The Voice Of The People Of Hancock County 75¢ Visit The Hancock Clarion Web Page: Hancock VOLUME 122—NUMBER 04 • HAWESVILLE, KENTUCKY Road projects in Suspicious fire destroys garage; jeopardy after arrest expected fuel prices fall By Dave Taylor A suspicious fire de- stroyed a garage at a home By Dave Taylor that no matter how low it ac- Friday night in Hawesville. Fuel prices are averaging tually goes, it will never be The fire, at the home of $2.06 per gallon nationwide, calculated at less than nine Gene Powers at 1738 Tick a drop of $1.23 from one year percent of $1.78 per gallon. Ridge Road, started in a back ago, and with state road de- But they never put any- corner of the structure and partments depending on a thing into place that would quickly spread. percentage of fuel sales to say how quickly the rate “I was the first one on the operate they’re being left could drop to that point. scene and it was about 10 to with a shortfall, which could They did, however, put regu- 20 percent involvement on spell trouble for current and lations in place over how the back corner of the ga- future road projects. quickly revenues could in- rage,” said Hawesville fire Things like the bridge ap- crease. chief Matt Husk. “Hawes- proach and road extension in “{The} law caps the ville got a truck there fairly Hawesville depend on ex- amount it can grow by 10 quick and initiated a knock pected fuel tax revenue, and percent. So we could take lit- down and it was about 50 with that revenue slowing erally years to get back to the percent involved then. down it could be in jeopardy level we were just at the end Lewisport came in behind us of slowing down or being put of September,” said Chuck and then we had water sup- on hold. Wolfe, Executive Director ply problems, we ran out of Each gallon of fuel sold in for the Ky. Transportation water because we don’t have Kentucky is taxed at both set Cabinet Office of Public Af- county fire trucks.” and variable rates, with five fairs. Both Lewisport and cents per gallon being a set According to Keith Todd, Hawesville fire departments supplemental tax and nine with the Ky. DOT, if the fuel each have a truck out of com- percent of the average prices drop to the statutory mission. wholesale price being vari- floor and stay there, fuel tax Dukes fire department ar- able and calculated each revenue will decrease $56.4 rived and provided another quarter based on the aver- million for the remainder of truck with water. age wholesale price (AWP). fiscal year 2015 and $194.2 “We were only without Nine percent of much million for fiscal year 2016. water for less than 10 min- lower fuel prices means rev- The statutory floor was utes,” he said. enues are way down. never a major topic of con- Crews were on scene for The variable tax revenue versation when fuel prices three or four hours and changes as the AWP rises were high and looked to be didn’t have any real prob- and falls, and the problem, staying that way, but that’s lems after that. authorities say, is that legis- no longer the case. “It was an older garage so lators regulated how much a “The average wholesale it was stubborn to get out,” rise in AWP can increase rev- price the last few years has he said. enue, but have done little to been so high above the floor The cause of the fire is un- regulate how much that rev- that some people wondered der investigation and Sheriff enue can drop. if you’d ever really get to the Dale Bozarth said an arrest Kentucky legislators floor,” said Wolfe. “We’re get- Alexia Zablocki, 9, top, and her brother Christopher, 7, climb on the playground in is expected, but he could not implemented a statutory ting to the floor in a hurry. Lewisport’s Chapman Park Monday. School was out for Martin Luther King, Jr. release the name of the sus- floor of $1.78 per gallon for It’s a precipitous drop, but Day and temperatures climbed to the mid-50s so the park was a popular destination pect since there had been no the purposes of calculating it’s a very gradual climb back for Lewisport children and their parents. —Clarion photo by Dave Taylor charges filed yet. the motor fuels tax, meaning See ROAD on page 2 Hawesville’s coffee oil slick mystery solved By Dave Taylor with a system in Big Sandy. The city of Hawesville’s They investigated and water quality has long been had the water tested, only to the subject of debate and find out that it was the com- speculation, and new mayor bination of hard water and Charles King said he has coffee beans, and that it was found an answer to one of nothing to worry about. the most-asked questions he “He also said this,” King hears: what is the deal with said, “that the Bunn coffee the oil slick in my coffee? maker is somewhat hotter, King told the city council makes the water a little hot- at this month’s meeting that ter, and it will exaggerate he had been recently told this a little better than a dif- what was causing it, and it ferent coffee maker.” was nothing that he ex- “That’s our story on the pected. mystery of the oil in the coffee.” “We had a meeting with King said he’s working on Dell Harris with Rural Water the city’s hard water though, Association and one of my trying to eliminate the oily questions that a lot of people film even if it’s harmless. had been concerned about He and several Hawes- was the oily film on their cof- ville water plant workers re- Emergency personnel remove Holly Wheatley from her 2011 Chevrolet Malibu as others attend to the driver of the fee and I had seen it in res- cently visited Lewisport’s other vehicle, Coreena O’Bryan. Police said O’Bryan was turning left from Route 69 onto Highway 60 and failed to taurants,” said King. water plant to see what they see Wheatley. O’Bryan was uninjured. Wheatley was transported to Owensboro Health Regional Hospital for pre- “I asked him about that could learn from their sys- caution. Wheatley’s passengers, Hannah and Wesley Wheatley, were uninjured. —Clarion photo by Dave Taylor and he chuckled and said, tem, which has repeatedly ‘Well, I’ve got the answer,’” won state and national he said. awards for quality. Lewisport considering social media policy “I said, ‘Well that really “They have got a tower that tickles me because we’re they’ve erected down there to concerned about it.’” feed lime into their water sys- The answer, he said, was tem and it’s got an automatic that the film actually came feeder on it,” he said. “They from the coffee. also use CO2 to treat their By Dave Taylor recent posting by former “We basically need some what is posted on the city’s “He said first of all, it’s water. Consequently they’ve Lewisport is considering Hawesville police chief Buz policies set in place on that,” official social media pages, harmless because it’s an ex- got good soft water, but it implementing a social media Baskett announcing his fir- Gregory said. he said he’s going to work tract of oil from the coffee doesn’t come naturally. It’s policy for its workers, mayor ing on the official police He contacted the Ken- with United Systems to put beans,” he said, “and that is through the process.” Chad Gregory told the coun- Facebook page, which was tucky League of Cities and filters on the city’s comput- exaggerated when you have Hawesville has been told cil at Thursday’s regularly picked up by most local me- talked to them, and got a so- ers. hard water and calcium and in years past that it needs to scheduled meeting. dia outlets. cial media policy from an- “Basically (we’re) just maybe magnesium in higher feed lime into its system to Gregory told the council “This is not in any way re- other city to use as a guide- getting some filters to kind levels in your water system. soften the water, and King that with the proliferation of lated,” he said. “I was actu- line. of tighten them down a little That, with the heat of the said he now has a plan. social media networks, and ally discussing this with (city “It’s basically the do’s and bit,” he said. “We’ve had water, that causes the coffee “This is what we learned, with city agencies having planner) Brent (Wigginton) the don’ts with employees some viruses in the past. It bean to loosen up the coffee and this is our goal. We are their own Facebook pages, back in July. I tabled it be- on social media web sites needs to be addressed.” bean oil.” searching the web for a sys- some sort of regulation of cause we had the water line concerning the company Police chief John Garner “I guess it’s a little like tem that we could buy from their use was needed. extension coming up, we that they work for, that be- said he had already had to any oil and water, they sepa- a city that has gone to a dif- “We need a policy in place had the playground going on ing the city of Lewisport,” he address the same basic prob- rate,” he said. ferent system for whatever for social media in the city,” down there, so we agreed to said. lem of social media use. “It’s a mystery though, reason and a lot of times they he said. “I don’t know of any hold it on until January.” The city would need to “There were emergency when people see that on come on the market and company or institution that Lewisport Police Depart- tweak the policy to fit services personnel going to their coffee and they think it they come on the market does not have one now. We ment has a page, as well as Lewisport’s needs, he said, the scene and posting pic- might be something they relatively cheap compared to need to make sure that we the city’s fire department, so it wasn’t up for a vote yet. tures…” he said. wouldn’t want to ingest.” what the cost would be if we have proper controls.” and there is currently no one “It’s in no way ready for a He told those workers Harris told him of other tried to buy a new system,” He said the thought of the overseeing who posts what first reading,” he said. that the pictures from the cities who’d had that same he said. policy was not related to the and when. Along with regulating See LEWISPORT on page 3 question, starting years ago See COFFEE on page 3 PAGE 2 The Hancock Clarion, Hawesville, Ky., Jan. 22, 2015 Leaving your job? Let’s talk. Mary G Embry, CFP®, AAMS® Financial Advisor 3811 Highway 54 ❙ Suite 104 ❙ Owensboro, KY 42303 270-684-2316 ❙ Member SIPC Obituaries Paula Lynne Jett White Thelma L. Thompson Paula Lynne Jett White, 58, of Thelma L. Thompson, 76, passed Lewisport, went away on Friday, January 16, 2015, at home to be with her Perry County Me- Lord and Savior Jesus morial Hospital in Christ on Tuesday Tell City. January 20, 2015. She She was born in was born in Norfolk, Cannelton on Octo- VA on October 29th, ber 31, 1938. Her 1956. She had been parents were the fighting cancer since late Orville and 2008. She was a de- Thelma (Coon) voted wife, daughter, mother, grand- Kieser. Also preced- mother, aunt, cousin, coworker, church ing her in death was a son, Brian Dare With his family by his side, newly-elected Representative Dean Schamore was sworn member and friend. She loved spend- Thompson, in infancy and her brother, into office during the first day of the legislative session. In addition to his District 10 ing time with her family and friends, Ronald L. Kieser. legislative duties, Representative Schamore was appointed to the following committees and her grandchildren were her abso- Thelma married David A. Thomp- in the House of Representatives: Agriculture & Small Business; Veterans, Military Af- lute joy. Paula possessed a true son, Sr., on December 2, 1955, in Can- fairs & Public Safety; Economic Development; Budget Review Subcommittee on Eco- servant’s heart and she was well-known nelton. She enjoyed camping, fishing, nomic Development; and Tourism, Natural Resources & Environmental Protection. for giving of herself and making others motorcycle riding, winters in Alabama part of her extended family. Paula was and spending time with family and a member of Lewisport Baptist Church, friends. Road projects in jeopardy where she helped with children’s min- Thelma had worked at Alumax Alu- What’s istry. She worked as a Special Educa- minum, formerly in Hawesville, Ken- tion Instructional Assistant at Hancock tucky, and retired, in 1996, as co-owner after fuel prices fall County Middle School. of Thompson Tire. On Your She was preceded in death by her Surviving are her husband of 59 father; Raphael Jett. Survivors include years, David A. Thompson, Sr., Cannel- —Continued from page 1 ing to get money allocated to her husband of 39 years; Roy White, ton; her children, David A. Thompson, Mind? up hill again.” them. two sons; John and Daniel & Sarah Jr. (Cindy), Cannelton, Gary L. Thomp- “If the average wholesale That money is allocated White, two daughters; Erin & Jake son, Cannelton, Mark W. Thompson price shot clear to the moon based on what the state hopes Hardy and Laura Elder, all from (Stephanie), Tell City, Gail L. Thomp- beginning the first of next fis- to bring in from fuel revenue, Lewisport. She is survived by nine son (Lonnie Schwindel), Lewisport, cal year, we couldn’t get and now that the revenue is grandchildren; Jackson, Collin, Kaitlyn, Kentucky and Victoria S. Thompson, Dear Editor, more than a 10 percent in- much smaller than antici- Nolan, and Brycen Elder, Hunter Hardy Evansville; brother, Glen Kieser, Tell I was shocked when I first crease regardless of how pated, the state is going to and Isaac, Isabella and Luke White. City; grandchildren, Jill Johnson, saw the incredible huge im- much it actually increased,” have to start pushing projects Paula is also survived by her mother Ericka Dowell, Misty Jones, David R. posing ugly road sign just at he said. “If it doesn’t get to farther into the future. and stepfather; Gloria Jett and Barton Thompson, Nichole Senn, Jamie the entrance off the 10 percent, you can’t take 10 “Like anybody else’s bud- Simmons of Brighton, Tennessee, two Anderson, Matt Gaynor, Shalee Hawesville bridge. I defi- percent. You take what it is, get, if your revenues sud- brothers; Steve and Kathleen Jett, and Dowell, Shianne Taylor, Jeremy Th- nitely hope this is not the but you can only take up to denly decline then you have Kenneth Jett, of Gainesville, Florida, ompson, Stephanie Thompson, Cody beginning of more hideous 10 percent.” to make decisions on what to and a sister, Mary Jett and Tim Burk, Sanchez, Sammy Hatfield, Tony eye sores that litter the That type of abrupt rev- do about that and you have of Hawesville. Paula leaves behind nu- Sanchez and Megan Sanchez and fif- roads. Before more of these enue drop has already had to make choices and the monsters are created here I an effect on the money that transportation cabinet will merous nieces, nephews, cousins, and teen great grandchildren. hope our town and county Hancock County is receiving be no different,” said Wolfe. friends. Thelma requested that no visitation leaders make ordinances from the state for its road Hawesville’s bridge ap- Funeral arrangements are under the or funeral services be held. She asked and laws to ensure proper department. proach might seem like it’s direction of Taylor-Wood Funeral Home that family and friends always remem- restraints so more eye sores The county receives safe because of it having al- in Lewisport. Visitation will be at the ber how much she treasured the love, don’t happen to poor down- around $700,000 per year ready gotten to the point of funeral home Thursday from 2:00 pm laughter and friendship that was trodden Hawesville. from the state, according to buying up right of ways, but until 8:00 pm and Friday 9:00 am until shared with her. A celebration of her I just hope there will be judge executive Jack McCas- Wolfe said that nothing is a 1:00 pm. Paula’s funeral service will be life will be held at a later date. more outcry over it. People lin, and it’s doled out through- given if the revenues dry up. held at 2:00 pm Friday at Lewisport Bap- Huber Funeral Home is assisting should voice their opinions to out the year. Sixty percent of “The real problem is tist Church with Bro. Bob White offici- the family with her wishes. Share your this. But so far I have heard the money comes around when it comes to construc- ating. Burial will follow in Lewisport condolences and memories with her little. They need someone to July, another 30 percent tion and the cabinet might Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family family at watch out for the wolves that comes near January, and the continue to acquire right of asks that donations be made to the creep in while no one is final 10 percent is given at the way and then you can hold it Paula J White Memorial Scholarship Ronald Lee Young watching. I do know that any- end of the fiscal year. until the time comes that you Fund. Envelopes will be available at the Ronald Lee Young, 50, died Thurs- one or group that advertises “They tell us our 30 per- decide that you can proceed funeral home. Online condolences may day, January 15, 2015 at Owensboro on the eye sore is mud in my cent is going to be five percent with construction,” he said, be made to the family at Health Regional Hospital. book! So, lets hear more out- less than what they estimated speaking in general terms Ronald served in the National cry to let the wolves know we it to be,” said McCaslin. and not specifically about Guard and worked construction. are not amused! Anyone that He guessed it would cost Hawesville. Shirley Adkins Isom Surviving are his children, Raven puts their name on that hideous the county something like McCaslin said he knows Shirley Adkins Isom, 78, of Pellville Young, Ryan Young and Dustin Young; sign will be supporting this very $15,000. that Hancock County will bad thing. What is more impor- It won’t be a big impact at continue to lose revenue like went to be with her his parents, Martha Young and Harry tant in life money or appear- first, he said, since it’s from other counties until the leg- Lord and Savior on Young; companion, Laverne Guffey; ances? The quality of mercy is their smaller portion, but if islature changes the law, but January 17, 2014 at sisters, Debra Cummings, Cindy Ash- not strained and Hawesville things continue, their 60 per- until then he’ll keep talking Heartford House in ley, Barbara Farina, Kristine Parsley needs bunches of mercy. cent payment might take a up the county and hope that Owensboro. Shirley and Freda Lesh; brothers, Randall, Is there nothing our bigger hit and he’s been told the bridge approach stays on was born in Hawes- Ricky and Robert; and eight grandchil- county and city officials can it’ll take a while to get it back the state’s highway plan. ville, KY on Febru- dren. do to improve this sad look- where it was. “We’re going to have to ary 27, 1936 to the A memorial service was held Mon- ing town we call home? Per- “It’s going to take the state make sure that our legislators late William “Willie” day, January 19, 2015 at Zoercher- haps there are some who two or three years to get really push hard to keep our and Elmina “Ella” Gillick Funeral Home. have the gumption to begin caught back up even if the gas projects in there,” he said. Corley Adkins. She was a member of Memorial contributions may be the cleaning up of our town. goes back up,” he said. [email protected] West Point Baptist Church, worked at made to the family. There are three very nice The legislators had talked General Electric and retired from Online condolences may be made churches right in town with about regulating how the In Loving Memory Daviess County Middle School as a caf- at www.zoercher- many people attending them. revenues could move, he eteria worker. She was preceded in of our beloved I am amazed the churches said, but they never acted on death by a sister Mary Rice and a haven’t come together to do it, and now the state’s road wife, mother, and brother Dee Adkins. Casper L. “John” Etienne something to convert this departments are feeling it. grandmother Survivors include her husband of 62 Casper L. “John” Etienne, 85, downward spiral into dis- “That’s one of the things SHANNON POWERS years Carson Isom; two sons, Carl Isom passed away Monday, January 12, 2015 grace. Poor Hawesville does I know that’s going to be on and Larry Isom; two grandchildren, at his home. no one care? Is there no the top of the governor’s It’s been a year today since Elizabeth “Beth” Brown and Aaron He was the son of the late Michael mover and shakers for im- agenda this session is for God called you home. Isom; four great grandchildren; a and Ida (Goffinet ) Etienne. peotrvhoeevrrey mtooen dneot ssw oianmi tetihtnhigsi n cfgao?sre ?t hIes tthheeEm bvl teeoer ddyoi n stgow,m”o he etyh seinaaigdr ts.o qthuiet Awltihtho uagllh o wf oe umr ihsesa yrtosu broStehrevri cJoesh nw eArdek hinesld a antd 1 n2i encoeosn. Mon- serCvainsgp einr twhaes K ao rUea.Sn. WAramr. yC avsepteerr arne,- Hey folks this is America state’s transportation cabi- we know you have day, February 19, 2015 at Gibson & Son tired from Southwire Aluminum. your new body in where anything is possible. Let’s net revisits its six year road Funeral Home. Burial was in West He is survived by his wife of 58 Heaven, free from all make it possible for our town. plan, to fine tune what Point Baptist Church Cemetery. Online years, Glenda Etienne; daughters, Su- your aches and pains. Patricia Engle projects are and are not go- condolences may be left for Shirley’s san King and Sarah Wheatley; sons, It comforts us to family at Randy Etienne, Denny Etienne and know we will see Scott Etienne; sisters, Marcella Ward In Precious Memory of you again in Kensley Danielle Steffen and Elsie Flamion; brother, Ivo God’s time. Kensley Danielle Steffen, infant Etienne; nine grandchildren and two Cheri Westerfield Burbach Love and sadly missed by daughter of Dallas and Melissa (Tho- great grandchildren. Gene, Marla, LaDonna, mas) Steffen, passed away on Tuesday, A Mass of Christian Burial was held January 21, 1960- November 23, 1998 Jeff, Scott, Tina, January 13, 2015. She and her brother Thursday, January 15, 2015 at St. Paul We love you and miss you, Grandkids, and sister were born on January 11, Catholic Church with burial in St. Great-grandkids especially on this special day, 2015. Mary Cemetery. and your birthday. Besides her parents, she is survived Memorial contributions may be families. by a sister and triplet siblings; grand- made to St. Paul Catholic Church or Love, Mom & family parents and great grandparents. Gentiva Hospice. Messages of condo- Funeral services were held Sunday lence may be sent to at Huber Funeral Home, 1139 12th Street, Tell City. In lieu of flowers, the parents request that memorial contributions may be made to March of Dimes or to the fam- ily, to offset medical expenses for Kensley’s triplet brother and sister. Messages of condolence may be left for the family at Call The Hancock Clarion To Place Your Classified Ad 270-927-6945 The Hancock Clarion, Hawesville, Ky., Jan. 22, 2015 PAGE 3 Pertinent & I vaguely remember leaving Owensboro for home around 10 p.m. that night but can not remember any- Impertinent thing else. Juanita’s friends were riding in the back seat and were not injured. They later told me they all had fallen asleep. The car ran off the road at Johnson’s The curve between Lewisport and Hawesville and nosed into a creek. The girls told me my face was bloody and I got out,waded around the car and helped Juanita wreck who had fallen out of the car and was in the creek. She was hurt and crying and I helped her up the bank to Highway 60. The girls flagged down a car driven When I opened my eyes that morning in 1950, I by Arthur Webb and he took us to Dr. Griffin in was confused and didn’t know where I was. I looked Hawesville. They said Dr. Griffin came to the door around and realized I was in a hospital bed. My face and said he was retired and we should go down the hurt, so I reached my hand there and could feel some- street to Dr. Henry Lawrence. The doctor looked me thing like stitches. “You ought to see your face,” came over and said we should go to the hospital. There was a voice from the room. I looked over and a young no ambulance service in Hancock County in 1950, so man was in a bed across from me. I asked him where someone called Juanita’s stepfather, George King, and I was and he said, “You’ve been in a car wreck and he took Juanita and me to the Owensboro hospital. you’re in the Owensboro Hospital.” Juanita’s injuries were not serious as she had only I tried to think what happened but could only a light concussion. vaguely get some flashbacks of standing by the road I later found out I had a severe concussion, stitches and getting in a car. I could also vaguely remember in cuts on my head, nose and above my eye. When I lying on a table with real bright lights in the room later looked at the wrecked car, the steering wheel and could hear men talking as they were doing some- where my head hit was bent all the way to the steer- thing to my face. I remember a man saying, “He sure ing column. My father always called me “thick head.” has a lot of grit.” I found out later they were doctors I guess he had something there. and were extracting glass fragments from my face. Isn’t it strange how we will discard objects to some- I bought a 1938 Chevrolet from Ohio Motor Com- day later wish we still had them. I would give any- pany in Hawesville when I was 15 years old. The car thing if I had saved the steering wheel from that ‘Happy anniversary’ cost me $295 and I borrowed the money from my wrecked car, and my Bulova wrist watch that had a grandfather, R.I. Downs, promising to pay him back crushed face with the time of the accident frozen John & Ada Gray of Hawesville will celebrate their 71st at five dollars a week. there. wedding anniversary this Friday, January 23. Here’s what I learned happened that night. I was What caused the wreck? For many years I thought dating my future wife Juanita at the time and we, along I had fallen asleep, causing the car to go off the road. with her friends Mevaline Swihart, Peggy Reese and Later talking to my passengers they all said they had Patsy Davidson, had gone to Owensboro to see a been asleep when the wreck occurred. Could we have movie. I was driving my ‘38 Chevy and I remember been poisoned by carbon monoxide? That car was 12 going to the Bleach Theatre on Frederica Street. It’s years old in 1950; could it have had a leak in the ex- not there any more but was located next to the Malco. haust system? –Correction The closing cost in- formation in last week’s Kraftcor banner adver- tisement was incorrect. Hawesville Lions Club treasurer Bob Ogle, left, presents The new corrected ad a check for $2,000 from the Hawesville Lions Club to appears on the front page Franklin Powers, president of the Hancock County Fair of this edition. Board Tuesday in the Clarion office. Powers said the money will be used for new lighting and electrical work in the commercial building. Cornerstone Christian School annual soup supper The 2015 Hancock County Agricultural Awards Banquet was held Tuesday night at Han- cock County High School. Receiving awards were, from left, Gerald Boswell, for no-till The Cornerstone Chris- corn; L.P. Ray, Jr. for tilled corn; and Shelby Emmick for no-till soybeans. tian School will hold their annual soup supper Satur- our due diligence and try to day, January 24th from 5-8 Coffee oil slick mystery solved get as cheap a system as we p.m. at Freewill Baptist can and see if we can afford Church, 117 2nd Street Can- it,” he said. nelton, Indiana. —Continued from page 1 be cheap. “Just the tower itself is All you can eat! The menu While it would be used, “The cost of that will not the answer. We’ve got includes chili, potato, bean he said, it would still be just probably eventually have to some other equipment that and veggie soup, drink and what the city needed, but it be given over to the con- would have to go with the dessert. Cost is $8.00 for still wouldn’t mean it would sumer, so we’re going to do tower and would bring (the adults and $4.00 for kids 10 lime) into our water system years and under. and it should soften our wa- Lewisport considering ter and get us in a lot better Call The Hancock Clarion position than we are right To Place Your Classified Ad now with our water.” 927-6945 • Tues. 4:00 pm deadline social media policy —Continued from page 1 • Approved the minutes scene were evidence and of the December 11 special that posting them without meeting permission was tampering • Rita Tongate asked the with evidence. council if the Relay for Life Gregory said that while could use Millennium Park they hadn’t had any inci- to launch Chinese lanterns dents, he wanted to prevent in honor of cancer survivors anyone from posting any- and victims. The event thing inappropriate or nega- would be held a couple of tive toward the city. months prior to the Relay for “It’s basically to make Life’s main event on June 13. sure that nothing is put on The council said they could there that should not be put launch the lanterns. on there because if it does • Kentucky Pro Bass War- this policy is going to take riors is wanting to put on a effect and it’ll be dealt with,” bow fishing tournament for he said. veterans, councilman Eddie Councilwoman Josephine Wheet asked if the city could Hagan said it seemed like help by sponsoring the tour- people should just know not nament. Gregory said the city to post things like that. doesn’t normally sponsor “The best thing is see no events but that there might be evil, speak no evil…” she ways others can help. said. • Approved the monthly “Josephine, we don’t have financial statements people like that any more, • Voted to pay the bills said Gregory. • Voted on appointments. “The world’s changed,” Mark Wood was reappointed to she said. the planning and zoning board Gregory said that the and appointed to the board of policy might be ready for a adjustments. With Amanda first reading at the next Evans moving to Owensboro, meeting, and that it’s just a the council also voted to appoint generally good idea to get it Mary Rummage to fill in for the done soon. remainder of Evans’ term, “We have good employ- through 2017. ees, but I’m not saying that • Appointed councilman nothing will ever happen be- Wes Pate as mayor pro tem. cause it will happen and we Pate was chosen because he need our checks and bal- was the top vote getter in the ances in place, and I think most recent election. this policy is a good start,” • Garner gave his he said. monthly police report The council also took the • Gregory gave the pub- following actions: lic works update. He told the • Swore in the council council that Aleris is using members again as Patricia 30,000 to 50,000 gallons a Meyers was absent at the day currently December meeting and the • Reconciled the fire de- previous swearing in cer- partment account emony [email protected] PAGE 4 The Hancock Clarion, Hawesville, Ky., Jan. 22, 2015 nine hours to fly home from be expensive, however, Jamaica to England. It took they’re cheaper than owning They walk the Americans only three a car. Some taxi/car services hours to get home. This may be willing to set up ac- seems unfair. counts that allow other fam- No. 10 – I compared the ily members to pay for ser- among us! size of our one-bedroom vices and some may offer suite to our friends’ three- senior discounts. Be sure to bedroom and ours was sig- ask. nificantly smaller. No. 11 – Another option to look We had to line up outside to into is ride-sharing services, “One day I felt sorry for catch the boat and there was which connects people with a man who had no shoes, no air conditioning. No. 12 Getting around when among seniors. So make a cars, with people who need then I saw a man who had – I was bitten by a mosquito. you no longer drive list of all possible candidates rides. Uber (, Lyft no feet.” Within this simple The brochure did not men- Dear Savvy Senior, your mom can call on, along ( and Sidecar statement is a principle that by tion mosquitoes. No. 13 Where can I find out about with their availability and ( are three of the larg- we would all do well to pon- Jim (And here is the grand fi- alternative transportation op- contact information. est companies offering ser- der from time to time. When Davidson nale) – My fiancé and I re- tions for my elderly mother? Local transportation vices in dozens of cities across the U.S. we get to feeling sorry for quested twin beds when we She needs to give up driving, programs: These are usu- Private program ser- ourselves, in the vast major- booked, but instead we but before she does, we need ally sponsored by nonprofit vices: Some hospitals, ity of cases there are others were placed in a room with to figure out how she’ll get organizations that serve se- health clinics, senior cen- who are much worse off a king bed. We now hold around. niors. These services may ters, adult day centers, than we are. This is not to but no one told us we had you responsible and want to Searching Daughter charge a nominal fee or ac- malls or other businesses say that knowing about or to bring our own swimsuits be reimbursed for the fact Dear Searching, cept donations and often op- may offer transportation seeing the misfortune of and towels. We assumed it that I became pregnant. Alternative transporta- erate with the help of volun- for program participants or others does not diminish would be included in the This would not have hap- tion services vary widely by teer drivers. customers. And some non- our pain, but it does help to price. No. 2 – The beach was pened if you had put us in community, so what’s avail- Also check out the Inde- medical home-care agen- keep things in perspective. too sandy. We had to clean the room we booked. Then able to your mom will de- pendent Transportation Net- cies that bill themselves as This is what I thought everything when we re- this piece has this final pend on where she lives. work (, which providing companionship about recently when a turned to our room. No. 3 – thought: Be aware … They Here’s what you should is a national nonprofit that and running errands or do- friend sent me something We found the sand was not walk among us and they know. has 27 affiliate transporta- ing chores may also pro- titled, “They Walk Among like the sand in the bro- vote!” Transportation tion programs in 23 states. vide transportation. Us.” This was a series of ac- chure. Your brochure Well, for me, it is hard to Options With this program, seniors Mass transit: Public tual complaints received by shows the sand as white but believe there are people For starters it’s important pay membership dues and transportation (buses, “Thomas Cook Vacations” it was more yellow. No. 4 – who are actually this dense, to know that while most ur- fees based on mileage. And, trains, subways, etc.) where from dissatisfied customers. They should not allow top- but I am sure there are. The ban areas offer seniors a va- most programs will let your available, can also be an af- What these complaints actu- less sunbathing on the question then becomes, riety of transportation ser- mom donate her car in re- fordable option and may of- ally showed is a lack of com- beach. It was very distract- why? Are they wired wrong? vices, the options may be few turn for credits toward fu- fer senior reduced rates. mon sense on the part of ing for my husband who just Did their parents or teachers to none for those living in the ture rides. Hire someone: If your these customers, and I sus- wanted to relax. fail them? Is this a condition suburbs, small towns and Demand response ser- mom lives in an area where pect is far too prevalent in a No. 5 - No one told us that can be corrected by rural areas. Alternative vices: Often referred to as there are limited or no trans- large segment of society in there would be fish in the pointing out their lack of transportation is an essential “dial-a-ride” or “elderly and portation services available, general. As I have said many water. The children were common sense, or maybe link in helping seniors who disabled transportation ser- another option to consider is times in this column, com- scared. No. 6 –Although the taking a course on reality no longer drive get to their vice,” these are typically gov- to pay someone in the com- mon sense seems to be in brochure said there was a training? It’s obvious that doctor’s appointments, ernment-funded programs munity to drive her. Con- short supply these days. fully equipped kitchen, some people need help. Let’s stores, social activities and that provide door-to-door sider hiring a neighbor, re- You must understand that there was no egg-slicer in do our best to help them. more. transportation services by tiree, high school or college my personal philosophy is the drawers. No. 7 – We (Editor’s Note: THE Depending on where appointment and usually student that has a flexible always to try to build people went on a holiday to Spain DEAL OF THE CENTURY your mom lives, here’s a run- charge a small fee or dona- schedule and wouldn’t mind up, and not to tear them and had a problem with the – Begin your day on a posi- down of possible solutions tion on a per ride basis. making a few extra bucks. down. So what follows is ac- taxi drivers as they were all tive note – 365 days for $12. that can help her get around, Many use vans and offer ac- Where to Look tually a self-inventory to see Spanish. No. 8 – The roads This will benefit the Bookcase along with some resources cessible services for riders To find out what transpor- if you need to think more were uneven and bumpy, so for Every Child project. Go to to help you locate them. with special needs. tation services are available Family and friends: Taxi or car service: before you speak or write, we could not read the local in your mom’s community, This is by far the most often These private services offer as it will certainly serve you guide book during the bus to subscribe.) contact the Rides in Sight used and favorite option flexible scheduling but can well in the days to come. ride to the resort. Because national toll-free call center Here we go, and it’s OK of this, we were unaware of at 855-607-4337 (or see to smile a little as you read many things that would, and the them. “No. 1 – We booked have made our holiday Eldercare Locator (800-677- an excursion to a water park more fun. No. 9 – It took us 1116), which will direct you to her area agency on aging for assistance. THE covers the great things that Also contact local senior happened over the years, centers, places of worship but stays grounded by writ- and retirement communities BOOK ing that it was never a walk for other possible options. in the rose garden. Despite And check with her state de- partment of transportation at MARK some setbacks, it was all due to the Lord and His Debra Gaynor webstate.htm, and the Ameri- blessings that enabled such can Public Transportation Optimism for Autism a wonderful story to come Association at The Inspirational forth from a frightful begin- Journey of a Mother and ning. Send your senior ques- Her Autistic Son I was blessed to have tions to: Savvy Senior, by Susan King, read this book. Many par- P.O. Box 5443, Norman, with Patrick King ents and caregivers would OK 73070, or visit Christian - Non-Fiction be wise to read it as well, not Jim Miller Silver Medal Winner only for the magnificent is a contributor to the 2014 Readers’ Favorite An- writing, but for the power- NBC Today show and au- nual Award Contest ful tools they can use in thor of “The Savvy Senior” Reviewed by Steve their own circumstances. In book. PainterforReaders’ Favorite her book, Optimism for Au- In her book, Optimism tism, Susan King, along Call The Hancock Clarion for Autism, Susan King re- with her autistic son veals, along with notes from Patrick, tells a story that To Place Your Classified her son Patrick, a life that should be read by any 270-927-6945 or Email was fulfilled not by her son’s struggling parent trying to [email protected] autism, but from her faith raise a child who needs in- Tues. 4:00 pm deadline that led her through some tercession. Armed with a 10 Words Only $5.00 very troubling days. Days boatload of faith, King where the tasks she under- (along with her husband took to get help for Patrick David) embraces the chal- seem rather heroic. The lenges of raising Patrick, road is often very rocky for who started life with such those with autism and King struggles that it was diffi- holds nothing back in her cult for her to know where assessment of what was to start. And there are many needed to provide her son parents in the same boat. with a chance to overcome But help is here and anyone this illness and lead a nor- can find encouragement by mal life. She writes with the reading this book. love of a mom and not only [email protected] The Hancock Clarion, Hawesville, Ky. January 22 , 2015 PAGE 5 WWIINNTTEERR PPRRIICCEE All IGA MILK Get a $$11..0000 FFRREEEEZZEE BBIILLLLYY BBUUCCKK $359 to use at Jesse Clem’s with $25 order Our Prices are Automatic Car $329 Frozen this week. Wash with the purchase of with $50 order Check out all our $25.00 of Gas. $299 great deals. BBIILLLL’’SS IIGGAA-- HHOOMMEETTOOWWNN PPRROOUUDD Gallon with $100 order Limit 2 OOWWNNEEDD AANNDD OOPPEERRAATTEEDD We Now Have R B ED ARON Movie Rentals Pizza We Sell ACE & Vietnam Saba Diet Aids 20.6-23.6 oz. pkg. $$339999 IGA $$11 WE SERVED R T B OUND OP READ ATT Go Phone Cards 20 oz. loaf 7799¢¢ LIBBY’S Find Marboro’s Cheaper Locally CANNED VEGETABLES We will MATCH THEIR PRICE 14.75-15.25 oz. cans L S Cream Style Corn Sweet Peas TOBACCO ARGEST ELECTIONOF Whole Kernel Corn Green Beans CIGARETTES IN THE AREA $$55 Z RED GOLD KOOL...............................48.49 ESTA Crackers MARLBORO .......................46.19 $$116699 TOMATO JUICE 44 ffoorr 46 oz. can P M .......................38.99 ALL ALL $$55 M S B ..........38.19 PETER PAN ARLBORO PECIAL LEND S ...........................35.99 PEANUT BUTTER 22 ffoorr ONOMA 16.3 jars, all varieties M 72’ ................37.69 ARLBORO S 1 Lb. box $$55 K M .................33.49 KELLOGG’S ING OUNTAIN B ............................33.99 CEREAL 22 ffoorr ERLEY N ORTHERN V T Rice Krispies- 12 oz. 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CATFISH PPPPPOOOOOTTTTTAAAAATTTTTOOOOOEEEEESSSSS BBBBBAAAAABBBBBYYYYY PPPPPEEEEEEEEEELLLLLEEEEEDDDDD CCCCCAAAAARRRRRRRRRROOOOOTTTTTSSSSS $$$$$111119999999999 H & G C 9999999999¢¢¢¢¢ Town Hill, Hawesville • Phone 927-8034 Saturday........... AMBURGERS RILLED HICKEN 1 Lb. bag Hours: 5:00 am til 8:00 pm C L Sunday ............... HICKEN IVERS 5 Lb. bag NNNNNAAAAAVVVVVEEEEELLLLL 7 BIG SALE DAYS M Monday ........................... EATLOAF HHHHH TTTTT OOOOO January 22, 2015 - January 28, 2015 OOOOONNNNNEEEEEYYYYY AAAAANNNNNGGGGGAAAAARRRRRIIIIINNNNNEEEEESSSSS RRRRRAAAAANNNNNGGGGGEEEEESSSSS We reserve the right to correct printing errors and limit quantities Tuesday...........................SPAGHETTI $$$$$333334444499999 $$$$$222229999999999 WE ACCEPT FOOD B M VISA, Discover, STAMPS Wednesday ......... EEF ANHATTEN Welcome 3 Lb. bag Mastercard & MAC Here 3 Lb. bag PAGE 6 The Hancock Clarion, Hawesville, Ky., Jan. 22, 2015 ent thought He was with tiles. Paul never wavered Sisters of St. Benedict offer the other, and as they trav- from that task from the W eled back home to time of his conversion to ORDS FROM THE Nazareth, and had to make the time of his death. His retreat “Heartfulness: a day’s journey back to circumstances changed, WHITE HOUSE Jerusalem and search for which necessitated a Transformation in Christ” Him. When they con- change in his methods, but fronted Him about their never his message. Both Bob White stress He responded, “Did Jesus and Paul were united Sisters of St. Benedict Sister Kathy Bilskie, OSB, Pastor, Lewisport Baptist Church you not know I would be by the same thread—un- of Ferdinand are offering a member of the Ferdinand about my Father’s busi- compromising passion for a retreat, “Heartfulness: Benedictines who has been What are you passionate the one thread that ties to- ness?” (Luke 2:49) Even as completing the mission Transformation in facilitating Centering Prayer about? If I spent some time gether all passionate His death neared years God gave them. Christ,” that will include retreats for many years. in your home, or we en- people, is that they are con- later His final act of submis- Would you ask God to DVD segments on Cen- The workshop is an op- joyed a two-hour lunch to- sumed by their goal. Take sion was to pray, “Not my help you discover and pur- tering Prayer from Father portunity to enrich your gether, would I discover two biblical examples: will, but as You will” (Mat- sue your passion? Pray Thomas Keating, indi- journey of heartfulness and your passion? People are Jesus and Paul—two differ- thew 26:39). about ways to make the vidual silence, reflection, to deepen your relationship passionate about all kinds ent passions, two different Paul’s passion was dif- changes that will allow you and group wisdom sharing. with God. Experience with of things. I am convinced styles. ferent—preaching the gos- to release and pursue your The program will be the practice of Centering that there is a sense of pas- Jesus’ passion seems to pel of Christ to the Gen- passion—today! held February 13-14 at Prayer is recommended. sion waiting to be ignited in have been to do the will of Kordes Center on the Retreat cost is $145, in- every human heart. the Father in heaven. Do Community invited grounds of Monastery Im- cluding lodging, two meals, What does passion look you remember the story of maculate Conception in and the program. Registra- like? While the answer to the Lord getting left in the to worship services Ferdinand, Indiana. It be- tion deadline is February that question varies from Jerusalem temple when He gins on Friday, February 10. For more information, or personality to personality, was just twelve? Each par- 13, at 7:30 p.m. Eastern to register, call 800-880-2777, time and ends Saturday, or 812-367-1411, ext. 2915, By Kevin Husk leave worship feeling better February 14, at 4 p.m. The or visit Revive Community than you did when you came Childlikeness retreat will be presented by programs. Church is a new church in in. We value practical teach- Hancock County starting ing and giving people some- Sunday, February 1st at 10:30 thing they can “hold onto.” a.m. in the HCMS cafeteria. You will not be “called on” or George Jensen Anyone and everyone’s in- asked to stand and introduce Minister Hawesville Church of Christ vited to join us each yourself. Simply come as you strings at- are and we hope you’ll expe- tached. We are far from per- rience God’s unconditional fect, but we worship and live love He has for all! “When I was a child, I dren fighting one minute in response to the One who For more information go spake as a child, I felt as a then playing happily to- is perfect! We want you to to child, I thought as a child: gether the next! Children now that I am become a are often quick to forgive. Pope Francis confirms man, I have put away child- Sadly, as we grow up, we ish things” (1 Corinthians often develop an ability to plans to visit New York City 13:11). hold a grudge. In fact, some This verse speaks of people can hold on to a what should be the normal grudge even after they have NEW YORK (AP) _ New “the leading global voice on transition from childhood to forgotten the cause of the York City Mayor Bill de issues of social justice and adulthood. However, there problem. Bitterness har- Blasio says he’s “excited and income inequality” and said are some traits common to bored in the heart is poison delighted” to host Pope New York will “welcome him children, that should be re- to the vessel in which it is Francis during his visit to the with open arms.” tained. contained. United States this year. A message seeking 1) Humility. A dispute Christians are called On Monday, Francis said comment from the New arose among the Lord’s dis- upon to be “forgiving each he plans to speak at the York Archdiocese wasn’t ciples. They asked: “Who other, if any man have a United Nations during his immediately answered. then is greatest in the king- complaint against any; even three-city trip to the U.S. in During the U.S. trip, Francis dom of heaven?” (Matthew as the Lord forgave you, so September. He made the is also expected to visit the 18:1). Jesus called a little also do ye” (Colossians disclosure at an in-flight White House, address child and set him in their 3:13). “But if ye forgive not news conference on the way Congress and participate in a midst. Part of Jesus’ answer men their trespasses, nei- home from the Philippines. massive Catholic rally for was this: “Whosoever there- ther will your Father forgive De Blasio called Francis families in Philadelphia. fore shall humble himself as your trespasses” said Jesus this little child, the same is (Matthew 6:15). Women in Macedonia country Monday attended the greatest in the kingdom 3) Sympathy. Have you river and lakeside religious of heaven” (Matthew 18:4). ever watched the reaction of region banned from ceremonies, where Little children know a little child when they see swimmers raced to retrieve their weakness and inabili- someone crying? A sad look religious ceremony crosses thrown into the ties. They can be overpow- comes over their tender face, water. ered. They know they don’t and they may reach up to Women were banned know everything. Children wipe the tears. “Rejoice with SKOPJE, Macedonia from taking part in the admit all this. Sadly, many them that rejoice; weep with (AP) _ An Orthodox eastern Bregalnica area, grown-ups forget that in the them that weep” (Romans Christian diocese in eastern where clergy said the cross sight of God, they too are 12:15). Don’t allow the evil Macedonia has banned should be retrieved by a man limited. Many adults be- things in life to harden your female swimmers from because of his role as come smug, arrogant, heart and drive out childlike taking part in the annual traditional head of the family. know-it-alls! We ought to sympathy. blessing of the waters Police intervened in the maintain the childlike qual- In these three ways let us ceremony to mark the area last year, when a female ity of humility. remain childlike. Epiphany holiday. swimmer reached the cross 2) Forgiveness. Surely In Christ’s service, Tens of thousands of first but had it forcibly taken you have witnessed chil- George Jensen people across the landlocked from her by a man. H C C D ANCOCK OUNTY HURCH IRECTORY BAPTIST LEWISPORT BLACKFORD METHODIST CATHOLIC INTER DENOMINATIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH BMroa.r BkM rAaotyB.t e BPArsaHinP,ra AkrTPnsyWIatd SoEs EnWTt.o ,S F roCP iVroeHasfIlsh LdUAtiLsopRd,rEm CPoifHan Ssistttouradrteionnts BiblMe aS twttuB wMdrywoa.P.g.. l.Bhee..eowo..S n.bMi.ts.e u.Wip.,. 3 p.Po.2.tfa.2i srr9ig:c3 0& am SSSSuuuunnnnddddaaaayyyy DEMSTvciosiehPmrcnnoihp iionnRolleggn.os. .ebWWh..:ei. poo.9r. rrt.2Tss.s.7rhh.,a. -ii.P6ppi.n.a1...i...s6n......t0g...o.......r.....1 66 09:::40:335000 ppaammmm Sunday MSLBcEErhoWTPo.H ohJISlOoo.sPn.D.e.eOp.I. Sh.2R. .T9K.T.5 i. Cm.-U.3.H,. N1.P.U1.Ia.T3Rs..Et.CoD r1H0:00 am SDaetunridsFaeay g.THTL.,.e ..EOC. r.CWr.RL.y.OIIE. CS.D.L .P- e.U C.POv..MHih.Rn..oUBe.T.n,.RA .eP.C.:.a .H2.s.9t5o5:-r0306 p8m2 PasCt“oCHroPRsme,I SlLSelva TAIilrnIlFreA yOE,N KSu HtYoF OA sE-h fRL9 T2&LBh7O OeM-6 WRSo3tnS9oi8rHem ISP”osh -Sundayw Swcwhe.hd Caauhnlweud-er csEhvd:i WECvhoeirldnsri-hne-iWgpn ’WESs DeAorNcrvstiEichvSeiiptDi.e....As....Y........ ...S.......C........H.......E........D.......U.. ..1L 560E:::-304-005 ppammm WednesBdraBoy.A WKPPyoTlEerIs SLFhTLripa VCn.I.kHL..l.iLUn..E,.R .P..C.a..Hs..to7r:00 pm SYPuroanuydtehar.y .s. . .pamm SunIMdaMyAC..C.A..U.T..LH..A.O..T.L.E.I.C. . . C.C..O.H..N.U..CR...EC..P.H..T I8O:3N0 am SSWuuenndddnaaeyys .d....a....y... ................................................................................ . . . 1 660:::003000 ppammm Sunday School....................................... 8:45 am Youth Discipleship....................6:00 pm Brother Jacob Johnson, Youth Pastor 10:00 am HAWESVILLE Morning Worship ..................................... 10:00 am PrayerF MIReSeTtin BgA...P...T..I.S...T.. .C...H...U...R.6C:H00p.m. 12120 St. 2181, Hawesville, KY 42348 Youth (Middle & High Father Terry Devine, Pastor Hawesville (Broadcast on 1160 AM and 101.3FM WKCM) OF LEWISPORT 270-233-5651 • Fax: 270-233-5651 SchoolH)..A..W....E...S..V...I5L:L00E pUmNITED Denise Long, CRE - Phone: 927-8419 Undenominational Church -Wednesday Schedule- 235 Market St., Lewisport, KY 42351 Sunday School..........................9:45 am Kids METHODIST CHURCH Sunday................................... 10:30 am Hawesville/Pellville Road Youth Bible Study.................................. 6:00 pm 295-3970 Sunday Worship....................11:00 a.m. Club...w..w...w.....h..a..w...e..s..v..i.l.l.e..u..m...c....c..o..m.....5:15 Rev. Frances N. Bruce, Pastor Adult Bible Study....................................6:15 pm Discipleship Training -all ages 6:00 p.m. pmRev. Michael Canada, Pastor CHRISTIAN Phone: 927-6154 Awana.................................................... 6:00 pm Jeff Hayes, Music Director Sunday Evening Service..........7:00 p.m Church: 927-8404 Sunday School....................... 10:00 am SSuunnddaayy MScohrnoionlg.. .W...o..r.s..h..i.p.................. 1 91::4050 aamm Faith WWeeadvneerss d&a Yyo Nuitghh..t. .S..e..r..v..i.c.e6.:00pm WSuonrdshaiyp SScehrovoicle..............................................91:00:00 0a HANCOCK Sunday Worship..................... 11:00 am UNION Sunday Evening Worship..........6:00 pm Prayer and Bible Study.............6:00 pm Wednesday Meal......................5:30 pm CHRISTIAN CHURCH EASTON COMMUNITY ABnAdPreTwIS HTu CnHt, UPRasCtoHr YSouuntdha My Keeidtisn gfo Sr Cunhdriasyt............................65::0000 ppmm Adult Choir Practice following. Wednesday Classes.................6:30 pm OHffwicye. o6p0e, nL eWweisdpnoerstd -a 2y9 o5n-3ly7 895-5 CHURCH JJeanrsoedn G Raidydnloer, ,P Yaosutothr o&f WFaomrsihlyip P &astor Wednesday Prayer Meeting......6:00 pm NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH AA Meetings Friday...................7:00 pm Sunday RBoibglee rS Jtuadryb.o..e..,. .M...i.n..i.s..t.e..r9:30 am HPawasetsovri,l leD aEvaisdt oFnu Rquoaad Dis5ci7p7le0s Hhwipy. 1389 - (270) 927-8078 ROSEVILLE “Where you heHairs G loovde’s.” Word and feel HILLDALE UNITED Sunday Worship..................... 10:30 am Friday Night.(.2..7..0..). .2..7..6..-.3..5..1..5......7:00 p.m. SSuunnddaayy mScohrnoionulgb.. aamm PhBillriBop.sA R PLonTn.I SRBTea yrCnnHeoslUd, RsP CaSsHtato, rKy. S3u8n1d1a yH Sapchpoy o2Hl7.o0..l-l.o4..w9..9. .R-..2o..1a..5d..1 .(..H..w.y 9. :13206 5a)m ChurchM:D E9rT.2 B7H-iO8ll9 DT7Ia6Sy Tl•o CrP, HaPrUassRotnoCarHge 927- CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday SchoFoRl.I.E..N...D...S...H..I.P......10:00 a.m. EPC6:vrh3aei0lydn eprinerm— gn& WW&P oreYardosisnuheetihp sS .—66..::.03..00.. SSWuuenndddnaaeyys dWSacoyhPr ..S:.. ..t9..u..2..d..7..y..-..8......5......4......1......... 111001:::000000 aaammm MSSWWuuoeennrddnddnniaaneeyygss YddaWaafotyyeou rrtCBnshhioh bMioiplledne. r e.SeB.t.ntii.nub. .&gdl.e.y .. Y..S......ot...u...u...d...t...hy....... ....1 ...6.0.66:.:3.3::.330.0.00 . . SSMCuuhonnirlndddiraaneyygn WS P&cro haYroysoeohurlitp,.h .W..,.. 1..W..e1....d0e....2d........................................................1.. 9580::::00000000 apaammmm 25H3aE5w vHaewnsygv.(e i26ll7li0es0 tW)C G9eh2esu7ot,r-r 9cHg7hae0 w oJ1eef snCvsihlelerni,s KtY SWuenddnaeysC2 dS9OaeF6yMro4v rS iMdEceseaUrvsv.N.itil.clo.eI.enT.,. .Y.KC.... 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HomeT a9oob4fHf e5 GJa3rween Srseaytusc.l v slR&ei ltlC e.KC ,1h rhK4irsu4iYs rBEtcahsham www.cBernitarna lAbadpktiinssth, SSuunnddaayy WScohrosohlip............................................ 1101::0000 aamm Wednesday Evening Worship...6:00 pm SSuunnddaayy SWcohrosohlip............................................. .1.09::3300 aamm MoWrniinllgia Wmo Grsehriapld.. .B...a..s..h..a..m...,. .M1i0n:0is0t ear.m. Joe Kreisle Music Leader Sunday Evening Worship......... 6:30 pm Come visit us at Central Baptist Come Join Us For Sunday Services! T Wednesday Schedule HE Church Prayer Meeting..........................6:30 pm DAWSON MEMORIAL NEW CHAPEL UNITED FRIENDLY GROVE SSuunnddaayy WScohrosohlip...............................................1.09::3300 aamm BAPTIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH HAWESVILLE CHURCH Sunday Evening Worship..........6:00 pm WEST POINT 11235 Grandview Rd., Maceo, KY Bro. Joseph Kim, Pastor U M Pastor: Allan Widdifield Wednesday Prayer Service......6:00 pm BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, Rev. Steve Boyd Church: 295-3113 NITED ETHODIST Hwy. 1389 Wednesday Youth & Children...6:00 pm Pastor-P Gelelvoirlglee RWoiandchester SSuenrvdicaey 1Sc..h..o..o..l...................................1101::0000 SSuunnddaayy WScohrosohlip...............................................1 09::1350 aamm CHURCH BCihbilled rSentu’sd yC Thhuurcrshd Sauyn..d..a..y...............1.60::0300 pamm PATESVILLE Sunday School....................... 10:00 am Nursery Provided Sunday Worship.....................11:00 a.m BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Worship..................... 11:00 am Welcomes Pastor: Steve Jackson Sunday Evening Service...........6:30 pm PRESBYTERIAN Phone: 927-6797 Wednesday Bible Study............6:30 pm Come join us at changPesle ians yeo cuarl lc thhuer cChl apraiogne wlisitthing! You To Their Bible Study............................. 10:00 am OLD PANTHER CREEK Or email: DUKES CUMBERLAND SSWuuenndddnaaeyys dWEavoyer nsEihnviegpn .W.i.n.o.g.r. s.W.h..oi.p.r.s....h....i..p...... ..1. 717:::000000 papmmm Sunday SchBooAMla.P.r..Tk.. .IA.S..d.T.k..i .nC..s..H,. .P.U.a..sR..t..oC..r.H.....10:00am CENTRAL toC ah llhu Harcnahcn olcicsoktcicnklg aCsri ooaunrne@t ypg rComvhaiudilre.ccdho emfrse!e Services PKRimEHSbwBeyrY.l e1Ty4E 4WR, iIDlAbuNokr enCs,H ,P KUayRs.tCorH Sunday Worship....................................11:00am BAPTIST CHURCH Phone: 927-9577 Sunday Evening Worship.......................6:00pm Sunday School......................... 9:30 am Wednesday Prayer Meeting..................6:00pm Sunday Worship..................... 10:30 am CHESTNUT GROVE For Youth Group Sunday Bible Study...................6:00 pm BAPTIST CHURCH Youth & Children Activities James Peters, Pastor transportation Each Wednesday & H at varied times Church: 264-4660 ANCOCK Sunday School....................... 10:00 am call 927-8465 Sunday at 5:00 Sunday Worship..................... 11:00 am C Sunday Evening Worship..........6:00 pm Kids Club OUNTY Welcome to - - at 5:15 F S ARM UPPLY UNION LEWISPORT UNITED BAPTIST METHODIST CHURCH Lewisport-New Chapel Hawesville - 927-8024 CHURCH Bro. Joseph Kim, Pastor The Hancock Clarion, Hawesville, Ky., Jan. 22, 2015 PAGE 7 NEWS FROM Boling Chapel & Lyonia By Elizabeth Harris • Phone 233-4318 Last week visitors of Mr. Dawana Poyner visited and Mrs. Rick Boling were Mr. and Mrs. Basil Veach Jerry Boling, Kim Wednesday evening. McManaway, Gail Evers, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Boling Shanda Boling, Colton and were Sunday dinner guests Hanson, Wally Damon, Ray of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Har- Harris and Marvin Dewitt. ris. Other visitors were Gary Independence Bank Hancock County President Rick A birthday party was held Baker and Ben and Debbie Embry presented a $3,000 check this week to Hancock for Ashley Hinton at her Baker. County Judge/Executive Jack McCaslin to benefit the Han- On Tuesday Independence Bank Hancock County Presi- home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller cock County Help Office. The Help Office provides various dent Rick Embry presented a $1,000 check to Noel Quinn Those present were Jewell were in Owensboro Satur- forms of assistance to the less fortunate in the county. for the Santa Sacks program. Santa Sacks provides food Lawson, Lois Miller, Mr. and day night and met Linda and presents to the less fortunate in Hancock County. Mrs. Arnold Hinton, Mr. and Boling at O’Charleys for sup- this challenge to those of you Mrs. Jim Miller, Linda per. Life in that read this column. Go out Boling and Ashley’s parents, Happy birthday to Laura and perform a random act of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hinton, Huff, Monica Brown, Mark kindness for a total stranger. Hancock Toby and Haley. Ratajczak, Bobby Jackson, When you do, contact me We extend sympathy to Karen Blincoe, Byron Mc- at my Clarion email: the family of Shirley Isom Manaway, Branden Rusher, County [email protected]. and Patty Hazelrigg who Connie Boling and Tina passed away last week. Morris. Campus Sandy Richards visited Debbie Johnson and Living Sunday afternoon with Diane Livingston of Louis- in this area Tammy Richards and ville were Sunday visitors of n e v e r Cambree Hamilton at Janet Boling. ceases to News Lewisport. She visited with Little Kaili Jackson spent amaze me. HCPL Health Fair just let me know! I am ex- Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bevill, Tuesday night with Mamaw Just when I Join us at the Health Fair cited and hope to have a Dakota and Courtlyn at and Papaw Jackson. thhaivnek seenI UK announces tHoadnacyo cfrko mCo 4u-n7t yp .Pmu.b alitc thLei- grDeaits tteriacmt Btoo gaor!d HaJwamesevisll eE. dge returned AvAerpyr,i lL Jeoxhien asnodn ,L Kanydlioen avnisd- it all, some- brary in Hawesville. Free The Hancock County Ex- home from the hospital ited Mr. and Mrs. James thing new record Dean’s blood pressure screening tension District Board will Thursday and is doing bet- Edge and Barbara Johnson happens. Ralph and valuable health informa- meet on Tuesday, January ter. His visitors have been Thursday. Monday at Dickerson List for Fall 2014 tion (and great door prizes). 27th, at 9:00 a.m., in the Fis- Mr. and Mrs. Denny Edge of Sandy Richards visited lunch time 6th, 7th, & 8th cal Court Room of the Ad- Louisville, Mike Boling, Bar- Rhonda Richards Wednes- I drove over to the Tell City Graders—Teen Summit is ministration Building. bara Johnson, Carlton Har- day and Saturday. Walmart to pick up a prescrip- For the first time, more Just for You HCMS Culinary Arts ris, Bro. Larry Sosh, Janet Mr. and Mrs. Don Huff tion from the pharmacy. On than 6,000 students have This March you can par- Club Boling, Jimmy Edge, Ronnie visited Evelyn Huff Friday. my way back I decided to made the University of Ken- ticipate in the Kentucky The next meeting will be Edge, Debbie Johnson and Little Natalie Johnson drive by McDonald’s and get tucky Dean’s List. UK has Teen 4-H Summit. The con- on Wednesday, January 28th Diane Livingston of Louis- spent the weekend with Mr. a cup of decaffinated coffee. released its Dean’s List for ference will begin on Thurs- until 4:30 p.m. ville. and Mrs. James Edge, Bar- Normally I avoid the the Fall 2014 semester. day, March 12th and contin- Zumba Saturday dinner guest of bara Johnson, Dusty drive-thru and instead go A record high 6,366 stu- ues through Saturday, The Zumba program has Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Jackson Johnson and Stephanie. into the lobby. Monday I de- dents were recognized for March 14th, the conference helped more than 12 million to celebrate his birthday Mr. and Mrs. Basil Veach cided to go through the their outstanding academic will be held at the Kentucky Zumba enthusiasts in 125 were Greg Jackson and visited Jeff Veach Friday. drive-thru. As I pulled into performance. That’s an in- Leadership Center in Jabez, countries, according to the Nicholas, Wendy Jackson, Bunco was Tuesday at the line, I was behind a woman crease of nearly 500 since KY. Zumba Fitness website. The Debbie Jackson, Mr. and home of Tina Marsh. Those driving a charcoal gray, late Fall 2013 and nearly 900 There will be middle Latin-dance inspired work- Mrs. Jeff Jackson, Alexis and present were Diane Bell, model Cadillac CTS with more than Spring 2014. school students from all out features fast and slow Ciera and friend Jade, Mr. Jean Scroggins, Sissie Kentucky plates. I tell this in- The following students across the state who also par- rhythms which, when com- and Mrs. David Jackson and Recker, Kathy Aull, Joyce formation to set the stage for from Hancock County were ticipate in 4-H. You will leave bined, successfully tone and Kaili, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, Faye Veach and what happened next. named to the UK Dean’s the conference with leader- sculpt the body and burn fat. Hagan and Aaron and Kristie Audrey Taylor. As I pulled up to the List: Zachary Martin Buskill, ship skills and ideas to bring (Shape Magazine) Project Ballard. Jean Scroggins and Joyce drive-thru to pay for my cof- Matthew Austin Turner, back to Hancock County and Graduation will have a Mr. and Mrs. Timmy Bol- Johnston visited with Basil fee, the attendant informed Allen Evan Wettstain, and share with others. Zumabthon fundraiser Sat- ing and Rachel spent the and Faye Veach Tuesday af- me that the lady paid for my Elizabeth Jane Young. The deadline for registra- urday, January 24th, 10:30 weekend with Bro. Jeff and ternoon. coffee. The first words out of To make a Dean’s List in tion is Wednesday, February a.m. – 12:30 p.m., at the Han- Tonya Draper, Gavin and my mouth were, “I don’t one of the UK colleges, a stu- 4th but we have limited cock County Middle School. Call or Email The Clarion Sydney at Danville, KY. even know that lady!” dent must earn a grade point space available, so please re- This is a great chance to To Place Your Classified Bro. Mark Watson visited I know it was only a cof- average of 3.6 or higher and spond quickly! The cost is check out this exercise with James and Billie Edge 270-927-6945 fee and cost only $1.38, but must have earned 12 credits $115 and is non-refundable. that gets your body moving at the hospital in Evansville [email protected] it was nice of her to pay for or more in that semester, ex- After you are registered, you and your heart rate up. Tuesday. Tues. 4:00 pm deadline my beverage. Such a kind cluding credits earned in will receive a packet of infor- Zumba classes are offered Carla Thren and Debbie 10 Words act restores my faith in the pass-fail classes. Some UK mation with more details! locally and more informa- Burks visited Juanita Mc- goodness of humanity! colleges require a 3.5 GPA to If you have any questions tion will be available at the Only $5.00 Manaway Thursday night. So, I am going to put out make the Dean’s List. or need further information, Zumbathon. Thursday, January 22, 2015 Page 8 Spor ts The Hancock Duncan breaks HCHS Ogle goes for 25 as Hornets school record during advance in All All ‘A’ Classic victory ‘A’ Classic By Steve Wimmer 7 of 7 from the line. McKenna Duncan scored Duncan had 10 rebounds By Steve Wimmer 22 points and broke an to go with her game-high 22 Ty Ogle scored 25 points HCHS school record for field points, and Keown finished and the Hornets made 14 of goal percentage dur- with 15 points, seven 16 fourth quarter free ing the Lady Hornets boards and four throws to win by a final score 67-40 win over steals. Brown had of 65-59 over Cloverport dur- Whitesville Trinity eight points and ing an opening round game during a semifinal three boards, of the 3rd Region All ‘A’ Clas- game of the 3rd Re- Wettstain had seven sic played at the Owensboro gion All ‘A’ Classic points and three as- Sportscenter Saturday. tournament at the sists, Hagman had “We played really well on O w e n s b o r o McKenna six points, three the night and we hit our foul Sportscenter Mon- Duncan boards and two as- shots in the fourth quarter,” day. sists, Sydney Young Hornet coach Darren “We didn’t look very good had four points, five re- Lynam said. “This was a (at the beginning), we bounds, three assists and good win for us, and we’re turned the ball over and three blocks, Ameria Tho- satisfied to be moving on.” couldn’t make shots, then we mas had three points, three Hancock County (9-7) forced some turnovers and boards, three assists and played Whitesville Trinity in started getting the ball in- three blocks, Kiera Duncan a semifinal game on Wednes- side to McKenna and Kelsey had two points, and Emma day after the Clarion went to (Brown),” Hancock coach Robinson dished out three press. The boys’ title game Mike Orr said. assists. is scheduled for approxi- Hancock County (11-7) Nina Wathen led Trinity mately 7:45 p.m. on Friday at will play Owensboro Catho- with 16 points. the same venue. lic for the championship on First round game The Hornets got off to a Friday at 6:00 p.m. at the The Lady Hornets utilized hot start against Cloverport, same venue. a balanced offensive attack as Caleb Bivins scored seven The Lady Hornets got the during a 58-15 win over first quarter points while early lead against Trinity Cloverport during the open- Ogle and Brenden Lewis behind the inside work of ing round of the Class ‘A’ each connected on 3-pointer Duncan and Brown, as tournament Saturday in baskets to help build a 15-8 Hancock led 19-10 after one Owensboro. lead. The Aces bounced quarter. Kassie Keown hit “We were pretty efficient back to win the second two 3’s and scored 10 points and we were able to knock frame 13-9 and trailed by just in the second period to lead down some shots down at three points (24-21) at half- the girls to a 31-17 lead at the the Sportscenter,” coach Orr time. half. said. Both squads enjoyed an Lindsey Hagman, Keown Hancock County led 19-1 offensive explosion in the and Emily Wettstain all made after one quarter, 30-6 at half- third period by scoring 20 3-point shots during a bal- time and 46-10 after three. points each. Lewis had a big anced offensive third period The Lady Hornets made 8 Jaxson Gray goes up for a shot under pressure from a Breck County player during the quarter for Hancock with for Hancock, and Duncan of 17 foul shots, while added three more field goals Cloverport was 3 of 14 from Cougars’ loss at HCMS Tuesday. —Clarion photos by Steve Wimmer four 2-point field goals, and Nick Smith put in seven to help push the lead to 50- the stripe. 23. Trinity played even with Duncan led the Lady Hor- Breck goes on 21-8 run to points to lead Cloverport. “They (Aces) came back the Lady Hornets over the net offense with nine points, and actually grabbed the final eight minutes, but the and added two rebounds and lead in the third quarter, I outcome had already been three steals. Brown scored pull away from Cougars believe, and this was still a decided. eight points and pulled down one or two point game down “We played much better in five boards, Halley Stewart the stretch,” coach Lynam the second half,” Orr said. had seven points, Thomas noted. “We started making some scored six, on two 3-point By Steve Wimmer at HCMS Tuesday. handled Breck’s press in the Smith and Chris McCoy 3’s and our defense was buckets, and added two Breck County Middle “We proved in the first first period and the teams carried the Aces offensively pretty good at times.” boards. Keown scored five, School used a 21-8 second quarter that we could hang played to an even 13-13 tie. in the fourth quarter, but Duncan made good on with two boards and two quarter run to pull away for with them, but it got away Breck’s Kobe Poole and Tan- their combined 15 points four more field goal attempts steals, Avery Morris had a 64-36 victory over the Cou- from us after that,” Cougar ner Whitworth then took was not enough to stop the in the fourth to finish 11 for four points and two re- gar 8th grade during the fi- coach Jensen Riddle said. over as the visitors had built Hornets. Ogle was a beast, 11 from the field. The 100% bounds, Rylee Emmick and nal home game of the season Hancock County (8-7) a 34-21 lead by intermission. scoring 12 points, including effort broke the previous Kiera Duncan had four The Cougars played close 5 of 6 from the line over the record set by Kim Hall, who points each, Hagman hit one during the third frame, but final eight minutes, and made 9 of 10 shots during a 3-pointer and dished two as- Breck managed to increase Jacob White made 5 of 6 free- game in 1987. sists, Jayda Garrison had Hancock County made 26 —Continued on page 9 its advantage to 47-30 after bies during that stretch. Gar- three quarters. Whitworth ret Pate also cashed in at the of 64 shots for 40.6%, were 7 popped in two of his four 3’s charity stipe, making 4 of 6 of 26 from long range (27%) J.V. ladies in the fourth as Breck pulled to help seal the win. and made 8 of 11 foul shots (72.7%). Trinity was a perfect beat Seneca, away for the win. —Continued on page 9 Brandon Lucas led the Cougar offense with 14 All ‘A’ title fall to Meade points, and Parker Newby Frosh boys beat scored 13. Jaxson Gray had games are By Steve Wimmer six, Gabe Ditch two and Trinity, drop 2 The Lady Hornets junior Spencer Harpenau hit one varsity team won every quar- free throw. in Owensboro Friday night ter of play during a 32-10 vic- Poole led all scorers with tory over Seneca High 25 points, and Whitworth fin- School in Louisville Friday. ished with 13. By Steve Wimmer By Steve Wimmer Hancock County led 11-2 Tell City wins Jaxson Gray led a bal- The HCHS Lady Hor- after one quarter, 16-5 at half- The HCMS Cougar 8th anced offensive attack and net basketball team will time and 26-9 after three. grade team met their match the HCHS freshman boys compete for the Girls’ 3rd Kiera Duncan led the Lady when they fell 49-16 to Tell won 51-30 over Whitesville Region All ‘A’ Classic title Hornets with seven points, city during a home game on Trinity here Monday. when they face off against that included a 3-pointer, and Tuesday Jan. 13. Hancock County domi- Owensboro Catholic in Emma Robinson splashed “They just out sized us, nated the opening frame for the championship game two 3’s for six total points. and we didn’t run our of- a 17-3 advantage, then in- at the Owensboro Avery Morris, Bailee Boling fense,” coach Riddle said. creased the lead to 27-7 at Sportscenter at 6:00 p.m. and Jayda Garrison all Tell City dominated from halftime. Trinity won the Friday. scored four points each, the opening tip, winning the third period (13-12) to trim Hancock County Sydney Young and Rylee Brandon Lucas drives past Breck’s Kobe Poole during first quarter 12-0. The south- one point off the Hornets cruised through the first Emmick had two each, and the Cougars’ 64-36 loss at HCMS Tuesday. —Continued on page 9 lead, but could get no closer. two rounds of the tourna- Emily Wettstain hit a free Hancock closed out the visi- ment with convincing throw. tors by sinking 8 of 10 free wins over Cloverport and Girls cruise to 55-22 win Meade wins throws down the stretch. Whitesville. The J.V. girls were not as Gray led with 13 points, “Now we have Catholic, fortunate during a contest and Brandon Lucas scored which is a totally different at Louisville Seneca with Meade County here last nine. Cameron White had animal,” Hancock coach Thursday, as the Lady Waves eight, John Fox, Lathan Mike Orr admitted. won by a final score of 46-22. LaMar and Austin “They’re athletic and they Meade led 9-3 at the end By Steve Wimmer points as Hancock County points they each scored. Daugherty all scored five have a lot of team speed. of the first frame, then got The Lady Hornets got 13 (11-7) built a 22-6 advantage. Wettstain finished with eight each, Nathan Swihart had But, we’re in the finals and hot on the offensive end points each from Kelsey Hagman splashed two 3’s in points, four boards and three four, and Parker Newby two. you never know – to be enroute to 20-7 second quar- Brown and Lindsey Hagman the second frame and Emily assists, Thomas had seven Cameron Wright led able to pull this out and go ter that left the Lady Hornets during what turned out to be Wettstain added a bucket points, with three boards Whitesville with 14 points. to the state tournament trailing 29-10 at halftime. an easy win over Seneca and 2 for 2 free throws to and three assists, Sydney Doubleheader would be nice. The Lady Waves won the High School in Louisville help the Lady Hornets to a Young had six points, The Hornet freshman “We feel like we’re in third period (10-4) to build a Friday. The final score was 41-10 halftime lead. McKenna Duncan had four dropped both games of a pretty good position to do commanding 39-14 advan- 55-22. The HCHS starters gave points and six rebounds, doubleheader played at that, but it’ll be a tough or- tage, then cruised in the “Seneca was athletic and way to some younger play- Kassie Keown had three Apollo on Saturday. der for sure,” Orr said. fourth. Hancock out scored they pressured us, but we ers after building a com- points, four assists and two Owensboro Catholic led The Hornet boys, who the visitors 8-7 over the final were able to throw the ball manding 54-18 third quarter steals, Avery Morris hit one from start to finish during a played Whitesville Trinity eight minutes. over the top and hit some lay lead. The Lady Hornets free throw, Emma Robinson 52-32 win over Hancock in a semifinal game on Wettstain led Hancock ups,” Hancock coach Mike eased up offensively in the had one board and one steal, County in game one. Wednesday night after the with eight points, Robinson, Orr said. “We hurt them in- fourth period and cruised and Bailee Boling dished The Aces led 17-12 after Clarion went to press, Halley Stewart, and Boling side, and defensively we did home with the road victory. one assist. one quarter, 28-20 at halftime could also be in Friday’s all had three each, Young a good job making them Hancock County shot 9 of Samuari Jones led Seneca and 42-28 after three. title game depending on and Duncan scored two shoot tough shots.” 12 from the free throw line, with 10 points. LaMar led the Hornets that outcome. each, and Chloe Robinson Ameria Thomas scored while Seneca was 4 of 10. Meade County with 10 points, Logan Boling The boys’ champion- made one foul shot. seven first quarter points, Brown had six rebounds, The girls got off to a great scored eight, that included ship is scheduled for ap- Maggie Millay led Meade including a 3-pointer, and and Hagman added two start but could not hold off a two 3’s, and Gray had six proximately 7:45 p.m. County with 14 points. Brown also tallied seven steals to go with the 13 —Continued on page 9 —Continued on page 9 Hancock Clarion, Hawesville, Ky., Jan. 22, 2015 PAGE 9 Cougar 7th delivers comeback victory By Steve Wimmer the second half, and out hit a free throw. coach Riddle said. The Cougar 7th grade scored the Indiana team 10- D. Pruitt led Tell City with “They’ve got a foot on us.” boys staged an impressive 2 in the third for a 21-17 lead. 17 points. Breck led 23-8 after one comeback during a 39-29 vic- The Cougars utilized a bal- Breck wins quarter, 33-13 at halftime and tory over Tell City at HCMS anced offensive attack in the The Breck County 7th 43-18 after three. on Jan. 13. fourth, led by Collin Elder’s grade led from start to fin- Elder led the Cougar of- “We were behind until we nine points, to pull away for ish during a 53-21 win over fense with 13 points, Potts started running our of- the 10 point win. the Cougars at HCMS and Pate scored five each, fense,” Hancock coach Elder finished with 17 Tuesday. and Nalley had two. Jensen Riddle said. “When points to lead Hancock, and “We’re in better shape Brack Lucas led Breck we did, it showed up on the Mason Potts added 13. Caleb and we have better ball with 16 points. scoreboard.” Pate and Blaze Nalley scored handlers than Breck, but Hancock County now has Tell City held a narrow 8- four each, and Trey Curry they’re just much bigger,” a season record of 6-7. 7 advantage after the open- ing quarter, then pushed its lead to 15-11 at the half. Hancock County turned the tables on the visitors in Tell City wins big Russellville head football coach John Myers leads his team over 8th grade during the 2014 season. The former HCHS graduate and Hornet quarterback was named District 1 ‘Coach of the —Continued from page 8 Year’ after his team went 9-4 and reached the Class 1-A ern Indiana team poured it Region 1 championship game. on in the second to amass a 26-5 lead at intermission. John Myers named The second half was closer, but Tell City managed to in- crease its advantage to 39-13 ‘Coach of the Year’ after three, then won 10-3 over the final six minutes. In the Cougars’ defense, Former HCHS graduate Myers also coached the Ken- they did play without one of and football standout John tucky High School All-Stars their top players, and they Myers was recently selected to a win in Williamsburg, might have also just had a bad as Class 1-A District 1 Coach Tennessee. Russellville had night. They’ve enjoyed a fine of the Year for the 2014 sea- two players on the Kentucky season and have won more son. The Russellville Pan- All-Star team. games than they’ve lost. thers’ head coach led his John is married to the Newby and Tyler Walz led team to a regional runner-up former Jennifer Carter and the Cougar offense with five The HCMS Cougar cheerleaders posed for a team photo on Tuesday. Sitting from left: finish during the 2014 sea- has two children, Elly, 14, points each, Lucas scored son, losing to powerhouse and John Carter Myers, 12. four, and Mason Potts had Mackenzie Severs, Jayce Moskos and Katie Poole. Second row: Kailey Swihart, Loren Mayfield in the finals. Myers He is the son of Jewell and two. Williamson, Hailey Taylor, Haley Wigginton and Katie Blan. Back row: Shelby Staples, has spent 10 years as head Sammie Lou Myers of Trettor Lyons led Tell City Peyton Bozarth, Kiarrah Flake, Raley Payne, and Hannah Allard. Not pictured are coach of the Panthers. Lewisport. with 14 points. Katie Huddy and Megan Powers. Mid-term college hoops in Kentucky ..... prosperity extraordinaire! College basketball in Ken- and Brandon Doughty Sports tucky ... mid-term: (January (WKU), my list would be 19), prosperity exclusive to Kentuckians. extraordinaire! In Top five for 2014: 1. Traditional stars occupy Devante Parker (Louisville their customary positions in Kentucky football), 2. Jeff Brohm the heavens. (WKU rookie football √ Kentucky is 18-0, ranked By Bob Watkins coach), 3. Elijah Sindelar number one in America. (Caldwell County, Mr. Foot- Expectations? For fan and ball), 4. Kaleb Duckworth talking-head, Kentucky must Tigers’ 13-game win streak court – Knights basketball (Henderson County, co-Mr. make “one small step for is best since a Travis Ford was recipient of NCAA D-II Baseball), 5. Emma Talley man ... one giant leap for team ran off 19 straight in Award for Excellence. (Alabama, golf). mankind.” 1998-99. The Tigers inflicted √ Centre College 11-3. The HARRIS TO ‘BAMA With this team, anything Pikeville’s only loss, beating Colonels are fresh off an up- Stunner, wasn’t it, Madi- short of giant leap will be a UPike 99-79 November 22. set win over Southern Ath- son Southern running back thud heard from city limits √ Pikeville 18-1. Having letic Association leader Damien Harris (5-11, 205) of Ashland to outskirts of seen the Bears put 68 points Sewanee. choosing Alabama over Ken- Monkey’s Eye Brow. on the board against Ken- √ Berea 10-4. Under the tucky? Why? √ Louisville is 15-3, nation- tucky at Rupp Arena Novem- big guns radar the Moun- • Could be noise gener- ally ranked and in a bad ber 2, UPike looked promis- taineers have quietly built a ated by Air Raid emphasis Cheerleader Briana Nix yells to the crowd during a re- mood. ing. At mid-January, the better than respectable when UK hired its new offen- cent varsity game at HCHS. Cardinal Nation is not Bears owned an 12-game win record. Carry on. sive coordinator. happy with ownership of an streak and ranked 4th na- Tallied up: November-to- • More likely Harris’s Girls beat Lady Lady Aces with seven points, oh-fer – North Carolina, tionally. mid-January: 208 games. 177 choice came down to a sce- Megan White scored five, Kentucky and Duke. √ Murray State is 15-4 af- wins. Every 10 games nario described by a Ken- Aces in Class ‘A’ and Megan Houtchen three. Expectations? “Need ter beating Belmont last played, fans celebrate wins tucky fan last week. “Nick shooters? You did the re- week. The Racers are also in seven times. Saban just went to Harris, —Continued on page 9 cruiting, you find ‘em.” a familiar spot, atop the Ohio Epilogue. If the energy, looked the kid in the eye and Youth Baseball √ Western Kentucky is 12- Valley Conference at 4-0. passion, devotion (and tee- said, ‘if you come to Alabama three points and four re- 5, atop Conference-USA and √ University of shirt buys) invested in 208 you’ll play behind the best bounds, Bailee Boling had signups coming drawing comparisons to Cumberlands 16-4. With half college basketball games offensive line in the country.’ three points and three Days of Uncle Ed. dozen games decided by six (overtime hysterics not in- That’s all he had to say re- boards, Wettstain had one Hancock County Youth Expectations? Schedule or few points, the Patriots go cluded) could be converted ally.” point, with three boards, two Baseball signups will be Sat- ahead is, well, a bear and his into the last week of January into electricity then our And so, Bluegrass State’s assists and two steals, Chloe urday, January 31st & Satur- pals. But still, there are hints with a handsome record and Commonwealth would be highest rated high school Robinson had one point and day, February 7th from 9 of Hilltoppers Being Special. a date for fans to look for- independently energy free running back prospect since three rebounds, Sydney a.m. to 12 p.m. at North Han- 53 play dates, fans in Ken- ward to. Pikeville travels to with enough left over to sell Shaun Alexander (Mr. Foot- Young grabbed six re- cock Elementary. tucky went home happy 45 Williamsburg February 7. border states for a thousand ball 1994), Harris made the bounds, and Robinson had You must bring 2 copies times. √ Georgetown 15-3. Coach years. same choice for same rea- one board and one steal. of proof of residency (name BEHOLD! Chris Briggs has the Tigers And, we half a season to sons. Jessica Noblett led the and address), a copy of your Basketball prosperity ex- at a level traditionalists ex- go. America. I love this place. And so it goes. child’s birth certificate, and tends far across this Ken- pect. They’re nationally KY. SPORTS PERSON ‘14 You can reach me at Frosh boys drop health insurance informa- tucky homeland given us by ranked too. Sports Person of the Year [email protected] tion. The fee for baseball is $50 Adolph Rupp, King Kelly √ Kentucky Wesleyan 13- 2014, the Lexington Herald- for the first child and $30 for 2 in Owensboro Coleman, Jaime Walz, and 4. Coach Happy Osborne’s Leader will publish its choice each additional sibling. Youth Order your spirits of Happy Chandler, team had an eight game win soon. Meanwhile, while dif- baseball is for ages 5-12. Cawood and Claude, and streak stopped last week. ficult to exclude Shoni —Continued on page 9 favorite Clarion word pictures from Van The Panthers are 3-1 in con- Schimmels (Louisville bas- points. White scored five, Daddy Daughter Vance, Wes Strader and Dan ference play. ketball), Anthony Davis sports photos Fox two and Daugherty one. Manley. √ Bellarmine. Beyond a (NBA Pelicans), Teddy Mayfield and McFarland Beyond counties Fayette, typical 12-2 record at mid- Bridgewater (NFL Vikings), led Catholic with nine points Dance Feb. 21st Jefferson and Warren? season, the big news for each. √ Campbellsville 19-1 is Coach Scott Davenport’s Hornets advance with win OHS hangs on ranked No. 1 in NAIA. The program last week was off The Hornets rallied from Are you ready to spend a an early deficit before run- great evening with your spe- over tough Cloverport team ning out of time in the fourth cial little girl? The Hancock Solid start sours caught fire in the third, as during a 33-31 loss to County Baseball Boosters they out scored the Lady Owensboro High School in will host their annual Daddy as girls shoot cold Hornets 19-6 to seize a com- —Continued on page 9 (58%) from the line. Saturday’s second game. Daughter Dance on Satur- manding 35-21 lead. Meade “Cloverport is obviously Cloverport won the re- The Red Devils jumped day, February 21st from 6:00 —Continued on page 9 won the final frame 8-5 to much improved over years bounding battle with 28 out to a 12-3 first quarter to 8:00 p.m. at the Hancock rally by the Lady Waves dur- secure the 17 point win. past,” Lyman said. “Nick boards to 22 for Hancock. lead, then the Hornets County High School. ing 43-26 victory for Meade Hancock County made 11 (Smith) didn’t play during Ogle had the game-high settled in and won the sec- Dads (step-dads, grandfa- County here last Thursday. of 23 2-point field goals our first meeting and he 25 points, and added four ond frame by a point to cut thers, adult male role mod- “We started off well, and (48%), but were 0 of 12 from makes a huge difference for boards, nine dimes and four Owensboro’s lead to 22-14 at els) are invited to bring their we handled their full court behind the arc, and 4 of 10 them. He’s got a lot of length steals. Lewis finished with 13 halftime. favorite girls age 4 to 12 to a pressure pretty well,” coach from the foul line. Meade and he’s just a real heady points, Pate had 11, with Both squads played to an special evening of dinner Orr said. “Then they went to County was also 4 of 10 from player, but we thought we three boards and three even 6-6 third quarter, leav- and dancing. Cost is $30 per a zone and we ended up 0 for the charity stripe. had a decent effort on him. steals, White scored nine, ing OHS ahead 28-20. couple ($10 for each addi- 12 from the 3-point line. Brown scored 10 points He averages 22 or 23 with four rebounds and six Hancock battled back in the tional girl) this includes din- They collapsed inside and and added six boards to (points) a game and we held assists, Bivins had seven fourth, as Fox and Boling ner, photo keepsake and lots made us try to beat them lead Hancock, and Keown him to 18.” points and five boards, each hit a 3-pointer and Gray of dancing. Reservations are from outside and we just had eight points, three Hancock County made Michael Dunavan had one made good on five free required and forms can be couldn’t do it.” boards and two steals. 22 of 42 field goals for 52% rebound, three steals and throw attempts before time picked up and turned in to Hancock County led 11-5 Duncan had six points and shooting, and were 5 of 9 two blocks, and Kane expired with the Hornets North and South Elemen- after one quarter, as Duncan three boards, Hagman had from behind the arc Logsdon made one steal. down by two. tary School or HCMS. and Keown paced the team two points and two steals, (55%). The Hornets were Smith finished with 18 Boling finished with nine For more information, with four points each. Meade Thomas had three re- 16 of 23 (69%) from the points to lead the Aces, and points on three long range contact Marka Herndon at won the second frame (11-4) bounds, Wettstain had two line for the game. McCoy added 13. Phil bombs, while Gray and 270-929-0019 or Lora Bloom to capture a 16-15 advantage and Robinson one. Cloverport was 24 of 54 from Brown scored 10, Christian LaMar had seven points each. 270-222-0335. Reservations at intermission. Katie Wilson led Meade the field (44%), 4 of 15 from Lamar nine, Steven Jennings Fox scored four, and White need to be made by Wednes- The Lady Waves offense County with 15 points. long range (26%) and 7 of 12 five, and Logan Fuqua four. and Swihart had two each. day, February 18th. PAGE 10 The Hancock Clarion, Hawesville, Ky., Jan. 22, 2015 US Daughters of 1812, toa Georgia, and Louisiana. reception in the Cabildo Hopefully I can do some pre- (the old government house, sentations in those states!” now part ofthe Louisiana Price says it was a beautiful State Museum.) experience and great to see “Folks from all over the folks from various presenta- US came up to say hello! I tions he has given through- saw people from different out the United States. Sales events and presentations I of “Widder’s Landing” are have given in the past two still going strong, but Price and a half years—folks from is ready to start writing hard Michigan, Maryland, on the sequel—and his illus- Florida, Indiana, Illinois, trated children’s book Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, “Little Miss Grubby Toes and Missouri. I met folks Steps on a Bee!” is coming from Alabama, Mississippi, outin February. Free tax preparation for working Daren Snyder stands beside the 2015 Ford Escape he won low to moderate income families during the annual Independence Bank Christmas Party. Snyder wins new car at Hancock County’s work- first come first serve basis, ing low to moderate income and they should bring the Independence Bank party families can file their 2014 following items with them to tax returns at no charge at the tax site: the Hancock County Career • Picture ID - Required Every year Independence Bank has an amazing Christ- Center at 1605 West High- • Social Security cards mas Party, and at this party they hold a drawing for three way 60 East. for self, spouse and children cars to be given away to their employees. This year, Daren The center’s tax prepara- or Individual Taxpayer ID Snyder was one of the lucky three. He won a 2015 Ford Es- tion site will be open from 2 number (ITIN) for self, cape. It happens to be UK blue which is also a plus. “I was Local author takes book p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesdays spouse and children - Re- shocked of course and extremely grateful. I am blessed to beginning Tuesday, January quired work for such a great company that cares so much about its 27 to April 14 to provide this • Information for other tour to New Orleans employees to do something of this magnitude each year,” free service for working low additional income (Social Snyder said. to moderate income families. Security, Alimony for Main- “I have worked at Independence Bank for 15 years this Incomes $30,000 or less for tenance, Unemployment, Author and former Han- schoolers at St. Dominic June, ever since graduating from Brescia University. My individuals and $53,000 or etc.) - Required cock County High School Middle School, attended current position is Vice President of Mortgage Operations. less for families qualify for • Proof of tuition ex- history teacher Eddie Price ceremonies at Chalmette I coordinate and oversee the entire mortgage lending op- this service. penses (1098-T from col- took his book tour down to Battlefield, a wreath-laying erations and activities for the bank, which includes both The center’s IRS trained lege) New Orleans to participate in Jackson Square, and nu- portfolio mortgage loans as well as loans sold on the Sec- and certified volunteer in- • Information for all de- in the 200th Anniversary of merous battlefield reenact- ondary Market. come tax preparers have ductions and credits the Battle of New Orleans. ments, also a service at Snyder is a former Hancock County resident and gradu- filed over 700 tax returns in • Proof of Dependent Price was invited by the his- Chalmette Church of ate of HCHS. He is the son of Den & Sherry Snyder of the past six years for Han- Care Expenses in 2013, your tory department at Christ. The pastor there is Hawesville cock County families. This provider’s Name, Address Chalmette’s Nunez College interested in Cane Ridge service can save families and Employer ID or Social to present a program en- Meetinghouse, another pro- Price to present special titled: “Kentuckians and gram in Price’s repertoire. fprroempa r$a1ti0o0n taon d$ 2fi0li0n gin f eteasx, Sec•u rAit yco Npuy mofb learst year’s in- Tennesseans at the Battle of He met the British and they can then use those come tax return program on Jan. 27 New Orleans.” Earlier he Ambassadorto the United dollars to pay household ex- • For Direct Deposit: Per- had contributed a chapter States, Sir Peter penses which they are often sonal Bank account number toa book the college pub- Westmacott, and the Na- struggling to meet. She said and the bank’s routing num- Greetings from Eddie your friends. Hope we can lished, entitled”The Battle tional President of the IRS research indicates as ber Price, author of the histori- still do a program for your of New Orleans Reconsid- Daughters of 1812,Virginia many as 15 to 20% of families • Bring Health Insurance cal novel, “Widder’s Land- group in the future. You can ered.” Apyar. He was alsoinvited, fail to receive the refundable statement if you can have ing” (and the upcoming bet I will talk about the his- Price also spoke to 205 by Jeanne Williams of the Earned Income Credit be- coverage through the ex- children’sbook: “Little Miss torical, political, and geo- elementary and middle Chalmette Chapter of the cause they do not file a tax change - Required Grubby Toes Steps on a graphic setting—also a bit return. The average EIC re- Bee!”) about the plot and what in- fund is nearly $2,000. STORAGE I will be presenting a spired me to write the book. LEGAL - PUBLIC NOTICES Volunteers serving at the writing/publishing/mar- Check out my website http:/ center’s tax site include DOWNTOWN STORAGE- keting program at the / Jackie Robertson, Jean Mat- COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY (270)316-4513 or (270)927- Henderson County Public HANCOCK CIRCUIT COURT NO: 14-CI-00004 tingly, Lou Fleck, Harold 9924. tfAug20 Library at 6:30 PM on to see all of my NOTICE OF SALE Herndon, Patricia Roberts, ————————— Tuesday evening, January programs. My author WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. PLAINTIFF Tim Heavrin, and Sharon AWR STORAGE - for all your 27th. This will be for aspir- facebook page usually has VS Russelburg. storage needs. Call 295- ing and published authors, albums of my events. Hope- WILLIAM DEAN JACKSON, CYNTHIA R. JACKSON DEFENDANTS Tax filers are served on a Pursuant to an Amended Judgment and Order of Sale entered in the 6695. tfJan16 also enthusiastic book read- fully your eventcould soon above action on January 9, 2015, I will, on Tuesday, February 10, 2015, ————————— ers who would like to hear be posted. I now havesix at the hour of 10:00 a.m., expose to sale at public auction on the ground BUSINESS & SERVICES an author speak about his programs to choose from. floor of the Hancock County Judicial Center in Hawesville, Kentucky, prop- book. I will share what has Eddie Price erty located at 275 Easton-Cabot Road, Fordsville, Hancock County, Ken- happened with “Widder’s PS Please be watching tucky 42343, and more particularly described as follows: TTHHEE RREESSTTOORRAATTIIOONN TTEEAAMM Landing” and how I have my Facebook page for my PARCEL I: A tract of land containing 45 acres whose boundary line begins at a stake 13 links S. 343/ W of a dogwood 91/ links N. 11/ deg. W. marketed it. In an interest- New Orleans albums. I spent 4 2 4 Complete repair of all home issues. of a white oak and 191/ links W. of a beech corner to Odie Mae Smith and ing twist, I was also a guest 8 glorious days down there 2 runs thence with her line N. 85 deg. W. 19 poles and 20 links to a stake on 270-315-1949 on “Midday with Mike” promoting the book and do- the east side of a hill 28 links S. 52 deg. W. of a sassafras and 551/ links 2 (Blake) on Channel 14 WFIE ing lectures. The Louisian- N. 39 deg. W. of 2 walnuts. Thence N. 5 deg. E. 99 poles 17 links to a All types of insurance Any home repair you TV Evansville on January ans were very hospitable to stake in a private road south of Panther Creek, 11 links S. 45 deg. W. of a 20th, advertising the upcom- a “starving Kentucky art- white walnut and 68 links S. 761/4 deg. E. of a water beech; thence with repairs may have ing event. Please share this ist!!” said road and creek N. 87 deg. E. 18 poles and 1 link N. 743/4 E. 13 poles • Water and Fire damage • Roofing information with some of eddieprice.1954 and 7 links N. 6 deg. E. 11 poles and 16 links to a stake in the middle of • Mold Remediation • Siding said road 14 links N. 39 deg. W. of a water beech; thence North 5 E. 27 • Storm Damage • Room Additions poles 8 links to a large white oak pointer to Sam Easton and J. E. Wells, • Roof Repair • Remodeling in an original line: thence 50 poles and 18 links S. 78 deg. 52 E. to a stake PUBLIC NOTICE 15 links s. 491/ W. of a gum 9 links S. 303/ E. of a beech and 20 links N. 4 4 263/ E of another beech; thence S. 5 deg. W. 80 poles 4 links to a stake 4 in a branch 15 links N. 5 deg. E. of a beech originally 2 beeches; thence N. 753/ W. 62 poles to a sugar tree and 10 sour woods; thence S. 141/ W. The Green River Area Development District is 4 2 65 poles to the beginning, together with a right of way along the aforesaid conducting a Hazard Mitigation Community private road and a continuance of the same long [sic] Panther Creek though Meeting for Hancock County on January 27, [sic] the tract allotted to Janie Richards and Emma Lee Poole, J.T. Barnett and W.E. Barnett to the Cloverport and Fordsville Road, and reserving a 2015 at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will take place right of way for them along the part of said road. at Hancock County Fiscal Court located at 225 Excepting and reserving from the above one half (1/) acre conveyed 2 Main Cross Street, Hawesville, KY. The to Clara Wann by deed dated April 30, 1962, and recorded at Deed Book 67, Page 130, in the Hancock County Court Clerk’s Office. purpose of this meeting is review Hancock PARCEL II: A certain tract or parcel in Hancock County, Kentucky, County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan and obtain situated and bounded as follows: public input regarding natural hazards Beginning at a stone at J.E. Wells corner and Easton and Cabot road; thence with the road 60 yards W. 40 yards to a stone; thence E. 60 yards experienced and needed mitigation projects. to another stone; thence N. 40 yards to the beginning corner and contain- All interested parties are welcome to attend. ing one-half acre or less If you have any questions or comments, please A 12-foot roadway on the East side of this tract 10 or 12 feet wide and 40 feet long is also conveyed herein. contact Carl Sims at 270-926-4433 THERE IS EXCEPTED FROM THIS CONVEYANCE, AND RE- SERVED BY THE GRANTOR HEREIN, THE FOLLOWING. A tract or parcel of land lying in Hancock County, State of Kentucky and being on the South side of the Easton-Cabot Road in the Southern PUBLIC NOTICE part of said County and more particularly described as follows. Beginning at an iron pin (#2136) 25.0 feet south of the center of the Easton Cabot Road at the Northwest corner of the parent tract; thence South 9 degrees, 47 minutes and 37 seconds West for 369.00 feet gener- The Green River Area Development District is ally with an old fence line to the intersection of an old roadbed and Pan- conducting a Hazard Mitigation Community ther Creek (with an iron pin 30 feet North and in line with said corner; thence with Panther Creek North 73 degrees, 26 minutes and 49 seconds Meeting for the City of Lewisport on January East for 233.41 feet and South 89 degrees, 23 minutes and 59 seconds 28, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will take East for 164.64 feet to an iron pin (#2136); thence North 14 degrees, 01 Advertisement for Hancock County Schools place at Lewisport City Hall located at 405 2nd minutes and 37 seconds east for 110.00 feet to an iron pin (#2136) on the Local Planning Committee South side of above said Road; thence North 75 degrees, 58 minutes and Street, Lewisport, KY. The purpose of this Forum and Meetings 23 seconds West for 235.30 feet with the South side of said road to the meeting is review Lewisport’s Hazard point of beginning, and containing 2.0001 acres. For a more particular The Hancock County School’s Local Mitigation Plan and obtain public input description see plat of record in Plat Cabinet A, Slide 159, Office of the Hancock County Court Clerk. Planning Committee would like to regarding natural hazards experienced and LESS AND EXCEPTED FROM the above described property as fol- announce a Local Planning Committee needed mitigation projects. All interested par- lows: ties are welcome to attend. If you have any A tract of parcel of land containing 0.569 acre being conveyed to Oliver Meeting and Public Forum. Westerfield, Jr. and Judy Westerfield, husband and wife, and the survivor questions or comments, please contact of them, by Deed from Thomas C. Turner and Gloria A. Turner, husband Carl Sims at 270-926-4433 and wife, by deed dated July 5, 2002, of record in Deed Book 127, Page The Public Forum will be 235, in the Office of the Hancock County Clerk. Wednesday, February 4, 2015 AND BEING the same property conveyed to William Dean Jackson and Cynthia R. Jackson, husband and wife, by deed dated September at 5:30 p.m. CST. PUBLIC NOTICE 18, 2008, from James Edward Wethington, unmarried and recorded Sep- At the Hancock County Middle School. tember 23, 2008, at Deed Book 141, Page 95, in the Office of the Clerk of the County Court of Hancock County Kentucky. This public forum will be followed PROPERTY ADDRESS The Green River Area Development District is 275 Easton Cabot Road immediately by a Local Planning conducting a Hazard Mitigation Community Fordsville, KY 42343 Committee Meeting. These meetings are TERMS: Although ordered to enforce a judgment for $133,919.29, Meeting for the City of Hawesville on January plus cost and interest, the sale will be made regardless of price, to the informal gatherings to encourage local 30, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. The meeting will take highest bidder, subject to the right of redemption only if the highest bid is participation through community less than two-thirds (2/3) of the appraised value of the property. The suc- place at Hawesville City Hall located at 395 cessful bidder may pay cash of pay Ten Percent (10%) of the purchase suggestions relative to future utilization of Main Street, Hawesville, KY. The purpose of price, with bond with good surety for the balance due within Thirty (30) existing school facilities and construction of this meeting is review Hawesville’s Hazard days, which will carry interest at the rate of Twelve Percent (12%) per annum, provided, however, that should the plaintiff become the purchaser, new school facilities. These community Mitigation Plan and obtain public input it shall be entitled to a credit of its judgment against the purchase price regarding natural hazards experienced and and shall only be obligated to pay court costs, the fees and costs of the suggestions or recommendations will be needed mitigation projects. All interested Master commissioner, and any taxes ordered to be paid by the judgment. closely monitored by the Local Planning The sale will be made without warranty of title and the buyer will be parties are welcome to attend. If you have any expected to pay any ad valorem taxes for the year of sale. Committee in the development of a questions or comments, please contact Master Commissioner proposed District Facility Plan for the Carl Sims at 270-926-4433 Hancock Circuit Court 3nFeb5 Hancock County Schools. —————————