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Haiti: The Duvaliers and Their Legacy PDF

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ABBOTT TH t^nfHtAiRIN COUNTY FREE LIBRARY HAIT! THE FIRST INSIDE ACCOUNT THE DUVALIEI^S -AND LEGACY THEIR ISBN D-a7-QMbDET-T >^V=\.^S HAITI THE DUVALIERS AND THEIR LEGACY ELIZABETH ABBOTT ThisisthefirstinsideaccountoftheDuvaliers, fatherandson, andtheirlegacy, whichincludes therecentelectiondaymassacre, followedbya five-month experiment in "democracy," and then the coup d'etat that restored a military juntato power. In 1803 the enslaved people ofHaiti van- quished their French masters after a bloody warwhich lefttens ofthousandsdead. In 1986 Haitians celebrated another victory, as Baby Doc Duvalier fled to France, ending three de- cades ofbrutal dictatorship. The Duvalier regime slaughtered at least 50,000people, many in the infamous Fort Di- manche. Duvalierism drove a million Haitians intoexile,cowedthesixmillionwhoremained, and tortured hundreds of thousands, often in thePalacewherePapaDoclivedandraisedhis son. TheDuvalierdynasty, begunbyPapaDoc Duvalierandcontinued by his son. Baby Doc, hasleftagrimlegacyTodayHaitiissynonymous with poverty, voodoo, murder, and dictators. AIDS ravages its people. Water and food are scarce. Soilerosionandcreepingdesertification threatentoextinguishlifealtogether. Yet while the masses suffer, the elite live and play in an opulent world of tennis courts andswimmingpools, with staffs ofservantsto tend their needs. Corruption is rampant, and increasingly Haitihasbecomeatransitpointin the international cocaine trade. This is the legacy of the repressive dic- tatorship known as Duvalierism. The story of the Duvalier years is one of degradation and (continuedonba^^l:/v\\w,.' \ uiviu utr*iti\ lllliliiilllilllilill^ 3 1111 01077 9385 A^^^ DATE DUE Haiti Digitized by the Internet Archive 2010 in http://www.archive.org/details/haitiduvaliersthOOabbo Haiti The Duvaliers and Their Legacy Elizabeth Abbott McGraw-Hill Book Company New York St. Louis San Francisco Bogota Hamburg Madrid Mexico Milan Montreal Panama Paris Sao Paulo Tokyo Toronto Copyright © 1988 by Elizabeth Abbott. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States ofAmerica. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976,nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedordistributedinanyform orbyanymeansorstored inadatabaseorretrievalsystemwithouttheprior written permissionofthe publisher. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DOC DOC 8 9 2 109 8 ISBN O-DT-DMbOE^-T LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBUCATION DATA Abbott, Elizabeth. Haiti : the Duvalieryears/by ElizabethAbbott, p. cm. ISBN 0-—07-046029-9 — — 1. Haiti ^Poli—tics and government 1934-1971. 2. Haiti Politics and government 1971-1986. 3. Duvaher, Frangois, 1907-1971. 4. Duvalier,Jean-Claude, 1951- I. Title. F1928.A583 1988 972.94'06—dcl9 88-16918 CIP Bookdesign by Eve Kirch Tomy brother Bill Abbott, with affection and gratitude

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