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Preview Halesowen Chronicle, January 11, 2018

Halesowen Thursday,January11,2018 Readbymorethan46,000people Pricewhensold70p COURT TIME IS CALLED ON PUB RESCUE HOPES AS STORE TO GO AHEAD Fourchargedover girl’scarfalldeath AONCEpopularpubwillbeturnedintoa ‘happy’somethingwasbeingdonewiththe oftheHasburyInn,andregrettablyitwas supermarkettwoyearsafterclosing–dash- site.Hesaid:“Theysaidthattheywere concludedthatthepubisnotfinanciallyvi- inghopesthatitcouldbere-opened. lookingtostartbuildingworkinthenext ableanddidnothaveasustainablefuture. OwnersofTheHasburyInnhavecon- sixtoeightweeks. “DudleyCouncilhasgivenplanningper- FOURpeoplehavebeenchargedincon- firmedworkwillnowstartonconverting “Iamstillnotafanofashopbeingon missionforanewconveniencestoretobe nection with the death of a 20-year-old thepubinHalesowenintoaCo-opwithin thatsite.Itisbadforlocalbusinessesandit operatedbytheCo-op,toprovideanew Stourbridgewomanwhofellfromacar weeks. isbadforlocalresidents,particularlywith high-qualitygroceryofferforthecommu- bonnetinDudley.EllieUnderhilldieda CampaignershadhopedthepubonHag- thenoisewiththedeliveriesthatwillbe nity. weekaftersufferingheadinjuriesonthe leyRoadcouldbesavedafteritappeared made.AtleastIamhappythatsomething “Workwillcommenceondeliveringthis carparkofTescoExtra,offBirmingham planstocreateashophadstalled. isgoingtobethere.” newstoreinthespringof2018.” Road,onBoxingDay2016. Ward councillors have raised concerns ApetitionopposingtheschemeinAugust TomStainer,spokesmanforCampaign Luke Hickman, aged 19, of Wassell aboutanti-socialbehaviour,vandalismand 2015wassignedby674peopleaspartofa forRealAle,said:“Pubsarevitaltolocal Road,Wollescote,hasbeenchargedwith fly-tippingonthesite,whichhasbeenleft SaveTheHasburyInncampaign. communitiesandeconomies. manslaughterandconspiracytopervert thecourseofjustice.RossBingham,20,of vacantsincethepub,formerlyknownas DavidShipton,pubportfoliodirectorfor “Inmanyareasandvillagestheyprovide HagleyRoad,Edgbaston;EllyPhillips,19, TheBeehive,shut. ownersNewRiver,said:“Theclosureofa the last remaining public meeting space ofSeymourRoad,Wollescote;andHana ACo-opstorewillreplaceTheHasburyInn moCvoeuansci‘lbloardSfoimrlooncaPlhbiupspisnedsessecsr’ibbuedtwthaes preuvbiewwoeudldthaelwhaiysstobreicatlraasdtirnegsopretrffoorrumsa.nWcee lwoistth.”meetinghallsandpostofficesalready Eardewaacrdcus,se1d8,ooffcGornosvpeirRacoyadto,Wpeorllveesrctothtee, courseofjustice.Theywereduetoappear Second phase of work to start soon at Cornbow atWalsallMagistratesCourt. ACCIDENT £1m REVAMP FOR Ford Fiesta flips over onringroad FOURpeopleintheir20shadalucky escapewhentheircarcareeredintoa lamp-postandendeduponitsroofon StourbridgeRingRoad. TheFordFiestadriverlostcontrol SHOPPING CENTRE shortlybeforemidnightonSaturday. FirecrewsfromStourbridgeandBrier- leyHillwerecalledbuttheoccupants hadallgotout.Nonewerebadlyhurt buta22-year-oldmanwasarrestedon suspicionofdrinkdriving. INDUSTRY MGroarsbackwith AMBITIOUS£1.2millionplanstorevampCornbowShop- Campaigners celebrate victory £500,000investment ping Centre have taken a step forward after a planning applicationwassubmittedtoDudleyCouncil. MGMOTORUKistoinvest£500,000in WorkisbeingcarriedoutintwophasesattheHalesowenshopping itstrainingcentreanddistributionhubin centreinabidtomoderniseitsageingappearance. Longbridge,Birmingham,tosupportUK marketgrowth. PhaseonebeganinJuly,whichfocusedonthebuilding’sexterior,whilethesecond The investment will include new stage,focusingontheinside,willstartearlyin2018.TheplanningapplicationbyCorn- goods-inwardsbays,enhancedshelving bowhasbeenrecommendedforapprovalbycouncilbossesbutafinaldecisionstillneeds and racking for ground-level picking, a tobemade. newcontainer-unloadingplatformandup- WayneEdwards,chairmanoftheHale- gradestothereceptionandofficeblock. sowen Business Improvement District ReportbyJamieBrassington (BID),said:“We’rethrilledaboutthein- vestmentintotheCornbowShoppingCen- INSIDE tre. “Afterthecompletionofphasetwo,we “This investment means more to the cannodoubtexpectthecentretobecomea CELEBRATING townthansimplyregeneratingasignificant newhubofactivityfornotjustHalesowen’s partofthehighstreet,italsorepresentsa localsbutalsothosefromfartherafield.” commitmenttoimprovingHalesowenand ThemovewaswelcomedbyHalesowen HERO DUNCAN abeliefinitsfutureprosperity.” SouthcouncillorDavidVickers,whosaid: Refurbished “TheCornbowgottoastagewhereitwas alittlebittired.Therevampwillmakeit Thefirststagehasseenwallsgivena easier,brighterandmoreattractiveforres- deep clean and refurbished, while aged identsinHalesowentocomeandshop. canopies from the façade have been re- “Ihopetheworkwon’tbetoomuchofa moved.Anewentrancecanopyhasalso disruptiontobusinesses.” beeninstalledonHagleyStreet.Thesec- Thecurrent45outletsinthecentre– in- ondstagewillseeimprovementsmadeto cludingNewLook,Peacocks,Clarks,Greggs CelebratingabronzeawardfromCamraispubmanagerMattCarey(centre)withtheFriendsofHadenCross lighting,flooring,heatingandceilings. andDruckers–willremainopenthrough- THEFriendsofHadenCrosshavecauseforacele- asbronzewinnersintheCampaignforRealAle AdrianOliver,fromTansorRealEstate outthesecondphaseofwork. bratorytippleafterbeingrecognisedfortheirsuc- PubSavingAwards2017. Company, which owns the centre, said: Coventry-based firm Active Construc- cessfuleffortstosavetheirpubinCradleyHeath. Tim Haskey, Friends of Haden Cross group “Weareincrediblyhappywiththeprogress tionwillcompletetheworksandBirming- Campaignerswhoworkedtoprotectthepubon chairman,said:“Wearethrilledtoheartheefforts oftheredevelopment,theimprovements ham-basedCBREwillcontinuetomanage HalesowenRoadfromNewRiverRetail’splanfora ofthelocalcommunityhavebeenrewarded.We PAGE16 areoutstanding. theproject. supermarketonthecarparkhavebeenannounced foughtthebigboysandbeatthemtwice.” JORDANS SOLICITORS Hereat Iftheregularofficehours9.00amto5.00pm JordansSolicitors MondaytoFridayarenotveryconvenient foryouwecanofferThursdayeveningand weoffer,Conveyancing Saturdaymorning Friendly, efficient bothResidentialand 1SummerHill,HalesowenB633BUTel:01215853900 and price Commercial,Willsand 35PayneStreet,Blackheath,WestMidlandsB650DH Probate,PowersofAttorney Telephone:01215592922 competitive &FamilyLaw... www.jordans-solicitors.co.uk 1,200 back island fight after tragedy CONTENTS Court hears 2 PETER RHODES 6 girl, 17, was 18 LETTERS 7 MORE than 1,000 people have signed a The petition has been started by Kyle’s which will prevent speeding and vehi- 11, 20 LTIHFEE STTICYKLEE T 18&2205 pmtreyat jiotwiroh nter rateof fi acc h 1ias1nl-aygneeda t rhi-noe l dtshp bee oeBydl aldicimked iCt aoofuntne ar- mitsr aoincthtteeednr ,dm eTdoa rmteo m tbheya snBu ab1sm,t2a6itb0tle esd,i gatnon adSt auhnradessw .a eItlt-l cehlreealsps geadori emn ngy oo tsv owenro’ sro kncia nrseged –a l wilgohhti tcqshu a icsco ktuhelrde. chaamve- strangled in uary LBORCAAINL GSYPMEC IALISTS 33-3341 bmeeTinmhgoe hr ycith o abfny K gaye ll.ooe rrBrgya .psteatbitlieo n– h–a sse ste eunp ainn Creoaucnhceidl .onceC thhe a1n,5g00e msark has been wtoi “lulH sseat voapisn spgh eoboraptrl ecru iegtross itn oag rM ooucnDn tdoon ttahhldee s ii, ssAllaasnnddda hostel room n influx of signatures calling for changes and petrol station. There is a walking Ja MOTORING 37-38 to the speed limit for HGV lorries In a statement on the site, Mrs Basta- path around the island which is mis- ay, SPORT 39-40 aalroonugnsdid eB wirocrhklienyg Itsrlaaffincd liignh tO cladmbuerrays, mblaed ep,l eKaydlse ‘twhaastn ’ut ntlhees sfi rcsht aanngde sw oanr’et lteoa cdrionsgs taon dp ewdaelskt roinan. s thinking its OK A COURT heard that a murder suspect nicle Thursd CTSTEEee-DPmll::OI OTa00ROi11TlR:93NS dI08:Au24 Ld T33:l e15 Ay93.c42h50Cr31o/ n0Ts1@3 8Ue4x 3pS5re3s2s0a5ndstar.co.uk FKyle Baastable – mhit by lorry iarginaoKrdua lysbgl aieenr, jrnauyielersarioesr s. k tanhnoe dw idnsil eaapdns dcJl oooesne, stAuoua ftfgheurese Std h 3se1ely-l. batleocey c s tiIphds eeelean ldnat sdslt,it mt’ao.l i Isptto r f retoeorvra ehHdnasGtv: aeV“n Wiw lyooemrr wrokibraienesn g dto ecncaah Btmahinersgruc aahenss- toahn ge“lay Wjpt ui esnwl wacetnraideon entyI s ork auonin loci wantnhg w esc iroitsonhls aojstonu.”idtn riwanihgloii rncohga sid sws t iohtfhef tmhastoot arel wAddhae sa.nitbshirgen dlhelegernoy odM s bf Ftareeee o 1lges wa7rdtno-ei yftor rhBe moas imtclr lr–l-s iuoj n,as lctdgeikhla- ,g fir lWwiielrnmeioltg dlhh, v haeiaenye r ts rhjoh u aoaborfkmouyt de brprywsat ohcaionnkesf o E-mail: [email protected] Crown Court heard. He denies murder. hr PHOTOGRAPHIC: Tel: 01902 319430 The 24-year-old moved into a hostel C E-mail: [email protected] for former inmates in Highgate Road, wen ATEe-Dml:V a0Ei1Rl:9 Tn0IiS2c Io3Nl1aG9.:c5 oN7pi3ceo@lae Cxoppreessandstar.co.uk young stabbing victim Bthuirsri eerdrol oeomyn HCoCnil TlA Vopn rt ialAk 1pin6r,ig l E t1ha3se t ateenre dSn uawgnaedsra ciyna, tpiot- o PROPERTY: Colin Bailey was said. s Tel: 01902 313131 ext 3731 Foster left to stay with his sister some e E-mail: [email protected] time later but Megan, from the Stour- al MOTORING: Liz Barratt bridge area, was never seen alive again H Tel: 01384 353244 because she had been murdered by him, E-mail: [email protected] alleged Mr Crispin Aylett QC, prosecut- CLASSIFIED: ing. He continued: “He must, then, have Tel: 01902 317878 left her body inside his room. Certainly E-mail: [email protected] none of the CCTV at the hostel was ever DTeIlS: T0R1I9B0U2T 3IO1N99: 9P0aul Jones TstHaEb befadm tioly doeaf tha inm aa nB rfioeurlnedy Classic cars and £500k to forge ahead ttoh epriec kis Mnoe goatnh eur pr elleiaavbilneg e vthidee nrocoem of ahnedr E-mail: [email protected] Hill flat have paid tribute to their ever being seen alive again.” Halesowen ‘lovely and caring hard-working noTtehse acloleugretd wlya sw troiltdte onn b My oFnodsatyer t htoa th iins father, son and brother ‘. relatives he told how the former Ridge- Police are hunting a killer after wood High School pupil’s death had 51-53 Queen Street 24-year-old Jaskaran Kang was at- happened as a result of a sex game gone Wolverhampton, WV1 1ES tcaocnkveedn iienn cae flastto orev er inth eS Mtoiunrib rMidagret wthreo nhgo.s tTehl efo dr eaflemnodsatn 2t 4d ihdo unrost. return to Open Monday to Friday 9am-1pm and 2pm-5pm Road, Brierley Hill, which neighbours Two and a half weeks later, on May www.yourchronicle.com say he ran with his brother. 3, hostel staff complained of a bad smell during a routine inspection of Foster’s Paramedics battled to save him but he room which he blamed on the carpet, was certified dead at the scene at 2.30am continued the prosecutor. The follow- on Saturday. Detectives are now trying to ing day staff returned when he was not piece together what happened and have ap- in and discovered the wardrobe had its pealed for information. doors tied together with cloth and was The convenience store and a pizza fast covered in cling-film. Mr Aylet added: food outlet next door were cordoned off for “When the cling film removed they over 24 hours while police inquiries contin- found a badly decomposed body.” Megan ued. Flowers were laid outside the shop as was identified from dental records. stunned neighbours paid tribute. l The case continues One woman who lives Carnival event opposite but asked not to be named said: “He was a lovely bloke, just like his seeking talent brother. They had run the store for four or five years and were much liked. I A TALENT competition is being held Jaskaran Kang cannot understand why in Halesowen with the winner and run- anybody would want to ner-up to be invited to perform at the do something like this to him. He had two town’s annual carnival in the summer. children.” Halesowen Carnival and Music Fes- Another person who lives nearby said: tival is organising Halesowen’s Got “We all knew him as Kang. One brother Talent to be held in Benjamin’s, Bir- would run it in the day and the other would mingham Street, on March 18, running come in the evening. They were rarely Lowell Williams, Chairman of Black Country Living Museum, and Alexander Patrick CBE, with 1939 Alvis Speed 25 from 1pm to 6pm. there at the same time but were both lovely people.” FIVE vintage cars alongside a do- principal Lowell Williams for a The cars include a Daimler Ma- It will cost £5 to enter and performers The family of Mr Kang, from Hand- nation of half a million pounds has handover of the vintage vehicles. jestic Major, Morris Minor Van, should call 07598 981932 to make the sworth, said: “He was a lovely and caring been given to the Black Country An annual donation of £30,000 for 1939 Alvis Speed 25, Daimler necessary arrangements. hard-working father, son and brother who Museum to boost its Forging Ahead the next 10 years will also be given SP250 and 1933 Austin 10 Patrick The winner will also get a £150 prize. has been taken too soon. Everyone loved project. to help with the collection’s main- Special. The carnival is taking place on July 7 him and both the family and community Philanthropist Alexander Pat- tenance. The Forging Ahead project is from noon in Highfield Park. are in shock. We just want justice.” rick CBE, of the Patrick Foun- Mr Patrick said: “The cars are phase one of the museum’s 40-year Anyone who would like to get in- dation, visited the Tipton Road all family cars and my father used plan to create a world-class attrac- Anyone with information is urged to volved, sponsor or donate to this event is attraction with Dudley College to drive the Daimler SP250. ” tion, costing around £21.7 million. call 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on urged to contact the organisers via email 0800 555 111.” to [email protected] Concept Halesowen Fireplaces UPTO BLINDS 50% OFF AT THE HEART OF YOUR HOME ALLBLINDS £499 CompleteFireplacePackagesfrom Vertical&RollerBlinds (((iiinnncccllluuudddiiinnngggfififirrreee))) Newseasonfabricsnowavailable 360O BUY1GET1 VIRTUAL HALFPRICE ChildSafety 5YEARGUARANTEE TOURNOWON FeaturesFitted WEBSITE ON ALLCLOTHING FreeofCharge Alsoavailable NEWFASHION •Romans•Pleated BOUTIQUE •ConservatoryRoofBlinds NOWOPEN •WoodVenetians •VenetianBlinds •CurvedTracksforBayWindows ForarannggeeooffGGaassaannddEElleeccttrriiccFFiirreessaannddSSurrrounds Oneofffinds,beautiful visitourshowroom(oppositeTyreCityonLongLane) clothes,shoes,bags, FREEPHONE ☎ accessories FREE 0800 5875279 Telephone01215599985 Winterstockarrivingdaily Fittingon allblinds OpenSevenDaysaWeek Unit14,LongLaneTradingEstate, 166HALESOWENST, 01214293169 LongLane,HalesowenB629LD BLACKHEATH,B650ES Tel:01214393498 www.halesowenfireplaces.co.uk FREEHomeQuote.FASTDelivery Council get MP pledges to broaden reach of Tories NEWS IN BRIEF 3 £1.2k-a-day Council leader will H JAMES Morris has vowed to ‘broaden as many activists and campaigners as tract more young and ethnic minority a from car tinh ea rbeiadc hto’ eonf stuhree C‘ao nstsreornvagt pivree sPeanrctey’ speoesisnibgl ew thoa ts ewee w chaant dwoo arks sa b Peastr,t ya ntdo voMteresa ntow jhoiilne ,a nSdto suurpbproidrgt et hMe Ppa Mrtya.r- be in the hot seat le in communities across the country. broaden our reach.” got James, 60, was promoted to the so The Halesowen and Rowley Regis Mr Morris, aged 50, was first elected post of Culture Minister to work di- w parking fines MP has been appointed Conservative to Parliament in 2010. He is one of a rectly under Matt Hancock, who was PEOPLE will get the chance to fire e Party HQ vice-chairman for training series of new appointments to CCHQ handed the Culture Secretary brief. questions at the leader of Dudley n and development, replacing Anthea – the so called ‘internal machine’ of She has impressed the Prime Min- Council when he takes the hot seat C McIntyre in this week’s reshuffle by the party – which saw Brandon Lewis ister in the junior role of Minister for for an hour-long live video broadcast. h Prime Minister Theresa May. replace Sir Patrick McLoughlin as Small Business, Consumers and Cor- Councillor Patrick Harley will be r tDMhuOadnTl eO£y1R C,2IoS0uT0n Sac idal.raey cino upgahriknign gu fip nmeso rtoe eancr sHousresi nstahgi edt h:c oa“utP naCtrrotyn osafer rtevh eaisqt iuvrioepl pea ecwdti ivwlli isbtthes TTooIrrtyi ef oCs’lh loeawlierscm taiaonnn .i npteerrfnoarlm raenviceew b oyf ftohre- phinoecrlldau tdseei nRs cebesr poJoaundlysbi ab2ni0ldi1t 6yc.o, mwHmheriuc hnn eiscwha tebi ohrniaesdf, tFaawakcaienyb gfor qookum ea stntcidoo npntrseo vnmitaii soDeuuss dh ilsees ywu beilsol rsnououctgh sh ha’yss onic New figures have revealed Dudley the skills they need to represent their mer cabinet minister Sir Eric Pickles, heritage, creative industries, librar- the proposed travellers’ site locations. le Cmoeunntsc iol vreerc tehivee pda s£t1 t.3hmre ei ny efianrse. Tpahyis- WJames Moorris MP l– provmotedecomsmunitie s. I dwill be tryring to emeet wahich recmommended ch angecs to at-oies, memdia, museums eand gallesries. froImt is6 pomn tWo e7dpnmes dwahye, nJ apneoupalrey w1i7ll, Th has risen from £332,161 in 2014/15 ask questions in the forum. Council- u to £473,595 in 2015/16 and £535,790 lor Harley said: “These are exciting rs in 2016/17. That is from 11,188 park- times with the Midland Metro exten- da ing charge notices and fixed penalty sion and plans for the site of Caven- y notices in 2014/15, 15,159 in 2015/16 dish House and I want to hear what , J and 17,389 in 2016/17. people think.” a n They also reveal the top 15 lucrative Mayor’s winter u sotvreere ttsh ea ntdh rceaer ypeaarrkss. fWoro plvaerrkhinamg fipntoens true for tragic Neil ary Street in Dudley came top with 820 walking appeal 1 tpiecrkieotds., Hbirginhg Sintrge eint a£n2d5 ,S8t1o4n eo vSetrr etehte, 1, 2 both in Dudley, came second and third THE Mayor of Dudley is inviting peo- 01 with 561 and 534 tickets handed out. ple to take part in his charity Winter 8 Fourth was Stourbridge High Street Walk, which starts and finishes at the which saw 525 tickets given out. Bonded Warehouse in Stourbridge, on Councillor Karen Shakespeare, January 28. cabinet member for environmental It will start at 10am and see walk- services, said: “Parking restrictions A TERMINALLY ill father had his final ers take in a seven mile round trip at are there for a reason – to keep our their own pace to the Prestwood area roads safe and traffic moving. The ma- wishes come true as a Wolves star de- along the canal. It’s open to all ages jority of motorists abide by the rules livered a special message and Disney- and walkers can bring along their dog. but unfortunately some people do not land was brought to him to surprise his Councillor Dave Tyler, who is lead- and receive a fixed penalty notice. All ing the event, said:all profits will be money generated goes back into help- daughter. donated to the his charities. Visit ing fund council services.” Portuguese star Diogo Jota was a surprise www.mayorofdudley.org.uk/events-1/ Nearly 4,000 parking fines were addition to an emotional day as Neil Mat- mayors-winter-walk/form to sign up. handed out in just three months in tocks ticked three items off his bucket list. Dudley borough last summer. More The 43-year-old father-of-two, from Cradley, has Sing up for chance than £82,000 was made from penalty been given weeks to live after being diagnosed with notices between July and September. a rare form of cancer. Staff at Mary Stevens Hospice in Stourbridge, to join the choir 37 jobs go as MVS where he is being cared for, were able to arrange a personal message from Jota, to the delight of Neil in administration anTd hseorne R ywaans, 1a6l,s wo hao asrpe ebcoitahl btirge Wato lvfoers faNnesi.l’s BteUndD Da IpNoGpu slainr gBelrasc kar Ce oiunnvtitreyd c htoo iar’ts- step-daughter Paige who received a visit from two open evening. Disney princesses. Viva Musica is holding the event on A BUILDING services group with its It had been Neil’s dream to take his daughter, January 23 at 7.30pm at Ham Din- headquarters in Lye has ceased trad- who is 17, to Disneyland so the hospice helped gle Primary School, Pedmore, Stour- ing after going into administration bring Disneyland to them in the form of two per- bridge. just before Christmas with 37 staff formers, who took on the form of Rapunzel and The choir was formed in 1989 made redundant. Frozen’s Elsa. and performs a wide range of music MVS Group specialises in carrying Then, Neil and wife Gaye renewed their wedding throughout the year. The membership out mechanical and electrical installa- vows in a touching ceremony in front of family and Neil Mattocks at the Mary Stevens Hospice with his family and the Disney princesses of the choir includes many singers tions. Projects have included Wednes- friends. from church choir or amateur theatre binusrtya llLaetiiosnu raet Ctheen tnreew aMndid lpainpde wMoertk- Diagnosed sbeavcekrgarlo munadjosr. cVoinvcae rMtsu sai cyae aprr epsleuns tas ropItosl itmane cHhoasnpiictaall isne Srvmiceetsh waircmk. en- Neil was diagnosed with cancer in January last traditional Christmas carol concert. tered administration on December 15 year but was told in December that nothing more Marathon run inspired and the parent group, which had its could be done with him. He was transferred to the hReoaadd ,o fwfiecne ti nin Ltyon awdomodin Hisotruastei,o Dnu sdoloeny hoIstp ihcaes w bheeerne ah ed eiss pspereantdei ntgim heis f ofirn aGl adyaey,s 4.4, who by daughter’s care after. married Neil in 2016, but she said the surprises Contracts included a £1m deal at meant the family could be happy together one more A HOSPITAL general manager is Tottenham Hotspur’s new stadium time. taking on a marathon challenge to for 40 concession stands. She said: “We always planned to take Paige to support a hospice which cared for her Disneyland before Neil became ill and this was the daughter. Somewhere soon next best thing. She didn’t know a thing about it. Gloria Kerrigan, 53, from West Mid- She thoroughly enjoyed herself, her face told a mil- lands Hospital in Halesowen will take lion stories.” part in the London Marathon in April STOabM OEWpeHraEtiRc ES otchieetrye ’sa nad iptl awceil l fboer NhoeIwinl , b tirhta’esv evD iydiooeugoo am rheee sbrseea,ig nyego, uathn’rede hWfrooiwelvn pedrsso suhtdaa vrt hes eatyiod lad:r “emH oefi pfoarr tS to fR Ricahmarsda’ys HHeoaslptihc eC ianr eW.orcester, Stourbridge Town Hall when they you so I just wanted to send you a message to say Her daughter Laura was cared for Mstaagrech m 6 utsoi c1a0l. BWoeoskt oSni d0e7 7S2t2o r4y1 7f9ro6m2. haneldlo g aivned m thya lnokv ey otou yfooru yr ofuarm siulyp.p”ort. Keep fighting Surprised Paige meets the Disney princesses Wolves star Diogo Jota delivers his message to Neil atlte twheit hh ocsapnicceer b ienf oDreec sehmeb leors t2 0h1e6r .bat- T CARLTON CARE GROUP he Carlton Care Group has been providing professional, high quality care services for over 30 years through its award-winning residential care homes across the West Midlands. Each Care Home comprises a team of qualified, caring professionals who understand that each resident’s individual dignity and welfare is paramount. Our Care Homes provide a variety of first class facilities and services and all comply with stringent conditions set by the Care Quality Commission, the independent body that regularly inspects all care homes in England. Lapal House boasts a licenced bar in a separate room with a cinema style area and a classic car collection for residents to view. We tailor our care around each resident’s needs from the meals they like to activities they enjoy and even their preferred bedtime. Our Carers and support staff form a professional, compassionate team, ensuring life in a Carlton Care Home is fulfilling and full of laughter. Lapal House Beechcroft Residential Grange Hill House Lapal Lane South, Home 516 Bromsgrove Road, Halesowen Salop Drive, Oldbury, Hunnington Halesowen, West Midlands, West Midlands, West Midlands, B62 0ES B68 9AG B62 0JJ T: 0121 503 0326 T: 0121 429 2993 T: 0121 550 1312 For more information on any of our homes please call us on 0121 550 1312 | [email protected] | www.carltoncaregroup.co.uk Weight for it! As players Rock tributes 4 to Moody’s Ray 8 1 0 1, 2 THE Moody Blues’ Justin Hayward and are on target for fitness 1 John Lodge have paid tribute to their for- y mer bandmate Ray Thomas, who died, fol- ar lowing prostate cancer, at the age of 76. u Hayward said: “Ray was a kind, gener- an ous and giving musician J and friend and I treas- y, ure all the music we a made together.” Lodge d s said: “Ray and I have ur been on this magical h journey through life to- e T gtwetoh ekrid ssin fcreo mwe a w ceoruen 1c4il, cl Ray Thomas estate in Erdington who ni Thomas, flautistr aenacdh veodc faolris tth ien stthaer sB.”ir- ro mingham-based band, was born in Stour- h port-on-Severn on December 29 1941, and C started out in blues and soul groups in the n 1960s , forming The Moody Blues alongside e Mike Pinder, Denny Laine, Graeme Edge w and Clint Warwick. o The band’s hits include Go Now, Nights s In White Satin and Question. e al Violent and abusive H passenger is sought POLICE are on the hunt for a man who made homophobic comments towards a passenger while on a train to Wolverhamp- ton. A 23-year-old man was travelling to the city on December 23, on the 7.03pm service. He went to use the Man vs Fat organiser Mark Phillips with the ball Players in action at one of the sessions which take place every Friday On the pitch at RSA Academy in Tipton toilet and, while waiting for it to become availa- ble, was abused by a IT’S the football league that gives “It started in September and it is a weight The men get weighed in and play six-a-side “It is a communication system where they man. players the chance to score some loss league so how it works is they get weighed matches with rolling substitutes – so everyone have all formed into teams, some very good CCTV footage showed goals while losing weight. in each week and whatever they get is a goal or has a chance to rest. friendships are forming and they are helping the same man putting half a goal added to each team. Mr Phillips continued: “I am a coach but I each other overcome weight loss problems. another teenage boy And now the Man vs Fat players are “It is all about weight loss, it is all about foot- also run a weight loss business myself across “It is a great way instead of being isolated on The suspect in a headlock, who was celebrating after losing around 230kgs in ball as well – it is kind of like a Slimming World the UK, I have done many different things but your own. also queuing for the toilet. The offender weight. group but for men. this is one of the things I really wanted to get “A lot of new Man vs Fat groups are popping then got off at Wolverhampton but told The calorie burning boys have seen up to “It is appealing for a lot of men because ob- interested in and bring into my portfolio. up across the UK, it is raging all across the UK the station manager he was heading to 55 players shed weight with their love for the viously, men don’t feel comfortable about going “It has gone very well, the weight loss has and there is about 30 to 35 Man vs Fat groups Shrewsbury. game. The Tipton-based group has just finished to weight watchers and slimming group with a gone extremely well. now. Anyone who recognises the man in the a 10-week season. lot of women in. “We have WhatsApp groups – the men talk “It is really engaging men’s interests and we attached image should contact police. Get Fitness trainer and organiser Mark Phillips, “It is coming up with an answer for where all week about recipes, about supporting each are just a small part of the Midlands side.” in touch by calling British Transport Police aged 39, from Tipton, said: “Since we have men actually go to – the common factor to get other and what they are going to do to help each Meetings take place every Friday between on 0800 405040. started we have lost around 230kgs. men involved most time is football.” other. 7pm and 9pm at RSA Academy in Tipton. STOP PAIN BORSHCH PEAR TREE LANE, DUDLEY DY2 0QU • 01384571879 Gas & Electrical Superstore OOPpEeNnM:OMNo-SnAT-9S.3a0tA9M.3-06aPMm•-6SpUmNDASYu1n0.1000AaMm--44PpMm With our specialist in Acupuncture, Cooking LLaauunnddrryy Acupressure,Cupping & Ear Candle RANGECOOKERS SINGLEOVENS GASCOOKERS TUMBLEDRYERS DISHWASHERS TUMBLEDRYERS Hoover8KG1400spin washingmachine FFR£R£OO34MM9 9O7O.N99NL9YL. 9Y9 RefFFR£Rr£OO11MiM4 g3O9O.N99NL9e.Y9LY9rationFR£O1M7O9N.9LY9 FFFRR£RO£OO1£MMM499 O9OO9.N99NNL9.Y.L9L9Y9Y9 FS£SR£P£PO1--2DM2D3X X2OC29CN454.58L98YW9.W0 303 CHESCTHEST FRIDGE FRIDGELARDER FREEFZREERESZERS FREEZERS FREEZERSFRIDGES WASHING MACHINES Wecanhelpifyou Wecanalsohelp F£FROR1£MO01 OM9N0.9LOY99 N.9L9Y F£RO1M4 O9N.L9Y9 FFR£R£OO11MM4 O5O9NN.L99YL9 Y.9F£9RO9M9 .99 FR£O1M3O9N.L9Y9 • Sufferwithpainsinneck, • Infertilecouplestoget Integrated Appliances shoulder,elbow,lowerback& pregnantwithahigh knee successratethrough INTEGRATEDHOBS INTEGRATEDWASHING INTEGRATED FRFEREEES STTAANNDADRADR D • Sufferwithpainorarthritis, acupunctureandherbs MACHINES FRFEREIDZGERES DELIVERY DELIVERY trappednervous,softtissue • Infertilecouplesimproving ON PURCHASES OVER £150.00WITH injury&sciatica • Sufferwithpainfromswollen ceogugnqtuparliiotyrtaonIdVFspterermatment TangHerbalCare FR£O7M9O.N99LY FR£O1M9O9N.9LY9 FR£O1M7O9N.L9Y9 SOUONNDVATYEHP V2RAI1SULS VITD£RO JUU1ACNCN5THHUIELA0ARR .YS0 2E001S8 jointsafteroperationssuch UKRegistered aresphlaipcermepelanctementandknee nOortasnuyresyomf,pvtiosmitsusyofuoraare 20YearsExperience BROATBINHRNOACTEI.NHN.RH.EC..REH.. ESS BIRMINGHAM WALSALL ERDINGTON confidentialconsultationor Open 10.30-5.30 UpperTrinityStreet Unit17-19 1-41SuttonRoad • Sufferwithoverweight telephoneforanappointment Monday-Saturday BirminghamB94EG VictorianArcadeWS11RE ErdingtonB236QH 01217736361 01922279927 01214480202 10B Peckingham Street, Halesowen 0121 585 9393 Extendedguaranteeavailable•MembersofRetra•Picturesforillustrationpurposesonly•Pricessubjecttoavailability•SiriusRetaileroftheYear2012 www.borshchelectric.co.uk Borshchelectric Black Country car cruise Call to clean 5 and repaint H a rail stations ban is extended until 2021 le s o w A CAMPAIGN group has urged new e cMoimdlpaanndys aRnadi lfwraayn chtois e ‘roewpanienrt Waensdt n C deep clean every one of its stations’. h The Stourbridge Line User Group ro (SLUG) says Stourbridge Line sta- n tions are in need a makeover. AN injunction banning car cruising in the Black Country has ic loannT Wdhsee sRgtar Moiluwidpal aaynd tddoss sRite aewi lti lhaln ep dud Wtr apefrtse tts Mismuirdee-- Zoo staff play annual numbers game beTehne ecoxutertn odredder f ostro aps f upertohpeler ftrhorme eta ykeinagr sp abryt tihn ea Hcaigr hc rCuioseu ratn.y- le T Ttsanaaes erglb TwaeSolhcieu ontfsedn rs s da,agew nasrrwoy ocvsr huihtokcirpieosiacn senhis g n aa h asriroo dseeapl ldtspeai tteoHrti riaslho,alst nariieWbntdssllhc e eeelisbuu psttundt owarMed ybdeiei.tl,ndrih s sls ahuuttnhhecrhddeee ttThshhteHaeelfp Efzai oSntnaoEgik’m s –i npa inaglhsnh op daatao btrs gitDotr iamaunnpd etahtlsneis.my a senZhsno oouhw aiwn l dshcoeoomru iwnnet eg roo –eff rbptwheerhcSeeoe neimiinr nvficeoejenu dtw enii tndsic ut wgtuhis,oap pions net r,oni gWn ed£atie1otrndho,l0i vdesp0eruir0 nrcib hesagyodna no tdmia rn so kp epr2itndnu0oteg1bner 5lnep,i, d ccaD1e irt7ssutoi , pdninelgeo Woypar,ln eSoy har gsanruavdnecwi ihbset ieenlelvgn eae acnn odtc n a ivWfrni c acttorlehusdoai ssolrelef , – baa rorneerda a cfshrh.oainvmge hursday, Jan balasrn SadwnLsdeU R llnG aaa imlsc. hepa oWirlimecsyat n mM Waidkilelalrin,a dmWs eRWsathi liMwtiaindyg-, wCkeaiMetshntel etaeo rHs kpmioallsat eslal t ftcowrorae utcrnhteeti oi ncnsagn’ms ab apeonrpaaner udddu aalrp niclndaeg nya istlnhusgoes plWeade yT s cbtho yeuM rWfoitd uoclrloav snBetdsrla.hsc akPm oCploticouenn, trCsyuo ucbcnoercsoislu fguahnllsdy, Rights bid to uary 11 svRinaeagilido law:p m“caoTyem hanenmtrsdie tW smhueaecsvnhtet M atbsoie d eaWlna p nedasdrstssa eRMmnaaigidtle ilrmca nradadkeis--l wfithvaeIest c tKuoysuapurneuastl .sol ,yT fa htl earemikrneeug sar- ta raae tiw l metehdeoe krl ee ztm ootoh uc.aron,m o1pn,l6ee 0to0ef tBHsioioiurgnmgh h iuCntn ogatuhi lrac tomF yne etDbsinrtiesuurtaardrtiaciyoyt n .1R ,o e2fg 0its2ht1rey, i anotjfu ttnhhcee- help prisoners , 2018 link from Stourbridge to Brierley Hill. animals on site covering 260 different His Honour Judge McKenna, sit- dLuo““ncAHeddloos wnow, e MeCveeahkrrie,yl ntwleedreb n som enRrueva.siitcl wensao ytt sob hea ancsdo mi nfrptorlmao-- sbfoperOe mpcniuaecttse i, oi ssnntata yMofsf athchnuaearv gaeget lamoo rbfie aRnnlait c ZlSh fioyaogsrltudoer gmBei,cr wiaotlwh wIincni.lh-l mottiirnoedngaea sratu sfer o aear sn Ha dani rgIoe hta h rmCeeor ac usotorhntnrt eajeuebnd ltyeg et eoaa, rnessdxa.”t idpen:r o“dpT tohhree- HawrrAei tLinElagSu OcnacWmhEipnNagi gGntlh ovebiiaar lA Jamunnsnteuiscately GIlnertotteuerpr- cbeandtly. Sinto nuerebdr iodfg ea Lmiankee ostvaetri oannsd awree ais wa igdleo bvaalr ideattya boaf saen. iDmuadllse, yw Ziotho hthaes Dangerous rniagthiotsn aalb utos essu.pport victims of human must push for West Midlands Rail- names of species beginning with 19 Councillor Paul Sweet, Wolver- ‘Write for Rights’ will take place ways’ commitment to repaint and different letters of the alphabet. hampton Council’s cabinet member at St John the Baptist Church in the deep clean every one of its stations.” From Asha the Asiatic lioness to for public health and wellbeing, said: centre of Halesowen on Saturday, Zeb the black and white ruffed lemur, “Car cruising is noisy, dangerous and from 10 until noon. Weighing in with help all animals at Dudley Zoo need to be illegal, causing damage to property Chairperson Ernest Crutchley said: counted during its annual stocktake. and posing a risk of injury – or worse – “Please come along, we offer a warm at Sandwell libraries The audit sees keepers totting up to participants and the general public welcome and if you can spare 10 min- every invertebrate, bird, mammal, alike. It also takes up a lot of valuable utes to write one letter, that will help reptile and amphibian across the 40- time for our hard-pressed emergency a prisoner of conscience, that would A NEW way to help people to moni- acre site. services. be appreciated.” tor their weight has been introduced Mr Brown said: “We have more “Since its introduction in 2015, the Member Mandy Dobie said: “Last at libraries in Sandwell. Weigh2GO than 1,600 animals on site and 260 injunction has helped to dramatically year we sent 130 letters to help pris- uses the latest technology to help peo- different species– ranging from great reduce the menace of car cruising oners of conscience. We helped out in ple to keep track of their weight. The apes to the tiniest medicinal leeches in across the Black Country, eliminating 12 cases and, since then, three have scheme is run by the public health our Castle Creatures exhibit.” it altogether in certain areas. How- been released and one had charges team. Sandwell residents, those with The zoo has announced that, as ever, the problem has not been en- against him dropped. a Sandwell GP and a BMI of 23 and part of the site’s revamp, work on a tirely eradicated; car cruises are still “Others expressed thanks for the above should call 0800 011 4656 for £250,000 extension of the Sumatran being held in our region, sometimes support and encouragement they re- referral. tiger enclosure begins in September. Nicola Wright from Dudley counts the penguins during the zoo audit with fatal consequences.” ceived.” Starkey Electrical Manor House, Manor Lane, Halesowen Ltd Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Electricians email: [email protected] www.starkeyelectrical/co.uk 0121 423 3883 Starkey Electrical would like to wish all of our customers a Happy New Year • For all your electrical needs in your home, garden, driveway or office/retail premises • Experienced electricians NICEIC regulated • Competitive prices/FREE quotations • Energy saving LED Lighting JANUARY • Fuseboard replacements SPECIAL OFFERS • Rewiring ON REWIRES • Landlord Certification • General electrical maintenance • Supply/install of electric roller shutter garage doors • Electric heating systems • Inspection & testing • Shower upgrades Followuson ACOPPNRTORVAECDTOR • CCTV & intruder alarms StarkeyElectricalLtd-Yourlocal,energyefficientelectrician Interesting phrase, hardly used, and a little bit weird 6 INMYVIEW TALKINGPOINT withMarkAndrews 8 Protest: It’s Companies 1 0 2 1, 1 lettuce are never y ar u n Ja leaves at really at y, a d s ur the ready our service h T e cl ni o THINGS aren’t looking too good for ITbafflesmewhythesedepartmentsare r Carlinis, a new Italian restaurant in Al- calledCustomerServiceasthatseemsto Ch brighton, where the chef boasted on bethelastthingtheydo.Icalledrecently Facebook about “spiking” a vegan’s regardingadeliveryIwasexpecting–to n meal. replaceadamageditem.Thiswasdueto e Laura Goodman has now quit, after KimJong-unand“I’vegotabigger LordAdonis–wantstobefreetocampaign HattieJacques–wegetallwistfulabout bepickedupandanewonedelivered. w militant vegans reportedly threatened Bnuclearebuttonthaanyou”rcontesit ngforasecondtEUrehferendume bsomelergendaurygoldennnursingagte Ihadcalledoncetoreporttheitemas eso tsopotatrmgeiltitathnetvreesgtaanurparnott.eYstoeursc.aTnheaylwoanylsy dinagmtaoggeedt.tTowtehnetyapmpinroupterisatleatdeerpaaftretmrteryn-t Hal throwlettuceleavresranrdlentils. agnirdl wlisitthentihnegtaonniroriytaintigngvomicuesicsawidhil“eYothuer THAT said, I now find myself eating callisimportanttous,weappreciateyour morevegan-friendlyfoodthaneverbe- patienceetc,etc”,Ihungup. fore, after being told at one of those Companiesarealwaysverycarefulto routine mid-life health checks that my of this quirky word isnaycaysoeurycoaullhisurbleaibnugsreecdoorwdendt.hIespthhaotnjues?t cholesterolistoohigh.Notdramatical- Anyway,whenIhadabitmoretimeI ly,butIdoneedtoimprovemydiet.It triedagain.Eventuallyaftergoingthrough seems cream crackers in the morning, thelistofoptions,noneofwhichsuited bread-and-butterseasonedwithacou- myquery–option3thenoption5and pleofporkscratchingsforlunch,andmi- backtooption2,aagh!–Ioptedforthe crowavedmeatballsandspudsatnight salesline,knowingthatwouldbetheone won’treallycutitanymore. mostlikelytobeanswered.Fiveminutes InthepastIwouldhaveshruggedthis laterIactuallyspoketoaPERSON!She off,butafewdeathsoverthepastfew toldmeitwasn’treallythecorrectdepart- years – some close – have made me mentbutshewouldputmethroughtothe ponderhowfleetinglifecanbe.SoInow QUIRKYphrasesdepartment.Itwasreported THEBESTOF emailortextaboutanissuewithoutfirstmaking rightone.Ibeggedher“Pleasedon’tlet consumeanextortionately-pricedhealth thisweekthatcoastalareas“borethebrunt”of anelementarycheckonGoogle.Forthosewho mebeholdingonforsolong”andsheas- drinkeachday,aswellasfiveportionsof StormEleanor.Interestingword,brunt.Nobody PETERRHODES haranguedmeonthesubject,thereisnothing suredmeIwouldbeputstraightthrough. sfrcuNeitpoatwincd,Imv’veeagin.alylwbaeycsaubseeenIdaon’fitvleik-ea-dgaliby rsweoeamlhlyeaorkdnnleyowiesvsbeewrauhrseinergeititteh.xeBcrewuponttr.dwThcheoenmmseoosmreferoythomiungasnaodyr btelarmspXhmemaso.us,lazyorungrammaticalaboutthe IlosuFtdiilnlhayalolydutthhoeawvaeaninttoofivyheinogmldmintuuhtseeicsp!–hopnlaeyeadwsaoy splhcaisootoleehTunldhnwssleeaudehrnmbslioeng”iitcinutethtiagasiaoingn.ltndkeprolotatf“htofnoeerfduwrrettueoarieirtsusmatatcaobsnhpydb”sl.tuauhvyccAeeehagnsnd,ioanasarttinpth“o’dpsesfrtEospatitpnekmicgoreiek---- ishmtp,oaAtewdhcBeetOma.wcUaeuTnilraydr1ei,cnr4asi0tru-0spraoacnuracknredsfisrd.ewifeifnererLeinvdteerscptloraooimyl.esdIwwionilnldtbheeer mcabdstuguauinsamtftenfgoepsdodmaoasewndlturhdsimftaohwmtsrh,spayomledonobaouupnek.trglliTeinieteoigvorwdoenwauhd.yasoT,tshhNfaeanerHcoyeaSttlolw-borpweoineermalseryiv,tbitafnahaddgresudinhslehigitsodaytpnpsarcwloeaboisptralhees-l ogwfoitMOthmHaEKeA,bidmdNiigecWJgaaorleH.nrIeDLgnmoE-uune,cnarlig.eltdeWainsrThcrbuaireeumtsevttpveoeaanhrrleeantdshebaxgtentho?iantytgionutthao”onacusnowsna“etnIre’edvsdest fatwbnrrnaeoaaTsmcmsshwkeeveeen,yedrtofreaoyuadmdlnrls.odedoewIreratdgrihsrnyoasegw–va,dennwpsadthomeooeeasnpartkcgprt,emhoeepIedddylreaoecaocconnereedemdmticevppereaiuncadnttknweuedwarom.domStbsueuhahepxldneert,. idonatcirrgaiiUcnnhnokntgtufhaeonwenrtjthduubfiiocnclberhaeenotseddIneleoyecer,nomoetluiofqslwdtumhleietewshafisk.fieoeIvdblffeooo.fdtonnSholoeyeowd.rd.anicsgagolnuansscosteinnolgayf wypcolaionTurskdHetEilaasynkwbtedoaowtsnehiiadctehceahrlgrlyalioosmatohtpmhpesariyltehwevsoiilutepfhcwfphuit,elslfityarrsoepimldsrobeuavsolritmdeio-ispbnstegsoonrapretaayorrroekcut.ehatdIeerf hamtycoorheeauaittyhliitclcolbh,aasyenes-wwl’iawtavrirohhrn-eenowgslgpuohatluatdotvnhoverdiifnaceslkteidicfioenrbnsegputwoyatwreltepihrdeercaneufhtutfpesostrhietchoeteNoefshiHri.1ugSoA9nnwn4gotrd8rnreyea,whwtiebthmoarialoeluetnnnhlddi-tt, nfisseegoAnchtosDtbeanyOrtdsipNo.EanI“SrUH.a”emwrlelaeofned,triisscesntthdobauutbmt9eb.9fyH9re?esepIt’evhtoceiniagcklaoslymt-rtetphrmaaisiiangbiennudirnfnofigirrneigna- flasd–ievanatdeydmhriu,inisanpghggwaoeovatdfhinsnpeepgialenacdrserecorwomaemfwloopcbevnlaoreuentdtu.hynBentiwhsoatecofaomkulolrleooldtdnvhnteecoitorohnbntleehlee,edopclrfhtflowoodomonaemersy-. Thenthereisthequestionofwhatcon- foraninfernotogrowandspread.Itsometimes makeoftheobese,hungoverpatientsoftoday. theEUisagoodidea.Mindyou,healsothinks AgainIwaspassedaroundonlytobe stitutesa“portion”.Governmentguide- occurs to me that if the internal-combustion Theymightwellask:“Whatareyoudoinginthe HS2 is a good idea. His solution to Britain’s toldthenewonewouldbedeliveredby estahlaienlansaiecIAetdvltihisennhtwcotgltsaiepahosarpieirttlyseoeodpetatl8hsaryetIi0eoohwlgwacuunao,rosogliafguublreysklhtnudh,btttitteesbobadIdexpleaiotsoahfsotueohucofssreoskucep.tenghaoetteohnoc,fmpstopawwpertvehe.ehiotedari,cilttdisobhnmwgulcoIteeosaycdauinnoanendgnusst baehvpyeonniuagInudgsrThittrien-osydirte,rsioh,syiueiwenhonauechwtorhrredwerieeldalmiitlelncltporahnevat-teenroroaeknetrnrjditroeadeetih?1cdf-ouse0efNeats0oalfoea,edl0tttlhta0cyaoteya0hus,cpr-ereshgiettaa7sooiwnnlo0plwocot-lhentnceuh.as.lpdoalSleaunenotnsndre,daoivvcnlMeecadtrarirrstssnigaeIknooerssy-tff, oqermnoerinnuapoOteloaothsuNhnr,oteteEihlhn?deoipgo”pnrfgfsooametaprbennyeroaesrNurtawaytoesthrwsihloaiooslndeYrnwt,deuomaehswtrerhau.flnrveaeOatiylnslkynogoecedflsause.itntstwsiBunocdemounrentitsbbstIayielc’semfsdrfdtoioboamrpaedsbucdeemtrtttoohakiinslisilnnegsggd“neiaas--tt cpootnmcruoeffrafoorwmhnesptoshtmerpmeafbrouotieelitrtwreiaestmsoua.rpseuytAairrf1oinnufnr0dbhdlot0oEolmetfnuoymaLgsarLowimlrniondishsgnsdhsadottwcsaoonhoenindonudpeedrntaotobt?tcaurhlhgyrBiTrgseoortdhiuhudtaicmogsienyuuh,.gtesdbsTq2aeyoth0nuhmmeddaomorleusAlilyvsiiondsmianfhubongotitrnndheurigeeasss- ecoawtdMhxlnneeaeyNpoepnimltoseatahwoxrleidebtntnadmruesmocatdtenhooinnnneetdmrtohnyhsoapitaohnrwptaedagennoptdhngaoylaebe.ttotrchydDu8nieeii,.eenllmd0deIlgif5fevrterta,oorehnsnammratdygdwiceindtttaleehauioavrrmertdeyereci.rc,svcotaihReaamtaredlmubftprpth.bueeelooTabtrrauaihintntsnngh.eo.hddhey-I! asoneofthefive.Nowonderthere’san oftheNHSwhenwehavespentthepastsev- part-time writer and illustrator” while another tal,toconcreteoverhalfofsouthernEngland, nocardwasputthroughthedoor. obesitycrisis. endecadesmoaningthatithasneverbeenas sayssheisa“marketingandlifestyleblogger.” plonkingamillionnewhomesinavastarcfrom Butdon’tworry,itwouldarriveandI Somynightsnowconsistofglugging goodasitusedtobe.Wegetallwistfulabout Listen,kids.Thesearenotjobs.Theyare,at OxfordtoCambridge.Heisoneofthosepeople wouldgetsomethingasa‘goodwill’ges- orangejuicewhilethepeasandcarrots somelegendarygoldenage,usuallyinvolving best,hobbies.Thisexplainswhythebuilding whoisentirelydrivenbythenotionof‘growth’, ture. Eventually it did turn up, dumped simmerinthepan.Then,afterNewsat tightly-folded bedsheets, carbolic and Hattie societymanager’seyesdonotlightupwhen whogenuinelycannotunderstandthatmostof bythefrontdoorinfullviewofthestreet. Ten,itstimeforsomefruit–usuallystraw- Jacques.Thebigdifferencebetween1948and hegetsyourmortgage-applicationform.Geta us would rather spend 20 minutes longer on Goodwillgesture?Youguessedit–noth- berries(nosugar)orpineapples–washed 2018isthenatureofpatientsandtheirillness- proper,full-timejob,putinalltheovertimeyou thetrainthanripupasingleancientforest.The ing–butthenagainIwouldhavebeen downwithabottleofBenecoltomakeit es.Seventyyearsagothesickwere,byand can,saveafewgrandandtryagain. ‘growth’brigade’sonlystrategyistolaymore happy to just sort out the problem at tastenicer.Can’ttellyouhowmuchI’m large,illasaresultofthingsdonetothemby concrete,erectmorebuildingsandallowBrit- myfirstattempt.Customerservice?You lovinglifeatthemoment. theestablishment.Theywerethewoundedand ONEoftheenduringmysteriesoftheinternet ain’spopulationtogrowto80or100million. mustbejoking! SUEATTWATER shell-shockedoftwoworldwars,thevictimsof ageisthatpeoplewhoarealreadyonlinewill Therehastobeabetterway. BETTA BUILDINGS SHEDS • GARAGES • GARDEN ROOMS • LOG CABINS The Dalbury GardenRoom FreeLaminateFlooring Ahugerangeinstock Ahugerangeinstock Ahugerangeinstock &ExternalPaint Pricesstartfrom £274 £599 £1657 £2495 from from from •OldBuildingsRemoved •BaseLayingService •MadetoMeasure •QualityatCompetitivePrices •AsbestosDisposal •FreeQuotations •LinedandInsulatedOptions •HugeRange Velodrome is needed in time for games HagleyKitchens 7 THE bid by the City of Birmingham to The West Midlands has produced cycling may be held many miles from stage the 2022 Commonwealth Games many very fine track riders over the Birmingham. H within Birmingham has been success- years including, four time world cham- The nearest (outdoor) banked cycle a ful, this will be a great boost for the de- pion and Commonwealth Games gold track, Manor Abbey, Halesowen, was BeautifulKitchens,BathroomsandBedrooms,designedwithimaginationandfittedwithcare le velopment of sport, as well as business, medallist Hugh Porter, MBE; the late built in 1948; whilst this track is great s within the West Midlands. Tommy Godwin; the late Trevor Bull; for developing grass roots cycling, the o Youngsters from poor backgrounds Trevor Gadd; Jess Varnish and Helen days of staging world class track racing w who often do not get the chance to Scott, MBE, to name but a few. Many have long gone. e travel outside the area to either partic- of those riders would have trained and The five indoor velodromes existing n ipate or watch sports events, will ben- raced on the outdoor track, Salford within the UK work. They produce C efit by having some of the best athletes Park, Birmingham, which was very champion riders and make a huge h in many sports competing on their sadly demolished in the 1990s without impact on participation levels within ro doorstep. Many people of all ages and being replaced. their region.I would urge all those n backgrounds will be inspired to take up Many supporters of cycle sport with the power and influence to ensure ic sfiptonrets sfo. rN eeiwth esrp ocrotms psetatidtiioan (,s lweiismumrei nogr wstiatnhdina btlhye v Wereys cto Mnciedrlannedd st haaret, udnudee tro- aB inremwin inghdaomor. velodrome is built within le pool) or improved existing stadia (Alex- the lack of a modern 250m indoor vel- DAVID VINER T ander Park) will leave a lasting legacy. odrome within Birmingham, the track Halesowen A&CC Chair Cycling h So this is LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sleigh urs d a how you POST EMAIL support y, J a Dudley Chronicle, n get a gong Chronicle Editorial, dudley.chrons@ thank you ua 51-53 Queen Street expressandstar.co.uk ry Wolverhampton, WV1 1ES 1 IifiTc aatpipoena rhsa tsh abte ean n einwc lquudaeld- Letters nsuhmoubledr .b Teh ber Eiedf iatonrd r MesUerSvTe sin tchleu dreig nhat mtoe c, oanddderenssse alentdte tresl.ephone THE Kingswinford & Stour- 1, 2 on the crony list for political bridge Lions Club would “A really handsome Kitchen 0 go1n.g sY.ou must be a total COoudr ep oolfi cPyr aisc ttioc ec:o rrect er- lyiokue ttoo esvaeyr yao vneer wy hboig g athvae nsko ... 18 failure. Nick Clegg qualifies rors as soon as we can. generously during our an- under this heading in that The Chronicles adhere nual Santa Sleigh tour. he managed to reduce Lib to the Editors’ Code To all of the grown-ups Dbhyieg2 m4h. 9 Y osafeonfiaudct e slm oaasutet s WhWt ieset sasottkwmmeni in nsosesntate etra.r, cpobofye .P wusrekaite.hc nIt fit chyaeeot , uw aw cwahcrwieuc. rhiupa nscchoyaa n.op f- a sCSWtthoVrerr1oye ,n1t ,wiE cWrlSeitoesl, v t5eo1r Th-5ha3me QEptduoietnoe, rn, athmona addms .cea he Ditvl duSerrraeyinnn t,gHa w ,a wohpuoep r ych aoCtmprheaer v yioesoultust- comple..t.beedaountiftuimlBeowscithhoauptpalinayncpersobalnedmassautpaellr”P‘BauoliinleinBgu-rgwesas,tDerroiTtwaipch’ let’s say Deputy PM, and Fed up of all the car we collected £7,020, which for five years do nothing of will be distributed to local "HagleyKitchenstookcareofeverythinginourfantasticallydesignedmodernkitchen... any note. Once more Nick charities at a presentation qualifies. evening to be held at the ...Grahamandhisteammadeeverythingsimple."Pam&SteveHughes,RowleyRegis 3. You must have the abil- park charge moaners Stourbridge Institute and "Grahamgaveusourperfectkitchen,agreatlocalcompany."Danni&MartinWalters,Hasbury ity to lie through your back Social Club on January 22. teeth. Excellent. Nick fulfils We would also like to “HagleyKitchenscreatedthekitchenwehavealwaysdreamedof, this e.g. ‘We will scrap tui- thank the management of andhisteamcompletedtheinstallationandtilingtoaperfect CallGrahamEdmonds tdieo5mn. ofYecoeruas’t .mic uwstil lf roufs ttrhaet ela trhge- ccI haaram rfgo seris cf.k rNe aeon.w dHh oteisrrpee iditn ao lstf h rliiaskn ect oiCnuignt ytar byao rnueo tiw nh ocbsaupniil ttya-oul upc a laerra pevaaesr y kaoinnudgr WSKaioninlglsasbswutiornynf’ osar Adnm,d f boMlre coaorltrleois,w oAinlnd’gsi 4ov0er BCMloaaucdnketry “Nothingwasftionoismh.u..cThhtaronukbYleo”uD.”orWeeanynCeol&eyJ-ulHiea,yWleyorGdrseleeny 0fnoer7wyo7Huar7g‘Fle6RyEEK2’i,tcn0hoe7onb’s5lidge9astii6ognn est number of voters ever doing away with charges will not make parking at the hos- us to collect during Decem- recorded. pital easier – locals will just use it as a dumping ground for ber. Money will go to Hear- Years GGuuaraarnatenedteuenbdeautanbbleeoantparibceleoro01n216p02r3i0c3e1 Got it in spades Nick. I their vehicles and people going to work in Birmingham will ing Dogs for the Deaf and of Happy might just give it a try folks. leave their cars and get a bus. People moan about paying charities of their choice. Sir Alan Etheridge has a a few quid to park but how about the thousands wasted STEVE RICE Customers www.HagleyKitchens.co.uk certain ring to it every day by people who don’t turn up for appointments. Sleigh Master ALAN M ETHERIDGE HELENA CAMWELL Kingswinford & INSTALLATION • TILING• GAS • ELECTRIC• PLUMBING• BUILDING Dudley Tividale Stourbridge Lions Club HASBURY WINDOWS Ltd. Full Window Wizard Services QUALITY | VALUE | SERVICE Available •MistedUnits Replaced WONDERFUL INLITEN INLITEN 6 FLAT •BrokenHinges WINTER FRONT DOOR BACK DOOR &W2INDDOOOWRSS •ADdojourstment inWHITE inWHITE •NewLocks OFFERS £Fro5m5On0ly £Fro4m9On0ly £From2On9ly 99 Call fInostralled further details •YourNEWwindowswillsparklethisWinter ...Including ...Including ...Including 0121 421 7001 fitting AND VAT! •It’stheBestTimeofYeartoFitNewWindows! fitting! A1L fitting! FASCIAS SOFFITS GUTTERING •Yourlocalwellestablishedbusinessoffering topqualityproductsandservice •Nopaymentuntilcompletion YY11ee00aarr •Callusnowforagreatdealonyour newwindowsanddoors Allinwsuorraknccaerrbiaecskaedfull •Visitourshowroom •Dealdirectwiththeowner It HAS to be HASBURY HASBURY WINDOWWSS Ltdd. SHOWROOMOPEN: 9HalesowenRoad,Halesowen,WestMidlandsB629AA TRADE Mon-Fri8.00am-5.00pm ENQUIRES QUALITY|VALUE|SERVICE Sat-10.00am-1.00pm Telephone: 0121 421 7001 • 0121 421 2104 WELCOME PHONELINESOPEN:9.00am-9.00pm FENSA “We will Beat ANY Genuine Written Quote” Registered30179 SSEEAASSOONNAALL SSAAVINGS 8 8 1 0 2 1, 1 y ar u n a J y, Caall us now a d s ur h T e cl ni o r h n C If your getting e ow 3 quotes make s ale sure Carera is H one of them!!!! Call us TODAY 01384 442490 TopQualityARated ProductsAtGreatPrices YaleLockingSystems SwishWindow&DoorSystems PaymentOnCompletion Full10YearGuarantee Maketherightchoiceforyourneewwindows,conservatories,orangeriesandporches. NoDepositRequired Careradonotusehighpressuresalesmeen,ithashadthesameownersinceitopenedin1989.Call themnowforyourFREEnoobligationquotations.Ourvisittakesapproximately20-30minutes Visitourlargebeautifulshowroomwithallproductsondisplayforawarmwelcome Proudtohaveworkedwith . . . . WINDOWS DOORS PORCHES ORANGERIES CONSERVATORIES 24, Junction Rd, Audnam, Stourbridge DY8 4YJ 01384 442 490 Telephone: www.carerawindows.co.uk Riddle of ‘Bella’ murder YOUR BATHROOMS 9 CHOICE H is now set for the stage a “Our company is owned and run by local tradesmen meaning the work is carried out properly les and on time. We strive to keep our prices as low as possible in order to keep within the budgets o of retired, disabled and working families which make up 95% of our customers.’’ w e TITV hdaosc buemeenn ttahrey ,s publajye,c bt ooof ka, YTYTOOOOU UAARR NN AAEERRWWMM CBBCAHAHTTAAHHIRI•RRRDOG OGEOUCOUIMIMDSIDIEOEN FRINRJTEFOTTABEESIWSNBEENEEURS IGRBNRAU VNEDVRAGIEEAYONRDTD YG&WE S EX£AM3PL9E 5FU0LL .J0OB0 FOR n Chron songs, numerous newspaper PhoneusforaNoObligationQuote • 90x90 Quadrant Cubicle • Tiled Floor ic articles and endless intrigue. (Daytime/EveningsorWeekends) le lcoocNvaeolr wym otufh raed esskrt uoilrnly vi soo lhfv eianandg e udtn hfseoo rl dvthiesde- •DineysQoiguUnr/hPOolamTnenAi&nTgaI&nOoMnNattheeriaslpso&tpSriucietegaivllench.osen • w15it ShQ loMw Wlevaelll Ttrialeys •• RNeepwla Bcaesmine n&t SWhCower Thu London stage. •INSTALLATION EXTRA DISCOUNT FOR OUR RETIRED & rs teegeIgtns awgoaens bL7oo5yr sdy elaCorooskb ihanaggmo f’tsoh ra Htb aifgrolduesyr’ Td•haeyIsNJ&obSleiPsftsEctlaeCratenTd&I&OticdoNymwpiltehteadlliwrnui atbhrboiausrhnodur en5mdo5ved DISABLED CUSTOMERS day, J Hall estate found the human Everythingisthoroughlycheckedwithyourself DISABLED SPECIAL an skull, still with hair and teeth at- attheendofthejobtoyoursatisfaction. ua tEinal Tcmthhh eeet d rWle,a eodi.lnsle srcaeot tuher onalerledoa w tooef d tS-hoteouiutrr bhWroidmygceehs, RETIRED&DISAB•O•jonbLlCR,yEdwEOoDhCweMneOyaPocMucLeaEpMrteTydEoIeuONlrigfiNDhntaeAldbTwailItahOnctheNe.finished lAeWvreee lyw roouilu lh nraedvm,i nsogqv upear otrhbeel eo Bmr aost bhgle o&tnt igFn igct uianbn &i ce loaeus &ty o aTf ciylceoedus ri snb saloitdhwe? . ry 11, 2 wpooarcrhieidn gth beyu tw tohueld y goeut ningteos tt roofu btlhee fmor, WehopeYOURCHOICEwillbeyourfriendschoice SuppAl yF oal dnienwg rSeepalta c&e Gmreanbt Rsahiolwer 018 Tom Willetts, found the secret too VAT FOR FREE ALL FOR ONLY hard to keep and told his parents. FRIENDLY £2150.00 Police were called and found the near-complete skeleton of a young FREE ADVICE AND A woman, believed to have been stran- gled around 18 months earlier, inside WARM WELCOME PHONE US NOW TO the tree. In nearby fields they found her severed hand. IN BOOK YOUR FREE SURVEY Obelisk sTcheen eW oyfc thh Eel gmr uine sHoamglee yd iWscooovdesr,y Jloamcaels w Darratyimtoen mis ybsrtinegryin tgo t thhee s sptoaogkey QUALIFYING Unit 4, Charterfield Shopping Centre, Charterfield Drive, Afterwards, graffiti posing the cryp- They mystery has also inspired sev- Mr Drayton, said: “There’s been a CASES tic question ‘who put Bella down the eral musical compositions including a surge in interest in real crime stories MO Kingswinford DY6 7SH Wych Elm’ began appearing on walls musical staged around a decade ago. and it’s something we’d been explor- rmairdooduulsnel ydo oftn hb eto htWeh e Htshat geMl ewiydo olmabneadlniss’,ks .m iBdoeusntt ttifhtaye- whToh teeaatcrhe edsi raetc Wtoor rTceosmte rD Uranyitvoenr,s i2t6y,, iunngs.o Tlvheed f aisc ta tnhoatth tehri sf amctuorrd. eIrt ’rse mreaailnlys suppWlye a wnidll fit a 01384 287222 and that of her killer have continued is the latest to show an interest in the elemental: a skeleton inside a tree Showroom also at: 39 Lichfield Road, Wednesfield, to confound police and armchair detec- enigma which has spawned wide-rang- found by four boys during the Second luxury chrome heated tives alike. ing theories about who Bella was and World War. It sets you thinking.” Wolverhampton WV11 1TW StTevhee Pmunyts tteor tyh eb Eroxupgrhests c&o mSteadri ainn whHyi ss hper owdausc tmiounr dise rdeude. to open at The waVsa trhieo uvsic tthimeo orfi eas riintuclauld me uthrdaet r‘ Buesilnlag’ ladder rail worth £200 01902 861908 Wolverhampton when he launched his Space Theatre in London in March witchcraft, that she may have been a FREE o4w sner iiensv ePsutingta tPioI,n l ofoork ihnigs iBnBtoC t hRea dinio- Fanridn pgoet tehnitsi asullym mmoevre. Htoe t ihse a Elsdoi innb tuarlgkhs Npraozsit istpuyt eo. rM ar m Durradyetroend aBdidrmedi:n “gThahmis with every SHOWROOM OPEN volvement of journalist Wilfred By- with Midland theatres about bringing story takes us from spies in Birming- bathroom fitted 9am-5pm 6 Days a Week ford-Jones, whose coverage in the ‘50s the story ‘home’ before the end of the ham to singers in Berlin. It’s so much in January opened up new lines of inquiry. year. more than a myth.” www.yourchoice-bathrooms.co.uk Quality Clothes for the family OVER 50% OFF selected Items, Come in and grab a bargain ESTABLISHED1880 today Bargains galore in all departments Peckingham Street, Halesowen 0121 550 1237 Spectacles At Factory Direct Prices NHS & PRIVATE EYETESTS AVAILABLE Justbringalongyourprescriptionor bookyoureyetestwithus. PrescriptionSpectaclesDistanceorReading £14.95 From only Completewithstocksinglevisionlenses. OpenMon-Fri 9am-4pm ClosedBank Holidays 4BirminghamSt,HalesowenB633HN 01215503345 NHSSpectacle Vouchers NextdoortoBenjamin’sBanquetingSuite Welcome 10 Simple steps hAoDVEmRTISEMEeNT owners can 8 1 0 1, 2 take now to protect their assets 1 y ar u n a J y, Head of April King Legal Paul King explains why some homeowners a d s ur are doing too little, too late to protect their hard-earned assets. h T e onicl fIot’srhanoomteh-eorwimnipnogrtcaonutprleeasson athnedyarcecceesivsetofrtohmeiynohuerbiutatngicvee Csuorupprliessedarteoodftisecnover Chr tToruusptgWraidlle.toaProperty atwdidsetdsapnrodtteuctrinosnoffrommodtheren thatevenjointbank en familylife.Thewordinginthese accountscanbefrozen w 2.BloodlineTrustWills willsstatesthatanymoneyleft untilthebankseessight so ThemajorityofAprilKing’s overontheirdemisemustpass ofalastingpowerof Hale sctliaenndtasrhda“vmeiarlrroeradwyilmls”adweith ytoouarnygrcahnilddcrheinldbroernn.”ofthem– attorneydocument otherfirmsbeforeapproaching Havingalastingpowerof thefirm.Amirrorwilliswhen 3.LastingPowerof attorneyremovestheburden acoupleleaveeverythingto Attorney onchildrenshouldill-health eachotheronthefirstdeath, happenfurtherdowntheline. thentothechildrenwhen Paulexplainshowpeopleoften Ithelpsafamilydealwithbank PaulKing,HeadofAprilKingLegal thesecondpartnerdies.But getconfusedthinkingthat, accountsandsoonduringa 1.CareCostFees Thisisnotsoastheseven- modernfamilylifemeansthese becausetheyhavemadeawill, parent’slifetimeandceases yearruleonlyappliesto typeofwillsleavealot theirexecutorscanalsodeal ondeath.Crucially,youhave Alotofpeoplearestill InheritanceTaxandnotlocal tochance. withassetsifthereisillness, tocompletealastingpowerof unawarethatiftheyneedcare authoritycare. ExplainsPaul:“IfIhavea strokeorsomeotherformof attorneywhiletheyarestillin binelmateearnlisf-et,etshteeidrbaysstehteswloiclall Thesolutionisforcouplesto mirrorwillleavingeverything incapacitywhiletheyarestill goodmentalhealth. authoritytohelppayforthese simplynotleaveeverythingto tomywifeandsheremarries alive. Ifsomeonebecomesillthrough services.Thisgoesbacktothe eachotherinthefirstplace. tohregnoeeistihnetrotchaerneeawftehrumsbyadnedath “Everyoneshouldactuallyhave osapyt,ioanstirsolkoestoarnddemtheenftaima,itlhyis CommunityCareAct1990, Paulcontinues:“Whatmy orthelocalauthorityarelikely twodocuments–awillthat wouldhavetoapplyforaorder whichcameintoforcein1993. grandfathercouldhavedone toinheritmost,ifnotall,ofmy dealswiththeirestateondeath, fromtheCourtofProtection Ifsomeonerequiressocialcare isleavehishalfofthehouse estateaheadofmychildren. andalastingpowerofattorney –adrawnoutandexpensive inlaterlife,thelocalauthority intrusttohischildren,stating thatdealswiththeirestate process.Itisthereforeagood willlooktousetheassetsofa thattheycouldn’thaveitwhile Evenifmychildrenare duringtheirlifetime,”hesays. ideaforclientstoplanahead apelorswoenrulinmtiilttohfe£y1g4e,2t5d0o,wwnhteon whiasswsitfiell,malyivger.aWnedcmaollththeers,e namedinmymirrorwill Thelastingpowerofattorney afrnodmrethmeofvaemainlyy.futureburden thelocalauthoritywilltake PropertyTrustWills. itisbynomeanscertain isarelativelynewintroduction overthefees. Ifmygrandfatherhadleft thattheywillinherit andisdividedintotwoparts Onceagain,alladultsshould wPaeulll,kanftoewrsexthpiesriaelnltcoinog htoisthhealcfhoilfdtrheenhtohuesnewinhetrnumsty anything. –thoenoethdeeraldsewalisthwfiitnhahnecael,th bwaebhtuehsrieinntkehisensrgienoavfroetlhvciehsd,il.pdIartre’stnincoourtlarly thispersonally.“Myown grandmothersubsequently Onceagain,thisisbecausea andwelfare.Inmanyways justsomethingtothinkabout grandmothersadlypassed receivedcareinherlaterlife remarriagewouldcancelthe it’ssimilartoapassport;a whenyougetolder,that’sthe awayrecentlyattheageof shewouldhaveonlybeen willmywifehadpreviously documentthat’sregistered challengeforus. 92.Mygrandfatherhaddied meanstestedonherownhalfof nowandonewhichcanbe emvaernyytyheinagrsteoahrelire.randleft hthaelfhwouousel,dbhuatvmeybegernansadffea.ther’s nomfteawednehcuwosmibthaensmdaesnaaenxbdti-gomfsa-hkkoiecnkt.hTteohis pathtyosrinceayllsyshhaonudldedthtoentheeed PwehoypdleotIhnineked‘It’momnoatkiella, Whensheneededcareinthe Whyshouldhehaveto myclientswhohadperhaps arise.Itallowstheattorneys, powerofattorney?’ lastsixyearsofherlife,because thoughtthatallwasinorder perhapsthechildren,todeal mygrandfatherhadleft contributehishalf andthatthefamilybloodline withbanksandpension everythingtoher,thehouseand whenhedidn’treceive wouldonedayinherit. companiesetcshouldtheir Butthey’remissingthepoint. tahlletlhoecaelstaauttehwoerriteyc’somunetaendsitnest. anycare? tThhaetstahmeiericshtirldureefnoranthdi/nokring bpaurteanlstobetocodmeaeliwncitahpmacaittatetersd, “TbTehhidseoninseeaxtidnpoaacrdutvmiasnetonceta.tphPpaaoutinlhtaatdshdteos: Ourclientstellus, Theimportantfactoristhat grandchildrenwilloneday suchaswheretheparent attorneys,yourchildren.Don’t ‘We’veworkedhardall couplesneedtoactinadvance. benefitunderamirrorwill.If shouldbelivingandhowthey forget,yourchildrencanbe ourlives,whyshould Onceonepartydiesorloses anyofyourchildrenshould receivecare.Yourattorneys, theexecutorsofyourwilland mentalcapacity,througha dieleavingeverythingtotheir againperhapsyourchildren, attorneysaswell.Thelasting thelocalauthorityget strokeforexample,theyareno husbandorwifeandthat mustlegallyactinyourbest powerofattorneyremains itall?’ longerinapositiontodothis son-in-lawordaughter-in-law interestsatalltimes.Youcan inplaceuntilyoudieunless legitimateandstraightforward shouldthenremarry,thenyour chooseanumberofattorneys youwanttocancelit.Onceit’s Justasshedied,shehadgone typeofplanning. grandchildrenwouldbethe toact,eitherjointlyor registered,youdon’thaveto downtothatlowerlimitof Itisthereforeimportantfor onestoloseoutundertheline independently,andAprilKing worryifyouthendevelopsome £14,250–andthat’sallthather couplestoactnowevenifthey ofinheritance. advisesonthevariousoptions debilitatingillness.Aburdenhas childreninherited.” maynotforeseecarefeesbeing available. beenremovedfromthefamilyat Therearemanymythsabout anissue.” Worsestill,someone analreadydifficulttime.” thestepspeoplecantaketo Paulgoesontoexplaina else’sgrandchildren protecttheirassetsfrombeing furtherimportantpoint.Most wouldbeinlineto usedlikethis.Themainone clientsheseesaresurprisedto receivethebenefitofall isthataparentshouldsimply learnthatremarriageusually signtheirhouseovertothe cancelsawillandmakesthe youryearsofhardwork! childrennow,soitwon’tbe newspousenextinlineto FREE INFORMATION PACK takenintoconsiderationfor inherit,aheadoftheir I’veexperiencedthisinmyown meanstesting.That’sjust ownchildren! familyandI’msuremostpeople Toreceiveyourfree,noobligationinfopack nottrue. Protectingyourhalfofthe havehadsimilarexperiences visitaprilking.co.ukorcalluson Localauthoritieswill houseinthisway,hesuggests, orheardofsomeonewho 01384 886101 actuallylooktoseeifyou’ve ensuresthatyourchildren has.Bloodlinetrustswillgive ‘deliberatelydeprived’yourself ultimatelyinheritwhenthe greaterprotectiontoyour ofanassetbygivingproperty survivordies. children.” away,goingbackoverany Paulcontinues:“Thesethings “Hadmygrandmother LinesopenMon-Fri8am-8pm,Sat&Sun10am-4pm periodintime. canbeavoidedbyhavinga remarriedafterthedeathofmy AprilKinghas29officesacrosstheMidlands. gSiofmtiestmimaedsepseeovpenleytehainrskpirfitohre cgoraunlddhfaatvheeprathsseewdhsiodleewesatyasteout tbhloeosedltiynpeetsroufswtsiwllsilyl.oUunrder Yourlocalofficeis:KingCharlesHouse,CastleHill,Dudley,DY14PS thenthehouseissafe. ofthefamily,”saysPaul. childrenhavecompletecontrol

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