Halesowen Thursday,January26,2017 Readbymorethan46,000people Pricewhensold70p CLEAR WAY FOR DEATH Inquesthasopened onfatalcarincident ANINQUESThasopenedona20-year- METRO ROUTE oldwomanwhofellfromabonnetofacar beingdrivenaroundacarparkinDudley. Eleanor Underhill, from Shearwater Drive,BrierleyHill,diedonJanuary3,eight daysaftersustainingheadinjuriesinthe incidentonBoxingDayonthecarparkof theTescoExtra,atBurntTree,ataround 10.30pm. Amanandawomanaged18,anda 19-year-old man, all from Stourbridge, haveallbeenbaileduntilMarch29. Senior Coroner Zafar Siddique ad- journedtheinquest. ReportbyJamieBrassington SUPERPUP CLARK WAS ABANDONDED IN PHONE BOX ACCIDENT Motorcyclisthurtin WORK has begun to clear overgrowth from a derelict multi-vehiclecrash railwaylinewhichwillbecome a new route for the Midland Metrotramservice. AMOTORCYCLISTwastakentohospi- The route will be built between talafterhewasinacollisioninvolvinga carandalorryinPensnett. WednesburyandBrierleyHill’sMer- ThecrashhappenedontheHigh ryHillshoppingcentreontheformer Streetataround9.40amonMonday. South Staffordshire Railway line, The24-year-oldmansufferedinju- riestohiskneeandpelvis,andwas which closed to passengers in the takentoRussellsHallHospital. 1960s. A spokesman for West Midlands WorkerssubcontractedbyMidlandMetro AmbulanceServicesaid:“Wereceived Alliance(MMA)havebeenclearingthetracks acallat9.40amtoacollisiononPen- ofplantsandtreessostructuralandenviron- snett High Street outside St Mark’s mentalsurveyscanbecarriedout. ChurchofEnglandPrimarySchool. Community leaders say the development willcreate‘hugeoppor- MURDER tunities’ for jobs and tourism in the Black Bus passenger is Country. Theworkwillfinally link the major Black stabbed to death Countryshoppingcen- trewiththerestofthe region via rail. The routewillrunfromthe A MAN from the Black Country was WaterfrontatBrierley stabbedtodeathonanightbusinBirming- ClearingwayfortramsHill, passing Dudley hamafterarowwithafellowpassenger. Castleandontolinkup WestMidlandsPolicesaidCCTVshows withtheexistingWolverhamptontoBirming- the 35-year-old victim was seen to ex- hamlineatWednesburyGreatWesternStreet. change words with another passenger, MMA,whoareworkingonbehalfofthenew whothenpulledoutaknifeandstabbed wWoersktoMnidthlaenrdosutCeotmobbiengeindiAnu2t0h1o9riatyn,deixtpweicltl hflLeaimeniens,geHvtahenerad1ls1wtAimooretuhst.eiInrtchtiharceplepsetbonumesdaincahtRaobrooekfuoenrrdey beopenforpassengersby2023. 10.40pmonMonday.Theknifemanisde- MMAwillhavetosubmitabusinesscaseto scribedasablackman,agedaround25, theDepartmentforCommunitiesandLocal about5ft10intall,withshortdread-locked Governmentbeforethelong-awaitedDudley hair,andwaswearingapaddedjacket, linkcanfinallybecomeareality. headphonesandablackbaseballcap. Partners Itisanticipatedthatfundswillcomefrom INSIDE theGovernmentandtheWestMidlandsCom- binedAuthority,whichincludesBirmingham FIZZOGS TO BITE andtheBlackCountrylocalauthorities. CouncillorKhurshidAhmed,Dudley’scab- inetmemberforregenerationandenterprise, THE BIG APPLE said:“We’vebeenworkinghardwithpartners tomakethisprojecthappenaswearesetto benefitsignificantlywhentheMetrorollsin. ThepuppyfoundinaQuintonphoneboxhasbeennamedafterClarkKentwhowouldemergefromphoneboxesreadytofightevilasSuperman Theimprovedtransportlinkswillcreatehuge AN APPEAL for information has been A member of the public was alerted to decidedtocallhimClarkafterClarkKent.He opportunitiesforjobsandtourisminthearea. It’sgreattoseetheprojectmovingintheright launchedafterapuppywasfoundabandoned Clark’splightafterhearingthepupwhim- lookstheparttooaswehavefoundaSuper- directionandacommitmentfromallinvolved.” insideaphonebox. peringfrominsidethephonebox. mancollarforhim.He’sdefinitelyourbrave Alejandro Moreno, MMA Director, said: Theone-year-oldStaffordshirebullterrier RSPCAinspectorJonathanRatcliffesaid: superdog. “Weareveryexcitedtobeginworkonthiskey wasfoundchainedupinQuintonRoadWest, “PhysicallythedogisOK.Hewasunder- “Ifnoownercomesforwardthenwewill routebutbeforewecanbeginconstruction,we Quinton,onJanuary17. standablystressedoutfrombeingabandoned. hopefullybeabletofindhimalovingnew doneedtocarryoutsomepreparatorywork ThepuppyhasnowbeennamedClarkafter “Wehavenoideawherehecamefromas home.” inordertodecidewhatfurtherworksarere- ClarkKentwhowouldemergefromphone hewasnotmicrochippedandwedon’tknow Anyonewhohasanyinformationabout quiredtoprepareforconstruction.” boxesreadytofightevilasSuperman. howlonghewastherefor.Hewasluckyasit howClarkcametobeabandonedcancontact Inthelongterm,theauthoritysaysthenew ClarkhasevenbeengivenanewSuperman iscoldandhedidn’thaveanyfoodorwater. theRSPCAincompleteconfidenceon0300 routewillalsoprovideadirectlinktotheHS2 collar. Becausehewasfoundinaphonebox,wehave 1238018. PAGE2 highspeedrailhubandBirminghamAirport. JORDANS SOLICITORS Hereat Iftheregularofficehours9.00amto5.00pm JordansSolicitors MondaytoFridayarenotveryconvenient foryouwecanofferThursdayeveningand weoffer,Conveyancing Saturdaymorning Friendly, efficient bothResidentialand 1SummerHill,HalesowenB633BUTel:01215853900 and price Commercial,Willsand 35PayneStreet,Blackheath,WestMidlandsB650DH Probate,PowersofAttorney Telephone:01215592922 competitive &FamilyLaw... www.jordans-solicitors.co.uk CONTENTS Museum lands £129k grant for mine Lye balti event 2 MARK ANDREWS 6 in extended 17 LETTERS 7 A COLLIERY will be brought to life af- complete by February next year. It will planned renovations would genuinely 0 26, 2 TCHREA DFLAESYT &TI CCKREATD LEY HEATH 1263 tlaenrT dhtehede R aB a£lca1ec2ck9o u,C0r0os0ue ngCtroralynl iteL.riyv iwnga sM buusieltu amt iitnnhcsalttua cdloleaa tla ic oranenp baoeifr t atrotam ntshofese prtrhueebdr itbcry a lmpiigtwh patoyinn sgyo,, isnpcTernhedea somen u stsiheteue .ma’ms oduepnut tyo fc htiiemf eJ ovniasitthoarns Black Country ary TV GUIDE 26 - 28 tBhlea cTki pCtoonu nRtorya dc aotatlrpaict.t ioItn wasa sa ntyapmiceadl sahnodw tsh eh roews tomrianteiorns owfe ar ep ilto wcaegree dw hinictho Wprioljseocnt wsailild m: e“aTnh teh ec ommupsleeutmio nis oafb lteh tios festival plan nu PROPERTY 31 after the 1846 Dudley Racecourse which the shaft. Costumed characters will tell provide an immersive and thought-pro- day, Ja MSCPOOOTRONTR TINAG CT US 43 & 4441 CwMuauTslsth oueeurr iemgg,ri snMa anaeltnld ydfi aro o Gnam nat lhdltee hS respii etoDser .etI pmaanprdtrm oWveeonmltf sefononrt m3th9iTe n mhisnteuog sr fieiuneundsm udossifn t rtaghyc .orhosaesss w bthheoee nwc ooaurwkneatdrrd yi.en d Tt hhtoee igdvmioavkyae il lnsti fghew e eowmxrap kasei nrlriigeek aneal c bfesoo ervfn oetsr he aeo o uBpfr el waovcphikslae ittC oadornausdy n a-attnrnody-- THE Black Country Festival will be- nicle Thurs TSTEEee-DPmll::OI Ta00ROi11TlR:93S dI08:Au24 Ld 33:l e15 y93.c42h50r31o/ n0s1@38e4x 3p5re3s2s0a5ndstar.co.uk CRaceacoursle Colllie ry fwcwoiiolllllli eabrleylog iwinnr vanicsetiixtootn r.ms Ttohopn etb hre e aastnboldrer a stthoio osnue olewd o thbrkee vapbsiassriettisocsrum lnaeerunlmyt ibpmeaprnsr e elas ssnaeiddi d ba ygtnh rteahete d tm htuehystae tuw mtehr’eeso mpoiTunnhe .de” pmlaupnsse utom c raeolasote haa 1s9 om60usl ttio-wmrnil.l ion atcpibtronlayyamTsd naeB hessrdee p e te baBrtoresiha g.aFirlngdteeeiv es ire-Ftt ysi evoates auan£tlrtdis2 v as0aacbc0nlhre,,d o0etm st0mtesh0o re aer iemlwnul iBneftlodoldl ua esntcrerhik egae ahu aCget tovLr haueeyonennerddt--- o E-mail: [email protected] day events. hr PHOTOGRAPHIC: Tel: 01902 319430 The plan, which will see three peo- C E-mail: [email protected] ple employed to focus on the event’s wen ATEe-Dml:V a0Ei1Rl:9 Tn0IiS2c Io3Nl1aG9.:c5 oN7pi3ceo@lae Cxoppreessandstar.co.uk GCSE results of schools eaLxpoppcaaronl vEseinodnt ea,r twp yriielsls etb ePergadirantyn ’teshr iBsshl aiypce kam rCe. eoItuti nnwgtar.ys o PROPERTY: Colin Bailey The festival, which started in 2014, s Tel: 01902 313131 ext 3731 celebrates the region’s best traditions e E-mail: [email protected] and attractions during a variety of al MOTORING: Liz Barratt events held on and around Black Coun- H Tel: 01384 353244 try Day on July 14. E-mail: [email protected] All this has been achieved largely CLASSIFIED: through volunteers, but by setting a Tel: 01902 317878 three-year budget of £200,000, three E-mail: [email protected] paid staff could be employed to help ex- DTeIlS: T0R1I9B0U2T 3IO1N99: 9P0aul Jones wDUorDsLt EiYn sthceh ocoolsu natrrey afmoro nGgC tShEe Trump that – Fizzogs on way to USA paCnod- tohrge afnesisteivra ol.f the festival, Steve Ed- E-mail: [email protected] results. wards, said: “Over the last three years Halesowen The borough is ranked 128th out thhaev ef ehsteilvpa lt hhraosu bghee tnh eex LpEanPd itnog m, baukte tiot of 152 local authority areas, based even bigger will be absolutely fantastic. on GCSE results from A* to G across “It started in Dudley, but every year 51-53 Queen Street eight subjects. Sandwell was the only we’ve added events in neighbouring bor- Black Country borough to be ranked oughs, and we would like to add even Wolverhampton, WV1 1ES lower. more.” Open Monday to Friday 9am-1pm and 2pm-5pm This new ‘Attainment 8 measure’ is one Businesses will be encouraged to spon- www.yourchronicle.com iosf 6tw3rod n oenw a w liasyts s shcohwoionlsg atrhee jruadtgee odf. sDcuhdoloelys wsohri lteh et heev eBnlta cink oCroduern ttroy rCaiosne smorotniuemy, under-performing based on their ‘Progress will also work with Dudley Arts Council 8’ score. This looks at pupils’ progress to help identify sources of funding. throughout secondary school. A total of 55.7 per cent of pupils in Dud- £125k blueprint to ley are achieving A* to C in both English and maths. The figures show that, over all, one in revamp towpaths ten schools are under-performing. Councillor Nicolas Barlow, who repre- sents the Wollaston and Stourbridge Town ward, said: “There is a cause for concern. A PROJECT encouraging walking and We need to look at what the underlying fac- cycling in Dudley is to get a £125,000 tors are and put whatever support mecha- boost. nisms we have to put them in place. Dudley Council will be improving “The last thing we want is for those canal towpaths from Seven Dwellings schools to become failing and to go into Bridge to Black Delph Bridge, in Brier- special measures. ley Hill, which links to the National Challenging Cycle Network. It follows work last year costing “More often than not staff have to work £460,000 to make similar improvements in very challenging circumstances.” to towpaths between Kinver Street The top two performing schools in the Basin, in Wordsley, Buckpool Nature borough measured against Attainment Reserve and The Dell Stadium in Pen- 8 are Old Swinford Hospital and Redhill snett. School and Specialist Language College, Councillor Hilary Bills, cabinet mem- both in Stourbridge. ber for environmental services, said: They were followed by the Bishop Milner “We are delighted to be involved in these Catholic College and The Dormston School, Internet stars the Dancing Grannies, created by Black Country troupe the Fizzogs, are to perform in New York additional improvements to local canal in Dudley and The Kingswinford School & START spreading the news – the dance routines on social media. at the Bahrain Formula One Grand towpaths, which will help people to walk Science College. Dancing Grannies have decided to Now the Fizzogs are looking for Prix in April. That opportunity and cycle more often.” ntGouCnSWmS c1ahEb2loess7ora,t llihslno , wfhc a laapundsudd pipr nSarilganes nvk Eidaeonwcdugh es1liille2syl v3h cbir anaedmegn, n deWfi r1mvoa4eltav7 etetAdhhr *sho.. natm ot hpCe- hFthareTivn ehBg eieag GtArhrepiassptn l eynf eirinaeorssm t, ea aantdlhds. eo p oEkpdn ioonwvbenurr gathos spWplaeMon nae siimomsr bst eothro i tp Dafl tkeaobes hh NAmemlipcohe bfrou iilnclnsad Ns btaheyidwe s :t t“rYoiTropmhr.ke. MaFthrrioeidn sedegy leeae l f atoEesftr a a sst utht maela emptn eetrtr fh.socero muEet drfsir nocbmauu rgtghhhet Cwiotyr kr uisg obny cteanrgtreet The best performing school in Sandwell Black Country comedy act the Fiz- this summer. It’ll cost an arm and Their show, Suck It And See, was Sandwell Academy in West Bromwich. zogs, will jet across the pond in the a leg to get there so we are looking is currently touring with perfor- Its Attainment 8 score was 50.5 and 60 per summer to strut their stuff on the for sponsorship. If there are any po- mances at Rose Theatre, Kid- A NEW rugby union centre in Edgbas- cent of pupils achieved A* – C in both Eng- streets of New York city. tential sponsors out there and you derminster, on February 4; Core ton is on target for completion in late lish and maths. But the poor performance The move follows numerous re- feel The Dancing Grannies need Theatre, Solihull, on March 4; and 2017. Persimmon Homes Central with across the borough was such that despite quests from American fans who are support, then get in touch with us.” the Atrix Theatre, Bromsgrove, on Bournville Rugby Club is developing its score Sandwell Academy would not have among more than 300 million peo- The Fizzogs have already been March 11. Email info@thefizzogs. the facility on the former Avery and entered the top five in any of the other ple who have viewed the Grannies’ booked to perform their routines com or visit www.thefizzogs.com M&B recreation grounds near the Avery Black Country boroughs Fields homes development, City Road. Denture Care CCAARRPEPTES/TBSED/SB/REUDGSS/ New dentures will allow you to eat, smile and talk WHOLESALE&RETAILWAREHOUSE with CONFIDENCE! •Wehaveaspecialinterestinyourdenture UPTO SOFAS - VINYLS •Listeningtoourpatients,communicationiskeyforsuccess 75% OFF - LAMINATES - STAIRLIFTS Est 1978 •Wecanspendover3hourstoensuretheperfectsmile •Themostadvancetechniquesareusedtocustomiseyourdentureallunderoneroof Disabled. Can’t Get Out. OAP Or anyone needing that extra help? •Arangeisavalibletoaccommodateeveryone’sbudget. Can’t come to us - We’ll come to you We will bring 100’s of carpet samples, NEW COPY NATURAL DENTURE Providing a professional, personal & WEs oDfOa aWnHdA bTe OdT bHrEoRc hCuArResP EtoT yFoIRuMr dSo WorON’T discreet service. Patient satisfaction DENTURES DENTURES LOOKING REPAIR is our highest priority Remove and take away old carpets/beds Move heavy furniture and shave doors Terms and conditions apply. CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION Unit D Dormston Trading Estate, Burton Road, Upper Gornal www.ablecarpets.co.uk Lee Torrington01384 468 648 FREEPHONE COVERS ALL AREAS HOME VISITS 0800 0853747 CDT RCS ENG RDT. AVAILABLE •Halesowen •Hasbury Adrian Bromley 3a BLACKBERRY LANE, HALESOWEN, B63 4NX •Cradley •HayleyGreen 01902 •Oldhill •RowleyRegis 880541 •Blackheath •Oldbury Pub boss in Ted’s sweet recipes kept tradition alive NEWS IN BRIEF 3 court after Hippodrome ‘fall H HIS boiled sweets had not changed also Ted, in the 1960s. Ted junior a sugar boiler when he left school, a dead rats are itnea aslem hoismt ,2 n0e0i tyheearr hs aadn dh,i ss oomffiec ew.ould thoardy ,w stoarrkteedd abty thhise gNraonrtdhf aSthtreere, tJ ofahcn- rSeetruvricnein ing tahftee Rr AthFr,e teo ybeeacrosm’ eN aa tdioelniva-l back’ withdrawn les Ted Gray, who has died aged 81, Gray, in 1826, since he was 15 and ery driver, eventually taking over the o was famous for sticking to traditional continued to drive to the office in his reins in his 30s with Betty, now 88, w found in cellar methods. When Edward Gray’s of beloved Jag every day until 2012. who still works at the firm. A ‘FALL back’ planning application e Dudley set up its own website seven His daughter, Julie Healy, 53, said: Despite being a wealthy man, he to ‘potentially’ demolish the town’s n years ago, it did not affect the way he “He was very proud of the business, remained true to his Black Country Hippodrome has been withdrawn by C worked as he continued to enter or- especially the herbal tablets. Only cer- roots and loved nothing better in his Dudley Council. h wTHerEe fboousns da ti na ap ufiblt hwyh ecreel ladre abdy rhayts- deresr sin in htios ecnhoaromtico,u psa hpaenr-dswtrreitwtenn o lfefidcge-. tHaein m faixmeidly t mhee minbgerresd kiennotws thhime rseeclfip teo. tshpea rReo tyiaml eB rtihtiasnh Lpleagyioinng C slnuboo ikne Hr aaltl caTseh et earpmpsl icaagtrieoend wbaest wsueebnm itthtee da uin- ron g£hcacoeit1ae luH,dPln9ar oi0etrgcl 0 knehiw nsscae hoswaiwupnereerrd edHtecr. t ebaPtok ihlreulefslrgos.b osou hu wbnaogodesfhs n sbbw d eteJooheeeworenn rrn anseh ri cifearene nonrstdd ottAeroe edrtnu,he t sdaaes- MTed Gray wPith his fa mouws herbal taablets tfwnohhleTlo orb,wi ubwisuniittnghtee s tsh hhsi seaf ovssdrei se nptaeeotrauh rr Bl eoyedf th titnayrhl fteG oiaur t cehfeseaent t,mt hrueaarrnny, vcikoeennMeeptdrl yi itw G gsaoreyatce yraoe f stl da.t apoHritneot ewgpsd t.t”i hl ali tnh gathsd.e aW nf ae oc oltdno-orlfyya srahes-- hdsSfoiatemrdde e me itny o, e vDhaerdiuhss d t osflrel eaoye m.c pa T rhaoehyf etdhe rorfoma csteeuh.pwfehfrea rloiunfs g f aofnuodrr tmoCwChvooaaoPeuusrrrl nkn iaott bcnywwrie nylaneil inonreHnergdrg is nptK hwhopaihtpeoin u t dmcodhrraf esdo mthtdmrh.paie edeawv CieLngAaltno hsdeptam lrmvfesteo eHewdircn ih eltsldoB a l ibatlcdoanoo ocnsdikkst-- icle Thursd twainnitd hp h lpeyragodiveeindse igo aunti lcttohyne tc oHe rfinagihilni nSgg tfr oteooed tc obsmaafrep.tlyy fceecrtn os ni tp ‘octoeunltdi ahl afvuen dai ndge’t.rimental ef- ay, J Care home can a She told the court that she had n trapped a nerve in her back and u tdhroapt pwedas a tw thhye ctilmeaen olifn tehses ilnesvpeelsc tihoand. Sandwell Council is run build extension ary 2 Prosecutor Saima Ahmed Aziz told 6 “WOonlv Feerbhraumarpyt o2n4 lMasatg yiesatrra at ecso nCsuomuretr: Ato CbAuiRldE a hno emxete hnassi ohna dw hpliachn sw aopuplrdo cvreed- , 20 sroaufettiyn et ehaemal taht taenndd esda fetoty c ianrsrpye cotuiot na. ateT fihvee eexxtterna sbioendr owoomusl.d be made at 17 They entered the cellar of the prem- Castle View Residential Home located ises and found a number of contraven- on Priory Road, Dudley. tions. There were two dead rats and Dudley Council gave approval to droppings on the floor.” the plans but said that the develop- There were holes in the doors where A BLACK Country MP has called Mayor goes extra mile for charities ment should begin before December the rats got in. Austin was ordered to for a Government review of how 22, 2019. igtest w theree c melaladre colnea Fneebdr uuapr. yR 2e6tu arnnd v2i9s-, Sandwell Council is run after a re- amTohuen te oxft ebnesdiroono mwso autl dt heb rpirnogp etrhtye when the problems had been resolved. port alleged fraud and misconduct. from 11 to 16 in total. Austin, of High Street, Halesowen, A report to the council’s audit commit- It will be built to two-storeys and en said: “At the time the inspectors came tee outlined allegations of council hous- suites will be provided. lIi fhtaindg t raa pbpaerdr eal .n Ietr’vse a ilnl mbeye bna cclke afrnoemd eCso ubnecinilglo rg ivMeanh btoo orbe laHtuivsessa ionf, Othled bcuoruyn’s- Revamp for adult up. The pub is not making a lot of money, we just about keep our heads cil’s former deputy leader. above water.” It highlighted land deals concerning compul- education centre Magistrates fined her £535, ordered sory purchase orders involving Mr Hussain and her to pay £1367.37 and a victim Councillor Babu Bawa. surcharge of £53, bringing the total Both matters have been referred to West A REFURBISHED higher education £1,955.37. Midlands Police. centre will be officially opened at Halesowen & Rowley Regis MP James Mor- Halesowen College on Saturday. ris said he was ‘saddened’ by the allegations It comes as the number of adults Going under to and has demanded an independent review into wanting to pursue a university level the governance of the authority. course has increased in recent years. In a letter to Local Government Secretary They now take an Access to Higher sing in the cavern Sajid Javid, Mr Morris wrote that the situation Education course at the college. with Sandwell Council had ‘reached critical The newly refurbished Access Cen- point’. tre will be officially opened at 11am by A CHOIR will be singing in the deep- “Many residents of Sandwell, and myself, Camilla Phillips MBE, a community est heart of the Black Country this have lost faith and trust in the council, and champion and founder of the Hope summer – underground in a cavern. feel that urgent intervention is required. The Centre in Halesowen. Following a similar popular concert council tax payers of Sandwell deserve much Festival of Glass to a few years ago, Cradley Heath Male more than this.” Voice Choir is returning to sing in the Trust be held this summer aptly-named Singing Cavern under Dudley’s Castle Hill on July 8. Mr Morris asks Mr Javid ‘to commission an Audience members will be trans- independent review’ of the council with a view THE International Festival of Glass ported from The Portal, off Birming- to making ‘a series of recommendations for im- will return to Stourbridge this sum- ham New Road, by Dudley Canal and proving the efficiency and effectiveness of the mer. It will take place from August 25 Tunnel Trust boats for the hour-long council’. He added that the review would help to 28 at the Ruskin Glass Centre and concert in the unique location with its to restore trust. Red House Glass Cone in Wordsley. famous acoustics. Mr Hussain has accused the council of at- hibAi tsieornise,s toafs lteecrt usreesss,i ownosr kanshdo pfasm, eixly- The boat departs at 7pm and will tempting to smear his character and said: “I activities will be available. Exhibi- return at around 9pm Tickets are will co-operate fully with any investigation as I tions, workshops and entertainment £ca1n1a.5lt0r uasntd.o ragr.eu ka/vtariipla/cbrlea dalet yd-huedalethy-- haCveo udnocniel nleoatdheinr gC woruonncgil.l”or Steve Eling said Mayor of Dudley Councillor Mohammed Hanif took part in a seven-mile walk to raise money for charities wwiitllh inb et hoe ftfoewrend’s aGtl assse vQeuraarl tevre. nues male-voice-choir/ or by calling 0121 he was surprised not to have been contacted THE Mayor of Dudley took part in the three charities supported by run by and for disabled people of Plans are being made and visit 557 6265. directly by Mr Morris. He said: “The fact the a seven-mile walk in Stourbridge the mayor – the Friends of Alfie all ages, providing information www.ifg.org.uk for further details. Classic car show council has published the outcome of these in- to raise money for the group of Johnson, Dudley CIL (Centre for and support (www.dudleycil.org. New Star PR boss vestigations and is reporting them to our audit charities he is helping during his Inclusive Living) and the Dudley uk). committee, which is open to the public and year in office. branch of Diabetes UK. Diabetes UK supports those returns to NEC media, shows that our governance systems are Councillor Mohammed Hanif Friends of Alfie Johnson is living with diabetes, helps pre- A NEW director has been appointed robust and working as they should be.” set off out from the Bonded Ware- committed to helping children vention of diabetes and backs re- to lead Star Public Relations, which Council chief executive Jan Britton said: house in Stourbridge on Sunday with disabilities in the Dudley, search into the illness Diabetes has been launched by Midland News BIRMINGHAM NEC will host the “The council has carried out exhaustive inter- morning, leading a walk along the Sandwell and Wolverhampton. UK’s mission is that by bringing Association, the parent company of UK’s fastest growing classic car event nal investigations into these matters. These canal to the Prestwood area and For more information see the people together to work in part- the Express & Star and The Chroni- from March 31 to April 2. were allegations made publicly. back again. friendsofalfiejohnson.org.uk web- nership, they will support those cle. Sundeep Sehijpal joins Star Pub- More than 19,000 enthusiasts at- “We have investigated them thoroughly and, Money raised by the sponsored site. living with diabetes (www.diabe- lic Relations with 14 years of media tended last year’s Practical Classics where appropriate, we have referred them to walk will be divided between Dudley CIL is an organisation tes.org.uk). experience. Classic Car and Restoration Show. the police or the council’s monitoring officer.” THE KITCHEN SALE CENTRE NOW ON HARBORNE Quality Kitchens and Appliances Free Planning and Estimating Open Monday - Saturday 10.00am - 5.00pm 2 Albert Road, B17 0AN Up to 50% off selected kitchens www.thekitchencentre.co.uk Telephone: 0121 681 5553 Unemployment is at Concern 4 THE BEST OF at mutton PETER RHODES 7 1 0 2 lowest for ten years dressed 6, 2 ANYONEtakingbetsonPresidentTrumpnotcom- ary paslestainsgsinhaistifiornstofroiumr-pyeeaacrhtmeremn?tbI’mutnTroutmtaplksinimgpalbyoguettting as goat nu fedup.Today,heisthestaroftheworld.Tomorrowhe a willdiscoverhowlittlepowerheactuallyhas,howmuch J moneyheislosing,howheandhisfamily’severymove day, aannddesovecriaylcmaeredleias.swordorTweetisdoggedbythepress CesHcElaCimKSinogntmoecaotnatanidndgioshat- s meatshowedmorethanhalf Thur deAntRTEruAmDpE,Rwailslkths,eifbsoodmygeubaorddystsahkoeust:a“pDootn-sahldo,tdautcPkr!e”si- UtfoioNrnEbaMelitPnrgLeOnodYutMwoEiftNhwTnoiurnkmDdbuoedwrlsenyclalfaosiltmlomiwnogendtbhteh.neenfiats- A different sort of tonic twtroeanrd,eisnaagcytsuStaaanlnldydawlraedmlslbtCeooarumnm.ciul’ts- ronicle twAhneaTataHptsAhosTenasuAglratremnraidflytestsrohiancoinieuaivnlldegorbbyteoshesaorclvmlre3aer0p.WpWmeilhidlllaSioatennclfdoBsurrueiltdgpisglpaheocsasetdssduibwbltlsyya.sggpiovisinhgly lionwTAwhecoresrotjksotsbohltteaahsslsefatoUlosrtoKamlfauowlrnaleeesnmt1h..p6alnomyaimlldioeennctaindheathsbeupqtluutahnregteenrduttmooNbietors- IspTchraiprumtsieoadncysto–inbduistptheaensfeoBrlpmarceekr- fbkgiouecTattestcrrhsamaenderdivsani’trsgesaisthnetosdadtpuadsrni,tasadshnkuaetepsrsad.eswrsemlaliayonrsfg--, Ch wrong? vember,downby52,000onthepreviousthreemonthsto Cupouantdriyffewriellnntokwinbdeosfertvoinnigc takNeinnetoefenrawsamanpdlesfrwozeerne n YOUhaveprobablyspotted itslowestsinceearly2006. ByJohnCorser asitisonthewaytobeing meat, curries and other e tthetinyproblemwiththestatue IntheWestMidlandsun- transformedintoamicrobar dishesand11ofthemwere w oofCillaBlackunveiledinLiver- employmentfellby7,000to andcafe. found to be mis-described o pool.Inaclassicexampleofthe 161,000,partlyduetosea- ing Kidderminster, there School friends Simon – they actually contained Hales pEwitemidtohpopoeeleursotnard’’ptsaplonrliaoenuwkgdetceovldoeptntohhiveenastug,onluouvectelyaitlhlilniakgte sathonneTdahrludeenrel-iucnvrpeuurmtiyotmbCceoehrnmrtipscatalmtaniiasmehss.oinpings wtEhuaTesrholapoerweiU,seeaKsttof4njo.1o8b0wlpeteoshrsa7cs4rea0ontnet,seaiocnf- spDSoutuwelnlpeinnhnege,,nopasfironOentls,dabiiufnmrroiytnm,hgaenirtdHonWaelbiewle-l olfaofmfrSeubnabcnoesrotuitmthnuuedtrtietoroninsS.oeafctoicnorneim1mi4neaoatfl Cilla. Jobseeker’sAllowanceand cording to the latest data venture,aptlynamedThe theFoodSafetyAct1990. otherunemploymentbene- fromtheOfficeforNational OldDispensary,onCause- Theoffenceisfraudbyde- oiPNdnwnefiroariRbvetnsrhedlcOcaeoretecLonnksckFreisesdwgHlFdDeirintaaabeihrcndrWboraeiiutsuttabehettliosedsbahoamneio“sklldabsn.sruelUusatpslrvncneeiaaekvlcrilspk’essDfeia.oiltoeisaI’rtstdpshnsRsiieaannietnE,giaxSg”oA2nocncrtD0dehoor.0sEiseudme0Rsosml.eeiSutksIarbttesmstwllnu,aoidaeeiWnoteyshckoaseasbtfl.shettnf“aehouDorlenlejtDeufehmpomreriynrlainkinognlidnshclieiaeckdvs,e”es gIncstfillaeahtaeirteyo’renlsDewsvynntwfiues.goa”.nsdBIoa5Idlsiap,eoflai5mdloynnnis9os’tg5sdiwthsmt.ojioaanCvtebipshedoabuspue:nypytfinsphor“3wcoraI5tifrhtiflttilatanihophsmttreehDtgtiohehloHuprimaoeedeltidyes----. aSimlatuclnoahllmptawtsiIaelwhiton9lmteionio,somns0uartgntut0kgnois.hw0mchntifensocettbi,chomtloeleubWir2ebntulnnao.yectt7is.rsnf97tettme,9haSl0lwi7see0Mleb,lpo08idyntoir0detun1kb0oml0my.a,3,Twbn61bt1eh0h0dae.r008eerss, FbtwbpicthouyeeamaMIHwrbiyttlnmrhdimerlGuieclainusaDoerbmsygrexnmueieyepiwoinatendalnlyarasnad’.Rs‘isel.pwneateolesfamaaoytadscdfeepy:earFgsitrn“yferophWbaafOrleonfraetulratnedhelamrhblnodruapttioynhhvreri.ngyeeees iwtmaocpmcnueuftraeoeigtOtiuvnisasennifpsodttntufgo,nhegintomnngmtsorfahodaeae£aeicteiefnr2tomhrxotn0sficptanof,ohsef0gmrfgumeeco0iomnstyart0p.ftchytereeaeaBeaurtfrnniytypaiateendiccldsoss/thetpoinooucedorrofi.babocunnispussrmrteeoiyeetixrst-----. toldondayoneofhispreviousconvictions.Heisgiving Change Thefiguresdifferbecause gotalovelysizedgardenout TradingStandardsinves- evidenceviaavideolinkfromprison.Ifonetrialcanbegin noteveryoneclassedasun- thebackwhichwillhavea tigationsintotheoffences withtotaldisclosure,whycan’ttheyall?Manyarealegal AcrosstheWestMidlands employediseligibletoclaim smokingshelterthere. arecontinuing. cgdoaeenmfeDsvnepdiwoeraehnynrettoriyoes’peartuevMsteeermrnryidoaoEnliitven’sxislilnadstphicneaorwPfiureyirtsteh,tseatttixmscecoreeimrp&thtiFnetRahyrle’Svrihejeutdcrsoaoyea,reddkrn,ynbeohuwimtsisa.ntllhe ttcwbcld4bsahohlh0euoahteIirawteire8nt’mncdseorni0ongeSi,fis7uben4baatg.Wne8g0hynwuint07neydrue1w5aerwnnfiw3W.e.auefte5SisasFmotlmolldhflolfuvprboierootetlwteelohfmrhlrswnyh1ettoSmaa,0boNftsbmiyeapnto6infod1gpecv,ft4o,gootle63-uow3eprrm81nddse0ln05et----,, AnwbmowgepcfeerelhoioE“lnoewaroenW2psemnkwrss.olfie.7eeapmHit1nntslihconhiycnrsayttemeuehdamvor.acneseeiwehlt’dlssnWimionaaothraiasegnkdMesdnJ.:lt”eipoepa“nMbiareInirstseoige’tsadpsreetllelmrkragecpoenDooorrnodrrioa’nddgess-- WillStephenson(left),andSimonDunneatthepharmacy fcspshacmreeoanloieirrmn“T“depd.vvWInhdemiencncdaeoeauugylmttkypnhwbodoeeiaeatrtnsproiysnidwnlne.sata”awkarocryastvrieoon.ldteutlhdsibfnmabocewdtterrheeoa1efawaia0nwsfblm0easlilfalmepirlwltnoeiihbetimtollyoeess-l matmeclC“btihahxbCucouanaCaoasulktttecuishantnteaitoboetlnceruyinhawisglnalrlyaslhtwneaeotohtsassrhifotctimfiags’noaPtcsetonhetnferlahomletsdreuitrhauysne.bnmtemtgpheeIayetarraGcetl’odtavhcsarf.itmees”oreleilpcerymcfbkhtostppanpouiaacuoubooiinnacnbdlrrwnddee---:, F AADDVVEERRTTIISSEEMMEENNTT ormer midwife’s smile reborn ‘I’d grown tired of living my around my teeth. I never really stopped features. “From start to finish it took 14 going out, but when I did, I was always weeks,butitwasworththewait.WhenIfirst thinkingaheadwhereIcouldgototakemy sawmyteethinthemirror,Ithoughtthey life around my teeth’ teethout.Theywerejustsouncomfortable.” lookedjustlikerealteethand...theyfeel Aself-confessedloveroftraveloverseas– likemyownteeth. “it’smyhobby”–Vickisawanarticleinher localnewspaperaboutStevenBurchellDip Sucharelief CDTRCS(Eng)andhisworkattheDenture FormerDudleycommunitymidwifeVickiBall,left,isfullofsmiles ClinicinNorthStreet,Dudley. “Myhusband,Terry,couldn’tbelievethey aftergettingnewteethandanimplantsolutiontoalong-standing weresogood.Nottohavetokeepthinking stabilisationproblem.‘Ilovemynewteeth,’shesays aboutmyteethwhenI’moutissucharelief,” shesays. Steven says: “Mrs Ball needed dentures havedonemoretosaveherownteeth. thatwouldofferpropersupporttoherfacial “Forthelast18monthsI’veputupwithill- features. fittingandbadlymadedentures.Mygums “Thesedaystheterm‘facelift’denturesis werealways soreandthebottomdenture banded about. The claim is spurious, but MEETING Vicki Ball is all about her favourite attribute. “I’ve always had wasunstable. withthecorrectsettingofteeth,theeffect thesmiles–lotsofthem.She’s troublewithmyteeth;evenasayounggirl is to lift the facial structures in the same wgeaniterfoourshweirthnheexrtchoomlidpalimyeandtvse,nctaunr’et tEhveeynctrhuomubglehdIawndasmdyilgiguemnstuasbeoduttolobolekeindg. Researchingoptions (lNeoftr)tBhDSStr,eDeGt’sDdPe(nUtKal)iDmipplIamnptsDuergneto(UnC,DL)rGODwCai6n1R5e76es wtisasyuensataunradlmheuaslcthleysg.Iu’mmsvearnydptleeeatshestouphpaovret andhasthemostinfectiousoflaughs. afterthem,theystillletmedown,”sheadds. “MytopteethIcouldsecurewithafixative, withprincipalStevenBurchellDipCDTRCS(Eng) beenbepartofgivinganewbirththeVicki’s Two years ago, Vicki finally lost her butforthebottomitwasawasteoftime– GDC108353 smile.” Her company is light and she’s gushing remainingteeth.“Ireallydon’tknowwhymy assoonasIhadanythingtoeatthestability “I’dseenapieceaboutsuctiondentures withthepraiseabouthernewlook. teethweresobad,butIwastheyoungestof wasover,”saysVicki. and implant retained dentures and there Check out our A retired community midwife who was eightchildrenandIunderstandmymother’s Herdietbecamerestricted,avoidingbeef seemedtobeasolutionforme,”shesays. basedattheformerWordsleyHospital,the prioritiesdidnotincludeteachingmehow andcrispyfruitslikeapples. AfterseeingStevenandimplantsurgeon bubbly 60-something-year-old is quick to tobrushmyteeth.Shehadmorepressing Frustratedbytheappearanceandfunction DrOwainReesBDS,DGDP(UK)DIPIMP affirm:“Ilovemynewteethandtheylook prioritiesofhowshewasgoingtoputfood ofherteeth–theyseemedtobesettoofar DENT(UCL),Vicki’streatmentincludedtwo natural,don’tthey?” onthetable,”Vickirecalls. back,Vickysays–shestartedresearching implants to stabilise a lower over denture Dentureserviceonournewwebsite Adding:“Youcan’ttellthey’renotmyown,” Ateenagerbythetimeshehadherfirst heroptions. andtheprescribingofhighqualitytraditional www.denture-clinic.co.uk Vickiadmitshersmilehasnotalwaysbeen toothbrush,sheisconvincedshecouldn’t “I’d grown tired of living my whole life upper dentures to help support her facial • Suction dentures • Complete dentures • Partial dentures • Copy dentures • Implant-retained dentures • Repairs service • Relines • Soft linings Forappointmentsatallclinicscall 5NorthStreet,Dudley, P RichmondHouse 0800 0285185 112RichmondRoad,Wolverhampton,WV39JJ WestMidlands,DY27DT CombertonDentalSurgery www.denture-clinic.co.uk POaffrrkoiandg WFhreieenlcdhlyair ALcecveesls FFAinCdEBusOoOnK 29CombertonRd.Kidderminster,DY103DL Council U-turn saves school Growing Bevan 5 in move across H a Black Country crossing patrol wardens le s o w HALESOWEN transport servic- e es company The Bevan Group has n opened its new headquarters in C Wednesbury. h Theopeningofthenewsiteonthe ro Wednesbury One industrial estate n inDecembercappedthecompany’s CONTROVERSIALplanstoaxefundingforschoolcrossing ic 4a0£t5h00y,e0a0r0inrebfiut.sTinheessgraonudpchaamsegraofwtenr Reunited with lost pet after 14 years patrols in Dudley have been ditched in a major U-turn by le toemploymorethan300people,180 councilchiefs. T oHOflaTdtlhbehsueeomrwyn.eaewtnitabsnapdsereavitnioauWsseehcdoenaneddsbobufafirsyceeiniinn- tsrtroSolcsnhgot-hopelesmtihsteiaoldvneasbn.edeBnduetfmaocovinnersgwtrhhaaetilvominnisgnhgtaoospnppoaowysitffiooorrnc,esdicnhacolroueldthicnirngoksa.sin2g0,0p0a0- hursda cludesa17,000sqftfactoryand5,000 Thecouncilhasconfirmeditwouldcontinuetofundtheservicefor2017/18, y, spqletfetdofshooffirtcleys.beTfhoreemCohvreiswtmasascoamnd- ahadileecdisaiosndowwhnichtoc‘atmhepapiogwneerrsofhathvee Meeting will Jan ttvihiosGeniorn9noewowwftahtsshiwteteihtMihes6iknl.oeBcyaetdveradinv’ceslroasbfeteehtroicnaJdruetndhcie-- pt‘aheaTontpholbeney’-.asntuoattlhouontrogirteyyrfshueanrdvdiidcneeg’stcahrneibdweadarrgidtueenadss discuss £1.5m uary26 vmeorvfeortothaenaeftwerhcaearedqoupaerrtaetriosn.,Twuhrnicoh- citlawimouedldtshaavteth£e39s5e,r0v0i0ce.Twhaesccooustnincigl park scheme ,20 hmiaclientbaoindsieasnadnrdepaanicrisllcaormiems,ehracsiaslhvoet- aroAucnodn£s3u0ltapteironpuwpiilt.hthe60schools 17 upfrom£1.3millionto£6.3minjust whichcurrentlyuseservicewasun- tphlerdeewyiteharcso.ntTinhuisedacehxipeavnesmioenntw,icthouin- dertakeninOctoberandNovember. APOTENTIAL£1.5millioncashin- itsrigidtruckandvanbodybuilding, Theresultswereduetogotoascru- jection to improve a Black Country graphics(vehiclelivery)andpassport tinycommitteeonJanuary30,butfol- parkwillbediscussedduringapublic (assistancewithEuropeanwholeve- lowingthestrongfeedbackfromthe meetingnextweek. hicletypeapprovalcompliance)opera- publicthecouncildecidedtochange TheFriendsofStevensParkhope tions,sawBevanclaim15thspotona itsproposal. thecommunityassetwillbeinline recentlistoftheBlackCountry’stop Support foraHeritageLotteryFundandBig 50fastest-growingcompanies. LotteryFundgrant.DudleyCouncil Bevanhasretainedtheproduction Intotalthereare63wardens,anda isworkingwiththegrouponthebid. facility in Amber Way, Halesowen, further14onstandbywhocanbesta- Thefriendsgroupwillmeetatthe PpDwsimnilnUhaaoBcnijDocelnrharLik2tfnEah0egaYcl0aeed6ilyltCisfaHsaatenfin,ardarralvslsltetiRawsdonoeenpadaloeldsxwnTa,ishOutauasnlrindntshbbdeeeeucelxaiorrThdtgnyiro.dibuoioinbfstfitaginocsinaees RTtmLmhaiHayveAcsdiEhncteteaegrrtlhipMp,iWiouswutureohhsrsll-eosottpuhmailfsmbeeoexbrrv,eiyanehtuhttgian’sevstithtepoerherbaedeivseBgwtemeilanni1atilshcs4edskdiTiysonieCctgfghaooevrapurTsetenwrihttgtehhraeodoyersf.haahavnwstefaootabmtwrehlekrepeesdltTnimovahilntegiuiv.ssesWinreonughwbemiatnuaetretftorChatrewro2omBa7stslishaycRecVreokaaemcrctChshsu,oieiphsunle,ansus3Wtcrm4layoo,nolLwvakirevnheeriddno--gMuacittrrfpu.eto”Rdsemcaoerhetguaielemplydrl.,,tcmWch7laoye0hrss,eeceedonsatynfoieohtdaareT:rcbsti“fiygIdnIeRearhcotloaalaguyvinellesdrdrneCgoca’rnotapolnbhwbp’oeientsluaiimreremnevxiede--- dbtctsiicoeeonhnTCTnnymotshhoeiolaudneeafldonstuacreerectoerai,sauvalnuinltinnndsosooycetrttiadsaholhielfeneHslpetraayrhipybhleoyeoaslaopeelrbrwaoicy.toirosniranctwoBhlatsuhiluetilgleollglhtssglraef’o,oosutrniuvn8otcgipo1dnactsebssewwiicrwctnramieatuiersnlh.t--l. fIWdcmfoefoaarihmsTytsuait,himtecbaenedcituuelHsini7smtensopiyctfbumoFyusesnlet.rae,udbrAtoordehflsunyleitwamammPhregpylaeaeocrsmronnokimbesebvyxeeReesemtrc.eonsoytaeuoedndtfalotedorstv,nhbbaeoeeelrTonoulspucouuseecenebdasdda--l. atThePortal,offBirminghamNew veterinarynurseRachelWells.Tiger, Shesaid:“Tigerwas18monthsold aginelifewithouthiscompanionship.” memberforenvironmentalservices, thepark. Road,thissummer. previouslyknownasSnitch,isalong whenhewenttoplayout14yearsago SeeingthebondbetweenTigerand said:“Wehavelistenedtoconcerns ThecommunityorganisationMud- TheclosingdateforentriesisJune timeresidentinthegroundsofthe butheneverreturned.Ispentmonths Roger,Rachelhasdecidedtoregister andhavefoundawaytofundtheser- dleTogetherCIC(CommunityInter- 30.Tofindoutmorecall0121557 openairattractionoffTiptonRoad. puttinguppostersandtryingtofind thecat’schiptoRoger,sothecatcan viceforatleastafurtheryearaspart estCompany)isalsoworkingwiththe 6265. RogerColbourne,whohasworked him.EachtimeImovedhouseIalways stayatthemuseum. ofahealthyschoolsinitiative.” councilonthebidtorevampthepark. Make the RIGHT decision this Winter and give RYDALE a ring.... WINTER 3O2unrd SALE 2017 Cleaning Services now available Windows, Doors, Conservatories, to restore all your uPVC Orangeries, Porches, Fascias products.Guttering and Driveways cleaning and Soffit Boards available Nodepositsorstagepayments, Visitoneofthelargest Supplied & Fitted... Repair Service youonlypaywhentheinstallation conservatoryandwindow across the Midlands Available hasbeencommpleted shrowroomsintheUK ULTIMATESECURITYGUARANTEE Ryooeeuprlaccoenstheerveaxtoisrtyinagnrdoocfreoantea Everywindowandconservatoryiscustommadetothemostrigorousqualitystandardsyouwillfindinthe vveryRRoysndeharAAiigloLehLutssaplekyrcoeGudsruuieatccyrtuasrnitteyed comfortableenvironmentanda industry.NoothercompanyintheareahasmoreexperienceandknowhowthanRydale,andthat’swhywe Fulrledqeutaeisltson roomyoucanuseallyearround havebeeninbusinessformorethan30years. MASSIVE DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ON FEBRUARY INSTALLATIONS OpenWeekdays:9amto5.30pm FREEPHONE08009176060 www.rydalewindows.co.uk LongLane,Blackheath,HalesowenB629LS Saturday:9amto4pmSundayClosed 6 IN MY VIEW with Mark Andrews 7 Sweet man 1 0 2 6, y 2 who put ar u n a J his town y, a d s ur on the map h T e cl oni YOU would need a heart of stone not to CBaroness Heiyhoet Flint cyollects he r OBaE in 2008mWith her fribend and foarmer Wolsves and Esngland baoss Grahdam TayloroHeyhroe Flin t in thae World Cnup winningd year of 73 r laugh at Amber Rudd’s speech to the Ch Conservative Party conference in Bir- n mWiensgth Mamidl alnadsts Pyoelaicr eb aesi nag ‘ hraetceo inrdceidde nbt’y. e Apparently, a professor of physics w called Joshua Silver – sounds more like so he should be in Pirates of the Caribbe- ale aHno mtoe m See –c rteotoakry o sffaeindc aen adt scoamlleedt htihneg pthoe- a sporting trailblazer H lice. He hadn’t actually heard the speech, but we don’t what little details like that to get in the way of a bit of pompous virtue signalling, do we? Anyway, the good news is that the crime rate is obviously so low in the West Midlands that the Old Bill found time to investigate. They concluded that no crime had been committed, which you might think might would be the end of the matter, but in the strange world of “hate” legislation it is never that simple. If you’re “They suddenly realised there was a woman found guilty it’s a crime, but if you’re in- As tributes are paid following applying. The MCC held a referendum on fe- nocent it is recorded as a “hate incident”. the death of Baroness Heyhoe male members and after a second referendum This sort of thing would normally make it got through. me livid. But this is the Home Secretary, Flint, HEATHER LARGE looks “I was there the day the vote was passed the figurehead for the establishment back on her life and legacy at Lords, it was just amazing. She has been a which created all this nonsense. Poet- great role model.” ic justice is the phrase which springs to Later Baroness Heyhoe Flint became a suc- mind. SHE was known for being a proud cessful journalist – working for the Express & n n n Wulfrunian with a heart of gold and Star and as sports editor on the Wolverhamp- BY the way, the definition of “hate ton Chronicle – and an award-winning after crimes” on a poster in my local library in- a trailblazer for women’s sport. dinner speaker. cludes “anything that is offensive to your But to her beloved football club, Bar- After Sir Jack took over Wolves in 1990, Bar- family.” I take it mother-in-law jokes are oness Heyhoe Flint will always be “Our oness Heyhoe Flint became heavily involved in out, then? Rachael – warm, witty, hugely competent the club’s public relations department, From n n n and irreplaceable.” 1997 to 2003 she served as a director at Sir MANY people in the Black Country will As Wolves mourn the loss of their vice-pres- Jack’s request, later being made a vice-pres- be saddened to hear of the death of Dud- ident tributes have flooded in from the world ident. ley confectioner Ted Gray, aged 81. of sport for one of England’s finest female She was President of the Lady Taverners Ted, who worked full time until the cricketers. And there was an outpouring of from 2001 to 2011 and a Deputy Lieutenant age of 76, was one of the old school, a grief from across Wolverhampton – the city of the West Midlands. In 2008 she received her type of businessman you rarely find to- she loved and called home. OBE from the Prince of Wales and two years day. A small, quietly spoken man with a Her son Ben says Wolverhampton and later was inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall proper Black Country accent, he never Wolves meant everything to the 77-year-old. of Fame. had any big ambitions or grandiose ex- “She, the club and the city were intrinsically Honoured pansion plans, he just liked sweets and linked,” he said. wanted to carry on his family tradition. Gruelling In 2011 she was honoured by her home city His tiny, beautifully chaotic office was by being granted the Freedom of Wolverhamp- stacked high with precarious piles of pa- Baroness Heyhoe Flint was still a familiar ton. She was also inducted into Wolverhamp- per, the walls festooned with sepia pic- and much-loved face at Molineux up until her At the Molineux home of her beloved Wolves, where she served as vice president ton’s Sporting Hall of Fame. tHfsaauesecrAnse tussosliem v ry acei.on hd fjgr o o wfumnruriitnacshnaltiinrnl’isas g twtr i,eot ahlnIul ek cra ietnctamg ont mehcdmiespis tbatomane nyrdo ’cedsfeel ei vhesoeiltsi,rfn t goauthn rnyaey-. rtisdnhpeir ce“iteWe Seccnh tlohtuoel evrb ir,lwe l ihsnone’owen mccstnohs e n.tag otaSrri inuhnetdeyevul eilawanirwnnygaga d stg y soaca,c om rhtpmaaeerkidn moeuw u oulahdern . eksisnteluey epes nthwp ,oie obn rrowttkeeta trrodse moseatf- Cvater BSroshphcoakoermrne wtr po feartnnnoo tdJnm u oG Gnanenei ort 1elofsfa 1r pr He1llyay9i yg H3a h9gae e yStp ohaci nhvoPeodoE,to lat lath lte peerau rofcp oltheirale mu irengsex hrdRc teeWo lPvmloeeEllda--. sinsnhoa rBempe asrdetor iov fltolnih drce eirhsn eswegd r ioHshtmeeeeldrefy .nhhw’iosmit eth ew Fatihmltihen itppn ll aba1yte9ficon7ar0gmm. a eY mt eotaa hrmjeos arl fikaretore slaert asmthp leiB“oen Srgsegthehnssneem dtswwoaa i anainsdsssa : thjjy euui“ rpssaAmt tba maosnl o udoguttfi m tv ohthih.fnee Serg pl h soeopeivovem epwer psrloaeo lfste n h hh a,te eah ag rdilyr nw feeawgaaamsryto s slnipi l ktbdeyher.uesi rthnof euktnor-l, boastful soundbites that would make my of the table or top of the table. For 30 years it oping women’s cricket, captaining England woman to be admitted to the MCC when her ing about other people, not herself. It was job easier. Teddy Gray’s shops were sell- was the mainstay of her life,” added Ben. during a career which spanned two decades, playing career ended and in 2004 she became almost impossible for me to keep track of ing the classic sweets in jars long before Wolves club secretary Richard Skirrow said: and leading her country to victory in the 1973 the first woman elected to the full commit- everything she was doing.” it became fashionable, and even today “We have lost a really special lady. I’ve known World Cup. tee. She later became the first woman to be Huge crowds are expected at Baroness Hey- there is something unmistakably welcom- her well for over 20 years. You felt you knew During her first House of Lords speech inducted into the International Cricket Coun- hoe Flint’s funeral on February 8. A funeral ing about them that the new pretenders her well from the first meeting as she was such in 2011, she said: “My challenges in sport cil’s Hall of Fame. cortege will leave Molineux at 2pm and make can’t quite emulate. a warm and engaging person. Rachael was a began with garden cricket aged seven with my Ben added: “Women’s cricket was an un- its way to St Peter’s Church. Some fans will be It is often hard to explain to outsiders bundle of energy; tireless, always on the move brother and his friends. known sport then, and under-funded, which is able to attend church, but via a ballot. Num- what makes the Black Country special, and always, it seemed, happy. “I wasn’t allowed to bat for three years be- where her wonderful friendship with Sir Jack bers will be limited due to the amount of peo- but this unassuming little man had it in “Her many achievements will be well docu- cause girls don’t play cricket. When I did even- Hayward started. There was a lot of bigotry in ple expected to pay their respects. spades. mented and for her charity fundraising alone tually get to bat, the boys couldn’t get me out sport then and she faced real barriers. But she To apply for a place, email fans@wolves. World famous in Dudley, that’s what he she should perhaps have been more highly for three days, so in the middle of June they was a trailblazer. co.uk with Rachael Heyhoe Flint in the sub- was. A proper Black Country mon who decorated but, at Wolves, she’ll just always be decided it was the football season.” “She applied to the MCC under the radar ject line, and include a name, address and sup- wouldn’t have had it any other way. “our Rachael” – warm, witty, hugely compe- It was while playing cricket that she became as R.Flint. As the MCC started to process her porter number. It will be family flowers only tent and irreplaceable.” friends with Sir Jack Hayward when he spon- application they thought she was a bloke. at the funeral. 25 up to % Wooden HUGE Concrete FREE Summer FREE LogCabins VIEW SWW Sheds RANGE Garages FITTING Houses FITTING &GardenRooms ONLINE A off FULLTONGUE&GROOVE II NNN L selected pproductts ETTTT OldBuildingsRemoved EE AsbestosDisposal BaseLayingService R FreeQuotations Pricesfrom DOenlliyvery D&eFliitvteerded Fittedpricesfrom Fittedpricesfrom Fittingserviceavailable 6ftx4ft £239£274 SingleGarage £1599 7ftx5ft £599 WVeitrhaonudtah WallLog44mmT&G CCOONNCCRRETEGARAGEROOF 7ftx5ft £269£309 16ftx8ft 8ftx6ft £725 WVeitrhaonudtah DoubleGlazed REPLACEMENTSERVICE 8ftx6ft £299£344 D16ofutbxle16Gftarage £3099 8ftx8ft £789 IVnecrlaunddeash InsulatedOptions Huge Range Made To Measure Service Lined & Insulated Options Quality At Competitive Prices Showsite(open7days):TildasleyStreet, Visitourwebsite: Callusnow: WestBromwichB709SJ(NexttoStaples) www.bettabuildings.co.uk 01215534682 Mend this flaw in the law quickly Filling holes Starkey Electrical 7 Ltd is lucrative IN 2015, after more than 50,000 people In the last six years Scotland has recorded joined the NSPCC’s ‘Flaw in the Law’ cam- 1,537 offences under similar legislation and H ptpiaaoIiengtd ntomo,p eahtahrinlmees s G p.aoonlv iecaerdn uwmlitte hins nt beirwnet aprkooidwnuegcr estd ht oel etlgaaicwskl alief- NtthhoeaTr tlht athiwhse er nh nleaa wIswr a e ocllsofafoune lsdndu c scbeicne ew cbseasr fsolua uslsglutyh p Fbtp eetobeosrn ebu diean art rpoy .loamnc eeaa ninn- IirtTe p ihsa aicrso pbsotetienhngo lae£ns1n i4no,0u U0n0Kc,e 0rd0o t0ah datsot. ManorHionufsoe@,MsatnaorrkLeaynee,leHcaltersiocwael.ncDoo.umkestic,Commercial&IndustrialElectricians aleso they send a sexual communication to an yone who grooms children online, yet in too Who is gaining by this ex- w under 16-year-old. many cases the police have been left power- penditure? 0121 423 3883 / 0844 561 7244 Office e But now – almost two years later – the less to take action. The ‘gangs’ who actually n Government is dragging its feet and the law All this makes the Government’s delay do the repairs seem to just C is yet to be triggered, despite the fact that even more baffling and unacceptable. turn up, a brief spell of tidy- h sceimssiflualr ellesgeiwslhaetrieo nin i sth ael rUeKady proving suc- ANLSLPYC CSU MLiTdAlaNndAs Campaigns Manager linevge ul pt,h teh emn afitlel riina lt hoef fh, oilmes-, ron Don’t be LETTERS TO THE EDITOR prcaoasucetns di tt httehhyee nd oe pd aag igenost.o adI njsoe bam.laonstt icle seduced by carIrnyiitniagl loyu tt thhei s cwoomrpka hnaivees Th POST EMAIL tmoe nspt ebnudt amftoenr etyh iso ne xepqeunispe-, urs this special Dudley Chronicle, ibto uisr .j uVsetr ym oaftteernia slsu cahn dco mla-- day relationship Wol5Cv1eh-rr5ho3an miQcpuleet oEendn,i tSWotrrViea1el ,t1ES [email protected] k pa asnhioerst jwuhstil ed,i spaopckpeetairn ga fotuerr , Jan cash. Does no one in author- u SstrhOaod ueMl ddi keaebl asWc!ko oTd ruthminpk so vweer WLetnteurmse bsheor unludwm bbee br.r aiTehf ea nEndd iMtoUrt rSeTs einrtcvleusdo teh ne a rmigseh,t atode dcroenesdse ann sde o tleeltetepurhso.ner itGyPK biEnoTgPtEhsweRri n CtfwooO rcLdhEechk?en •Forallyourelectrical •EnergysavingLED •Supply/installof ary 26, 2 rtoa cWdisehta,y ls wwexiotiushtl dsb uiagcnohyt ?ao nhea tweafunlt, we’re ill, not three weeks later ngeaerddesni,ndyroivuerwhaoymoer, •FLuigshetbinogard eglaercatgriecdroololersrshutter 017 Has he, like so many peo- office/retailpremises •Electricheating ctapahagnlelaadl,tie nb dte eh Mx‘eSeinsr pt UesWsec SbidoaAeoult?d cRw e.Iedefle absntyo i oB,t nhrtsiheth iasniiponk-’ IpjuTosi tni snt moobte vcniotop usisny gstto we muits h aa ttsh pdea ontcuiteomnrtsbs’e rts huoarf tgp etarhtiieee sna ptiss- tlautaIe lkr d.naoyw t yhoaut cI afnee rli nilgl, baenfdo rneo 8ta tmhr feoer wemeeekrs- •erEelxegpcuetlrraiicteeinadcnesdNICEIC ••RLreaepnwldairlcoienrmgdeCnetrstification ••ISsnyhssoptweemcetrsiounpg&ratedsetsing You only have to take thaBtu nt ewedh yto i ss eteh ae dwoacittoirn.g room almost al- gtuetnecsy a anp peominertmgeenncty ?but what exactly consti- •Competitiveprices/ •Generalelectrical •CCTV&intruder n‘Aomte eorfi hcias infiarusgtu, raAl mspeereiccha: wthaoyusg ehm thpetyr ew ahreen o fIt egno ato n tuhme bseurr ogfe rdyo cetvoerns if oPnlelya sien, ppalerat.se bring the old system back, FREEquotations maintenance alarms first’. Any special relation- in attendance? It surely would not be so difficult to ar- ship has only ever existed to Is it because many patients often don’t range a duty doctor on a rota basis, a doctor further US interests. turn up for appointments? who does not take appointments on that In addition, Trump is a Could it be because it has been so long particular day and just sees those walk-in climate change denier, in since they booked it they have forgotten it, patients. fact, he was elected largely forgotten or couldn’t be bothered to cancel A closing-off time for patients to go on on a promise of disregarding it, got better in the meantime or worse still the list and an understanding that you may all the scientific evidence to they have ended up in hospital? have to wait some time would be readily ac- the phenomenon. Some of the patients who got better prob- cepted by many. He brings to mind an ably didn’t need to see a doctor in the first It would free up appointments for those earlier madman who was place but it stopped genuine sick people that want or need them. elected in the 1930s on the from being able to get an appointment. Us old ones remember the days when you premise of bringing back I think the appointment system is great had no appointments and we had no choice jobs and making his country for people who need to be organised for but to wait. great again – and then left work, school, etc, but there are many who Surely running the two systems side by Followuson the world in ruins! could and would be willing to just sit and side would please everyone? ACOPPNRTORVAECDTOR ALAN ASHMAN wait. JENNY JAMES Sedgley I would if I could see a doctor on the ac- Wordsley StarkeyElectricalLtd-Yourlocal,energyefficientelectrician HASBURY WINDOWS Ltd.. “We are very pleased.... job well done, thank you very much” JANUARY QUALITY | VALUE | SERVICEE MrsTaylorofHalesowen ALE “Very good socialable fitting team, S nothing too much trouble, very polite INLITEN FRONT INLITEN BACK 6 FLAT WINDOWSS and strongly recommend” DOOR in WHITE DOOR in WHITE & 2 DOORS F£rom5O5nly0 F£rom4O9nly0 £From2On9ly 99 Mr&MrsWhitehosueofHasbury ON “Very satisfied with the windows and NOW fitting - will recommend to others” ...Including ...Including ...Including fitting! A1L fitting! fitting AND VAT! MrsGouldofHurstGreen • Full Window Doctor Service Available • Your NEW windows will sparkle this Winter • Misted Units Replaced • It’s the Best Time of Year to Fit New Windows! •Yourlocalwellestablishedbusinessoffering topqualityproductsandservice •Nopaymentuntilcompletion YY11ee00aarr •Callusnowforagreatdealonyour newwindowsanddoors Allinwsuorraknccaerrbiaecskaedfull •Visitourshowroom •Dealdirectwiththeowner It HAS to be HASBURY HASBURY WINDOWWS Ltdd. SHOWROOMOPEN: 9HalesowenRoad,Halesowen,WestMidlandsB629AA TRADE Mon-Fri8.00am-5.00pm ENQUIRES QUALITY|VALUE|SERVICE Sat-10.00am-1.00pm Telephone: 0121 421 7001 • 0121 421 2104 WELCOME PHONELINESOPEN:9.00am-9.00pm FENSA “We will Beat ANY Genuine Written Quote” Registered30179 Welsh court deals with brute Lord Cobham 8 talks about his 7 01 ancestral home 6, 2 who beat his wife on holiday 2 y A RARE opportunity to hear Lord ar Cobham give a talk about his ances- anu tHraall l,h womase g inveeanr aSt tao urertbirriedmgee,n tH laivgilnegy J development. y, The 12th Viscount Cobham visited da McCarthy and Stone’s Sanderson urs CHoaugrlety d.evelopment on Park Road in Want to get fit? Then walk this way A BRUTAL husband from Halesowen who twice thrashed his h wife with a broomstick, leaving bruises all over her body, has T An audience comprising of history onicle MbegbnaaacicctnCkkhe austdrtos toi ahtarnhysy e t ios na1f,s n7HiH0gdah0 agstSlg .etilnyoe tnyHo e a rtlhehl,seo wi mdchoeeminocthwps ed nlaaleitrnnesdgs, bwwehiTteohh n het hapcedou ubbtrr ebtoe oeninmh m isNntaiodrcrr ktbi heaad nWr dtsoa .o lwens io fhen eeCa oarcdrco atlihsniaoetn f5 oh9ri- ty3 he2ae yrre- woalridts h,S hittea vude ntnta iulD niott webdnro ihnkeger., n Chr ggrooTinuhgne d rtsea.sltko irnactliuonde odf dtehtea ilhsa ollf athned oints- tgwhuiArfieeltt e yt C haatnroeedr e na aast isrhmafaouelnfls t yCianernagodr ws h tniahs fCr te5eoar8ut -repytnle,e iaDanrdgo-io wntldgon ingV, of aLylttlleit ont Arvienbueu, wats ejai lead fotr we at SShaenlldeeyr sMonor Cewouoortd,, esxaplelas inexeedc: u“tWivee hkiilml h feror.m A c roensttarcatiinnign gh eorr.d er now bans hotel in aid of so wLoerrde Choigbhhlaym h oton oSuarnedd ertoso nw eClcooumrte. He had originally denied the of- e Everyone in attendance was very in- fences but changed his plea after she al terested to discover more about the had given prosecution evidence at hospice funds H fascinating history of Hagley Hall. a trial, but before she was due to be Hosting his talk was a true privilege.” cross examined. Violence had taken place while they Charity fundraiser to wneegrrey no ni nh Golwidyanye dadt lTaystw yyena ra, nadn dL loan- FUOKL, LSOteWphIeNnG J aa msuecsc ewssilflu bl eto puerr ofof rtmhe- be held along canal obnoue ro’csc ians ihoenr tnhieg hvitcdtriems sr afonr thoe alp n.eigh- iVnagll ih tisr ibcurittei csahlloyw a cfoclra iomneed nFigrhatn, kiine Threatened support of the Mary Stevens Hospice. The show documents the rise of A CHARITY canal walk in May will Brett Williamson, prosecuting, said the Four Seasons frontman in the raise funds for the Mary Stevens Hos- Downing had threatened his wife not style of the Jersey Boys stage show, pice in Stourbridge. to tell police or he’d ‘come after her with a professional narrator. Stephen People taking part in the walk on and kill her upon his release.’ will perform at The Granary Hotel in May 21 will be walking to The Maver- The court heard that at a barbecue Shenstone, near Kidderminster, on ick pub in Brettell Lane, Amblecote, at Llanegryn he’d smashed a glass March 23. along the Staffordshire and Worces- Instructors Mike Horton and Mark Phillips are calling on the over-50s to join them for Nordic walking and his wife’s hand had been cut. The Diane Moore, lottery and promo- tershire and Stourbridge canals. A FITNESS instructor who has dedi- Mr Phillips, 38, also runs Silver Fit According to the NHS, Nordic judge was told that Downing told his tions manager at Mary Stevens Hos- Those taking part will have a choice of cated the last 15 years of his life get- gym in Walsall, along with various walking can lower the risk of chronic wife: ‘I really want to glass you. I want pice, said: “A couple of members of a 15 mile route from Stourport, nine ting the over-50s fitter is hoping his other fitness classes at care homes illnesses such as heart disease, diabe- to kill you.’ On another occasion he’d the team here have actually seen Ste- miles from Wolverley or four-and-a- new Nordic walking sessions in Bir- across the Black Country. tes, asthama, strokes and is good to told her ‘to get ready to die’ and put a phen perform a number of times over half miles from Kinver. mingham can help older people get He said: “I started focusing on older lose weight. pillow over her face. the last few years, and we’ve always Walkers are encouraged to take out and about. people after I became a fitness instruc- Mr Phillips added: “A lot of people Defence barrister Dafydd Roberts joked that it’d be amazing to have him their dogs with them and get family Mark Phillips, from Sedgley, runs tor because I saw that no one was re- have complimented me as it’s helped said Downing, who had no previous do something for us. Then one day I and friends involved. Black Country Nordic walking club ally helping that particular age group them leave their house and they’ve convictions, had been suffering from think we realised that there was no The walk will coincide with a team and is running taster sessions for and they’re the ones that need the made new friends.” a mental problem and depression. He harm in actually asking him.” of men from the West Midlands Fire those interested at Cannon Hill Park help the most. The Nordic walking taster session now accepted that he would have to re- Included in the £24.95 ticket price Service and The Maverick, who will be in Edgbaston. In the Nordic style peo- “Hopefully, the Nordic walking can will take place on Saturday. For more build his life without his family. is the performance and a full evening walking 125 miles from Borth on the ple walk with poles, taking pressure get more people in the outdoors as it’ll information or to book a place, visit Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke told meal. To book tickets call the hospice Welsh coast to The Maverick in just off joints and is described as ideal for make such a difference to people on www.blackcountrynordicwalking. Downing that he had been con- fundraising team on (01384) 377 778 56 hours during the same weekend. the elderly and those with arthritis. their own” co.uk or call 07765138475. trolling, sadistic and cruel. or email [email protected] There is one small job that you have C&T DOORS & SALE been meaning to do for years - WINDOWS Ltd NOW ON Could you change a child’s life? Make Your Will CAOLVLEARREEDA..S. Unglazed/Glazed Upvc Doors £90.00 from £349 FULLY FITTED Only (no VAT to pay) Foster carers welcome a child into their home and into their family. 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PLUMBMASTER Halesowen Fireplaces afely cceSS our oft UPTO BLINDS 50% OFF foronly £399 SUPPLIERSTOTRADEANDPUBLIC AT THE HEART OF YOUR HOME ALLBLINDS £499 FullyFitted CompleteFireplacePackagesfrom •Completecentral heatingandparts NewsVeearstiocnalfa&bRrioclslenroBwlinadvsailable MaTnhuifsacpwturriitechdeatiosnIf8SoOfrt9ad0rs0ot2apnS,twdaanidrddatrhdh2e2ig-h3t0c”eiling •aTavpasila•bTleowelrails QFUROTEEES (includingfire) STORAGE FFerCeahetiulodrefSsCahFfeaitrttygeed A5lsYoEAaRvaGilUaAbRleANTEE ♦♦wcWEoaanecyhvptelornaodiavedcindceteerashasnadysosauafr1e0loft. ••••SKFBahiatsotchcwhrieaoensorsm&UngSituustitteesring DEFLRIVEEREY HNSEOTAWOTECIRKNS yearpartsguarantee •Romans•Pleated andcanbeinstalledin •ConservatoryRoofBlinds approx.2-3hours. Gas and Electricity •WoodVenetians ♦Weofferaloftboarding ••VCeunrveetidanTrBalcinkdssforBayWindows saedrdviitcioenifalrecqoustir.edatan Safety Certificate ForarannggeeooffGGaassaannddEElleeccttrriiccFFiirreessaannddSSurrrounds FREEPHONE 6GennersLane,BartleyGreen,Birmingham,B323JL ☎visitourshowroom(oppositeTyreCityonLongLane) FREE 0800 5875279 (nexttoNewmanUniversityCollege) Telephone01215599985 Failtltibnlginodns OpenSevenDaysaWeek FoTrhmeoLroecianlfoDrmisattriiobnuvtiosirt:&wwInwst.asltlierraf.coor.uk OpenM0on1-F2ri8.130am4-57.00p5m,Sa1t81.301am2-1.00pm Unit14,LongLaneTradingEstate, 01214293169 LongLane,HalesowenB629LD CALLTOARRANGEAFREEQUOTE FREEHomeQuote.FASTDelivery T:01952282152or07817431505 E-mail:[email protected] www.halesowenfireplaces.co.uk Fresh review into Christina’s death HagleyKitchens 9 A SECOND review into the tragic She was stabbed in March 2013 by from prison with no supervision only H dbeya ath p oafr aan Hoiadl esscohwizeonp shcrheonoiclg iisr l ak isltleepd dPehfiilnliipte Slyim uneldaenre t, hweh Mo ewnatsa ld Heteaainltehd A inct- moTnhteh s fbreefsohr ei tnhqeu airtyta cwka.s launched ale closer to being published, following after pleading guilty to manslaughter because of the group’s findings and BeautifuuuuuullllllKKKKKKiiiiiittttttcccccchhhhhhens&Bathrooooooooms,DesignedwithImaginationandSkillfullyFittedwithCare so completion of the first draft. on the grounds of diminished respon- the family’s wishes. A spokesman for w NHS England commissioned the sibility. NHS England said: “A first draft of e tianignveaed s Et1id6gk,a itwnioasn st wfianott aoyl eltyah rsest adabegabote.h dC oohfnr iC saht ibrniuass-, CinrgAo nsGs irnoCituiitpay l sinCaqildiun iriCcyha lbr iys CtBionimram’msi nisdgsehiaoatnmh- tcEhonmeg iplnalvenetdes dtri geaavntidieo wins ragenopidon rgat pthhparrsoo unvgaohwls NbpeHreonS- BCloaucnktry n Ch ihne rH wagalye yto R Loeaads, oBwirems iHnigghha mSc,h woholi.le on ecomuelrdg ehda vSeim beeleann e phraedv ebneteend raeflteears eidt cweislsl ebse. Fpuinbdliisnhgesd f rionm d uthee c ionuvresset.i”gation 38 Made ro Drink-driver jailed after Years nic ofHappy le Customers T h u causing horrific crash rsd a y , J a n u a ry A DRINK-DRIVER was show- for emergency surgery but doctors 26 itnwgic oef ft, hder ivsipnege adt lmimoitr ew thhaenn cbao rpuoukldne ncnt oucthr esedaev kle u bnhogins eaa,n rfdmo u.l arHc beerr aaotlkseeodn h liravidbe sra,. , 201 involved in a crash that left The 26-year-old chef is likely to face 7 two of his passengers with life-long pain. Miss Burgess was in in- appalling injuries, a judge tensive care for six days. Delaney was heard. noDt eblaadnleyy h huartd. drunk up to four pints “A beautiful new kitchen Craig Delaney, who had nei- and several shots at a bar with Mr ... ther insurance nor a valid licence, Priest when he linked up with Miss was estimated to be travelling at Burgess before going to a pub. Three 68mph in a 30 zone and on the hours after the crash on December 6, WearesopleasedwechoseHagleyKitchens-forGrahamandhisteam wrong side of the road when he 2015, the defendant gave a blood-alco- crashed into a wall, Wolverhamp- hol reading of 94 milligrams. The limit nothingwastomuchtrouble...Thankyou”Tony&BerylRhead-Halesowen is 80. ton Crown Court was told. Mr Simon Hunka, defending, con- Impact ceded: “He cannot remember what hap- "likemagiceverythingwasinplace...tiling,electrics,andbeautifulappliances...a The 27-year-old lost control while pheande sdo mine tthhein ign ctiod ednot wbiutht ibt rmavuasdt oh. aHvee fantasticallydesignedkitchen.Grahammadeeverythingsimple"AudreyBasterfield,Hasbury cswlipeprvedin gth teo kmeribss aannd ohnucrotlmedin ign tcoa ra, Craig Delaney escaped serious maDdeel aan teeyr roifb lWe omoidsctraokfet. ”C lose, Cradley "Theygaveusourperfectkitchen,agreatlocalcompany."SandraDonnelly,Kingswinford gdgiCniarontirroveds e eawtrn.h,a esTMw thpaaoealrrl tnk vhw oe Hihuotofhtic w olaseflnu , t octhcthhoehe uegfnlorod rl rdccen aeVbo rota th uwuaenxhv hdoeoaesnildde-l htihnaejdu lrboywe,e unwn acllailk.t aeMp hru ilHste otdww ilon f topoua ntshdse eD rneeglaaern reosyf bmHcaelyceon oancdhtetahho.n ,lsH ,ga aaeednn rmwdod iau btnssta oe jntadd ni hrlceeiaadvdvui finfsrnoigognr,m gtihn w sdsaeoruvri yvriionaeinunaggsr c seefi no xeorcjirug es hrlsiixyst- litt“leT"hAfuemsksai.t.jc.ohIrelponrvooejfescohtuocrwoDminrepgaleomtfefsd,mwoynentmeimwaedkewitsciohthemonuattnoayencvyheparrynoogbnelees!mb!suNtaoatralalhlwl&”aGCshilcrlioMsmPcpaKilenenttezeirde,P,wCeoditdmhsoasrleol 0Cfnoear7wllyGo7Huarr7ag‘Flhe6RyaEEKm2’i,tcn0Ehoed7onmb’s5lidoge9anstidi6ogsnn hitting the wreckage in Reddal Hill the Corsa and was lying on top of badly years four months. Guaranteedunbeatableonprice Road, Cradley Heath. injured Rebecca Burgess. Mr Soulsby Judge Simon Ward said: “I can only or01216023031 Mr Edward Soulsby, prosecuting, added: “She was struggling for breath conclude from the speed you were doing said front seat passenger Daniel Priest and Mr Howl pulled the defendant off that you were trying to show off to had his arm out of the window and it her, possibly saving her life.” those in the car in the most dangerous SeesomeofourrangeofbeautifulModernandTraditionalkitchensat:www.HagleyKitchens.co.uk was almost severed by the impact with Mr Priest was rushed to hospital way.” INSTALLATION•TILING•GAS•ELECTRIC•PLUMBING•BUILDING E G LDAISRCMOAANLLAUGINENSDTAFTLRLOSAMTISOBOETNNFJAOOASRRRNDEUPTETARRHRTSEYOPOE2L•J0NAC1EFCDo7mEICOpNDo•FTsIWitSeinDdHooowrss WkEeme“ XesOe9£tpAfa0ruaJ ixnvrwMm39O iecn0iit PBol ghtiQ8oem Li tnu sFhkEpa 5teOewda h eFrnhweRa0pUyi nocb otirhLu sku Ld morig swpa ecrkntia eceor edruf si prea ead n9ts id5or el %uordutw ,nop d farb iososyTDp ua pgAlIeHrboeSro ertlcctA sleiyInyuasodBgS uslia ibL nthatn o rlEaaneWdavnmDid ddn io g ne oeESw nup rsoPtrs o Eomotr.Ebirf”dm lkKeyCeeominenIur’sAr . g StLo Cubicle with low bath? 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His blood was sent for toxicology 34, also ended up behind bars for a year The event gave people the chance to tests. The results revealed the drugs after trying to cover up the crime. look at floor plans and layout for the bor- and alcohol that was found in his sys- Fingerprints ough’s collections. tem were not at a potential fatal dos- Councillor Khurshid Ahmed, Dud- age. But his airways and lungs were The car was registered to Yasmeen, who ley’s cabinet member for planning and congested as a result of previous drug was out when police visited her home, but economic development, said: “The col- abuse. she reported the Golf as stolen soon after. lections enjoyed many happy years at Zafar Siddique, senior coroner for Mohammed Asim – driver She and her Asim both named someone the old building but these proposals are the Black Country, recorded a conclu- else as the driver. But father-of-three about building something sustainable sion of a drug-related death. AsHime’ sw fianitgeedr purnintitls twheer ed aoyn othf et rvieahl ibcleef.ore feobrr atthee tfhuitsu broer. oWugeh a’sr eu npliaqnune ianngd t ofa csecli-- Can you ride tandem? pleading guilty to dangerous driving, as- nating history.” sault and having neither insurance nor a The collections are currently being If so, Beacon need you driving licence. Yasmeen admitted letting packed away and will be moved to the him and another person borrow the car and new site over the next few months, TANDEM cycling volunteers are be- pleaded guilty to attempting to pervert the while the new museum will open in the ing sought by a Dudley-based sight- course of justice. autumn. Items on loan from the Duncan loss charity. Mr Carl Templar-Vasey, defending Asim, Edwards collection, which Manchester said: “He acted on impulse without concern United have been negotiating to buy The Beacon Centre launched the for others but did not deliberately drive at from the family, could also go on show tandem club last year to help people the officers.” Miss Alisha Harris, for Yas- at the Archives. living with sight loss experience cy- meen, of Highfield Road, Saltley, said her Council chiefs said the new museum cling. But the club, which meets every client had ended her relationship with will be ‘at the heart of the town’s ‘tour- other Tuesday, is short of experienced Asim. Recorder Jason MacAdam jailed the ism hub’ beside the Black Country Liv- and confident cyclists to be the front pair, who each had previous convictions, ing Museum and Dudley Zoo and Castle. riders. and said: “It was only by chance that Pc The former building is now intended To find out more email tjukes@bea- Naila Yasmeen – lied about car Hands was not more seriously injured.” Annette Templar and Jane Lamine show off the plans for the displays for staff training and conferences. convision.org or call 01902 880 111. WOLVERHAMPTONHOSPITAL 2017 Price Freeze. We are pleased to announce that many of the treatments available to you as a patient paying for yourself at Nuffield Health WolverhamptonHospital have been frozen at last year’s prices throughout 2017. Some examples are: Total Hip Replacement £11,410 Total Knee Replacement £11,960 Breast Enlargement - (round) £4,550 Specialists Cataract Surgery - single eye/local anaesthetic £2,295 in you. 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