IIALACAKID FAUNA Ol- I HE GREAT BARklbR RIbF AND CORAL SLA Till GENERA AGAUOPSJSAND MALACAROPSJS(ACARINA: IALAC ARIDAE) I JURGLNC. 01TO Otto. J.C. 1909 06 30: Ilalacarid fauna ofthe Oreat Barrier RecTaild I oral genet* Aguw>p,vi;< and llulaeuropsis (Acarina: Ualaearidac). MemoirsofShe QueenslandMuseum 43(2); 797-SI7. ISSN O07J)-S83ST Six new species vtfAgnuop&i&and one new li Halacaropsh ate described rrom the Great BarrierReefMarine ParkandadjacentCoralSeareels,namely. \gcmopsisherriei, 4, capilh&QiA* deeorata.A, fenneri,A no)ino . uandHQlucarapsunereis. Thespecies Agauopsis okinuvensis Bartsch is recorded forthe first time from Australian waters, and ,1 aeguiliVBStitaBarlsch furthe fust limefrom theeasternpartofthecontinent. Thepreviously UDknown niale>.ol.1 ueifuilivestilaandA ukinavensisatedescribedandakey toAustralian 3 species ofAgauppsh is presented. Halaeorhh, tgWOp&fa (fyfacaKOpsfa Grtai ln>> Reef, \u\tndia. JUrgenC Olio, /email [email protected]) AustralianInstitute o/Mariru Sen-me, PMB3, Tawnsvilic 4X10, Australia; 24 Fehruarv J9 Aquatic mites nf the family Halaeandae are Agavupsk and 1 species of the closely-related genua Halocaropsis* Seven of these are n^ most abundant and diverse in marine habitatshut science and dr^ described herein. also occur freshwater and range in size from 0.1-2mm, They are unable to swim and arc therefore part of the benthos. More than 900 METHODS species have been described to date. Until a few yeats ago relatively few species were described Sand, coral rubble and algae, all substrates in from Australia and Ihese were the result of which halacarids are known to occur, were sporadic collecting at just a few localities (Otto, collected by hand cither intertidally or bom 1994). However, recently XX speciesofhalacarid various depths usually using SCUBA. A single miles were found around the relatively small sample from 51in depth was taken by a mech- Rottnest Island (Western Australia) afteronly 14 anical grabbing device. Mites were extracted by days of collecting activity, which led to a washing the substrates in a bowl of wale dramatic increase in the rtumher of described decanting the supernatant through a lOOuffl Australian species(Bartseh, l°92a_d; 1Wa.bx,d; sieve. All material was collected by the authoi 1094a,b; I996a,b; I997a,c; foran accurateaccount except where stated otherwise Mites wete Of all halacaroids described until 199S see Hat cleared inlacticacidandmountedinPVA(Boud- liday, 1998). reau\& Dusse. 963 Drawings weremade with 1 ). On the basis ofsuch figures it appears likely the aid ofa camera luctda. that the species presently known from Australia In the accounts ofeach speciesonly om » represent only a fraction ofthose that inhabit the described in detail, while for the opposite sex coastal waters of this continent. Further studies only characters that differ arc described Meas- on Australia's extensive coast arc necessary to urements arc in micrometres (gin). Terminology revealthe full extentofhalacarid diversity onthis follows BaitSCh (I993c3 and includes: arcol continent, In particular, the tropica] north ofthe areas un dorsal and ventral plates with cuticular continent has barely been investigated in regard structure differing from remainder of plates, to its halacarid fauna the only recordsbeing of4 costae - longitudinal areolae on PD and AD; species of Cvpidognuthus found in Darwin parambulaerul setae small setae at tip oftaisus, Harbour (Bartseh, 1997b) and 1 species o\ cornea - retractile body visible on the ocular Copidognaihus collected on the Great Barrier plate in deeper cuticular layers. Abbreviations Reef(GBR) (Bartseh, 1996c) AD, anterodorsal plate; AP. anterior epuneral Thepresentstudy formspart ol a project aimed plate;GA,getntoaual plate; GO, genitalopening; at investigatingthehalacarid fauna ofAustralia's OC ocular plate: PD, posterodorsal plate; PP. GBR, adjacentcoastand Coral Seareefs.Among postserior epimeral plate; P-2, P-3, P-4, 2nd, 3ttl Xhe, halacarids found to date arc S species of and4th palp segmenis (starting from base); I-1V, , 798 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Tarsi straight, not curved. Median claws absent orinconspicuous.Tarsi IIIandIVusuallylacking ventral setae (parambulacral setae excluded). Agauopsis aequilivestita Bartsch (Fig- 1) AgauopsisaequilivestitaBartsch, 1996a: 2. MATERIAL. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park; QMS105141, F, and ZMH, F, 19.20.12°S 149.02.85°E, Elizabeth Reef, 25. Dec. 1997, coarse sand at 3m; QMS105142-105144 3F, 18.25.93°S 147.21.1 1°E, & FaradayReef, 13Apr. 1998,coarsesand rubbleat 1Om, sandat2m, andcoarsesand& rubbleat2m,respectively; QMS105145,F, 18.41.91°S I47.06.49°E, LoadstoneReef, 12Apr. 1998,sand&rubbleat2m;QMS105146,F,Carter Reef, ca. 14.32°S 145.35°E, 11 Oct. 1998, coarsesand at 0.5m. Coral Sea: QMS105147-105153, 7F, ANIC, F, ZMH, F; QMS105154-105159, 6F, Lihou Reef, ca. 17.25°S 151.40°E, 20-22 July 1998, D, Fenner, sand at 5-7m;QMS105160, F, Willis Islet,ca. 16.18°S 149.58°E, 15 Sept. 1998, GA. Diaz-Pulido, coral rubble (fine), FIoGp.en1i.nAgg.aSucoaplseislianeeq=ui2l5ivpe.smt.itaBartsch,malegenital 0-10m. REMARKS. The above listed specimens are the leg I to leg IV; ar, areola; co, costa; pas, single parambulacralsetae;double-pas,doubledpararn- first records ofthis species from the Australian bulacral setae;os, outlyingsetae;pgs,perigenital east coast. The species was known previously SW setae; sgs, subgenital setae. All material is only from RottnestI. in Australia. Itisclose- deposited in the Queensland Museum (QM), at ly relatedtoAgauopsispunctatus Bartsch, 1981 the Museum ofTropical Queensland branch in from the Mozambique channel. Townsville (MTQ), unless stated otherwise. Bartsch (1996a) described an oblong area Abbreviations for other depositories: ANIC, lackingrosetteporesontheposterodorsalplateof Australian National InsectCollection (Canberra, Australia); UQIC, University of Queensland A. aequilivestita. Suchanoblongareaisabsentin Insect Collection (Brisbane, Australia); ZMH, all specimens from the Coral Sea reefs but Zoologisches Museum Hamburg (Hamburg, present, although variable in size and sometimes barely visible, in all specimens collected on the Germany). GBR.ThesedifferencescouldindicatethatCoral SYSTEMATICS Sea and GBR populations are reproductively isolated and as a result may have diverged over time. The reefs of the Coral Sea are separated Agauopsis Viets from the GBR by a >1,000m deep trench which Agauopsis Viets, 1927: 94; 1956: 687. Newell, 1947: 21, mayconstituteasignificantbarrierforhalacarids 38, 184; 1971: 28; 1984: 215. Bartsch, 1986: 165; that lack planktonic life stages. 1993e:57; 1996a: 2;Otto, 1994:35. The present material contains previously TYPE SPECIES. Agaite brevipalpus Trouessart, 1889b, unknown males which differ from the female as byoriginal designation. follows: Idiosoma 372-400 long. 8-14 pgs DIAGNOSIS. Body heavily armoured; setae on surrounding GO, inserted between cuticular dorsal striated integument not distinctly longer callocities(Fig. pairofoutlyingsetaeinserted than setae on dorsal plates. Anterior epimeral anterolateral to G1O);. GO with 5 pairs sgs, 2 pairs plate entire, with 3 pairs ofsetae. Leg I heavier anterior and 3 pairs posterior, the middle pair of than legs II-IV, with heavy spiniform setae on theposteriorgroupmuchheavierthantheothers. telofemur,genu,tibiaandtarsus. SpineontarsusI Cuticle surrounding GO with irregular shaped in medial position, much shorter than tarsus. pits. HALACARIDS OF THE CORAL SEA 799 Agauopsis benziei sp. nov. margin ofplate, 3rd pair ofsetae approximately (Figs 2, 3) halfwayalongplate. Pairofadanal setaeinserted dorsally on reticulated anal cone. AE with very ETYMOLOGY. In honour ofDr John Benzie who has faint reticulate ornamentation; pierced by given hiscontinuoussupport forthe presentproject. eanaliculi, those directly posteriorto the anterior MATERIAL. HOLOTYPE: QMS105161, F, Great and posterior pairs of epimeral setae and post- Barrier Reef Marine Park, Elizabeth Reef, 19°20.12'S eriortothepairofepimeralporesslightlycoarser 149°02.85'E, 25 Dec. 1997, coarse sand at 3m. than eanaliculi on rest ofplate; posterior margin PARATYPES: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: with series ofpore-like structures (Fig. 2B). PE QMS105162, F, ZMH, F, Elizabeth Reef 19°20.12S dorsally with 3 pitted areolae, lateral to dorsal 149°02.85E,25 Dec. 1997,coarsesandand rubbleat3m; QMS105164, F, Bramble Reef, 18 25.25'S 146°40.65'E seta, just posterior to dorsal seta and anterior to 1 Apr. 1998,mediumcoarsesandat3-6m;QMS105163.9 insertion of leg IV, respectively (Fig. 2A); F, BrambleReef, L8°25.2S'S 146°40.65'E, 10Apr. 1998, ventrallywith 3-4areolae, ofwhich theposterior chunksofcoral rubbleat3-6m; ANIC, F, LoadstoneReef. one is marked by relatively deep pits while the 18°42.03'S 147D06.54'E, 12 Apr. 1998, coarse sand & othersaremarkedby lineeanaliculi.GApunctate rubbleat 12-15m;QMS105165-105166,2F,PandoraReef, and very faintly reticulate; few pore-like QR1e8M°e4Sf9a'1nS0d51F17a45r6,aDd2Fa6,y,ERQ,eMe2fS2, 11J08a5°n.2136.716949M'7S., 1cb4oe7at°rw2se0ee.4ns2a,MnEdy,r1am3tiAdlpomrn.; mmaarrgkiinnsgs(Fiing.a2nBt)e;riaonrtehraollfatoefraplltaoteGGOaOlownitghlpaittetreadl 1998,fine-mediumcoarsesand,ai51m;QMS105169, M, areolae; cuticle posterolateral to thickened Rosser Reef, ca 15°37,S 145°33'E, 8 Oct. 1998, sand at and roughened; position of3 pairs ofpgs as in 2m; QMS105174, F. No Name Reef, ca. 14°39,S Fig. 2B, anteriorpairwell removedfrom anterior Q14M5°S401'0E5,1790O,ctF., Y19o9n8g,echRuenefk'yccao.ralL4r°u3b6b'lSe&14s5a°n3d8,aEt,9m2;0 end ofGO. Sept. 1998,G.Diaz,mediumcoarsesandat7m.CoralSea: Ventral gnathosomal base with conspicuous QMS10517LM, LihouReefNW,ca. L7°25'S 151°40'E, lateral protrusion (Fig. 2D); distinctly pitted 22 July 1998, D. Fenner, sand at 8m; QMS105168, M, throughout, most conspicuously on protrusion; South Willis Islet, ca. I6°18'S 149°58'E, 15 Sept. I99S. pair of setae separated by <l/5th of width of G.A. Diaz-Pulido coll., coral rubble (fine), 0-10m; gnathosomal base. Dorsal gnathosomal base QMS105173, F, QMS105172, M. Chilcott Islet. roughened. Rostrum longer than gnathosomal 16°56.51'S 150°0.4'E, 14 Sept. 1998, G.A. Diaz-Pulido base; rostral sulcus extending along 2/3rd of coll., coarsesand. 1-14m. rostrum. Medial spine on P-3 slender and FAeDmaalned.PIDdicolsoosemlay4a1s2s-oc4i7a0teldon(Fgig(.ho2lAo)t;ypneo4s4e3t)a.e wtaapyerainlgo;ngP-s4egwmietnht,2osnleensdheorrtseerttaheanintsheertoetdhehra.lf in membranous cuticle between them. Frontal AD spinestout,roughenedandmediallynotched. Telofemora and tibiae of legs with reticulate posteriorly narrowing, truncate; areolashapedas ornamentation, most conspicuous on medial inFig.2A,markedbydoublerowofdeeppitsand flanks(indicatedforleg1inFig.3A).TelofemurI numerous fine eanaliculi in deeper cuticular with a sharp ventral ridge carrying a proximal layers; transverse part of areola set off sharply protuberance, dorsally with a series of from anterior part of plate; part of plate conspicuouspits.Chaetotaxy(trochanter-tibia): I circumscribed byareola with thick cuticularbars l-2-9(10)-5-l 1 (Fig. 3A); II 1-2-7-4-8 (Fig. 3B); forming conspicuous reticulate ornamentation, III 1-2-4-3-6 (Fig. 3C); IV 1-2-4-3-6 (Fig. 3D). floorofeach polygonroughenedbyshallowpits; Leg I with the following complement ofheavy restofplatepapillate;withapairofsetaeinserted spiniform setae: 1 ventral and 3 medial on directlyanteriortoareola.OCwith2corneaeand telofemur, medial on genu, 3 medial and 2 1 transverse areola (marked by pits and in deeper ventral on tibia, 1 medial on tarsus; 2 of the 3 cuticular layers by numerous eanaliculi) on medialspiniformsetaeontibiaclosely associated elevated part ofplate; posterior to corneae with (Fig. 3A). Tibia II with 3 spiniform apically pore,anteriorlywithaseta;anteriorandposterior denticulatesetae,the2 distalones longerthanthe parts pf plate papillate. PD with pair of proximal one (Fig. 3B). Tibiae 111 and IV with 2 prominently elevated costae, marked by double suchsetae,proximal onemuch shorterthandistal rowofdeeppitsand indeepercuticularlayersby one (Fig. 3C,D). Tarsus I with pairofpas, pairof numerouseanaliculi;eostaovermostofitslength double-pas.and 1 ventral seta.Tarsus II withpair 2pitswide,posteriorlyswollenandabout3-4pits ofdouble-pas,ventralmemberspur-like.Tarsi III wide; remainder of plate conspicuously and IV with 1 ventral seta and pair ofpas, the reticulated; 2 pairs of setae near anterolateral lateral pas spur-like. Paired claws on tarsus I 800 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM ~4- l/*x FIG.2.Agauopsisbenzieisp.nov.,adult: A,dorsal idiosomaoffemale;B, ventral idiosomaoffemale;C,genital openingofmale; D, ventral gnathosoma. Scale lines: A,B = 100|iin; C = 25um; D = 50um smooth, those of other legs with accessory narrow band in the shape ofan inverted bowl.A. process and pecten. All tarsi with median claw. benziei is a typical representative of the Male. Idiosoma399-448 long.GOsurroundedby conjuncta group (see Bartsch, 1986) which is ca. 22-24pgs(Fig.2C);genital valvewith 5 pairs characterised by the costae on the posterodorsal ofsgs, 2 pairs anteriorly and 3 pairs posteriorly. plate carrying relatively deep pits, the antero- REMARKS. Agauopsis benziei sp. nov. differs dorsal plate narrowing posteriorly and tibia I from all its congeners by the shape ofthe areola possessing five spines. The other species in this on the anterodorsal plate. In A. benziei it is a group are A. batkyalis Bartsch, 1989, A. HALACARIDS OF THE CORAL SEA 801 ornamention formed by cutic- n/rJ»)Oflv ular bars surrounding pitted v polygons. OC acuminate post- eriorly, punctate and faintly reticulate; with 2 corneae and posterior to these with a pore; transverse areola inconspicuous, only represent- ed by a few solid panels. PD with reticulate ornamentation similar to that on AD; pair of narrow raised costae (con- sisting of a single row of quadrangular panels overlying alveoli) strongly converging posteriorly; 3 pairs ofsetae as illustrated (Fig. 4C); posteriorly with pair ofpores. AE not extending beyond insertion of legs III; posterior margin slightly concave (Fig. 4A); punctate and with incon- spicuous reticulate ornamentation throughout; posteriorto insertions oflegs I and II with papillate areolae; halfway along plate on either FIG. 3. Agauopsis henzieisp. nov., adult: A. leg I, ventromedial; B, leg II sidewithgroupofseveralscars ventromedial; C, leg III, ventral; D, leg IV, lateral. Scale lines = 50um. continuing underneath surface as sickle-shaped sclerites. PE conjuncta Viets, 1940, A. meteoris Bartsch, punctate, laterally with papillate areolae. GA 1973, and A. minor (Trouessart, 1894). punctate; 3 pairs of pgs, the anteriormost pair GO heavier than the others; lateral to with Agauopsis capillosa sp. nov. papillate areolae. (Figs4,5) Ventral gnathosomal base swollen postero- lateral^; punctate; laterally with reticulate ETYMOLOGY. Latin, capillosa= hairy; referringtothe ornamentation (Fig. 4B); pairofsetae insertedat numerous finefilamentsonthe legsetae. distance <l/3rd of width of gnathosomal base. Rostrum longer than gnathosomal base. Palp MATERIAL. HOLOTYPE: QMS105176,^SF,SG^r'eaSt longer than rostrum; P-3 with slender and B1a4r6r°i3e6r.9R4e'eEf, M1a6riAnper.Par1k9,98,PhimlulidpdsyRereufb,ble at 12m. tapering spine which is at least twice as long as PARATYPE:QMS105177,F,GreatBarrierReefMarine P-3; P-4 subequal in length to P-2, with 2 fine Park, Elizabeth Reef, 19°20.12'S 149°02.85,E, 25 Dec. tapering setae and 2 shorter blunt setae apically. 1997, coral rubbleat 10m. Chaetotaxy of legs (trochanter-tibia): I Female. Idiosoma in holotype and paratype 410 1-2-8-5-8 (Fig. 5A), II 1-2-5-4-5 (Fig. 5B), III long. Membranous cuticle with 1 pair of setae l_2-3-3-4 (Fig. 5C), IV 0-2-3-3-4 (Fig. 5D), all AD AD near posterolateral margin of (Fig. 4C). setae, except those that are spiniform, with with prominent frontal spine ornamented with numerous fine filaments (Fig. 5). Leg I (Fig. 5A) fewslightlyraisedpanels; lateral to frontal spine with the following arrangement of heavy with pair ofprotuberances; lateral part ofplate spiniform setae: 2 ventral and 3 medial on with pair ofareolae consisting ofa singlerow of telofemur, 1 medial and 1 much smaller ventral quadrangularpanels, each panel associated with ongenu, 1 ventral and2medial ontibia, 1 medial an alveolus in deeper cuticular layers; panels on tarsus, each spiniform seta with denticles roughened by minute tubercles, not pierced by apically, some ofwhich are arranged in distinct canaliculi; between areolae with reticulate rows. SetaeoflegsIII andIV longerthanthoseof 802 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM plate is not extending beyond the level at which legs III are inserted. A. capillosa is most similar to A. okinavensis, previously theonlyknownmemberofthe okinavensis group (see Bartsch, 1986). Both species share a number of otherwise unusual characters on the basis ofwhich A. capillosa is here assigned to the okinavensis group. These characters,whichmaybeused to define this species group are: papillate areolae on anterior and posterior epimeralplates;narrowcostae with quadrangular panels that are not pierced by canaliculi; projections lateral to the frontal spine; avery long palp tarsus with 2 filiform setae apically; a spine on palp segment P-3 that is at least twice as long as the segment; smooth claws on all tarsi and relatively long leg setae, in particular on legs III and IV. Bartsch (1986) regardedthe posteriorly extended anterior epimeral plate of A. okinavensis as a character by which the okinavensis group should be defined. However, theabsenceofthischaracterin A. capillosa indicates that the FIG.4.Aganopsiscapillosasp.nov.,adult:A,dorsal idiosomaoffemale; B, extended plate is not a ventral idiosoma offemale; C, ventral gnathosoma. Scale lines: A, B = common character of species 100um;C =25um. in this group. legs I and II. Tarsus I withpairofpas andpairof Bartsch(1986)wasuncertainwhetherornotto ventral setae; tarsus II with 1 pas laterally, include A. pteropes Bartsch, 1986, in the withoutventral setae; tarsiIIIand IVwithoutpas okinavensis group and postponed the decision or ventral setae. All tarsi with pair of smooth until further material was collected. I do not paired claws, those ofleg I smallerthanthose of regardA.pteropesasaspecies oftheokinavensis legs II-IV; median claw on tarsus I present, on group since it lacks all of the aforementioned characters. othertarsi absent. Male. Unknown. Agauopsis decorata sp. nov. (Fig. 6) pRaElpMAseRgKmSen.tIins aAtgaleuaosptsaisslocanpgialslopsaalpthseeagpmiecnatl ETYMOLOGY. Latin, decorata = adorned; referring to P-2, which is known otherwise only for A. thegarland-likeornamentionoftheanteriorepimeralplate. okinavensis Bartsch, 1986. A. capillosa differs MATERIAL. HOLOTYPE: QMS105178, F, Great fromA. okinavensis in that the anterior epimeral Barrier Reef Marine Park, Elizabeth Reef, I9°20.12'S HALACAR1DS OF THE CORAL SEA 803 QMS105186,F.NoNameReef,ca. 14°39'S 145°40'E, 9 Oct. 1998, chunkycoralrubbleandsandat9m. Female. Idiosoma 368-396 long (holotype 375). Outline as in Fig. 6A,B. Membranous cuticle between plates with only 1 pairofsetae,situatedon AD small platelets (Fig. 6A). with prominent pointed frontal spine; posterior to spine with slightly raised areola pierced by groups of canaliculi; laterally with pair of sharp dorsolaterally directed ridges, at their anteriorendwithpairofsetae; alongthe inside ofridgeswith single row of rosettes of ca. 6-8 canaliculi, underneath each rosette in deeper cuticular layers an alveolus; part between ridges strongly elevated over lateral portions of plate, with cuticular bars forming reticulate ornament- ation pattern, cuticle within each polygon pitted; posterior margin of plate almost straight. OC with 2 corneae, posterior to these an incon- spicuous pore; transverse areola consisting of few canaliculi rosettes overlying an alveolus; areola and corneae on elevated part of plate; posterior part of plate FIIIGI., d5.orAsgaal;uoDp,silsegcIaVp,ildloorssaals.p.Sncoavl.e,laidnuelst:=A5,0ule,gm.I.ventral; B, legII;C, leg wiintchonpsappiicluloaeusforretmiicnuglaatne 149°02.85'E, 25 Dec. 1997, coral rubble at 10m. pattern. PD fused with anal PARATYPES: Great Barrier ReefMarine Park: QMS- cone; with pair ofnarrow, slightly raised costae 105179,F,dataasforholotype;QMS105180-105181,2F, consisting of single (in short sections doubled) d1a6t-a2a6smf;orQhoMloSty1p0e5e1x8c7e,pt:F,24FDaenct.o1m9e97,I.,cor1a8l°r4u2b.b1l4e'aSt row of canaliculi rosettes, underneath each 146°30.48'E,6Apr. 1998,coralrubblecoveredwithmud; rosette an alveolus; area between costae with QMS105182,F, FantomeI., 18°42.H'S 146°31.5rE, 15 conspicuous reticulate ornamentation, lateral to Apr. 1998,chunksofcoralrubbleat2m;ANIC,F,Pandora costae with papillae arranged in polygons and Reef, 18°48.92'S 146°25.76'E, 22 Jan. 1998, chunks of forming a less conspicuous reticulated pattern; coral rubble with rich epifaunaAflora, 0.5m; ZMH, F, anteriorto anal cone with a transverse thickened Loadstone Reef, 18°42.03,S 147°06.54,E, 12 Apr. 1998, coral rubble at 12-15m; QMS105183, F, Townsville, areola, pierced by canaliculi rosettes and well MagneticL, 16Nov. 1996,sandat2-6m;QMS105184,F, separated from costae; with 1 pair of setae at Bramble Reef, 18 25.25'S 146°40.65'E, 10 Apr. 1998, anterolateral margin of PD, another pair chunksofcoral rubbleat3-6m; QMS105185, F, between approximatelyhalfway alongPD, and a 3rdpair Myrmidon and Faraday Reefs, 18°23.64'S 147°20.03,E, on anal cone. AE very faintly reticulate, over 13 Apr. 1998, fine-medium coarse sand at 51m; most parts with scattered canaliculi; rosettes of ca. 13-17 conspicuous canaliculi arranged to 804 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 6. Agauopsis decorata sp. nov., adult; A, dorsal idiosoma offemale; B, ventral idiosoma offemale; C, ventral gnathosoma; D, legI, ventral; E, leg II, medial; F, leg III, ventrolateral; G, leg IV, ventrolateral. Scale lines: A, B = lOO^im; C-G = 50^m. . HALACARIDS OF THE CORAL SEA 805 formgarland-likeornamentationpatternwhichis plate. Other members of this group are A. interrupted just posterolateral^ of anterior pair bacescui Konnerth-lonescu. 1977, A of epimeral setae (Fig. 6B); posterior margin bermudemis Bartsch and Iliffe, 1985,A. inflatus medially with bulged area containing an areola Newell, 1984, A. ornata (Lohmann, 1893), A. consisting of several canaliculi rosettes. PE pseudoornata Bartsch, 1985. and A. ornatella vcntrally with at least 4 areolae consisting of Bartsch, 1996a. GA canaliculi rosettes. slightly indented A. decoratadiffers fromA. bacescuibyhaving anteriorly; 3 pairsofpgspositionedasin Fig. 6B. threeinsteadoffourspiniformsetaeontelofemur anteriormost pair level with anterior margin of I, from A. inflatus by having a relatively shorter GO; anterolaterally and posterolateral^ with rostrum, from A. bermudensis, A. ornata and A. areola consisting ofcanaliculi groups and faint pseudoornata by having much narrower areolae polygonal panels. andcostae on AD andPDrespectively, andfrom Ventralgnathosomalbase laterallywithpairof A. ornatellabyhavingaraisedareolaposteriorto areolae consisting of few inconspicuous poly- the frontal spine. gonal panels with canaliculi; circular scar on eithersidewithout canaliculi (Fig. 6C); between Agauopsis fenneri sp. nov. areolae pitted; anteriorly with pair of setae (Figs 7,8) sReopsatrrautmedbshyor<tle/r2tthheanwigdtnhatohfogsnoamtahlosboamsael. bPaasle.p ETYMOLOGY. In honour of Dr Doug Fenner, who collected the holotype. withslenderandtaperingspineonP-3;P-4with2 setae in proximal half, both ofsubequal length. MATERIAL HOLOTYPE: QMS105188, F, Coral Sea, Legs chaetotaxv (trochanters-tibia): Lihou Reel NW, ca 17°25'S 151WE, 22 July 1998, D. 1 Fenner. sand at 8m. PARATYPES: Great Barrier Reef 1-2-8-5-8 (Fig. 6D),'II 1-2-5-5-5 (Fig. 6E), III MarinePark:QMS105190,F,AN1C,F,ZMFLF,LizardL, 1-2-3-3-5(Fig.6F), IV0-2-3-3-5(Fig. 6G). Leg I Coconut Beach, 13 Oct. 1998, medium coarse sand at withthe followingsetofheavyspiniform setae: 2 0.5m; QMS105189, M, QMSI05I91, F, Lizard I., ventral and 1 anterioronbasifemur, 1 ventral and CoconutBeach, 13Oct. 1998,mediumcoarsesandatmid 1 longer medial on genu, 1 ventral and 2 medial tide level, sedimentdepth 10cm. on tibia, 1 medial on tarsus, all with minute Female. Idiosoma 327-341 long (holotype 333). denticles attip; basifemur I with distinct ventral Outline as in Fig. 7A,C. Membranous cuticle vpernottruablefrialnicfeorm(Fsiegt.a o6nD)a.prToitbuibaeeranIcIe-,IVonwittihbiae1 boentswmeaelnlppllaatteeslewtistahnotenrliyor1 tpoaiOrCof(sFeitga.e,7sAi)t.uaAteDd III and TV flanked distally by a lamella and with prominent pointed frontal spine; proximally by a second smaller protuberance; posterolateral to spine with pair ofconspicuous with pair ofbipectinale setae, the shorter medial oblongroughenedswellingswhicharcpiercedby one clavate, the longer ventral one pointed. fewcanaliculi; posteriortoswellingswithpairof Tibiae III and IV with pair ofslightly thickened sharp laterally directed ridges that carry at their and slightly denticulate setae, the lateral one anterior end a pair ofsetae; along the inside of longer than the medial one. Tarsus I with pair of ridgeswithsinglerow ofcanaliculi rosettes,each double-pas and 2 ventral setae; tarsus II with 1 overlying an alveolus; part between ridges ventral setaand 1 lateral pas;tarsi III and IV with strongly elevated overlateral parts ofplate, with 1 medial pas. Paired claws on tarsus I smooth, cuticular bars forming reticulate ornamentation without pecten or accessory process; claws of pattern, cuticle within each polygon pitted; tarsi II-IV with pecten (more conspicuous on posterior margin of plate almost straight. OC tarsus II than on tarsi III and IV) and with2 corneaeandsmallareolaconsistingoffew inconspicuous accessory process. Median claw canaliculi rosettes on elevated part ofplate. PD on tarsus I present, on II-IV absent. fused with anal cone; pair of narrow costae Male. Unknown. consisting of double row of canaliculi rosettes each overlying an alveolus; area between costae REMARKS. Agauopsis decorata sp. nov. elevated over remainder ofplate, with cuticular belongs to the ornata group (see Bartsch, 1986, bars forming conspicuous reticulate 1996a), which is common in tropical and ornamentation similartothat ofAD;justanterior subtropical waters but apparently absent in to anal cone with transverse thickened areola, cooler regions (Bartsch, 1996a). Species of this pierced by canaliculi rosettes, not distinctly group are recognisable by their garland-like separated from costae; 1 pair of setae at ornamentation pattern on the anterior epimeral anterolateral margin of PD, another pair 806 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG.7.Agauopsisfennerisp.nov.,female:A,idiosoma,dorsal;B,gnathosoma,ventral;C,idiosoma,ventral;D, legI,ventromedial;E,legII,lateral;F,legIII,lateral;G,legIV,lateral.Scalelines:A = 100|im;B=50n,m;C-G = 100u.m.