IPPP/13/103/DCPT/13/208 HalomodelandhalopropertiesinGalileongravitycosmologies AlexandreBarreira,1,2,∗ BaojiuLi,1 WojciechA.Hellwing,1,3 LucasLombriser,4 CarltonM.Baugh,1 andSilviaPascoli2 1InstituteforComputationalCosmology,DepartmentofPhysics,DurhamUniversity,DurhamDH13LE,U.K. 2InstituteforParticlePhysicsPhenomenology,DepartmentofPhysics,DurhamUniversity,DurhamDH13LE,U.K. 3Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modeling (ICM), University of Warsaw, ul. Pawin´skiego 5a, Warsaw, Poland 4Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, U.K. Weinvestigatetheperformanceofsemi-analyticalmodellingoflarge-scalestructureinGalileongravitycos- mologies using results from N-body simulations. We focus on the Cubic and Quartic Galileon models that provideareasonablefittoCMB,SNIaandBAOdata. WedemonstratethattheSheth-Tormenmassfunction andlinearhalobiascanbecalibratedtoprovideaverygoodfittooursimulationresults. Wealsofindthatthe 4 haloconcentration-massrelationiswellfittedbyapowerlaw.Thenonlinearmatterpowerspectrumcomputed 1 inthehalomodelapproachisfoundtobeinaccurateinthemildlynonlinearregime,butcapturesreasonably 0 well the effects of the Vainshtein screening mechanism on small scales. In the Cubic model, the screening 2 mechanismhidesessentiallyalloftheeffectsofthefifthforceinsidehaloes. InthecaseoftheQuarticmodel, thescreeningmechanismleavesbehindresidualmodificationstogravity,whichmaketheeffectivegravitational y strengthtime-varyingandsmallerthanthestandardvalue.Comparedtonormalgravity,thiscausesadeficiency a of massive haloes and leads to a weaker matter clustering on small scales. For both models, we show that M there are realistic halo occupation distributions of Luminous Red Galaxies that can match both the observed large-scaleclusteringamplitudeandthenumberdensityofthesegalaxies. 2 ] O I. INTRODUCTION however, the original action of Ref. [2] leads to higher-order equationsofmotion,andtherefore,tothepropagationofOs- C trogradskighosts[3]. ThisproblemwasfixedinRefs.[4,5] . Over the past few years, models of modified gravity have h byintroducingexplicitcouplingsbetweentheGalileonderiva- attractedmuchattentionasanexplanationtotheobservedac- p tivetermsandcurvaturetensorsinL andL . This,however, celerating expansion of the Universe [1]. In these models, 4 5 - breaks the Galilean shift symmetry. The Galileon model is o the acceleration is a natural consequence of the breakdown r ofthe theoryofgeneral relativity(GR)on largescales. This thereforethesectorofthegeneralHorndeskitheory[6]thatis st contrasts with models like ΛCDM, in which GR is the the- Galileaninvariantinthelimitofflatspacetime. a oryofgravityandtheaccelerationiscausedbyamysterious Avitalrequirementofmodifiedgravitymodelsisthatany [ "darkenergy"component,suchasacosmologicalconstantΛ departurefromGRonsmallscaleshastosatisfythestringent 2 oraslowly-rolling,minimallycoupledscalarfield. Although Solar System tests of gravity [7]. This is usually realized by v thesetwoclassesofmodelscanbesetuptohaveidenticalex- invokingascreeningmechanismthatdynamicallysuppresses 7 pansionhistories,theywilltypicallydifferinhowmatterand the modifications to gravity in regions where the density is 9 lightreacttothedistributionofgravitationalsources. Hence, high, like the Solar System. Interestingly, the nonlinear na- 4 1 observables associated with the growth rate of structure and tureofthederivativecouplingsinL3−5 thatdrivethemodifi- . lensinghavethepotentialtotestthelawofgravityoncosmo- cationstogravityisalsowhatallowsthesemodificationstobe 1 logicalscales. suppressedinhighdensityregions. Thisisamechanismthat 0 4 Here, we focus on Galileon gravity models, which were is widely known as the Vainshtein effect [8–10]. The gen- 1 first proposed in Ref. [2]. In particular, Ref. [2] showed that eral picture is as follows. In regions where the overdensity : thereareonlyfiveLagrangiandensityterms(L ,i = 1,...,5) is small, the nonlinearities are negligible and the perturbed v i forasinglescalarfieldϕ(i)whosephysicsisinvariantunder Galileonfieldequationofmotionessentiallybecomesalinear i X theso-calledGalileanshifttransformation∂ ϕ → ∂ ϕ+b Poisson-like equation. Therefore, the Galileon field pertur- µ µ µ r (wherebµ isaconstantfour-vector);and(ii)whoseequations bationactslikeanextragravitationalpotentialanditsspatial a of motion in flat spacetime are up to second order in field gradientgivesrisetoasizeablefifthforce. Ontheotherhand, derivatives. The Lagrangian terms are characterized by the closertomassivebodies, asthedensitygetshigher, thenon- power with which ϕ (from hereon in the Galileon field) ap- linear terms become increasingly important, effectively sup- pears. Thelinear(L )andquadratic(L )termscorrespondto pressingthemagnitudeofthefifthforcesothatnormalgravity 1 2 a linear potential function and to the canonical kinetic term, isfelt. respectively. The remaining cubic (L ), quartic (L ) and 3 4 Many recent papers have studied the cosmological prop- quintic(L )termscontainnonlinearderivativeself-couplings 5 erties of the covariant Galileon model at the linear level of the Galileon field, which are behind the modifications to in perturbation theory [11–22]. In particular, the work of gravity. InaFriedmann-Robertson-Walker(FRW)spacetime, Refs. [11, 12] has shown that the Galileon model can fit the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data better than ΛCDM, because it allows for less power on the largest an- gularscales, whichisslightlyfavouredbythemeasurements ∗Electronicaddress:[email protected] from the WMAP [23] and Planck [24] satellites. However, 2 Refs. [11, 12] have also discovered that the predicted ampli- configurationsoftheGalileonmodelsweconsider.InSec.III, tudeofthelinearmatterpowerspectumoftheGalileonmod- we present the equations of the halo model of the nonlinear elsthatbestfittheCMBdataissubstantiallylargerthanthat matter power spectrum. We also describe the Sheth-Tormen inΛCDM.ThisraisedthepossibilitythattheGalileonpredic- formulaeforthehalomassfunctionandlinearhalobias[29– tions may be in tension with the observed large-scale galaxy 31],andtheNavarro-Frenk-White(NFW)[33]concentration distribution[25],whichweinvestigatehere. parameter of dark matter haloes. In Sec. IV, we show our The above papers considered only linear perturbation the- main results, where we compare and calibrate the analytical orywhich,bydefinition,ignorestheeffectsoftheintrinsically predictions with the results of the N-body simulations. We nonlinear Vainshtein screening. Moreover, a realistic com- alsousethecalibratedformulaeforthehalomassfunctionand parison between theory and observations is also subject to a linearbiastoconductahalooccupationdistributionanalysis proper understanding of how the distribution of galaxies and of Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs). Finally, we summarize theirhosthaloesisbiasedrelativetotheunderlyingdarkmat- anddrawourconclusionsinSec.V. terdensityfield. Toaddresstheseuncertainties,oneneedsto Unless otherwise specified, we assume the metric conven- studythenonlinearevolutionofthematterandGalileonfield tion (+,−,−,−) and work in units in which the speed of perturbations. The most accurate way to do this is through light c = 1. Greek indices run over 0,1,2,3 and we use N-body simulation. References [26] and [27] performed the 8πG = κ = M−2 interchangeably, where G is Newton’s Pl first N-body simulations of the covariant Galileon model of constantandMPlisthereducedPlanckmass. Ref. [4]. These two works focused on the so-called Cubic (L )andQuartic(L )Galileonmodels(seeSec.II),re- 2−3 2−4 spectively. They found that the nonlinearities of the Vain- II. THEGALILEONMODEL shtein screening, although very noticeable on small scales, do not have an impact on the clustering of matter on scales A. Action k (cid:46) 0.1h/Mpc. N-body simulations of the most general Quinticmodel(L )aremorechallengingtoperform. Nev- 2−5 TheactionofthecovariantGalileonmodel[4]isgivenby ertheless, by studying the behavior of the fifth force assum- ingsphericalsymmetryinthequasi-staticlimit,Ref.[28]has stohopwronvtihdaetpthheyseiqcaulatsioolnustioofnsmwothioennothfethdeenQsuitiyntpicermtuorbdaetliofanisl S =(cid:90) d4x√−g(cid:34) R − 1(cid:88)5 c L −L (cid:35), (1) become of order unity. Consequently, the study of nonlinear 16πG 2 i i m i=1 structureformationintheQuinticmodelisnolongerofinter- est. By making use of the spherical collapse model and the whereRistheRiccicurvaturescalarandgisthedeterminant excursion set theory formalism, Ref. [28] also estimated the ofthemetricg . L describesthemattercontentoftheuni- µν m predictedhalomassfunctionandlinearhalobiasintheQuar- verse,whichinthismodelisminimallycoupledtothemetric tic model. The indications were that the halo bias could be andGalileonfields. Theparametersc arerealdimension- 1−5 smallerthaninstandardΛCDMmodels.However,becauseof lessconstantsandthefiveLagrangiandensityterms,fixedby the simplified treatment, no decisive quantitative statements the Galilean invariance in flat spacetime, ∂ ϕ → ∂ ϕ+b , µ µ µ couldbemade. aregivenby Here,ourgoalistoputtheexcursionsettheorypredictions ofRef.[28]ontoamorequantitativelevel. Inparticular, by L1 =M3ϕ, comparing to the results of N-body simulations, we analyse L =∇ ϕ∇λϕ, 2 λ the performance of the fitting formulae based on the ellip- 2 L = (cid:3)ϕ∇ ϕ∇λϕ, soidal collapse of structures to describe the halo mass func- 3 M3 λ tion and linear bias [29–31]. We anticipate that these fitting 1 (cid:104) formulaecanmatchthesimulationresultsverywell,provided L4 = M6∇λϕ∇λϕ 2((cid:3)ϕ)2−2(∇µ∇νϕ)(∇µ∇νϕ) their adjustableparameters arecalibrated against thesimula- (cid:105) −R∇ ϕ∇µϕ/2 , tions. Wealsomeasureandfitthehaloconcentrationparame- µ ter. Ultimately,weusethesehalopropertiestodeterminethe 1 (cid:104) nonlinearmatterpowerspectrumcomputedinthehalomodel L5 = M9∇λϕ∇λϕ ((cid:3)ϕ)3−3((cid:3)ϕ)(∇µ∇νϕ)(∇µ∇νϕ) approach [32]. The study of these simplified analytical for- +2(∇ ∇νϕ)(∇ ∇ρϕ)(∇ ∇µϕ) µ ν ρ mulae helps us to understand better the physical picture of (cid:105) thehalodistribution,whichisoftenhiddeninthebrute-force −6(∇ ϕ)(∇µ∇νϕ)(∇ρϕ)G , (2) µ νρ calculationsofaN-bodysimulation. Theseformulaealsoal- lowforanefficientexplorationofthemodelsparameterspace, inwhichM3 ≡ M H2, whereH istheHubbleexpansion Pl 0 0 whichwouldnotbepossiblewiththetime-consumingN-body rate today. In this model, the nonlinear coupling of the co- simulations. variant derivatives of ϕ induces interactions between partial This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we display derivatives of g and ϕ (a process known as kinetic grav- µν theaction,thecosmologicalparametersandtheequationsthat ity braiding [34–36]). This is why this model is a modified govern the gravitational interaction in spherically symmetric gravitymodel. Inadditiontotheseinteractions,therearealso 3 direct couplings to the Ricci scalar, R, and the Einstein ten- TABLEI.ParametersoftheGalileonmodelsstudiedinthispaper. sor, G , in L and L , respectively. These latter two cou- µν 4 5 Ω ,Ω ,Ω ,h,n ,andτ are,respectively,thepresent-dayfrac- plingsareneededsothattheequationsofmotionarekeptup r0 b0 c0 s tionalenergydensityofradiation(r),baryons(b)andcolddarkmat- tosecond-orderinfieldderivativesincurvedspacetimes,such ter (c), the dimensionless present-day Hubble expansion rate, the as the one described by the FRW metric [4]. However, this primordial scalar spectral index and the optical depth to reioniza- processcomesatthecostofbreakingtheGalileanshiftsym- tion.ThescalaramplitudeatrecombinationA referstoapivotscale s metry. k=0.02Mpc−1.Theuniverseisspatiallyflatinthesemodels.The We will set the potential term L1 to zero (i.e. c1 = 0) parametersc2,c3,c4,c5arethedimensionlessconstantsthatappear as we are only interested in cases where the acceleration is intheactionEq.(1)andρϕ,i/ρm,i istheratiooftheGalileonand drivensolelybykineticenergyterms. Notethatinthiscase, totalmatter(m)energydensitiesatzi. WealsoshowtheGalileon thevalueofϕbecomesirrelevantforthephysicsofthemodel field time derivative ϕ¯˙ic13/3 at zi , the age of the Universe and the since the action contains only ∂ϕ terms. One can then con- present-dayvalueofσ8.Onlyinthistable,thesubscript"i"refersto quantitiesevaluatedatz = z = 106. ThepredictedCMBangular sider three classes of Galileon models. The Cubic Galileon i powerspectrumandthelinearmatterpowerspectrumofthesemodel model is the simplest and encompasses L and L only; the 2 3 parameterscanbefoundinFig.1ofRef.[28]. QuarticGalileonmodelconsidersL ;andfinally,theQuin- 2−4 ticGalileonisthemostgeneralwhichincludesalloftheLa- Parameter CubicGalileon QuarticGalileon grangiantermsL . ItisworthnotingthatnoneoftheCu- 2−5 bic,QuarticorQuinticmodelspossessaΛCDMlimitforthe Ω h2 4.28×10−5 4.28×10−5 expansion history of the Universe. Recently, Ref. [28] has r0 Ω h2 0.02196 0.02182 shown that, if the density perturbations become higher than b0 Ω h2 0.127 0.126 O(1), then the equation of motion of the scalar field in the c0 h 0.731 0.733 QuinticmodelsthatprovideagoodfittotheCMBdatafails n 0.953 0.945 s toadmitrealphysicalsolutionsforthespatialgradientofϕin τ 0.0763 0.0791 spherically symmetric quasi-static configurations. Naturally, log(cid:2)1010A (cid:3) 3.154 3.152 s thispreventsonefromstudyingnonlinearstructureformation log[ρ /ρ ] −4.22 −37.39 ϕ,i m,i intheQuinticmodel. Asaresult,inwhatfollows,wealways c /c2/3 −5.38 −4.55 2 3 assumethatc = 0andfocusonlyontheCubicandQuartic c 10 20 5 3 Galileonmodels. c /c4/3 0(fixed) −0.096 4 3 ByvaryingtheactionofEq.(1)withrespecttogµν andϕ, c5/c53/3 0(fixed) 0(fixed) oneobtainsthemodifiedEinsteinequationsandtheGalileon field equation of motion, respectively. These equations are ϕ¯˙ c1/3 1.10×10−9 1.54×10−20 i 3 lengthy and therefore we do not show them in this paper Age(Gyr) 13.748 13.770 (the interested reader can find them in Eqs. (A1-A7) of σ (z=0) 0.997 0.998 8 Ref. [11]). The background and the linearly perturbed equa- tionshavealsobeenderivedandpresentedinpreviouspapers (e.g.Refs.[11,12]),andwealsoabstainfromshowingthem here. Inthispaper,wesimplylayoutthenonlinearequations thatdeterminethemodificationstogravityinsphericalmatter TABLEII.Valuesofthecriticalinitialoverdensityforthespherical overdensities. collapse to occur at a = 0.6, a = 0.8, a = 1.0, extrapolated to a = 1.0 with the ΛCDM linear growth factor. This extrapolation is done purely to enable the resulting values of δ in the Galileon c model to be more easily compared to results from other models in B. Fifthforcesolutions theliterature.Thevaluesofδ areshownforΛCDMandthemodels c ofTableIII,andwereobtainedbyfollowingthestrategypresented Tobuildsomeintuitionabouttheresultsthatarepresented inRef.[28]. inthesubsequentsections,itisinstructivetolookatthemod- ifications to gravity in the limit of spherical symmetry, for Model a=0.6 a=0.8 a=1.0 whichanalyticalsolutionscanbederived.Inthiscase,accord- δ δ δ c c c ing to Ref. [28], the total gravitational force in the Galileon modelisobtainedbysolvingthefollowingequations ΛCDM 2.346 1.907 1.677 QCDM 2.224 1.780 1.560 Cubic Φ, Ω δa−3+A (ϕ, /χ)+A (ϕ /χ)2 CubicGalileon 2.219 1.767 1.537 χ = m0 1 χ 2 χ , (3) LinearizedCubicGalileon 2.213 1.749 1.500 χ A 4 Ψ, B (Φ, /χ)+B (ϕ, /χ)+B (ϕ, /χ)2 QCDM 2.226 1.784 1.565 χ = 0 χ 1 χ 2 χ , (4) Quartic χ B QuarticGalileon 2.236 1.805 1.593 3 LinearizedQuarticGalileon 2.196 1.728 1.492 (cid:20)ϕ, (cid:21) (cid:20)ϕ, (cid:21)2 0=η δ+(η δ+η ) χ +η χ 01 11 10 χ 20 χ 4 FIG.1.TimeanddensitydependenceoftheeffectivegravitationalstrengthG ofEq.(7)fortheCubic(leftpanel)andQuartic(rightpanel) eff Galileonmodels.ThecolourscalebarsattherightofeachpanelshowthevalueofG /G.Thecolorscaleisthesameforbothpanels. eff (cid:20)ϕ, (cid:21)3 paper, whenever we refer to the Cubic and Quartic Galileon +η χ , (5) 30 χ modelswemeantheseparticularparametersets. The modifications to gravity can be quantified in terms of where χ ≡ aH02r (with r being the comoving radial coordi- aneffectivegravitationalstrengthGeff definedas nate and a the cosmic scale factor) and δ ≡ ρ /ρ¯ −1 is m m the matter density contrastof atop-hat sphericaloverdensity G Ψ, /χ Ψ, /χ w.r.t. themeanbackgrounddensityρ¯m. ThequantitiesAi,Bi eff(a,δ)= χ = χ . (7) G Ψ,GR/χ Ω δ/(2a3) and ηab depend only on time and can be found in Ref. [28]. χ m0 The two gravitational potentials Φ and Ψ are defined by the In Ref. [28], this quantity is shown for the Quartic model as perturbed spatially-flat FRW line element in the Newtonian a function of time and density. In Fig. 1, for completeness, gauge werepeatthesamefigurebutincludealsothecorresponding result for the Cubic Galileon. In both models, the deviation ds2 =(1+2Ψ)dt2−a(t)2(1−2Φ)γ dxidxj, (6) of Geff/G from unity arises only at late times: a (cid:38) 0.6 and ij a(cid:38)0.5fortheCubicandQuarticmodels,respectively.Inthe where γ = diag[1,1,1]. Step by step, for fixed a and δ, linearregime(|δ|(cid:28)1),G increaseswithtimeinbothmod- ij eff onecansolveEq.(5)analyticallyforϕ, /χ,andplugtheso- els, but it does so more pronouncedly in the Cubic Galileon: χ lutionintoEqs.(3)and(4)todeterminethetotalforcegiven at a = 1, G is roughly 90% larger than G in the Cubic, eff by Ψ, /χ. Note that we have written Eqs. (3), (4) and (5) butonly40%largerintheQuartic. Inhigher-densityregions χ assuming c = 0. If c (cid:54)= 0, Eq. (5) becomes a sixth-order (δ (cid:38) 1), however, the qualitative pictures of these two mod- 5 5 algebraic equation for ϕ, /χ, which does not admit an ana- elsbecomedistinct. Focusingforinstanceonthepresentday χ lytical solution and has to be solved numerically. Moreover, (a = 1),intheCubicmodel,G /Gapproachesunityasthe eff inthecaseoftheCubicGalileon,theequationssimplifyeven densitycontrastincreases.Thisshowstheeffectofthescreen- furthersinceη ,η ,A ,B ,B vanishandB =B =−2. ing mechanism in high-density regions. On the other hand, 11 30 2 1 2 0 3 Inparticular,intheCubicmodelΦ=Ψ. in the Quartic model, at a = 1, G does not approach the eff Table I lists the model parameters we consider. These standardvalue,butinsteadbecomesroughly40%smallerand wereobtainedbyfollowingthestepsinRef.[12],whichused time-varying(thetimevariationcanalsobeseeninFig.4of datafromtheWMAP9-yrresultsforthetemperaturefluctu- Ref.[27]). Thisresultputsthemodelintoseveretensionwith ations power spectrum of the CMB [23], type Ia supernovae SolarSystemtestsofgravitythatconstrainthetimevariation (SNIa)fromtheSNLS3-yrsample[37]andbaryonicacous- of G /G to be very small [7]. The weaker gravity in the eff ticoscillations(BAO)measurementsfromthe6dF[38],SDSS Quartic Galileon model follows from modifications induced DR7 [41] and BOSS [39] galaxy surveys. These correspond by the time-varying A , B and B terms in Eqs. (3) and 4 0 3 alsototheparametersusedtoruntheN-bodysimulationsin (4). These terms do not depend on the spatial gradients of Refs.[26]and[27]. ThepredictedCMBangularpowerspec- theGalileonfield,andtherefore,cannotbesuppressedbythe trumandthelinearmatterpowerspectrumofthesemodelpa- Vainshteinmechanism. Theoriginofthesethreecoefficients rameterscanbefoundinFig.1ofRef.[28]. Intherestofthe canbetracedbacktothedirectcouplingoftheGalileonfield 5 withtheRicciscalarRinL4,whichisnecessarytoavoidthe B. Halomassfunction presence of ghosts. In the case of the Cubic Galileon, these threetermsareconstantandtheproblemdoesnotarise. Thehalomassfunctioncanbeexpressedas The physical picture depicted in Fig. 1 indicates that the modelling of halo properties can be very different in these dn(M) ρ¯ two models, in particular because of the different behavior dlnM = m0f(S)dS, (11) in high-density regions. In the remainder of the paper, we dlnM M focuson thesedifferences, ignoringfornow thefact thatthe whereSdenotesthevarianceofthelineardensityfieldfiltered time-varyingG inhigh-densityregionsisputtingtheQuar- eff onsomecomovingdistancescaleR, ticmodelintohugeobservationaltension. (cid:90) S(R)≡σ2(R)=4π k2P W˜2(k,R)dk. (12) III. HALOMODELOFTHENONLINEARMATTER k,lin POWERSPECTRUM Here, W˜ (k,R) = 3(sin(kR)−kRcos(kR))/(kR)3 is the Inthissection,wedescribethehalomodelofthenonlinear Fourier transform of the filter function, which we take as a matterpowerspectrum,aswellasthehalopropertiesthatare top-hatinrealspace. Themassenclosedbythefilterisgiven neededasinput. Inparticular,wedefineandpresentthehalo by massfunction,linearhalobiasandhalodensityprofiles. M =4πρ¯ R3/3. (13) m0 A. Halomodel In Eq. (11), f(S)dS is associated with the fraction of the total mass that resides in haloes whose variances fall In the halo model approach, one of the main premises is within[S,S+dS](orequivalently,whosemassesfallwithin that all matter in the Universe is in bound structures. Thus, [M −dM,M])1. the two-point correlation function of the matter density field Motivatedbytheellipsoidalcollapseofoverdenseregions, can be decomposed into the contributions from the correla- Refs.[29–31]proposedthefollowingexpressionforf(S) tions between mass elements that belong to the same halo (the1-haloterm)andtodifferenthaloes(the2-haloterm). In termsofthematterpowerspectrum,thiscanbewrittenas(see (cid:114) q δ (cid:34) (cid:18)qδ2(cid:19)−p(cid:35) (cid:20) δ2(cid:21) f(S)=A c 1+ c exp −q c , Ref.[32]foracomprehensivereview) 2πS3/2 S 2S (14) P =P1h+P2h, (8) k k k whereδ ≡δ (z)isthecriticalinitialoverdensityforaspher- c c where ical top-hat to collapse at redshift z, extrapolated to z = 0 with the ΛCDM linear growth factor 2. The values of δ (z) c (cid:90) M dn(M) for the Cubic and Quartic Galileon models are shown in Ta- P1h = dM |u(k,M)|2, k ρ¯2m0 dlnM ble II. Note that for consistency, Pk,lin in Eq. (12) is also theinitialpowerspectrumofthespecificmodel(saytheCu- P2h =I(k)2P , (9) k k,lin bic or the Quartic Galileon models), evolved to z = 0 with are,respectively,the1-haloand2-haloterms,with the ΛCDM linear growth factor. The choice of parameters (q,p) = (1,0) leads to the Press-Schechter mass function (cid:90) 1 dn(M) [42],whoseshapeandamplitudearemotivatedbythespher- I(k)= dM b (M)|u(k,M)|. (10) ical(ratherthanellipsoidal)collapseofmatteroverdensities. ρ¯ dlnM lin m0 However, Refs. [29–31] found that the choice of parameters In the above expressions, k is the comoving wavenum- (q,p)=(0.75,0.30)providesamuchmoreaccuratedescrip- ber;ρ¯ isthepresent-daybackgroundmatterdensity;P tionofthemassfunctionmeasuredfromN-bodysimulations m0 k,lin is the matter power spectrum obtained using linear the- ofΛCDMmodels. ForGalileongravitymodels,itisnotnec- ory;dn(M)/dlnM denotesthecomovingnumberdensityof essarily true that this choice of (q,p) parameters also results haloes per differential logarithmic interval of mass (we shall refertothisquantityasthemassfunction);b (M)isthelin- lin earhalobias;u(k,M)istheFouriertransformofthedensity profileofthehaloestruncatedatthesizeofthehaloandnor- 1Notethatforfixedcosmologicalparameters,thequantitiesS,RandM malized such that u(k → 0,M) → 1. In order to compute canberelatedtooneanotherviaEqs.(12)and(13). Intheremainderof thepaper, weusethesequantitiesinterchangeablywhenreferringtothe thematterpowerspectrumofEq.(8),onehastomodelthese scaleofthehaloes. quantitiesfirst. Thisisdoneintheremainderofthissection. 2Thisextrapolationisdonepurelytoensurethattheresultingvaluesofδc We follow the notation of Ref. [28], to which we refer the intheGalileonmodelcanbemorereadilycomparedtoresultsfromother readerforfurtherdetailsofthederivation. modelsintheliterature. 6 inagoodfittoN-bodyresults. Inthenextsection,werecal- ThemassoftheNFWdensityprofile,M ,canbeobtained ∆ ibrate these two parameters to our simulations of the Cubic byintegratingEq.(17)uptosomeradiusR (themeaningof ∆ and Quartic Galileon models. The normalization constant A thesubscript∆willbecomeclearlater) (cid:82) isfixedbyrequiringthat f(S)dS = 1. Themassfunction computed using Eqs. (11) and (14) is known as the Sheth- Tormenmassfunction. (cid:90) R∆ M = dr4πr2ρ (r) (18) ∆ NFW 0 C. Linearhalobias =4πρ R∆3 (cid:20)ln(1+c )− c∆ (cid:21), s c3 ∆ 1+c ∆ ∆ Thelinearhalobiasparameterb(M)[43]quantifiesthedif- ference between the clustering amplitude of haloes of mass wherewehaveusedtheconcentrationparameter M and that ofthe underlying total dark matter field on large scales(k (cid:28)1h/Mpc), R c = ∆ (19) δhalo(M)=b(M)δmatter, (15) ∆ rs where δhalo and δmatter represent, respectively, the density (nottobeconfusedwiththeciparametersintheactionofthe contrast of the distribution of haloes of mass M and of the GalileonmodelEq.(1)). total dark matter field. Equation (23) is only valid when Inoursimulations,thehalomassisdefinedas |δ | (cid:28) 1,i.e.,onlargecosmologicalscales. Onsmaller matter scales, where the matter overdensity is larger, higher order termsareneeded[44]. 4π By following the same steps as in Ref. [28], one can M = ∆ρ¯ R3, (20) ∆ 3 c0 ∆ straightforwardly show that the Sheth-Tormen halo bias is givenby i.e., M is the mass enclosed by the comoving radius R , ∆ ∆ withinwhichthemeandensityis∆timesthecriticaldensity b(M)=1+g(z)(cid:18)qδc2/S−1 + 2p/δc (cid:19),(16) oftheUniversetoday,ρ¯c0.Inthispaperweconsider∆=200, δ 1+(qδ2/S)p butfornowletuskeepthediscussionasgeneralaspossible. c c By combining Eqs. (18) and (20), one finds ρ as a function s with g(z) = DΛCDM(z = 0)/DModel(z), where D(z) is ofc : ∆ thelineargrowthfactorofaspecificmodel. Thelatterisde- fined as δ (z) = D(z)δ (z )/D(z ). Provided the matter matter i i (q,p) parameters are calibrated to fit the mass function, the 1 (cid:20) c (cid:21)−1 linear halo bias b(M) should, according to the excursion set ρ = ∆ρ¯ c3 ln(1+c )− ∆ . (21) theory logic, give automatically a reasonably good fit to the s 3 c0 ∆ ∆ 1+c∆ simulation results. This is one of the well-known lessons of Refs.[29–31]fortheCDMfamilyofmodels. Theresultsin All that is needed to fully specify the NFW profile is to de- thenextsectionshowthatthisremainstruefortheCubicand terminethevalueofr ,whichisdonebydirectfittingtothe s QuarticGalileonmodels. halodensityprofilesmeasuredfromthesimulations.Inthelit- erature,however,ithasbecomemorecommontospecifythe concentration-mass relation c (M ), instead of the equiva- ∆ ∆ D. Halodensityprofiles lent values of r . Previous studies [45–48] have found that s theconcentration-massrelationiswelldescribedbyapower Weassumethattheradialprofileofthedarkmatterhaloes law function. The parameters of the power law, however, isoftheNFWtype[33]3 seemtohaveasizeablecosmologydependence,evenfordif- ferentchoicesofcosmologicalparametersinΛCDMmodels ρ (see e.g. Ref. [47]). In the next section, we will see that the ρNFW(r)= r/r [1+sr/r ]2, (17) c∆(M∆) relation in Galileon models can also be well fitted s s by a power law, but with fitting parameters that differ con- whereρ andr areoftencalledthecharacteristicdensityand siderably from those obtained for ΛCDM. Having found the s s thescaleradiusofthehalo. c∆(M∆)relationfromthesimulations,thentheNFWdensity profilebecomescompletelyspecifiedbythemassM ofthe ∆ halo. Finally,becausewhatentersEqs.(9)and(10)istheFourier 3Nottobeconfusedwiththetop-hatprofileassumptionusedinthespherical transformoftheprofiles,u(k,M),andnottheprofilesthem- collapsetoobtainthevaluesofthecriticaldensityδc. selves,wesimplymentionthatitispossibletoshowthat 7 inwhichtheexpansionhistoryisthesameasintheothertwo TABLEIII.SummaryofthethreevariantsoftheCubicandQuartic variants. This variant is used as a base model to identify the Galileon models studied in this paper. All variants have the same modificationstostructureformationthatarisefromthemod- backgroundexpansionhistory,butdifferintheforcelaw. ified force law, excluding those that arise from the modified expansion rate compared to ΛCDM. The properties of these Model Expansionhistory Forcelaw threevariantsaresummarizedinTableIII. The simulations were performed in a box of size L = Fullmodel Galileon GR+Screenedfifthforce 200Mpc/h, with N = 5123 dark matter particles and grid Linearmodel Galileon GR+linearfifthforce p refinementcriteriaN = 8. Foreachofthemodelvariants, QCDM Galileon GR th wehavesimulatedfivedifferentrealizationsoftheinitialden- sityfield,bychoosingdifferentrandomseeds.Thisallowsfor statistical averaging, which we use to construct errorbars for the simulation results by measuring the variance within the (cid:90) R∆ sinkrρ (r) differentrealizations. Althoughinthispaperweshowresults u (k,M)= dr4πr2 NFW NFW kr M onlyforoneboxsize,wenotethatinRefs.[26,27]thesame 0 ∆ (cid:26) modelsweresimulatedusingdifferentboxsizesandparticle sin(kr ) =4πρ r3 s [Si([1+c ]kr )−Si(kr )]numbers,andgaveconvergedresults. s s M ∆ s s cos(kr ) + s [Ci([1+c ]kr )−Ci(kr )] M ∆ s s B. Massfunction (cid:27) sin(c kr ) − ∆ s , (22) M(1+c∆)krs In Figs. 2 and 3, we show our results for the cumulative massfunctionoftheCubicandQuarticGalileonmodels, re- (cid:82)x (cid:82)∞ whereSi(x) = dtsin(t)/tandCi(x) = − dtcos(t)/t. spectively. Thesewereobtainedwiththephase-spacefriends- 0 x Notethat,indeed,u(k →0,M)→1,asrequired. of-friendshalofindercodeRockstar[52]. Throughout,we use M and M interchangeably to denote halo mass. The 200 symbolswitherrorbarsindicatethesimulationresultsandthe IV. RESULTS dashed lines show the mass function predicted by Eqs. (11) and(14)usingthevaluesofδ fromTableIIandthestandard c Inthissection,wetestthepredictionsoftheformulaepre- Sheth-Tormenparameters(q,p) = (0.75,0.30). Onecansee sentedinthelastsectionwiththeresultsfromN-bodysimu- that the mass function computed in this way fails to provide lationsoftheCubic[26]andQuartic[27]Galileonmodels. a reasonable description of the simulation results. In terms of the relative difference w.r.t. QCDM, the standard Sheth- Tormen prediction gets the correct qualitative trend, but sig- A. Summaryofthesimulations nificantly underestimates the effects of the modifications to gravityseeninthesimulations. The simulations presented in this paper were performed It is not completely surprising that the use of the standard with the ECOSMOG code [49], which is a modified version Sheth-Tormen parameters (q,p) = (0.75,0.30) fails in the of the RAMSES code [50] that includes extra solvers for the Galileonmodel, sincethesewerechosentofitΛCDMsimu- scalardegreesoffreedomthatappearinmodifiedgravitythe- lations [29–31]. The ellipsoidal collapse motivates a depar- ories. The code solves the equation of motion of the scalar turefrom(q,p) = (1,0)(whichcorrespondstothespherical field by performing Gauss-Seidel iterative relaxations on an collapse case), but the magnitude of this departure is deter- adaptivelyrefinedgrid.Thegridisrefinedwheneverthenum- mined by fitting to numerical results. Very crudely, one can berofparticleswithinagridcellexceedssomeuser-specified saythatthefitted(q,p)parametersabsorbsomeoftheuncer- threshold,N .Thisensuresthathigh-densityregionsaresuf- taindetailsofthenonlinearstructureformation,whichcannot th ficientlywellresolved,whilesavingcomputationalresources beaccuratelydescribedbytheellipsoidalcollapse. Inmodels inregionswherethedensityislower. Formoredetailsabout thatdiffersignificantlyfromΛCDM,liketheCubicorQuartic the code implementation, in particular in Galileon cosmolo- Galileonmodels, itistobeexpectedthatthespecificsofthe gies,wereferthereadertoRefs.[26,27,49,51]. ellipsoidalcollapseshouldalsobedifferent. Inpractice, this The results that follow correspond to three variants of the translatesintodifferentvaluesforthe(q,p)parameters. The CubicandQuarticGalileonmodels. Wecallthelinearmodel solidlinesinFigs.2and3showthemassfunctionpredicted the one in which the screening mechanism is artificially set usingthevaluesofδ fromTableIIandthebest-fitting(q,p) c tozero,bylinearizationoftheEinsteinandtheGalileonfield parameters to the simulation results. The latter were deter- equations. Thefullmodelis,asthenameindicates,thecom- minedforeachvariantoftheCubicandQuarticGalileonmod- pletemodelwithoutanymodifications. Comparingthesetwo elsata = 0.6,a = 0.8anda = 1. Theirvaluesareshownin variantsallowsonetoseetheeffectsofthescreeningmecha- TableIV.Byallowing(q,p)todifferfromthestandardvalues, nism.TheothervariantiscalledQCDM,andcorrespondstoa one sees that the analytical predictions of Eqs. (11) and (14) modelwherethereisnocontributionfromthefifthforce,but can actually provide an extremely good fit to the simulation 8 FIG.2. TheupperpanelsshowthecumulativemassfunctionofthethreevariantsoftheCubicmodelata = 0.60,a = 0.80anda = 1.00. The triangles with errorbars show the simulation results considering only haloes (and not subhaloes) with mass M > 100M , where 200 p M = Ω ρ¯ L3/N istheparticlemass. ThesolidlinescorrespondtothecumulativemassfunctionpredictedusingEqs.(11)and(14), p m0 c0 p withthebest-fitting(q,p)parameterstothesimulationresultsgiveninTableIV.Thedashedlinesarecomputedinthesamewayasthesolid lines,butwiththestandardSheth-Tormenparametervalues(q,p)=(0.75,0.30).Forreference,theSheth-Tormencumulativemassfunction foraΛCDMmodelwithWMAP9parameters[23]isshownbytheblackdashedcurveintheupperpanels. Thecolorschemeindicatedin thefigureappliestothelinesandsymbols. Inthelowerpanels,therelativedifferenceofthesimulationresultsw.r.t. theQCDMsimulations resultsisshown,andtherelativedifferenceoftheanalyticalpredictionsisplottedw.r.t.totheanalyticalpredictionsoftheQCDMmodel.Also inthelowerpanels,thesolidredanddashedredlinesarebothzero,bydefinition. TABLEIV.Best-fittingSheth-Tormen(q,p)parameterstothesimulationresultsforthevariantsoftheCubicandQuarticGalileonmodels ata = 0.60,a = 0.80anda = 1.00. Theuncertaintyinthevaluesofq andpis∆ = 3.5×10−3 and∆ = 1.5×10−3,respectively. q p Theseparametersweredeterminedbyminimizingthequantity(cid:80) |nsims(>M )/nST(>M ,q,p)−1|,wherensimsisthecumulativemass i i i functionmeasuredinthesimulations,nST istheanalyticalresultgivenbytheSheth-Tormenmassfunctionandtheindex’i’runsoverthe numberofbinsinthecumulativemassfunction. Model a=0.60 a=0.80 a=1.00 (q,p) (q,p) (q,p) QCDM (0.699,0.336) (0.727,0.349) (0.791,0.354) Cubic CubicGalileon (0.699,0.334) (0.720,0.346) (0.770,0.349) LinearizedCubicGalileon (0.685,0.326) (0.692,0.308) (0.734,0.301) QCDM (0.671,0.339) (0.692,0.349) (0.713,0.354) Quartic QuarticGalileon (0.713,0.359) (0.840,0.389) (1.024,0.407) LinearizedQuarticGalileon (0.649,0.316) (0.671,0.316) (0.692,0.321) 9 FIG.3.SameasFig.2,butfortheQuarticGalileonmodel. results in the entire mass range probed. Similarly, Ref. [53] whosedefinitiondiffersindifferentmodels. Inthispaper,we has found that, by appropriately adjusting the values of pa- arecomparingthemassM ofEq.(13)withthevaluesofM 200 rametersintheTinkermassfunction[54],thenthelattercan measuredfromthesimulations.Onedoesnotexpectthesetwo matchthesimulationresultsofamodelthatalsoemploysthe mass definitions to be exactly the same, but nor would one VainshteineffectbutwithaΛCDMexpansionhistory. expect them to differ significantly. These ambiguities in the In the case of the Cubic model, one sees that the screen- massdefinitioncan, anyway, beabsorbedinthefittedvalues ingmechanismworkswellatsuppressingtheenhancementin oftheSheth-Tormen(q,p)parameters.Weexpectthesefitting the number density of haloes. For instance, the linear vari- parameterstoslightlychangewithdifferentmassdefinitions. antpredictsanenhancementinthenumberdensityofhaloes However,notethatthisisalsothecasefortheΛCDMmodel, withM ∼1014M /hata=1ofabout45%,whereasinthe andisnotpeculiartoGalileongravity. (cid:12) case of the full model, in which the screening is at play, the enhancement is smaller than 10%. On the other hand, in the caseoftheQuarticmodel,theoverallweakeningofgravityin C. Linearhalobias thefullvariant(cf.Fig.(1))leadstoasignificantsuppresionin thenumberdensityofcollapsedobjects. Inparticular,haloes Inoursimulations,wemeasurethehalobiasbyevaluating withM ∼1014M(cid:12)/hare∼50%lessabundantcomparedto theratio QCDM.Inthecaseofthelinearizedvariant,thesamemassive haloesare∼30%moreabundantw.r.t. QCDM4. P (k,M) Before proceeding, a comment should be made about the b(k,M)= hm , (23) definitionofhalomassinthesimulationsandintheanalytical P(k) formulaepresentedinSec.III.Assumingmassconservation, where P(k) is the total matter power spectrum and Eq. (13) can be associated with the virial mass of the halo, P (k,M) is the halo-matter cross spectrum for haloes of hm mass M. We used a Delaunay Tessellation field estimator code[57,58]toobtainthehaloandmatterdensityfieldsfrom 4See also Refs. [55, 56] for N-body simulations of a phenomenological whichwecomputedthesepowerspectra. Inthenumeratorof modelwithaYukawa-likefifthforce,forwhichsimilarresultsarefound. Eq. (23), we consider the cross power spectrum, rather than 10 FIG.4.LinearhalobiasofthethreevariantsoftheCubic(upperpanels)andQuarticGalileon(lowerpanels)modelsata=0.60,a=0.80and a = 1.00. Thetriangleswitherrorbarsshowthesimulationresultsconsideringonlyhaloes(andnotsubhaloes)withmassM > 100M , 200 p where M = Ω ρ¯ L3/N is the particle mass. The solid and dashed lines correspond to the linear halo bias parameter of Eq. (16) p m0 c0 p computedwiththe(q,p)parametersfromTableIVand(q,p) = (0.75,0.30), respectively. ThelinearhalobiasforaΛCDMmodelwith WMAP9parameters[23]isshownbytheblackdashedlines.Thecolorschemeindicatedinthefigureappliestothelinesandsymbols. thehalo-halocountspowerspectrum,toreducetheimpactof toreproducetheresultsfromN-bodysimulations[29–31]. shot noise on our measurements. Our estimate for the linear halobiasisgivenbytheasymptoticvalueofb(k,M)onlarge scales (small k). The result is shown in Fig. 4 for the Cubic D. Halooccupationdistributionanalysis (upper panels) and Quartic (lower panels) Galileon models. In Fig. 4, one sees that Eq. (16) provides a good description ofthelinearhalobiasseeninthesimulationsifoneusesthe As indicated by the values of σ8 ∼ 1 in Table I, the am- (q,p)parametersthatbest-fitthemassfunctionofthesimula- plitudeofthelinearmatterpowerspectrumintheCubicand tions(solidlines).Thisshowsthattheexcursionsettheoryap- Quartic Galileon models is higher than in standard ΛCDM proachandthestepsinvolvedinthederivationofEq.(16)are models, for which σ8 ∼ 0.82 [23]. Consequently, it is in- stillvalidintheCubicandQuarticGalileonmodels.However, teresting to investigate if the enhanced clustering power in theuseofthebest-fitting(q,p)parametersdoesnotleadtoa theGalileonmodelsisstillconsistentwiththeobservedlarge significant improvement over the use of the standard Sheth- scale clustering of the host haloes of Luminous Red Galax- Tormen values, (q,p) = (0.75,0.30) in matching the simu- ies (LRGs) of the SDSS DR7 [25]. The screening mecha- lationresults. Thelinearhalobiasseemstobelesssensitive nismcouldpotentiallysuppresspartoftheenhancement,but thanthehalomassfunctiontotheexactchoiceof(q,p). This Refs.[26,27]haveshownthattheimpactoftheVainshteinef- canbeunderstoodasthelinearhalobiasiscomputedasthera- fectisnegligibleonsufficientlylargescales(k (cid:46)0.1h/Mpc). tiooftwomassfunctions[28,43],andconsequently,someof On the other hand, the result of Fig. 4 shows that massive thedependenceonthevaluesof(q,p)cancelstosomeextent. haloes in Galileon cosmologies can be less biased than in Notethatdespitetheweakersensitivitytotheexactchoiceof ΛCDM, which effectively suppresses the halo power spec- theSheth-Tormenparameters,thesemuststilldifferfromthe trum. As a result, a robust comparisson between theory and Press-Schechter limit (q,p) = (1,0), which is known to fail observations requires an exploration of this degeneracy be- tween the enhanced linear growth of structure and the lower